Blind Carbon Copy: la carte ou le territoire

According to novelist Raymond Federman,
in his essay « Imagination as Plagiarism », no text is new, it’s always a plagiarism.

Project made possible by l'espace virtuel du Jeu de Paume. Un grand merci to Alessandro Ludovico, Marta Ponsa, Mélanie Lemaréchal from Jeu de Paume, and to Femke Snelting, Open Source Publishing and Alexandre Leray for their precious advice and warm support. All wrongs reversed, January 2013.

[Version française]

Ifyou're sued for infringement but you were commercially using the patented
technology more than one year before the filing date of the claimed invention,
you have a defense against a claim that you infringed (although that defense
doesn't …
Secondly, only women who were in some form of employment (full-time or part-
time) one year before the birth of their first child were considered (for this reason
a further 203 were excluded). These two restrictions were implemented to ensure …
54 if it is utilised, inter alia, for purchase of a new residential house within one
year before or two years after the date of transfer. Release by the other co-
owners of their share in co-owned property in favour of V would amount to "
purchase" by …
One+year+before One+year+before One+year+before One+year+before
13. When did you feel most confident that the organization would adapt well to a
new leader? ( ) Two years or more before ( ) Six months after retiring retiring ( )
One year after retiring ( ) One year before retiring ( ) Two years or more after ( )
Six …
(i) A user can postpone a flight of his payload one time with no additional charge
if postponement occurs more than one year before launch. For subsequent
postponed flights more than one year before launch, the user shall reimburse
NASA a …
This fact was predicted by the discriminant models one year before, except for
that of Gajdka and Stos, which had suggested such possibility six years earlier
than the rest. With reference to Pekabex (P2) - the models developed by Gajdka
and …
An interference proceeding may also be initiated regarding an application and an
already granted patent, providing the granted patent was not issued more than
one year before the filing of the new application. This is one provision.
See, e.g., 1 1 USC § 548 (one year before petition for attacking certain
transactions as fraudulent conveyances), and § 553 (recovery of certain setoffs
effected within 90 days before the petition). 175. State fraudulent conveyance law
1 One year before maturity 89.8 89 2 86.5 88 1 88.6 Increment 14.2 15 1 '3-1 12 9
14.0 At maturity 103.9 104 2 99.6 IOI 0 102.6 increment 12.3 9 4 8.2 10 1 10. 1
One year after maturity 116. 2 "3 6 107.7 i11 0 112. 7 Increment 7,3 6 5 5,4 < 1 6 …
One+year+before One+year+before
… (2) The period beginning one year before and ending one year after the
participant becomes a participant in the plan; (3) The period beginning one year
before and ending one year after the qualified preretirement survivor annuity
ceases to …
One+year+before One+year+before
… publications, commercial activities, and public disclosures, such as: • U.S. and
foreign patents issued before the conception of an invention,28 • U.S. and foreign
patents dated more than one year before the filing of a patent application,29 …
age with respect to a qualified beneficiary49 within one year before or after the
date of the commencement of the proceeding.50 The plan must provide notice of
the availability of COBRA continuation coverage to current employees and their …
The reinvestment must occur within a two-year period beginning one year before
the disposition. To qualify for the deferral of gain on the sale of a low-income
housing project, the project must be sold to the tenants of the project or to a …
One+year+before One+year+before One+year+before
It often is not known whether the patentee offered the invention for sale more than
one year before the application filing date. There may be other prior art in the
patentee's files that is highly relevant. Before providing a validity opinion, the …
… recovery is extended to one year before the petition. 1 1 U.S.C. § 547(b)(4)(B).
219. The preference period is measured from the date of the petition, not the date
of the order for relief. 1 1 U.S.C. § 547(b)(4). However, once the petition is filed, …
… after the note in which Nietzsche states the disorientation of the individual in
realizing that the idiosyncratic taste is not stable and unchanging, one finds some
observations that are in compliance with the others written one year before.
n CRITICAL DATE The date that is one year before the filing of a patent
application and which triggers the statutory bars of 35 U.S.C. § 102(b). n ON
SALE BAR The doctrine precluding granting of a patent unless a patent
application is filed …
Individual Arctic Skuas at Fair Isle laid on almost the same date each year. The
mean laying date of the population hardly varied at all, and the first egg was laid
between 16 and 20 May each year. Furthermore, the first bird to return almost …
I-lere a wet event is defined as a contiguous geographical region in which the
record was set on almost the same date (different definitions for “almost” give
very similar results). In equatorial Africa and South America, record setting wet
events …
on+almost+the+same+date on+almost+the+same+date
Dodos were as big and fat as 'kermisgeese', so acquired the nick-name, revived (
and first recorded) when the Gelderland, van Warwi-jck's flagship, returned to
Mauritius on almost the same date in 1601; there is no suggestion that anyone …
The only way to be sure that consistency is maintained is to employ the same
secret questions, administered under the same conditions, to equivalent samples
of pupils, on almost the same date over many years. Changes in language and in …
On almost the same date three years later she woke up and said—Oh, I don't feel
nauseated anymore. Call this coincidence? Why do we not turn to God first thing
in our everyday lives? Linda SPIRITUAL GIFTS There are different kinds of …
252 Social theorist Edgar Morin wrote that the nineteenth century bequeathed
two new machines to the world that were born on almost the same date: the
cinema and the airplane. The airplane had realized the “insane dream” of “
soaring into …
We focused on the kids who lived to be 24, 25, ignoring those who died when 15,
16. My brother was 18 when he died of the same disease. Richard died at the
same age and on almost the same date. Up there, there is a power; I really feel it …
Scheduled for presentation in Washington D.C., on z7 December 1934, it would
be delivered in the same city and on almost the same date as his first
professional paper in 1901. J. Franklin Jameson would most certainly be there,
along with …
I made a recording of the crest on our boathouse door, just short of eight feet,
when another flood took place, curiously on almost the same date in 1932. Fields
and roads in Keene Valley were flooded by the river deeper than in 1924, I was …
After eighteen years, on almost the same date, we met again, this time in the
airport in Nairobi. I was returning from Kinshasa where I had taken part in an
ecumenical conference on the theme “Christianity and African religions”, he had
come …
However, on almost the same date that one banker was expressing this view,
other bankers were complaining that ". . . overdrafts available to blue-chip
companies at a half per cent over Bank Rate with a minimum of 3 1/2 percent, are
a …
In some migrants, innate and very rigid control tends deliver them to their
destinations on almost the same date each calendar year, even if the weather
conditions vary. Here again photoperiod, which varies reliably for a given latitude
and date …
In the Chilterns, on almost the same date as today, I once saw a departing
redwing in the same hedge as a newly arrived redstart. Redstart, redwing, red-
budded tree, redcurrant: so many messages from the shade. But when the
redwings flew …
On almost the same date another blow descended upon the Zion of Salt Lake.
The Mexican War came to an end, and, together with California, Nevada, Arizona
, and New Mexico, Utah came into the hands of the United States. It now behoved …
I first became aware of his work in 1959 (Bouma 1959a. b), but we were not to
meet for almost another four years. It is remarkable that both of us. proceeding
independently, defended our doctoral dissertations on almost the same date in
June …
Amazingly, Longstreet was then shot by his own men—on almost the same date
and spot where “Stonewall” Jackson was mortally wounded in 1863. Longstreet
survived and returned to duty, October 19, but his fall Land Operations in Virginia.
Accordingly, he despatched from Cibola, about August 25, a party of a dozen
horsemen under Don Garcia Lopez de Cardenas, with instructions to find and
descend this important stream. Unknown to Coronado, on almost the same date
the …
On the eve of 1 year ago, on almost the same date, one of the most destructive
storms ever to hit my State came upon the shores. On September 15, 1999,
Hurricane Floyd made landfall at the mouth of the Cape Fear River in North
his boiler had uttered the same succession
He said he had been checking his trap lines down by a nearby stream, beaver
traps by a big beaver house, when he heard some kind of banging noises. He
walked in the direction of the noise until he saw the pieces of the plane and
footsteps …
After a half hour or so of banging noises and muttered conversations emanating
from upstairs, Barney tells me that they will be right back; they are going to a
plumbing supply store to purchase the necessary replacement parts. Unknown to
me …
They spoke of banging noises and screaming late at night. A terrible smell was
said to have come from the house, and one neighbour remembered a plague of
flies emanating from the cellar. Members of Fred's family were traced, and gave …
However, during the course of the evening the rain got heavier and heavier and
the wind reached gale force; with no door or window properly fitted, there were a
lot of banging noises and much wind whistling about. I decided to have a bath …
Young chimpanzees join the rest of the group at the cracking “factory”: a location
where the apes gather nuts around anvil stones, pick up hammer stones, and fill
the jungle with a steady rhythm of banging noises. Youngsters hang around with …
So, I went out into the laundry room after supper, took a Phillips screwdriver, and
made a bunch of banging noises. Then I came back in. “Guess you better load
the van with the first thousand pieces of laundry and head to Mary's,” I said.
… quotations from the Old Testament, particularly the stories of Lot's daughters
and the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah.” Chester was about to say something else
when he was interrupted by a rapid succession of banging noises. He said, “Don'
t …
I remember watching with wonder as Sam worked on transforming the top of the
car into a large box, inside which he disappeared from time to time, to the
accompaniment of banging noises. The seats from inside the car were neatly
arranged …
Jenna hears him open the tailgate to the truck then a bunch of banging noises;
everything goes quite for a few minutes. Jenna starts to think that Shane left her
there. She is about to reach for her blindfold when Shane opens her door. “
Caught …
Smith himself didn't know; he'd never seen the band onstage and was worried
the shows would amount to lots of banging noises. Adding to his concerns was
Moore's state: Shortly before showtime, the guitarist, due to a combination of …
The coal man waved too as he was turning off of Main street. The bed was empty
and made a lot of banging noises as it disappeared passing the buss that April
and May were on! The thought never occurred to her that the piles of coal was …
After the Innkeeper left (at about 7 p.m.) my friend went to grab our luggage as I
got ready. I heard all kinds of banging noises outside the door to my room, but
when I went to investigate (I used to be in law enforcement), there was no one
And then Connor would hear even more giggling, and loads of banging noises,
like they were bouncing on the bed, or something. And they usually fell off, by the
sounds of it, because then they would start moaning like they'd hurt themselves.
Suidas went into the stable, and Giraut heard a lot of banging noises, the reason
for which he couldn't be bothered to speculate about. Phrantzes just sat, a short
measure away from one of the dead bodies, staring at the road. It was beginning …
[from in- & truóno] – to deafen, to stun. ntrunàta n. f. [past part. of ntrunà] – stroke
of bad luck, unexpected trouble, bad news. ntrúnchete ntrànchete inter. [
espressive word] – used to express the sound of banging noises. ntruppec-à, -o, -
àje, -àto …
4 Stopping the 1) Before stopping the engine, operate it at 650-700 1) Stopping
the engine engine min-1 for about 5 minutes. … 2) Raise engine speed to 1,800
min-1 jut before stopping the engine and idle the engine for about 3-4 seconds.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 036912 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 036912 1sec τ = 0.1 α = 2sec τ = 0.025
α = Empirical Theoretical Empirical Theoretical Number of steps before stopping
Number of steps before stopping 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 036912 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 …
(){}()(){}()111max,,,,max,,,,. r irirEuwDUUEuwDUU+ Δ =−KK. (11) Then, 1 r r + Δ
≤ Δ is established. 3.2 Solving Optimal Stopping Problem Fig. 9. Cumulative
distributions of number of steps before stopping. 528 Transportation and Traffic …
Another study randomly assigned children whose epilepsy came quickly under
control to 6 months or 12 months of treatment before stopping AEDs. The success
rate for the 6-month group was 45% compared with 52% in the 12-month group.
2-4 Stopping 2-4.1 Stopping procedure (1) Before stopping. put the clutch in
NEUTRAL and run the engine at approximately 1,000 rpm … (2) Before stopping,
temporarily raise the speed to the rated speed to blow out residue in the cylinders
Before stopping, hold your hand out at the side of the car to warn the man who
may be behind you. Do not at any time slow down or “stop without holding out
your hand and looking back to make sure that it is seen. Pedestrians Q have the
right …
How far did Mr. Foster drive before stopping? miles 3. 4. Mr. Foster drives a group
of students to the beach 45 miles from the school. He stops the bus for a break
after driving 20% of the total distance. How far did Mr. Foster drive before
Only you know your own capabilities and the performance of your machine. Mark
one answer 1.18 Mark one answer What must you do before stopping normally?
Put both feet down Select first gear © Use your mirrors © Move into neutral Use …
Probably, they could have gone a long way before stopping. b. They probably
could have gone a long way before stopping. c. They could probably have gone
a long way before stopping. d. They could have probably gone a long way before
In order to obtain good combustion when running on paraffin (kerosene), the
engine should not be run below half load, i.e. below half throttle, except for short
periods. Before stopping the engine, switch over to petrol (gasoline) in good time
in …
However, in three patients who had been taking the largest amounts of diuretics
and who had the greatest stimulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system before stopping the diuretics, weight remained elevated and edema
recurred …
The definition of σ means that the same is true for the joint distributions of the Pis,
Xis and Yis, where Yi = 1 ifXi is observed before stopping occurs, and Yi = 0
otherwise. Corresponding realizations starting from (t1, m, πm) and using τ, and …
US/FDA-Approved Indication Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Converting
dabigatran to warfarin Adjust the starting time of warfarin based on creatinine
clearance • CrCl >50 mL/min: start warfarin 3 days before stopping dabigatran •
CrCl …
Gradually reduce dose before stopping drug. PATIENT TEACHING • Advise
patient to take doses in the morning and evening, with or without food. Black Box
Warning Warn patient to avoid becoming pregnant while taking this drug.
Hormonal …
Just before stopping, change into first gear, ready to go again. As well as being a
waste of fuel, changing down to reduce the speed is unsympathetic and causes
unnecessary wear and tear on the clutch, gearbox and transmission. However …
… down extremely gradually before stopping. 1. 1. Under what circumstance can
you brake harshly? (1) a To test your brakes. b In an emergency. c When there
are children crossing the road. d In rainy weather. 1. 2. What effect will under- …
While jsr+1 (G) > nr-1/rr+e do Select an edge contained in [rar_1/rr+6] cliques of
order r + 1 and remove it from G. Set for short 9 = c1/(r+1Vr+6 and assume first
that V removes at least \0n21\ edges before stopping. Then kr+i (G) > 8nT-l/rr+(i …
before+stopping before+stopping
Leave margins for editing When video-recording, do not stop the camcorder
exactly at the end of a shot; record a few more seconds before stopping. For
instance, if the software company president has finished describing the latest
nonlinear …
before+stopping before+stopping
If the car weighs 20 kN and the track resistance pig ^ 10 is 8 N per kN, determine
: (i) How far up the grade will be car continue before stopping at D ? (ii) Will the
car stop at D or move again down the grade ? (Hi) If the car moves again down …
They traveled until mid morning before stopping just long enough to let the
horses' water and the warriors to stretch a little and relieve themselves. They still
had a good two-day ride to get to the selected Apache village they intended.
Which of the two will cover a greater distance before stopping? (HOTS-Compliant
SAQ) Ans. \z /Car /Truck Let F be the retarding force produced in each and Sx
and S2 be the distances moved by the car and the truck respectively before
Table 13-7 guidance for converting between Oral anticoagulant agents
dabigatrana Based on patient's CrCl: CrCl > 50 mL/min: Start warfarin 3 days
before stopping dabigatran. CrCl 30–50 mL/min: Start warfarin 2 days before
For example, if we give a cart a push, it will move some distance before stopping.
If we give it a bigger push, it will move farther before stopping. The intuitive
interpretation is that of Aristotle, a "moving body comes to a standstill when the
force …
Continue through autumn and winter; then taper to 150 mg daily for 2 weeks
before stopping therapy in early spring. ^ Aid to smoking cessation. Adults: 1 50
mg Zyban P.O. daily for 3 days; increase to maximum dosage of 150 mg P.O.
b.i.d. at …
Always dry a plate before stopping out. Varnish mixed with water will not repel
acid. Wipe the back of the plate with a towel but press a blotter against the
grounded side. Let the varnish dry before returning the plate to the bath. A fan
speeds …
Your vehicle travels some distance before stopping. This is the stopping distance.
Three things make up stopping distance: perception distance, reaction distance,
and braking distance. Perception distance is how far your vehicle travels from …
If used following angioplasty, continue for at least 6 weeks before stopping.
Continue combination clopidogrel+ASA for at least 1 month for bare-metal stents
and 12 months for drug-eluting stents. Premature discontinuation of dual
antiplatelet …
But what about a situation where it just angles its body slightly to one side or puts
its head round the corner before stopping? These are not clear-cut outcomes and
, if we make a decision about each one individually as it occurs, there is a …
Although you probably can't dramatically change your basic reading
comprehension level in a few hours, you can dramatically add to your vocabulary
. You, more than American students, need to keep and learn the vocabulary lists
suggested …
The woman gave us her card, which detailed their royal credentials, and we
exchanged a few more pleasantries in Greek. Before we parted, I blurted to the
woman and her husband that in a few hours I would be the speaker at the
He had kissed her, and told her he would see her in a few hours. Laney knew it
was for … Salads of every form, would litter the tables in a few hours, as would the
kegs of beer, that would sit under the willow tree, iced to the brim. Laney always …
The affected person will have symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
pain, which usually resolve in a few hours (three to four hours in babies; six to
eight hours in older children and adults). Several other germs frequently cause …
1998). Pain, diffuse tenderness and guarding are generally present at the initial
clinical evaluation, or appear rapidly in a few hours (Jerby et al. 1997).
Nevertheless, a minimal mucosal tear can have minimal clinical manifestation,
and signs of …
In+a+few+hours In+a+few+hours
Progressive Cerebral Syndrome (PCS): Occasionally the symptoms aggravate
steadily in a few hours, a few days, a few weeks or even a few months, usually
reaching the peak in six hours to a few days. Cerebral arteriogram often reveals
an …
In Bemba, both the present and the future are split into four morphologically-
marked divisions (Givon 1972: Ch.4): • within a few hours from now (a few hours
ago, in a few hours) • further within today (earlier today, later today) • within the
day …
The technology for performing DNA typing has evolved rapidly since the 1990s to
the point where it is now possible to obtain results in a few hours on samples with
only the smallest amount of biological material. This book will examine the …
I start for Florida in a few hours but will be back in a few days. Dr. Berthold Laufer,
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 111. Dear Dr. Laufer: I am starting for
a ten day trip to Florida, and cannot go over your proof as carefully as I would …
You desperately need sleep right now, and trying to sneak in a few hours of work
each day takes away potential nap times. Get someone to help you with
housework. Don't let housework interfere with your rest time — whether your
partner …
… movements, which were of short duration, but violent, and succeeded by a
yellowish tinge over the whole surface, a kind of icterus, especially conspicuous
on the neck, face, and chest ; it disappeared, by slow degrees, in a few hours,1*.
… Mr. Henshaw was invited by Ambrose to dinner, upon pretence of a desire to
effect an amicable compromise, and soon after the dinner was seized with an
illness, from which he died in a few hours. The suit was then dropped from the
docket …
In+a+few+hours In+a+few+hours
Trappers who usually spent most of the summer months hauling their supplies by
canoe into their camps began to hire an aircraft to transport them, and their
summer's work was completed in a few hours. One day in the summer of 1937, …
The speed with which erosion can occur is variable: in some extreme cases
significant material damage can occur as rapidly as in a few hours whereas in
other instances the erosion develops slowly over a period of months or years. In
some …
In+a+few+hours In+a+few+hours In+a+few+hours In+a+few+hours In+a+few+hours In+a+few+hours
She had told her fellow passengers proudly about her forthcoming trip in the
dhow. Her husband-to-be had assured her that in a few hours they would be in
Bagamoyo, and that she should not worry. He was wrong. The dhow was
becalmed …
Translocation occurs in a few hours to the mandibular and suprapharyngeal
lymph nodes that drain the pharyngeal and tonsil region. Failure of neutrophils to
phagocytose and kill the streptococci appears to be caused by a combination of
the …
… 150 years later. A tour to the villages of (southern) Leitimor, could be done in a
day or two. From his hut in Hative Xavier reached Hukunalo in a few hours,
crossed the bay at its narrowest point to the partly Muslim, partly Christian village
of …
In+a+few+hours In+a+few+hours
We should know something in a few hours. It's nose number 123, go figure. No
history of recent engine problems, 11,000 hours airframe time, about 2,000 on
the left engine, 1,200 on the right following a FOD event, bulbs and brakes since …
While studying there, Marie met Pierre Curie, a well-respected physicist who,
among other things, had studied the temperature dependence of magnetism,
which led to the formulation of Curie's law. Marie and Pierre were married in
1895, after …
Reasoning and Relationships Nicholas J. Giordano. An example involving
subtraction is shown below, where we consider the calculation 4.52 1.2. The
starting numbers contain three and two significant figures, respectively, and the
final …
FIGURE 1.7 The Metric Mass Standard: The Kilogram (a) The kilogram was
originally defined in terms of a specific volume of water, that of a cube 0.10 m on
a side (at 4oC, the temperature at which water has its maximum density). As such
, the …
Quantitative information is numerical data, such as the temperature at which a
chemical substance melts or its mass (Figure 1.5). Qualitative information, in
contrast, consists of nonnumerical observations, such as the color of a substance
or its …
Stress-strain diagrams of various materials vary widely, and different tensile tests
conducted on the same material may yield different results, depending upon the
temperature of the specimen and the speed of loading. It is possible, however, …
The rate at which the air temperature decreases with height is called the
temperature lapse rate. The average (or standard) lapse rate in this region of the
lower atmosphere is about 6.5°C for every 1000 m or about 3.6°F for every 1000
ft rise in …
The SI temperature scale, named after Lord Kelvin, uses the same size unit as
the Celsius scale but starts at absolute zero, so the relationship between Celsius
and Kelvin temperatures is TK = TC + 273.15 TK is the temperature on the Kelvin …
FIGURE 11 w 2w h FIGURE 12 Drawing a graph from a verbal description When
you turn on a hot-water faucet, the temperature of the water depends on how long
the water has been running. Draw a rough graph of as a function of the time …
In response, the temperature control center in the brain initiates compensatory
measures, such as shivering, to raise body temperature to normal. By contrast,
production of extra heat by working muscles during exercise (an internal factor) …
In a sense, the scientist must deal with the evidence as both the prosecution and
the defense. geologists could take samples from different depths in the cores and
determine the age of the samples and the temperature of the oceans when they …
When water exists as ice, the molecules form a rigid three-dimensional crystal. As
the temperature of ice increases to the melting point of 0°C, hydrogen bonding
provides enough attractive force to maintain the approximate structure of ice.
In the next phase, is constant at the temperature of the heated water in the tank.
When the tank is drained, decreases to the temperature of the water supply. This
enables us to make the rough sketch of as a function of in Figure 9. □ t T T T T …
… and the correct spark plug socket, following the vehicle manufacturer's
specifications. Also, when changing spark plugs in aluminum heads, the
temperature of the heads should be ambient temperature before attempting to
remove the plugs.
The difference between these two masses (with a correction for residual air in the
lungs and for the temperature of the water) is used to calculate body density. The
higher the density of the body, the lower the percent of body fat. Sample values …
The density of a substance varies depending on the temperature and the
pressure. Densities of liquids and solids change very little as pressure changes,
and they change less with temperature than do densities of gases. Because the
volume …
If T(t) represents the temperature of a body at time t, Tm the temperature of the
surrounding medium, and dT dt the rate at which the temperature of the body
changes, then Newton's law of cooling/warming translates into the mathematical …
Pure water has a freezing point of 32°F. Obviously the temperature can go lower
than 32°F, but the question is, how much lower? The theory is that molecular
motion stops at -460°F. This is theoretical because molecular motion has never …
… itsthermalexpansionslope. In this supercooled liquid region, the material
becomes increasingly viscous as the temperature continues to decrease. As it
cools further, a point is finally reached at which the supercooled
(Although it is less common, dissolving or diluting some other chemicals can be
endothermic, and can lower the temperature of the solution enough to affect
accuracy.) If you use a volumetric flask to make up solutions of these exothermic
or …
Fire fighters "measured" the temperature in a burning building by how hot their
ears felt. … Fire fighters still must be careful to avoid situations where the
temperature exceeds the protection provided by PPE. taminants such as
hydrocarbons, …
The rate at which the air temperature decreases with height is called the
temperature lapse rate. The average (or standard) lapse rate in this region of the
lower atmosphere is about 6.5 degrees Celsius (°C) for every 1000 meters (m) or
about …
On the other hand, the temperature and the density of the water do not change.
Properties whose values are directly proportional to the amount of the material
present in the system are called extensive properties; those that do not depend
on …
When the speeds of the gas particles are measured at different temperatures,
Relative n u m b e r o f m o l e c u l e s 0 C 900 C 2100 C Speed in km/s 1 2 3
Figure 11-8 The distribution of atomic speeds changes as the temperature of the
gas …
… concentration produced include the concentration of the inhalational agent, the
dryness of the absorbent, the type of absorbent (Baralyme > soda lime > newer
absorbents), and the temperature of the absorbent.462 As the newer absorbents …
Calculate the volume of air in the glass, assuming the temperature and
barometric pressure have not changed. 12.43 Which of the following ions would
be expected to have 2 3 5.106 The density of air at 20C and 1.00 atm is 1.205 g/L
. If this …
in the studio had fallen to thirty-seven degrees
He had managed to sleep a little
or+rather+doze or+rather+doze or+rather+doze or+rather+doze or+rather+doze or+rather+doze or+rather+doze
My nightwear is upstairs, but I stay downstairs and sleep, or rather doze, in my
dress. Sean hasn't made the phone call I have been expecting and I begin to
worry in case he will ring sometime during the night and suspect something from
my …
Why does this occur only for brief periods? 4. Nominal and Real Wages
Complete each of the following sentences: a. The ______ wage measures the
wage rate in dollars of the year in question, while the ______ wage measures it
in constant …
Or did you use some other form of mental arithmetic? However you performed
this task, you engaged working memory: the memory system that allows you to
hold and mull over information in your mind for brief periods of time (Jonides,
Lacey, …
for+brief+periods for+brief+periods for+brief+periods for+brief+periods for+brief+periods
The child is able to sustain attention with objects for brief periods of time, or for a
very limited portion of the session. The child may attend to toys, but in a scattered,
nonfo- cused manner. The child displays sustained attention for about half of …
For brief periods President Eisenhower was too ill to meet any of his presidential
obligations, yet the operations of government were neither upset nor seriously
delayed. By then Mr. Eisenhower had assisted in the development of effective …
A touchsensitive pad microswitch connected to the person's hand and linked to a
timer and a series of visual stimuli may enable the person to turn on these stimuli
for brief periods of time through minimal finger movements. None of the …
These varieties of language-less thought, like barefoot waterskiing, may be
possible only for brief periods, and only after a preparatory period that includes
the very feature whose absence is later so striking. There are indirect ways of
testing …
The end result was that the Steel Works Association was prolonged on the basis
of the old contract for brief periods while negotiations over a long term contract
dragged on to the end of the war. These wartime negotiations concerning the …
An agency may excuse an employee for brief periods of time without charge to
leave or loss of pay. B- 180693, May 23, 1974; and 44 Comp. Gen. 333 (1964).
An employee who reviews files at home instead of reporting to office prior to …
… aged and incapacitated persons to be provided with accommodation, food and
minimum standard of clothing. This assistance was for brief periods only as
recipients were required to be repatriated as the main aim of the department was
to …
In Boeotia for brief periods in the Classical era, the city of Thebes was indeed
what KIRSTEN dubbed a ,Megalopolis' , dwarfing in its 350 hectare walled area
even its nearest competitors for size amongst the ,Großpoleis' of the geographic …
(Actual Price Level Higher than Expected) Discuss some instances in your life
when your actual production for short periods exceeded what you considered
your potential production. Why does this occur only for brief periods? 4. (Nominal
and …
In a nutshell, what these people do differently is to be acutely aware of small
amounts regained, and they return to their weight loss behaviors for brief periods
of time to correct the small regains. Eventually, as long as they maintain healthy …
Nevertheless, for brief periods, the import of English and Flemish cloths was
forbidden to prevent manufacturers from using these to make imitations in the
Venetian style, as they had done previously; SMr, reg. 3, fol. 180r. Adriatic.
Overall, the …
Temporarily flooded wetlands are inundated for brief periods during the growing
season often 2 weeks or less.* Saturated wetlands have little evidence of
standing water, but have high water tables at or near the land surface for most of
the …
She would honor it as Tamás had honored it, knowing the clavichord was
something from another world, only entrusted, in manner of speaking, to her. [...]
Violet played the clavichord, at first for brief periods of an hour or less, then for
two, three, …
With this approach, considerably more than 150 m/h of metalworking fluid can be
supplied to the process for brief periods during individual operations. If the
quantities in this area are field are set to a higher throughput (up to 2 /h), then the
term …
Just like physical practice, mental rehearsal is more effective when it is attempted
more frequently, in a random format, for brief periods of time (i.e., no more than a
few minutes). Many of todays best athletes use imagery as a preperformance …
Serious morbidity rarely occurs, but healthy patients may become profoundly
hypoxic for brief periods. The problem can be prevented by following some
simple rules when the patient is emerging from anesthesia. Airway obstruction
may occur …
… held together by a common civilization and religion—that of Hinduism, which
also dominated all of Southeast Asia. The peoples of India had only been united
under one government for brief periods—usually imposed by foreign conquerors.
Advisory groups or review boards made up of people with specific expertise
could be in existence for a relatively long period of time but actually operate as a
team only for brief periods. Another distinct form is the action team which trains
more …
82 Edwards, C. D.: Distinguishing Competition and Conspiracy, a. a. O., S. 2421:
„Thoughprice uniformity for brief periods is characteristic of competition as well as
of conspiracy.continuous price uniformity, rigidly adhered to over long periods, …
HPV for brief periods (minutes) at the following times A. prior to insertion of ICP
monitor: if there Table 27-22 Summary of recommendations for PaC02 following
head trauma (see fexf for details) are clinical signs of IC-HTN (see Table 27-14, …
Since the Re- spondent'swithdrawal from multiemployer bargaining, the resulting
unit of its employees has consisted totally of individuals referred by the Union's
hiring hall for brief periods of work when needed. Thus, the General Counsel's …
17.17. Discontinuous gas exchange in a beetle (Psammodes). Changes
occurring in a single bout of ventilation (after Lighton, 1988). (a) Activity of the
spiracles. During the flutter phase, they open slightly for brief periods and then
close again.
NURSING ALERT: Since opiates may precipitate toxic megacolon, use only for
brief periods, if at all, in acutely ill patients. 11. Administer prescribed therapy to
correct existing anemia. 12. Carefully note fluid intake and output and character
of …
Private citizens, mostly farmers called up for brief periods rather than professional
soldiers, served as hoplites. Courage to stand one's ground counted for more
than strength for bearing weapons and armor. When an army approached, the …
It is essentially a special setting in a school to which disabled children can be
referred for brief periods of specialised instruction which they might not be able to
receive in the regular classroom. In short it is a place where disabled children get …
After literally decades of criticism, it finally recognized that it could not control
interest rates except for brief periods and that its target should be the quantity of
money. In 1970, it began to state its objectives in these terms. But — with the
inertia …
Gentle pelvic traction can be given only for brief periods, provided it does not
aggravate the symptoms. Static traction for a longer duration may result in
absorption of additional fluid by the nucleus during the period of traction and may
lead to …
around six in the morning. Chris heads to the restaurant after he kisses his wife
and children goodbye. Monique drops the children at the bus stop for school.
Now, at seven-thirty in the morning, Monique heads for work to the South County …
“IfI leave here around six in the morning I should be there around seventhirty or
eight o'clock. That is ifI don't get lost.” “Well they've been dying now for about two
weeks, so I don't guess any half hour or so will make much difference.” Not to …
Around six in the morning, when business and industry are gearing up, additional
water is released through the dam's penstocks, accelerating the turbines that
generate the electricity. Late in the afternoon, when business and industry are …
High range spring tides occur when the moon is full or new, with high water
around noon and midnight, and low water around six in the morning and evening
. Each successive day, the morning and afternoon tides will be about 50 minutes
later …
We woke up around six in the morning and by 6.30 everybody should be ready
for the morning parade. During the parade, the Pa [Foday Sankoh] would
address us if there were any problems in general. After that he would discuss the …
The First-Aid Stations The personnel assigned to the first-aid stations started
arriving at their re- spective places at around six in the morning. Nobody, mostly
women, wanted to be late for the big event. In fact, there were very few wounded
in …
It had to be around six in the morning. Ben's first night of evasion was over. The
girl said something to him. Ben looked up, startled; he had dozed off again. His
glance followed her pointing finger to the outline of a large farmhouse against the …
They would be brought in by a truck around six in the morning. The same truck
brought them food at midday and returned around six in the afternoon with their
20 replacements for the night. The night guards seemed even more nervous than …
“Well, around six in the morning, I was on my way to buy meat for breakfast.
That's when I seen the Chicago boy sitting in the back of a green pickup truck
with two Negroes. Mr. Bryant and Mr. Milam were inside of the truck. They all
went to a …
Robyn Hitchcock JViANY OLD PEOPLE get up early, at around six in the morning
. It's not because they need less sleep, as I'd been previously informed. It's most
likely because they sleep less deeply, due to decreased levels of sleep …
He was nudged around six in the morning, when Roy said that it was time for
them to eat something. He looked at Roy with utter disbelief and thought, “How
can a person talk about eating with such foul smell around?” By that time Anil's …
Whenever Jesse would start out on the road moving from city to city, he would
normally leave around six in the morning so he could blend in with the early
morning work traffic. He always thought of what Uncle Robert had told him one
morning …
Pilate's judgment (or lack thereof) and the crucifixion would have occurred
closely together at or around six in the morning. Darkness would have followed
immediately thereafter, and Jesus would have died about three hours later, at
nine in …
He'd given up wearing a watch several weeks ago, but he guessed it was
sometime around six in the morning, maybe even as late as seven. It was a cold,
wet and miserable day, but at least the long overdue rain was finally filling the
buckets, …
It was after observing that at around six in the morning when the sun begins to
rise, “things” become awake. At around noon when the sun peaks “things” are
active. When the sun sets around six in the evening, “things” seems to sleep or
die, …
On the morning of Sheila's departure, after a sleepless night and with a heavy
heart, Anant got out of his bed around six in the morning, went downstairs, turned
on the coffee machine, and went back up to wake her. Her eyes were red and …
If He went to the mountain before dark, that was probably around seven or eight o
'clock in the evening. If He came back down after dawn, that would have been
around six in the morning. In other words, He prayed for at least ten hours straight
This was around six in the morning after getting up at five or so the night before. I
could not tire him out no matter how long I tried to stay awake. He was inhuman.
He was the monster I was trying to hide. My next girlfriend he pissed me off with …
… the canal, moored for the night. A few oil stoves burned on their decks. He saw
one man. 'Excuse me,' Ray said to him. 'At what time do the boats come for the
vegetables and oil?' 'Around six in the morning,' replied the man, a squat 116.
Nothing much happens around six in the morning at a prison. When you burn
rubber into a prison at six in the morning at top speed they usually think you're
there on a prison break. They don't much care for prison breaks. People get shot …
She slept until sometime around six in the morning. John had moved or turned
and she woke up. She said, “Um, how is Daddy Paw feeling this morning? You
feel like giving me a big kiss?” she teased. “I've got more than that in mind for you
, …
I slept in the bush and went home around six in the morning. When I was
approaching my household, I could notice boys gathered next to my house. “The
car of the biology teacher has been vandalized too.” One guy was narrating to
those …
At around six in the morning he dropped me off. When I got out of his car to say
good-bye he looked up at me for a moment, then looked away and said, "You
know, Dito, it's real tough out here after doing all that time. Sometimes I wish I
was …
He'll pick me up around six in the morning if nothing happens.” “Okay. Peg? Greg
? Anything special?” “We're off at six tonight. We'll both be on pager. I'm not going
anywhere anyway,” Wayne answered. “I'll be home also,” Vickers stated.
“Not usually, but,” “So why did you this time, at around six in the morning, on the
coldest morning that Dayton has seen all year?” Andrew leaned on the front desk
, his face only a few inches from David's thin, wiry face. “Actually,” replied David …
He was an early riser, often up around six in the morning. He gave his time
selflessly: before going to his office, he had already met a number of visitors at
his house. Occasionally he complains in the Diaries about the number of
supplicants he …
It was around six in the morning, and the stifling, motionless air in the bedroom
was unbearable. She went out to the balcony to try and cool off, but to no avail. “
Fuck this,” she said as she let out a screech of anger. Andrea had just walked out
of …
Death comes to Himmel Street for Michael Holtzapfel, who hangs himself at
around six in the morning on July 27, 1943. Death doesn't see Liesel on this day.
Death is very busy right now and doesn't have time to stay on Himmel Street.
We travelled from Malda on the Barharwa-Howrah line, crossed the Bhagirathi at
Berhampore Road and reached the circuit house around six in the morning,
when it was still pitch dark and time for a small nap. We were awakened by the …
She finally reached Jodie's around six in the morning. She knocked on the door
loudly. Jodie cussed as she came down the stairs, 'Who is it?' she shouted. 'It's
me,' croaked Laura, her throat still raw from the smoke. Jodie opened the door
and …
Because I am an early riser, typically around four o'clock, my office day started
around six in the morning. Most afternoons, therefore, I'd arrive home around 4:
00 p.m., just after Connie had fed Devyn. Nearly every evening, I carried her on a …
he had emptied the hot-water tank to wash himself
99 Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired 100 Adjectives and adverbs 1 (
quick/quickly) 101 Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well/fast/late, hard/hardly) 102 So
and such 103 Enough and too 104 Quite, pretty, rather and fairly 105
Comparison 1 …
HENRY IV, PART ONE Hotspur (Act I, Scene iii) 72 Hotspur (Act II, Scene iii) 78
Falstaff(Act V, Scene i) 83 n 0 Z H m z HENRY IV, PART TWO Mistress Quickly (
Act II, Scene i) 87 Lady Percy (Act II, Scene iii) 91 King Henry IV (Act III, Scene i)
98 …
At The mountain slopes cool quickly, night, the flow reverses.
chillingtheairincontact with them.The cooler, more-dense airglidesdownslopeinto
the valley, providinga mountain breeze. (Because gravity is the force that directs
these winds …
then had brewed coffee
The NASCAR teams then can modify the car so that it achieves maximum
performance during a race. Overall, computers add enjoyment to various sporting
events for many individuals. While waiting for a pitcher to throw the next ball or for
a …
When children do something productive while waiting for your help, let them
know you noticed. If waiting is a particular problem in the classroom, reinforce the
behavior of children who are positive models by making a weekly chart or daily
list …
.][|options[|langoverride][|context]]): This application will play the given list of files (
do not put extension) while waiting for an extension to be dialed by the calling
channel. To continue waiting for digits after this application has finished playing …
If the specified berth were occupied by other shipping, the vessel was still at the
voyage stage while waiting in the vicinity of the berth until it became available,
and time so spent was at the shipowner's expense." Even if there is congestion, …
… D. Moving or Traveling While Waiting for Your Interview ..............................369 E.
Your Fingerprint Appointment ................................................................................375 F.
Advance Preparation for Your Adjustment of Status Interview ............375 G.
While waiting periods in long-term disability income plans may be as short as 30
days or as long as one year or more, the vast majority of plans contain
elimination periods ranging from three to six months, 178 Part Three Group
People who are exposed to or who practise high-risk behaviour are well advised
to arrange for a repeat test after 3-6 months, and to practise safer sex (for
example by using condoms) while waiting for their results. 4.4 HI VIRUS TESTS
HI virus …
While waiting for devices to become idle, the operating system places items in
buffers. Abuffer is a segment of memory or storage in which items are placed
while waiting to be transferred from an input device or to an output device.
q u . j oin ( ) waits for thread u to die; may throw InterruptedException if the current
thread is interrupted while waiting. q u. join(n) works as u. join() but times out and
returns after at most n milliseconds. There is no indication whether the call …
3 The vessel is presumed to be effectively at the disposal of the charterer when
anchored at a place where ships usually lie while waiting for a berth at that port,
proof of the " Stag Line Ltd v Board of Trade [1950] 2 KB 194. See also The Isa …
As a result, neither transaction can complete without some kind of intervention:
the session that first detects a deadlock rolls back the statement waiting on the
resource with the error message ORA-00060: Deadlock detected while waiting
for …
The students were excited to read the prom announcement while waiting for the
cafeteria to open. (A) The students were excited to read the prom announcement
while waiting for the cafeteria to open. (B) The excited students read the prom …
(B) The excited students read the prom announcement while waiting for the
cafeteria to open. (C) The students excitedly read the prom announcement while
waiting for the cafeteria to open. (D) While waiting for the cafeteria to open, the …
Examples: A stenographer who reads a book while waiting for dictation, … a
fireman who plays checkers while waiting for alarms, and a factory worker who
talks to his fellow employees while waiting for machinery to be repaired are all
working …
If she is being cared for by optimistic people, however, she will tolerate the wait
amazingly well. While waiting, the mother can • Eat easily digested, high-energy
food (clear soups, toast with honey or jelly, yogurt, or sorbet) and drink fruit juices.
Additionally, teaching the child an activity to do while waiting can translate into "
waiting behavior." If the waiting activity is versatile and can be transported, a
specific cue can be taught that indicates "it's time to wait"; that is, it's time to do the …
For example, if the processor sends five documents to a printer, the printer can
print only one document at a time and store as many documents as its memory
can handle. While waiting for devices to become idle, the operating system
places …
The five levels are Resuscitation, Emergent, Urgent, Semi- Urgent, and Non-
Urgent, and they are based on patient acuity, severity of symptoms, the degree of
risk for deterioration while waiting, and the need for additional resources.
(Silence. Estragon looks attentively at the tree.) What do we do now? Wait. Yes,
but while waiting. What about hanging ourselves? Hmm. It'd give us an erection. (
highly excited). An erection! With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow.
Techniques that Interviewers Employ 74 Introduction 74 While Waiting 74 Entry
75 Seating 76 Putting at Ease 76 Question Techniques 77 Listening 78 Interview
Fatigue 79 Evaluating Personal Qualities 80 Presentations 82 Closing an …
A waste stack is a waste pipe that carries wastes from plumbing fixtures other
than toilets and urinals. It is important to admit fresh air into the waste plumbing
system, to keep the atmospheric pressure normal, and to avoid vacuums that
could …
systems convey waterborne effluent from plumbing fixtures and other equipment
to an approved point of disposal that discharges into a facility sanitary sewer.
Poor hydraulic demand can also concentrate chemicals that may have leached
from plumbing materials. Particular attention should therefore be paid to dead-
ends or dead-legs in a consumer's distribution system, where stagnation of water …
The institute is a registered educational charity with the objective of improving the
science, practice and principles of plumbing and heating engineering. insulation
A layer of material that can be used to prevent the loss of heat from plumbing
People often call me saying their water heater has sprung a leak when it hasn't.
There's water around the heater, but it's not from the heater. Usually the leak is
coming out of the basement wall or occasionally from plumbing within the stud …
Besides, you'll get better service from plumbing-supply clerks if you can speak
their language. Consult local plumbing codes before beginning a project. Codes
protect your health and that of your neighbors. They spell out when you need …
I could work with the existing wholesalers who didn't have any showrooms and
buy their best products from them. I could import and purchase new products from
plumbing manufacturers. This would be a win-win with no obvious downside.
… liquid waste from plumbing fixtures (excluding water closets) to the building
drain and serves as a vent for these fixtures as well. Soil Stack A soil stack is the
vertical section of pipe that receives the discharge of water closets, with or
without …
Chapter. 2. How. Plumbing. Systems. Are. Regulated. Chapter 2 — Questions
and Answers 2- 1 According to. /PC Section 301 gives you an overall view of
code requirements for general plumbing installations. In this section, the /PC
gives …
A sanitary sewer conveys liquid or waterborne waste from plumbing fixtures. A
storm sewer is used to convey water, subsurface water, condensate, cooling
water, or other similar discharges. Storm sewers are usually separate systems
and are …
(102 mm) maximum inward from the front edge of the bathtub. Other regulations
may not have these requirements. SANITARY WASTE DRAINS AND VENTS
Sanitary waste systems convey waterborne effluent from plumbing fixtures and
other …
… than 2 inches. Note: Each of the two codes has a different answer. For
plumbing exams, check local code requirements for the correct answer. 7-23
Sumps receiving waste from plumbing fixtures, according to Code, 89 Vents and
From plumbing to splice diagrams 148 21. The determinant of a graph 153 22.
From splice diagrams to plumbing 156 23. Invariants via plumbing 162 24.
Criteria for algebraicity 164 REFERENCES 169 ABSTRACT This book gives a
new …
… half its revenue from installing plumbing in newly constructed houses and half
from plumbing repairs and remodeling jobs in older houses. It uses job order cost
cards to keep track of the costs incurred on each job. Job costs (direct materials …
from+Plumbing from+Plumbing
that contain Pb in their pipes, solder, or leaded-brass plumbing fixtures. Water is
most likely to absorb Pb from plumbing if it is hot, has low mineral content (i.e.,
soft water), or is acidic. Infants fed formula made from hot tap water are
particularly …
Diet Water Contamination from plumbing can be minimized by installing new
plumbing if the old pipes are corroded, or contain lead or galvanized coatings
rich in cadmium. 'Soft' water leaches more heavy metals from pipes than 'hard'
water …
Noise from plumbing systems has also been studied in detail. Effective methods
to reduce noise from plumbing systems have been identified. □ Extensive testing
has also been under way for impact noise on flooring systems. Several new …
Lead is exceptional in that most lead in drinking water arises from plumbing in
buildings and the remedy consists principally of removing plumbing and fittings
containing lead. This requires much time and money, and it is recognized that not …
We believe that concentrating on these two sources has meant that penetrating
dampness and moisture sourced from plumbing leaks have often been ignored -
sometimes resulting in misdiagnosis. We have re-examined the key categories of …
Second, the polyphosphate may promote the dissolution of Pb from plumbing
system deposits. The experiments described in this section were designed to
compare the precipitation and dissolution of PbC03 and Pb3(C03)2(OH)2 in the …
Regularly inspect basement floors for damp areas and cracks. These can
indicate overhead leaks from plumbing. Correct leaks and patch cracked areas
so that insects don't crawl up from the soil underneath the floor. Check all
exposed wood, …
For example, a plumbing contractor satisfies the prior-year principal activity test if
in the prior year 60% of its gross receipts were from plumbing installations and 40
% were from selling plumbing equipment at its retail store. Plumbing …
2 a rubber suction cap on a handle, used to remove blockages from plumbing,
take the plunge boldly decide on a difficult or dangerous course of action. <
ultimately Latin plumbum lead. plural Cploaral) adj 1 involving or referring to
more than …
Dan Woods, Jeffrey Word. Figure 14-1: A Web Dynpro screen for modeling of
user interfaces. The Plumbing of Developer Studio Everything, from plumbing to
software,. Chapter 14: SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 2^} 7.
Corrugated plastic hose and PVC piping for underground downspout drains or
weeping tile are available from plumbing supply outlets, hardware stores, home
improvement stores and specialized commercial dealers of pipe, …
from+Plumbing from+Plumbing
Lead comes primarily from plumbing in older homes. Since 1986, all plumbing
fixtures must be made from lead-free pipe, solder, and flux. However, older
plumbing systems may still contain significant amounts of lead. If you live in a
home or …
For example, a plumbing contractor satisfies the prior-year principal activity test if
in the prior year 60% of its gross receipts were from plumbing installations and 40
% were from selling plumbing equipment at its retail store. Plumbing …
While one common cause is rusty water from high levels of iron, metals that leach
from plumbing into water can be tasted at concentrations that do not impart an off-
color to the water. A drinking water standard for iron at 0.3 mg/L (one part per …
in General
who had promised to send someone
in the
Questions and Answers Why do so many people die during the early hours of the
morning? Our biological clocks program us to be most relaxed at that time, and
the senses that warn us of abnormal body states such as cold or lack of oxygen …
He gave a alty in those early hours with placing machi the building before Army
Ch Ambassador Adm However … He gave a fiery speech e early hours was
questi h placing machine guns on t before Army Chief of Staff, G mbassador
Admiral …
TABLE. OF. CONTENTS. August 1976 ............................................................................
.... iii More than just aJanuary man ................................................  Easter bunny ......
........................................................................  Fire it spread in the early hours .
… up/arrives early will be successful early days yet too soon to be sure I'm not
sure if he 'll recover completely — its early days yet. the early hours very early in
the morning We were out dancing till the early hours. early on soon after the start
of …
The tendency to sleep is greatest in the early hours of the morning (
corresponding to deep NREM sleep) and (although less so) in the early
afternoon. ◇ People vary in the time of day when they are most alert: 'larks' in the
morning and 'owls' …
Meditate upon Rama if you wish to find out what is really blissful. 61 Meditate
upon Rama in the early hours before sunrise. He will protect his devotees and
ward off their dangers. Besides, being very powerful, bold and courageous, he is
very …
… in Scetis (possibly between 380 and 399) and visited the nearby monasteries
at Nitria and Kellia, the monasteries of Lower Egypt also had two collective22
offices each day: at cockcrow in the early hours of the morning and in the evening
Music venues are concentrated at the Old Harbour–Baltiza area and include
Fortezza and Mourayo, which play pop Greek, Tsitsiano for traditional Greek, and
the big dance venue Baltiza. All are open from about midnight to the early hours, …
… in early summer im Frühsommer; in the early hours in den frühen
Morgenstunden; early next month Anfang nächsten Monats at your earliest
convenience so bald wie möglich early closing [day] der halbe Geschäftstag;
early morning call der …
… in early summer im Frühsommer; in the early hours in den frühen
Morgenstunden; early next month Anfang nächsten Monats j at your earliest
convenience so bald wie möglich ©early closing [day] der halbe Geschäftstag;
early morning call …
… in early summer im Frühsommer; in the early hours in den frühen
Morgenstunden; early next month Anfang nächsten Monats at your earliest
convenience so bald wie möglich early closing [day] der halbe Geschäftstag;
early morning call der …
… an everlasting eternal glow. In this state of mind, beauty is all I find, This is the
Cosmos gift for all humankind, It's time to light the sacred torch, don't be
frightened, In Silent Meditation, you will be enlightened. Early Hours In my
solitude in the …
… all things turn to dust including the human ego's view of life that be-lie-ves
holds the control keys. The choices of a human beings freewill are but two... Does
a human follow their ego or God? Early Hours In my solitude in the early hours I
… Perpetual motions stir awareness with galas of appreciation, Gratitude for life
on earth by spirits limitless celebration. Time to Enlighten the Imagination of
Every Generation. Early Hours In my solitude in the early hours, I 44 Michael
Derek Torrington, Laura Hall, Stephen Taylor. more people are reported to be
watching TV and making phone calls in the early hours of the morning, while late-
night shopping has become the norm for a third of adults in the UK. Banks, shops …
Did not Sir Walter Scott write all his great novels before breakfast, and was it not
in the same early hours that Dr. Albert Barnes penned those Commentaries of
which a million volumes have been sold in this country and Europe ? Was it not …
Higher child care costs for school-aged children reduce the probability of working
early hours but do not affect the probability of working in the evening. As we
would expect, mothers who are usually employed more hours per week are more …
From People Around the World 77 Free Will 84 Hush Little Child 88 The Man
from Nowhere 92 I Am The One 95 In The Early Hours 98 True Spirit 100 The
Engagement 103 Human Texture and Fiber 106 Twisted Rope 109 The Poets …
… meist pl evening [hour]; in den frühen ~n in the early hours of the evening
Abend- Vor stellung / film evening showing; theat evening Performance
Abenteuer <-s, -> ['a:bnt>ye] nt ^(aufregendes Erlebnis) adventure~© |
Liebesabenteuer) fling; …
early+hours early+hours
Did not Sir Walter Scott write all his great novels before breakfast, and was it not
in the same early hours that Dr. Albert Barnes penned those Commentaries of
which a million volumes have been sold in this country and Europe? Was it not …
Most people connect early hours with virtue and self-denial, late hours with vice
and self- indulgence; but there are night owls as well as early birds, each
according to his nature. The owl is not less Spartan than the rooster, though it is
reputed …
Further evidence derives from an analysis, by acrylamide gel electrophoresis and
affinity chromatography on an oligo-(dT) cellulose column, of the types of RNA
synthesized by carrot cells during the early hours of embryogenic induction …
The early hours have gold in their mouth. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a
man healthy, wealthy, and wise. How we start definitely helps determine how we
finish. Get a good, productive start and you're more likely to have a successful, …
The meetings were adjourned in the early hours of Saturday, were resumed in
Montreal on late Sunday afternoon, and lasted until the early hours of Monday,
30 May, without resolving anything. The Federation was now willing to offer job …
Big carpools are major factors in the early hours—the bigger the earlier—
comprising 16% of travel before 8 a.m., dropping to less than 10% and rising
again to around 14% after the peak. FIGURE 3-98 Carpool Share of Total
Commuting by …
early+hours early+hours
Getting up early doesn't imply not having enough sleep. You should sleep six to
eight hours, or whatever you are used to. Adjust the timings to be able to enjoy
the golden rays of rising sun or at least be awake during early hours after sunrise.
In his last novel, The Early Hours, published in 1921, Muhammad Marmaduke, as
he now was, disclosed the combination of religious conviction and political
enthusiasm that had helped make him a Muslim. The novel's hero, Camruddin, …
of the
By accepting orders on its Web site, Bezos believed that could
reduce transaction costs in the sale to the customer. Several million book titles
are in print at any one time throughout the world, and more than a million of those
are …
The company no longer sells door-to-door and hopes to return to profitability by
selling advertising on its Web site. Answering the question, “What is this firm's
business?” in terms of the benefits customers seek, instead of goods and
services, …
Members' countries are mostly from Asia and are listed on its Web site. ADB's
priority mission is to reduce poverty in Asia and the Pacific and to improve the
quality of people's lives by providing loans and technical assistance for a broad
range …
ICANN maintains a list of accredited registrars on its Web site with links to each
registrar's site." [2] — Registering a Domain Name The first step in registering a
new domain name is determining whether another party has already registered it …
to remove the security from listing and/or registration, by issuing a press release
and posting notice on its Web site. Public notice under this paragraph shall be
disseminated no fewer than 10 days before the delisting becomes effective …
The Music Shop makes a payment to W to fund a concert series, and W posts a
list of its sponsors on its web site, … W's posting of the Music Shop's name and
Internet address on its web site constitutes acknowledgment of the sponsorship.
On+its+Web+site On+its+Web+site On+its+Web+site
… an exhibit to its annual report; by posting the Section 406 code of ethics on its
Web site, provided that the company has disclosed its Web site address and its
intention to disclose its code on its Web site in its most recently filed annual report
; …
Web site visitors will measure an organization's professionalism and
sophistication by the impression they get during the first few (say, 15) seconds
they spend on its Web site. Designing a professional and consistent look and feel
for a Web …
West Coast had a searchable entertainment database on its Web site, The purpose of the database was to help West Coast's
customers locate movies to rent. West Coast used the word "moviebuff" in the
keyword and …
If an organization posts something on its web site that favors or opposes a
candidate for public office, the organization will be treated the same as if it
distributed printed material, oral statements or broadcasts that favored or
opposed a …
The Bulletin requires each agency to maintain a current electronic list of all
significant guidance documents in effect on its Web site - or as a link on an
agency's Web site to the electronic list posted on a component or subagency's
Web site.
Each interstate Internet seller shall comply with the requirements of this
subsection with respect to the sale of, or the offer to sell, prescription drugs
through the Internet and shall at all times display on its web site information in
accordance with …
But the media companies are also aware that such engaged audiences are
highly receptive to the drug advertisements that underwrite the TV programming.
On its Web site, Healthy Advice Networks says drug companies that buy time on
its …
NBC's television ratings were down but its Web site had 66 million page views,
an average of more than 4 million daily. In 1996, he noted, NBC had two full-time
staff on its Web site for the Atlanta Olympics but had 40 full-time and 100 part-
time …
I understand that XYZ will provide these documents as well as other important
information on its Web Site. I would like to begin utilizing XYZ's Web site on (date)
and understand that certain costs are involved in using XYZ's web site and …
Onsale should also be able to squeeze some margin from a 2.4 per cent credit-
card surcharge (compared with 1.6 per cent or less for many big retailers), from
advertising on its web site, and from full-rate UPS shipping (compared with the …
On+its+Web+site On+its+Web+site
The company no longer sells door-to-door and hopes to return to profitability by
selling advertising on its Web site. Answering the question “What is this firm's
business?” in terms of the benefits customers seek, instead of goods and
services, …
Boston Market 1 (800) 365-7000 Boston Market has a
large listing of gluten-free items on its Web site. Burger King 1 (305)
378-3535 Burger Kings lists wheat-free products on its Web site but does not …
On+its+Web+site On+its+Web+site On+its+Web+site
If a registrant elects to satisfy paragraph (c) of this Item by posting its code of
ethics on its website pursuant to paragraph (c)(2), the code of ethics must remain
accessible on its Web site for as long as the registrant remains subject to the …
In the mid 1990s, as the Web gained popularity, Acme's vice president of
marketing decided to post its catalog on its Web site at http:// www.acme-fashions
.com. The marketing team busily began writing HTML pages and soon converted
the …
29 Indeed, in 2006, the TLR bragged on its Web site that a report from the Pacific
Research Institute (which, on its own Web site identifies itself as a “free market
think tank”) had ranked Texas “best in the nation” on its “U.S. Tort Liability Index.
If a registrant elects to satisfy paragraph (c) of this Item by posting its code of
ethics on its website pursuant to paragraph (c)(2), the code of ethics must remain
accessible on its Web site for as long as the registrant remains subject to the …
… FLOOR PLAN DRAWINGS Energy Conservation 364 Universal Plumbing
Installations 365 Plumbing Schedules 366 Plumbing Drawings 366 Water
Systems 366 Drainage and Vent Systems 369 Isometric Plumbing Drawings 369
Solar Hot …
Sample answer sheet Part One Plumbing Systems General Regulations
Plumbing. 1 hope you've picked up … This book has the information you need to
pass a plumbing exam based on either of the two popular national codes. If you'
ve been …
… Lifts 301 Plumbing 303 Occupant Support Plumbing Systems 309 Building
Support Plumbing Systems 328 Other Plumbing Systems 333 Heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 334 Design Considerations 334
Combined Heating …
Once the overall system planning is completed, the project mechanical (HVAC),
electrical and plumbing engineers begin detailed design. It is at this stage that
the technologist is called upon. The usual arrangement for a project at the design …
… 3.12 Question 3.13 Question 3.14 Question 3.15 Question 3.16 Question 3.17
Question 3.18 Question 3.19 Question 3.20 Question 3.21 Question 3.22 Is wiring
restricted from sharing a penetration with plumbing? l02 Is air tubing permitted …
in General offered to “make
plumbing enter the third millennium”
In his desperation the child cries, "If only they could get a message to us, if only
they could send us something grownup ... a sign or something." And they do.
They send something grownup. A dead parachutist floats down from the upper air
, …
If they took time to do so, however, they could not provide other services. An
officer may genuinely desire to work hard for those probationers who show
promise, but not for others. Officers facing such conflicts may become alienated
from their …
The other boys' vote had been unanimous. They felt they could do more for the . .
. boys than any adult in a training school or any of the families eager to shelter
the two boys. In the halfway house, Donald summed up the boys' happiness
when …
they+could they+could they+could
People have held that they could spot witches; but they never could, because
there aren't any. What goes for witches goes for qualia: that we think that we are "
immediately aware" of them does not mean that there have to be such things.
they+could they+could
It is not the result of experience: even if people let you down, you are expected to
behave as if they could be trusted. “The Golden Rule does not demand that you
do unto others as they do unto you. Instead, you do unto others as you would …
All his retinue now strained their eyes, hoping to discover something on the
looms, but they could see no more than the others; nevertheless, they all
exclaimed, "Oh, how beautiful!" and advised his majesty to have some new
clothes made …
They also found that they could no longer rely on previously automatic ways of
doing things. While they were still unaware of their neglect at this point, they
could discern its consequences. They found these consequences of neglect
confusing …
It would also provide a means through which western curlers might show that
they could play their game as well as anyone, and thereby prove to themselves
and to the world that the sport was well entrenched in the region.31 After half a …
But, when Henry arrived, they did not dare remain and could not stay there in
safety any longer.5 Through our new king [Henry the Younger], who cannot rule
as king,6 they thought they could capture or lay waste the whole of Normandy; …
These investigators believed that they could know a thing if their knowledge
followed logically from what they considered a sound premise. In turn they based
their premises chiefly on observation. This commitment to logic coupled with
man's …
they+could they+could
It would seem that people were not assessed to see what a service should
provide, but to see where they could be slotted into an existing service. In
practice, there did appear to be entry criteria for a day placement. Many people
who had …
They could not imagine her in any dress or situation in which she would not be
charming. Captain Forrester himself, a man of few words, told Judge Pommeroy
that he had never seen (25) her look more captivating than on the day when she …
The intruders from Sinaloa came heavily armed and began to till any land they
could find beside active, hidden watercourses for marijuana and opium poppy
crops, regardless of who owned the land. Owners the intruders did not kill were …
they+could they+could they+could they+could they+could
Two capuchin monkeys learned more quickly than five squirrel monkeys to
discriminate textures by touch alone, but the genera were similar in how fine a
discrimination they could make. Following lesioning of Area 1, one capuchin
monkey did …
In fact, they felt the greatness of the human mind, but they felt it aa a vast vacuity
in which, after all, they could find nothing but phantoms of happiness, and
realities of misery. To these deep-toned complaints, in which all sorts and
conditions of …
Their initial client roster was somewhat thin, but they knew they could count on
doing work for Bill's father's company, Wagner Manufacturing, and for David
Jones's brother's retail store, Hollywood Baking and Bread Company. Another
client …
… bytevector must be a bytevector with at least start + count elements. The get-
bytevector-n! procedure reads from binary-input-port, blocking as necessary, until
count bytes are available from binary-input-port or until an end of file is reached.
Get your hack license (or at least start studying for the exam). 3. Lease a limo (or
other vehicle) from an operating company, or buy your own car. The bottom line
You probably won't get rich driving a limo, but if you like independence and have …
This means that as soon as the mentoring session begins, even if the mentoring
partners habitually work in different parts of the world, they can at least start their
dialogue from an initial common framework. The following table shows the …
First, I am not sympathetic toward any methodological policy which would restrict
one from the start to an attempt to formulate a theory of meaning in extensional
terms. It seems to me that one should at least start by giving oneself a free hand
to …
One of the most important calls with both Eastwood and Jim which turned her
head to at least start the climb outwas when they both said directly, look he was a
raging alcoholic and he wanted you to just lay down and take the abuse and …
We think that it is most important to at least start the action – in other words to
choose a personal notebook, if necessary buy it and then stick to your aims. We
noticed that those participants were most successful who concentrated on the
course …
This explains why the type and quality of government has largely deteriorated.
The worth of a leader is often measured by his 'capacity to accomplish', that is, to
complete, or at least start, the building of roads, stadiums, power plants, palaces, …
We should like to put that possibility temporarily to one side and assume that we
can at least start our investigation with the behaviour of people in theatres rather
than wherever they happen to be and that actors are those people, about whom …
He hoped that a compromise on this subject could bring about or at least start the
reunification process.126 Other doctrinal differences, e.g. sacramental
confession, confirmation, purgatory etc., were reduced by Mayr to the level of
school …
We are thus left with the “ske/o-theory”, Johansson's “sigmatic aorist theory”,
Schulze's “desiderative theory”, and Kuryłowicz' and Kazlauskas' derivation from
participles in *-to-, which at least start from unproblematic Indo-European
formations …
The only impact you can have is by first starting to talk about the human rights of
police officers, then they can at least start understanding what the concept means
. Thirdly, it must be realized that they have to do a job. There is no time to think …
By working at a local level, employing detailed analyses of data in order to tease
out the complex interrelationships of artefacts and the minutiae of spatial
patterning, archaeologists can at least start to identify the contexts in which social …
Once we recognize that, we have come a long way, and we can at least start to
learn how to act properly toward other people. So too, once we recognize that
there are interests in the nonhuman world, and that they are morally significant,
we …
At this, the kids should start screaming and going nuts (okay, or at least start
talking). If not, it's time for a Dance Contest. Anyone can be a judge for a Dance
Contest. There might be categories for Slickest Moves, Coolest Outfit, or Most
Likely to …
Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper, D. Brent Chapman. This is the Title of the
Book, eMatter Edition point (you don't have time to, until you've taken the next
step), but you should at least start a log by making a note of what time it is.
The result is that all subroutines must be placed (or at least start) in the first half of
the page, though you can call them from anywhere in the page. Furthermore, if
you want to use the variable jumps described above, these too need to take …
If you cannot start with all the practices then at least start with some. My own
personal favorites are: • Reviews and Inspections, as these are the least costly to
implement and have the greatest economic and customer satisfaction return.
… page held in bootmem_data-> last_pos, the kernel checks by reference to
bootmem_data->last_offset whether the required memory (including the space
needed to align the data) can be allocated in the last page or can at least start
there. 3.
Tonii said, “That hurt, because I thought, 'Now I have a father that never beat me
and we can at least start from thirty on.'” But the dream of at least one good parent
was short lived. About eight months later, Tonii revisited his mother's family.
at+least+start at+least+start at+least+start
Each of these services can be controlled from scripts in the /etc/re . d/i ni t . d
directory; with these scripts, you can at least start, stop, and restart the associated
services. The default runlevel is set in /etc/i ni ttab, and runlevels can be changed …
Use your fingers and tongue tonight – maybe we'll have to wait a few days for
your cock, but at least start getting me ready for you.” I reached for the Vaseline
and lubed his ass and my forefinger, and slowly began to penetrate him.
… to because things have happened in your life and responsibilities call
understandable but make time demand time take time and start chipping away at
what you've dreamt of doing your whole life at least start even if you don't finish
start who …
With your iPod, you can at least start the Mac and scan and fix the hard drive
trouble spots, and you can also use any other files or applications that you
previously put on your iPod. Mac models introduced after January 2003 can't start
up with …
But it's usually better to dive into the middle rather than start at the beginning, or
at least start with a scene with action, drama, or suspense, as in the short story “
The Rubber Band Man”: It was raining steadily from a gray sky with indistinct …
Most women will at least start labor at home. The benefit of being at home is that
labor can unfold naturally and at its own individual pace and rhythm, without
restrictions. Healthy, low-risk women who have planned home births attended by
a …
The friendly staff can at least start you off in the right direction. You can get details
on reservations and permits from the PHPA (Forestry and Nature Protectorate)
office at Wisma Manggala Wan- abakti, Blok I L&B, Jl Garat Soebroto in Jakarta
or …
Where Am I? Most independent info pros work from their home, or at least start
their businesses at home before moving to an outside office. The decision on
where to set up shop will depend on a number of factors: • Whether you have
space at …
By turning and drying in stages, the familiar oval shape and the ripples caused by
uneven shrinkage of end/side grain conjunctions is eliminated. My usual
procedure is to turn the outside of the vessel first (base excluded), as shown in
the top, …
by+turning by+turning
Therefore the first knowledge of things in the Word was present to the angel from
the outset of his creation; while the second was not, but only when the angels
became blessed by turning to the good. And this is properly termed their morning …
On the contrary, It was by turning to God that the angel reached to beatitude. If,
then, he had needed no grace in order to turn to God, it would follow that he did
not require grace in order to possess everlasting life. But this is contrary to the …
By stark contrast, reptilian embryos are usually killed by turning during incubation
(Ferguson, 1985). Egg turning in birds is thought to prevent deleterious
adhesions between the embryo and the shell membranes (New, 1957) but in
reptiles …
Therefore the first knowledge of things in the Word was present to the angel from
the outset of his creation ; while the second was not, but only when the angels
became blessed by turning to the goodv And this is properly termed their morning …
According to my view, the patient repeats rather than remembers in basically two
ways, which are equally important: by turning passive into active and by
transferring. As I have already pointed out, a patient who, as The Patient's
Unconscious …
by+turning by+turning
Most DVOMs will self-calibrate while others will need to be adjusted by turning a
knob until the meter reads zero. Connect the DVOM in parallel to the portion of
the circuit being tested. If continuity is good, the DVOM will read zero or close to …
by+turning by+turning by+turning by+turning by+turning by+turning
… then indeed he will come to speak of them and their situation, in the same
terms that he has been used to apply to tangible things; and those that he
perceives by turning up his eyes he will call upper, and those that by turning
down his eyes …
Andthis seems to me the true reason why he should think those objects
uppermost that are painted on the lower part of his eye : for, by turning the eye up
they shall be distinctly seen ; as likewise those that are painted on the highest
part of the …
by+turning by+turning by+turning by+turning
For example, if your drawing has gas lines and sewer lines, but you only want to
edit the gas lines, you can make your drawing visually easier to work with by
turning off the layer on which the sewer lines were drawn. Not only does
organizing …
by+turning by+turning by+turning by+turning by+turning
By turning the Optional Stop switch ON (located on the operation panel), any
encounter of M01 in the part program will force the program processing (
execution) to stop until the Cycle Start button is pressed. Both illustrations below
show the …
up on time
DAN Naphtali N Merari Moses Issachar TAB. Aaron JUDAH Kohath Priests
RESPONSE GOD'S RESPONSE Ex. 14:11 Grumbled Plan of the Camp of Israel.
grumbled grumbled grumbled grumbled grumbled grumbled
Daisy Burton, Mary Ann Sadler. Little Meecie 39 emoryOfDawn 41 >ving Memory
of Dawn Lea and 7 Elizabeth 43 bu Think God Grumbled? 45 God's Seasons By
Daisy burton, barton Hear the laughter of viii.
grumbled grumbled
I have known boys and girls whose life was one big grumble. They grumbled
about the weather, they grumbled about their clothes, they grumbled about their
food, they grumbled about their lessons, they grumbled even about their games, …
They grumbled because there was not enough food to eat. (Have the … They
grumbled because their feet hurt after walking all day in the desert. … They
grumbled so much that they forgot to hear that God was taking such good care of
GRUHHLE ABUUT in] The food was always being grumbled about. GRUMHLE
AT lpl He was used to being grumbled at by People: {Tl ?TflM pay … GRUHBLE
FOR [pl Hhy should water he grumbled for when wine is so plentiful? GRUMBLE …
God's people grumbled quite a bit as they wandered around the desert. At Marah
they grumbled because the water was bitter and they could not drink it (Exodus
15:23-24). Overtly, they grumbled against Moses, who had led them into the …
"Yes, it's the sugar, sir, I know; and you'd think it would sweeten some people's
temper, but it don't." "Which if it's me you mean, and you're thinking of this
morning—" "Which I am, Jem, and you ought to be ashamed. You grumbled over
your …
"Humph." Naomi grumbled. "So, are we going to hang out tonight or what?" You
can bring Leigha if you want." Naomi asked anxiously. "Sure, that sounds pretty
cool. But where are we going?" Tiffany asked. "A movie and Café Voila of course.
grumbled grumbled grumbled grumbled grumbled grumbled grumbled
They grumbled because they were thirsty (see 15:24). They grumbled because
they were hungry (see 16:2-3). They grumbled about Moses — the one who had
led them out of Egypt and across the Red Sea safely (see 17:3), but Moses said …
Because for the first time in your life you grumbled and someone else grumbled
and someone else, and you heard each other, and became aware that there
were hundreds, thousands, millions of us all over the world, and in a vague
groping …
It all seemed unfair. Grumbling seems to be the chief response of the people of
Israel in the wilderness after crossing the Red Sea. On three different occasions
the nation of Israel grumbled and doubted 63 4: Growing in Contentment.
Until they decide to stop, you're stuck. But that's no reason to grumble. I grumbled
, and I'd like to privately confess it to you at this time. Don't you know that God
hates grumbling? Listen! First Corinthians 10:10says, “Do not grumble, as some
of …
"More and more Dog-Tooth became greater than the council, and when the
council grumbled and said it would name a new chief, Big-Fat spoke with the
voice of God and said no. Also, Three-Legs and the others who held the land
stood …
And so they grumbled against him as a pretender. Having faced down the devil
himself a short while ago, Jesus was unshaken by human opposition. He
reminded the people that in former times God sent his faithful prophets to non-
Jewish …
… Ceci-Roasted Red Pepper Soup Butternut-Apple Soup Bistro Broccoli
Chowder Arabian Lentil & Rice Soup Tortilla Soup Cauliflower Pesto Soup Caldo
Verde with grumbled Tempeh Manhattan Glam Chowder Yam & Black Bean
Soup with …
I asked the crowd, 'For they grumbled against the landowner, saying, These last
men worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us.' Or would you
be generous like the landlord? In which case how would you reply to those who …
… against each other in sheer ecstasy. “Made you move,” I smiled, running my
hands up and down his back. “You can move now, if you really insist.” “Asshole,”
he grumbled, his hands on my butt, kneading my cheeks and spreading them
apart …
6. At MountSinai—Nadab andAbihu were drunk and used forbidden fire for the
incense offering; firefrom Yahweh consumed them (Lev. 10:111). 7. At Taberah, “
burning,”the people grumbled atadversity; fire broke forth inthe camp withdeath …
9 An example of the first is in Exodus when, lacking food on the nineteenth day of
the second month after they had departed from the land of Egypt, the whole
assembly of the children of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron, and the …
“You couldn't even recognize a notorious high waywoman when you saw one,”
Hawkesbury grumbled, drawing toward him Nick's written statement from the
previous night. “Thought she was a harlot, I see.” He looked up. “How old are you
, …
So they grumbled against Moses (verse 24). But since God controls all
circumstances,they werereally grumblingagainstHim (Exodus 16:8)Ðwhich is not
a wise thing to do! (Numbers 16:41±49; 1 Corinthians 10:10). Grumbling
indicates, above …
Jed at about eleven
After the first day of pacing around his studio, the evening found David spread on
the bed, feeling unreal and still perplexed by the sudden change in his life.
Various colors flickered in front of his eyes: the grey and black of the grim streets
of …
in a vain attempt to warm himself up
They never thought much about the queer ways he sometimes had in him, they
never had then for him anything in the way of a personal feeling. He was then for
them a city country house person. He had it in him to feel other things inside him, …
David Hersland was a dead one before he was a middle aged one. He was then
never in his living an old one. He was dead before he came to the middle of his
middle living. I am coming to know some whom I have known as middle aged …
He+was+then He+was+then
… Essie and their eight month old daughter, Sarah Smith in 1930. He was then a
young pastor in that area by the age of 22. By the mid 1900's he had become
pastor and founder of the “Two-Wing Temple” which was located on Josephine
and …
He was then asked if he had ever seen me bring Matthew to practices, he
responded, “A few times.” He was then asked if he ever saw me at my son's
baseball games. He responded that during games, he was more focused on the
game than …
He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then He+was+then
Chris descended to the shades of infernal regions. There he took the name of
Serapis, identical with Pluto, and assumed his nature. He was then in conjunction
with Serpentarius, identical with Aesculapius, whose form he took in his passage …
He+was+then He+was+then
Sie verwendet lediglich eine Passivkonstruktion, ohne diejenigen, die an der
Unterbringung beteiligt waren, ausdrücklich zu erwähnen: „And he was then
admitted to a residential home.“ Angesichts des lakonischen Charakters der
Erzählung, …
He+was+then He+was+then
… once proposed the surprise of Ticonderoga. He was then informed of what was
on foot, and consented to lead the party which had gone on, adding to it live or
six trusty volunteers. Captain Mott started the next afternoon ; but in the forenoon …
The first operation was to blindfold him; he was then conducted into the Lodge by
two members; he was then required to give the pass word, which on that
occasion was Alpha and Omega; he was then walked round the room, during
which …
Having made his position clear, he was then asked what he wanted, and this was
where the property issue was raised. He stated, "I cannot say that my wife must
return to me against her will, but she must return the property that I acquired for …
… at the time. Teja told Brown what he was being assigned to do and Brown took
issue with it. Segneri then assigned Brown to do the jackhammering that he had
first assigned to Teja, when Brown finished the assignment he was then working …
Access. Services. A network's access services allow remote users to connect to
the network. (The term remote user refers to a person working on a computer on
a different network or in a different geographical …
Whenever there are questions about the warranties, carefully read that section in
the owner's manual. If you are working on a vehicle and know the part or system
is covered under a warranty, make sure to tell the customer before proceeding …
However, an employment agreement may provide for other days to be taken
instead of those the Act specifies. There are rules for deciding how much
employees should be paid for public holidays, and for working on a public
holiday. ANNUAL …
Consider a ground bracelet to be essential equipment when working on a
computer. However, if you find yourself in a situation without one, touch the
computer case before you touch a component. When passing a chip to another
person, …
IICAand IFAD are working on a project to develop agribusinesses in the
Saraguro Yacuambi area. PAHO and IICA are working on the draft of a law for the
national health system. Peru Support for the “IICA/Chile-Peru Binational Program
to …
Who I do the work with is as important as the work I do. 70. When working on a
major project, I am the one asking "Why are we here?" 71. When working on a
major project, I enjoy brainstorming new ways to implement and execute the
When working on a job site, it is important to behave in a safe and professional
manner. Running in the workplace can result in slip and fall accidents that might
lead to severe personal injury. Quite often, water, oils, and other slippery
materials …
Variations on the question Your Answer Top Answers to 121 Interview Questions
89. Q34: What experience have you had working on a. © Copyright Anson Reed
Limited and 2005 -2006. 4: Competency Based …
Recall the axiom of keeping one hand in your pocket while working on a device
with current flowing? The axiom actually is based on simple electricity. It is not
just the hot connection that causes the problem; it is the ground connection that …
Student B: Sitting on the floor, not working on a computer. Occasionally talking
with her group about the project but generally does not appear to be working on
project most of the time. Student C: Working on the project on a computer much of …
Would the data required to answer the question be easier to collect by working
on an en- tire plant or animal or on a population of cultured cells? What might be
the advantages and disadvantages of working on a whole organism versus a cell …
working+on+a working+on+a working+on+a
The advantages of working on a grade-level team are numerous. Each year, the
demands ofteachinggrow.Studentsarecomingtoschoolwithmorediverselearning
needs, and it is difficult to keep up with the mounds of research on best practices.
FROM EXPERIENCE People working on a construction site should carry spare
finger bandages in their wallets for quick use. If adhesive first aid tape is not
readily available, duct tape can be wrapped around a sterile first aid gauze pad
to …
2. When faced with a problem, I use my own ideas and strategies to solve it. 3. I
like to play with my ideas and see how far they go. 4. I like problems where I can
try my own way of solving them. 5. When working on a task, I like to figure out for …
working+on+a working+on+a
Thus the modern office. A survey of workplaces in the United States found that
the personnel were interrupted and distracted roughly every three minutes and
that people working on a computer had on average eight windows open at the
same …
As noted earlier, I am particularly interested in one-on-one parent- child
interactions, namely: working on a project or playing together, private talks
between parent and child, and parental help with reading or homework.8 Leisure
activity away …
It is unfortunate that the attraction of working on a computer has come to
overwhelm the reason a document is being made, what its content should be,
and how best to portray the work. All of this, in conjunction with the correct
technology, must …
working+on+a working+on+a working+on+a
As far as male behaviours are concerned, Canada and Germany appear very
similar with respect to the working participation of men, with a very large fraction
of them working on a full time basis regardless of the family type (for more data,
see …
Therefore, the government is currently working on a reform package to develop a
new social security system to provide general health insurance for all citizens
and gather all the social security institutions under one roof. The Social
Assistance …
They helped Alfred embroider the picture he was painting of his father, filling in
the shadowy persona of the stranger. When Alfred found out that he had won a
scholarship to a school in England he was pleased because he hoped that his …
He was fascinated by the brush handling and painting of his father, a
professional painter who was his first teacher. By 9, he was painting pictures of
his own. In school, he remembered numbers by making little human figures of
them. At age …
… face whose "dark similitude" (42) torments Melville's hero until he matches it to
a painting of his father made before he married Pierre's mother. His belief that
Isabel — the bearer of the "familiar . . . yet inexplicable" (41) face — is his sister is …
10 Paul's artistic preference had remained genre painting, as in the case of his
cousins Percy and Leon, not the landscape painting of his father. In return for the
trip west for himself and Paul, Moran had agreed to assign to the Santa Fe the …
painting+of+his+father painting+of+his+father painting+of+his+father painting+of+his+father
Henri's two landscapes of the Wyoming Valley stood out well against the soft-
gray wall; his third work, Portrait, a painting of his father, was called "one of the
best works he has ever done" by the Mail 6, Express reviewer.22 Another
contributor, …
His painting of his father, “Seasons Coming and Going,” is one such masterpiece.
It makes reference to his father's role as a dancer of the Hesi and the Toto. With
their sticks, netting, flags, and even words, his art pieces can be appreciated on …
When the program was finished Agatha went into the dining room where hung
the copy of the painting of his Father together with the painting of his mother and
of her. She stared at them for a while and thought about this house which she
had …
Just three years later, Ericson exhibited an oil painting of his father doing chores,
Salting the Sheep, at the Minnesota State Fair and won a gold medal. From 1887
to 1899 he traveled between New York and Duluth, and in 1900 he took the trip …
He stopped at the painting of his father and stared. He could not help wondering
what he thought of all this. Had the world changed so much after he had left this
world for good? In his bedroom he grabbed the red silk necktie he had taken from …
I still remember Mark holding the rolled-up painting of his father in triumph upon
return from Slovenia and his beaming smile. We talked often of his home country,
Slovenia, and now that we had settled comfortably, I expressed my desire for …
to Orient: Iurii N. Rerikh enriched Soviet orientalism with his experience of Tibet
and India while Sviatoslav N. Rerikh continued to live in India and pursued the
orientalist and futuristic painting of his father. VLADIMIR SOLOVIEV AND THE
painting+of+his+father painting+of+his+father
In the 1950s and 1960s M. was very much a leader on the English side of this
collaboration and, because of his position in the British Acad, and the Soc. of
Antiquaries of London (of which he was director 1965—70 and president …
What Bugenhagen achieved, thanks to the ecclesiastical regulations for poor
relief, for which he was directly or indirectly responsible, gave " good hopes, at
least at first, of bringing the difficult social problem of those days nearer to a
… was a disadvantaged person (mise- rabilis persona) or one of his close
associates (coniunctis personis).50 The pope added that an advocate who
argued his own case against the church in which he was beneficed should not be
penalized …
… that event terminated chronologically the course of history which he was able
to witness, but also, and perhaps primarily, because, due to the Revolution and
the theoretical reflections on it, the rationa- lity of reality was finally revealed to
which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was
Otherwise, however, his other laws and procedures remained consciously close
to differential operators, another algebra of the time, also encouraged by
Lagrange's approach to the calculus and upon which he was a leading exponent.
which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was
… he was elected State treasurer by the Legislature, and in 1860 was chosen to
represent the Fifteenth District, composed of the counties of Perry, Cumberland,
and York, in the United States Congress, to which he was re-elected in 1862.
which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was
Bato Bibaculus and seized the town of Apamea, in which he was besieged by
CAESAR (1)'s men from 46 to 44. After Caesar's murder, however, when
CASSIUS (2) sought support in Syria, both armies went over to join him. Cassius
released …
which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was
The king has exchanged the skins, with which he was heretofore clothed, for a
garment made in our fashion ; he makes also a little endeavor to learn our
language. " Having put away his concubines from him, he lives content with one
wife, …
which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was
… in which he was at least as proficient as in his poems: namely, that he was
always intensely aware of his audience and in differing contexts would reveal
different and even opposing facets of himself. Brooke was an extraordinarily
complex …
which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was which+he+was
The nationalism which he was driven to adopt was not exactly, perhaps, the ideal
nationalism of his 'Address to the Historical Society', with which he began his
career, but suffered a little from compromise, as perhaps all ideal principles must …
going to entitle The Architect Jean-Pierre Martin
Factors Influencing The Success Of Quality Circles < Quality Circle is a case
where the leadership in bringing about change is taken by workers themselves
leaving the management with the new role of an advisor, a catalyst, a facilitator.
The leaders of the non-recognized unions also have their own political clout and
the demands of these unions at times are at cross purposes with each other
leaving the management in a quandary. Some of the private mines around the …
It's the management of “trial and error”, leaving the management of well-known
brands to young marketers with job titles such as product manager, brand
manager or marketing manager. The second reason is that the retail brands have
gained …
The problem with the former management reviews was that they allowed
discussion on the means for achieving objectives to take place in other
management meetings leaving the management review to a review of errors,
mistakes and …
leaving the management to controlling. Accounting is a vital preparer and
provider of information for financial planning and controlling alike. 1.2.5 Public
sector assurance Most practitioners would rather call this auditing than
Tempting though it may be for CEOs to take charge of the change process, it's far
better for them to be focused on owning the vision and leading the programme,
and leaving the management of the process to a separate team.
Wildcat: These are flash strikes when people just walk out of the premises
suddenly leaving the management in a crisis. This can be devastating in the
service industry where customers are in the process of receiving service. It can
be bad for …
responsibilities and resources. Dedicating resources to a marketing specialist
would allow a high-tech firm's scientists to focus fully on development of
innovations, while leaving the management and marketing of those innovations
to others.
Such a contract would enable a non-German bank in, say, Japan to take on a
position in Germany, while leaving the management of customer relations with
the local bank. Generally speaking, a bank should buy protection in industry …
The reason is usually that the venture capitalist believes the owner-manager
makes all the key decisions, leaving the management to 'obey orders'. As the
venture capitalist has no intention or desire to manage the business, it will be …
… absolute unadulterated form without potentially harming management interests
. Unless workers are highly homogeneous and interchangeable LIFO is likely to
affect different groups unequally, leaving the management without certain types …
The Board of Education which Harris had intended should meet once a month
seldom met in the late 1 850s and 1 860s, thus leaving the management of the
schools to the inspector. His job was well paid and fairly comfortable; once in it, …
An alliance, however, allows the car and parts manufacturers to share
information where advantageous and establish a reliable stream of transactions,
while leaving the management of individual processes to the teams that
understand them …
Henry Liddell lived permanently in London from around 1710 and managed the
London side of the family's operations, leaving the management of the collieries
on Tyneside to his younger brother George. His letters indicate that he met with …
Leaving+the+Management Leaving+the+Management
leaving the management of it to two persons, WABBEN HASTINGS, ESQ. 75.
Leaving+the+Management Leaving+the+Management
Accounting for trading costs, a portion of revenues (80 percent on average) is
paid out to investors in the trading operation, leaving the management with “
performance fees.” In addition, the management may collect “management fees,”
which …
In these examples the company had focused on the customer applications,
leaving the management applications trailing behind. Much potential profit was
lost because it was not able to use the right consumer applications. This in turn
was …
Asaf-ud-daulah abandoned himself to dissipation, leaving the management of
affairs to his minister, Murtaza Khan, whOj was soon assassinated by Khwajah
Basant, a eunuch in command of the army, who had got up a party in favour of …
After leaving the management board in May 1993, company sources said von
Kuenheim stayed in control, operating from behind the scenes. He became the
first BMW supervisory board chairman to occupy an office in the company's Four …
The higher the trust in the other, the more risks the party will be willing to take in
leaving the management of the relationship in the hands of the counterpart. In
normal circumstances, once the parties demonstrate their competence, they do
not …
Leaving+the+Management Leaving+the+Management
Many of these had bought property and acquired wealth, after which they had
withdrawn from the various colonies leaving the management of their estates to
attorneys. In Trinidad, the plantations were usually under the management of …
Clearly, SMC's performance has suffered since the take over by the SSMAZ.
Producers may well be better off leaving the management of commercial projects
to qualified managers while they enjoy an efficient and competitively priced
Ernest Herzog retired in 1912, leaving the management of the wool mill in the
hands of his son Emile, as well as to two of the latter's cousins, Pierre Herzog and
Andre Fraenckel. Like his fictional heroes Bernard and Antoine Quesnay, this …
In July they moved back to Vienna, leaving the management of the house in the
hands of an estate agent. In 1938, Hitler followed them to Vienna, annexing the
country, swallowing it up in the Third Reich, to the joy of most of its citizens.
Never suffers his desk to be confused by many papers lying upon it, is always at
the head of his business well knowing if he leaves it, it will leave him; holds it as a
main that he whose credit is suspected is not safe to be trusted and is …
Sole proprietor may insure his life to leave sufficient funds for his business after
his death to guarantee the continuation of his business. Lives of the partners may
be insured to provide for the payment of the deceased partners share to his legal …
He traded cookies for advertising time at a local radio station, then celebrated the
opening of his business on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood with a huge party.
Amos also capitalized on his nickname ''Famous,'' calling his new commercial …
… and Die for years and seems to be putting lots of energy into expanding its
website, Jarrod decides to be safe and spend the time and money necessary to
change the name of his business to White Mountain Tool & Die before he
of+His+Business of+His+Business of+His+Business
… (its operating subsidiary,]" and a newly hired officer was expected to devote "
the major portion of his business time" to the management of additional
companies to be acquired by the Applicant); Hal Roach Studios, Inc., 1940 Act
Release No.
During this stage of the development of his business, Thomas was involved in a
number of activities of which he had little or no experience. Few 162 Small
Business Management and Entrepreneurship Can-be Ltd by Thomas Goulding.
He can keep his mind fresh and clear for thinking out the most difficult and vital
problems of his business, for studying the broader movements of the markets and
for contriving to improve the organisation of the internal and external relations of
Ownership and management together: A sole proprietor is the owner of his
business and is the manager of his business too. He is the master of his show.
He can take any decision regarding his business at his sweet will. This enables
him to …
Cf. Engebretson v. Albrecht, 150 F. 2d 602 (C.A. 7). is derived from supplying
such materials for highway repair and reconstruction would be one indication that
a substantial part of his business is directed to the purpose of meeting such
needs …
He will be going into the hospital for surgery in two days and he needs someone
to look after the affairs of his business. He has been negotiating some significant
contracts and he is afraid he will lose the business if there is no one to act on his …
A. Taxpayer performs part of his business in the area surrounding his main home
and uses that home for lodging while doing business in the area. B. Taxpayer
has living expenses at his main home that are duplicated because his business …
… portrays him as having links to organized crime. Elliot is outraged, the
allegation is false, and he sues the television station for libel. The court awards
Elliot $5,000 for the emotional distress he suffered and $60,000 for the loss of his
of+His+Business of+His+Business
Has he built the value of his business because of his reputation as a safe and
reliable taxi driver? In other words has the goodwill value of his business and the
value of his company name increased? Taken as it stands. Sid's taxi business
has …
… certain dispositions made by the insolvent before sequestration and may, in
certain circumstances, treat as void the transfer by the insolvent of his business
before sequestration. These topics are discussed in this chapter.
Rob needs to make several decisions that will influence the success of his
business. Specifically, Rob must: Determine whether his personality fits the
entrepreneurial profile. Determine how to capitalize on market conditions.
Develop …
… she recognized the complexities of his business, and she knew she'd been
very wrong to think otherwise. When Jen rested her hand on Ava's arm, she
pulled herself from her musing. Jen gave her an apologetic look. “Sorry. I made
you …
In the second place, it explained passing-off in terms of protection of a property
right, the right being the property that the plaintiff had in the goodwill of his
business. The latter was an inspired innovation. Goodwill had long been
recognised as …
For example, if a sole trader is thinking of expanding the size of his business, this
thought will remain confined to him till he gives it a practical shape and the
competitors will not come to know it. (3) Direct Motivation: A sole trader does not …
At our second session, he bragged that he had already returned to church and
appointed his CFO as acting president of his business while he began to assume
a chairman's oversight role—proof of his powers of self-control. With that, Sean …
But he for his spiritual end, usurps temporal means, and takes upon him to
dispose of temporal estates, that is none of his business. ... To return to our
sectaries, who put us upon this digression, they still remain as we left them, guilty
of doing …
of+His+Business of+His+Business
Information Negligently Supplied for the Guidance of Others (1) One who, in the
course of his business, profession or employment, or in any other transac- tion in
which he has a pecuniary interest, supplies false information for the guidance of …
George Bradley, “The Fire Fetched Down” Lucie Brock-Broido, “Inevitably, She
Declined” Anne Carson, “The Life of Towns” Amy Clampitt, “My Cousin Muriel”
Douglas Crase, “True Solar Holiday” Carolyn Creedon, “litany” Thomas M. Disch, …
… diffusing incomprehensible spurts of enthusiastic energy; on every step they
tread, Suddenly my cheeks blushed astoundingly to a volatile crimson; inevitably
attracting even the most insipid of dead grass blades; in their splendidly rubicund …
… of information, they influence the making of a decision or judgement in order to
achieve a predetermined result or outcome. (iv) Prudence The preparers of
financial statements have to contend with uncertainties that inevitably surround
many …
Second, Frankfurter denied that the fundamental rights approach to due process
inevitably degenerated into "the idiosyncrasies of a merely personal judgment."
To decide if a law violated due process, judges must consider whether it offends …
Evidence may be admitted if it would “inevitably” have been discovered by other
police techniques had it not first been obtained through the illegal discovery. [290
-291] a. Discovery of weapon or body: The “inevitable discovery” rule is most …
technically and stylistically so different from Baxtin's signed writings, are at the
same time attributed to him inevitably makes for something of a poser: if Baxtin
did write these works in the technical register of their signatories as well as in
their …
… the way that we present the unfolding of media theory. For example, one theme
of this book ever since its first edition is that theory is inevitably a product of its
time. You will see that this edition is replete with examples of media's
performance …
According to AS-1, "Uncertainties inevitably surround many transactions. This
should be recognized by exercising prudence in financial statements". The two
basic principles that underlie this convention are: (a) Provision should be made
for …
Even if a sys- tem of inspection is retained after the end of the occupation, the
sanctions on undesira- ble action by the German Government will inevitably be
weaker. A fortiori there will be no means of preventing the Germans from
embarking …
Do we really understand how prescription medications affect people's behavior,
especially when such drugs are given to youths? We inevitably confront such
difficult questions when we write our criminal laws and apply them to new
situations …
Finally, there are a few adverbs in English which signal conformity with or
deviation from the speaker's and hearer's expectations. These are of course,
naturally at one end and surely at the other end. A special case is represented by
Questions 6-9 are based on the following passages. Passage 1 Thomas Hobbes,
who lived during the English Civil War ( 1 642- 1 646), believed that a world
without government would inevitably Line be a war of every man against every
10ٻ Unlike jã, the particle ãr signals an inevitable consequence of some
preceding action or situation: thus, the sentence just cited means that the rising of
the inundation will inevitably bring an end to hunger. The subjunctive is not very …
This latter notion would inevitably substitute for the banished idol the
essentialized image of an incorporeal God. Spiritual insight would redeem the
blindness of corporeal vision? 'Image of the invisible' (Colossians 1:15), the
apparition of …
A lack of one of these will inevitably end up in perforation of either the vagina or
the urethra, and a lack of two of them will invariably lead to perforation of both! By
successively using the suction device and right-angled instrument, the bladder …
Compare the definition given in a British case: ''All sober and reasonable people
would inevitably have realised that the defendant's conduct must have subjected
the victim to some harm, regardless of whether the defendant realised that or …
In a free market economy, competitors inevitably injure one another. Courts do
not hold such injury tortious, even when intentional, if the action was taken to
advance a person's economic interest and results from the competitive economic …
… that the ultimate objective is the fusion of the two taken as an ideal inevitably
modified by practical reality. When one turns to the literature of ethnomusicology,
he quickly finds that this ideal has not yet been achieved, for an overwhelming …
Alan Sinfield's Alfred Tennyson is an impressive Marxist intervention which has
quite properly shaken up accounts of Victorian poetry.23 He reads Tennyson as
a cultural materialist and inevitably sees him, as he was, as a conservative poet.
While the view of heritage in any given society will inevitably reflect that of the
dominant political, social, religious or ethnic groups in what Smith (2006) refers to
as the 'authorized heritage discourse', the sheer number of actual and potential …
Human possibilities are not possibilities but potentialities inevitably destined to
be realized. The "redemption" of human existence is guaranteed if every
possibility is destined to be realized. The guarantee rests on the fact that human
existence …
This will be exactly what we will be looking at in this chapter, how we handle the
unexpected changes that will inevitably occur over the time in our lives, without
fail, en route to our enlightened dreams and goals in our life. As mentioned …
In doing this I shall inevitably have to address the relationship between emotion (
sentiment) and reason as well as dealing with the role which curiosity and
imagination must play in crafting an ethic and, ultimately, in acting ethically.
Lastly I will …
It seems that that kind of experience leads inevitably to the bardo of the after-
death experience, which is called gyulu ̈ bardo. Gyulu ̈ means "illusory body."
"body of illusions." so gyulu ̈ bardo is the bardo of o,sion. That brings us to the
point …
… the writing that I fear I will unwittingly omit some collaborator and also
inevitably name at least one who would prefer not to be identified publicly with
what is here presented. Nonetheless, I will go ahead, made most uncomfortable,
however, …
The Critique ofPure Reason is virtually devoted to the proposition that reason, in
its desire to know everything and how everything relates to everything else,
inevitably posits metaphysical concepts such as God, the soul, and the universe: …
The aim for the questioner was ultimately to refute the respondent, by forcing him
to concede a contradiction. Just as in other games there may be types of position
that inevitably lead to defeat, given the rules of the game, there can also be …
A civilizing influence inevitably tames and privatizes religion. My point is that
hospitality as entertainment requires a “religion of civility.” But what is hospitality
without some standards of politeness? Can peasants practice hospitality?
Peasants …
circumstances. Having extra mouths to feed and bodies to clothe inevitably
imposes upon family resources, which can be burdensome where they are
already spread thin as, for example, where relatives are out ofwork or living on a
… mediation agreement Typical settlement agreement Model Settlement
Agreement and Tomlin Order Mediation providers 135 135 135 136 136 137 137
139 141 148 150 153 155 157 158 162 Acknowledgements Inevitably there are
several …
But they hardly reflect the major concerns of most people in the twenty-first
century. Then again, Aquinas has nothing to say on a number of topics which
engage people currently interested in religious studies. For example (and
inevitably), …
Cf. curtain-taker. cop the drop. (Of a policeman.) To accept bribes: c.: from ca.
1910. Cf. drop, n., 4, and dropsy. See also take the drop. cop the needle. To
become angry. See cop, v., 3. cop the tale. To swallow a confidence-trick story: c.
The drop of blood entering the right atrium has returned from the body tissues,
where O2 has been taken from it and … Within the lungs, the drop of blood loses
its extra CO2 and picks up a fresh supply of O2 before being returned to the left …
Observes card and dice transfers and maintains security over the drop and count
process. Controls access to keys permitting access to sensitive and restricted
areas. •Director of Surveillance—Responsible for the operation of the
surveillance …
As forming costs increased, most flat slab design eliminated either the drop
panels or the capitals and brackets. Today, the flat plate form is preferred for light
loads and short spans; the flat slab with capitals and brackets only, in heavy duty …
And many HDTVs still max out at 720p, so you probably won't miss the drop in
quality. iFrame Apple itself developed this video format in an effort to create easy-
to-edit, reasonably sized video files. It doesn't record in HD (it composes the …
… overview of key principles and safety considerations. ac1 the manufactoror s
Lchel or the dru0 iroert helore mwm0 the drop, re tor the tvpe umd amount of
diluent to he addrs: tie manufactoror • intitutin0 powdored meibcation tor mtormu,
cutar …
Type the letter for the drop cap in the text box, and set its font size to four times
the size of the surrounding font. 2. Press c-Return to … You're nearly there, but
the drop cap isn't quite flush with the top of the paragraph's first line. In the Text …
When you've done that, the drop-down list at right shows all the bookmarks in
your document. Select one, and then click the Go To button. Your document
scrolls to put the highlighted, bookmarked text at the top of your screen. Click
Close to …
To estimate the patch thickness, the oil drop diameter must be measured before
the drop is allowed to fall. The drop needs to be very small unless a huge water
surface is available, so a magnifying glass is necessary to measure the drop
the+drop the+drop
The amount of the drop varies according to the diameter of the hole at the tip of
the dropper. For this reason, a properly calibrated dropper usually accompanies
the medicine. It is calibrated according to the way that drug is prescribed.
The slide is inverted and pressed over the coverslip, guiding the drop of bacterial
suspension into the center of the well. The slide is carefully brought to an upright
position for direct examination under the microscope. Iodine Mount Lugol's …
The drop call rates generally have to be monitored continuously and drop call
reasons should be specified in detail. Call drops typically occur because of
interference or handover failures. Interference and handover success rates have
to be …
791b. " Note— Keywords were added editorally in October 1993. 1. Scope 1 . 1
This test method covers the determination of the drop melting point of petroleum
wax. It is used primarily for petrolatums and other microcrystalline wax. Note 1— …
The crescent moon then dissolves into the drop, and we imagine that we
perceive the sparkling-fireflies-like appearance that arises due to the dissolution
of the fire element. The drop then dissolves into the nada, and we imagine that
we …
This coupled system originates a sinusoidal like periodic slip– stick motion of the
perimeter of the drop and is mainly based on the concurrence between the
droplet's surface tension, the wetting-film's surface tension and the friction force at
the …
get the drop on someone; have the drop on someone to get, or have, an
advantage over someone. Originally, and still, 'to be quicker drawing a gun than
your opponent' US, 1867 drop verb 1 to swallow, to ingest (a drug). A favourite
word of …
Which shot can you use … The drop shot is typically hit after a series of strokes
and when the opponent expects a hard, deep, driving shot. Although any player
can …
In order for the nurse to accurately manage the delivery of infusate to a patient,
he must know how much fluid the administration set he is using transports. This is
determined by the drop factor. 0rep Facter Figure 8-8 Administration Set Tubing …
Dennis Wainstock. the Japanese islands with high explosive and incendiary
bombs.'"'1 "I was a little fearful," said Stimson, "that before we could get ready the
Air Force might have Japan so thoroughly bombed out that the new weapon
would …
When using the drop step, your first action is to take a step back with the foot on
the side to which the ball is hit. You then cross over with the opposite foot,
continuing your run toward the ball. Fly Ball Drill 2. Prop Step You and a partner
25 …
All four of the basic badminton shots— the clear, the smash, the drop shot, and
the drive — may be delivered from the forehand or backhand sides and with an
overhand action. Use both forehand and backhand strokes to move your
opponent …
6 Clickthe triangle to expand the Drop Shadow settings, if necessary, and then
select the Drop Shadow check box. a Select from the following … The Drop
Shadow style is probably the most common layer style used (next to Bevel and
The significant thermal factor for the ice-house was that although the mean
increase in global temperature was relatively small, only c.0.6°C between 1860
and 1990, this increase in temperature meant that there were no longer, over
time, …
not to see any apparitions, but knowing that the drop in temperature meant he
was here. Plus, when she finally tried to open the door to the garage, the knob
rattled, shook in her hands, and refused to open. Panicky, she increased
pressure on …
Wine-makers in England said a change in temperature meant conditions in Kent
and Sussex were now more favourable to produce the grapes used for
Champagne. viticulture wine growing / wine farming industry They have
published a …
The need for wool for export continued, while the drop in temperature meant less
hay for sheep and horses and therefore a higher grazing intensity; the result was
increased erosion. Natural factors added to human actions to increase erosion.
Finally, he argued the sharp drop in temperature meant to him this event had
spread far beyond one system and was affecting many things everyone had
always thought were unrelated. Of course, even Olmek could not express himself
in such …
In the past, slight increases in temperature meant that the Karner Blue
overwintered successfully in pine barrens habitats farther north, but many of
these no longer exist because of development. When large tracts of pine barrens
are available, …
Moreover, the absence of extreme shifts in temperature meant that clothing and
housing were more easily managed than in Japan. The availability of land was
another attraction. Despite the insularity 200 Japan in the Tropics.
The variability in temperature meant that you were cold until around 11:00,
comfortable until 15:30, and cold again until taps. During scheduled flying time,
we wore our flight sweaters and A-2 jackets; a "must" to keep from freezing when
flying …
The huge drop in temperature meant gale-force winds and snow were imminent.
Every climber and hiker had time to get off El Capitan.” She looked down. “My
brother would have seen it as a challenging new adventure. He was a great
sailor …
A sudden drop in temperature meant that the ground was hard again. Supply
dumps and railway junctions, with goods trains, were taken with impunity. Since
the 17th Panzer Division had been transferred to help Hoth's attack, the rear
areas of …
The sudden drop in temperature meant I had to reset and bait all my traps and
snares, a job that took a week. On March 7, I caught a Àsher, two marten and two
weasels. A Àsher is somewhat like a wolverine, but smaller. They·re very fast and …
The slightest drop in temperature meant that there was a dragoninit,and thata
banished dragon was trying to escape fromthe Inner Core. Ifthis happened, Shute
would alert the authorities, whowould catch theescapee. 'I've come to ask you …
functional groups, so most of the silicone molecules are free and mobile except
that the last layer of molecules adjacent to the hair surface may be adsorbed
physically via van der Waals interactions. As the tip starts to touch and compress
the …
There are generally four layers of RAD as follows: • An underlying component
architecture • A set of standard widgets • An application infrastructure • The tool
itself JSF has all but the last layer, and the only reason that the last layer does not …
For any fixed input x, the output of the network f(x,a) corresponds to a piecewise
polynomial function in the parameters a, of degree no larger than (/ + 1)1"1 (recall
that the last layer is linear). Thus, the parameter domain A — Tlw can be split …
Thus layers increasingly richer (>30% B) continue to form on the crystal surface,
until temperature T3 is reached, at which the average composition of the crystal is
30% B. Note that the last layer to form contains 40% B, and the crystal has a …
The main limitation is that the last layer consists of one single optimization and its
size has a lower limit given by the number of support vectors. This is why the
acceleration saturates at a relatively small number of layers. Yet this is not a hard …
required, the number of bleeder cloth layers should be such that the last layer is
still dry after vacuum evacuation and applied pressure. The whole configuration
is then covered and sealed with a bagging bag. If bagging the whole set up is …
that+the+last+layer that+the+last+layer
In a pan greased with lard and covered with bread crumbs, arrange a layer of
potatoes and then a layer of the meat mixture. Do this until all potatoes and all
meat are used up, taking care that the last layer is potatoes. Spread chopped
parsley …
It is imperative that the last layer applied is the RTV-1 1 liquid silicone. • Step 6:
Wrap the sheet of adhesive foam padding carefully around the cast. Secure the
two adhesive ends together to form a seam on the side of the forearm opposite
the …
of paint would take an age to dry
He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed
Ros denied he had agreed that the rooms would not be subject to cancellation,
denied that he had agreed to pay for any rooms not used, and denied he had
agreed the ten percent deposit was to be non-refundable. He described his …
She had said, and he had agreed—they had agreed—that their parting would be
rational and logical when the time came. Severing the one flesh aspect of their
marriage would come when they had grown tired with each other. Bored.
I asked when he would see. He said when the time came. I then told him I had
been told that Warren (that was the name of his nephew) had told him not to give
me what he had agreed to, and I wanted to know if he would do as he had
He had agreed with her after some time and after a long discussion in which it
had become more and more plain what he required. She had finally agreed. After
some months of discussion in which at first she had thought he was only teasing …
He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed
The other reason he had agreed to meet Lucy Steadman was in memory of his
brother. Because if he was honest he felt guilty. He had been so involved with
work and his own business affairs that he had not paid as much attention to
Antonio …
The other reason he had agreed to meet Lucy Steadman was in memory of his
brother. Because if he was honest he felt guilty. He had been so involved with
work and his own business affairs that he had not paid as much attention to
Antonio …
He+had+agreed He+had+agreed
The previous month, through the French ambassador, Count Routrou of Perche,
he had agreed on a tight schedule with Philip of France to resolve outstanding
differences and depart for the east in the spring of 119o.72 He was away for four …
By failing to live up to the role expectations he had agreed to for his supervisory
position, Eichmann went against his own commitments and thus violated his
moral integrity. Someone who voluntarily assumes a professional role in a
society, …
Over and above the cash he has with him at the time, he would have to sell off his
belongings to pay back the broker. Under such circumstances, Avinash refuses to
pay the money he had agreed to give to Raman and Dilip earlier, and asked …
I then told him I had been told that Warren (that was the name of his nephew) had
told him not to give me what he had agreed to, and I wanted to know if he would
do as he had agreed to or not. He said I belonged to him, and I could not help …
He+had+agreed He+had+agreed
He had no idea how it could help but would do it because he had agreed he
would. He returned several weeks later to his follow-up session, elated and
visibly thinner. He reported that after his session, he was puzzled. He thought
climbing a …
The Losing of the West 149 He soon became so tired of book making that he
would have abandoned the task but for the fact that he had agreed to tell the
complete story. When he once gives his word, nothing will turn him from fulfilling
his …
When he got that from them, he did what he had agreed with Darius to do. On the
tenth day he led out his Babylonian army and encircled the thousand — those
first soldiers he had told Darius to station there — and killed them all.
He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed He+had+agreed
By the time David Shapiro arrived home from the synagogue he was in an
expansive mood, as he was every year, greeting the family with the same hearty "
Happy holiday!" and, as he did every year, seating himself upon the throne
reserved …
So while my father was touring in Europe in 1977 with the Cleveland Orchestra,
as he did every year from August through September, my mother sold the house
we lived in and bought the Tudor mansion. I still don't know how she did this …
He awoke on his birthday and jumped out of bed, hoping, as he did every year,
that this time his father would be waiting for him downstairs. Want to spend the
day with him. Just him. Even at twelve, he hadn't given up those childhood
fantasies …
We were all casualties. Dash, of course, was the biggest casualty. As Christmas
1995 approached, so did our end-of-year trip to Maui. As I did every year, I invited
Dash to come with us. And as he did every year, when we talked on the phone, …
It wasn't so difficult for her to ride these days, now that she was so much taller,
and since Joey had taken a look at it last autumn before he'd gone home to Italy -
as he did every year after the summer was over - it didn't make that awful noise …
The bill had the support of both the Democratic mayor, Richard M. Daley, and the
Republican governor, George Ryan. As he did every year at Christmas, Obama
took his family to Hawaii to visit his grandmother, who was approaching eighty.
Edward dished out the presents one at a time, as he did every year. The family
watched as Max ripped the paper off each one, tearing through the pile of
presents like a mini-tornado. He was disgustingly spoilt, as he was every year,
but …
He'd laid in a store of nuts and dried berries and prayed, as he did every year,
that it would be enough to see him and his mate through till spring. And night fell
quicker now than in the autumn, meaning that predators like the owl were abroad …
And, as he did every year, Francis would use it as an opportunity to try to
conceive an heir. A shiver worked its way down her spine at the thought. It wasn't
that she didn't want children—she did, in theory. But the very idea of subjecting a
poor …
In spite of sounding vigorous and effective, Edward had again been sick by the
time that Congressional session ended. Nevertheless, he was in Savannah in
ample time to lead the Guards in the July 4 observances as he did every year.
Considering every surprise he'd ever had at this time of year was a bad one, and
familiar with his uncle's wily manipulations, he'd almost turned around and driven
up to his cabin in Tahoe as he did every year during the holidays. He felt …
Clovis had been anxiously waiting for this day as he did every year. Opening day
of archery season had finally arrived, and every year he spent 1 0 days
backpacking into the Bob Marshall Wilderness, hunting bull elk. The elk rut was
his …
He had asked her, as he did every year, precisely a month before the actual day,
what it was that she wished for as a gift. 'Surprise me, darling!' she had exclaimed
. 'Get me something, anything, just surprise me!' He had pointed out quite …
We showed off little Jennifer while my dad wrapped my mom's gift in his
workroom, just as he did every year. John usually helped my dad wrap my mom's
portable vacuum or whatever he had picked up at Ace Hardware. I always made
sure to …
… and seen the New Year coming in on television watching the Jools Holland's
show as he did every year. He had heard the celebrations outside going on for
hours, but had obviously drifted off to sleep as he had never heard the sound of …
Early in the semester, these apprentices were far from casting even the simplest
spell. Cardigan, as he did every year, was having his pupils go over the wording
of what he considered the easiest spell to cast; flaming palm. It would take most if …
Dan was turning defensive, as he did every year. “Don't blame me. I saw to it he
was Bar Mitzvahed —” at which my mother naturally put in, “So I suppose you're
blaming my daughter?” At this point, I'd generally add my own two cents. Instead …
A few days before the Chrysanthemum Festival on the ninth of the Ninth Month, a
chestnut seller from Tanba Province on a trip to Kyoto stopped at the calendar
maker's house, as he did every year at that time. After rambling on about all sorts …
As he did every year since a child, Clay welcomed Christmas with open arms and
let it saturate him to the bone. Chelsea had gotten her second wind and began
roaming the area. Despite her reluctant body, her young and eager mind was …
… so the crew was hauling today. And tomorrow was Thanksgiving, which meant
Delaney and Tucker had this week off from school and that his father had likely
taken them to Portland in the floatplane as he did every year. Grady must be
trying …
As he did every year at this time, he was here to present his work to the Academy.
All the members were present at the session: in the first row sat his faithful
supporters, both chemists and physicists: Dumas, Thenard, Reg- nault, Balard.
Gehrig watched them fall, same as he did every year, and soldiered on. On
August 2, as a game against the Indians stretched drearily into the thirteenth
inning, the first baseman swung at a pitch and missed it badly. He felt a twinge
run down …
they knew it, it was time for Garrett's birthday in March, on which he pretended
that he was twenty-nine again as he did every year for the last ten or so years.
Three weeks later, it was Irmgard's birthday, and as the week started, everyone in
the …
Parson Phelps had preached against it, as he did every year, and all the more
fervently when he had heard that this year's exhibits included a Man-Eating Wart-
hog, a Ten-Foot Woman, and a Latvian hermaphrodite with a fan of ostrich
plumes …
Alderson met Souetre in 1953 while serving as an Army officer in France. They
worked together on security issues at a French air base. As he did every year,
Alderson sent a Christmas card to Souetre, and somehow that came to the
attention …
General von Thunberg would soon make his welcoming speech from the steps,
as he did every year, once the Minister of the Interior and the king's sister had
arrived. Perry would leave then, while they were all distracted. There was just
one …
Most of the congregation lingered in the pews to share fellowship and laughter,
but just as he did every year, Uncle Jacob urged his family toward the door as
soon as the final hymn was sung. They L-€ge Sugar Qamfv Quiff “N? 105.
65 That summer Gortz accompanied his rediscovered friend on the Nord-
landreise, as he did every year thereafter until at least 1 901. 66 The two men
seem to have got on well, but the friendship never became as intense as
Eulenburg's …
as+he+did+every+year as+he+did+every+year
Contents: A temporary matter — When Mr. Pirzada came to dine — Interpreter of
maladies — A real durwan — Sexy — Mrs. Sen's — This blessed house — The
treatment of Bibi Haldar — The third and final continent. isbn 978-0-395-92720-5 …
to+dine to+dine
Marsh (£ra 2), To dine in the coach. In the captain's private room. The coach or
couch of one of the old, large-sized men-of-war was a small apartment near the
stern, the floor being formed of the aftmost part of the quarterdeck, and the roof by …
Tools appeal to Dine for many reasons, but three stand out: their connection to
his adolescence, their association with work and the worker, and their formal
beauty. From the age of nine to eighteen, Dine worked summers in his
grandfather's …
If I remonstrated you always had one observation: 'If I don't dine with you, where
am I to dine? You don't suppose that I am going to dine at home.' It was
unanswerable. And if I absolutely refused to let you dine with me, you always
threatened …
to+dine to+dine to+dine
3 Where to Stay In the Center In the Alfama In the Bairro Alto In the Graca District
In the Alcantara In Alto de Santo Amaro At Parque Das Nacoes Near Jardim
zoologico In Entre campos In Belem 4 Where to Dine In the Center In the Bairro
Alto …
Orientation Arriving Visitor Information Getting Around Tours Where to Stay
Central Reykjavík Outside The City's Heart Where to Dine Cafes & A Bakery What
to See & Do Old City Old Port (Hafn) Around The Pond South of the Pond East of
the …
to+dine to+dine
… the Airport Where to Dine Near Stazione Termini In San Lorenzo Near Via
Veneto & Piazza Barberini Near Ancient Rome Near Campo De' Fiori &the
Jewish Ghetto Near Piazza Navona&the Pantheon Near Piazza Del Popolo & the
Spanish …
to+dine to+dine
(b) Dine College grants (1) There are authorized to be appropriated for grants to
Dine College such sums as are necessary for fiscal years 2009 through 2014 to
pay the cost of — (A) the maintenance and operation of the College, including …
Madeleine admires the beautiful bracelet he has made for her, and she begs him
to dine. But alas! it is impossible. Today he dines with his mother. Good naturedly
the prima donna accepts the excuse, for nothing. 227 Madeleine Rheingold …
… Stephen's Green/Grafton Street Area Fitzwilliam Square/Merrion Square Area
O'Connell Street Area North of the Liffey Ballsbridge & the Southern Suburbs
Where to Dine Historic Old City/Liberties & Around Temple Bar/Trinity College
Area …
Unfortunately, if you plan to dine well and often, you will be spending heavily.
Almost everything in the restaurants' kitchens is imported, and the cost is passed
on to you. To ease the sting and allow visitors to try a variety of eateries, two …
Did you hear the intimacy that He wants to share with you. . .not just to visit you,
but to dine with you. . .to be a part of your life?! In your spiritual journey, as you go
about your day. . .give your cares to God and remember that you do not have to …
The Tremiti The Tuscan Archipelago Chapter 5: Bay of Naples Islands Strategies
for Visiting the Islands Capri Essentials The Top Attractions Outdoor Pursuits
Exploring the Island Where to Stay Where to Dine Shopping Ischia Essentials
The …
… Snorkeling Surfing Yoga & Spiritual Journeys White-Water Rafting Chapter 6:
Kuta 1 Getting There & Getting Around 2 Where to Stay Kuta Tuban (South Kuta
Beach) 3 Where to Dine Kuta Tuban 4 Exploring Kuta 5 Shopping Books
Clothing …
to+dine to+dine to+dine
… Moderate Haidhausen Very Expensive Expensive Bogenhausen Expensive
Untermenzing Moderate Obermenzing Moderate Neuhausen Moderate
Nymphenburg Moderate Near the Airport Expensive Moderate Chapter 6: Where
to Dine in …
Simply select the attractions you wish to experience, the restaurants at which you
plan to dine, and any breaks you plan to take. Our Web site will determine the
best order in which to do these activities to minimize your waits in line and avoid …
Air Marshal Douglas To dine Saturday. General Nye To … Air Marshal Harris
General Eaker (U.S.A.) To dine Sunday. Mr. Harriman … Mr. Harry Hopkins
General Marshall Admiral Pound General Brooke To dine and sleep Friday. Air
Marshal …
to+dine to+dine
with his father
After the battle the Chief revisited the spot to find that the straw hive had changed
into the helmet of brass, mentioned above." Bees are supposed to make a loud
humming noise in their hives at midnight on Christmas Eve. When the alteration …
on+Christmas+Eve on+Christmas+Eve
On Christmas Eve many a South Slavonian and Bulgarian peasant swings an
axe threateningly against a barren fruit-tree, while another man standing by
intercedes for the menaced tree, saying, " Do not cut it down ; it will soon bear
On Christmas eve we three met again, and my notes inform me that
MacShaughnassy brewed some whisky-punch, according to a recipe of his own,
a record suggestive of a sad Christmas for all three of us. No particular business
appears to …
It is traditionally served on Christmas Eve. A similar stuffed pasta is cappelleti,
named for its shape, a “little hat.” Cured meats are a specialty of the region,
including salami and sopresseta (similar to salami but rougher textured);
mortadella, …
Many women and children believe that those who are born on Christmas eve,
just at the very time that our Lord was born, will continue until their death to be
transformed into a ghost while asleep, every year just on Christmas eve. They
then go …
Candy and her coworkers at Johnson's drugstore while away the last working
hour on Christmas Eve by engaging with two colorful shoppers, "vaudevillian"
actresses. Candy admires these women, dressed in fur coats and verbally acute,
but …
"You're a good sport," he said, "I have an aunt just like you." He waved cheerfully.
"Good luck, Mrs. Austin." "Good luck," she repeated vaguely. "Goodbye." "
Goodbye . . ." A Very Mei\i\y Christmas After midnight on Christmas Eve hundreds
• 26 …
In this case, Act One has Scott Peterson, on Christmas Eve, in the early afternoon
, returning from a “fishing trip” in Berkeley's Marina to find his pregnant wife Laci
missing, with her cell phone and pocket- book left behind. This, already, is …
… ascribed A series positions in turn in front of a present tense "core" sentence.
Thus, in our example, the core sentence 'He marries this week' is successively
elaborated into 'Two weeks ago, he marries this week', 'Two weeks hence, …
Exhibit 5.1 shows the nine possible yields that the manager believes can occur
two weeks hence. The exhibit shows … The random variable in this illustration is
the yield two weeks hence and it can take on nine possible outcomes. This is the …
At the end of that Session I had to ask him to make a couple of small changes in
the times of his sessions two weeks hence. In the next Session, he refused to lie
down on the couch. After a silence, he recalled two dream fragments. One was …
two+weeks+hence two+weeks+hence two+weeks+hence
To illustrate, if the activity was originally estimated at three weeks, two weeks of
effort have been spent, and the team member is indicating a projected
completion date two weeks hence, then two things are apparent: that the activity
has slipped …
two+weeks+hence two+weeks+hence
I explain that because of one kidney, and therefore no contrast, the CT scan is
unclear and I have arranged for an MRI two weeks hence. She puts me on hold
and Susan takes over. In a very loud, strident voice, a voice that forces me to
move …
two weeks hence, trying to put down the rebellion. We'll be there. And you'll
lead your men to victory there, ye will.” “I wish I had your confidence, Uncle.” “Ye
will, lad. In time. Now let's get these lads back to work, eh?” The caber tossing
now …
Being an unimaginative, humorless stiff among them. His voice rose: “Spin Test
Alpha will be performed two weeks hence.” Damon stepped to the side. Ken's
concentration broke and he rushed to the mike asking if there were any questions
What is the stock's expected value two weeks hence? Four weeks hence? 16. A
bank specializing in credit cards for university alumni has just purchased the
rights to exclusively market its cards at a major northeastern university. On the
basis …
If the committee members agree that the study is ready to defend then the
defense date is set two weeks hence. The student should hand the dissertation to
committee members and inform them that the student and his or her chair would
like to …
… replaced two weeks hence with another group to be trained for two weeks and
so on. I hate to sound somber or negative, but the future does not appear to have
the word peace in it. Ironically, the Japanese 447 Terranova, A Remembrance.
two+weeks+hence two+weeks+hence
Meanwhile, we obtained Bishop Mafu's permission to bring weekly food supplies
to his family until he started receiving a paycheck about two weeks hence. When
we learned that our mission would be cut short a few weeks, we broke the news …
When I return home, I find that a closing has been set two weeks hence and that
the buyer is paying all cash. The owners move their furniture out, have the house
painted, look at other houses to buy, and approve the contracts their lawyer has …
“There would be little use of having it if you didn't attend.” “Nonsense,” Alaina
replied. “There's always a reason for a good party.” “Here then, if Patrick is well
enough two weeks hence, 95 Alaina's Promise.
Upon returning to his apartment building that evening, he promptly reserved the
Sea Crab Manor's “rumpus room” for a Saturday two weeks hence. (In addition to
its use for the Sea Crab's weekly Friday night kareoke, the rumpus room was …
He had left St George's Bay two months before, and expected to be at the Bay of
Despair in two weeks hence. This was his second year in Newfoundland ; he was
accompanied by his wife only. My Indian told him that I had come to see the …
The judge set a date two weeks hence for sentencing and thanked the jury for
their service before discharging them. For the next two weeks, Tom spent his time
visiting Richard's dreams. Two more weeks later, after reviewing records, …
Two weeks later, Jubal was officially told that his quarterback was officially
ineligible, could continue to practice with the team, but could not play in games
until he passed the proper test, which would be given two weeks hence. By that
time …
You fixate on it the rest of the morning and much of the afternoon, calling the
doctor for an appointment when you come back to the office after lunch. From that
moment until your appointment two weeks hence you have cancer—at least in
your …
"I am going to inform my daughter that you will be arriving two weeks hence." He
paused. "I will not go back on my word to the child." Edwina nodded, even though
she was alone. "I will be there." "Excellent." "Mr. Dunnegin, what is the child's …
He began his request in this way to conceal his real motive, which was to change
the flight date from two weeks hence to tomorrow, though why he felt he needed
this bit of subterfuge, he could not say. However, as he spoke, he realized that …
She was not prepared for the letter arriving from the Education Department, with
a date set for an interview at Winchester some two weeks hence. She rang to
confirm she would attend. The lady she spoke to told her she would be one of the …
and hoped to have finished it
… would have left by then. Three points should be borne in mind here. First, only
indicative forms are tensed see 1.10. Second, all tenses have nonprogressive
and progressive forms: I live here and I'm living here are both 22 1. Introduction III
*R: By then I shall have been learning English for three years (b) S: That
spaceship'll still be circling the earth in a year's time. *R: By then it will have been
circling the earth for three years. (c) S: You and Tom'll still be working on this
book in a …
She will have prepared it by then. Exercise 1 Answer the questions. 1. What will
Annie have to be ready with by Monday? 2. What project will she do? 3. What will
she have done by the end of this week? 4. What will she have prepared based …
… principles ©[mit dem Zusammenbau beschäftigt sein) to be building; wir sind
noch dabei aufzubauen we are still building; bis dahin müssen wir aufgebaut
haben we have to have finished building by then III. vr © [fam: sich postieren) sich
vor …
If Ay < By then (AC)y > AB and (BD)y > CD. … By construction, and since A, B, C,
D are all distinct, exactly one of the following has to be true: Subcase (i): Either
Cy = Ay = By or Dy = Ay = By. Then, by construction, Ax, Bx < Cx — Dx or Ax, …
If two numbers jc and y are such that their arithmetic mean exceed their
geometric mean by -r and the geometric mean exceed their harmonic mean by —
, then the value of (jc, y) is (a) 3, 12 (b) 4, 8 (c) 6, 9 (d) 9, 12 (e) 6, 24 Hint: Since
G2 = AH …
… dann od. dahin will ich Ergebnisse sehen/muss ich mich noch gedulden I want
to see re- sults by then/I must be patient until then: ~ wann dauert das Konzert?
till or until when does the concert go on?; how long does the concert last?; ~* jetzt …
The C.I.A. sent information about the two men to the F.B.I, in late August, but by
then there was little time left for the bureau to track them down. The committee
investigating the hijackers was also told by a retired F.B.I, agent who was the …
From that time on it seemed to be on the increase. It reached unprecedent- ed
proportions, and was pursued with previously unknown determination and
passion. By then it had developed all the characteristics of racial anti-semitism,
and its …
By then, in the late 1950's, the separation of (linguistic) anthropology and
linguistics into different university departments, the long absence of a leader
comparable to Boas or Sapir, the relative decline in influence of linguistics
among the four …
… first proposed in 1972 by then Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs
Sinnathamby Rajaratnam. This concept suggested that Singapore's survival
depended on its ability to create a continuing demand for its services in the world
No reference is made to the breaking of pottery vessels in these late texts, which
may indicate that the practice had by then been abandoned. B. The earliest
textual reference to a ritual called sd dirwt is found in Pyr. Spr. 244, where it …
as un grand fantosme, and that's it.17 Then there is the German tourist Johannes
Fichard who was taken round the city in the early 1530s, by then Medicean once
more, and was told that it was an Orpheus.1* I do not know whether an attempt …
It was further linked to the concept of the "global city" first proposed in 1972 by
then Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs Sinnathamby Rajaratnam. This
concept suggested that Singapore's survival depended on its ability to create a …
From the wealth of terms that had by then been used and suggested, Betz (1949)
devised a coherent terminology, which he applied to the Latin lexical influence
on the Old High German translation of the Benediktinerregel (c. 800). Betz first …
… although it is a group homomorphism, since f(a b) = lab #2a2b = f(a) fib). (e) Let
Z (V2 ) = {m +/i -v/2 : m, n e z} - Then z(V2J forms a ring under usual addition and
multiplication of real numbers. Define / : Z(>/2 ) -> Z(V2 ) by Then / is …
The latter is an interesting misnomer. It is true that when the first machines were
introduced in 1967 they did little more than give the customer access to cash in a
fixed amount. In 1977 there were about 1,300 machines, which by then offered …
By then, too, the first movers in Germany and the United States in the electrical
equipment industry had taken over world markets. With the competitive
advantages derived from economies of scale or scope these first movers long
remained …
For example, it is possible to give continuous aspect to actions begun and
completed by the time of narration, if their non-completion is relevant to another
time within the discourse: by then I had already been choosing my officer for
several …
Emile van der Vekene. of new studies only after more than 50 years, when an
attributive analysis of the by then well known codes of San Giovanni Evangelista
was proposed63. The first attempt at incrementing the number of Parmesan choir …
… to be translated to a more lucrative see, as was the case with Butler and Van
Mildert, both preferred to Durham, Seeker and Cornwallis to Canterbury, Hume to
Salisbury, and Pretyman (by then Preryman-Tomline) and Sumner to Winchester.
By then there was a market for livestock in Arizona. The military became the
biggest client of ranchers, in some years buying close to 1 ,000 head. The
Cavalry depended on horses and mules, animals that demanded hay and oats,
while the …
if a plumber didn’t intervene
99 Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired 100 Adjectives and adverbs 1 (
quick/quickly) 101 Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well/fast/late, hard/hardly) 102 So
and such 103 Enough and too 104 Quite, pretty, rather and fairly 105
Comparison 1 …
HENRY IV, PART ONE Hotspur (Act I, Scene iii) 72 Hotspur (Act II, Scene iii) 78
Falstaff(Act V, Scene i) 83 n 0 Z H m z HENRY IV, PART TWO Mistress Quickly (
Act II, Scene i) 87 Lady Percy (Act II, Scene iii) 91 King Henry IV (Act III, Scene i)
98 …
At The mountain slopes cool quickly, night, the flow reverses.
chillingtheairincontact with them.The cooler, more-dense airglidesdownslopeinto
the valley, providinga mountain breeze. (Because gravity is the force that directs
these winds …
7, 1943, Kimball, ed., Correspondence, z: 441; FDR to Henry Stimson, quoted in
Blum, ed., Morgenthau Diaries, 3: 174; FDR to Eleanor Roosevelt, quoted in
Aglion, 154. his plan risked endangering the Western world. By considering
Western …
Thus, the probability of a particular bivariate polynomial being compromised can
be estimated as Pcd = 1 — J2l=o P[* compromised shares]. Since f is any
polynomial in J7, the fraction of compromised links between non-compromised
nodes …
Christ Arose 86 February:Winter Boredom 87 Autumn,The Colorful Season 88
Our Laws Keep Being Compromised 89 On LosingYour Temper 90 In-Between
Time 91 The Star Led The Way 93 A Thought Challenge 94 Dreams 95
Illustrations …
CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 Why are Organizations Being
Compromised? .......... 27 Introduction ..............................................................................
.....27 Doing Good Things and Doing the Right Things .........................28 Security
is Not …
5.2 The Faction of Additional Network Communications Being Compromised To
understand how resilient our proposed scheme is, it is better to investigate the
influence caused by the event that an attacker has already captured b nodes over …
How do we protect the root CA from being compromised? The most common way
for an intruder to hack into … Doing so will pre- vent the private key from being
compromised by intruders.We can make the CA servers offline using any of the …
… 40 Pathogen Status Gets Lost in the Terminology Morass 40 Principles of
Pathogen Status Are Being Compromised 41 Scientists Have Little Appreciation
of Pathogen Status 41 References 42 Genetic Background and Phenotypes in
Animal …
We also assume that both s and d are secure, and the probability of other nodes
being compromised is ps. Then the probability of the session key 0.00 0.05 0.10
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 co 412 Z. J. Shi, B. Wang & F. Zhang.
Nodes, roaming in a hostile environment (e.g., a battlefield) with relatively poor
physical protection, have non-negligible probability of being compromised.
Therefore, we should not only consider malicious attacks from outside a network,
but …
On most networks, if a single system is compromised, it can lead to the entire
network being compromised. If a single host is compromised as a result of a bad
or captured password, it can lead to other hosts being compromised.
How do we protect the root CA from being compromised? The most common way
for an intruder to hack into the CA is via a network attack. Networks in a large
enterprise can be very complex; therefore, they are very difficult to maintain and …
Incidents of computer break-in and sensitive information being compromised are
fairly common. Utility providers using information technology for efficient
management of resources across increasingly greater regions are vulnerable to
service …
Likewise, “being compromised” sounds invasive. Whereas compromise might
appear to be a fair way to resolve conflict, to many of us this response may not
seem very appealing. To compromise requires going halfway. That may be going …
… It 61 Spyware and Adware 61 Encryption Methods and Vulnerabilities 63
Protecting Data from Being Compromised 64 Internet Tracing Methods 65
Security and Wireless Technologies 69 Avoiding Pitfalls with Firewalls 71
Biometric Security …
There are mainly three causes for a long term private key being compromised: (1)
the underlying computational problems are broken; (2) a user accidentally loses
the key; (3) an attacker breaks into the physical or logical location where the …
The specification describes detailed procedures to obtain such a cer- tificate and
measures that need to be taken to protect the private key that belong to the
certificate from being compromised. Signed code is seen äs the solution to the …
… it generally pivot on a sense that something “pure” is being lost and that the
unique attributes of sport – moral, ethical, social – are being compromised by
aggressive commercialism,xenophobia, hysteria, calculated manipulation, and
so on.
Probability of a secure link being compromised when a number of nodes are
captured is directly proportional to the number of copies of a key. In scheme II,
number of copies of a key is a parameter determined by sI and sc. In Figure 5, for …
Not only is the balance of the earth being compromised but individual health is
also being compromised. J: So what can be done? K: It goes back to the value
system again. If people value temporary enjoyment more than their true well-
being, …
… to mitigate (and thus intelligently assume) those risks • Enough humility and
vision to plan for the possible failure of even your most elaborate security
measures you can greatly reduce your systems' chances of being compromised.
At least …
Before we begin, let's briefly summarize the different remote access technologies
available in Check Point NG: SecuRemote provides an IPSec-based VPN from a
desktop to a firewall to prevent information from being compromised.
I also demonstrate that across space quantity and quality are positively correlated
. I conclude — at least in our sample villages — that the quality of infrastructure is
not being compromised for its quantity expansion during the entire sample …
The probability of some bivariate polynomial being compromised is PC shown in
equation (9). For the sake of computation, it supposed that we need an average
of k paths to transfer a key, and each path have an average of 3 hops. So the …
Additionally, threshold cryptography provides different proactive mechanisms to
secure the key from being compromised. The key parts will be updated
periodically using proactive secret sharing [16]. This makes the old key parts
obsolete …
Vgl. zum Gefühl der Scham den bemerkenswerten Aufsatz von VELLEMAN, „The
Genesis of Shame", worin sich die folgende Definition findet (ebd., 50): "(S)hame
is the anxious sense of being compromised in one's self-presentation in a way …
It is because, despite the clear possibility of being compromised personally (say,
a hierarch who collaborated with the regime) or of a social institution being
compromised (the church as a political entity that collaborated with the regime), it
is …
The general questions for the social worker are: What range of social role
functioning is efficacious, even under conditions of being compromised or at risk
due to mental health and/or addiction problems? What are the likely impacts, …
… difference between being compromised and not being compromised. In
addition, in some environments, what you don't know can directly affect
employment-—yours. With the increasing prevalence of consumer privacy laws in
states such as …
… that they be not opened«, or giving instructions to the recipients in order to
minimise their being compromised, this was part of a more general »epistolary
anxiety« that was a common feature of the early-modern culture of epistolarity,
the fear …
… Rechtsstaatsverständnis zur Enttäuschung und Ori- entierungslosigkeit
innerhalb Deutschlands fuhren mußte. Ein amerikanischer Beobachter beschrieb
diesen Aspekt folgendermaßen: »Law and justice are being compromised. (. . .)
From …
Witnesses 133 Feature Case: Andrea Yates 133 Competency of Witness 135
Duty to Tell the Truth 136 Ability to Narrate 138 Procedure to Establish
Competency 138 Impeachment 138 Bias or Prejudice 139 Prior Felony
Convictions 143 …
Truthfulness, translated to telling the truth in the health care arena, is based on
the principle of veracity, which means that nurses are ethically obligated to tell
the truth and not intentionally deceive or mislead patients (Aiken, 2004).
Moreover, the obligation to tell the truth is a positive obligat1on and, as we saw in
Chapter 5, in the matter of (most) such duties, we are obligated only to adopt
general maxims. We do have to act on them, but we normally have a moral title to …
About what is one asked to tell the truth? In the past, justice wanted to tell the
truth about the “shared knowledge” through a levelling out of knowledge and
controlled communication, which allowed justice to tell its truth. Nowadays
knowledge …
“A writer's job is to tell the truth,” said Hemingway in 1942. No other writer of our
time had so fiercely asserted, so pugnaciously defended or so consistently
exemplified the writer's obligation to speak truly. His standard of truth-telling
remained, …
… with twelve-year- old Joel a myriad of emotions, including fear, guilt, and blame
, and reconciliation with his father, as Joel struggles with the drowning of his
friend, Tony, and with his own decision on whether to tell the truth about his part
in it.
To tell the truth, I could beat anybody in the world. Someone once asked me,
what I am going to do when I am fifty or sixty. I replied "Man, there ain't going to
be no fifty or sixty-year-old that can push me around." On why Hollywood's elite
want …
Witnesses in a court of law are often asked to “swear to tell the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth.” Can you think of a less subjective alternative for
this oath? 3. Procter & Gamble makes Olestra and financed the study described
in …
Citizens are asked: do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
the truth? (The correct answer probably is: I will if you will let me.) But the lawyer
questioning the citizen can immediately proceed on the basis that the truth is not …
affectionately /a'fek.p' adverb She smiled affectionately at him. affidavit /.aef.
a'dei.vit/ noun [C] a written statement which someone makes after they have
sworn officially to tell the truth, and which might be used as proof in a court of law …
… an agent-causal event—the agent's causing the formation of an intention to tell
the truth, which in turn caused the completion of the act. Now, van Inwagen says,
suppose that God were to “roll back” the universe to a moment shortly before …
How to tell the truth in a small town, where, if a discouraging word is heard, it is
not for public consumption? Like many who have written about Dakota, I'm
invigorated by the harsh beauty of the land and feel a need to tell the stories that
come …
… sign stands in for it. Thus semiotics is in principle the discipline studying
everything which can be used in order to lie. If something cannot be used to tell a
lie, conversely it cannot be used to tell the truth: it cannot in fact be used 'to tell' at
As observed by one court: Not only does it pose problems in terms of the child's
appreciation of the need to tell the truth with precision and accuracy, but the
trauma attendant upon testimony in open court—subject to examination and …
The obligation to keep a promise is thus similar to but more constraining than the
obligation to tell the truth. To avoid lying you need only believe in the truth of what
you say when you say it, but a promise binds into the future, well past the …
To tell the truth: Will the real public theology please stand up?,” Journal of the
Society of Christian Ethics 23/2, 55-96. Cilliers, J C 1994. God vir ons. 'n Analise
en beoordeling van Nederduitse Gereformeerde Volksprediking (1960-1980).
And the difficulty is that sometimes it's hard to tell the truth because you think that
the truth is too personal, or too boring, to tell. Or both. And sometimes it's hard to
tell the truth because the truth is hard to see, because it exists in a misty, gray …
For instance, everyone might agree that one has a duty to support one's parents if
able to do so; one has a duty to obey the law (unless it is an immoral law); and a
police officer has a moral and ethical duty to tell the truth on a police report.
They may have to learn not to tell the truth all the time. While honesty is a virtue,
peers at this stage are starting to tell white lies so as not to hurt friends' feelings,
or to express solidarity and allegiance to friendship by not informing an adult
ofthe …
… they share certain features that, when taken together, distinguish them as a
group from lemurs and lorises. Here's a partial list of these traits: 1. A larger
average body size 2. Larger brain in absolute terms and relative to body weight 3
The opposite gain property states that when an independent player becomes the
follower of another player, their indices change equally in absolute terms but with
different directions. Non-detrimentality of opinion leaderships then implies that …
… to keep bond demand in line with the given stock of B. The slope of the
equilibrium schedule for demand and supply of foreign bonds, given by the FF
curve, is also negative but in absolute terms lower than the slope of the BB-curve:
de W f …
In absolute terms the United States had a much higher output per worker than the
USSR. Thus, in 1960 output per worker in the USSR accounted for 26 or 41
percent of that in the United States (BERGSON, 1978). He emphasizes that …
An r2 of .01 is indeed small in absolute terms, but when it represents a ten
percentage point increase in survival, it may well be considered large. On the
other hand, an entrance examination that accounts for 20% of the variance in
freshman …
Over this period, the distribution of total public spending on education changed
from mildly regressive to progressive in absolute terms,56 with the poorest decile
obtaining a share of educational spending (12 percent) that was twice as large …
<Math, Tax> absolut • in absolute terms <Econ> absolut, in absoluten Größen
absolute address 1 . <Comms> absolute Adresse f; 2. <Comp> absolute Adresse
f, echte Adresse f, tatsächliche Adresse f absolute addressing <Comms, Comp> …
Allow the comparison to be quantified in absolute terms (as with a risk difference
or rate difference) or in relative terms (as with a relative risk or odds ratio) (see
Chapter 6) 3. Permit the investigators to determine when the risk factor and the …
The within-groups dispersion increased in absolute terms during both subperiods
. Extending the Blinder–Oaxaca Approach 389. Actual results 1982 1990 1998
Component Between groups 11.5 6.46 14.65 Within groups 17.89 21.74 26.48 …
… but its contribution to them small in absolute terms.109 . . . most small countries
have a more specialized export industry than large countries. This follows from
the distribution of natural 46 WEAK STATES IN THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM.
The negotiator can view these costs in absolute terms, or she can view them in
relative terms. In viewing a negotiation in absolute terms, the negotiator merely
looks at the costs that she is likely to incur if an agreement cannot be reached.
In contrast, a distribution of social spending in which the bottom quintile receives
10 percent of spending and the top quintile receives 30 percent is not
progressive in absolute terms, but can improve the income distribution if it is more
equally …
If we want to maintain the stability of the average price levels of all products, at
least some individual prices will have to fall in absolute terms whilst others will
rise. However, it is not easy to lower the prices of individual goods in absolute
terms, …
Article 15.2 reads in relevant part as follows: [w]ith regard to the volume of the
subsidized imports, the investigating authorities shall consider whether there has
been a significant increase in subsidized imports, either in absolute terms or …
Error ränge One standard deviation from mean (100%) of Accuracy in the
assessment of power (in percent terms) . Mean of power distribution Average
value for the normal distribution of power at initialization (in absolute terms) .
Power ränge …
However, allocated budgets are not equally distributed: those devoted to social-
science research, for instance, have decreased relatively, from 20,696 in 1975-
1976 to 18,8% in 1984-1985, and also in absolute terms (Bariteau, 1990).
Yet the £10 in absolute terms is substantially less than the 5% return of £50 on
the investment of £1,000. Accounting ratios are relative, as opposed to absolute,
measures. Imagine that at the start of the next year you inherit £100,000 and
place …
The 302ci-2V, The 1971 Cobra Jet 351ci-4V 351ci-2V, 351ci-4V, 351ciM-2V,
400ci2V, and Cobra Jet 351ci-4V were all engines used a hydraulic camshaft
with timing events in absolute terms of hydraulic while the 1971 Boss 351ci-4V
and the …
In the above examples, the individual items in the battery are formulated in
absolute terms, in the sense that each item in the … This question could be
presented in absolute terms, as follows: 'I'm going to read you a list of social
The big killers – Improvements in cancer and circulatory disease death rates
since 1995–1997(including for the mostdisadvantaged areas), with a narrowing
of inequalities in absolute terms for both. No significant change in relative terms
for …
Expressing the effects of an intervention in relative terms will result in larger
percentages than when the same intervention is expressed in absolute terms. For
example, suppose the use of a particular type of mattress reduced the risk of …
One view holds that poverty should be defined in absolute terms; the other holds
that poverty should be defined in relative … In absolute terms, poverty might be
defined as follows: Poverty exists when the income of a family of four is less than …
The cost of operations in absolute terms does not by itself indicate measure of
costs. Costs have to be worked out to compare the cost of providing the service
with the rate of earnings. Cost per kilometre is one of such relative measure
which is …
Without approaching these two extremes, the Buddha teaches the middle way of
specific conditionality or dependent origination, i.e., things exists, not in absolute
terms, but rather due to the confluence of multiple causes and conditions. Thus …
… most often in absolute terms are also very often appropriate. This is true in
particular for have, which is inappropriate only in about 3% of its occurrences.
The findings of Kaszubski also reveal that have is comparatively unproblematic
for the …
In this benchmark relative context, a long-only strategy in absolute terms can be
viewed as a long/short strategy in benchmark relative terms. One method for
controlling the extent to which these benchmark deviations are allowed is the …
INTRODUCTION Financial statements prepared in an organisation conveys the
financial information in absolute terms which may not be readily understood by
eveiyone. Moreover these statements do not disclose all the relevant and
required …
They chose to be poorer in absolute terms, as long as they could be richer in
relative terms. ©COMSTOCK RF/JUPITER IMAGES Sometimes, researchers
conclude from such a survey that an increase in one's absolute standard of living
(say, …
… Africa's rating on the Gini Coefficient (reduce disparities in wealth and poverty
and develop a more inclusive society); □ To improve South Africa's position in
the International Competitiveness League in absolute terms Source: Department
of …
In each of the three case studies, at the time of regime changes, GDP per capita
was low not only in absolute terms, but also compared with regional averages. In
Uganda, for example, the fall in incomes per capita between 1973 and 1980 of …
As shown in Table 6.1, while their numbers in absolute terms have constantly
and dramatically decreased, the proportion of skilled workers employed in West
German construction rose from 48 per cent in 1950 to 61 per cent by 1990, only
to …
it wasn’t
that important :
he didn’t intend to offer this
… young Akbar presenting a painting to his father Humayun, probably shortly
before his death in 1556. This can only have been a work from the prince's own
hand which he would thus have offered to his father. It must have been of keen …
Relieved, he handed the painting to his father. "Let's see..." the father
contemplated as he looked around the room. "Why don't you two go over and sit
on the bed; and I'll begin right here." Walking over to the wall opposite his son's
bed, …
When this page was mounted in an album, inscriptions were added to its frame
identifying the scene as Akbar's presentation of a painting to his father Humayun.
41 In general outline the composition resembles paintings such as Barbad …
A painting by cAbd al-Samad, belonging to the Gulistan Museum, Tehran,
employs a conceit in which the young prince offers a similar painting to his father.
The picture presents a most enticing vision of life in the Kabul court. Humayun
sits on …
In 1808, Peter Jay described the painting to his father as unfinished: “I have put
up your portrait by Stuart which you were so kind as to give me. It is an excellent
likeness but the unfinished state of the Drapery makes it look ill, Scl wish to have …
… (a) However, statutes usually override common law rule by providing that
unsolicited merchandise may be treated as a gift (3) Through prior dealings, by
agreement between parties, or when dictated by custom, silence can be
acceptance h.
Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, Edwin R. McDaniel. conducting business in
polo shirts and jeans. On many college and university campuses, you can find
professors who dress like their students. Other cultures are more formal, and this …
A partner can acquire a partnership interest in different ways. The usual methods
of acquisition are: (1) the purchase of a partnership interest from another partner;
(2) the acquisition of a partnership interest as a gift; (3) the acquisition of …
A Practical Guide for the Estate Planner Thomas J. Ray (Jr.) donor.11 But for gifts
to charity, the Court follows the common law rule, requiring, in other words, that
the donor only have donative intent: "[t]he sine qua non of a charitable …
Moreover, according to this conception gift should pass as incognito, that is to say
, it should not be recognized as a gift. "The impossible gift is one in which no one
acquires credit and no one contracts a debt. That in turn requires that neither …
… (a) However, statutes usually override common law rule by providing that
unsolicited merchandise may be treated as a gift (3) Through prior dealings, by
agreement between parties, or when dictated by custom, silence can be
acceptance h.
Any amount included in the gross income of a beneficiary under subchapter J
shall be treated for purposes of paragraph (2) as a gift, bequest, devise, or
inheritance of income from property. [Sec. 102(c)] (c) Employee Gifts. — (1) In
PART FIVE The Tax Basis of Property Received as a Gift 200 A Gifting Strategy
for Highly Appreciated Property 200 Alternatives May Be Less Taxing 200
Summary 201 Note 201 Recommended Reading 201 Review Questions 202 …
Bharat Tandon, Times Literary Supplement 'Hyde's book is so true to itself that I
get the impression it has long circulated as a gift, rather than being purchased
and consumed (as if a book could ever really be consumed) as a commodity.
A person claiming an inter vivos gift has the burden of showing that a gift was
intended by clear and convincing evidence. A problem arises when a check is
given as a gift, and the donor dies before the check is cashed. The Bolton case
points …
Using Customer Feedback As a Strategic Tool Janelle Barlow, Claus Møller.
complaint management or handling, except in very specific circumstances.
Complaints are one of the most direct and effective ways for customers to tell
businesses …
The development officer has greater personal investment in the decision about
whether or not the funds are posted as a gift or grant or contract. A research
administrator may not be judged specifically by the dollars generated by grants
and …
The only exception was that males and females were equally likely to use the
tactical motive of "displaying generosity" as a gift-giving strategy. On the other
hand, males and females did not differ in the frequency of their use of the three …
The starting point for determining the unadjusted basis is typically the cost of the
asset Special rules apply if the asset was not acquired by purchase (e.g., the
asset was acquired in an exchange, by inheritance, as a gift, or converted from …
Table of Contents 5.16 Unadjusted Basis of Your Property 115 5.17 Basis of
Property You Inherited or Received as a Gift 117 5.18 Joint Tenancy Basis Rules
for Surviving Tenants 119 5.19 Allocating Cost Among Several Assets 121 5.20
How …
So Caesar can say locum deligere castris, 'to choose a site for a camp', and the
phrase aliquid dono dare, 'to give something as a gift', is fairly common: Sail. Jug.
85, 38 virtus sola neque datur dono neque accipitur. 'Virtue alone is neither …
1 1.1 A Theological View of Human Sexuality 1 1.2 Sexuality as a Gift of God 4
1.3 Understanding Our Sexuality 6 1.4 The Christian Tradition 7 1.5 The Opposite
Aberration 12 1.6 A Comprehensive View of Human Sexuality 13 1.7 The …
However, Comment c to §127 states that, "A client's gift to a member of the
lawyer's family, or to a person or institution designated by the lawyer, is treated as
a gift to the lawyer if it was made under circumstances manifesting an intent to
evade …
Abstinence-focused curricula typically depict virginity as a gift to be given in
marriage and frame the stigma metaphor as an unacceptable alternative, while
comprehensive sex education curricula often present virginity loss as a step in a …
Incredible as it may seem, brothers and sisters have sometimes gone to court to
argue that a sum of money that a parent advanced to one child should be treated
not as a gift, but as a loan to be repaid to the estate. And even where siblings …
… receipt of a stock dividend or the stock was received in exchange for § 306
stock, or (3) has a basis determined by reference to the basis of § 306 stock (e.g.,
such as a gift of § 306 stock). (Corporate reorganizations are discussed in
Chapter …
To speak of the good is to speak of an exposure given as a gift that comes from
no place or thing. The gift is given by no one or thing, circulates everywhere, in
every place, a giving without a giver, without a receiver, given everywhere.
Sometimes the object given as a gift is returned to the donor having fulfilled its
purpose of cementing relationships or honouring a particular important guest.
There are many instances of prized objects such as cloaks being returned years
later …
He went on along the trench, and found the others waiting for him in the next
traverse. He was full of excitement and he wanted to communicate it to them, to
make them understand about this, though actually Abe North had seen battle
service …
She thought he did exactly what he wanted to. The steps by which she had
acquired him and the way in which she had … She would have bought him
anything he wanted. He knew that. She was a danmed nice woman too. He
would as soon …
Well, he did care, he wanted to be part of the gang. But he wanted to stand out,
too. “It was just something I wanted to do,” he said. “I wasn't trying to be better
than anybody else.” And he was shy beyond belief, that was the other thing.
He could look all he wanted, but it wouldn't change anything. Peyton James was
off-limits—that's all there was to it. The glittering diamond on her finger said as
much. That was his fault. If he hadjust swallowed his pride and his fear of being …
More? He wanted more? “And I could send out some... feelers. To some of my
classmates from school. See if anyone knows of anything I could—” “Uh-huh,” he
said, snorting as if she'd proposed plans to become empress of the planet Saturn.
He wanted to inquire about the Mohammedan doctor in the mosque. It was his
duty to report suspicious characters, and conceivably it was some disreputable
hakim who had prowled up from the bazaar. When she told him that it was
someone …
Jesus, he looked like he wanted to kill her. Keith's mad. Keith's mad. The words
pounded a crazy, panicked refrain through her head. 'Roid rage, they called it
from the steroids he used to get big. Whatever, when it got hold of him like this it
was …
Finding women who would give him what he wanted wasn't a trial. The only real
difficulty was avoiding those irritating emotional entanglements that women liked
to enmesh with the act. Fucking was fucking as far as he was concerned. The act …
He wanted to tell her how he really felt. He wanted to let … He wanted to let her to
know that he was tired of getting good grades. He wanted to let … He wanted to
let her know that his friend's suicide changed his life ... but he couldn't. He didn't …
“And?” ”He decided he wanted to finish the job?” “So then “before I sleep”, is a
symbol for?” “Death? He could have died there in that freezing cold.” “Now, he
had stopped deliberately, what do you make of that?” The rest of the students
perked …
… originally was Company property. 84 When each of them was a separate
owner of half a field, since giving peah cannot cross ownership lines. ni rm>n >•)
> 15 in in wn?n n'ji n in Rebbi Johanan said: If he wanted to cut half of
157), Publication From early on, then, the three 'novelettes' were treated by
Lawrence as a single volume, except that he wanted Mountsier to sell them to
magazines first. 'The Fox' was the first story to be placed,. 17 There was an earlier …
In an e-mail exchange with him, I learnt that by the term of „interaction" he wanted
to associate Habermas and Berger/ Luckmann. Were these authors important for
you? Habermas was and Berger and Luckmann and Thomas Kuhn. Kuhn was …
The Comanche Indians had the same law, Harvey had continued, so what, he
wanted to know, did it all prove? Nathan pushed Harvey's voice from his mind
and thought of his son, Ira — his brilliant and sweet Ira — measuring the sun.
Before …
He is now recognized as what he wanted to be all along: “one of the greatest
writers who ever lived.” If this were my book to dedicate, I would dedicate it to the
girl sitting next to me on the bus from Juan-les-Pins to Cannes reading a
paperback …
We got to the final form of the report that he gave and it was very close to what he
wanted to give. Q63] Damian Collins: Yes, and was very narrow in its— Jonathan
Chapman: Yes, very narrow. Q632 Damian Collins: But, without wishing to be …
… had a dog and he wanted a dog“, ist. Fortsetzung FN erzählungen eigenen
Erlebens Schütze 1987: 207-235 und Riemann 2000: 57f. zur Signifikanz von
Hintergrundskonstruktionen in interaktionsgeschichtlich-narrativen Interviews, …
But he was changing, moving on. He was done with the show. He wanted to write
. He'd started a book. … He blew out air, so relieved he wanted to laugh out loud.
“So what's keeping you awake, Pop?” “I get restless is all. Your mother kicks me …
How he loved her. And as he was thinking about her, he once again remembered
how they first met. He knew at first glance she was the one he loved. Before she
had even seen him, he knew in his heart that he wanted to spend the rest of his …
In fact, distance was the last thing he wanted between them— She cast him one
final glance and then crossed to his mare, which was cropping grass by the side
of the road. “One solution to your logical dilemma?” she said. “Get another boat.
He wanted two oranges One consequence of this seemingly innocent metaphoric
extension can be shown in extending the use of such verbs to contexts where the
subject seems to be considered responsible for initiating action. The following …
We did not want, and we do not want to raise our eyes to the Zenith of the
Universe of the Spirit, to the Empyreum of the Soul where He lives in glory, but
not even to that little mountain where He suffered in mortal flesh because He
wanted to …
Sixteen years after Ted had told her he wanted her out of his life for good and
forever, they could never be just friends any more than he could ever be just Ted.
Her stomach executed a vault worthy of a gold medal. “Listen,” she said, smiling …
More than anything, he wanted Martha to love him as he loved her, but the letters
were mostly chatty, elusive on the matter of love. She was a virgin, he was almost
sure. She was an English major at Mount Sebastian, and she wrote beautifully …
His last name was Bandini, and he wanted it to be Jones. His mother and father
were Italians, but he wanted to be an American. His father was a bricklayer, but
he wanted to be a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs. They lived in Rocklin, Colorado, …
He wanted half the money and he wanted me to pay a weekly advertising fee. On
the phone I could only give the agency fee amount and when I got there I would
have to collect that fee and give it to the driver. Then I would have to try to get …
Howe said, "He was so pleased with his design for a Christian Science Church in
Bolinas, California [never built], that he wanted something like it for himself." His
own was to have been high and square, each wall measuring thirty feet in …
And they weren't. So here they were, seven years later. They'd both changed.
Everything had changed. Well, perhaps not everything. Jacob was annoyed to
admit that he wanted Daisy. She wasn't like any other woman. She could look at
him, …
simply to show it to him
Why, then, Lord Talbot there shall talk with him, And give him chastisement for
this abuse.How say you, my lord? are you not content? Loan 'rALEo'r. Content,
my liege! yes, but that I am prevented, I should have begg'd I might have been …
Why,+then Why,+then Why,+then Why,+then Why,+then Why,+then
BASSANIO Why then, you must. But Bassanio then takes Graziano on one side
and gives him some advice. The more intimate tone immediately motivates a
pronoun switch: 'But hear thee, Graziano, Thou art too wild, too rude and bold of …
Why,+then Why,+then Why,+then Why,+then Why,+then Why,+then
Why, then, do most scientists maintain that animal experimentation is still
necessary? Although alternatives to animals exist and are used by scientists
when appropriate, the fact is that in most cases there are no good substitutes for
animals as …
So why, then, are shoppers made to touch sheets at their absolute worst? There's
a huge bed and bath emporium near my office where display sheets have all
been laundered once to pillowy perfection, then hung from hooks so shoppers
can …
What is the significance of the change in A-a gradient that occurred between 4
pm and 6 pm? 9. Why was Ralph's Pa(;o2 increased at 6 pm? What acid-base
abnormality did he have at that time? Why was he obtunded? ANSWERS ON
was+he was+he
Was he villainous and evil? Was he an alien monster? Was he an example of the
yellow peril, the pseudo-scientific discourse of the time among middle-class
Americans who feared a Japanese imperialistic invasion of the United States?
was+he was+he
I he was she k we you were they I he was not she (wasn't) it we were not you (
weren't) they I? was he? she? it? we? were you? they? I/he/she/it wasn't. No, we/
you/ they weren't. I/we/you/ they watched he/she/it begin (anfangen) -> began get …
As we have said, he was not a teacher of Latin, nor was he writing a grammar of
Latin. He was, however, greatly interested in the history of the language and he
saw inflectional variations as one of the means by which the limited vocabulary of …
… his digestive tract, his instincts lit him tor this bill-of-fare. That this is true today
seems evident enough; but has this always been so? Was th< lion always a flesh
eater, a killer, and was he always adapted to the flesh diet'r1 We do not think so.
If he was married and received the chess set on the same day of the week he
was born, how old was he when he got married? MATYC 135. by Frank Kocher
Miss Cohen is in her prime. Today is her birthday and her age is (as it was last
year) …
… dumm' 4460 mit Gen d Sache des was he b. 'das wollte er' 6215(:) ähnl 452h(:)
7123(:) he was des wale b. 'daran handelte er gut' 4342(:) ähnl [13004(:)] des
waren si wale bedacht ende wale b. 7265(:). S Istvl HUI Itransl behalden (8642), …
Not only was he unable to point to economic successes of his government, but he
had failed to keep his campaign promise of the previous election to reduce
unemployment. Far from falling, unemployment was rising. Unexpectedly buoyed
by …
The hall, the porch, even the yard were crowded with silent guests. The time had
come for him to speak— and what was he to say? Panic tightened his throat. The
room waited. At a sign from John Roberts all sounds were hushed. 'My people …
One of the taxi drivers in the village never took a fare past the entrance gate
without stopping for a minute and pointing inside; perhaps it was he who drove
Daisy and Gatsby over to East Egg the night of the accident, and perhaps he had …
… utmost care to prevent it from doing the harm.” 3. Fred was, of course, restricted
to the low cow district of the barn. He was not, in any sense, “loose”: he neither
escaped nor was he taken from the confines within which he was normally kept …
Was he alone or with a wife? asked grieving Shanda T, widow of the deceased
philosopher Pinchas T, who, in his only notable paper, “To the Dust: From Man
You Came and to Man You Shall Return,” argued it would be possible, in theory, …
It enabled him, at least, to redirect his attention from the cobwebs that were
suddenly attaching themselves in his mind. Grabbing his sports coat, he hopped
out of the booth, passed Warren Day, his late afternoon successor with a simple, '
Hey, …
Jokes in popular anthologies often work by suddenly attaching new attributes or
meanings to familiar phenomena in order to mentor the reader in what we would
now call "cultural studies," in the understanding of the complete cultural context …
This feature accounts for the danger of suddenly attaching a load that a system
might be well able to support if the load was added gradually. For a heavy bar, if
a; be the distance from the upper end, y the longitudinal displacement, y satisfies …
This feature accounts for the danger of suddenly attaching a load that a system
might be well able to support if the load was added gradually. For a heavy bar, if
a; be the distance from the upper end, y the longitudinal displacement, y satisfies
- …
If For A Time the Sky and Ground Traded Places Imagine a midsummer night
where the sky's belongings are toppling to Earth the moon loosens and lowers
itself stars break from the heaven's grip suddenly attaching themselves to the
fields …
Then suddenly attaching the battery can make a single pulse appear on the
scope, but no more will occur. The size of the capacitor, in either the base tank
circuit of Fig. 16.2 (B) or the collector tank (C) will control the length of that single
… Kevin to Michael to Natas and back to Kevin again, sensing the direction of the
pure hatred he'd noticed in Kevin's eyes . . . a hardness and cold disposition in
him he knew was suddenly attaching itself to and becoming a part of his old
friend …
The suffix 'Creech' sounded to my ears unreal, incongruous, rather impertinent,
like suddenly attaching a surname to one of the mythical figures of Miss Orchard's
stories of the gods and goddesses, or Mr Deacon's paintings of the Hellenic …
suddenly+attaching suddenly+attaching
so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it
A summary of the findings in relation to the subsidiary themes follows below. The
teaching aspect of the therapeutic work The analysis has shown teaching to be of
great significance. The earlier writers did not attach so much importance to it.
so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it
That is why we attach so much importance to it. What it also demonstrates — and
this again is different from the 1960s and 1970s — is the key importance of a
framework for monetary policy. What anchors inflation expectations is not the …
so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it
Why does Lacan attach so much importance to it? The shoes seem extrinsic to
the idealized image that Lacan had formed of Professor D. and in which he could
recognize himself. Indeed, on further inspection, the shoes are as it were a sort of …
The President : He attached so much importance to it that, by his desire, you went
to Paris to procure poison to rid him of these disagreeable animals. The next
witness was Dr. Pellatan, a professor in the School of Medicine. He said that on …
so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it so+much+importance+to+it
The best minds of the second century, indifferent or hostile to foreign religions,
had recourse to divination without embarrassment or scepticism, and the public
authorities attached so much importance to it that they prosecuted unauthorised …
What is puzzling about Dr. LeMoncheck's observation that there are overlaps
between sexual harassment and other kinds of wrongdoing is not whether it is
true (it clearly is) but why she attaches so much importance to it. The existence of
such …
… to attach so much importance to it. i. Illustration: Consider, for instance, a
hypothetical posed by Kadish & Schul- hofer (pp. 638-40): Two friends, Mr. Fact
and Mr. Law, go hunting on October 15, in a state whose law makes it a
misdemeanor …
He had reached the point when he was at the end of his tether. He was certainly
not a man to thank anybody for sympathy, but he was at the end of his tether this
man, and he knew it, and I knew it. Unless something were done for him, …
Roth didn't reply; he was at the end of his tether. He knew that if he said anything
he would lose it. He was preparing himself for yet another dead-end, another
return to the Second with nothing, when Tannahill looked up suddenly and
He was at the end of his tether. For the last time he screwed up his will that was
so near to breaking-point to climb up the steep alleys, and the stairs which went
to the top of a stiff little hill, closely overbuilt with houses round a gloomy church.
But on this particular night he was at the end of his tether. He knew nothing,
nothing at all, and there were only three days left. It was hopeless. He laid his
weary head on his desk and abandoned himself to despair. There was a patter of
huge …
Mentally he was at the end of his tether. Childs claims that the English army might
well have stood a good chance against William III if James had shown himself a
resolute leader, but the desertions destroyed his will to fight.57 During an …
“He used to phone me up when he was at the end of his tether with Dave Brock.”
By the end of 1987, Frenchy had renounced his managerial duties with
Hawkwind. “I stopped because there was nothing I could do,” he says. “Dave
Brock was …
By then he was at the end of his tether, having been removed from the bench
through Grevis's machinations. Petulant and humiliated at having been painted in
London as 'the veryest rascal in the country and the basest companion and …
He was at the end of his tether, and the eighteen surviving letters to the duchess
of Manchester from this period are full of longing for release from office. A typical
example comes at the end of a letter dated 25 April: "I am getting more and more …
.Orage is not among us, and he might not be willing to help even if he were here."
* ln the autumn of 1 933, Gurdjieff must have felt he was at the end of his tether.
He had lost the Prieure four months earlier because of outstanding debts. Now …
Then, when he was at the end of his tether, he spotted in the distance the fires 30
of what he took to be a native village. He took the chance. Hungry and exhausted
, he reached the fires. They were furnace fires. He was at a colliery. It was the …
Moreover, he was at the end of his tether with the Weimar Court and stood on the
brink of resignation.47 By the autumn of 1853, as we know, his work with the
Weimar theatre was almost at a standstill, and he had come to regard his years at …
He was at the end of his tether. He did not even look round for a last expedient.
What was the use? And his persuasion of his own helplessness was so deep, so
definite that he felt no shock of any kind on receiving a telegram from the Masher …
When he had gone to about that length, and managed to spin out ten minutes or
so, he was at the end of his tether. Then he looked at me under the gallery, and I
daresay, with so few present, he knew me to be a stranger. Just fixing his eyes …
The tremendous effort it was to write a simple note to Madame Lamotte when he
reached his Club warned him still further that he was at the end of his tether. "MY
DEAR MADAME (he said), "You will see by the enclosed newspaper cutting that …
She saw that he was at the end of his tether, and taking his keys, indicated that
he should get in the passenger seat. They arrived at Jed's and he was ready with
the fingerprint equipment. He sprayed, dusted, and lifted, and finally, took Mark's …
Perhaps he was at the end of his tether, in the last ultimate tussle with unfeeling
circumstance and he was about ready to give up the struggle. How much would
another man's understanding and sympathy have meant to him at that time!
'No, but he was at the end of his tether and she was so bossy with him. She wasn'
t like herself at all - demanding, you know, ordering him about. The real Muriel
was gentle and considerate. ' 'Well, it's Ralph we have to think about now, Beth.
An hour later he was at the end of his tether and he picked up the phone and
dialled Andrea's number. She arrived an hour later, dressed in a slinky wool
dress and suede boots that weren't designed for snow or outdoor life. 'I wasn't
expecting …
I am sitting at the Father's right hand. O! Look to ME! Look to ME!” Spurgeon went
on: “When he had got about that length, and managed to spin out ten minutes or
so, he was at the end of his tether. Then he looked at me under the gallery, and I …
Not for the first time she'd omitted to take it with her, despite his repeated requests
. She didn't like to be tied down, which was exactly why he'd given her the thing.
Now he was at the end of his tether. Where the hell had she got to? No one in …
If, for example (and we are all human), news had leaked out that he had
dismissed wrongly and in a foul temper because he was at the end of his tether,
the teacher for all his faults might have grounds for an action for defamation. It
looks as …
HE WAS AT THE END OF HIS TETHER. A He had no more rope. B He was at the
limit of his endurance. C He could run no further. D He lost his temper. (4)
Instructions: There are words or groups of words listed underneath each
When he had gone to about that length, and managed to spin out ten minutes or
so, he was at the end of his tether. Then he looked at me under the gallery, and I
daresay, with so few present, he knew me to be a stranger. Just fixing his eyes …
When he had gone to about that length, and managed to spin out ten minutes or
so, he was at the end of his tether. Then he looked at me 135 EERDMANS --
Finding God (Mulder) final text Composite 140 lpi at 45 degrees Charles H.
And in any case he was at the end of his tether. It was only their joint strength that
could pull them through. She would have to carry on. He waited ten minutes.
Smoke was still coming out of the pipe and the sting of it was in his nostrils.
When he had gone to about that length and managed to spin out ten minutes or
so, he was at the end of his tether. Then he looked at me under the gallery, and I
daresay, with so few present, he knew me to be a stranger. Just fixing his eyes on …
… one — a Polly to rescue, to restore to civilis. tion! He had to remind himself
more than once, during this fortnight, that she would he able to devote only a
fraction of her day to flag-making. But he was at the end of his tether 63 Australia
Dede saw that he was at the end of his tether and scared stiff; his body could not
be seen for fleas, and his face and eyes were invisible. He fell at Dede Korkut's
feet and said, 'Save me, for the love of God!' 'Go, my son,' said Dede Korkut, …
Mark had a problem: he was working too hard. The fact that he was working hard
as the president of a company does not mean that he was in the fundamental
state of leadership. He was far from it. This very busy company president was in
the …
He didn't want to go to the doctor because he said he was working too hard even
though it was winter and all he was doing was removing snow. Well, this went on
for sev- eral weeks, and I finally called and made an appointment for him.
When he was working too hard and had lots of crises and never saw his family,
that's when he was happiest. His complaining was really a form of bragging." If
you want a happy Lone Ranger, then constantly give him things to do. Like kids …
When he was working too hard and had lots of crises and never saw his family,
that's when he was happiest. His complaining was really a form of bragging." If
you want a happy Lone Ranger, then constantly give him things to do. Like kids …
It didn't look like he was working too hard going door to door. He was dry and his
suit wasn't sagging from the humidity. He told me it was a kind of informal survey
where he asked people to ask their friends and acquaintances if they knew of …
… worth the price he was paying? She thought not. Two days later Davies and Mr
Johnson brought Lewis home. 'He just collapsed, ma'am. We brought him straight
home, but you'd better get the doctor.' 'Oh, I told him he was working too hard.
… hours a week trying single-handedly to save his ailing firm. And he'd tried to
turn even that incident, bad as it was, into something positive – treating it as a
type of wake-up call. He was working too hard, ignoring what was really
I was working too hard and he was working too hard — and when he works hard,
he drinks hard. I don't think he's an alcoholic or anything, he just drinks when he
wants to unwind. But the trouble is, he doesn't unwind, or not for long. He gets …
Sometimes she would tell him she thought he was working too hard and might
burn himself out and he didn't argue the point, but he never thought she really
meant it it. He thought she might get worried at times and would then say it more
to …
He just thought that he was working too hard. It was only when he took some time
off work that he realised how ill he was. He became very poorly and was rushed
into hospital. Chris and Caitlin were terrified that he might die, and for a while …
He acted like he was working too hard to afford the luxury of looking for problems.
It made him angry when Alex pointed things out, as though her alarm was a
criticism of him. Sharon was up in Alaska saving money to marry a seismologist
next …
He was working too hard. He needed her to be cool, not start fussing at him with
questions and needs, which would sound like criticisms. “Let's go somewhere
over Christmas break.” “I should stay home and work,” he said, but he was
"Bunny had one big idea and that was to produce the best band in the business.
Nothing else mattered. We knew that he was working too hard and told him so. ...
"I tried to get him to take a lay-off and let the band use his name while he rested, …
According to the elder Whitman: "I told him he was working too hard and he ought
to slow down. He was trying to do the impossible, but he didn't hear me. At times
Charles did get angry with me for telling him he was working too hard."!
He was working too hard, she said. "Now, Morgan," she said, "he works, too, but
he knows how to relax." Yes, Morgan Morton — Mr. now, not Colonel, for he was
out of the army and was in business — knew how to relax. I had seen him stand …
"He was working too hard. I was letting him work too hard. I should have stopped
him. It's all my fault." "Stop," Mabel said in a loud voice. "Neither you nor anyone
else could have slowed him down. He was doing what he wanted to do, making …
Yet the miser was never satisfied; he always wanted more. Derek Kidner calls
him “the compulsive moneymaker.”8 But for what purpose? No matter what he
gained, the man had no one with whom to share it. He was working too hard to
make …
She noted weariness on his young face and realized he was working too hard for
his years. He badly needed the hours of rest he was sharing with her. "You must
get some sleep, Stephen. Four o'clock will be upon us all too soon, and you …
… people going through this but never think it will happen to you. The doctors had
to put a breathing tube in Kevin. They felt that he needed more help to breathe
than what the mask could do for him. He was working too hard and wasn't stable.
His boss had came over to his desk one afternoon and spoken with him, telling
him to take the day off, he was working too hard, he was cruising towards a
breakdown. Benson had followed his orders and left early, going to a park to sit in
the …
Later in these reflections he returned to this 'sluggishness', again adding that
others told him he was working too hard. Yet he knew that mere hurry and bustle
accomplished nothing. 'I will not worry if others are in a hurry. He who is always in
a …
Sam began to see that he was working too hard, and he made the connections
between this and how he was avoiding his stressful family life. Over time, Sam
acknowledged both his conflicts with his daughters and his memories of his
He only knew that he was working too hard, was too preoccupied with making
more money, and was compromising his family life. “One thing I remember when I
resigned is how often people remarked that they wish they had the guts to do the …
"I said to him that I thought he looked as if he was working too hard." Again, Osier
objected. "That is not evidence. We cannot go into these conversations." And
finally, Armour stirred himself enough to utter one word: "No." German turned to …
But he seemed quite put out when I suggested that he was working too hard over
the case and had better take a turn outdoors with us and have a bite to eat. "You
—you got it?" he asked, seizing the package that contained the gourd and …
Maybe he was working too hard. Maybe she was. Who knew? Yep, a talk was in
order here. She wasn't beginning the rest of her life like this. No way. Darcy
turned off the spray and went about getting ready to see the man she was
supposed …
Frank questioned the change and accepted Steven's explanation that he wasn't
feeling all that well, that he was working too hard and not sleeping enough. Their
sexual encounters diminished in both frequency and intensity. And in truth …
I knew he was working too hard to hide the fear he felt. I took another moment
and assembled my thoughts before I spoke again. “I want you to hold my hand
just like this when I'm under today. Don't let it go for anything.” I used my other
hand …
he+was+working+too+hard he+was+working+too+hard
In answer to an admonition that he was working too hard he would quickly agree,
and then add that he was doing so "while the iron was hot." No budding
conductor ever used his opportunities more shrewdly and energetically or built
them up …
… Hetherington went to a doctor, who told him that he was working too hard and
that he had had an hallucination. However, Hetherington sold his farm as soon
as he could find a buyer and left there. He went to Harrisburg. 45 THE DUG HILL …
Often he'd wake the minute she got home and tumble her down onto the bed with
him, holding her tightly against his side as he drifted back into uneasy slumber.
Wade insisted nothing was wrong, just that he was working too hard, busting his …
All his friends told him he was working too hard. He had taken up smoking again
(having not smoked for 20 years) and was drinking much more alcohol than he
used to. He sometimes found it difficult to sleep at night. He was eating well and …
… Albany EveningJournal wrote three months into Cleveland's term. “There was
not a night last week that he departed from the new Capitol before one a.m. Such
work is killing work.” Even Cleveland knew he was working too hard. “My head a …
He was working too hard to chill out, even on those occasions when he too went
to the Hamptons or met clients in the Beverly Hills Hotel and ordered expensive
meals with company money. Rudy didn't think he was the sort of person who …
There was constant fighting among the legions; however, the move to unite all
the six legions under a strong central control had started six months before. Lord
Aramand, the leader of the Merren Legion, being Connor's mentor and uncle,
had …
… affiliated with Church Multiplication Associates, a large network of several
smaller networks of churches that are typically house churches.11 According to
their findings, thirty percent of the churches studied had started six or more
The mission that had started six days earlier was ended, and I was back at home
base. Curiously several personnel whom I recognized watched as an apparent
French civilian deplaned from the L-4 aircraft and approached the operations tent …
The calls had started six weeks ago. Up to then she could still have persuaded
herself that Tom loved her and, shaken though she was by what she had
discovered, that she still loved him. After all, it was hard not to bend to the will of a
man …
… their four daughters seemed to be behind what her husband had wanted, she
decided that as in most things about his life, he was absolutely right. The plans
had started six months before at Christmas, when -67 - The Funeral The Funeral .
The article went on to say that Arrose Enterprises had started six months earlier
with ten titles. By clever promotion, three had landed on the N.Y. TIMES BEST
SELLER LIST and Art had earned his first million within four months. Susan was …
It had started six long years ago when he'd first fallen in love. In love. The words
slammed into some dark recess of his brain, registered, shocked. She was his
twin's fiancée. She was Grant's love. She had nothing to do with him. She was a …
The killings had started six days ago, with no body turning up on the fourth day.
There was no line through the fourth entry form – Liz Wilson's. And there was no
seventh form, just a tiny hole in the paint where a drawing pin had been. 'Oh my …
Her symptoms had started six months earlier, when she was found to have a
large cancer of the kidney with metastases. A laparotomy had revealed a large,
fixed renal mass, which had grown into the posterior abdominal wall and was …
Baumbach, previously the general of fighters, writes that it would have been
possible to bring a halt to the Allied bomber offensive if production of the jet
fighter had started six months sooner. Koller, too, said after the war that the Me
262, had it …
I'll then write a third, fourth, and fifth draft, and so on. Beyond that, I have this file I
call “Attempts,” which contains bits and pieces of stories that aren't fully formed. I
was stuck a few weeks ago, so I went back to a story I had started six years ago.
had started six hours earlier. I was in paradise with my new baby; I was
mindblown by his beauty and my love for him. I felt I was so privileged to spend
so much time with him. The trees and the early morning light just flashed and
reverbed …
The pelvic pain had started six months after the termination of pregnancy and
had been a problem premenstrually since. At age 25 Sandra started to get a
swelling in the left lower abdomen, diagnosed as a large ovarian cyst.
Endometriosis …
Mine had started six months before and she was so envious. She thought hers
would never come." "And she talked to Brother Paul about that?" Kellen asked
incredulously. He had three sisters so he knew about menstruation and PMS and
all …
Nevertheless, they wanted to return home in the slim hope that anyone else who
had survived would also come back to that center from which they had started six
years earlier. Some Jews who found family members alive could not suppress a …
Reporting America's Wars George Sullivan. Early in 1951, North and South
Korean forces faced one another across the 38th parallel. They were at the same
point where they had started six months before.
He was fairly small for his age, and at first glance he seemed to be about nine
years old. Bruce had a complete neurological examination, which was negative.
He stated that the headaches had started six months before and he had no
history …
The argument Nikki had started six days ago was old but far from over this
morning or tomorrow morning or the next day after that day. Herschel was the
man of his house, and the shit wasn't resolved until he said so. Why in the fuck
had he …
Rome was pushed back to the Ebro River, precisely where they had started six
years earlier. Gaius Nero, an experienced Roman general, was sent to Spain to
stabilize the situation. A year later, 210 B.C.E., the commands for the year were …
… his army forward from Dixon's Ferry toward Lake Koshkonong in order to finish
the war that Isaiah Stillman's ill-disciplined volunteers had started six weeks
earlier.56 6 The Silence and the Fury It was June the THE EYE OF THE STORM
Our brother's illness had started six months before our sister's and lasted until
four months and one week after her passing. In those two and a halfyears, we
had watched what a disease can do to a person's body, as well as the
breakdown of a …
cabbages for his ducks (a really fascinating scheme he had started six months
earlier to keep him busy, and to help metobring in some money “so hewouldn't
feel so useless”), then went to fillup his oxygen cylinder at Greys. Fortunately my …
This development is all the more astonishing, since the extension of the Royal
Navy by the Naval Defence Act of 1889 had started six years before following a
well-aimed press campaign about an imaginary French 'naval scare'. With the …
What if he were to start a small group at our church, one similar to the now-
defunct small group Steve Scholar had started six years earlier? Encouraged and
excited by this prospect, Chris gathered up his courage, and at church the very
next …
'Jesus, that was bad!'. He gripped the sink, splashing cold water on his face. The
pains in his chest had started six months ago, he had been meaning to get a
check up but had always put it off simply frightened at what the doctors may find.
The El Lobo case had started six months earlier when one of the local
communications intelligence operatives was monitoring the cell-phone frequency
of a suspected drug dealer. This particular phone call wasn't especially
interesting-just an …
(55) Despite this relative success Tolstoy continued to be dissatisfied with it and
returned to 'The Cossacks' which he had started six years before, but he did not
really believe he would ever finish it. Druzhinin had written asking for a story for …
Most of my coworkers couldn't recall how they felt before their un- fortunate
encounter, but one young woman, a nursing student who had started six months
before I arrived, clearly remembered the events leading up to the moment
Charles …
Tut's troubles had started six months before, just as he turned 50, when a long,
slow decline into fatigue was finally diagnosed as a malfunctioning heart valve.
Corrective surgery was successful, but weeks later, an infection set in. "Any of the …
Braves pitchers had started six of the last eight All-Star contests. This was the
third consecutive victory by the NL and the second game played at the Vet. The
first had been played twenty years earlier during the bicentennial celebration.
Four of …
With three days of pillage, Shivaji completed the destruction he had started six
years earlier, then withdrew to meet an approaching Mughal army at Dindori (3-6
October 1670). Surigao Strait I 1944 I World War II (Pacific) While one Japanese …
… he expressed to Willem de Kooning his excitement at the challenge that the
formal resolution of the new paintings presented and at his discovery of the
unexpected artistic benefits of working on a series of paintings simultaneously,
but he …
Thus, the silver paintings simultaneously produce an impression of extreme
flatness and of startling depth. These works also reveal Chambers' interest in the
photograph and in the perceptual discoveries it affords. The positive modelling …
Caste paintings simultaneously illustrated awareness of racial distinctions and
the widespread nature of racial mingling. Thev showed husband, wife, and their
mixed-blood child, usually with a label describing the process. For example, a …
In fact, rather than seeing his window paintings as idealist exercises in
metaphysics, we should expose their precise historical index, the way that the
formal qualities and contradictions of these paintings simultaneously allegorize
and work …
So located, I tried a doubling: listening to the Zen parable and viewing the
paintings simultaneously. FIG. 28.1 Wuesenthal 1985 by Gerhard Richter. FIG. 28
. 2 Meditation 1986 by Gerhard Richter. Located in. LOCATING LIVING
Leger did not f1nish one picture before beginning a new one, but rather worked
on a number of paintings simultaneously, moving back and forth among them,
learning from each in a complicated way that no historian can reconstruct.
The recognition that Stella's stripe paintings simultaneously emphasize their "
thing-nature" and insist on their paintedness is at work in one of my first "New
York Letters" (reprinted in this book as "New York Letter: Louis, Chamberlain and
Stella …
High-life genre paintings simultaneously (or alternatively) celebrate the Republic
as a demi-paradise of freedom, peace, and prosperity, and promote civic
responsibility by warning of the vicissitudes of Fortune.1" Dirck Hals's subject
matter, …
reflection that belong to a definitive work. However, in a significant deviation from
academic norms, Matisse exhibited and treated both images as equally valid
takes on the same pictorial idea. The paintings simultaneously reinforce and
reject …
The variety of effects which results is also a pun – dramatically different looking
paintings simultaneously all of the same subject. There's a piquancy to the
spectator, pleasing in the way thatapun ispleasing. Andperhaps there
wasonefurther …
… was to work on half a dozen or more paintings simultaneously, and then have
them pinned on the walls. the astronomers had predicted a hard winter, and here
is a vivid description of Fairweather's work habits: the temperature is around 30° …
Thus, we might imagine, Karl might never have encountered a situation in which
the imports of photographs and paintings simultaneously impressed themselves
on him, and so the relative import of these may never have been established.
… working on several paintings simultaneously. He painted landscapes,
seascapes, wildlife scenes. Iqbal's specialty, however, was painting portraits.
Other inmates were free to tour the painter's area and admire the work of the
talented artists.
Its exemplary exponent is perhaps Cezanne, whose paintings simultaneously
court sensuous and formalist appreciation. In an essay on 'Modern Art' in 1914,
T. E. Hulme usefully captures this duality or effect of 'double reading': The Cubists …
… works in non-indigenous media that now circulate in the realm of contemporary
fine art - even as the paintings simultaneously hold dense indigenous meanings
and perform particular ritual functions within the producing communities.
Their paintings simultaneously mythologized primitive nature and popularized it.
The roots of the school can be found in European Romanticism and the Romantic
writers of the early 1800s. Many of the early Hudson River painters took their …
These tea paintings simultaneously inspired tea culture itself, reflecting tea art
and d)e tea ceremony in visible forms and deepening people's understanding of
its inner secrets. Mastering Chinese calligraphy is not merely a matter of
technical …
… silkscreen. and pochoir Also completes the Soot-Black Stone series of
lithographs lcat nos 162-1671 which reflect variations on the tonality and ground
hand - ling of a small group of paintings simultaneously in progress with the
same title …
The wings, which remain the same throughout the play, are stylized wall
paintings simultaneously representing a mixture of interiors, exteriors, and
landscapes. The glazier and the daughter enter. A Dream Play daughter. The
castle keeps on …
… his pigment powders, hand-ground in the finest linseed stand oil as if they were
his own children raised from infancy to maturity, he felt an unearthly drag on his
brush, as if he were painting two, perhaps even three, paintings simultaneously.
Some churches used visual images on screens, and in one service we attended
an artist painted two paintings simultaneously throughout the otherwise quite
traditional liturgy. This was not only fascinating, but helped create a meditative …
… been particularly developed in the Sepik area of northern New Guinea.7^ In
most of these cases, elaborate carvings or paintings simultaneously
commemorate, incarnate, and re- embody the spiritual force of ancestors and
ancestral spirits.
157 Anna Blackwell, who probably encountered Bonheur in France,
recountedherlifestory, drew attention to her working methods (outdoor
sketchingin the summer, attending to several paintings simultaneously),
discussed her successes …
RELATIONSHIP1 Margreet. 22 G. VAN BUEREN, 1993, p. 118. 17 That painters
produced several paintings simultaneously has been suspected 158 MOLLY
The Vietnam paintings simultaneously look back to his reworking of Antique and
non-Western images of power as the relentless struggle between fatally flawed,
symbolic heroes attempting to assert some sense of coherent identity, and …
For a few months he hadn’t stopped
It wasn’t sensible
We make a prediction and therefore expect the mail carrier to show up at around
three in the afternoon, because (and we may have no other evidence) he or she
has arrived at around three in the afternoon every day for the past two years.
At around three in the afternoon, when school was out, she took the first bus to
Cottonville. Classes did not start until six in the afternoon, so she often had to
hang around until classes started. Getting back home after class was another
ordeal …
… also feeling overwhelmed by an almost dizzying sense of pressure at the start
of their new life in England. Exhausted from their long voyage, they paid a visit to
a barbershop and took a late lunch at around three in the afternoon. It was after …
I met her at the airport in Memphis at around three in the afternoon. What a
pleasant surprise when I saw her in person. She was a knockout! I thought when I
first saw her that she was way prettier than her pictures. She was also more petite …
… few sites in the world where you can do all this with such old fossils because
the rock is just the right kind to dissolve easily. The Mother ofAll Fossils So in
November 2007, at around three in the afternoon, 
I took a walk in the desert. At around three in the afternoon, I walked into the
Camino Real Hotel and went into the Dome Bar. I stared at the Tiffany dome. I
ordered a bourbon on the rocks. A double. I smiled as I took a sip. God, I was so
At around three in the afternoon, the official retinues returned from the Villa like a
flash of lightning and a cloud of dust through the streets of the Reloj. In the palace
the honor guard beat the drums and the president entered his chambers to …
Short-term memory appears to peak around nine in the morning for most people,
while long-term memory seems to function best at around three in the afternoon.
In studies with kids identified as ADD/ADHD or hyperactive, performances on a …
We would start out at around three in the afternoon, go to pick up all the
equipment, and then move it all. We borrowed a lot of it from friends; some of it
we rented. We'd cobble things together by renting pieces of a sound system and
borrowing …
Then, at around three in the afternoon the doorbell rang and the policeman who
had come to see me when the broken pane incident was standing there. He was
looking rather delicious in a serious sort-of- way and he asked me if he could …
She arrived at around three in the afternoon. l decided to use the radio in the front
room, by the door, to listen to the afternoon programmes on Public Radio. l
fancied, somehow, sitting on the swing in the front porch listening to it whilst
writing …
In the United States, sometimes we peter out at around three in the afternoon. At
tea and lunch, I was adopted by "The Debbies": three women, obviously named
Debbie — different spellings, but all from Perth, and all good friends. They'd save …
We arrived back at Matt's house at around three in the afternoon on Friday —
from Houston to Cameron in just over sixteen hours. On Sunday night, Matt and I
took a Southwest Airlines flight to Raw in Nashville — Jeff was scared to fly and …
At around three in the afternoon, Mir Madan, one of the more effective
commanders in the nawab's army, was killed. Alarmed, Siraj pleaded with Mir
Jafar and Rai Durlabh to save his honor. Both advised him to suspend hostilities
until the next …
At around three in the afternoon, with Aleida at his side, Che and his men set out
on the drive to Havana. Most of his comrades were jubiliant at the prospect of
liberating the Cuban capital, but to Che it was just the first step in the greater …
My sister walked in to the hospital room at around three in the afternoon. My
mother and I inform her as to how my father is doing, or not doing. My father's
doctor comes in and my sister and mother talk to him, I'm there too, but not really …
Even though in Spain it took place at around three in the afternoon local time, the
main newspapers came out with special editions published mid-afternoon and
television stations devoted their whole airtime without interruption to cover what …
It was that day, at around three in the afternoon and three weeks before my high
school graduation, that God made a very serious appointment with my life. He
summoned me by name, capturing my heart in a way that I have never forgotten.
At around three in the afternoon, a coyote appeared about fifty yards away from
him, and ten minutes later a second one came even closer to him. Two more then
moved into even closer range. When one of them was about fifteen feet away, …
Performances usually began at around three in the afternoon,. 60. Other records
challenge this conventional image and show that the distribution of spectators
was not so clearcut; see, for example, Roberts (65-94) and Dawson (93-111). 61.
One Saturday at around three in the afternoon, someone rang the bell and he got
up from the piano to answer the door. He had on faded Levi's and a white T-shirt,
his favorite lounging-around-the-house clothes, and he was barefooted.
… subjects the very same places ravaged by Chandos to a second wave of
destruction and pillaging, the earl of Pembroke and his small English army of
about three hundred men stop at around three in the afternoon at the village of
Purnon, …
Holkar, an opportunist who seemed to have been struck by cold feet throughout
the battle, decided to leave the field at around three in the afternoon. Seeing
Holkar leaving, the Maratha cavalry behind the Gardi corps also retreated.
The following day, Monday 10 July, at around three in the afternoon, Jane, her
husband, family and in-laws, travelled by barge from Sion House to London
where the new queen could be kept safely behind the ancient walls of the Tower.
I could only estimate the time at around three in the afternoon. It was unlikely to
be much earlier as that was the time that the sun usually dipped low enough to
shine through the window, just as it couldn't be much later because dusk had yet
to …
By the time that Keppler arrived at the palazzo, he could do no more than confirm
that Wagner had died at around three in the afternoon. What followed was a
bizarre lament of positively Middle Eastern proportions. The body was laid out.
“I guess come over after you get off work on Friday,” Jeremy said, laughing at
Paul's reply. “You can bet on that, Jeremy,” Paul said, adjusting his underwear. “
Will I see you tomorrow?” “Yes, I go to work at around three in the afternoon.” “I'll
see …
At around three in the afternoon, Ernie told me that the job was done. He was
also a man of few words. The thought of seeing my boudoir excited me.
Unfortunately, this excitement didn't last long as when I stepped into my new pad,
a hot pink …
The man had been shot by an intruder with a Russian Tokarev handgun in
September, four years ago at around three in the afternoon. The intruder got in by
knocking out a pane in the back door and unlocking it from the inside. The gun
was …
The first of them returned at around three in the afternoon. The soldiers were
making North. Dara gathered his household together (by which I mean the men,
for the women remained secluded) and announced his intention to abandon his …
… he didn't need unpleasant memories. He turned his thoughts back to Gina.
How soon do you ask a woman to marry you after you tell her you love her? That
would be a good question for Angela and maybe his sister too. He decided to call
When the Bali interpreter heard that they were a conglomerate of several
chiefdoms under one fon's rule, he decided to call them Bambalang 'many
people together'. Bambalang is analysed as follows: Ba means people and
Mbalang means …
He decided to call his mother's house and tell her that he would be late for dinner
. His assistant Mike Smith knocked at the door and entered the room. “Mike, you
should fire the new girl. I would never imagine she could brew the worst coffee in …
None of them had been given the Trenco assignment and since he was
responsible for writing a report on the investigation to date, he decided to call
Walters directly and ask him who was taking over the case. He dialed Walters'
number and …
As he was in wait he decided to call the Chris Parkinson Project to repair the CP1
Android, which Maraf had bought for the group. All of a sudden the chief could
hear twin blades. It's either Ziore or Maraf he thought to himself. This weapon the …
He decided to call the operator and find out the time difference. Hearing what she
had to say he decided to call, as it was tomorrow morning there. It was early … He
decided to call back in an hour or so, when he hoped they would be awake.
He decided to call Joey Grasse. He was formerly in Special Forces with Jim but
had been recruited as an intelligence analyst with the C.I.A. after Desert Storm.
He would probably have information, Jim thought, or at least be able to get some.
Surely, if he decided to call it, say, 'Cube', no one would think that the object now
had two names, or that it had been renamed. For another example, imagine that
the famous real estate investor Donald Trump buys a classic Bordeaux chˆateau …
He decided to call them the next day after things had cooled down. The next day,
even though Terry was hesitant, he called the police to document the incident as
a violation of the restraining order. The same police officers came to his home …
… he was going to have to make himself a commodity that no reasonable law firm
could do without. His first call Monday morning would be to John Estes, the
senior partner in Estes, Johnson, and Rosenthal. He decided to call him at 8:45
a.m. …
He had never used it before, but that Monday after work he decided to call his
brother for a chat. When there was no answer, he decided to call his parents'
house to see what was going on there, and his sister answered the phone. It was
not at …
It was 10 am eastern time, so he decided to call Evelyn on her cell phone rather
than in Sam's room. Evelyn picked up the call after the first ring. She was still in
her hotel room, getting ready to go to the rehabilitation center. Gary said, “How's it …
He decided to call ruby. “Hey, are you with Angie?” “No. She is still in her room.” “
I have tried to call her, but she is not answering her phone.” “Let me go and check
on her.” “Okay, am on my way too.” ruby dressed quickly and walked to Angie's …
His principal concern was the cocktail party that he had planned for this very
evening, and he didn't know how to cancel on short notice, or pull off a successful
gathering of clients' He decided to call the caterer to make sure that. that might
not …
After dinner, Alan tried to relax with a book; then he tried to watch some TV, but
nothing caught his interest. Exasperated, he decided to call it a night and go to
bed. He tossed and turned for hours, his day flickering in his mind like an old
He decided to call the school anyway. He could pretend to the school's
receptionist that he was Nike's distant cousin calling from abroad. 'Bye, Mum. I
love you, Mum,' he said to his mum and hung up the phone. Next, he dialled the
telephone …
He decided to call in a chit. He had gotten to know Temple University coach John
Chaney after his former Salem star Rick Brunson went there. He figured a strong
endorsement from one of the most famous black coaches in the game might …
He called the number for Dorothy thatJill had given him, but there was no answer.
He decided to Call Jill's Burlingame apartment. It was the same there, no answer.
He decided to call Dorothy again after he returned from the Kiwanis meeting.
The train was late getting to Washington, D.C. So he decided to call Ann one
more time. “I thought you'd be gone,” she said. “The train was late. I'm at the
station in Washington.” “You're as sweet as my mockingbird to call me.” “Is he still
The police chief was responsible for the safety of the people of the city. He was
especially responsible for care and defense of the children. He decided to call
the governor. The governor sent an investigator to the city. The investigator, who
the …
He decided to call Nicole to ask her innocently how things were going; it was now
the evening in Rome, but there wasn't a response from Nicole's room. He would
have to wait until the following morning to find out where she was. Ed returned …
Bridgett gave Stan her telephone number when he decided to call it a night. Stan
followed her to the side street where she boarded a taxicab. Before getting into
the taxi, she gave Stan two hundred-dollar bills. Stan took the train uptown, …
social obligation and because of his promise to Alice, as well as his being a
sponsor of the Veiled Prophet Ball, he decided to call her the next day. About
three o'clock that afternoon, he telephoned Alice from his office. "Is this Miss Lee?
You know company policy. At first hire, before we actually start, you know. All
employees have their blood samples taken and stored. Have you ever asked why
?” Ned stopped eating, and he decided to call it quits. 12 S. Alan Schweitzer.
Melissa had called him at least half of the calls and he decided to call her first.
She had been a great comfort during his time of need and he hoped she
understood his need to be alone the past week. Don't look back Virgil threw the
pan …
As an act of repentance and belated atonement, therefore, when a son was born
to him after so many, many months beyond the normal period of anxious waiting,
he decided to call the young man Bahemuka; he decided to call him Bahemuka …
the washroom for about thirty minutes; he realized that he had had too much to
drink. He decided to call his uncle to pick him and Alona up from the prom. As he
was walking toward the phone, he looked up and saw Alona coming toward him.
He decided to call Anna. Then he decided to call a cab. But his hands were
trembling too hard to use the phone, so in the end he did neither but took the
towpath back east instead. An hour later, Anna met him at her door, wearing a
long cotton …
After listening to the tape two more times, he decided to call Andy Perone. These
tapes had to be turned over to Andy. Cody knew that if he kept this information
from the police, he could be considered an accessory after-the-fact and could be …
he decided to call Allred anyway, following John Barlow's example of One Man
Rule. In April of 1950 in Salt Lake City, Joseph Musser stood before a general
meeting of the polygamists and announced he had received a revelation to call …
Then he decided to call the Attorney General of British Columbia, who, ironically,
was easier to contact than the Bashline: 'He referred me to the police, as they
determine the use of their resources and the Bashline. I again made calls to the …
Here it comes: The girl had arrived at his house minutes before he decided to call
me. He let her in. I told him that I was stunned that he had engaged in these
activities in the family home and that even now he let this woman into the house.
… and sit up to gnaw at it, how it loved to play with anything he gave it, a paper
clip, an eraser, the ridged aluminum top of a Perrier bottle. In a moment of
inspiration he decided to call it Robbie, 198 wild child.
Along with wanting to hook up with his uncle, he decided to call it a night.
Pushing away from the table, Stacy stood up. “Yo folks, I'm going to catch ya'll
another time. My moms wants me to do some thangs for her.” He turned toward
Brenda …
Plumbing in General again
But the line was constantly engaged. Then there was his mobile phone number. I
tried and tried but there was no answer and no bodyguard or cleaner or child
answering on his behalf. Then a strange thing happened, I started shivering.
He tried to send the new page several times but the line was constantly engaged.
He became annoyed and dialed Balinkov's number. "Vladimir, it's Mark. I can't get
through." "One minute, I'll go check the fax." A few seconds later he was back.
They had tried to phone, but the line was constantly engaged. Nanda felt it was
important that we not return to South Africa immediately. They had come to take
us to their home for a couple ofweeks. e children were overjoyed. ey loved
Maya's …
She had tried a few times but the line was constantly engaged. It was almost
midday when she eventually got through. Grace told June that she had been
talking to Connie about her strange next door neighbour, Hilda Snell. 'Apparently,
she …
She tried to call Rajshahi again but the line was constantly engaged. She wrote
another letterto Nazia, pleading forareply. Shespent another dayin the garden
shed, lookingfor newspaper cuttings fromthewar, and shestumbled across a
typed …
After two years he managed to get an Indian scholarship from a private
foundation (MP Shah Scholarship) to read for an economics degree in 1951.62
At the end of his studies in 1954, he was contacted by members of the
Presbyterian Church …
2. He organised for senior Port Arthur staff to go away on a Work Seminar so they
wouldn't get hurt. 3. He managed to get Royal Hobart Hospital to have their
Emergency Plan in place 2 days before the massacre so things would run
He managed to get Royal Hobart Hospital to have their Emergency Plan in place
two days before the massacre so … He managed to get Hobart Hospital to have a
Trauma Seminar timed to end at the exact moment he started shooting so they …
… main deck where he collapsed against the transom. Now, I know, there is no
way he can step across the four-foot gunnel and down onto the float, no way. I
figured if I left him alone he would figure that out. Not to be, he managed to get to
his …
When the fleet was destroyed at Aigos Potamoi, he managed to get such
conditions of peace as at least saved the lives and freedom of his fellow-citizens.
He then became a leading figure among the thirty tyrants. In this position he
showed …
But anyhow, with all his acknowledged medical expertise, he managed to get her
through this difficult time of her life. In a time when one could not depend on the
general public being informed, especially not by conveniently accessible media …
If he managed to get out of the hall he could summon a taxi, go back to the
Leflar's [his host's] house, creep in through the back and reclaim his belongings.
Then he could make his way to the airport and await the first flight out of town, …
… viva conservation in his research on electromagnetic induction (Helmholtz
1847a: 350), and he managed to get Neumann's help for a paper to appear in the
1851 Annalen (Jungnickel and McCormmach 1986: Vol. 1,162; Helmholtz 1851).
Needing to get to his post, he managed to get a ride in the back ofa pickup truck
with a small group of Somali men. He later learned that he was well regarded by
local elders because his behavior and actions during that ride had conveyed an …
… draped over the arm. He was trying to compose a letter in reply to one he had
received that morning from the building society requesting his mortgage arrears
in full. Sliding a sheet of paper towards him he managed to get as far No Choice.
Feeling his drink, the lump on his head, and the bruises on his body Josiah
Wallens angrily used some very unkind words about the parents of the dandy
and the young pretty woman in green. On the third try, he managed to get to his
He managed to get the hoses run and actually started washing the cars in less
than hour. He was on the fifth car when Marley came up behind him. “You work at
this rate, you won't finish until it's time to start again. You hose them down and …
… posted to shoot him if he managed to get out of the hold. As he lay there in the
dark he remembered earlier experiences he had had with incarceration like this.
When being tied up, it is a good idea to stretch your frame as much as possible, …
Kneeling before me, he managed to get my pants open with his teeth. I lit another
cigarette as he tugged my jockeys down and went to work on my cock. He took it
into his mouth and downed it in one gulp. He moved back to the middle of the …
Although he managed to get on the presidential ballot in all but two states, he
lacked the money or staff to campaign effectively. However, it was believed that
he might be able to affect the election outcome, either by capturing enough
electoral …
He jockeyed the truck back and forth until he managed to get it headed in the
opposite direction. When he managed to get the truck into gear again, he
proceeded toward the church at Jerrico Springs. Lem was on his knees holding
on to the …
ten had to fight with them, but through sheer force of will he managed to get them
through, and in the end he had a great deal of influence in his own village as well
as nearby ones. Devaram was an ardent devotee of Nanda Devi, and …
Crawling up the runway, he managed to get to the wheel just in time to prevent
this. The binnacle light was still burning. They were safe! That is, he and the
schooner were safe. As to the welfare of his three companions he could not say.
allowed complete freedom of thought ; He managed to get freedom from taxation.
'freely adv 1 in a free manner: She always gives freely (= generously) to charity; I
feel that I can speak freely (= without hiding anything; openly) (o you. 2 willingly …
He managed to get two families to share our flat, but luckily it was very big, so it
wasn't too bad. We had two rooms, and the others all had two rooms. We got
Baltisky who was a general in the Soviet army. He used to be a general in the
Tsarist …
… the tatami mat by two end corners, and staying as low to the ground as he
could, he began to drag it backwards to his house. After what seemed like an age
, he managed to get around the side of the house where there was just a little
shelter …
Whenever he managed to get some sleep his dreams were always punctuated
by the screams, the sobbing, the pleading that came from wounded men strung
out on the wire, unable to help themselves, bleeding to a slow, agonising death.
He managed to get these out of the village in the general exodus, but later
decided to go back and see what he could salvage. He went down with his
brother-in-law in a truck, but when they got near they saw troops already there.
His brother- …
He had not allowed for the baby wriggling quite as much as it did, nor for the fact
that its arse was totally vile; but he managed to get the filthy nappy off and the
baby's bum cleanish, at the cost of shitty hands. He smeared most of it off on the …
By emptying his trim tanks and using full power to reverse, he managed to get
away, but the maneuver caused his craft to briefly surface. Place was fortunate.
The Germans did not see X-7 and he could make another attempt, but again he
got …
It slowly dawned on Mark with mounting horror as the Mass continued. Hurriedly
donning a surplice, he went discreetly onto the altar, kneeling at the side to be
ready in case things became any worse. After Communion, he managed to get
… la pel-licula co- mencara aviat +to get away v intr 1 anar de vacances: we plan
to get away for a few days • pensem anar uns dies de vacances 2 (un presoner)
escapar- se: the policeman chased him, but he managed to get away • el policia …
… [Kopfhaltung /©(/z# /am) to get the ~ of sth (master a skill) bei etw dat den [
richtigen] Dreh [o Bogen] herausbekommen fam; (under- stand) auf den [richtigen
] Trichter kommen fam; he managed to get the ~ of philosophy er kriegte einen
Draht …
… [0 Bogen] herausbekommen fam; understand) auf den [richtigen] Trichter
kommen fam; he managed to get the ~ of philosophy er kriegte einen Draht zur
Philosophie fam II. vt <hung, hung> □ {put on hook, hanger) sto ~ sth etw
aufhängen; …
Performing the same acrobatics as before, he managed to get the razor close to
his right hand, and when he thought that he could grab it with his fingers, he got a
sudden spasm in his back muscles and the razor very nearly dropped to the …
“They going to be disappointed then, I ain‟t spending a half an hour getting
through to them just to be put on hold for twenty or thirty minutes and then have to
go through the same old shit over and over. Let them stew a while and when they …
It's just this young girl out there and her marriage was on the brink. She was
really, really depressed and they had guns in the place and anyway, I talked to
them. I spent a whole day there talking with them trying to get through to them just
to …
Meanwhile, Tim and Lena had gotten lost. “Where are you?” Mark had finally
gotten through to them just as he received an incoming call from his wife. She
had touched down and was amazed to see the news headlines in the airport
lobby: …
Money Growth Yield Spread Import Price Inflation Output Gap Lagged Inflation
Model 1 After two years After five years 5.8 36.8 ... ... ... 94.2 63.2 Model 2 After
two years 13.1 ... 31.7 55.2 After five years 48.0 ... ... 19.8 32.2 Model 3 After two …
after+five after+five after+five after+five
For SWIM, researchers returned to San Diego after five years and obtained
participation data from SWIM's successor program, California's Greater Avenues
for Independence (GAIN) Program. About onefifth of SWIM experimentals and
controls …
After five years from date of commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CHAPLAINS-To he paid as lieutenants. I'ROFESSORS 0F MATHEMATICS'__
Pay per annum. $21 000 2, 200 2, 400 2, 600 2, 800 1,000 1.000 1,900 2,100
2,300 1', 30o 1 …
after+five after+five
How to Increase the Volume of the Sea Without Water Dancing in the Costa
Rican Rain Stealing Flowers Restrictions Book of Mirrors Perfect Zen Five Days
of Eternity Five Years After Five Hundreds Years Without Faith Fog Walker
Spiritual …
after+five after+five after+five
After five vears, the survival rate was Table XIV Actuarial mean annual number (
aman) of events observed. CRlTlF. AND COMPFSSATFll ACTl-ARIAI MKAN
Traditional. fixed-rate. mortgage. 30-year term; 6.7-percent interest rate Loan
balance after five years: $168,882 Equity after five years: $31,118 ($20,000 down
payment plus $11,118 principal paid on mortgage) …
außen/innen out wards/inwards; ich bringe den Abfall ~ draußen l am taking the
rubbish outside: ein Zimmer ~ der Straße a room looking out on to or facing the
street; tfiT » 752 1 (zeitlich) after; ~ fünf Minuten after five minutes: five minutes …
after+five after+five after+five
Percentage of Subbaccalaureate CTE Business Students' Attainment After Five
Years by Characteristic and Year Enrolled ..............................................92 11.
Student's t Statistic for Subbaccalaureate CTE Business Students' Attainment
After …
after+five after+five
CET's Minority Female Single Parent program reduced poverty among this group,
after five years, from 51 percent to 46 percent (Zambrowski, Gordon, and
Berenson 1994). Although rigorous experimental evidence is unavailable, the
training …
How much must it be after one ( 1 ) year. after two (2) years. after three (3) years.
after four (4) years. and after five (5) years? b Based on your … After three (3)
years? after five (5) years? c What must be the total present value of the following
Both varieties can use quarter and half when referring to 15, 30 and 45 minutes:
Time UK USA 5.05 five past five five after five 5.15 quarter past five quarter after
five 5.30 half past five/half five half after five 5.45 quarter to six quarter of/to/till six …
Eyes brilliant,**. — The eye had a brilliant and glassy appearance throughout;
mere physical brilliancy, without mental expression,44. — Eyes bright, prominent,
and glassy, and the pupils dilated (after five minutes),*1. — Eyes glassy,4*. — [90
.] …
… charptrs. push (numbers [i] ) ,- // now let 's print values which are stored in the
stacks // cout « "The contents of integers stack" // " (after five pushes) : " « endl;
integers .print ( ) ; cout « "The contents of floats stack" « " (after five pushes) : " «
endl …
Four thirty came around, five twenty-five, thirteen minutes to five, five o'clock, one
minute after five, two after five, three after five, four after five, six after five. With a
great effort Barlach had raised himself to a sitting position. He rang once, twice, …
When the qi of the central regions [zhengtu] ascends to the dusty heavens [aitian]
, the latter produce jue [realgar] after five hundred years. Jue after five hundred
years produces yellow dust, which after five hundred years produces yellow …
An Introduction Richard Bronson. Problems 5.6 In Problems 1 through 10, use
the power method to locate the dominant eigenvalue and a corresponding
eigenvector for the given matrices. Stop after five iterations. (1) (4) G 3} (2) (5) [3 3
} (3) (6) …
Aluminum Alloys After Five Years in Seawater— w. h. ailor, jr. . . 115 The
Information Background in the Field of Biological Deterioration of Nonmetallic
Materials — c. J. wessel 131 Introduction With modern oceanography
approaching the end …
when the customer-service secretary explained
that there had been an exceptional workload due
… as long as he has a dry doghouse that's properly insulated and bedded. lt's all
right to keep your English Setter inside during cold weather; just don't continually
move him back and forth from your heated house to the frigid weather outside.
But Markham had been issued the proper outerwear for that duty and eventually
became accustomed to the frigid weather. He enjoyed the feel of the ship's
motion in the heavy seas and the ship's ability to withstand the power of those
huge …
Eleven babies froze to death that night, exposed to the frigid weather without
shelter. More than any other fight in the Great Sioux War, the ferocity and
conclusiveness of the Dull Knife battle demonstrated to the Indians that nothing
short of …
This game was quickly becoming a punting contest between Ray Guy and
Cleveland's Johnny Evans throughout the first half, as neither team could get
acclimated to the frigid weather conditions. The Browns finally broke through at
the …
The physician who conducted the post mortem exam had concluded that the
whipping alone did not cause Crack's death but that the combination of the
whipping and exposure to the frigid weather was fatal: [The physician testified,] "I
saw that …
The physician who conducted the postmortem examination concluded that the
whipping alone did not cause Crack's death, but that the combination of the
whipping and exposure to the frigid weather was fatal: "I saw that he had been
whipped …
It didn't matter to Father Hector, who was not used to the frigid weather of America
because was focused on his love object. He asked her about her life and told her
about his. All of a sudden, a big dog came near them. The boxer began to …
This can be the result of immersion in cold water or exposure to the frigid weather
. Injury to the. SKILL. 12. hypothalamus can lead to the inability to regulate
temperature. Accurate monitoring and recording of a client's temperature is
essential …
In contrast to the frigid weather outside, the atmosphere had become thick and
tropical, as if in need of a sudden rainstorm. The air was filled with smoke and the
smell of rubber, leather, and latex seemed to permeate the skin. Loud enough to …
but promised
For example, suppose you heard on the news that someone was seriously
injured at a campus party last night, and the dean was recommending that all
further parties be canceled. Your automatic system understands the reasoning:
Party …
… is satisfactory or right, or that someone should be included in a group: The idea
rapidly gained acceptance (= became approved of) in political circles. 3 The party
marked his acceptance into the community. 2 the act of agreeing to an offer, …
The tone should help to show that someone with a personality — a human being
— is writing the letter. If the reader believes that the writer is genuinely concerned
about how the topic of the letter affects him or her, a positive response is likely.
Thus, if X is intrinsically good, then X is not intrinsically good because or in virtue
of the fact that someone or some group likes or desires X or would like X if they
were, say, “fully informed.” This is an essentially negative view. It simply tells us …
But I will speak of him as if he is a he; and I will refer to him as That Someone for
our convenience.” “Fine”, said the physician. “One day”, the skinny boy continued
, “when God was about to finish the creation of this World, That Someone went to …
Of course, we can sometimes see directly that someone is naturally barking up
the wrong tree—say, merely running the brush along the wall when they mean to
be painting the room yellow. But here it is important that we grasp a particular …
Family and friends may speculate that someone slipped a drug into the
unsuspecting youngster's food or drink. It does not occur to anyone that the lethal
agent may have been the socially approved conspiracy of disapproval that is
born of …
Let's call the first set of duties, 'private duties' and the second set of duties - duties
that are owed to no one in particular - 'public duties'. A given duty is owed to
someone else if it was imposed for the benefit of that someone else. A given duty
is …
Listen. Do not speak. (a) S: Is it true that someone is sending her the prize? *R:
Yes, the prize is being sent to her. (b) S: Is it true that someone gives you a free
railway ticket every year? *R: Yes, a free railway ticket is given to me every year.
… not realise that they are paying it Stepford adjective [always before noun] doing
everything that someone tells you to, and not having any ideas of your own a
Stepford wife o Stepford employees stress puppy noun [C] someone who seems
to …
From this perspective, a behavioral intention is defined as the subjective
probability that someone will exhibit a certain behavior if the opportunity presents
itself. As Fishbein and Ajzen have argued, and have shown in many studies,
specific …
Unless you are connected to the Internet over an encrypted connection, assume
that someone could potentially gain access to your personal information. Lastly,
when possible, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which provides stronger …
For example, the probability that someone is a man, given that the person has a
beard, is expressed as p(man | beard); the probability thatsomeone has a beard,
given thatthe person is a man, is expressed asp(beard | man). The fallacy of the …
In this special situation, the sensitivity of an exposure measurement method is the
probability that someone who is truly exposed will be classified as exposed by
the method. Tbs false-negative probability of the method is the probability that
My relativism is a thesis only about what I will call ''inner judgments,'' such as the
judgment that someone ought or ought not … My relativism is not meant to apply,
for example, to the judgment that someone is evil or the judgment that a given …
Gateways to Mind and Behavior Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer. 466 CHAPTER
14 Shouldn't neurosis be listed here Neurosis was once a recognized mental
disorder. However, it is no longer included in the DSM because the term “
neurosis” …
Getting a towel twisted after using it will bring you bad luck. If two persons wipe
together/ They will be friends forever. If you dry your hands together/ You will be
friends forever. If you use the water that someone else has washed in, you and
that …
For example, I may be justified in believing that someone is a murderer by
knowing that he emerged stealthily with a bloody knife from the room in which the
body was subsequently discovered, even if he is in fact innocent and I therefore
do …
The superlative form of adjectives is used to show that someone or something
has more of a particular quality than anyone or anything else. To make the
regular superlative form, you either add -est to the end of the adjective, or use the
word …
I asked her why it was a secret, and she said, "It's none of their business."
Although the adolescents constantly spread rumors about each other, details of
family life were not the subject of rumor. The statement that someone was
pregnant or …
… (4) we may say that the object is involved in myth or fiction and that, as so
involved, it is richly endowed with attributes; or (5) we may say that someone's
intentional attitude is directed upon that object. Meinong's best case, I think, lies
with the …
I have an exceedingly well-entrenched belief that someone has visited the moon.
Nevertheless, I can envisage coming into possession of evidence that would lead
me to abandon that belief. I can envisage coming into possession of evidence …
People tend to assume that someone else will take action so they need not do so.
Another factor influencing bystander intervention is known as pluralistic
ignorance. People seem to decide what constitutes appropriate behavior in a
situation …
It has long been supposed that a simple negation (such as I didn't go to the
cinema last night) introduces the presupposition that someone might be- lieve
that I would have gone to the cinema last night, and then denies that
presupposition …
But the idea that someone would go directly to self-harm following a certain event
, without even experiencing the pain of the event, may seem unfathomable. This
is why it's so important to understand your loved one's internal experience—you …
… how open they are to them. Or (better phrased), you thinking that someone is
bad is going to have a wider impact on your feelings about them then you might
think because you might be shutting o that person because you think they are
I saw all kinds of things, most importantly, I saw that someone somewhere cared.
I was a womyn who was attracted to wimmin, and someone cared. How obvious
does it have to be? Someone obviously cared that I was a lesbian, because I …
Well, does a photoelectric eye know that someone is approaching the door? Not
in any literal sense; it merely has the mechanical ability to respond to such an
approach by opening the door. It could not, for example, justify the claim that
… represent knowledge fragments, possibly involving continuous concepts,
together with an indication of who possesses the knowledge, who thinks that
someone else has that knowledge, etc., as in "I think he doesn't know that his tea
is cold.
We also might find that someone who has taken the above position encounters
words that he does not know to have been used in any but a conditioned sense.
He then utters them in an entirely absolute sense, then claims that this represents …
As much as pain can skew our thinking, motives and intentions still mean a great
deal to us, and knowing that someone never meant to hurt us can lift us
considerably in our ascent from the pit. The emotions involved are still
complicated, but …
… him.193 If the king dreams that his penis was sticking way out and that
someone came along and grabbed hold of it, his dominion will be increased and
the person in the dream, having come to know his secrets, will become his
coregent;194 …
wouldcertainly come the
following+morning following+morning following+morning
The most common diet requirement is for the patient to fast (refrain from eating)
for a certain period of time, typically overnight such as after the last meal of the
day or after midnight, until the specimen is collected the following morning.
following+morning following+morning following+morning following+morning following+morning following+morning
The following morning I saw the male following the female up the slope. When
she stopped, he approached and mounted her. In 4 minutes they separated and
faced each other. Both lay down. One half-hour later they moved 50 yards and
lay …
Irrespective of the mode by which mating has been induced, copulation
continues until the following morning when the sexes will separate. The
complicated laminae of the male genitalia described above are used to prevent
the untimely …
It was not until the following morning that I discovered that the 'assault' that we
had endured was a low hanging vine or limb that had struck the aluminum
camper shelf which extended above the cab of the truck. This was witnessed by
the dent …
following+morning following+morning
The king said he could not grant the Apprentice's request but he did know where
the Apprentice might find such goblets. The following morning the Apprentice set
sail with one of the merchant ships, and after a journey of seven days and seven …
… said to be the next day (Gen 19:33–34).6 Such could not have been the case if
the day began at sundown because the following morning would have been
considered the same day. The assumption is that the day begins at dawn or
Two boats, one of them at least belonging to the steamer, were washed up the
following day at Abu Zabura, and on the following morning the bodies of a Jew
and a Jewess were washed ashore, drowned, and a further body was found near …
According to the authors, CXRs are frequently obtained immediately following the
chest tube removal as well as the following morning. They believed that the
practice of routinely obtaining additional CXRs the following morning might add
to …
Then on the following morning, they arrived at Galbooditharra, where they
located a sizeable group of Aborigines camping there. These men had three
rifles [which had been taken from the Billiluna homestead]. The police tied them
all up, and …
When, upon their arrival in the capital the following morning, they saw a story in
the Washington Post about their meeting with the president, they became heady
with excitement and a sense of accomplishment. But Rhee and Yun were in for a …
The consumption of certain sacred foods reflects this pattern, for *manna must be
entirely eaten before the following morning (except on the *sabbath), lest it
become inedible (Ex 16:19-24). Uneaten portions of peace offerings must not
remain …
On the following morning a filament was fixed to the midrib of the larger and taller
cotyledon (which enfolcls the other and smaller one, whilst still within the seed),
and n mark being placed close behind, the movement of the whole plant, that is, …
The following morning I was lying in the camp bed wide awake and ready for the
day. It was seven in the morning and Lana entered the sitting room. Shejumped
up on the camp bed. I snuggled into her for a few minutes. I got out of bed and …
following+morning following+morning
“Sailor's Chantey” (Sailors) “Friendship” (Reno/Moon) (see act I, scene 5 of 1962
revival) Evelyn's Stateroom. No song On Deck. “It's De-Lovely” (Billy/Hope) (see
act I, scene 2 of 1962 revival) The Same, early the following morning. “Anything …
paginya the next/following day in the early morning hours; — > KEESOKAN
paginya. besoknya the next/following morning. besok-besok later on, in the future
. Ah, saat ini belum terpikir- kan . Entah ~ . Well, at the moment I 'm not thinking
about …
following+morning following+morning following+morning following+morning following+morning
He had called Alex to enquire whether there was any problem with the aeroplane
, which needed immediate attention before the first flight the following morning.
Because of the number of departing passengers at the airport, I had to strain my …
The following morning after breakfast and dress, Chòwàdi decided to introduce
her self personally to Màràphonègi (that is Ziemùzò's female neighbour, that
embarrass, obstacle or made trouble with her for nearly two years on the
telephone …
… the first evening, but left more than just a little to be desired for breakfast the
following morning. Our Landing Party had a young Marine Lieutenant in charge,
not much older than in his early twenties. Our illustrious leader rolled us out of the …
“Of course she won't.” Jed kissed Redford's temple soothingly, taking the phone
back. “Well. She'll knead your face regardless, but she's just a cat, Red, she won't
remember.” Saying one last goodbye, Jed hung up, tossed his phone onto the …
Jed hung up. “Hope you're not sending Hell in. She'd make a lousy political
prisoner.” Jed sat back comfortably, his arms relaxing on the armrests. “Is Alex
allowing you up here alone?” he baited. “I'm surprised he isn't frantically hunting
you …
She is probably with Virginia, and time may have slipped away from her. Call
Virginia real quick and then call me right back to let me know if she is with her or
not.” Jed hung up the phone and scratched his head. He instantly became
… Rowe said, trying to reason with him. But no one really understood that nothing
mattered to Jed but clearing his name. Not even his own life ... “I'll keep in touch,
Rowe.” Jed hung up, hopefully before Rowe had had time to trace his call.
After Jed hung up, Jake debated whether to tell the authorities about Jed's threats
against Jesse. Was it attorney-client communications, or not? Jed hadn't paid him
any money, but did that matter? And then Jake shook his head. Jed's just hot …
Lexi found her father on the phone. He motioned for her to enter, then pointed at
the phone and made the jerk-off motion with his right hand. “Sure, Ted. Anytime.
You know I'm a big fan. Uh-huh. Gotta go. Sure. Soon.” Jed hung up. “I know …
Jed hung up without further embellishment. She didn't have any decent business
suits that remotely fit her since she'd lost the weight. She'd been waiting 'til she
reached her goal weight to buy anything so expensive. More recently she had …
Jed hung up. He'd leave the girl to the police. He unzipped his suit bag and
reached inside for his toiletries bag, but couldn't see it. He had been carrying his
airline tickets, passport and all his money in his pocket. There was really nothing
else …
Jed hung up the phone. There would be a time when he'd get even with his friend
, but not now. There might also be a time when he'd confess to Zoë that he was
Ethan Blair. But not until he'd taken the opportunity to wipe that man right out of …
Jed hung up the phone. There would be a time when he'd get even with his friend
, but not now. There might also be a time when he'd confess to Zoë that he was
Ethan Blair. But not until he'd taken the opportunity to wipe that man right out of …
I'll see you tomorrow in my office and we'll go over your testimony again, OK?” “
Yeah, sure. I'll be there at eleven o'clock Paul. G'bye.” After Jed hung up the
phone Brenden Mitchell dialed Rhea's number. “Hello?” “Hi. I needed to call you.
stay over for a zero day due to sore feet. Easty walked up to the motel while we
were talking so Mayfly watched our packs while we went to Angelina's Subs to
eat with Easty. Mayfly then reserved a room for us when the motel office opened.
He chuckled to himself as he drove back to his hotel. When later in the afternoon,
the phone rang, in the room he'd reserved for John Paul Paine, he let it ring. He
then reserved a room across the hall for a Mr. Halberg. He was quite certain that …
Workers in K-Mart or Woolworths, and housekeepers in the Mercure Hotel and
other hotels, waitresses in the Irish Club (the hub of the town's social life), chefs in
restaurants, nurses' aides in nursing homes, day care mothers, museum …
AE, DC, MC, V. Daily 6:30–11am, 12:30–3:30pm, and 7:30–11pm. Le Belvedere
MEDITERRANEAN You'll need to allow at least 45 minutes to get here from Al
Ain, since the restaurant lies in the Mercure hotel near the top of Jebel Hafeet.
… two-bedroom apartments are great value for self-caterers. There's enough
room (even in the studios) to swing several cats and each apartment comes with
a fully equipped kitchen and use of the laundry and pool in the Mercure Hotel
Further to the west, the renowned intellectual newspaper Le Monde has built its
new offices on the boulevard Auguste-Blanqui a few minutes from the
picturesque Butte aux Cailles district, which demonstrates the contrasts of the
He waited all day, because Ledwich He did a lot of waiting. He waited all day,
because Ledwich didn't show until after dark. But the little man was well-stocked
didn't show until after dark. But the little man was well-stocked with patienc e—I'll …
He waited all his life for the land of promise, which was never given. Yet he
waited and watched and worked in the patient belief that God is faithful. If we
knew that Christ would be coming in a month, we would give full attention to
forsaking sin, …
Helpless, he waited all afternoon and all night for her in that shadow-haunted
apartment and went to the flower market the next morning, where he stalked the
corrugated sheds with their hanging lights. Nothing. Unshaven, he visited the
Hall of …
One morning he said, 'I've had enough', and I said, 'I agree.' He married a
beautiful girl, the daughter of one of our benefactors, grown from the child who
brought us food in the night to the one of whom he waited all day, and they were
blessed …
He waited all that night for the rush of guilt. He was surprised when it failed to
come. But he had already been a murderer—by wishing for Andersen's death, by
planning Pierce's murder. The simple translation of his impulses from thought to …
He+waited+all He+waited+all He+waited+all
He felt sorry he could not reach the buffalo. Before the sun rose, he hurried to the
top of the hill. The buffalo stood just where it had, but it faced the east. Again he
waited for it to move. He waited all day. When the sun went down, the buffalo still …
… between them grew deeper, rougher. Audrey was safe on the rock, but Egfrith
could not reach her. Egfrith waited for the tide to go down. 'It won't be long,' he
thought. But although he waited and waited, the tide stayed high. He waited all
the …
It's like being a widow already. Arnold says he can't walk far, he'd get too tired.
But even if he waited inside the bus, at least he'd see some scenery that's
different. But maybe he never wanted to travel. Maybe he waited all his life to stay
home, …
He+waited+all He+waited+all He+waited+all
So he waited all the day, praying with his Tai or alone. Or sitting in quiet
contemplation both inside and outside the temple, focussing his energies, honing
his mind to peaks of concentration to allow him to connect with Tual's denizens.
Finally …
He waited all day, and the next and the next, climbing up to the mountain's
summit each evening, hoping to hear again the strange melody. But alas, it came
no more. Now, Strong Arrow was not a stupid man, and it took little effort on his
part to …
He waited until His testing was over in the wilderness. He waited all night in the
garden of Gethse- mane for His Father to make His will known to Him. He waited
long, torturous hours on the cross for you and for me to complete His magnificent …
So he waited all the day, praying with his Tai or alone. Or sitting in quiet
contemplation both inside and outside the temple, focussing his energies, honing
his mind to peaks of concentration to allow him to connect with Tual's denizens.
Finally …
He waited all day. (Brief pause) Guard brought him his meal that night. Guard
said, Tomorrow. Tomorrow you're going up. So he waited again. All night long he
waited. Morning. (Brief pause) They didn't come. B: (Hopefully) They didn't come!
He waited all that night. But without water, the water wheel wouldn't turn at all.
Meanwhile, Hare ate the beans with great delight. Oh, they were good! They
were delicious! But Hare knew that the other animals would be coming after him
for the …
That was yesterday, Tuesday. They didn't come. They always say they are
coming out tomorrow. And Mr. G. waits. Like he has done countless times in the
past months. He waited all day. Then today, he was going to go and get a brake
tag for …
As he waited all he had was time and so he thought of how high his legacy would
rise for defeating an immortal in battle. He knew there was one in fact which
favored him and through their guidance he'd be protected. He thought, what
better …
He waited all day, until five o'clock when the counselor told him that his mother
was not coming and he would have to go back to his home. He refused to leave,
even threw a tantrum which he seldom did. The counselor tried to explain that his …
He waited all that evening for something to be said to him. Nothing was said.
Nothing might have happened. He went up to bed, and in the mirror on his
dressing-table met himself. He did not speak, nor did the image; but both looked
as if they …
He+waited+all He+waited+all
The cars on the highway continued to fly past him as if the rain had not picked up
considerably. He began to drift off into his memories again. He waited all week to
see her; he knew for a fact that she would be at Jummah the next Friday.
He waited all that night. He waited throughout the next day. He waited until he
thought he could wait no more. Little Otter asked again, to be sure the Great Spirit
had heard him. But still he heard nothing. After the end of the first day, when night …
of the
Section. 1 .3. Section 1.3. Term. "Term" means the period commencing on and
including the Effective Date of a Credit Derivative Transaction and ending on and
including the Termination Date of such Credit Derivative Transaction. The Term
of …
A patient admitted after the census was taken (say, midnight of March 2) and
discharged before the census was taken the following day (March 3) would not
be counted in the March 3 census because the patient was no longer present at
The omission of days from the narrative is usually indicated by a brief temporal
formula, like 'two days later' or 'the following day', which is found in between two
more elaborately told events. Such formulas are ultimately relative to other …
following+day following+day following+day following+day following+day following+day following+day
Days were classified as wet or dry according to whether or not there had been
recorded at least 0.1 mm of precipitation in the 24-hour period from EXAMPLE 2
8 A.M. to 8 A.M. the following day. A Markov. 200 CHAPTER 3 Determinants and …
following+day following+day
On the following day he once again occupies the palace chih-chih and has thus
visited [all] these palaces in turn. Counting from the palace where he is staying at
the time, [T'ai-i also] moves daily in the order one through nine [to the other …
26") throughout the day in which his father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter,
or wife have died; also, by rabbinical authority only, throughout the following
night (and the following day also if the burial is delayed until then). 7 To rescue
one …
Develop consistency—Repetition helps immensely when you're trying to develop
a new habit.If one day you don't do a particular task that you're trying to make a
habit,do your best to integrate it in the following day.The more repetitive work …
… sorry to have gone on so” “Please don't stop now” said Sandra quickly “I would
never be able to sleep unless I know what Alexander said the following day” “
Please do go on” echoed James “we so need to know what happened next” “Well
, …
Anesthesiology 97: 1093−1101 Kotiniemi LH, Ryhanen PT, Moilanen IK (1997)
Behaviou- ral changes in children following day-case surgery: a 4-week follow-
up of 551 children. Anaesthesia 52: 970−976 Kotiniemi LH, Ryhanen PT,
Valanne …
Figures 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 depict the scatter of the price movement of one day (f)
plotted against that of the following day (f + 1) for a particular security over a
period. Price movement on day t+ 1 Figure 9.2 Graph of a security's price on one
day …
If the witnesses did indeed appear, then that day would be sanctified and the
following day would be a regular day — the … However, if witnesses did not
appear, then the following day would be Rosh Hashanah and retroactively, the
previous …
Some of this increased moisture is available on the following day for transpiration
by shallow roots (or evaporation from bare soil). Therefore a proportion of the
additional soil moisture is retained near the soil surface. This is represented in
the …
following+day following+day
The judge adjourned the court until the following day. ffiah « A'T.'PTAa*- « «p-> :
2. fl+>. The chairman adjourned the meeting. A.+ ' ^fK- i n«flA0fl»-'> » fl+V
adjourn (vi.) 1. 'f'fl'H. The meeting adjourned at 10 o'clock. ti-ttMay i q^* « A1* « -rfl
+V 2 …
After a while, we headed back to the Cabanas. He walked me to the door and
hugged me, and I thanked him for his time and understanding. He kissed me
lightly on the lips, and he promised to call me the following day. I watched him
leave …
F. [If] he completed his period of labor by night, G. he collects his wage any time
during the rest of that night and the following day. M. 9:11 The point is that if the
worker is paid at any time in the following interval (A-C), the employer does not …
Accordingly, Jarvis worked on the hacking belt that day, was switched to the
monorail on the following day and then, contrary to Company practice, was
changed repeatedly to other jobs. Usually, employees did the same job every
day unless …
following+day following+day following+day following+day
The following day, New Orleans fell; but Fort St. Philip and Fort Jackson held out
until the 28th when they finally surrendered to Porter. On 6 May, T. A. Ward
retired to Ship Island which the mortar flotilla used as a base for blockade
operations …
Embryonic stem cells Inner cell mass (ICM) Mouse blastocyst Cells isolated from
ICM Cultured diploid pluripotent stem cells grown on feeder cells Neuron and
glia +RA between day 0 and day 2 or day 5 +RA following day 5−9 Ventricular …
It follows from what you have said that no one can really be held responsible for
his conduct. (Wood) following' the following day (week), 'next day (week) UL next
following' the following day/the day following Il°]] the following dayCweek, …
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Given a parameterization of the wage offer
distribution /( w), say/(w 1 f, x,), observations of the net income while unemployed
b (there is some hope of having data on b), and values for the arrival rage of 5
and …
The Parsi writer Jivanji Jamshedji Modi (1854-1933) accepted the eighth century
as the period for the arrival of the Parsis to India, and cited the year to be 785
C.E. See J. J. Modi, A Few Events in the Early History of the Parsis and Their
Dates …
Gaining knowledge of the attack distribution means obtaining reliable estimates
for the arrival rates, Xfc, and Xc,-, in Figure 3.7. These may be obtained through
intelligence sources prior to the attack and from other sensors (other ships in the …
129 Hospital Orientation Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Needs Assessment for Departmental Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Preparations for the Arrival of New Orientees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 First
Day: …
for+the+arrival for+the+arrival
… after some discussion we arrived at a compromise = nach einigen
Diskussionen erzielten wir einen Kompromiß 0 arrival noun Ankunft / or Eingang
m or Eintreffen n; we are waiting for the arrival of a consignment of spare parts =
wir warten …
Sibling will participate in activities to prepare for the arrival of the newborn.
Sibling will participate in age–appropriate care activities and social interactions
with the newborn. Guidance for Family Members Involve the Sibling in the
Pregnancy …
9) For the arrival of Longueville, see Longueville. d' Avaux. and Servien (letter
sent) to Brienne, July 4, 1645: AAE, CP. Allemagne 55. fol. 1 34-1 39 (copies
published in Le Clerc. Negociations Secretes [note 7], Vol. 2, pt. 2, 87-88; Carl
Wilhelm …
For the arrival process, we assume that user requests form a Poisson arrival
process with rate λ. The proportion of client requests falling within the admission
threshold is given by 2δ PS= TR (19.6) and these clients will be statically-
“When Providence's intentions for us have been carried out, an inner music
prepares us for the arrival of the angel of death. There is nothing frightening,
nothing terrible, about him. His wings are white, though he goes surrounded by
General Fremont endeavored to have the new soldiers in St. Louis drilled and
fitted for service without waiting for the arrival of arms, and, that their time and
strength might be reserved for the one purpose of acquiring military discipline, he
had …
where A is the arrival process and S the service process. The following
abbreviations are common for the arrival and service processes: Utilisation r (a)
Loss Utilisation r (b) QueueLength. 30 The Competitive Internet Service Provider
3.1.2 …
MAIL The name of a file that the shell periodically checks for the arrival of mail. …
MAILCHECK The number of seconds specifying how often the shell is to check
for the arrival of mail in the file in MAIL or in the files listed in MAILPATH.
… to take to India, may also have written others for the same purpose, and this
would account for the arrival in India of the Yätkär-I Zarirän and the extracts from
the Bündahishn which were afterwards copied by Mitrö-äpän. i WEST, Bundahish
, …
summons came for them to go to Paris to prepare for the arrival of the German
Peace Delegation. Even the invitation of the Germans to Paris caused conflict.
The simple message from the representative of the allied and associated powers …
The me intervals don't need to be the same as for the arrival rates to the le, but
the starng and 10 rate for that me unl the next me. E.g., the first ending mes
should be the same. The rates are 11 12 rate below, 30, indicates that customer
arrive …
No fee or portion thereof shall be collected under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this
section for the arrival of a vessel during any calendar year after a total of $5,955
in fees has been paid under paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (b)(2)(i) of this section for all …
The times corresponding to the random numbers, as determined from the Tables
17.4 and 17.5, are contained in columns 3 and 5, respectively. Now, we start with
the first mechanic and observe that the random number for the arrival is 58.
… for the Power Delay Profile 129 7.3.3 Models for the Arrival Times ofRays and
Clusters 130 7.3.4 Standardized Channel Model 131 7.4 Directional Models 131
7.4.1 General Model Structure and Factorization 131 7.4.2 Angular Dispersion at …
… or else (ii) He may prefer not to rescind the contract, but instead, treat the
contract to be still operative and wait for the arrival of the actual time of the
performance agreed upon, and only thereafter hold the promisor liable for non-
performance …
… westlichen Interventionsstreitmacht nach Saudi-Arabien („De- sert Shield")
kommentierte man in der syrischen Kapitale wie folgt: „The event (die Besetzung
Kuwaits; M.S.) was responsible for the arrival of the foreigners, and not vice versa
For the arrival distribution shown in Figure VI-19, the passengers are assumed to
arrive as follows: • 25% in the period 60 to 45 minutes before flight close-out (
same as uniform) • 50% in the period 45 to 30 minutes before flight close-out • 15
% …
The channels in the cell membrane provide a mechanism to selectively pass
molecules arriving from the extracellular space into the intracellular space. by
definition. Alternative names used in the literature for the arrival time are “jump
time” …
If Figure 5.2a's BUSY/DONE states are for the arrival of a byte in a serial input
device, the overall BUSY state of Figure 5.2a indicates that within a byte, bits
have been requested but not all have arrived. Within this BUSY state, a lower
level …
We then ask when the time change is a simple adjustment of scale and speed of
the process for the arrival of shocks. This class consists of the gamma process
and processes constructed from the gamma process by integrating the tail of the …
As noted earlier, English law does not require notice of readiness to be given at
the port of discharge, where it is the responsibility of the consignee to keep a
lookout for the arrival of the vessel. This rule probably stems from the situation in
liner …
The first dock is wider and longer than the rest, and designed for the arrival of
large trailer trucks. Other docks are similarly customized for other types of
vehicles, some for vans or cars, others for hearses or delivery vehicles. At the
rear of the …
Keep your lamps burning; wait patiently for the arrival of the bridegroom at an
unexpected hour. You may be surprised to discover that he will serve you at table
. Anthem Treasures in Heaven,]. Clokey (Summy-Birchard) SATB sop. solo (E).
The author expresses his sincere thanks and appreciation to: I Mr. A. T. Strother,
Executive Director of the Plumbing Industry Program of Miami, Florida, for
granting permission to use excerpts from his article "A History of Plumbing" which …
All standards require maneuvering clearances for door operation, so it is best to
determine which standards apply. TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 2.33
Contributors: Charles A. Szoradi, AIA, Washington, DC. American Society of
… a Hydronic System Key Terms Supplementary Reading Problems 8 Principles
of Plumbing 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Basic Principles of Plumbing 8.3 Plumbing
System Design Constraints 8.4 Minimum Plumbing Facilities 8.5 Hydraulics 8.6
Static …
Rosemary Bray 425 82 "On the Meaning of Plumbing and Poverty" Melanie
Scheller 430 Next Steps and Action 83 Social Class Questionnaire 432 84 "A
Welfare Reform Program Based on Help for Working Parents" Barbara Bergmann
and …
Plumbing and Mechanical Services Book 3 provides a learning resource for
students of plumbing, heating, gas and allied industries studying for qualification
at City & Guilds Craft Certificate Level. The text closely follows the requirements
of …
They also facilitate the installation of plumbing, conduits, and other installations
requiring a furred ceiling or heavy fills on top of the structural slab. There are five
basic series of open web steel joists: K (horizontal bridging) spanning up to 15 m, …
… book: International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials 5032
Alhambra Avenue Los Angeles, California 90032 National Fire Protection
Association, Inc. Batterymarch Park Quincy, Massachusetts 02269 Southern
Building Code …
This series of codes is called the Comprehensive Consensus Codes—or C3-
Codes for short. Currently, the NFPA's col- laboration partners include the
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), the
Western Fire …
… Berkeley; Harvel Plastics, Easton, Pennsylvania; International Association of
Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, Walnut, California; J.W. Landscape Co.,
Berkeley; Maskell-Robbins, Watsonville, California; Phillips Driscopipe,
Richardson, …
of plumbing fixtures discharging into a common waste line. bay - 1) an area
within a structure that is marked or walled off; 2) a projection outward from a wall
which affords more interior space or frames a bay window. bay window -a
window, …
This section regulates the number of plumbing fixtures to be provided in buildings
based upon their occupancy. The determination of the number of fixtures is a
design- related decision and as such belongs in the building code, not in the …
… Waste-Piping Systems 107 Waste Components of Plumbing Fixtures 107 Vent
Piping 109 Treating and Recycling Water 110 Rural Sewage Treatment 110
Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants 111 On-Site Large-Scale Treatment
Systems …
It's not very likely that a good plan would emerge after the first few attempts, and
each of these attempts would be relatively time- consuming, since floor plans
involve partitions, door swings, the placement of plumbing fixtures and
equipment, …
Water supply, plumbing fixtures, and waste piping may be the most common type
of plumbing system within a building. But other types of plumbing systems may
be required, including plumbing for gas service, and, dependent on the facility …
Introduction. Me,. you. and. Mr. Murphy. Thanks in part to the poster industry, I am
certain that most people are familiar with Mr. Murphy and his law(s). I am a long-
time admirer of the good Mr. Murphy — so much so that I married one of his …
Master Title but specializes m drawing of plans for installation of plumbing
equipment. GOE: 05.03.02 STRENGTH S GED: R5 MS 14 SVP 7 DLV 77 ..:......-
DRAFTER. ALTOMOTIVE DESIGN (auto, mfg.) Designs and drafts working
layouts and …
Average heating. Showers with enameled cement plaster walls and ceramic tile
base. Water closets and lavatories. One rest room for each sex with at least 1
each shower, water closet and lavatory. Average grade of plumbing fixtures.
Ceiling …
The Committee of Plumbing Examiners is appointed by the Board of Health and
may revoke or suspend the license of any worker who makes a material
misstatement on his or her license application, who demonstrates incompetency
or who …
… if most of plumbing is on that side of house. Look for spot on the ground where
snow melts first, grass turns brown, or there is a slight depression or mound.
Steel tanks will sometimes bounce slightly when jumped on, but be careful, steel
lids …
The business of plumbing has been given a new emphasis. Hundreds of
suggestions by teachers and industry experts have been added to this 6th edition
. The more complex units are provided with completely worked out examples that
the …
The first Study Session outlines the Scope of plumbing inspections as set out in
the ashi* Standards of Practice. … This Session also includes some comments on
the Standards and a discussion of the basic principles of plumbing. 2. Please …
in General
The volumes are designed for student use at undergraduate and postgraduate
level and will be of interest not only to students of philosophy, but also to a wider
audience of readers in the history of science, the history of theology and the …
Also, substantial variation may be found from state to state, not merely because of
the differing statutory bases, but also because of widely varying perspectives and
philosophies of education that the judges themselves may have in viewing …
When you read a passage, therefore, you should concentrate not only on the
explicit meaning of the author's words, but also on the more subtle meaning
implied by those words. Applying information to a context outside the passage
itself …
This was true not only, as happened so often, when it addressed the outside
world ex professo, in the form of so-called apologetics, but also when it dealt with
the questions most proper to itself. Theology never failed to react, whether …
James Bond films depend on certain familiar elements (beautiful women and
megalomaniac villains) but also include innovations (exotic locales, updated
weapons technologies, and changing political conflicts). Baz Luhrmann's Moulin
Rouge …
Readers will find that this edition is much enriched with quotations not only from
cases, but also from books and other sources. The shame is that it is not more
enriched than it is, for in January 1991 a small lexicographic catastrophe
occurred …
For this edition, we have carefully selected recent cases for each chapter that not
only provide on-point illustrations of the legal principles discussed in the chapter
but also are of high interest to students. The cases are numbered sequentially …
… and awkwardly written prose but also your ability to write an essay under
severe time pressure. You have 25 minutes. In these 25 minutes you must take a
position on a particular topic or issue and write a first-draft essay that coherently …
It can be very helpful, but don't dive right for your calculator before you really
understand what the problem is asking. This not only wastes precious time, but
also can lead to wrong answers. So use your calculator, but make sure it's going
to …
The consequence is an adversarial relationship that helps to explain some of the
unfavorable coverage. Business has to deal not only with the problems of 24/7
news coverage but also with a continuing proliferation of investigative news …
for Simply Plumbers
whom he had managed to contact
in honor of -»• en 1 'honneur de in large part * en grande partie in the last
analysis •* en définitive, tout compte fait in the meantime -»• en attendant,
pendant ce temps in a nutshell •* en un mot in the open •* en plein air in spite of •
* en dépit de, …
Opposite beyond your means ways and means See at ways meantime in the
meantime while something else is happening or until something else happens; =
in the meanwhile ♢ A new school is being built, but in the meantime this school …
In the meantime "Heyne Lyrik" has become a moderately successful series, yet it
is perhaps too soon to tell how well "Neue Literatur" will fare. For Goldmann,
Ullstein and, to a certain extent Heyne, a serious commitment to continuity in
these …
Thus, it is obvious that the sight of the scattered dry bones confronts Ezekiel with
the effect of judgement – it seems as if the prophesies of doom had come true in
the meantime.17 Ezekiel faces a situation implying God's absence so far.
This said, the road ahead is far from clear, and the problem is what to do not in
the long term but in the meantime — and, as a wag once observed, the meantime
is the most difficult time of all. I look forward to the inevitable discussions and …
2:14-7:4) against any intruders who had arrived in Corinth in the meantime
armed with letters of recommendation (3:1). It is a moot point whether the four
final chapters of the letter 10-13 are, or are not a part of this document40; in any
case …
In the meantime, mission inspector Braun who had criticized the fanaticism of the
NSDAP earlier wrote to missionary … Unlike Tanzania, their success was not
great in South Africa.68 In the meantime, Weichert suffered another breakdown.
in+the+meantime in+the+meantime
These developments should be viewed against the backdrop of, on the one hand
, modern trends in (socio)linguistics and, on the other hand, a still increasing
influence of Dutch on Frisian on all linguistic levels. In the meantime, based on
the …
Perhaps the longest unit of time — other than when you are late and waiting for
the elevator — is what we call "in the meantime." And we are here in the
meantime until we answer these problems of unpredictability and inadequacy of …
(t>orsteinn found his shepherd outside and said: 'Go to Áss and knock at the door
, and pay attention to how fast they come to the door, and in the meantime you
shall recite poetry. I"he shepherd went and came to Áss and knocked at the door, …
New results of the surveys were not published before 1999. They were included
in the Global Report on Crime and Justice, produced by Oxford University Press
for UNCICP (Newman 1999). In the meantime the questionnaire had been further …
… within the forbidden degrees).29 By July 16 1235 Henry was writing to
representa- tives at the papal curia to stop progress towards a dispensation.30
We know that one motiva- tion was that he had decided in the meantime to marry
Eleanor, …
13 The growing Roma discourse has in the meantime become ambivalent
because while it attracted the attention ofthe public and international, European
but also domestic institu- tions, it also contributed to the re-enforcement ofthe …
… hypothesis of the abolition of the guild to re-emerge in the second half of the
1770s: a drastic decision for which the time was not yet ripe.83 In the meantime,
however, the liberalisation of the making of silk stockings on the frame had
brought …
In the meantime, he has come up with the form wraita on the Rei- stad stone äs '
unequivocal recorded evidence' (1994:51), analysing wraita äs a Ist
ind. form of a strong verb ('wrote').10 Methodologically, I think Antonsen puts …
While Simply Plumbers promised to respect the craft traditions
of “higher
… FLOOR PLAN DRAWINGS Energy Conservation 364 Universal Plumbing
Installations 365 Plumbing Schedules 366 Plumbing Drawings 366 Water
Systems 366 Drainage and Vent Systems 369 Isometric Plumbing Drawings 369
Solar Hot …
Sample answer sheet Part One Plumbing Systems General Regulations
Plumbing. 1 hope you've picked up … This book has the information you need to
pass a plumbing exam based on either of the two popular national codes. If you'
ve been …
… Lifts 301 Plumbing 303 Occupant Support Plumbing Systems 309 Building
Support Plumbing Systems 328 Other Plumbing Systems 333 Heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 334 Design Considerations 334
Combined Heating …
Once the overall system planning is completed, the project mechanical (HVAC),
electrical and plumbing engineers begin detailed design. It is at this stage that
the technologist is called upon. The usual arrangement for a project at the design …
… 3.12 Question 3.13 Question 3.14 Question 3.15 Question 3.16 Question 3.17
Question 3.18 Question 3.19 Question 3.20 Question 3.21 Question 3.22 Is wiring
restricted from sharing a penetration with plumbing? l02 Is air tubing permitted …
” they showed themselves to be no more capable
(Do This: Turn your head from side to side as if to say “no.” This twisting or turning
of the head accomplishes the movement of rotation; that is, rotation of the neck.)
supination Supination is the act of turning the palm up or forward. (Do This: …
This last function is concerned with the polymer's viscoelastic property; if the flow
were left unstraightened, the polymer would play back its history of turning inside
the extrusion chamber, tending to twist and distort the extrudate.
If, for example, the smallest radius in the layout is | in., the widest blade capable
of turning that radius is | in. Most contour sawing machines have a chart right on
the machine that shows the relationship between the width of a blade and the …
Finally, egg-shape may have some role in determining the pattern of turning
during incubation (Deeming, Chapter 19). The optimum turning regime is
unexpectedly complicated. For example, the egg should lie with its long axis at
20° to the …
Margaret Hubert. Foundation M AYA M ES H I I Skill Level: Easy. INTERTWINED
LACETS Skill Level: Easy Ch a muitipie oi 8 pIus T Foundation Row: T sc in 7th
ch irom hook, ch 2, skip the next ch, T dc in next ch, *ch 3, skip next 3 ch, T dc in …
Fine Woodworking. I always enjoy teaching spindle turning because any well-
coordinated person can pick up the rudiments of the craft so quickly. Unlike so
many woodworking disciplines, spindle turning doesn't demand a long …
With Anthony Jackson, she is coauthor (under the name "Davis") of Turning
Points 2000: Educating Adolescents in the 21st Century. She also serves on
National Middle School Association's Research Advisory Board, the board of
directors of …
The maneuvering characteristics of a vessel are documented in terms of turning
circle maneuver, zigzag (Z) maneuver and crash astern test. The IMO (
International Maritime Organization) maneuvering criteria from 2002 for ships
longer than …
L. T. C. Rolt, A Short History of Machine Tools, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1965. The
dates given are those of the first editions. All these books have been reprinted
since. PREFACE 10IN submitting the Fifth Volume of Turning and Mechanical.
23 Maximum low-speed offtracking and swept path width for. This chapter
reviews the available data on truck characteristics that should be considered in
the …
up on time
In the
He came back in one last time, which I thought was to make sure he had not
forgotten anything. He scanned the room, looked at the painting he had made for
me, looked at me, and then proceeded to march directly up to the painting and rip
it …
The guests were sitting in the living room when Newman suggested that Pollock
take them out to his studio and show them the painting he had made with Smith,
thinking it would be fun to see it. But Newman regretted the request as soon as …
painting+he+had+made painting+he+had+made
… out of proportion, and here and there he had blurred some of the lines and
smudged small but visible patches of one color upon another. From the wardrobe
, he retrieved a similar painting he had made in his late teens and compared
… watching Rafael Baledon's La loba (The She-Wolf, 1965), starring Kitty de
Hoyos and Joaquin Cordero: One day in Juchitan my lover took me to the
cemetery, where he showed me a painting he had made for the tomb of one of
his aunts.
He said that for a few days he felt distressed. He could not find any image to
represent himself. Suddenly he found it: the 'little blue shape' at the centre of a
painting he had made to represent a vortex! Then he started to produce other
images …
He tried to show me the only painting he had made as a painter. He painted quite
well but chose to write poetry. His hands shivered when he showed me his
painting. Ai Qing eventully attended the Chinese Writer's Forum that I had
organized …
… alone with Lea and Alex at an Italian restaurant in Little Italy. She had been to a
French restaurant with Rinna for lunch as was their custom. Lea gave her a silver
brooch from Yogyakarta, Central Java. Alex gave her a painting he had made.
All his artwork was gone, even the painting he had made for me—a portrait of me
dressed for the Snow Ball, holding a pumpkin basket and a Snickers, sporting a
spider ring and fake vampire teeth. A black letter-sized envelope lay on top of a …
By the time of Cole's death, the style of painting he had made so popular —
landscape painting with, as he said, "moral content" — was beginning to decline
in fashion and marketability. Apparently like so many men his age, Cole tried in
vain …
The next morning, Jimmy asked to borrow the flower but would not tell his teacher
why. Later, he returned the orchid along with a painting he had made of the
blossom, explaining that now she would have it forever. He signed it: "Her Pride.
Winston Churchill, who was still a fan of Vivien's after seeing a per- formance,
invited the Oliviers to dinner to celebrate Larry's birthday. The statesman gave
Vivien a painting he had made as a gift. It was a picture Vivien had admired some
time …
His style is at once more self-determining and self-reflexive than in any other
painting he had made to this point. Accordingly, Tintoretto did not (as is often
assumed) draw primarily on the large paintings which hung in analogous
positions in …
Search and delivery missions used to occupy almost 90 percent of HIM jobs at
Kaiser Permanente-Colorado. Couriers delivered 25,000 paper medical records
daily across a 100-square-mile service area. With the implementation of Kaiser's …
… when a gamin, on seeing the hideous Dautin die bravely, uttered these words
which contain a future: "I was jealous of him." In the brotherhood of gamins
Voltaire is not known, but Papavoine is. "Politicians" are confused with assassins
in the …
of+him of+him
In January 2000, 82% of Democrats had a favorable view of Gore and less than 1
% had never heard of him. Despite the enormous publicity accorded Dean in
recent months, a third of Democrats say they still don't know enough about him to …
miss, encounter or escape; tragic Destiny is what the man brings, and the world
will demand of him. That is his Fate.51 Both tragedy and comedy deal with
destiny, but destiny viewed "as a future shaped essentially in advance and only …
Those who are at variance concerning him surely are in doubt regarding him;
they have no knowledge of him, except the following of surmise; and they slew
him not of a certainty - no indeed; God raised him up to Him: God is All-mighty.
… they esteemed him as a prophet. 6 But on Herod's birthday, the daughter of
Herodias danced before them: and pleased Herod. 7 Whereupon he promised
with an oath, to give her whatsoever she would ask of him. 8 But she being
instructed …
As the Shaykh remarks, "Everything in engendered existence is a sign of Him" (IV
411.20). "All possible things are signs" (III 492.11). Those who grasp the
significance of the signs "see that everything other than God is a locus for the flow
of the …
of+him of+him
… was in a certain particular way to have tampered with her spring; by which I
mean that the shame and the irritation and the depression, the general
poisonous influence of him, were to have been shown, with a truth beyond the
compass even …
… the Apologetic of Augustine can be no mere rehabilitation of the somewhat
threadbare, if not effete, arguments of Justin and Tertullian.7 In fact, as Augustine
considered what was required of him—to expound the Christian faith, and justify
it …
Idem 2006, But it is of him mikel scape: I wot bat he bes ded ful rabe. | 13. . Curs.
M. 1175, 'Nai', said our louerd, 'it bets not sua, All bat be sees, sal be not sla'. |
Idem 2965, Blissed bijs your tabernacle (v. r. sal be). | Idem 3762, Mi hert bes …
Now have I paid my vow unto his soul; For every drop of blood was drawn from
him, There hath at least five Frenchmen died to-night. And that hereafter ages
may behold What ruin happen'd in revenge of him, Within their chiefest temple I'll …
It was part of him elaborate chivalry and she though harsh and crude should
never cease to receive from him this respect. He knew she must suffer but what
could he do. They were man and wife, their minds and natures were separated
by …
Jed’s father
However, some people say a lectern goes on a table while a podium goes on the
floor. Others say a podium is a base and that you stand on a podium. To prevent
this confusion, we recommend that you avoid the word “podium,” and specify …
… the east at the rear of the shrine, as indicated in some plans,10 argues in favor
of such communication.11 The shrine at Ras el-Soda was elevated on a podium,
as was the shrine at Luxor, although, admittedly, the elevation was not as high.
Its distinctive elements (particularly the bench or podium) were soon copied in
the University Library and elsewhere at Cambridge, and details from the
decorative work can also be found echoed on a podium and in benches at King's
… relation to a place where one has not been before—another place, an elseu/
here—is decisive in determining the place of the self. The self is never therefore
simply “at home” on a podium, or on a stage. For a stage is not a house, not even
a …
Some people say a lectern goes on a table, and a podium goes on the floor.
Others say a podium is a base, and that you stand on a podium. To prevent this
confusion, we recommend that you avoid the word podium and specify either a
table …
The conductor stands on a podium so all the musicians can see her. This tripod
keeps the telescope very still. An ambulance could. A PEDESTRIAN is a person
walking, or going on foot. When you walk to the store instead of taking a can you …
All of the packs other than his and Tamuk's carry bag were piled on a podium in
the centre of the village and had been emptied and ransacked by the elder crowd
. Zed unzipped a pouch on his pack to get his father's compass, but instead …
… compensate for this situation, but certainly not only for that reason, the altar, of
which remains only the rectangular footing for a foundation of compacted chips of
tufo, had been placed on a podium of a circular form and almost4mindiameter.
on a podium proper, and are of poros throughout.57 They were built on the
expectation that they would eventually be covered. It is noteworthy that while the
architect of the Propylaia, Mnesikles, anticipated a rise in the level of the Nike …
An example to help you remember the difference, you walk up to a lectern and it
is used to hold your papers. It is necessary to step up on a podium. Lecterns are
basically of two types, a tabletop or a floor model. A podium can have a lectern …
The remains at Italica do not sit on a podium, nor is there evidence for a pronaos.
Finally, the capitolium temple should sit on the highest point of land, commanding
a view of the city and surrounding territory, as does the capitolium temple at …
These elements were placed on a podium more than one storey high that formed
an open courtyard between them within the site. This raised courtyard was to be
reached from Mannerheimintie by two flights of steps, a monumental one …
These were built on a podium supported by arches, some of which have also
been discovered.74 A number of altars with dedicatory inscriptions have also
been found. These sometimes provide a clear indication of the existence of
temples, …
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1964, 1982-83 Pereira and Associates;
Hardy, Holzman and Pfeiffer The original 1964 complex was a group of three
pavilions, set on a podium in a park. The buildings were reflected in a
surrounding moat …
This can be read as a square altar or statue base mounted on a podium
approached by two flights of four steps on opposite sides, which seems to have
stood in a large open area. But this fragment has recently been assigned by
Rodriguez …
But I have to say I was not fast enough toovertake Alonso, and ass consequence I
missed out on a podium," "My race pace was actually very good. I lost time when
the track was wet, and it was too risky to try to overtake Alonso, We were quick …
… of its form — a naiskos on a podium. The lion as roof sculpture is also
consistent with heroic monuments. Unfortunately, no inscription has been found
giving the name of the person honored. A marble statue, 13 feet (ca. 4 m) high,
found near …
on+a+podium on+a+podium
Set on a podium 11.57 m. high, it faced northeast, and was approached from the
front by a steep staircase; vaulted corridors led from the pronaos to the lower
cella. Fragments of white marble architectural decoration show the order as …
Etruscan temples usually rest on a podium, unlike Greek temples, and the
emphasis is frontal. Simpler temples have a single cella with or without columns.
The columns are normally only in front. More elaborate temples can have up to
three …
towards the Forum, repeated that of Hadrian's building [59]. 1 This was a gigantic
decastyle peripteral temple (217 by 348 feet; 66 by 136 m.) with ten columns
across the facade and twenty along the sides, and set, not on a podium in the
usual …
For me, the biggest exception to that rule is speaking at a luncheon, where I often
have no chance to place my notes carefully ahead of time on a podium, as other
people are also using it. In this case, my notes are carefully arranged and in …
… of Marcus on a podium reading a document to his troops (LV). After the Victoria
, the war appears to pick up again immediately, as if it had never left off, with a
scene (LVI) of the emperor receiving barbarian envoys; this in turn is followed by
a …
The cult statue of Mars Ultor stood, next to the recovered standards, on a podium
in the apse at the far end of the temple — a figure which alluded both to Augustus
' piety in avenging Caesar and to his military success against the Parthians.
Plan of the Ostia synagogue. meters (C). A raised podium or bima was located
along the far wall, i.e., along the slightly curved wall at the western end of the
main hall; just south of the prop)/laeum, on a podium, was a large apsidal
aedicula in …
Superimposed on it is his dream — B on a podium in the same pose, but with left
profile to audience, "faintly lit by kinder light than A's" (CDW, 465). An unattached
left hand comes to rest briefly on B's head. An unattached right hand offers a …
In the Mausoleum of Augustus a mound of earth planted with trees crowned a
similar circular base of marble on a podium 220 feet square, now buried. The
smaller tombs varied greatly in size and form. Some were vaulted chambers, with …
in the middle
The objective ofthe acts is then found in the life- process of the group, not in those
ofthe separate individuals alone.« (Mead 1925: 263f.; Hervorh. von CE) Die
Kommunikation der Akteure untereinander und die Koordination der Handlungen
in …
Rules are stated as mathematical properties of the group, yet there is no obvious
mechanism by which an individual can … The regular patterns of the group as
compared with the individual can only be given realism if one accepts a notion of …
… Tobias or other social workers might approach the circumstance of
undocumented immigrants in their community from the standpoint of community
organization and advocacy, working on the interests of the group rather than
solely on those …
The central characteristics of the stages that make up the life history of a group
are examined, with special attention paid to the major functions of the group
leader at each stage. These chapters also focus on the functions of the members
of a …
Many apparently altruistic acts, previously assumed to be sacrifices for the good
of the group, were now better understood as aid to close relatives (Hamilton 1964
). However, group selection explanations had considerable and lasting effects …
… in normative or descriptive usage and the movement in international relations
on the part of the Group of 77 directed at redressing the historical inequities of the
international system and achieving a New International Economic Order (NIEO) …
In Chapter Eighteen, we now address the importance of social justice and
consumer/client advocacy as relevant to the work of the group leader. These are
particularly important concepts as group membership grows more diverse and
social …
Then, every member of the group is of the form x1x2 ? ? ? xn, where each xi [ {T,
T21, H}. In this case, we say that T, T21, and H generate the group. Table 2.1
summarizes many of the specific groups that we have presented thus far. As the …
The tasks of the group would be to examine and report on the following questions
: - 1. Review of the Occupation Statute. 2. The status of the pre-war treaty
obligations of the former German Reich. 3. Plan for handling outstanding claims
against …
Clients also may elect to participate in a crisis group that resolves various crises
through use of the group process (seen in self-awareness groups, personal
growth groups, or short-term group therapy). Such groups generally meet for four
to …
ABSTRACT. GROUP. THEORY. The concept of groups had its origin more than
150 years ago, in the beginning of the nineteenth century. The early development
of the theory of groups was due to the famous mathematicians Gauss, Cauchy, …
After the sale was complete, there were a total of about fifty employees that
remained with SOCAL. From time to time, there were procedural closing
questions regarding AFAST LIFE AND GREAT TIMES 87.
On March 5. three days after the U.S. Steel settlement and following a brief sit-
down strike of about fifty employees. Matt Graham signed a six-month contract
with the UAW-CIO. said to be the first contract ever negotiated by the union in the …
I took with me the case histories of about fifty employees of that company who
had come to be treated at the Clinic after hours during that year. Calling in his
medical officer, who conducted a small clinic offering limited services for
employees, …
I carefully heaved myselfupright, then back so I was resting against the bed's
headboard, then looked aside at Charles Cymbeline, my boss and the director of
Arcosect – a company with a total of about fifty employees. He too looked like shit
, …
Staff: The Institute's staff of about fifty employees includes more than two dozen
researchers who are conducting about thirty studies at any given time. Principal
fields of research or other activities: The Institute for. N35 Institute for International …
Full Belly Farm is now owned by Andrew Brait, Paul Muller, Judith Redmond, and
Dru Rivers, and they have the help of about fifty employees. “We have become
more and more diverse, and now grow over a hundred different things. . . . We've …
At the desk, Van Camp scrolled through a spreadsheet showing the financials for
the month, each of the industries that made up his business empire neatly
arranged under its own tab by his accounting team. He paid the men and women
who …
Ah Leong wove through the pulsating tide of people with his son, teaching by
example how to build the valuable relationships that made up his business
network. “Do not confront directly. Be subtle,” he advised. “Those with greater
face will …
The hotel refused because the community tightly controlled what went on here;
any deviations and the owner risked losing his Eda Haredis kosher supervision
and with it the many weddings that made up his business. Like all other moderns, …
“Ummmm, my favorite.” “Ummm.” He mimicked then took another gulp. “Who are
you?” Ericka poured more wine into his glass. A glazed look filled his eyes as he
leaned against the wall. “I.” Lifting his glass as if in a mock toast, 72 Tara Nina.
said Watson, lifting his glass, after having filled his own and Barclay's. "And
here's to the same high moral (sic) atributes which should ever be man's
distinguishing characteristics," responded Barclay, lifting his own glass, and
touching with it …
Markham handed O'Hara a shot glass full of Irish Mist, then poured himself one
and lifting his glass toasted, "Here's to sailors, may God bless their ships." "Hear,
hear!" replied O'Hara, lifting his glass in agreement. "Where's your boat docked?
―Damn brave,‖ he commented, lifting his glass. He eyed the clear liquid,
contemplating his next words. ―Not sure I could be that fearless,‖ he admitted,
downing the contents of his glass. He caught his breath as the liquid slid down
his …
lifting his glass. “To the Gates of Hell.” Bertram nodded approvingly and took a
drink from his glass. Theodore drained his glass and put it back on the table. He
gesturedtowards Albert's pack with his pistol. “Theodore is impatient tofindout …
“To the Rock,” he said, lifting his glass to the tattoo on Maurice's left arm. “Rocky
Marciano. That was the real Rocky right there. Never mind that movie.” “To the
Rock,” Maurice said, lifting his glass. “To your other hero,” Anderson said, putting …
He then rose and, lifting his glass, he said with feeling, “Gentlemen, the President
of the United States. … After a minute had passed Bull rose again and, lifting his
glass of port, this time he stared at Lieutenant Snell who was serving as Vice …
We all follow Manny's lead. The center of the table is crowded with jelly jars,
sippy cups, wineglasses, and two pint glasses. “To a new year.” We all toast.
Huston keeps his glass up. “To Dad,” Huston adds, lifting his glass just that much
If unattached, Querry might have been quite captivated by Tom and probably
even pursued him. “Cheers, Tom,” he said, lifting his glass. Then, remembering
something his gentleman had once said, he made a toast. “To the Endless
Stopping for a moment, he remembers a phrase that Papa Bis used to say to him,
“'Abeunt studia in mores.'” Warren knows its translation and repeats it aloud, “
Practices zealously pursued pass into habits.” Lifting his glass again he
continues, …
Mr. Steinway kept looking at his watch and lifting his glass to me. He teased his
wife unmercifully when Mahler followed me out into the drawing-room and spent
the rest of the evening looking for passages in The Brothers Karamazoff with …
The commentator turned off. Only once didhis fathersay anything at all, and
thatwas “Perhaps you should toast the General Secretary.” Hegot a glass
forAlexand poured it halffullof vodka. “To the healthofthe General Secretary.”
Lifting his glass.
David reciprocated by lifting his glass and replied: “David is my name and I am
glad to make your acquaintance”. They both laughed loudly as their glasses
clinked in mid air. Just after David had sipped his drink and before much
conversation …
But everyone knows, we barracudas have no morals so we can't held liable for
our actions,” Hunter stated sardonically, lifting his glass in a mocking salute and
taking another swallow of his beer. “How am I supposed to handle this, Mr.
he offered, lifting his glass. “Sure.” Her uneven pulse belied her casual tone as
he approached her with the drink. She took it hastily, but their hands brushed,
sparking more raw emotions. She jerked her glass to her lips, sloshing brandy
onto …
“Cheers,” he said, lifting his glass. “Cheers, Captain,” Jamie said, lifting his. He
took a sip of the fortified Portuguese wine and felt its exquisite texture course
down his throat into his stomach. never had he tasted a wine so delectable. As if
to …
Let's just drink a toast to memory," Jack said, lifting his glass. "Which
Shakespeare said gives us roses in December. And I'd add, lets us keep the
company of the people ... and the dogs ... that we love for as long as we may live."
"And perhaps …
… the fire with his guitar across his knees, then lifting his glass toward Amanda in
a salute he inclined his head, a tantalizing smiirk at the corner of his mouth.
Lowering his glass, he began again the melancholy tune he had first been
“Give,” he says, swaying upright in his cream-colored suit, his yellow tie, “give
praise, my brethren,” lifting his glass in the air, “for what you are about to receive
– Old John Barleycorn, nicotine, and the temptations of the rock 'n' roll chord e.
“Appears to me like you could use a friendly drink,” Nathan said, lifting his glass.
From the outside the man looked like a prosperous gentleman but there was
something in his eyes that told otherwise. They were dark, cold eyes. Exactly the …
"Gentlemen," he cried, lifting his glass, "a toast to the next President of the United
States!" Polk raised his glass, repeated the toast with the others, then suddenly
stopped, quite embarrassed, and lowered his glass. For Jackson, after a dramatic …
he slurred, lifting his glass. “To unscrupulous men, everywhere! I can tell you
John, I have had to bend a few rules to get this squadron ready for sea, but
between ourselves I cannot see the fleet being fully commissioned until at least
the end of …
Monroe glanced at Stephen a moment before continuing, “I confess to being a
selfish man, but I only want what I am entitled to. And I want your daughter very
much.” “Then follow your dream Your Grace,” Martin said lifting his glass. “For the …
Kartoonsky held his glass high in the air. Cornell, glancing at Certoff out the
corner of his eye, noticed that Certoff too was lifting his glass into the air. So,
Cornell raised his glass. “To Mr. Cornell's health. May he find his visit useful,”
Kartoonsky …
At Darcy's involuntary stiffening, the look transformed into one of bemusement,
and Darcy received, to his astonishment, a salute from the man. In puzzlement,
he returned the salute, lifting his glass in like manner, and tipped a few drops
down …
“A toast,” he agreed, smiling and lifting his glass. “To Christ,” Andrew said. He
had a big smile on his face. Mitchell's smile grew just a tad, and he lifted his glass
slightly higher. “To Jesus Christ,” he said, while catching the perplexed look of
the …
(Everybody's, Februar 1914) • »Goldberg (lifting his glass). Gesundheit.« (H.
Pinter: Birthday Party, 1960) • »Gesundheit!« (Jason Barteman zu Will Smith in
dem amerikanischen Film »Hancock«, 2008) Gewürztraminer siehe »Wein« …
“Here's to you and here's to me,” Tom said, lifting his glass, “and here's to Fred
Catalano wherever he may be. … “Here's ta me and here's ta you, whoever you
may be,” Vinny said, lifting his glass high above his head, “and here's ta trucks …
“Your Paul is a lovely, generous chap,” Joey said, lifting his glass in salute to
Paul, who inclined his head gravely, playing … “Here's to you, my lady,” he said,
lifting his glass, “my dear, kind lady who has allowed me to spend an evening in
her …
… happy enough with his own love to give Connor and Janelle the benefit of the
doubt. “Congratulations, you two.” “All the best,” his wife, Dana, added. “Let's
make it official,” Abby's husband, Kyle, said, lifting his glass. “To Connor and
lifting+his+glass lifting+his+glass
The memory of that flyblown foreign field where bits of Englishmen were left
jigging on the wire had drawn the light from him. 'What a pair we are,' he said at
last, lifting his glass and his chin. 'Another?' 'No, thank you, Norman.' 'I think Iwill,'
he …
“Would you mean to say this is incredibly spiritual?” Ayden asked lifting his glass.
“Exactly,” Paige responded and placed a kiss upon her husband's cheek. Cain
walked in carrying Amore with Victoria by his side. Everyone inhaled in surprise.
"I drink to your better luck next time," said the old man, lifting his glass high, and
winking with one eye, and leering knowingly with the other; "and you know what I
mean." Sir Bale put the liquor to his lips. Wine? Whatever it was, never had he …
she replied with a sorrowful smile, “ one whom I ought to have valued, and whom
I shall never meet again. I have lost a day ! I have done nothing but dream and
sing, and dance and strive for the last eight hours, and now I am weary and sad, …
with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile
I am by no means accustomed to hear such offensive charges,” he said, now
shaking his head with a sorrowful smile. “There is no truth whatever in her
dreadful accusations. On the other hand, I have absolute proof that I am guilty of
no crime.
with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile
'Oh, Lauren, please,' Grandma Win says, with a sorrowful smile. 'I'm sorry,' Aunt
Lauren says. 'Forgot.' She stubs the cigarette out in a little round ashtray she
keeps in her handbag. 'Now, Alban,' Grandma Win says, 'I hope you'll have a
dance …
with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile
… of his and she looked at him with a sorrowful smile. 'That's the truth.' She shook
her head, a sigh escaping. 'Thank goodness you had such excellent rescue aid
or things could have been even worse for the town.' 'Yes, we were very grateful.
"I have a kind of right there," he said, with a sorrowful smile, "I hired it for two
years, and my term is not quite out yet." "And David told me also, that whenever
you came, this year, or any year, to gie you the key o' it. You will find a' your
books …
with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile with+a+sorrowful+smile
The king looked down on her with a sorrowful smile: “Do not despair so, my child.
All is not lost. When you were born your mother gave you into my safe keeping.
Whilst I was in your world I protected you with my body and my sword and my …
It was time. With a sorrowful smile, Hibbert said, “I would require her for much
longer than that. However, given the type of woman we're referring to, one night
will be fine.” “I don't understand,” Maurelle returned with a genuinely perplexed
The farewell party took place
in the open space
During the most productive period of his architectural practice, beginning in the
mid-1940s, Wright's organic architecture infiltrated the ranch style house; his
idiom informed the split-level houses of the 1950s and 1960s; and his ideas …
… a contemporary and, in the controversy over Greek polychromy, an ally of
Jacques Ignace Hittorff (1792–1867), Belanger's favorite apprentice and the
inheritor of his architectural practice.38 Hans Mathys (1846–1920), a student of
Semper, …
His renown had surpassed the constrained area of his architectural practice;
several homages were given in publications in Paris. Prague and Vienna. \\ . (
iropius. 15. Taut. J. Itten, and J. -J. P. Oud joined A. Schiinberg. A. Berg. A.
In any event, it was upon moving to the South that Barber placed an increased
emphasis upon the mail-order aspect of his architectural practice. This can be
seen in The Cottage Souvenir No. 2, A Repository of Artistic Cottage Architecture
and …
Frank Furness (1839-1912) A Philadelphia native who built many depots for the
Pennsylvania Railroad and made depots a specialty of his architectural practice.
His projects for the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad include four station …
What was left of his architectural practice was as varied and fragmented as the
faltering English Catholic revival. He had two new churches to work on now and
these, between them, embodied the changes that had come over English
Catholic …
a large room thirty meters
by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty by+twenty
Block scheduling typically reduces instructional time by twenty to twenty-five
minutes per week compared to a conventional yearlong format. Teachers already
lose chunks of instructional time to the chronic interruptions in the regular school …
… the New Scientific Paradigm 36 The Coba Stele and the Nine Underworlds 38
The Resonance of the Tzolkin 41 How the Ancient Maya Discovered the
Calendar 42 The Plan of Creation 44 Acceleration of Time by Twenty Table of
by+twenty by+twenty
Business The Business Meeting of Commission 45 was held on 16 August 2006.
It was attended by the president and vice-president of the Commission as well as
by twenty other members of the Commission. Attendance was limited, as usual, …
by twenty-five million acres (or 1.4 million acres per year). Newly developed
lands were drawn in roughly equal fashion from former agricultural lands (45
percent) and forested lands (40 percent). Between 1992 and 1997 most newly …
Therefore, the benefit attributed to each of the first twenty years is 2.5% of the
present value of the expected medical costs (50% divided by twenty). For
employees expected to leave between ten and twenty years, the benefit
attributed to each …
… with the pursuit of fulfilment or actualization.12 Derrida described différance as
'the disappearance of any originary presence,' a disappearance that plays out
with White Walls and inscribes the possible terms of its re-appearance: 'What is, …
Since the observed color shifts need a certain time of adaptation to occur, every
subject in Helson's experiment had to adapt for 15 minutes in a box, measuring 6
” x 6” x 7” with white walls of a reflectance close to 1, constantly illuminated by …
The truth is that real estate agents foster this notion because it can be easier to
sell a house with white walls than a house that has been decorated to suit the
current owner's taste. As was mentioned earlier, it is contrast that will make a
room …
That is to say, in museums, galleries, exhibition halls - in enclosed rooms that are
also called 'white cubes' in specialized Jargon: places with white walls furnished
with visually digestible creations. If art is already a feat of transposition and …
with+white+walls with+white+walls with+white+walls
Anyone who has visited a modern art museum will be familiar with the type of
gallery evoked by O'Doherty: a simple, undecorated space with white walls and a
polished wood floor or soft grey carpet. Paintings are hung wide apart in a single …
Accommodations are set within clusters of three-story buildings with white walls
and red terra-cotta roofs. Throughout the accommodations there's a sense of
Iberian dignity, with strong contrasts of dark paneling with white walls, blue-and- …
Make the entryway bright and welcoming with white walls and a cobalt wood
stain or area rug on the floor. • Create a romantic and inviting bedroom with a
traditional decor by dressing the windows, walls, and bed with a matching blue
and …
I'm sorry, Deana." She glanced at the clock and gulped, "Coffee break was over
ten minutes ago." Genie darted from behind the desk and flew out the door,
leaving her coffee cup behind. Alone in the office with white walls, white linoleum …
Operated by a Spain-based chain, it has a tasteful, discreetly elegant lobby
outfitted with flowers and reproductions of Taíno statues. Accommodations are
set within clusters of three-story 158 buildings with white walls and red terra-cotta
The furniture was then symmetrically arranged in rooms with white walls, whose
framing elements (doorways, columns, capitals, entablatures, the arris between
walls, wall and ceiling, or wall and floor) were figured in black (fig. 4.25).
Like the decor in the rest of the hotel, the small restaurant has a delightfully fresh
look, with white walls and modern furnishings. A Continental breakfast including
homemade breads is served each morning in the tranquility of the courtyard.
When you get into a small room with white walls and you're trying to work with
practically motivated soft light, it's challenging because the light goes everywhere
and you're faced with these blank walls. You can dress them with photographs or …
“Yes, but I thought some of those items would be left to negotiation, after your
week here is up.” “What's wrong with white walls and splashes of color
throughout?” He seemed to ponder that for a while, then shrugged. “Okay, you're
the expert.
The dining room and laid-back lobby lounge are stylish and inviting. Rooms are
chain-hotel bland, but large, clean, and very comfortable, with white walls,
carpeting with a tight geometric design, and wooden valances. Bathrooms are
large …
This can be achieved by placing the specimen in a chamber with white walls and
positioning thedetectorbehinda baffle sothatlight reaches the detectoronlyafter
bouncing off the walls many times (Fig. 1.11). An integrating sphere also can be …
Variations: Wesbrook, West, Westbrooke. WESTBY (English) Western farm.
WHEELER (English) Wheel maker. WHISTLER (English) Occupational na me:
whistler or piper. WHITBY (English) Farm with white walls. Variations: Whitbey,
Clouds (1881-91), a Wiltshire house designed by Webb, is a large and rambling
mansion, but its interiors, including the White Drawing Room with white walls and
a Morris carpet and the library with its white-painted woodwork and plaster and …
The chapel is pleasantly low-frills and down-to-earth, with white walls and pews,
and modern stained glass with doves and roses. (Kitsch-phobes will be pleased
to know that the cupids are only in the lobby.) It seats 60 to 70. They added a …
In a control experiment, the orientation cages with white walls were divided into
eight equal sectors and alternate sectors were covered with grey blotter paper.
White-throated sparrows tested under clear skies and under polarizers with …
Rooms are intimately decorated with white walls & wooden ceilings. The deluxe
villas have whirlpools. A walkway leads visitors out to the house reef for
snorkelling. There is a freshwater swimming pool suitable for children. Transfers:
plane …
Inside, it's an elegant old adobe with white walls often offset by bold splashes of
flowers. Outside, during warm months, a broad patio shelters din- ers from the city
bustle. With friendly, efficient service, this is an excellent place for a romantic …
Architecturally, most are blank statements within and without: an industrial
exterior with white walls inside that quietly support painting and sculpture. But
two stand out as inventive architecture: [H55] Jim Kempner Gallery, NW cor. W.
23rd St.
with+white+walls has been packing 'em in since 1886. A large underground
warren of rooms with white walls, red-and-white tablecloths, and Italian folk art on
the walls, its classic appearance is one that scores of Italian-American
restaurants …
Often, dumbwaiter shafts were equipped with a miniature bulkhead at the top,
complete with a door and a skylight. Again, if there is fire or heavy smoke in this
shaft, horizontal extension will be greatly delayed if you take the lid off the top (
and+a+skylight and+a+skylight and+a+skylight
Views and breezes cross the house, passing through open-riser stairs under a
central skylight between the tower and cube. The living room ceiling rises 20 feet
(6 meters) to exposed beams, and a skylight along the tower admits a slice of sun
, …
and+a+skylight and+a+skylight
From the front door, one's eye is immediately drawn across the width of the house
and out through a small projecting kitchen bay, with broad windows and a
skylight above, to the trunks of trees in the forest. This immediately sets measure
to …
In the Hillside Terrace Rooms, the shower and tub are separate. There is a king
bed and a big flagstone fireplace. Treeline Cottage has two rooms, a king bed,
fireplace and a skylight in the living room. Then there are the Studios, which are
the …
Two shitaji-mado (lattice windows) and a skylight were the only sources of light
for the guests' seats, which meant a very dim interior. However, a bokuseki (
calligraphy) window was provided in the tokonoma." Ibid., p. 171. 30 "In this trend
we …
The lakeside retreat also includes built-in window seats, a fireplace, glass-inset
doors to the deck, and a skylight over the eating area, all of which add charm to
the home-within-a-house's fresh aesthetic. ALTMAN RESIDENCE Minnetonka …
Children in the nursery class, for example, took photographs of a mobile on the
ceiling and of the strip lighting and a skylight in their Porta- kabin. Similar
observations had been noted in the earlier studies using the Mosaic approach.
Young …
Howard found himself in a small, musty smelling bedroom, with a large double
bed, a wash-stand with a jug and basin, and a skylight for a window. He sat on
the bed and pulled off his shoes, one by one. It made him feel better. He emptied
his …
The Cherry Barrel, believe it or not, is literally that — a giant barrel that has been
converted into a room, with a pine ceiling and a skylight, along with a bathroom;
it's the most unusual cabin imaginable. Another, Spring Hill, is reached via a …
… left and Kit came over to where Shoe waited. “We can talk in the studio,” she
said. “Hugh can look after the store.” Shoe stood and followed her through a door
at the back into a bright room with tall windows and a skylight in the high ceiling.
At each of the doors rebel soldiers armed with machine guns stood guard; there
was no heating, or no one had turned it on, and a skylight in the ceiling open to
the February dew kept the five men trembling with cold all night. Like his …
The Kiva Suite is the most innovative, with a round bedroom and a skylight just
above the bed, perfect for stargazing. Meals at the Three Forks Restaurant are
delicious, served in a room with contemporary decor that looks out on the desert.
… sight of her set my heart thumping. 'Hello, Mr Regan,' she said, and she smiled.
'Your husband told me to come on in,' I said, and my voice sounded husky. 'I want
to fix the aerial. Is there a way up to the roof?' 'There's an attic and a skylight.
She used as her study a little low-ceiled room on the third floor, lighted by one
window and a skylight. Here she completed the manuscript of Science and
Health, read the proofs of the first edition, and prepared the second and third
It was a solid room with two doors, two windows and a skylight. Alan decided that
he would defend facing the open door. "How many are against us?" he asked me
. "Fifteen." "We can do nothing about that," Alan replied. "You climb up to the …
It has a wrought-iron handrail with scrolly units reminiscent of the § sign, Gothic
and Rococo stucco, and a skylight. It runs through three storeys with interesting
differences of level. On the upper floor the room above the passage has a
skylight …
and+a+skylight and+a+skylight
In the Hillside Terrace Rooms, the shower and tub are separate. There is a king
bed and a big flagstone fireplace. Treeline Cottage has two rooms, a king bed,
fireplace and a skylight in the living room. Then there are the Studios, which are
the …
Among the best units are those with something extra: The romantic Officer's
Wardroom, a suite with an Asian feel, has a living room, private balcony, fireplace
, headboard made from the inn's original doors, and a skylight-view Jacuzzi.
At the end of this little passage another door opened into the dimng saloon — a
spacious, cheerful room, some twenty-three or twenty-four feet long, situate in the
widest part of the boat, and lighted by four windows on each side and a skylight.
Room 8, which is under the eaves, has deep mauve wallpaper, rose carpeting,
oak furnishings, and a skylight. Six of the rooms have fireplaces. Breakfast is
served buffet style at a formal dining table and includes granola, fresh fruit and
juices, …
"Come on, you'll be late for the mud baths. They're so relaxing. You should see
Zanny." The therapy room was a faithful replica of a kiva, but instead of a sipapu
and a smoke hole, there were several sunken bathtubs and a skylight. The baths …
The single cell was often internally divided into living and sleeping areas, while
light and access were gained by two windows and a door in the gable end wall,
and a skylight in the upper semicircular gable. A plaster of pozzalana and water …
The Dream Room is a loft-style suite with multiple windows and a skylight, a
Jacuzzi tub and an outdoor shower on a private deck. The Treetop Suite, also
with a private deck and entrance, can accommodate up to six people. All rooms
have …
and+a+skylight and+a+skylight
The bathroom had a large oval tub, a glass-enclosed shower stall, a large
mirrored vanity, and a skylight. A cabinet by the tub held stacks of thick white
towels and washcloths and a basket of bath soaps and toiletries. Jamie put away
the things …
The other apartment is on the upper floor of the house and is very comfortable for
a couple—the kitchen adjoins a small dining room/sitting room with a sloping
ceiling and a skylight view of the bay. It's not spacious, but it is very comfortable.
which computer design posts alternated
Natural light bathed the place through windows placed high in the walls, and the
room was filled with trestle tables, cluttered and crowded with all manner of stuff:
easels; animal skeletons; dusty books; maps, rare and precious, like all maps …
The church women had booths built for their food bazaar. There would be eating
stands and a small restaurant with trestle tables on the street. There were
clothing bazaars and displays of canned goods. Off at the edge of town several
farmers …
There was a big buffet lunch, extremely expensively catered with trestle tables
covered in crisp white linen groaning with the weight of food. Lobster, crab,
oysters and Mediterranean prawns were festooned across one. Another
contained …
We're having to make do with trestle tables at the mo, though they keep telling us
that proper dining tables and chairs are on order.' Then she rushed away towards
the counter where the food was being served. As they shuffled along the …
… the dining hall to be enormous, filled with trestle tables for hundreds of students
, but the reality was much more modest: a high-ceilinged chamber open to the
morning air with a dozen tables arranged in a haphazard fashion. Food was …
The big room was filled with trestle tables. Along one wall was a cafeteria-type
counter, behind which several servers stood. The similarity to a camp or military
chow hall was striking. There were 50 or so men scattered around at the tables, …
As Kady walked to the wagon with the two men, she saw an open tent set up
under the trees, with trestle tables inside, and the tables were covered with food.
From the smell of it, everything was fried in the same grease that had been used
to …
On Sunday the car park behind the i-SITE fills up with trestle tables for the
Motueka Sunday Market (%03-540 2709; Wallace St; h8am- 1pm Sun): food,
produce, jewellery, buskers, arts and crafts. Sleeping BUDGET Laughing Kiwi (%
03-528 …
The servant quarters downstairs were sparse in comparison, with trestle tables,
wooden benches, stone sinks and flagstone floors. Resistant to muddy boots,
spilled potato peelings and chicken innards, they were hosed down at the end of …
… when the cordoned-off streets are lined with trestle tables weighed down with
all sorts of local wines and foods, proudly presented by their makers. Lloseta The
old shoemaking town of LLOSETA, about 4km east of Binissalem, is draped over …
A large area of the green had been covered with trestle tables and benches, and
every place was taken. The tables, half an hour ago laden with plates of food,
were being rapidly cleared. One could almost have thought that the villagers had …
… room filled with trestle tables where customers, all men, sat on benches to gulp
down bowls of cooked cereal or stewed vegetables. A slave led Pierce and
Juvenal through the room to an eastfacing colonnade above a small but elegant …
The chief's hall was filled with trestle tables covered with food. There were rabbit
pies and partridge pies and pigeon tarts and larks—in-a—blanket. There was
smoked haddock and brined pork. Several kinds of cheese were displayed with …
X Koliba Majke Jugovića; Ø 425 669.A well-positioned kafana halfway along this
pedestrian street. $–$$ X Etno Kuća Balkanska 35; Ø 422 244.A lively & popular
local restaurant with trestle tables, the usual range of grilled food & salads …
Banquets were a ritual affair, often a movable feast held in different rooms at
different seasons, with trestle tables covered with white cloths, napkins and
choice decorations, the dressers or buffets (credenze) loaded with the family
silver and …
With trestle tables and board floors. I offered to decorate it, and did so, with lavish,
if inaccurate, murals of the Eiffel Tower, the Place de la Concorde, the Arc de
Triomphe and groups of naked ladies whom I stuck all over the place at little café …
Too true,” commented the vicar. They went in and Lizzie discovered that the
basement was not very large. Naked electric bulbs glowed, suspended by wires
from the low ceiling. The area was taken up with trestle tables and seats. At the
other …
He pushed through the gusts of wind and in through the heavy door. “Welcome,
sir.” A stout woman in cap and apron came out of a back room into the large
common area set up as a dining room with trestle tables. Two ladies dressed in
travel …
The train stopped at Nuneaton to enable the evacuees to collect 'iron' rations; the
children were marshalled off, and queued round a room filled with trestle tables.
Each child was issued with a bag, and they collected items of food from the …
Victoria Road had had its own street party to celebrate victory with trestle tables
down the middle of the road; all the children in their best clothes, flags flying
everywhere and everybody dancing the hokey-cokey around the tables once all
the …
The Bryn Mawr Summer School used experimental teaching methods,
dispensing with student desks and replacing them with trestle tables to facilitate
discussion. Frequently classes were held outside. Dedicated to "a broad spirit of
impartial …
There are braai facilities & an attractive eating area, with trestle tables, stone pots
& cooling ceiling fans. There's also a boat-launching area. Lake View is about I
km from Sinazongwe and is clearly signposted. inc cont blfast FB available on …
… present, much larger building is built on stilts among the jjj trees. The lodge
itself is tremendous tun, with growing branches of Cape chest- -g nut twisting
through the public rooms, and a dining room with trestle tables and polished
The same brass band played valiantly in the centre of the square, the edges of
which had been lined with trestle tables covered in donated best tablecloths and
garlanded with scentwax and ruby gloss-glows and pale purple bugles.
All pleasure gardens had benches, called banques in French, and sometimes a
banquet was served with trestle tables by the banque. The benches were not
always simple benches; they could have two or three sides, shaped like an L or a
U, …
The courtyard outside was crowded with trestle tables, every one apparently
occupied. Searching for a vacant place so that Alan could sit, he didn't notice
immediately the modern building that had been erected on the opposite side.
The main section of the house was furnished with trestle tables, rope beds, a pie
safe, banister-back chairs, iron-strapped chests and other trappings of a pioneer
home. The east wing was devoted to collections of textiles, documents, lighting …
There is poor, I will tell you, when you do not find a single public house on a
street—although I do not approve of them, in any case—but in their place front-
room affairs, with trestle tables and gin swilled out ofjars. “Go lively,” a woman
hissed to …
Taller de Ceramica Artistica Lined with trestle tables at which potters and
ceramicists work silently on vases, plant pots, over-elaborate ornaments and
surreal plates, some featuring disembodied eyes and breasts, the Taller de
Ceramica …
… boys, new gowns for her and Amy. She was not sending to London, as so
many did, not when the villagers needed the custom, and not when they were still
her friends, she hoped. They were all invited to the party, too, with trestle tables
set up.
carrying the scale models
of current projects
Most of those present were nerdy-looking young people &mdash
the 3-D designers
“I Hate Executions” Setting The Centurion is standing at the foot of Jesus' cross.
To him this is just another execution. He is bored and talks to himself. Yet
intrigued by this Jesus, he finds himself talking to Jesus too. I hate executions.
The reason we finally came to the conclusion that this was a Jesuit was because
my sisters frequently said they woke up in the middle of the night, and they could
see somebody standing at the foot of the bed and they described it. I said, “Yeah …
The therapist is standing at the foot of the table. POLARITY Hold the toes of each
foot between the thumb and index finger for 10 seconds each, beginning with the
fifth toe and ending with the big toe. According to polarity theory, the tip of each …
Then the lady standing _ at the head and the gentleman standing at the foot
advance toward each other and return to their places. The gentleman at the head
and the lady at the foot do the same. _ The first named couple advance, swing by …
… of length equal to 12 inches or 0.348 meter foot iBOTTOMi /fut/ n [U] the bottom
or end of a space or object • She dreamed she saw someone standing at the foot
of her bed. • Foothills are low hills at the base of a mountain or mountain range.
Physician position: standing at the foot of the table, facing the patient and more to
the side of the superior innominate. 3. Technique: a. The physician grasps the
distal portions of the tibia and fibula on the side of the dysfunction proximal to the …
Kody could see him plainly, as plainly as if he were standing at the foot of Sam's
bed–and then he realized that he was standing at the foot of Sam's bed. He
lunged up in his tent, scrambling from his sleeping bag and shaking off the vision
he …
… A person standing at the foot of a tower walks a distance 3a away from the
tower and observes that the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is a. He then
walks a distance 4a perpendicular to the previous direction and observes the
angle …
Figure 5.7 The external rotation of the hips can be measured with the patient in
the prone position and the clinician standing at the foot of the examining table.
When the patient is prone, gravity allows the hips to fall into external rotation.
“Many years ago, the present Mr Constable's grandmother woke to see a figure in
a velvet coat standing at the foot of the bed,” Gary said. “She recognised it from a
painting as being William Constable, and the ghost spoke to her, saying 'I …
(c) h tan (0 - 0) (d) Asin(0-0) sin(</> + d) A person standing at the foot of a tower
walks a distance 3 a away from the tower and observes that the angle of
elevation of the top of the tower is a. He then walks a distance 4a perpendicular
to the …
(Jn 19:25) The tiny group of women standing at the foot of the cross were the
women who had followed Jesus from Galilee. These were women filled with
compassion, love, and devotion. They were loyal to Jesus; they were a
courageous …
Standing at the side of the bed is preferable to standing at the foot of the bed.
Although the foot position would allow a nurse to squarely face a patient, it may
actually discourage interaction because it leaves too much distance between
patient …
There is someone standing at the foot of the bed, Danielle is unable to make out
who it is. Danielle then notices that Johnson is now sitting on the bed, he is
holding Amy's hand as he asks Amy who it is that is hurting her. Amy turns and
looks …
0 — Standing at the foot end of the table, the operator holds the foot, pressing on
the cuboid with both thumbs superimposed (Fig. 16-606) M — The arms of the
operator are extended so that the pressure on the cuboid causes knee flexion
and …
The reason /for this ruling/ is that since /the hill/ is very steep, the width of the
slope being merely less than four cubits, and it is also difficult to do cut-through
measuring there [i.e., with one /person/ standing at the foot of the mountain and
one …
I pulled back a bit and, through the open door, I saw Ethan standing at the foot of
the stairs. Taller now, older. He must've grown at least three inches while I was
gone. But his eyes were the same: bright blue and as solemn as the grave.
Again, the images displayed as if the patient were supine, but now the examiner
is looking at the heart from below, as if standing at the foot of the bed. This results
in an image orientation with anterior structures at the top of the video screen, …
One day, on one of my rounds, I was standing at the foot of the bridge watching...
On the one hand, I saw the long queue of commuters on scooters/cars/buses. On
the other hand, the long, stately but empty bridge. For months now, it had been …
The nurse, standing at the foot of the bed, pulls the top sheet out from underneath
the blanket which is held by the patient if possible. It is placed on top of the
blanket, folded in three and placed over the chair. 4. All bed accessories, for
example …
Patient is prone on the table with the operator standing at the foot facing the
patient. 2. Operator flexes both knees while holding the patient's ankles (Fig.
19.26). 3. Test is made for range and quality of movement. 4. Operator performs
strength …
… bypass surgery at age 55. When the patient regained consciousness after his
operation, he was in a great deal of pain and then apparently passed out. He
later said: All of a sudden I was standing at the foot 106 the Near-Death
The Latin inscription on the corresponding print describes the bestowing of the
cornu, the traditional ducal crown, on the newly elected doge.17 The SCMA
drawing, in which Guardi excerpts a group of figures standing at the foot of the
Scala …
Standing+at+the+foot Standing+at+the+foot
… looked behind her; she could barely make out what the green sign said
standing at the end of her road. She turned back to the dog only a few feet away.
The water sound was louder than ever, like she was standing at the foot of a
Standing+at+the+foot Standing+at+the+foot
The importance of the podium temple becomes far more apparent when it is seen
in its wider urban con- text. The city-plan, as revealed by the preliminary
geophysical surveys, includes two important core-areas where sacred structures
are …
1 16- 119) and an Early Byzantine inscription on the uppermost course of the
podium which refers to a major decorative renovation in the fifth century (
Appendix, no. 8; Figs. 122, 123). The fourth inscription (Appendix, no. 6; Fig. 120)
, the …
Photograph of the podium of the "Temple of Diana" at Augusta Emerita 14.
Photograph of the podium of the temple at Barcino 1 5. Photograph of the podium
of the temple at Ebora 1 6. Photograph of the bases from the temple at Barcino 1
The layout of the podium ptovided ample scope fot the wotking out of such
delicate decisions of ptotocol as tegatded seating allocation. Spectatots teached
the lowet zone of the ima cavea ttom the middle amhulaevum on the gtound floot,
ftom …
The intervention of the podium solves these problems. Its spreading base
mouldings marry the building to the ground, conveying a sense of solid footing
and permanent existence. Its cornice flares out, emphasizing its role as a
powerful …
… is the door enframement with a frieze of superposed egg-and-dart above,
terminating against consoles with volutes only at the lower ends ; Asiatic, too, is
the profusion of frieze sculpture, there being two at the bottom and top of the
podium, …
The top of the podium, however, was obliterated by a rather messy black rim or
ring that Jennifer could see was not a … She was definite, however, that the black
pattern was not a part of the podium, but was in front of it, blocking out the top of
However, because the Iron Age builders had to cut trenches into bedrock for the
foundations of the outer support walls of the podium, the course of the walls can
still be followed. In cases such as this, archaeologists like to speak of "the …
Suddenly the horses convert to streams and pour into seven smaller ponds
around the perimeter of the podium, placing their riders softly on the ground. Now
the seven people stand in the seven slots around the pond, and Wolf sits near the …
12.3 Detailed plan of the podium and cella (Q2, Q.3, Q.4, Q.6, Q.8, Q.1 1),
including portions of the staircase foundation and porch (Q2), entrance to the
cella (Q.3 and Q.6), rear of the cella (Q3 and Q.11), and rear walls of the cella
and temenos …
of+the+podium of+the+podium of+the+podium
Unlike the socle, the crown runs on the front and sides of the podium, and
continues out over the podia of the entry porticoes to the north and south (Plate II;
Figs. 28, 32, 33, and 35). The massive blocks in the socle and crown, and the
seven …
Delbi iick's attribution of the podium wall to the 5th c. B.C. thus seems well
possible, and it is intriguing, indeed, to imagine the original temple, dedicated to
Apollo Medicus, as a thorough, even technological, import of Greek knowledge
and …
M along the sides of the cella were placed on the Typical of the temples with alae
is that the edges of the podium in line with antae, which closed back wall extends
right and left of the turned off at right angles from the extended 29. Sovana …
The west face of the podium seems to have determined the equally skew
positioning of the three porches. Note the discrepancy between the locations of
the western columns beneath the dome and their corresponding pilasters on the
north …
These foundations, laid of a piece with the northern flank of the podium for the
wing, almost certainly date from early in the Propylaia project. They establish a
date for Stage III at or before ca. 435. Three further criteria, if less strict than the …
of+the+podium of+the+podium of+the+podium
These are the oblique planes forming angles of 45° with median and lateral
planes. ld. adaxial, dorsal2) or posterior s i d e of the branch. This is the side
turned towards the apex of the podium, le. anterior, abaxial or ventral side of the
… 'attributionism')279 were misled into concentrating unduly on the Amazon
frieze, which can now be seen to have been a relatively minor element in the
architectural decoration of the podium. It is unfortunate that Newton's over-
enthusiastic …
Access to the space thus created was either through the southern wing of the
Propylaea or via a narrow, steep stair, which climbed the north face of the podium
. Around the north, west and south perimeter of the sanctuary ran a marble
parapet, …
On the south, east, and north sides the top of the podium was surrounded by a
solid wall, within which stood a cloister of curious rectangular pillars, with Ionic
three-quarter columns engaged front and back; these pillars were probably
erected …
To the west of the podium, between it and the seashore, remains of the port were
discovered. Exploration of the … At the same time excavations in front of the
podium revealed no building remains earlier than the 5th-4th centuries BC.
Further …
The names and designations of seat holders are carved and scratched in the
pavement and especially on the corona that carried a marble or bronze
balustrade along the front of the podium (CIL 6.32099-32248; BullCom 8 [1880]:
236—82 [R.
of+the+podium of+the+podium
The emotion was palpable on both sides of the podium. People were cheering
and waving their hands in agreement. “There are some who say that communism
is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin.” Each time Kennedy said, “Let …
He then focuses on what perhaps could be called the 'cultural character' of the
architecture, that is often said to be distinctly 'Roman' because of the podium.
Roman architectural influence in the East and religious, classical style buildings
in …
The highest surviving part is the central 'pavilion', which was approached by
three sets of stairs to the top of the podium - one from the east, the most important
, and two sets of double steps from the south and west. The pavilion may have
had …
Squeezed between existing street-aligned buildings, the towers could rise as a
stepped-back element between neighbouring buildings (upper left) or to one side
of the podium (lower left) or as a free-standing element towards the podium …
fortysomething architects surrounded his father
In accordance
with a configuration borrowed
A minor literature doesn't come from a minor language; it is rather that which a
minority constructs within a major language. But the first characteristic of minor
literature in any case is that in it language is affected with a high coefficient of …
is a rule attribute denoting the transition from a sentence to an inference rule, “|-”
is a rule attribute denoting the transition from a minor premise to a conclusion.
Metalinguistic rules like (63b) are drawn up for any general sentence. If a
sentence …
Mediants with no tones in common are ofthe opposite mode all. Figure 1.2
Scheme of the sixteen possible mediant relations (eight from a major tonic, eight
from a minor tonic) Figure 1.3 Relative mediants associated with a major tonic
Figure …
2. A rational vehicle from a minor-stream moving (a). 373 Towards a Microscopic
Traffic Simulation of All of Switzerland Routing Micro-Simulation.
… to release his house from mortgage. Court has explained that a minor cannot
be promisor but he can be promisee. □ An agreement for the benefit of minor is
enforceable by minor. It means that if a major borrows money from a minor and …
The Uniform Commercial Code provides that a person who obtains a voidable
title—for example, the adult who buys property from a minor—has the power to
transfer a valid title to a good faith purchaser. Nichols, a minor, sold gym
equipment …
Financial Numbers From a Minor League Baseball Team The following. the
greatest surge in exposure, management could understand why magazine
advertising was actually declining even though one could expect additional
magazine …
The contracting officer either shall give the bidder an opportunity to cure any
deficiency resulting from a minor informality or irregularity in a bid or waive the
deficiency, whichever is to the advantage of the Government. Examples of minor …
Counts. A count from one minor low through any other minor low is rated as a
minor count. A count from a minor low to an important low is also a minor count.
The number of minor counts is kept manageable by the fact that a minor low is
valid …
A distributory taking off from a Major distributory is called a minor distributory, and
distributory taking off from a Minor distributory is called a Sub-minor also.
Similarly, there is a possibility to a Sub-sub-minor also. Any channel taking off
from a …
… 21 U.S.C.A. § 861,12 which forbids an adult to “employ, hire, [or] use” a minor
to avoid detection or apprehension in committing a drug crime or to “receive a
controlled substance” from a minor other than an immediate family member.
Consistent with this reasoning, in an unaided recall and choice task, consumers
were more likely to remember and select a brand from a major subcategory than
from a minor subcategory and, within a sub-category, a major brand rather than a …
back from the second purchaser, if he knew of its being bought from a minor ; if
he did not know, then the minor could claim its value from the first purchaser if
solvent ; but if he was not solvent, then the minor was allowed to claim the land
from …
Thus, the seventh which arises from a minor third added to the perfect chord
descends a semitone, while the major sixth added to the perfect chord ascends a
semitone, following their natural characteristics as marked by the guides. The
rule …
Emancipation cannot result merely from a minor child giving birth and becoming
a parent. Emancipation becomes a matter of law when a minor leaves home
permanently, secures his/her own living quarters and becomes completely self- …
In most jurisdictions, an adult may not recover compensation from a minor who
returns the property in damaged condition. If an adult purchases personal
property from a minor, the adult has only a voidable title to the property. If the
property is …
Video recordings were made on the intersection, focusing on two types of left-turn
maneuvers, one from the cycle track along the main road and one from a minor
street. Two different layouts of the main road were studied, one with …
… accounts without the right to disaffirm these transactions? party to the contract
may collect from a minor any damages suffered because of the minor's fraud
even though the minor may be able to disaffirm the contract. In What's Your
(5) Partners in Profit Only: Such type of partner is different from a minor partner.
He only participates in the profit of the firm. But he has unlimited liabilities like all
other partners. Such partner has no right to take part in the administration of firm.
If marijuana is purchased from a minor under twenty-one years old, the sentence
can be up to five years in prison. If purchased from a minor under sixteen years
old, there is a six-month mandatory minimum sentence imposed, with a maximum …
A grantor must be competent to convey; thus, an insane person cannot convey
title to real property. A deed from a minor usually is voidable (not void) and may
be disaffirmed before or within a reasonable time after the grantor reaches
A minor literature does not come from a minor language; it is constructed by a
minority within a major language. Second, everything in the minor literature is
political. In a major literature, when the individual concern joins with other
individual …
55, as if seeking a major-mode escape-hatch away from A minor), leading to a
second apparent MC (V:HC, apparently a corrective for the earlier blocked MC),
m. 63. In turn this sets up the launch of a forte TM3 (m. 64, perhaps with the …
(This desire of hers stemmed from a minor misunderstanding involving her young
husband, a scarf of silk, and a pair of piglets—I won't go into the details here.) At
any rate, she assigned me to steal the left upper canine tooth of a Horror known …
(5) Partners in Profit Only: Such type of partner is different from a minor partner.
He only participates in the profit of the firm. But he has unlimited liabilities like all
other partners. Such partner has no right to take part in the administration of firm.
… C major, A minor, G major, E minor, D major, B minor, eta Heinichen viewed
the typical modulations from a major key as the first three steps clockwise, while
more extraordinary would be the first two steps counterclockwise. From a minor
key …
… suicides, protecting third parties, and maintaining the ethical integrity of the
medical profession, the strongest of which is the preservation of human life. •
When deciding whether to withdraw life-sustaining treatment from a minor, a “
best …
Under normal circumstances, the gain or loss resulting from a minor sale-
leaseback transaction will be recognized in the current accounting period. Only in
unusual circumstances would there be any deferred or accrued gain or loss.
(5) Partners in Profit Only: Such type of partner is different from a minor partner.
He only participates in the profit of the firm. But he has unlimited liabilities like all
other partners. Such partner has no right to take part in the administration of firm.
3 nc (inf) a mink coat: She went to the theatre mainly to show off her new mink.
minor ['mains] adj (esp attnb : more formal or tech than lesser or unimportant) less
, or little, in importance, size etc: Always halt when driving from a minor road on to …
This achieved awareness leads us here to explore the issues of gender and
location in a diasporic perspective as an example of Deleuze and Guattari's claim
that "minor literature doesn't come from a minor language, it is rather that which a …
□EXAMPLE 15.4 Voidable Title A seller has voidable title if the goods that she or
he is selling were obtained by fraud, paid for with a check that is later dishonored,
purchased from a minor, or purchased on credit when the seller was insolvent.
Example 7.3 Computing Sight Distance Requirement for a Vehicle Turning Left
from a Minor Road with a Stop Sign Control A minor road intersects a major four-
lane undivided road with a design speed of 65 mi/h. The intersection is controlled …
2003) Shooting for Payment from a Minor FACTS In March 1996, Harun Fountain
was shot in the back of the head at point-blank range by a playmate. As a result
of his injuries, including the loss of his right eye, Fountain required extensive …
[Provenance unknown], FLORENCE (formerly), Collection of Baron Detlev von
Hadeln. Ceiling painting by Lorenzo Lotto: An Allegory of the Quadrivium (
elongated octagon, 227 x 1 77). 1 The format and composition of the painting
formerly in …
… including an etching byJoachim von Sandrart the Elder, dated 164.0, in which
a standing Cupid urinates into a cup held up by an old woman.10 The most
famous example is arguably a painting by Lorenzo Lotto, dated about 1526-30, in
the …
Interestingly, this is also the point of the comparison made in the previously
mentioned painting by Lorenzo Lotto, an interpretation whose specifics have
escaped notice until now. There, the putto who occupies the side of the painting
opposite …
… su esposa, a painting by Lorenzo Lotto ( 1480-1556), leads Azorin to a
meditation on hedonism that is the basis of the fourth essay in the series, titled "
Un sensual" (9 December 1905). The painting depicts a young couple from the
monied …
Painting by Lorenzo Lotto. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. 3 Cain and Abel.
Carving on Facade of Abbey Church of Saint- Gilles du Gard, c. 1180. Photo ©
James Austin. 4 Woman Holding a Balance. Painting by Jan Vermeer, c. 1662-64
… that of having the victim urinate through a ring, was known and used across
western Europe in the sixteenth century and is probably also reflected, at least in
terms of general principles, in a well-known painting by Lorenzo Lotto dating to
painting+by+Lorenzo+Lotto painting+by+Lorenzo+Lotto
Kupferstichkabinet, Berlin . . 262 IIb The garden of a Renaissance collector in
Rome. Engraving by H. Cock after a drawing by M. van Heemskerck . . 262 III The
Italian Renaissance collector A. Odoni. Painting by Lorenzo Lotto. Hampton
A painting by Lorenzo Lotto (ca. 1530) portraits the same man from three different
perspectives, from two sides and en face (Fig. 8.4). He holds forth a small casket
and lifts up a ring, displaying it for the viewer. We do not know who the man is; …
A painting by Lorenzo Lotto in which Renaissance ideas about the nature of
woman displace the signifying function of sleep focuses attention on the potential
offender to describe inspiration and creation. The possibilities of this theme are …
Sample of the ten page fax Falco sent Hockney, March 7, 2000, of calculations
pertaining to the 1543 painting by Lorenzo Lotto, Portrait of a Married Couple, p.
110. Fig. 4.26-29. A series of photographs depicting a change in the depth of field
, …
… Cingoli in the Marshes of Italy is a painting by Lorenzo Lotto (1480-1556) that
portrays St. Dominic with St. Thomas and St. Mary Magdalen. Above their heads
is a large window with fifteen medallions representing the mysteries of the
Rosary …
At the Galleria Borghese Raimondi introduced Morandi to de Chirico, who was
copying a painting by Lorenzo Lotto. (Morandi twice copied old master paintings,
a Lorenzo Costa and a Raphael.) De Chirico invited Morandi and Raimondi to …
Fernand Braudel. Peasants bringing small quantities of produce to town. Detail
from the painting by Lorenzo Lotto, Storie de Santa Barbara. (Photo Scala.) 12
of them avoided the eyes
of the others
"We were trying to catch those big, big ones," Edith said, spreading her arms
wide. "We saw them earlier this afternoon, but not now." "Don't bother," Mrs.
Redgive said. "Those are carp." "They're big." "They're hard to catch, not vigorous
biters, …
Stiff, cold fingers of memory reach backwards trying to catch those snowflake
days which promptly melt leaving that damp feeling that there was once
something more there. Jutting up through the swirling of things past, shadowy
fuzzy forms of …
I would stand up in the sunshine, trying to catch those fuzzy dust particles. One
day, trying to catch the dust particles, I fell and landed on my backside. All of a
sudden, thousands of flying dust particles appeared. I giggled and thought I could …
I understand what you say about trying to catch those men, but are you quite sure
that's all it was?” “Of course!” “Geoffrey, you have to admit that you have a
problem.” “The law says I'm a paedophile just because I downloaded those
And they stop trying to catch those beavers and moose and turtles. Whew! says
those beavers and moose and turtles, that was close. And they run and hide
before Columbus and his friends change their minds. ([18]) Columbus and his
crew …
We could meet somewhere on down the trail if you like. Heaven knows you have
enough on your mind right now, trying to catch those thieves.” “That I do, sir.”
Chip commented. “That I do.” “Then it's settled,” Jonathan said proudly. “I shall
take …
The way I approach macro, the global economic cycle has little correlation with
my returns. I'm just trying to catch those few macro moves in the deep, liquid
markets. I don't get involved in illiquid, esoteric trades where, once they start to
wobble …
We dragged ourselves through that slush sea of mud trying to catch those beasts
for half a day, and more, and more it was beginning to look like an impossible
task. The plow field where they were in was quite large, and the horses were fat, …
Grabbing jars, the three of us ran around trying to catch those little black bugs
that had yellow and red spots on them. I was fascinated by them. What did they
have inside them that made them light up at dusk and go off at dawn? Does
anyone …
I might do okay in a small pond trying to catch those sunfish, but that is about the
best I could do. So if I wanted to go after the big ones, what would I have to do?
Right! I would need a better fishing pole, and the right kind of lures to attract the …
Then I turned back to Francine, trying to catch those set, blue-shadowed eyes,
that glowing, forced-on smile. But she kept looking away from me, concentrating
on Wong Cho, pouring on that cheap, over-done sizzle— like a chorine playing
up …
Duffy just stood there with a stupid expression on his face. “What kind of cop
wisdom-bullshit is that?” I asked impatiently. “Aren't you supposed to be out there
trying to catch those two guys that did this to me?” Duffy ignored my last question.
He seems like a decent guy, and he's trying to catch those people who blew up
the Conklin. He thinks you might be able to help him catch those killers.” “No,
T.W., you don't understand. I can't talk to him. I just can't.” She was crying now.
Frogs would cry out in alarm, leaping from shore's edge with frightened chirps. A
breeze would catch the floating petals and carry them across the lake like tiny
boats. Swamp Boy would walk up and down the shore, trying to catch those
leaping …
trying+to+catch+those trying+to+catch+those trying+to+catch+those
… Till Now Amor nunca pense fnigo Lopez de Mendoza, marques de Santilfana (
1398-1458) Mountain Song Serranilla de la Finojosa Jorge Manrique (1440-
1479) Ode on the Death of His Father Coplas por la muerte de su padre
Anonymous …
… his possibly homoerotic tendencies (see Homosexuality), and his hatred of his
father's patriarchal chauvinism contributed to his own negative views of married
life. Having a wife and children meant for him giving up the radical seclusion and …
of reacting to the harsh treatment he had suffered at the hands of his father. As
the victim of what he later called "parental tyranny," Lincoln evidently promised
himself that he would not repeat his father's mistakes. The famous engraving of …
In Search of his Father 165 41. Masilo 169 42. Masilo and Thakane 172 43 . The
Nyamatsane 174 44. The Girl and the Bird 177 45. The Man-eating Woman 181
46. The Mother-Cow 183 47 . Masilonyano 185 48. Thakane 187 49. A Bride for …
… as old as the pig will be when the pig's father is one year more than ten times
as old as the pig is when the pig is less by four years than one-seventh of the
combined ages of his father and mother. Find their respective ages. (For the …
of+his+father of+his+father of+his+father
Persons subject to paternal power become sui iuris through the death of the pater
familias, unless they then come under the power of another person, as, e.g., a
grandson became subject to the patria potestas of his father if they both had been …
21 And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the
land of Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the
room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither: notwithstanding, being
warned of …
His tomb, like that of his father, was discovered at *Bubastis. In the inscription of
his red sarco- phagus5 as well as in the graffito of Sulb, the ' viceroy H. is called "
The One of Bubastis" to distinguish him from the many persons who bore the …
646/1 248. l3 He was known (shuhirä) äs al-Dabbäj because this was the
profession of his father, and his own in his youth, but he abandoned it when he
began to expand his knowledge and acquire a reputation äs a scholar.
Anthroponymy …
Of course, “Before the Law” can also be read as a personal statement of the kind
of obstruction Kafka experienced at the hands of his father. The role of the
gatekeeper can also be identified with Kafka's mother, for Kafka gave his mother
the …
He reorganized the State, which, in the feeble hands of Ismail II and of his father,
was on the point of ruin, created regiments of troops whom he paid from the royal
treasury and called by the Turkish name of tiifenkli (fusiliers) ; in imitation of the …
… was described as quite conventional in his religious beliefs, from which Jung
later strayed. Kind, tolerant, reliable, and otherwise liberal were also reØective of
his father. By some accounts, Jung believed his father was weak and unpowerful.
each+of+them each+of+them each+of+them each+of+them
… of them fall within the recognized relationships. Secondly, relations by blood or
marriage arc never described by a combination of the primary terms, but a single
special term is applied to each of them. Persons who OF THE HUMAN FAMILY.
For such a kind of men the world around them is all in a beginning, for each of
them beginning is the strongest thing in them. There are many millions of such a
kind of men and they have it in all of them to be strong in beginning. In some of …
… so counting from the Sun, the Centre to the Circumference, is divided into
seven Spheres, which they call Heavens or Firmaments; including the Moon,
there are seven moving Orbs (gdljm) and to each of them one, so seven
Supporters; with …
each+of+them each+of+them each+of+them each+of+them
This Chapter contains a short chronol- ogy of each of the 164 enterprises along
with pictures and descrip- tions of all the various fire marks known to have been
issued by each of them. In the interest of brevity, the Public Law fire insurance …
each+of+them each+of+them each+of+them
we shall take up each of these detecting devices in turn and briefly de- scribe the
relations between the people located by each of them and the women in our
sample who named them. We want to investigate, in other words, the extent to
which …
Preen shall now deliver unto Mr. Edward Bennet two men servants with one suite
of apparell covenient for each of them, or 600 2 of tobacco for them and 200
weight of Tobacco more for damadge and losses in the Forbearance for soe
longe …
Your fourth task is to emphasize again to all of the participants that each of them
is to play the game with their primary goal firmly in mind: the survival of their
country in an anarchical system of states. Then, they should be instructed to
each+of+them each+of+them each+of+them each+of+them
With an increase in the number of members of the assembly, considered as
individual voters, for each of them the possibility of entering into different
coalitions increases more than proportionately: therefore the result becomes less
certain and …
The words necessary to accomplish such joinder in the several allegations of the
specifications are " they and each of them " — as " that A. B., C. D., E. F., G. H.,
I. J., and each of them, did," etc.; in later references to the joint accused in the …
On or about July 19, 2006, plaintiff and defendants and each of them, entered
into an oral agreement whereby plaintiff agreed to loan defendants, and each of
them, the sum of $160,000 plus interest at the legal rate which defendants were
to …
Secretaries in a partnership firm : Partners are the owners of the firm and each of
them or two or more of them might employ secretaries under them. Here, the
activities might be slightly more sophisticated than that of a Sole Trader concern.
each+of+them each+of+them each+of+them
E.g.: "Each of them got into their [read his or her, depending on context] car and
drove off." But the word they has come to take on a singular sense in
constructions of this type, as the generic masculine pronoun continues to decline
in use.
You understood right away that he was going to leave.” “He talked without
quoting! And he said 'Farewell' twice!” “You're right.” She thought Hootie's
farewell had been for her. She threw out her arms, and her face twisted. “Why am
I the only …
So when Carl said that business was good and you hadn't seen alleycats
picketing the Two Sisters lately, you understood right away what he referred to.
Mardi Gras time was what he chiefly lived in expectation of. But Mardi Gras was
still a …
“My son started getting involved with substance abuse and was really struggling.
I talked to you about it and you understood right away what he was feeling
because you'd been through it, and I hadn't. You said that I had to be more of a
man to …
So glad you understood right away. Also, a tray and one of those silver dome
things you put over the room service dishes.” “Well...” “You'd get it back. And I'll
have the uniform dry- cleaned before I return it.”
And you understood right away why Limon, which was at least twice as big as
Vernon, was called a hub city. It was the crossroads for three U.S. highways and
two railroad lines. U.S. 287, U.S. 40, and the Union Pacific railroad, all coming up …
Ten years before Juan and I found each other, I lived with the hope that Jean-
Paul, the love of my life and husband of twenty years, would eventually come
back to me. Juan, in a similar situation, nurtured the hope that possibly he could
take …
… Advocate to the extreme, radical element.16 For some time, however, Sewell
nurtured the hope that McQuiddy would be part of the solution, not part of the
problem. He wrote to him about the hate factor then dominating Churches of
… that the United States was keeping Korea divided to justify its troop presence
on the peninsula. It aroused fears on the right that America's purpose was to
prevent the emergence of a powerful Korea. The left nurtured the hope 24
4 In fact, Herb Scarf (1959) had already given an example of an economy with a
unique but unstable equilibrium, but many had nurtured the hope that some
appropriate restrictions on preferences might eliminate the problem. 5 I have …
The young Krausist thinker attended Mass on Sunday and, like his friend, Don
Fernando de Castro, nurtured the hope for a renovation of the Catholic Church."
21 That hope disappeared soon after the decision taken by the Vatican Council.
As heirs of the Puritans, they nurtured the hope that the United States would
someday return to its “Christian nation” status. But at the same time they were
quite aware of trends that made this return an unlikely prospect. This
ambivalence also …
He nurtured the hope of a Potomac canal, an idea that had first been hatched by
the initial investors in the Ohio Company in 1747. Like Lawrence and others
before him, Washington dreamed of linking the Atlantic to the Ohio Country.
Doing so …
nurtured+the+hope nurtured+the+hope
The foundation of the Atademic Ftan^aite was part of the same project: Richelieu
nurtured the hope that it could be a breeding ground for docile censors, but the
Paris Parliament put an end to that. In 1650, the first signs of a long crisis began …
Among many high provincial officials the prospect that their main avenues of
funding would be cut off inspired panic rather than creativity. Some governors
and financial commissioners even nurtured the hope that a persuasive argument
could …
… of the hearing, while a campaign in the barracks and the far-right newspapers
designed to blame the King in order to exonerate the golpistas was growing
stronger, some of the defendants nurtured the hope that the trial would not take
place, …
At the time of Reed's birthday party, I was, of course, still completely uncertain
about my own future, but I nurtured the hope (a false one, probably!) that
attending events such as this one might be helpful in my effort to secure a post at
… a character to set beside the similarly prophetic B ̈uchner's Wozzeck, the
delinquent yet pitiable antihero ofBerg's famous opera, which had made so
strong an impression on Britten that he had once nurtured the hope of studying
with Berg …
This mission nurtured the hope for centuries that the earth's inhabitants would be
made followers of the Christ through the proclamation of the good news of
salvation. This trans-mission in word was to be matched by the complementary …
Anyone would give her forty drachmas for them, but she still nurtured the hope of
seeing him return and did not dare 106 sell them. Ah, but late that night she had
come to a decision. T Pasion had given her a three-day extension on her …
He nurtured the hope that his manual — with its collation of scattered, often
arcane sources — would make Kabbalistic teachings more vital and accessible: I
will gather their banished words, joining them one to another till they become
whole …
Thus, he nurtured the hope that the book "will take refuge in your camp: in no
other place could it be more secure." Together with the copy that he presented to
Castro, it seems that Sanchez had sent a set of instructions with the precise intent
of …
The house would sometimes shake with their anger. I nurtured the hope of
making a present that could erase the wrongs and fill in the gaps. As their
marriage unraveled, I imagined knitting the crinkled yarn into the scarf. My father
watched …
She was loath to say anything to jeopardize Gunning; she still nurtured the hope
that he might be alive. “Ma, please, this is vitally important. It could be a matter of
life and death. Who told you about Campbell's?” His question sounded with such …
… his mother, but the slight grin on his face nurtured the hope within her heart for
better times and days. Propped up in a hospital bed, Slade was pale under his
tanned skin and was a whole new dimension in cranky. An I.V. was attached to
the …
She was experiencing jealous antagonism towards her friend of many years and
realised something she had suspected – she herself was in love with Richard
and had nurtured the hope that he loved her. He had never given her any sign
that …
What! Must some empty and baseless fancy prevent you bestowing happiness on
a man whom you do not hate? What! Have I nurtured the hope of spending my
life with you; has fate induced me to love the most admirable person in the world; …
38 Dienes nurtured the hope that degeneration could be countered if proper
policies of public health and preventive medicine were introduced across society.
The last lecturer was Zsigmond Fülöp. In his 'Az eugenetika követelései és
korunk …
… Arjun and Iksha were able to give Iris a single, clear message that they wanted
her to study whatever would make her happy. They saw how conflicted and
unhappy she was while they still nurtured the hope that she would become a
These were relatively minor improvements, but they nurtured the hope of
Hungarian Jewry that full emancipation was about to come. Much of these hopes
were attached to the Diet that was to convene in 1861. Although the Jews could
not …
Privately, Ricardo nurtured the hope that somehow, some way, he would prove
himself the better and more deserving prince, and he would become king in
place of Lorenzo. For his part, although Lorenzo tried to preserve a sense of
good will …
In one way or another, all their moral strivings have reflected that struggle.
Nowhere has this been more evident than in their religion, music, and song.
There and elsewhere they have nurtured the hope and worked tirelessly for a
radically new …
nurtured+the+hope nurtured+the+hope
I nurtured the hope that God would allow me to tread this path, which is
comparable to the sirat, with firm steps and invincible courage. God be praised
for allowing my soul to experience the greatest pleasure of all, that of being able
to think of …
I have already confessed that in my school days I had nurtured the hope of
becoming a physician. That hope was still strong within me, but the flame of
scholarship burned equally high; and I was all aglow with a passion for learning,
which I …
Whilst the minister was not hard pushed, nor the prospect of succeeding him near
, they appeared to have but one end, the reformation of the government. The
destruction of the minister was pursued only as a preliminary, but of essential and …
Thus it may happen, that a Man has noRelations at all, or that those which he has
have rendred themselves unworthy of succeeding him; and in this case, the euity
of a Testament is elearand evient. In like manner, one who has perhaps a …
The reference to Vijayaraghava's 'putting out their eyes to remove all desire on
their side of succeeding him,' proves that Vijayaraghava's right to the throne was
not above challenge by rivals; and the Jesuit letter incidentally bears witness to …
of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him
In 1820 he became regius professor at Edinburgh, being succeeded at Glasgow
by Sir William Hooker, with whom he had a scientific and personal friendship.
Joseph Hooker, in turn, was within a little of succeeding him at Edinburgh, for he …
… a delegation of Syrian notables visited the first 'Abbasid caliph, Abû 'l- 'Abbâs al
- Saffâh, and swore that they had been unaware that the Prophet had any other
relatives or family worthy of succeeding him except the Umayyads, until after the …
Thus the institution of the law of the father in such a way that it makes the son
worthy of succeeding him, that is, of becoming a father in his own turn. And yet,
this metaphorical process of internalization or incorporation, this
institutionalization of …
of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him of+succeeding+him
His grandson Hassan, guardian of the sons of Vayid I, after the death of
Mocawiya II even dared to cherish the project of succeeding him. The undue
preponderance of the Bahdalites and the Kalbites contributed largely to the
division of the …
I am extremely desirous of succeeding him in the government of the Isle of Wight .
.. I am very fully persuaded that my promotion to this office will be well approved
and received [in Hampshire], at the same time I hope not to be considered as …
The forced abdication of BSyazId made him abandon all hope of succeeding him
(8<h Safar 918 = April 25, 1512). After the massacre of the imperial princes,
Korkud was in terror of his life ; Sclim, setting out unexpectedly from Brussa under
a …
Finally, let us consider an example that does not involve a quantifier as the head
of the distributive po-phrase. Recall from our discussion of unaccusativity
diagnostics in section 2 that distributive po-phrases that lack a quantifier can
function as …
The shape of the head or skull, also referred to as the head form or head shape,
plays a major role in guiding you to the desired end result. Hair responds
differently on different areas of the head, depending on the end-result length and
the …
A category changing affix is regarded as the head of the word which it creates.
The features of this head are inherited by the word as a whole by virtue of the
usual percolation mechanisms. On this view a word such as indecipherability
would …
According to this criterion, in a [D N] pair, N is to be re- garded as the head, not as
the modifier, i.e. not as the complement of D. Hudson (1990, 271) exploits the
criterion of external syntactic relations in respect of determiners: “The determiner …
… an obstruction can often be done quickly and easily by simply tilting tin:
patient's head back and lifting the chin in what is known as the head tilt-chin lift
maneuver. For patients who have not sustained trauma, this simple maneuver is …
To say only that the field of view "moves" over the world as the head moves is
inexact and insufficient; the world is revealed and concealed as the head moves,
in ways that specify exactly how the head moves. Whatever goes out of sight as
One advantage of such circuitry is that, although it fulfills the same principle
functions as the head-neck system of the vertebrate counterpart, it is simpler in
design than in an animal that can move its head and eyes separately. The two
eyes of …
Note: An alternative to calculating the Hazen–Williams formula, called an
alignment chart, has become quite popular for fieldwork. The alignment chart can
be used with reasonable accuracy. 7.9.5 SLOPE Slope is defined as the head
loss per …
As the head of his father's house, he is called the son of Assir, Korah's son, and
named father of Ebiasaph (1 Chr. 6:23 [MT 8]). 2. The father of Samuel and the
husband of Hannah; a resident of Ramathaim-zophim in the hill country of
Ephraim …
The middle piece, which is separated from the head by the neck, is about the
same length as the head. Mitochondria are concentrated in the midpiece and by
carrying on aerobic respiration, are thought to generate the energy required for
the …
It is obvious from these passages that the term refers first to Christ, the exalted
Lord, as the Head of His body, the Church. … To describe Christ as the Head of
the Church against this background is to emphasise the unity between Christ and …
The click rate decreased further to 4-5/s as the head was again submerged, and
the whale swam with the hydrophone off to its side (fig. 57.1). There was a short
period of silence. Then, by the third head-out episode (block C of fig. 57.1; fig.
and even if the idea of the Body of Christ goes back to Paul, the conception of
Christ as the Head of this Body is first put forward in Col. and brought in
dominatingly in Eph. The like is true of the idea of the Fullness (pleromd) of Christ
, which is …
According to Janet, the power her husband has to alleviate her pain stems in part
from love, as Alison also asserted in the context of her birth. For Janet, however,
her husband's power also emerges from his position as the “head” of his wife.
There can be adjective phrases, built around adjectives, with the adjective as the
head or central item. Examples of adjective phrases, with the adjective head
words underlined, are: very polite, too expensive for me, taller than John, not …
BETH-ASH′BEA (beth-'ash′be-a). The place where “the families of the house
of the linen workers” resided. The KJV renders just Ashbea and mentions him as
the head of this branch of the descendants of Shelah, the son of Judah (1 Chron.
Suction as soon as the head delivers. If the head does not quickly deliver,
continue transport. • With a footling breech delivery, support the baby toward the
mother's anterior as he or she emerges. or maybe on her hands and knees. As
the …
As the head rides on the cassette tape surface, dust and dirt can cause major
problems as suggested in Fig. 3.1. Some current professional '^-inch video tapes
are designed to minimize the attraction of dust and dirt by static electricity.
the. UPPER. EXTREMITY/. the. WRIST. and. HAND. The 27 bones that constitute
the skeletal framework of the hand are distributed among three distinct regions:
the wrist with carpal bones; the palm with metacarpals; and the digits with …
The "household codes" ofduties in the NT ( Eph 5:22 — 6:4; Col 3:18-21)
delineate the interdependent and complementary roles and obligations, with the
husband/father as the head who loves his wife and children, the wife who
submits to the …
The formulation and decision concerning national interests at the practical level
are more often than not in the hands of the president who acts beyond his
capacity as the head of the executive branch of the government. Soon after the "
Old …
As the head encounters resistance, more pressure is exerted on the longer
anterior part, forcing the head to flex. A flexed head has a smaller diameter,
which facilitates descent and negotiation through the pelvis. In a well-flexed head
, the …
… result from something being added to the common, but is rather the principle
and source of that which is common, We must now consider the grace of Christ
as the Head of the Church ; and under this head there are eight points of inquiry:
(!) …
Delivery is impossible unless, as can happen with a very small fetus or one that is
macerated, the shoulders can enter the pelvis at the same time as the head. With
satisfactory uterine action and a mentoanterior position, spontaneous delivery …
When the endolymph is left behind as you start to rotate your head, the fluid in the
same plane as the head movement is in effect shifted in the opposite direction
from the movement (similar to your body tilting to the right as the car in which you …
In normal swallowing, the pharyngeal swallow is triggered as the head of the
bolus passes the point where the ramus of the manidible crosses the base of the
tongue. If the bolus head (leading edge) passes into the valleculae and the …
Subsequent illegality of the business or of the business venture. This would occur
, for example, if the business were prohibited, or if the agent were required to
have a license which he/she could not reasonably obtain, or if the property were …
His father’s eyes
I made the chair into my bed for the night and lay there listening to my father's
breathing and staring just above his bed. My father's labored breathing was
comforting in a way, as it meant the continuation of his life. I feared the absence
of the …
I mean they're staring just out like this. So it's profoundly moving, I think. Often
they're holding things that mean something to them, you know. It's really
interesting. Like a particular picture, or a banjo, and the children are all dressed
up like little …
If you find yourself staring just smile and say Hi. At the moment she's thinking
about a career in accounts, so I guess she'll be interested in how our systems
work and the spreadsheets we use and so on. The people at the place of work
may be …
I think I was staring just under her eyes—the puffiness of the upper cheek may
reveal more. After dinner—she surprised—yet soothed—she played the piano on
our way out of the restaurant. She played just for a moment—stopped—and then …
And this time I was staring just a little bit harder then the last few times I drove
past that hoe. And when I passed her I knew for certain that it wasn't no boy. And I
also knew for certain that this bitch was on some hatin' shit. So I drove around to …
To Viv's surprise, the man managed to backstep and roll with it. Almost as if he
heard her coming. “Help . . . Ineed help,” Viv said, her voice racing. “Take it easy,”
Barry replied, his glass eye staring just off to the left as he put a hand on her arm.
Everyone's staring just because some guy's come in here, and you know what
that means. He must be cute.” Nothing. “I'm not kidding,” I say. “One guy, and all
the nurses are looking at him. That means very cute. Just like when you walk into
a …
The Kiowa awoke and seeing their mounts gone, were in a very agitated state
when one of them seen their brother warrior riding down from the top of the rise,
and a Comanche sitting astride a magnificent horse staring just sitting there
staying …
The leer tells all. He's not even hiding the fact. My students sometimes did this;
not the mental undressing—even in this day and age, ten year olds are a bit
young for that—but staring just to make me uncomfortable. I look away, doing my
best …
But Evans, the pen still between his teeth, was staring just as vacantly as before.
Stephens looked through the peep-hole once again and even as he did so, he
noticed Evans pull the dirty blanket more closely to himself. He wondered, if
Evans …
During that time, the face I stared at—all the while staring just at the forehead—
took on a kaleidoscopic panorama of people both younger and older, foreign, or
even alien. Then we learned how to feel the ball of energy between our hands.
Deborah Fletcher Mello. ward silence as Guy waited for her to acknowledge his
comment. Dahlia could feel him staring, sensed him eyeing her intently. She
opened her eyes to meet his gaze, staring just as attentively. “How do you feel
about …
… work his way, and when he stopped to get up on his bunk, he turned and saw
Fat Mack's eyes open and dull and gray, staring just the way a gator in the
shallows looks out, waiting for the prey in sight to move a little closer. Jesse didn't
This enzyme has an intrinsically low affinity for CO2, achieving half saturation of
carbon fixation at CO2 concentrations well above those present in seawater (
Badger et al. 1998). To overcome RubisCO's low affinity, CO2 must be
concentrated …
(5) There is no increase in other organic acids above those present in control
cases. But after the CO2 has been shaken out there is a change in the balance of
acids to bases in the blood in the acid direction. (6) The reports on the urea and …
However, following ethanol treatment, acetaldehyde levels of brain interstitial
fluid are above those present intacellularly in the CNS (130), suggesting that
acetaldehyde can cross the blood-brain barrier. Cysteine and ascorbic acid are …
in structural organization of RNA. The metal has been consistently found present
in RNA from varieties of organisms in concentrations much above those present
in original source material. Increased incidence of lung and nasal carcinomas is …
… by oxidising the latter to H2SO4 or by prolonging wetness by producing a
hygroscopic nitrate. w The concentrations of both pollutants used in this work
were, however, well above those present even in the most aggressive British
Additional carry-over effects, over and above those present in each of the four
8x8 Williams squares, are present in Period 9. Subjects 1 and 9 have additional
carry-over effects of treatment 5 in Period 9. subjects 2 and 10 have additional …
But where items do share features over and above those present in all members
of the category, then the prototypes will have the greatest measure of family
resemblance and the items similar to the prototypes will have a greater measure
of …
The levels of glucagon. however, significantly increase above those present in
the fasting state. increase, stimulating gluconeogenesis in the absence of dietary
glucose. The relative amounts of insulin and glucagon in the blood after a mixed …
(1997) carried out an in vitro study with RiT-DNA transformed roots of carrot (
Daucus carota) to evaluate the role of macro-elements contributed as impurities
in the gelling agent (phytagel) over and above those present in the minimal (M) …
In patients with chronic kidney disease, proteinuria typically increases in the
upright position to levels above those present in the recumbent position. This
orthostatic change in excretion appears to have no special diagnostic or
prognostic …
The levels of glucagon, however, significantly increase above those present in
the fasting state. Many amino acids also stimulate glucagon release (Fig. 26.12).
Thus, the high levels of glucagon that would be expected in the fasting state do …
expressed the desire to gather his team around him
"Guests" were greeted in our campground for one last time. It's funny, but as
much as we wanted to vacate the premises, when the time finally came that we
could actually do just that, we couldn't leave. This was all we knew for the last
It looked like her rays were caressing the sea for one last time before the sun
dipped into the ocean like a big fiery ball. The star greeted the rising moon and
listened to his family singing their songs. He really missed them and tears filled
his …
Eyes are filled with tears as each member of the Rivera family takes their turn
embracing Adelina for one last time. But then, just as Adelina was about to board
the train, her mother Julia, presents Adelina with a small elegantly decorated 2 …
I went home to tell my older son his Da had passed, comforted him and then
returned to Pop's residence for one last time to say good-bye. When I saw my
deceased father-in-law laying in his bed, he had an extremely serene expression
on his …
26 Circle of Life — 27 Revenge — 29 When You Bowed Today — 31 Beyond
The Rainbow — 32 The Depths Of Heights — 33 The Tragedy of Human
Sacrifice — 35 One World — 37 Home — 38 Rain — 39 For One Last Time — 40
In A Past …
I stood in the doorway and observed the room for one last time. I said goodbye to
the gray pitched walls, the buffalo-robe bedspread, the compact television lying
on a tall gun cabinet and the closet filled with my clothes from another lifetime.
For one last time she walked through the flat, the back of which she would be
very pleased to see. She remembered to wipe the light switches with a tissue.
Now she was satisfied she had left nothing behind. She locked the flat door and
went …
Once Father Macauley moved on to be parish priest at Easingwold, North
Yorkshire, Basil went to Cockermouth for one last time alone - and disaster
almost struck when he toppled over standing in the river in his waders and had to
be rescued …
This theme is summarized as the narrator attempts to rationalize his mother's
motivation to walk with his father on this very road for one last time: “This is the
story of my father and mother. This road is part of their love story. This road that
leads …
Mr. DASCHLE. Madam President, will the Senator yield for one last time? Mr.
MURKOWSKI. I am happy to yield. Mr. DASCHLE. I do not mean to interrupt his
presentation. I know he has an opening statement. It is not my intention to debate
him …
Satan will be unleashed for one last time, and he'll succeed in turning away more
people from God. The armies of the righteous will defeat the armies of evil for the
final time, and God will forever cast out Satan and his followers into outer …
I only wished to see my friends for one last time." "Are you certain?" the doctor
protested. "There is much that we can do to at least make you comfortable."
Morning Thunder shook his head slowly, "This, too, has been foretold. I go easily
and …
for+one+last+time for+one+last+time
"What would you say," the question was put to me, "if you were to face an
audience for one last time?" It was an excellent conceit for a lecture series, and I
was deeply honored to have been asked to speak. My thesis, Faith and Fiction:
An …
Never meet the person for one last time. It could be your last date ever with
anyone if the person feels there is no hope and therefore nothing to lose by
harming you. Finally, if the stalking seems to escalate rather than dissipate, call
the police.
She was wearing the evening gown Serena had given her. Her flaxen hair was
piled on top of her head. The fringe she had cut helped to conceal the fact that it
was a wig. She wanted him to see for one last time what he was losing forever.
Having returned to Mount Street for one last time in March, to undertake a
publicity tour for her new book, The Old Man and Me, she went with Tracy to see
a matinee of Othello. Olivier covered Tracy in 'chocolate-coloured greasepaint'
when …
For one last time, Mendel launched a smear campaign against Marciano. Or was
it really a ballyhoo battle against Moore? Indeed, Mendel and Moore engaged in
a game of one-upmanship throughout camp. Once, for instance, when asked …
Then she played house for one last time asking the therapist to be the mother doll
and saying, “I'll be the father doll.” She talked of building a hideout for use if
needed. In time she handed the therapist the baby doll, and kissed her. “It's hard
to …
(And take the list with you, so you know to bring everything back with you!) All the
Right Tunes You may have thousands of records or CDs in your collection. Make
sure that you're taking the right ones with you. Checking for one last time that …
They kept her alive and the next day she got to see her children for one last time.
After this, miracles started to happen in the area, and the authorities decided to
build a church there. Constructed between 1490 and 1500, the church has a …
My family reached an agreement to see Nick for one last time. That night, as a
family, Dad, Mom, Amanda, Phil and I packed into the van for a dark trip. The
drive was long. I've never known 45 minutes to last years like it did that night.
“Leave your snails at your tables and your book bags on your chairs, and let's
meet at the carpet for one last time,” I said above the din. My class gathered, and
as I looked at their sweaty, slightly grimy faces, I felt myself getting choked up.
After using (some might say misusing, or even abusing) the great Bela Lugosi as
a mysterious supernatural deity in Glen or Glenda?, Wood gave Lugosi a role for
the ages in Bride, in which the maturing thespian returned for one last time to …
… sad drawn note Fades now into the stillness And deep inside my inner being It
feels just like an illness I turn and walk to hide the tears That may just be
disheartening And hear your sobs for one last time You're crying 'cause we're
parting A …
When they were through they took a shower together for one last time. He had
even washed her clothes. While she was getting dressed he went and made her
some lunch. He took her to the truck stop kissed her goodbye and told her to be …
and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence
By the time I was through with my instruction I had a joyless familiarity with the
U.S. Navy decompression tables and a reasonable confidence that I could
handle any diving emergency that might arise in a swimming pool. Answering an
ad in …
and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence
88 The ultimate stage was a metaphysical speculation on the reasonableness of
being, and a reasonable confidence that the cognitive process (or in more
fallibilistic terms, the process of the convergence of adequate opinions of the real
in …
By using intensive re-sampling procedures (e.g., bootstrapping), one can then
estimate the standard error of the mean deviation and a reasonable confidence
interval. In this way, appropriate epsilon bands of boundary uncertainty can be …
and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence
and a reasonable confidence in predictions achieved by comparison with
experimental studies exists. One such study is illustrated in Fig. 18.7 where a
comparison with tests carried out in a centrifuge is made.44- 45 In particular the
close …
and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence and+a+reasonable+confidence
Rawls describes self-respect as having two aspects: a sense of one's own value
and a reasonable confidence in one's ability to fulfill one's intentions.57 With
respect to that second aspect, left liberals typically hasten to emphasize that it …
… rational but finite beings was "happiness," which included the satisfaction of
our needs and desires as a whole, our enjoyment of and contentment with such a
fulfilled life, and a reasonable confidence in its continuance (393, 405, 416, 418).
students participate to the fullest extent in the whole circle of activities; they gain
experience and a reasonable confidence in their own powers and a sense of
responsibility. Such school communities, resting upon agriculture as the basic …
in the future
but also an absolute sadness
Cassian recommends one kind of sadness as good for us, namely, sadness at
our own faults. … 'With a kind of joy, and quickened by the hope of its own
progress, the sadness at my sins retains all its gracious courtesy and forbearance
By contrast, T1 empathic role-taking and T2 mixed emotion understanding were
both modestly but consistently related to moral self-concept and empathic
sadness at T2. With regard to gender differences, girls self-identified more guilt
on the …
But, in his definitions of joy and sadness at the end of Part 3, Spinoza does not
restrict these affects to the mental realm: "Ioy is a man's passage from a lesser to
a greater perfection. Sadness is a man's passage from a greater to a lesser …
… 2. sadness at the absence of this Good (memory of the past) and sadness at
the presence of Evil (boredom with exile); 3. happiness at the presence of the
Good (Tamara) and happiness at the absence of evil (hope; repentance); 4.
By attending to her sadness at losing the relationship she had had, and
experiencing this more fully, she made a shift. She was able to distinguish that
she no longer wanted the relationship as it now was, and she accepted that the
relationship …
Shame is mostly disappointment- sadness at self, followed in order of magnitude
by anger at self, and fear about the consequences to self of incompetent
behaviors. Shame is a powerful Table 1.4 The structure of second-order
emotions: …
… a stone that had once had a use and gazed through the veil of her personal
sadness at the splendid sadness ofthe scene – at the dense, warm light, the far
gradations and soft confusion of colour, the motionless shepherds in lonely
attitudes, …
Sadness+at Sadness+at
Charcoal Blazer 44 14. Numb 45 15. You Have to Be Strong! 48 16. Saying Good
-bye 51 17. Rituals Are Important 55 18. Failure 58 19. You Can't Keep Grief
Inside 63 20. Sadness at Funerals 66 21. Shock 68 22. Communion of Saints 70
… provides this emotion with another element included in the knowledge network
associated with this part of its inherent image-schematic structure, namely, the
notion of measurement scale, which places sadness at one end and happiness
at …
In an expected manner, children expressed feelings about divorce, including a
wish for family reunification, sadness at the loss of fathers, and anger fathers, as
well as feelings of vulnerability. In addition, children's narratives revealed …
So disappointment that I was not who I thought I was, sadness at what was
expressed "in" the deed, replaces guilt, or the sort of guilt which depends on the
claim that I could have done otherwise. Indeed, it is a kind of regret that depends
on my …
Could you tell in advance what the experience of sadness at the death of a loved
one would be like, if you had experienced only sadness in other contexts, such
as sadness at the cessation of enjoyment and sadness at the theft of a prized …
This sub-distinction of "love" nicely matches that of "sorrow" — "ai" 3p£ in ancient
Chinese: I interpret the emotion of ai 3p£ to comprise 1) one's deep sadness at
the loss of close people and 2) one's sympathy at the misfortune of others.
She will not communicate feeling the One difference between the person doesn't
express or acknowledge sadness at all where in the latter the person expresses
sadness in words but doesn't show it nonverbally. inhibited grieving and …
It is difficult to know what weight to give to such a sad, unstudied remark: we can
all feel sadness at the path not taken, while at another moment defend that very
decision staunchly as the wiser alternative. In this regard, in a letter on 20
October …
The focus of the work then becomes whether or not the person causing the pain (
the viewer) becomes a participant in it and what that person gets out of this
interaction: sadistic pleasure? Personal pain? Consolation? Sadness at the pain
of …
… or a bottle of wine. The poet's moods cover a wide spectrum from extreme
anger (for example at the privileges enjoyed by the spies among them or the
gratuitous cruelty of the camp guards) through bitter humor and overpowering
sadness at
Like single-item measures more generally, rating dials may use either bipolar ("
very negative" to "very positive") or unipolar verbal anchors ("no sadness at all" to
"extreme sadness") and either Likert-type or visual analog scales. In addition to …
Plato understands “envy [<p0bvos] as pleasure [57601157] at the misfortune of
oth— ers”:“9 that is, “to rejoice [atom] at the suffering of others";50 but this
confuses envy proper, or sadness at the happiness of others, with the joy at the …
The counsellor recognised Angie's sadness but also pointed out that they shared
the sadness at the ending of the relationship. Finally the counsellor reflected on
how the sadness about Oliver's death would always be a part of Angie's story …
In "Sadness at Parting" the narrator, sitting in a barber's chair with his eyes closed
, "deep in a world of our own," hears an unseen customer exchange farewells
with the barbers and involuntarily joins in: " 'Goodbye,' we said, before we could …
Sadness at low levels may enhance empathy more than anger or fear, as other
research suggests (see Chapters 9 and 10). The use of naturalistic observation
might be one way to begin to develop a broader view of empathy. As Zahn-
Waxler …
I'll let you know how it goes." „Aber nicht vergessen, ja?” Sie verabschieden sich
und Sonja beobachtet, wie James auf die Straße tritt. Dann schließt sie die Tür.
As James walks to the subway, he feels a strange mix of joy and sadness at the …
… sadness (see Table 5.1). This appraisal may Table 5.1 Appraisal components
of basic emotions Basic emotion Appraisal. Figure 5.1 Components of an
emotional state as outlined in Chapter 2. Figure 5.2 Adam's sadness at the loss of
… both when it exhibited a prototypical reaction (e.g., fear during a nightmare)
and when it showed an atypical reaction (e.g., sadness at going to preschool). In
addition, a sociometric measure was used to assess children for their acceptance …
Examples of primary adaptive emotions are: sadness at loss, fear at threat, anger
at violation, disgust at intrusion, hopelessness that lets go of a need that cannot
be met, grief that lets go what is irrevocably lost, sadness that reaches out for …
A trend-level Tanner Change Group × Time Point interaction was found for sad
intensity, in that girls who were beginning puberty showed the greatest increases
in sad mood over time, and were experiencing the most sadness at Time 2 of all …
leaving the business he had founded
which he had given all his strength
Yasunari Kawabata. eau and ~ ~ Sadness I In M Q D E R N C L A S $ | C S 'Q r
PENGUIN MODERN CLASSICS Beauty and Sadness Yasunari Kawabata was
born. Front Cover.
Metal Element 346 Autumn 346 Autumn Foods 346 Dryness 347 The Lungs in
Harmony and Disease 347 Attachments as an Indicator of Lung Vitality 348
Resolving Grief and Sadness 348 The Physical Indications of Lung Vitality 348
Causes …
… the downward comparison target, or the sympathy and sadness that may arise
in response to the downward comparison target's fate. In fact, there is ample
evidence that people avoid direct contact with those less fortunate than
themselves …
… 1989), and possibly even mimicking facial expressions of happiness and
sadness (Field et al., 1982; and see Box 2.2 on page 56), these early imitative
capabilities soon disappear and may be nothing more than Classical Theories of
Social …
Other specific action tendencies are associated with other specific emotions (
such as withdrawal and sadness or striking out and anger; see Fridja [this volume
] for a more detailed discussion of action tendencies). The probability of
participants …
Anger isn't joy, just as joy isn't contentment, and sadness isn't grief. Each of our
emotions has its own individual message, its own wants and needs, and its own
purpose in the psyche; our emotions can't change into something else just …
Depression and sadness are two separate states. They differ in the degree of
emotional pain and are often caused by different events. Sadness is a mild and
temporary negative mood swing that can occur with or without an awareness of
the …
And what is fear (me- tus) and sadness (tristitia) except a voluntas for dissenting
to those which we do not want (nolumus). But when we consent to seeking those
things which we want it is called desire; however when we consent to enjoy …
Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going
down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes,
the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots
… fear and sadness (with a predominance of black bile); the choleric person,
irritable and prone to aggression (with a predominance of yellow bile); and the
phlegmatic person, slow to excitation (with a predominance of phlegm; Diamond, …
And sadness is also beautiful; it has its own depth, its own delicacy, its own
deliciousness, its own taste. A man is poorer if he has not known sadness; he is
impoverished, very much impoverished. His laughter will be shallow, his laughter
will …
… also included identification of increased sympathetic and decreased
parasympathetic autonomic activity which is characteristic of anger as well as a
differentiation from the cerebral rCBF patterns associated with happiness and
Thinking about Feelings: The Development and Organization of Emotional
Knowledge 165 Nancy L. Stein and Linda J. Levine Talking and Thinking about
Emotion 168 Analysis of Happiness, Fear, Anger, and Sadness 174 Happiness
776 …
Nevertheless, this body of research claims to distinguish the following basic
emotions: anger, fear, disgust, and sadness. Towards a core set of basic
emotions In this discussion of basic emotions we have tried to argue that the most
profitable …
Psychological reactions to two or more abortions may range from none or mild
feelings of regret or disappointment about the lack of contraceptive discipline to
stronger feelings of guilt, anger, and sadness. These reactions Abortion and Its …
tHe. digestive. system. he body's digestive process breaks food into substances
that can be absorbed and used for energy, growth, and repair. The digestive
system,58 sometimes called the gastrointestinal system, consists of the mouth,
throat, …
… I will refer to this perspective as the incentive model of BAS/BIS. In support of
the incentive model of BAS/BIS, Carver (2004) has shown that self- reported BAS
sensitivity predicts stronger self-reported frustration and sadness in a frustrative …
That there is anguish and sadness during bereavement cannot be denied. But
there is much more. Above all, it is a human experience. It is something we are
wired for, and it is certainly not meant to overwhelm us. Rather, our reactions to
grief …
Responsibility and Inadequacy Determination and Frustration Affection and
Rejection Hope and Disappointment Happiness and Sadness Security and Fear
Serenity and Surprise/shock CONFUSION The partner may also feel shame, …
Here down and sadness are in two different taxonomic domains, but down can
be said to be functionally included in the … Thus, the link between down and
sadness is not strictly metonymic, but metaphorical (even though this metaphor,
being …
Children may experience anger and sadness differently in regard to rise time and
peak of intensity. Some return to a neutral state faster than others. Some students
, for example, do not calm down after being upset for an unusually long time, …
Expressing vulnerable feelings, like hurt and sadness, is more likely to draw
people toward you, but doing so feels dangerous unless you trust that this person
will not exploit your vulnerability. For some women, the therapist is the first
person …
Clinical Case Example 11.2 revisits Clinical Case Example 9.3 Clinical Case
Example 11.2: Disappointment and Sadness A successfully married woman with
an advanced degree came to therapy on a monthly basis, mostly for support.
Healing Sound: To Purge Grief and Sadness 144 6. Beating the Drum: For Focus
and Concentration 146 7. Five-Element Visualization: For the Liver and Stress
148 8. Five-Element Visualization: For the Heart and Anxiety 149 9. Waterfall …
Those persons that are unacquainted with these private entertainments and
conversations with God, and have never yet relished the sweets of prayer, and of
a spiritual life, will meet with a great deal of discontent and sadness ill this sort of
life …
His six “primitive” passions— wonder, love, hatred, desire, joy, and sadness
are not meaningless agitations of the animal spirits, but ingredients in the good
life. Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza (1632–1677) might well be considered to be a …
In Chapter 5 we will see that contemporary emotions theorists think that some
emotions, namely fear, surprise, and sadness, are not present until quite a bit
later than this. However, few systematic studies of the development of emotion …
The respondents may, at this point, start to experience disappointment and
sadness. There is reason to believe that certainty about a forthcoming deplorable
event will serve a preparatory appraisal function, which protects against overly …
It should be obvious that certain emotions — for example, anger, envy, jealousy,
anxiety, fright, guilt, shame, and sadness — could be called stress emotions,
because they usually arise from stressful, which refers to harmful, threatening, …
These include such emotions as anger, anxiety, pride, envy, guilt, and
embarrassment; however, by far the most attention has been devoted to moods
rather than to emotions, and most of that to elation and sadness. The earliest of …
at the inevitable :
… size Originalgröße f «actually ['asktjuali] ädv O (als Füllwort: meist nicht
übersetzt) ~ I haven't started yet ich habe noch (gar) nicht damit angefangen B
eigentlich, übrigens; as you said before, and ~ you were quite right wie Sie schon
sagten, …
The other day, after the party was over at which you had so enjoyed yourself,
when it was all done and everybody was gone and you were quite quiet, did you
not feel that even if you had these things every day of your life, yet you could not
be …
For hours you passed your hands up and down the walls as far as you could
reach until you were quite fatigued. You were about to give up the search and
make the best of a bad situation, but, overlapping this thought, there came the
resolve …
For hours you passed your hands up and down the walls as far as you could
reach until you were quite fatigued. You were about to give up the search and
make the best of a bad situation, but, overlapping this thought, there came the
resolve …
Sometimes there may be the vague feeling that you would be able to cope with a
disciplinary problem with more humour if you were able to interject some quick
comment to show your child that while you were quite serious about demanding …
Almost as if you were quite shy. I haven't seen you in that way before, but come to
think of it now, a part of you sometimes does seem a little shy. I hope you don't
mind me saying that. Anthony: It's important you feel that you can say whatever …
"The moment I met you I saw that you were quite unconscious of what 5 you
really are, what you really might be. There was so much about you that charmed
me that I felt I must tell you something about yourself. I thought how tragic it would
be …
Well, I eh...I'm not sure I, uh–.” “Yes, well. Being a man, you wouldn't...But you
were quite the wreck back then. … Yes, you were quite the wet one behind the
ears then, alright...But this is the sweet part and the point of this...After we got to
know …
A rather nasty slice which severed your jugular. It was quick, and relatively
painless.” Peter patted my hand. “Messy, of course, and a bit terrifying for you,
after all, but it could have been much worse. You were quite lucky to have it over
with so …
It was becoming obvious at the time, unless you were quite willing to change your
identity . . . . My auntie got into a sari . . . she started wearing saris, and we found
that quite foreign. It was difficult to accept initially . . . only the servants wore …
The Authorized Portrait Ltd. PQ Publishers, Bill Clinton, Archbishop Desmond
TuTu, Ltd., PQ Publishers. TC: It seems to me your sense of humor must have
started when you were quite young. Would you say that your childhood was a
happy …
… he has included these once more in his Method, and the work would, in any
case, be most interesting for me. Thus you were quite right to order it — and as
we are extraordinary people, let it reach us by extraordinary (not book trade)
Dorothy said that as a youngster you were quite shy, but had a wonderfully
inquisitive mind and a tremendous thirst for learning. She said that after she
reassured you that it was OK to browse through the books in the waiting room,
you would …
Didn't you wonder, when you were quite small, why they didn't fall off? And
whether they had to walk on their heads? It wasn't until much later that you could
really accept a space without up or down, so that you could see all the peoples of
all …
you+were+quite you+were+quite
I told him that you were quite well that that you had just gone into Essex to stay
with Charles' mother. At that he glared at me, honestly, glared and jumped right
out of his chair. He was out of that door so quickly that neither your father nor I …
“You....You've told him....everything?” Tammi asked, a little embarrassed. “Even
about my little....episode with...the “cat”?” “Even that.” said Lisa. “He thought it
quite amusing, and you were quite cute after all, all that hopping about and
You may have found that you were quite frustrated because you felt you were
defining yourself in someone else's terms. It might have been quite difficult to
present yourself in a 'good' light. For example, imagine if the social worker put
only two …
I did not forget our general conversation last autumn on European physicists in
this country, and I still think, that you were quite right. — Meanwhile I may ask you
some questions both about the future of physics in this country in general, and …
you+were+quite you+were+quite
You looked to me at the races, child, as if you were quite out of your element, and
had got there by accident.' 'We were there quite by accident,' returned Nell,
confused by this abrupt questioning. 'We are poor people, ma'am, and are only …
'As I see it, you were quite right, and I told Natasha so. Pierre says everybody is
suffering, is tortured, and is being corrupted, and that it is our duty to help our
neighbour. Of course he is right there,' said Countess Mary, 'but he forgets that
we …
Jon: And you were quite enamored with that genre so — Nick: Oh, absolutely.
Jon: —that's high praise indeed for Tom's abilities. Wherever you worked—
where you were able to make creative decisions— you would seek out Tom?
Nick: Yes …
You were quite glad that the night-lights were on. You even liked Nana to say that
this was just the mantelpiece over here, and that the Neverland was all make-
believe. Of course the Neverland had been make-believe in those days, but it
was …
… you are absolutely right. He was the first person who realized that now that we
have neutrons, we can have a reasonably simple theory of the nucleus. I didn't
put this forward strongly enough. Bethe -. Today I think you were quite fair about it
Between 1874 and 1883, Wagner envisaged writing symphonies for which
certain themes have been preserved (WWV 107). JJN When you were quite
young, you wrote that 'music 181.
… which made you feel like jumping out into the void; at the Cirque de Gavarnie,
that you were walking up it while richer or bolder people rode up on muleback; at
the Chateau de X, that you were quite wrong to think that du Guesclin's bed was …
“By the by; you were quite a pigeon- fancier.” The man looked up at the sky. “I am
told you had a remarkable breed of tumblers. Could you commission any friend of
yours to bring me a pair, of you've no further use for 'em?” “It shall be done, sir …
… processes which seek to protect these rights immediately and directly, then we
are obviously dealing with a constitutional procedure. Therefore, the proper thing
to do would be to approve a law or a constitutional procedure code recogmzing …
… zi-§a-g2'1[l (x)] ku den-[lil-lá] 2 an-t[a ] Commentary We are obviously dealing
with a royal inscription of a narrative nature which makes use of devices such as
metaphors, literary images, etc. Close parallels are the Utuhegal inscription3 and …
2. The proposal Next, I would like to propose an etymology for the suffix +-ap- in
PGmc +magapiz 'girl'. We are obviously dealing with a feminine de- nominal "Ya^
-derivate from the same base that appears as a masculine +w-derivate in PGmc.
In the ownership area the entrepreneur is obviously dealing with passing on
control, and choosing an appropriate ownership model to avoid conflict over
succession Fostering Sustainability in Family Firms 63 Long-term sustainability: …
In Ps. 148:14, the three expressions "the h"sidim," "the people of Israel," and "his
people" ('ammo) appear to be identical. We are obviously dealing with
participants in the cult, who sing Yahweh's praises as representatives of the
… is obviously dealing with. 148 Entrepreneurship FIGURE 10.1 Three-
dimensional Model of Family Business.
Here one is obviously dealing with 'popular etymology', where words are
explained not according to their actual historical origin, but according to their
consonance. Still it is only during this kind of bringing words together — not only
because …
There were literally thousands of people, and donkeys, horses and camels, all
intermingled. The men around us were talking, screaming and obviously dealing
very actively with each other. There were sections devoted to old copper products
, …
It has the widest brief, dealing with general policy issues rather than foreign
affairs. Another important council is the Ecofin Council, made up of the economic
and finance ministers and obviously dealing with matters such as EMU. The other …
What we are obviously dealing with is the restricting of narrative information to
the "knowledge" of the narrator as such — that is, to the information the hero has
at that moment in the story as completed by his subsequent information, the
whole …
In Romans 16, we are obviously dealing with historical facts. In other accounts
from early Christianity, this is less clear. We learn nothing, in canonical writings,
about the apostolic activities of individual women disciples from Jesus' direct
In these chapters we are obviously dealing with a formal device which marks the
overall structure of the compositions. However, it was not noted that the repetition
of the noun 'nws ('human being') in 7,1 and 17 also marks the beginning of a …
Plato was later to speak of stasioteia, implying that most poleis were only "
groupings," because in them one part ruled over the other.77 Here again we are
obviously dealing with the consequences of politicization. Finally, the
transformation of …
I want to thank the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. McCrery) and the gentleman
from Louisiana (Mr. Jefferson), the committee members of the Committee on
Ways and Means who are obviously dealing with that very difficult situation in
their …
9, Thomas is obviously dealing with a notion that is negative in content. He also
follows the way or method of negation in establishing the fact that God is
immutable. He does this by excluding all potentiality, composition, and internal
motion …
If it does not move, one is obviously dealing with bilateral lower motor neuron
palsy. If, as in the bottom panel, it does respond (bilaterally) to direct stimulation,
one is dealing with bilateral upper motor neu- ron palsy. Notice that we have not …
Excepting that, Gal is obviously dealing with what Green and Pepicello have
called oscillation, and Jurkowski has called opalescence. Once more, however,
simultaneous acknowledgement of the two aspects of the puppet is
circumscribed: …
With the second topography we are obviously dealing much more with a diagram
(cf. Fig. 1 of Ch. 2 of The Ego and the Id). It should be noted, moreover, that the
superego does not figure in this diagram; the diagram tries to combine the two …
As far as syntax goes, here is what Netdom looks like: netdom <command> Here,
the possible commands are: Add, Join, Move, Remove, Reset, Verify, Trust,
Query, and Time. In this section, you're obviously dealing with the Trust command
obviously+dealing obviously+dealing obviously+dealing obviously+dealing
Susan was obviously dealing with her grief by throwing herself into this new
project. Bryn admired that deeply about her. Envied her. But she wasn't sure she
could pretend. “Have you heard from anybody else . . . besides Charlie?
Now obviously dealing with your problems and hopefully re- solving them will
help you feel better, but exercise will also have the same effect on your mind –
even if your problem persists. In fact, the case for doing some form of exercise is …
Few of us would bring these kinds of definitions of “law” to our reading of Romans
, for we are obviously dealing with religious material far removed from a state
code or a scientific textbook. But many of us bring to Romans a concept of God's …
obviously dealing with the royal architect Filippo Juvarra, soliciting fresco
designs from other parts of Italy. 11 Kent Archives Office, U1590/C9/35, Lord 12
Archivio di Stato, Florence, 'Diversi disegni Molesworth to Lord Stanhope, 5
October …
12 We are obviously dealing here with an alleged causal relationship between
the incidence of hate speech within a society and the discriminatory treatment of
that society's target minorities. This connection has a strong basis in common …
ascribed to the third cigarette lighted on the same match, but in any case, to
speak in the style of Pareto, we are obviously dealing here with a nonlogical
phenomenon, examples of which are provided by all societies. The feature
common to all …
Obviously dealing direct means one knows who one is talkingto! Trading via a
broker, once you have agreed to the trade, names are passed so that each party
can check credit limits. This still applies in electronic screen-based trading.
traded …
with a finished man
As I neared the village, I remembered that Miss Trimble had been so sure that
she had seen Mary Jane by the quarry in the middle of the afternoon. Yet Mary
Jane denied that. Perhaps it would be worth another visit to Miss Trimble.
This we very often did, and sometimes, even in the middle of the afternoon I
called him in to play with me; for with a great deal of time on his hands he was
restless. “I can't read all the time,” he said, “and most of the fellows are busy
during the …
Primitive Christianity appropriated this custom, changing only the days, so as to
link the fast to the memory of *Christ's * Passion: on Wednesdays and Fridays,
only a single meal was taken in the middle of the afternoon. This observance was …
… verbracht: „I still remember vividly the days in the summer of 1951 when Pauli
would sometimes feel hungry in the middle of the afternoon and go out to an
open-air cafe on one of the little streets near the Gloriastrasse for a dish of ice-
VI On the afternoon of the first of December, Albert left his desk in the County
Clerk's office at four o'clock, feeling very much as he used to when school was
dismissed in the middle of the afternoon just before the Christmas holidays. It was
his …
Jackie came to visit me in the middle of the afternoon. She was very happy.
Women at the Center said a hawk had flown over the field in the morning. A good
sign. I told her one of my questions had already been answered. She said
For example, if we describe a particular phenomenon in the following way: They
put up the tent in the middle of the afternoon We are choosing to 'construe' this
phenomenon in this way, and not in any of the following ways, or in any of the …
Even in the middle of the afternoon you can dine by the cool moonlight and to the
sound of crickets in the Blue Bayou restaurant, situated in the middle of the ride
itself. CRITTER COUNTRY An ode to the backwoods, Critter Country is a sort of …
Second, Ben had earlier used Jim's mustached coffee cup as a pretense for
being at the Carver's in the middle of the afternoon. Elena recommends they
keep each other company. Oblivious to the severity of the storm, Jim suggests
going for a …
Even in the middle of the afternoon you can dine by the light of cool moonlight
and fireflies and to the sound of crickets in the Blue Bayou restaurant, situated in
the middle of the ride itself—other than the tasty Monte Cristo sandwich, the food
is …
If he is on the night shift he gets home in time for breakfast, on the morning shift
he gets home in the middle of the afternoon, and on the afternoon shift he gets
home in the middle of the night; and in each case, of course, he wants his
principal …
Shortland pursued his usual method of stopping the market; but finding that it had
no effect, he determined on using force; and sent his soldiers into the yard, and
ordered them to drive the prisoners into the prison in the middle of the afternoon, …
This detachment reached the crossroads in the middle of the afternoon and there
met the 7th Armored Division cavalry which had come in from Viel- salm the
previous evening. Caught up in the fight already started at the crossroads, the
tanks …
For instance, “evening” starts in the middle of the afternoon, and “couple” means
a few, never two. Idiomatic features include the use ofphrases like “Your man,”
referring to “that person in your company.” Ulster-Scots includes many words
used …
Next morning the defenders were able to dig in and generally improve their
positions, but in the middle of the afternoon the Germans attacked strongly from
the north, northeast, and east with tanks accompanied by infantry armed with
machine …
In the middle of the afternoon on 27 August 1941 , at what Nola described
proudly as a 'grand affair', Peter Fraser dedicated the Anzac Garden as a small
but sacred space for New Zealanders and Australians in the heart of New York
Anderson took a pill in the middle of the afternoon, his most anxious time of day,
while he waited for Joey to come home from work. He'd sit back in a chair, put his
feet up, and smile all afternoon for no reason at all. Even his mother couldn't …
Then, in the middle of the afternoon, the English advanced to within bow range
and began to pour arrows into the Scotch line. The Scots, unable to withstand the
onslaught, were forced to attack. Their first battalion charged the English lines on …
Oh, I forgot that in the middle of the afternoon he spent much of the time making
an obscene phallic symbol but fortunately his art work with clay was not yet of a
sufficiently high standard to make it recognisable so it passed unnoticed with the …
… of "dropping in occasionally" and finding dinner on the table, the kids dressed
and shining, and the wife all attentive), his "two small daughters" wheel a
breakfast cart to his bed in the middle of the afternoon: "They were so beautiful it
broke …
In+the+middle+of+the+afternoon In+the+middle+of+the+afternoon
He had gone down there in the middle of the afternoon and found the plow lying
on its side at the end of a row and the mule trampling down the young corn while
she took bites out of the tender leaves growing at the top of each stalk. Vincent …
The boycott began on Saturday, April 1, but in the middle of the afternoon Julius
Streicher announced that it would not be renewed on April 5. The boycott failed
because it had no public support, and also because the Nazis had not prepared …
In the middle of the afternoon, I was feeling physically sick with jet lag. It really is
a strange experience. I slept well that night, but I didn't really recover until about
two days later. You wake up at strange times in the night as well for a few days …
Another eunuch in the Directorate of Ceremonial had iced melon passed out to
the officials. Liu Chin immediately forged an edict forcing both directors into
retirement. In the middle of the afternoon, all the officials were arrested and taken
to the …
In Greece, for instance, most businesses close in the afternoon for the messi
medianos ipnos (“sleep in the middle of the afternoon”). The siesta is also
customary in many countries in South and Central America. A colleague of mine
traveled …
"Jed tried to clamber on board but Appelby pushed him off again and again and
again." She paused again, hardly able to control the anguish in her voice. "In
despair Jed tried to swim up the creek towards home, but every time he tried to …
Jed tried to extricate his hand, but couldn't. Buck jerked Jed toward him, spun him
a half a turn, and with the speed of a rattler's strike, his left arm snapped around
the boy's neck. Buck's arm tightened, compressing Jed's windpipe. Jed gasped …
Jed tried to swallow her cold down deep, tried to look the other way. He wanted
to say something, anything that cut through her icy silence while they waited for
the police. But she broke the spell herself, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it in one …
Lost to his thoughts while the banter continued, Jed tried to remember his
conversation with Susan Reece this morning at summer school. He was there to
makeup a history and French course, she was there to jump ahead. A vague
sensation …
On cross Jed tried to impeach his credibility by questioning the comparables he
used but he wasn't successful in the least. Lester Begley testified that he
examined three boxes of the defendant's business and bank records and found
that the …
Jed tried to move toward me, but Hunter pushed him back toward the door. “Get
up, Rachel,” yelled Jed with panic in his voice. I started to get up, frightened by
the situation. “Sit the hell down, Rachel, before I knock you down,” growled
Jed tried to sit up, but the room spun around and he closed his eyes and sank
back down on the bunk. “Take it easy, Brand,” Kercheval said. Then he called to
the jailer. “Boggs, get us out of here.” Jed heard a door open, then footsteps.
As the brave fell Jed saw the look of shock and anguish imprinted on his painted
face. The second brave continued to close and he rose above his pony's head to
hurl his lance. Jed tried to steady himself and fired his gun as the approaching …
Sarah gasped before he could finish his sentence. She became very agitated as
she stood and began to pace in front of them. “Daniel knew I was married before
his death? Oh my no!!” she kept repeating. Jed tried to explain, …
Jed demanded. “Right here we are.” came the answer. As four swords men came
into the room with their weapons drawn. The old man and the young woman
were right in the middle of the fight. Jed tried to draw the enemy out into the hall
way …
Jed tried to sound casual. 'What about lions? Do they take many humans?'
Eveline took a sip of her gin and tonic. 'Well, Jed, your lion, he's a different
prospect. In fact, I should say she, as the females do most of the hunting. Had a
couple …
"Yes, do," Sunny said and before Jed could react, she grabbed his hand and held
on fiercely. "Let me go — " Jed tried to wrench free. A strange light came into her
eyes. "Yes, go and tell the authorities and they will find out the truth. About Brig.
He could feel Jed's breath, hot and rushed, like liquid fire, washing over his
collarbone. He looked down on Velvet's head. Her face was turned, her damp
cheek plastered against his slick chest. Jed tried to lift his head again. “It's okay,
she cried as Jed tried to clasp her arm, giving him a pained look and shaking her
head wordlessly before turning away and hurrying down the steps that led away
from the house. How could he talk about that now? How dared he remind her— …
Back in his cell he killed a couple more cockroaches, and when the midday meal
came, he ate every scrap of it, though his insides felt like a big knot. he'd give no
man the satisfaction of seeing him regret anything about his life. Jed tried to talk …
Jed tried them on for size as the wizard warned of the arm guard bracelets
powers. “They are made from a rare combination of metals and enchanted black
opals, they reflect no light at all.” Puffy teased. Jed marvelled at just how perfectly
they …
Jed tried totell himselfhe haddoneso because he did nottrust herto be safeinthe
sole company ofthe infamous Lord Sin, but the thought did not quite ringtrue. Jed
wasdrawn out of hisreveriewhen Ian turned to addresshim. “What doyousay …
… and Jed almost began to laugh at the strange sight, then he felt the buck of his
own jolting the heel of his right hand. Milo was behind Pierce, and as that man
fell to Jed's bullets, Jed tried to get a couple of slugs into Matthews' ranch
“But she wanted Joe, though Jed tried real hard to change her mind. He and Joe
parted ways over that, and there was nothing friendly about it. Didn't matter much
to Jed. He wanted something, he went after it, even if it was someone else's …
Looking wary, Jed tried to remove Chieftain's saddle, and got nipped for his
efforts. Rubbing at the rapidly forming bruise on his forearm, he growled, “Then
you can just stay in your tack and be uncomfortable, horse.” Chieftain entered the …
Then a tightbeam message sounded in Jed's ears. **This is Max Gould. I am not
the enemy. Follow me, you two.** Jed tried to work out why Gould had said two,
not five; but the miragelike twisting of starlight intensified, and Jed-and-ship threw …
… green-eyed creature, he'd happily have offered them very long odds. But, as he
always did on the few occasions when an attractive woman was letting him know
she was available, Jed tried subtly to make it plain that he wasn't interested.
Jed tried to hold out for Hawk, which he deemed more mature and definitely more
ferocious, but Bear would have none of it. And so it was, the rider whose white
name was Jed Church remembered, that Bear and Seven tore up the plains and …
Jed tried to shake her off as he followed the cringing figure in front of them. 'He's
had this coming.' 'Tamar?' Ronald had stoppedhis slithering, seemingly arrested
atthe sound ofher name. 'There can't be too many women with that name.
Jed tried not to let it bother him that his brother had not shared more information
about their family with Laura, but he wondered what kind of engagement it had
been. How could she agree to marry him and not know more about the Brodies?
Jed tried to engage John in football talk. He was a fanatic. John did the best he
could on a stomach full of coffee and an empty brain. He asked about Jed's plans
for the flat, whilst thinking about Karen and half-heartedly staring at the barmaid's …
Aghast at her own depravity, she began to sob. Jed tried to comfort her and
succeeded, after a fashion, at least she stopped crying, although she was silent
most of the way home. And Jed himself was silent also. He shared her feeling of
Jed tried to keep the impatience out of his voice. He'd wanted to talk to Ryder
since Zoë had left the afternoon before. Since his friend had been occupied with
Sierra, he'd bided his time. But the sense that his time was running out had been …
Jed tried valiantly to get a grip on the out-of-control car, but to no avail. The rear
of the vehicle spun into the far right lane, clipping an SUV traveling above the
speed limit. The impact spun Jed's skidding car back out into the traffic, squarely
in …
Jed tried to keep the impatience out of his voice. He'd wanted to talk to Ryder
since Zoë had left the afternoon before. Since his friend had been occupied with
Sierra, he'd bided his time. But the sense that his time was running out had been …
They were headed north, and the line soon stretched from horizon to horizon.
Basil had told him they roosted at night in the canebrakes along the Red River.
Jed tried to guess how many blackbirds would be waiting for them in the
Because of her age, there was no possibility of a bone marrow transplant—in
short, no possi- bility of a cure. But Florence didn't understand her disease and
had no idea how hopeless things were. Jed tried a few times to explain the
situation, …
“Those remains turned out to be a dog.” “So? The point is, Jed tried to protect the
Montgom- erys, which means he might know more than he's saying.” “True.
Rachelle Cook and Nora Young's statements certainly suggest he's Dead
Giveaway …
CHAPTER 16: How Willie got angry when Joy Boy tried to rush him; how Joy Boy
sat in the middle; and how Jed tried to shoot Lerou with his shotgun After Willie
had insisted on stopping in the park to 'shake the monkey', the yellow T150 …
Jed tried to conceal his astonishment. If he interpreted her meaning correctly, she
was implying she had never married. This whole conversation was not to his
liking; he was beginning to feel like a dolt. To his relief Garrett and the captain …
Mrs. Busbee praised, clapping her hands together in delight. The others joined in
with promises of books from their own precious collections. Sally felt flushed with
excitement and anticipation for her new and most unexpected post. Jed tried to …
Not wanting to be left out Vespa and Jed tried their best to catch up. Only Lawynn
and Kyle didn't drink. Kyle just wanted to make sure everyone would make it back
to camp okay. Lawynn's reasons remained a mystery to everyone. Chapter 16: …
… Poetry 1900-1970: A Study in Cultural Decolonisation 99 AMY J. GARVEY
Women as Leaders 105 1930-49 Introduction 107 Poetry and prose UNA
MARSON Renunciation 128 In Vain 128 If 129 Jamaica 1 30 In Jamaica [vi]
Book I. Ode XIV ('Unhappy Ship, thou art retum'd in Vain') First pub. [Dublin],
1730; Williams, III, 769; Rogers, p. 291. SwJ 161 Transcript in an unidentified
hand, here entitled 'Horace, B.l. ode.l4', dated 17 November 1724, in a volume of
I mean, sir, in delay We waste our lights in vain, like lamps by day. 45 Take our
good meaning, for our judgement sits Five times in that ere once in our five wits.
Rom. And we mean well, in going to this mask. But 'tis no wit to go. Mer. Why,
may …
Judge not the Lord Iry feeble sense, but trust Him for His grace; behind a
frowning providence He hides a smiling face. lilind unbelief is sure to err, and
scan His work in vain: God is His own interpreter, and He will make it plain. For
Today …
One searches critical scholarship in vain for any consensus on fundamental
questions regarding its place in emerging Christianity. Roughly equal numbers of
scholars argue that it represents an authentic work of James, the brother of Jesus
, …
despair, it still seems important to say of those who die in war that they did not die
in vain. And when we can't say that, or think we can't, we mix our mourning with
anger. We search for guilty men. We are still committed to a moral world.
in+vain in+vain in+vain in+vain in+vain
… or strive to hinder the progress of the gospel, or the conversion of any man ;
when supposing a fixed state by the decrees of God, and a divine un- frustrable
operation on the hearts of men, he must know that his labour will certainly be in
He searched in vain through the entire corpus of material without finding a clue.
Corpus Christi n., pl. Corpus Christis [L. corpus body, corpse, person, substance,
matter, mass, structure (1); Christi of Christ (2): body of Christ.] 1. Roman Catholic …
… de la estrella / 50 126 /34 The StrongWoman 17 The Baby Left Alone 19
Torture / 1 1 Grief LoveUnspoken / 13 Inmost / 15 GodWillsIt / 16 Shame / 19
Bailad: The OtherWoman I2\ Interrogation / 23 Waiting in Vain / 24 Verses: In my
mouth .
It is my hope that this time has not been spent in vain, and that this commentary
will be of assistance to the community of faith. Those acquainted with Galatians
know that in recent years there has been a veritable information explosion about …
in+vain in+vain in+vain
No longer shall they useless prove, Nor idly through the forests rove; Nor longer
shall your princely flood From distant lakes be swelled in vain, Nor longer
through a darksome wood Advance, unnoticed, to the main, Far other ends, the …
If for Paul, "to live is Christ," so, too, for his beloved friends in Philippi — or he will
consider himself to have "run and labored in vain" (2:16). 19. Gk. t6 xcruxrina u(
awv; cf. 2:16 (ei<; xca>;cr|uxx eu,oi) ar>d 3:3 (xax>xa>Hevoi iv Xpicrop 'Ir|ooO).
(89:46) He uses the covenant name for God. He tells the Lord that his days seem
uncertain (89: 47-48). "Remember how short my time is: wherefore hast Thou
made all men in vain? What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? Shall
he …
[51 all — all-over | one's ~ alles geben; ~ told insgesamt; they tried a dozen times
~ told sie versuchten es insgesamt ein Dutzend Mal; nothing [or not anything] at ~
überhaupt nichts; - for one, and one for ~ (saying) alle für einen, einer für alle; …
a+dozen+times a+dozen+times
I had talked with him perhaps half a dozen times in the past month and found, to
my disappointment, that he had little to say. So my first impression, that he was a
person of some undefined consequence, had gradually faded and he had …
there is nothing special about it; fal ~e (eine Menge) dozens; sie kamen in od. zu
^ cn they came in [their] dozens (coll. ) dutzend-. Dutzend-: ^fach QAdj. dozens of
attrib.; Qadi: a dozen times; dozens of times; ^gesicht das (abwertend) non- …
The duel scene had been rehearsed half a dozen times. With each rehearsal it
became more evident that Death for Love was a comedy instead of a gripping
drama of human hearts. With each discharge, of the duelists' pistols, Vernon
Zenger, …
a high proportion (6 out 7) of the meeting owners used the work practice
approximately half a dozen times (Table 4-25). They reported using the work
practice for their projects, which consisted primarily of members from their group
as well as …
“Phew!” This time he beat it on its right eyebrow. Wu-u-u . . . ! The tiger again put
down its head. Our hero concentrated his energy in his right fist and aimed at its
right flank: “Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!” swooping down on it a dozen times or so.
Reference to Table 2.1 shows that only 140 of the 1168 nouns occur a dozen
times or more, so that will be the extent … No: Table 2.2 shows that in the sample
from those works there are again just 140 nouns occurring a dozen times or more
To make the growth choice instead of the fear choice a dozen times a day is to
move a dozen times a day toward self-actualization. Self- actualization is an
ongoing process; it means making each of the many single choices about
whether to …
I think he was curtain shy, though, because I went into false labor a dozen times. I
'd never had false labor before. The only time I'd ever thought I was in labor
before a due date was the time I sneezed when six months pregnant with the
… if we turn to the half-a-dozen lines which are so translated I NP 1913 so did the
half a dozen fellows who . . . (“With the I prefer half-dozen.” Professor Collinson). (
2) Examples with a half a: Twain M 168 as I've told you a half a dozen times
A dozen times the synapses of his mind completed the circuit of all the black wiry
tendrils connected to him. A dozenA dozen times the ZZGGGGROARKEE
spattered in his head, removing him from the world and yet he returned.
Malcolm's …
a+dozen+times a+dozen+times a+dozen+times
It will be seen that the reverend gentleman had done his duty, his whole duty,
more than his duty, in sacrificing a dozen times on this altar. Yes, a dozen times
bravely and loyally ! A dozen times, and his wife could not deny it nor dispute the …
a+dozen+times a+dozen+times a+dozen+times
Sixteen dollars a dozen times seven dozen, a hundred and twelve dollars. Plus I
got three dozen left to sell myself. With them I make thirty-six-a-dozen profit, that's
another hundred and eight, which on top of the one twelve gives me two twenty …
Of the over six hundred letters from Dury in Hartlib's archive, moreover, this is the
only one to employ the term immeatio; yet in this letter Dury uses it and its
cognates a dozen times to signify the kind of unity which should reign among …
… and since he was so short and stocky,—“built so close to the ground,” as he
expressed it,—the pitcher usually threw too high, and Jumbo got his base on
balls a dozen times where he earned it with a base−hit or lost it on a strike−out.
a+dozen+times a+dozen+times a+dozen+times a+dozen+times
Orlando looked to the wicks of his lantern, saw to the saddle girths; primed his
pistols; examined his holsters; and did all these things a dozen times at least till
he could find nothing more needing his attention. Though it still lacked some
twenty …
Yodel: I've been around this cockeyed world a dozen times or more, When I die
don't you bury me, let me lay on that boxcar floor; Roll me in that old boxcar, close
the boxcar door, Pull that throttle and step aside and let me ride forevermore.
to get
through to Ze Plumb
who used Skyrock Radio
as its hold music
Simply Plumbing had opted
for the radio station Laughter
Student enrollment is expected to increase steadily at about five hundred
students per annum aiming at a maximum of 8.000 in full development.
Admittance to the University is based on entrance examinations that are
organized by the …
At+about+five At+about+five At+about+five At+about+five
NB49) [We leave at about five o'clock, I believe] (75) Noi partiamo credo intorno
alle cinque. … [We, I believe, leave at about five o'clock] Yet, although the RPC in
the example above is basically free within its clause, there are positions which …
At+about+five At+about+five
My last appointment on Friday was in Greenville, South Carolina, at four o'clock,
and it was over at about five. My next appointment wasn't until eight o'clock the
next morning in Atlanta. I stopped for the night at a small motel outside Greenville …
The last 200 years of the Industrial Revolution began to take place at about five
seconds to midnight. And the Digital Age... well, you get the metaphor. It's been
an eye blink, and evolution is not fast enough to redesign us for endless couch …
At about five o'clock. at öbaut feiv o klock. Between eight and nine o'clock.
bittwien eht and nein ü klock. At about half past eight. ät öbaut haf paßt eht.
Verschiedene Zeitangaben Monate Januar January dschänjuöri Juli July
dschulei Februar …
I too took note that she was gone before I returned from school and that usually
she came home at about five o'clock. Keeping track of the hour on the rose-gold
wristwatch I'd inherited from my father, I'd time things so that whatever Arthur and
I …
It's too latc/early. its to: ien/'r.h. Gegen 5.00 Uhr. At about five o'clock. st a'baot
faiv_a klnk. Zwischen 8 und 9 Uhr. Between eight and nine o'clock. bi'twi:
n_eil_snd naina klnk. Gegen 8.j0 Uhr. At about half past eight. st_a'baot hu:f pu:
At+about+five At+about+five At+about+five
Increased offspring mortality during the first 4 days after birth and persistent
growth restriction were observed when pregnant rats were dosed at about five
times the MRHD throughout gestation and early lactation. Similar effects were
observed …
At+about+five At+about+five At+about+five At+about+five
… vormittags/mittags täglich/heute/morgen gestern/vorgestern nachts/um
Mitternacht übermorgen/am Wochenende In an hour. inän auör. In half an hour.
in hähf än auör. It'stoolate/early. itstuläitörli. At about five o'clock. ät ö'baut faiw ö
The narrow sacculus ends at about five- sixths valva in an inwardly curved,
apically subacute distal process. There is a group of median, pulvinus-like setae
towards the base of the valva, The fusiform appendages are well-defined and run …
At+about+five At+about+five At+about+five
We came on down the dirt road toward Del Rio and met Jim White and Doctor
York right in the middle of Lozier Canyon at about five that evening. Alfred had
gotten bit at about five that morning, and we got him to the doctor at about five
that …
Reproduction typically occurs between April and September. Males and females
reach reproductive maturity at about 90 days. Gestation period is about 26 days,
and females have their first litter at about five months of age and may have as …
At+about+five At+about+five
They found that kittens havetheirfulldeciduousdentitionwhentheyareabout fifty
days old; permanent canines begin to emerge at about four to five months. At
about five or six months the permanent canines displace the deciduous teeth,
and by …
he returned to the Mercure Hotel
(1943–2010) heard from her mother that her maternal grandmother, Beatrice
Kempson, had told her that the honeymoon night was awful: “She knew nothing!
Zero! Zip! And my poor virgin grandfather Eric whispered to her, 'I've got
something …
Last night was the first night in a long time I had been feeling a lot better since
rose funeral. However, when I went out with some coworker and had a few drinks
or more, it felt so strange being out. It's really been a long time since I had a drink …
After that, if the night was mellow, I strolled down Madison Avenue past the old
Murray Hill Hotel, and over 33rd Street to the Pennsylvania Station. I began to
like New York, the racy, adventurous feel of it at night, and the satisfaction that the …
Eugene O'Neill. baby. Do you remember what a healthy, happy baby he was,
James? The one-night stands and filthy trains and cheap hotels and bad food
never made him cross or sick. He was always smiling or laughing. He hardly ever …
It is you and I that end up going around and around in circles like a fly with one
wing. What God has shown me in looking back is that when I was a boy, Saturday
nights were the nights that you took down the ironing board. Saturday night was
… spend with her children made a complete activity schedule for Betty. She hated
most of it. Eddie worked late every night including Friday and all day Saturday.
Saturday night was their night at the country club. Eddie came home on Saturday …
Last night was the coldest I ever experienced, and I spent it rising up out of the
nest with the cold. When dawn was near, my young one said to me that there had
been a colder night, but I can't imagine how it could know, and it only a month old
… in this passage. 5.4.114: That thou mightst join her hand with his. Marriage
Service rubric: "Then shall the Priest ioyne their hands together. " See 3.3.86-87,
above. Twelfth Night Twelfth Night was the night of 6 January, As You Like It 229.
They pranced so briskly at the Dinner-Dance till the night was done. Killer By
Night b\ TSgt Charles F. Newcomb You climb into your airborne mount. Oh rider
of the night! You warm her massive engine. And see that all is right. When at last …
That USMC Mess Night was held in 1928 and the USMC Mess Nights of today
follow that format according to said guide, unofficial though it may be. British
Marines are often referred to as "Royals" with its origins reaching back to the year
1664 …
Two years later scene six of Riggs's masterful The Cherokee Night was included
to illustrate "Alienation and Literary Experimentation" in the … The selection from
The Cherokee Night was dropped from subsequent editions of the collection.
It was just past eight and though the night was cool, she had enjoyed the walk.
She often walked at night, it helped her to clear her mind. She was excited,
although she had butterflies in her stomach. When she reached the door she
stood for a …
Although my fear of the night was irrational, the courage I learned was real and
has served me as an adult against the fear of real dangers. I finally lost the last of
my fear of the JAMES BREMNER 183 james bremner, Fear of the Night.
The night was very dark and the rain turned to snow, still neither of them came.
Fearing that on account of the darkness they had gone astray, we popped
outside and fired off our gun at intervals ; still the ammunition was wasted.
Nothing but …
in a state of contentment, before getting into bed again he had always looked out
of the window to see what the night was like−not that he was one bit anxious
about the weather, except, indeed, he heard his papa getting up to go out, or
knew …
Here we found 45. fathoms oze, and all the night was very darke with fogge. …
This day towards night there was litle winde by the South Southwest: then the yce
began a litle to open, and here we had 70. fathoms oze: all the night was foggy.
The first night was called hilo, to twist, because the moon was like a twisted
thread. The second was hoaka, a crescent. The third was ku-kahi, the day of a
very low tide. The subsequent days described rough seas, light after moonset or
days …
Only a faint redness around her wrists proved that last night was not a dream.
She quickly pulled on her clothes and crept out of the empty house. A dark blue
dawn was just beginning to lighten the suburban street and the air was bitterly
Monday night was house night, an hour-long meeting to discuss house business.
Pledges did not attend. We were … Wednesday night was often movie night for
those who needed a break from the week's rigors. Thursday night was drinking …
She couldn't, however, admit to herself that what happened last night was
because she had wanted Jake, pure and simple. Jake kept the water as icy as he
could stand it, to keep his rock hard dick under control. It was a pity Charlie was
still …
It was early October, the night was cool but not unpleasant. Grodzka was
deserted but when I reached Franciszkahska, the Palace blazed like a ship in the
night, every window lit." As I reached forward for my sherry glass, I smelt
something …
One of the characters I saw very clearly every night was an old man turning a
hoop under the prodigiously huge fig tree growing in front of the house. Who was
that old man? Why was he turning that hoop, which looked like a bicycle wheel?
The only good thing this fool said Friday night was when he made fun of you for
that. And even that was dirty.” He glared at Charlie again. “Oh, hell, Bill.” Charlie
leaned back in his chair. “Fire us and get it over with.” Allie felt her heart rise in
her …
falling on the boulevard Auguste-Blanqui
some homeless people had lit a fire
A prime mover, or agonist, is the principle muscle (or muscle group) that acts on
one side of a joint to bring about movement. It is usually matched on the other
side of the joint, by a muscle (or muscle group), its antagonist, which has the …
While the original exterior condition is essentially intact, most of its original
interior architectural detail has been lost. SECTION 4 STAIR DESIGN CASE
STUDIES—PHASE II The case studies. Wall on one side, cut 155 Stair Design
Basics 155 …
pleading, they come to a point which is affirmed on one side, and denied on the
other. 2. terminate in a point: The leaves are entire, and come to a point at their
base. 3. (of a hauting dog) take up a position with the head pointing in the
direction …
The arm of the corpse hangs behind the shield on one side and in front of it on
the other. There are no spectators. On other vases, notably the Francois vase,
figures similar to these are inscribed as 'Ajax' and 'Achilles", leading scholars to …
… supremacy, preeminence, prerogative, right; leverage, hold, grip, purchase;
odds, odds on one's side, upper hand, edge, whiphand, in; ace in the hole, trump
card. — v. 3. serve, help, aid, benefit, avail, be of advantage to; further, promote, …
… figured in Loventhal's work in PI. I., Nos. 4, 5, and 6. The only ones reported
from Ceylon bear on one side (a) three men or a man and two women standing in
a row, (b) a peacock on a caitya, and (c) a balance or scales (cf. Theobald, Fig.
ON THE OTHER SIDE The entire land of grandiloquent palaces on one side; and
me and my sweet little dwelling on the other side, The entire ocean on one side;
and me and my tangy little bottle of salt on the other side, The entire forest …
On one side the tellurium material – on the other side the perfect artefact. And
between the two extremes: nothing. Nothing but a journey, supervised by an
employee wearing a peaked cap – half god, half robot. Plastic is not so much a …
There are four cards in front of you showing (respectively) a vowel, a consonant,
an even number, and an odd number, e.g. E, F, 4, 7. You know that each card
has a letter on one side and a number on the other side. You are then presented …
… an adhesive substance (as glue or cement) 2 : a postage stamp with a
gummed back adhesive binding n (1955) : perfect binding — ad-he-sive- bound \
-,baund\ adj adhesive tape n (1918) : tape coated on one side with an adhesive
mixture; …
Does the baby seem stronger on one side than the other? Does the baby's body
seem to be stiffer or more floppy than other babies or his or her age? Does the
baby have a preference for one hand over the other? Does the baby seem to …
Fry them for about three minutes on one side, then about one minute on the other
. If you want your eggs sunny- side-up, cover the pan and cook for about four
minutes. •Cool hard-boiled eggs at room temperature, not in water unless you are …
If you find that your baby has more difficulty nursing on one side than the other,
try using the football hold on that side. Whether a baby with a cleft palate can
nurse usually depends on the location and extent of the cleft. When it is in the soft …
If the tinnitus is worse on one side than the other, the ear with the most disturbing
tinnitus should be tested first. If that ear is successfully masked, it is often the case
that the patient will sigh with relief and say that no further masking efforts are …
Hemilateral sweating refers to perspiration on one side of the body only. Disease
causes, disease mechanisms: 1. Qi & blood vacuity Qi and blood vacuity usually
develops from overwork taxation, enduring disease, and great loss of the blood.
… that he was not so much immersed in those profound magnetic meditations, as
to fail being attracted occasionally towards that well replenished little case-bottle,
so nicely tucked in on one side of his crow's-nest, within easy reach of his hand …
The reaction occurs more often in flexors, like the biceps brachii, finger flexor,
and hamstring muscles, than in the corresponding extensors. Lengthening
treatment of the sternocleidomastoid or quadratus lumborum muscle on one side
is likely …
… are thus configured in a stairstep pattern in which short stereocilia are
positioned on one side of the hair cell and long ones on the other (Fig. 4-7).
Situated near the tallest row of stereocilia is a single, longer process known as
the kinocilium, …
When beds, wheelchairs, and stretchers are stationary, apply the brake or brakes
. On beds and stretchers, the brake is usually a flat metal "rocking" bar near the
wheels. Pushing down on one side of the bar with your foot applies the brake, …
(a) Calculate the force exerted on one side by a crosswind of speed 15ms"1. …
3.15 A wardrobe of total weight 400 N is shifted steadily across a room by
pushing horizontally on one side with a force of 160 N. (a) Calculate the
coefficient of …
And for every muscle on one side of your body, there is one like it on the opposite
side of your body. Because of the shape of the body, the muscles on front or back
, for example, may not look the same. The one that pulls a bone to the front may …
This concept states that injury to structures on one side of a joint leading to
instability can, at the same time, cause injury to structures on the other side or
other parts of the joint. Thus, an anterior shoulder dislocation can lead to injury of
the …
Weight shift encourages elongation of muscles on one side of a joint or joints
while the antagonist muscles shorten. In typical sensorimotor development, this
elongation during weight shift occurs in the lateral trunk muscles on the side that
is …
The lesions tend to be symmetrical (that is, a lesion on one side of the body will
have a corresponding lesion on the other side), and may also appear on the neck
, face, backs of hands, forearms, between the breasts, groin, genitals, inner …
Figure 3-14 shows how this carrier-mediated transport works. Step 1 shows the
carrier open to the ECF. The molecule to be transported attaches to a carrier's
binding site on one side of the membrane, in this case on the ECF side (step 2).
… a Finite-Width Thin Element 63 2.3.6 Single Notch on One Side of a Thin
Element 63 2.3.7 Notches with Flat Bottoms 64 2.3.8 Multiple Notches in a Thin
Element 64 2.3.9 Analytical Solutions for Stress Concentration Factors for
Notched Bars …
Timothy Field Allen. on waking, with photophobia, and in evening on lying down.
Biting, with itching of borders of lids. Itching and biting in morning, > rtobbing.
Weakness, with continual winking. Lachrjunation, < r. ; L., ' when reading; while
the …
Synostosis of the sagittal and both coronal sutures causes oxycephaly (
acrocephaly), a pointed, conical skull, Pla- giocephaly refers to a flattened spot
on one side of the head; it is due to premature unilateral fusion of one coronal or
lambdoid …
… lesions were made in the entorhinal cortex on one side of the brain, fibers from
the intact entorhinal cortex on the opposite side of the brain sprouted branches
that crossed over and innervated the hip- pocampal sites damaged by the lesion.
… feet, or limited dexterity. The patterns of shoe wear also provide important
information. Excess wear on the toe relative to the heel suggests foot drop. Di›
erential wear on one side is seen in hemiparesis, leg length discrepancy, and
63 On a terraced hillside, if the agricultural machines have to be lifted up from
one terrace to the next, they are distinct fields for peah. 64 A terrace wall less
than three feet high. 65 If on one side theie is an incline which connects the
diffcrent …
… the variables is isolated on one side of the equation. 2. Make a table of values
showing several solution points. 3. Plot these points on a rectangular coordinate
system. 4. Connect the points with a smooth curve or line. When making a table …
The effect of scoliosis at any level creates an imbalance in muscle tone, with
increased preload on one side of the disk. One-sided muscular overdevelopment
, a common occurrence over time in most humans, can produce dysfunction in
this …
Evergoods commitment to painting the "daily spectacle" of the street was clearly
reaffirmed with his second one-man show at the Montross Gallery, which
consisted of thirty-nine oils, an impressive production. Emily Genauer noted in
the New …
Does the code of the street, as described by Anderson, apply in the
neighborhood in which you were raised? … SOURCES: Elijah Anderson, Code of
the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City (New York:
Norton, 2000); …
Miinchen: Profil-Verlag. Anderson, Elijah, 1999: Code of the Street: Decency,
Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City. New York: W. W. Norton. Arum,
Richard, 2000: Schools and Communities: Ecological and Institutional
… JOSEPHINE SMART AND ALAN SMART 7 Wholesale Sushi: Culture and
Commodity in Tokyo's Tsukiji Market 201 THEODORE C. BESTOR Part IV The
Modernist City 8 The Modernist City and the Death of the Street 245 JAMES
The characters fall into two major groups: the 'insiders' - compromising the
narrator, Hat, Boyee and Errol, who are ever present; and the 'outsiders' - who
are residents of the street but come and go as the story develops. Despite this
division …
The subsequent days passed more quickly and having replied to her letter by
return, I anticipated a shorter waiting interval until the receipt of her next epistle.
Sure enough, within a fortnight I received her second letter - a little longer than
the …
or less
in the same way :
dialing+numbers dialing+numbers
_=aa=.=a o: 5%.. oaaa 2:555 GU79», <o§oom A<onNoo moo momma 5 :6 C3 ow
:6 Zoxcm Ooo mo so» mcooon :6 Exoo osea Zcooooem oomoo. g E E 5111;] 2:50
PM "E.-"' Wireless B4'. networks. Limitations on Fixed Dialing Numbers.
68 Phone Settings ..............................................................................................................
69 Fixed Dialing Numbers (GSM only) .
Johnston - Derek Johnston Ford Prefect Selecting Contact Groups You can select
contacts from certain accounts,the Favorites group,and show the group of special
Service Dialing Numbers. 1. From the main Contacts screen, touch the Menu …
… New Modem Type 90 Where to Put Modem Commands 92 Modem Command
List 93 Modem-Related Variables 94 Chapter 5 Using the Dialing Directory 95
Dialing Directory Format 96 Looking up and Dialing Numbers 101 Adding
Prefixes …
The random number approach required three times as much effort in order to
incorporate unlisted and recently changed households into the sample.
Interviewers spent half of their time actually dialing numbers. Fletcher and
Thompson …
From this context, we consider one category of these products that are
determined by the quantity of dialing numbers (number of the physical phones)
that the customer requires. Each dialing number may be associated to a package
that …
We were aggressive in repeatedly dialing numbers to attempt to determine which
were working household phones, and choose respondents and complete
interviews. After numbers were dialed for the first time, they were scheduled to be …
The test simply involves dialing numbers in search of a system that may be
exploited in some manner to gain access. However, without some precautionary
measures, the test can be fraught with problems. Randomize—You may recall
Call Log shows a log of the numbers you've dialed. . Dial From Home Screen
allows you to be able to pick up your BlackBerry Curve and, without first switching
to the Phone application, start dialing numbers right on the keypad. If you set this …
A typical example is provided by mobile telephone systems in which the number
of issued dialing numbers has reached the limit of the number alloted to the
system operator and new numbers would have to be purchased from a regulatory …
A war dialer is a tool used to scan a large pool of telephone numbers to try to
detect vulnerable modems for providing access to a system. The program may
search for dial tones by randomly dialing numbers within a specific bank of
numbers …
Beware when dialing numbers beginning with 090. These are premium-rate calls
and can be very expensive. Telephoning from a hotel is generally expensive and
it's much cheaper to use a public telephone. Phone cards are available from …
49 Organizing Contacts into Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Calling a Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Manually Dialing Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 …
TringIt enables users to easily initiate interaction with businesses and content
owners by simply dialing numbers discovered in offline media (e.g. print, TV,
radio) as well as online media (e.g. Web, SMS, MMS.) It makes every mobile
phone a …
234 Using the Mute Button to Turn Off the Ringing Phone ...........................................
........................................ 235 Dialing Numbers, Taking Notes, and Jumping to Other
Some of these lists are directory-based, and others incorporate random-digit
dialing numbers as well. With about 85 percent of U.S. households having a
landline telephone as of 2007 (and an even higher proportion among residences
with …
EFADN, contains abbreviated dialing numbers used by the user, giving indication
to a forensic investigators about whom the user calls frequently or whom the user
is receiving frequent calls from • EFFDN, contains Fixed dialing numbers
One can assess the optimal speed of the dialer by using a “supply and demand”
analysis, where the demand side is due to the dialer dialing numbers and
creating a demand for interviewer labor, whereas the supply side is created by
the pool …
CallManager includes a message waiting feature that unified message systems
can access by dialing numbers configured in Cisco CallManager Administration.
When a voice messaging system needs to set a message waiting indicator, …
… 0x6F3A Telcom Linear Fixed Abbreviated dialing numbers FDN 0x6F3B
Telcom Linear Fixed Fixed dialing numbers SMS 0x6F3C Telcom Linear Fixed
Short messages CCP 0x6F3D Telcom Linear Fixed Capability configuration
parameters …
… directory, abbreviated dialing numbers, fixed dialing numbers and SMS
messages as well as the identifiers of the SIM and the subscriber. Deleted SMS
messages can also be acquired. SIMCon SIMCon works with any standard smart
card …
While there is a long list of wardialing programs that have been created over the
years, three well-known wardialing tools include: • Toneloc—A wardialing
program that looks for dial tones by randomly dialing numbers or dialing within a
89 6.7.4 Location Information File and Broadcast Control Channel File ...................
........................................................ 90 6.7.5 SMS Storage File .........................................
.......................... 91 6.7.6 Abbreviated Dialing Numbers (Contact …
A few well-known wardialing tools are as follows: ToneLoc — A wardialing
program that looks for dial tones by randomly dialing numbers or dialing within a
range. It can also look for a carrier frequency of a modem or fax. ToneLoc uses
an …
It is popular among organizations to configure dial plan extension assignments
based on Direct Inward Dialing numbers (DID). DID numbers are assigned by
telephone companies. For example, if the DID number for a company employee
is …
RDD interviewing is probably the most difficult to accomplish of all telephone
interview sampling methods. The task of dialing numbers is, in and of itself,
frustrating. An interviewer's job is to complete interviews. If an interviewer is
working with …
Making a Call-----Just Dialing a Phone Number Press the Green Phone key at
any time to get into the Phone application. Just start dialing numbers. First, the
BlackBerry will try to match the letters you are typing to Address Book entries.
At the end of this section you should be able to: • describe the type of work
carried out by a plumber • understand the nature of the industry, including the
various types of plumbing businesses • know who the key industry organisations
are, …
Over 90% of plumbing businesses employ between one and 50 employees
according to the Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of
Australia (MPMSAA), 2004. fyi Plumbing has fairly good pay rates, with 32 per
cent …
It is targeted at the owners of plumbing businesses. There's info about
PlumbDrain Africa, a bi-annual exhibition and an online directory. • www. plumbdrain.htm Bathrooms Online - Not a home-brewed
site but …
being redirected almost
instantaneously to on-hold music
As it got colder and colder, they could go outside for less time before the frost bit
their skin. Even the weak sun that reappeared when the storms abated brought
so little relief for so little time. It was now so low on the horizon that it did not clear
it …
It appeared that on this particular Sunday not only were the buses not quite as
frequent as we had expected, but the weather was packing up well and truly. I felt
a right berk, standing at the bus stop as it got colder and colder, wondering just …
As it got colder and colder, Mama got more and more aggravated. All of us
finished in record time and began clearing the table. Dorothy and I washed
dishes as fast we could, knowing that we wanted to be somewhere else when
PePa finally …
First, they mooched all of his peanuts, then they kept him going all night long,
always on the move as it got colder and colder, re- fusing to build a fire for hours.
Alford got tired, hungry, and cold, and finally he looked so bad the hunters made
a …
The pressure on us mounted with each day as it got colder and colder. By now,
the bunker was in fairly good shape except for our cooking requirements. We
needed a stove and some utensils. What we were really after wasn't a stove in
the …
The glob rose from the table as it got colder and colder and danced erratically
around in the air. He shut off the power and it fell to the table top. Jaseta was
amazed. Jaseta was even more curious now. She said to Lyte, “Don't stop now.
Tell me …
As it got colder and colder, they huddled closer and tighter until they were all
mashed together and as much padding as possible was on the outsides. Justin
was in need of constantly correcting his feelings. He knew they had no choice but
to …
What is going on in here makes the weather go capooey?” Patrick finally decided
to go back downstairs but not before grabbing quilts and putting them on Alicia
and Rufus. Then he grabbed a couch and fell asleep as it got colder and colder.
Lyric sat numbly at her father's side, stroking his thinning hair and holding his still
-warm hand as it got colder and colder. She was only half aware of the people
coming in and out of the room: Philippe, checking on her constantly, softly kissing …
Fall brought relief from the heat, but with the cooler air came more drenching
rains.As it got colder and colder, The Trio dreaded another winter. During The
Trio's second winter outside, humans rarely visited them. “Do your rabbits have
As it got colder and colder in the CCC camp in Ridgeway, Pennsylvania, many of
the men simply left. Dad would tell me later that he never understood how
George Washington was able to keep so many of his troops in camp during the
bitter …
He put the card about Day Six, the one that shows “the creatures that walk upon
the earth,” next to his painting and looked across the room at me. I returned to
where he was working after finishing with another child. “This looks interesting.
In setting up the small model next to his painting in the 1926 studio photo,
Mondrian was making a statement: here is a stage, furnished with abstract forms.
He had written a play himself in 1919, with the final scene set in his own studio.
(For left) Michel Troche, Pierre R. Chaigneau and Peire next to his painting
Olympos (1962, cat. 823); (left) view of one of the rooms 1985 □ In the Musee d'
Art Moderne du Nord, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, a remarkable retrospective exhibition is …
There was a picture of a shy-looking kurta-clad iqbal standing next to his painting
of buffaloes and hand-pumps and pigtailed girls playing hopscotch amidst dusty
walls. The piece had been edited of any poetic depth Dave had read into iqbal …
To continue graphic work during the summer organizes a printmaking studio
outfitted with a Brand etching press next to his painting studio in Provincetown
and begins working there with Mosley Begins work on a group of twenty-six
drawings …
Bob says that Larry Barth is in the room next to his painting his pair of flying terns.
He has told Bob that he will stop by within the hour to give encouragement. "I
apply black and then white, and then I'll apply color on the feet and beaks as
soon …
(1999 photograph) Artist Chester La Follette next to his painting of Senator
Robert La Follette, copied from the portrait commissioned for the Senate
Reception Room. (Reprinted from The Columbia (SCj State, March 29, 1 996)
Henry Latimer …
Senility showed only in his tears, which refused to dry up in the outdoors, even
with the early-fall sun beating down and a dry wind blowing on the cemetery hill.
All the grief the rest of us were too distracted to feel flowed, it seemed, through his …
Poems Bruce Weigl. Work eat sleep good bad work times. I like a certain cartoon
of wounds. The water which refused to dry. I like a little unaccustomed mercy.
Pulling the trigger is all we have. I hear a child. I dropped to the bottom of a well.
A solution came
on the
… Grade Charles Munie, oompany olerk ot the sane organization* Corporal
Munie stated that he had arrived at the orderly room at about 0550 on the
morning of 24 December* while Sergeant Hoyt testified that he oame on duty at
about 0620.
That evening brought the final lecture in the pre- Christmas cycle on Mystery
Knowledge and Mystery Centres.19 The opening of the Conference itself took
place on the morning of 24 December. There now follows the address with which …
… realized the importance of the critical hill. During the morning of 24 December
Arnim, accompanied by his Chief of Staff and General Fischer, had inspected the
threatened sector. Deeply concerned, Arnim had ordered up his mobile reserves …
… a day, letting a second wave capture the bases they had missed. By the
morning of 24 December this method had brought them from Páty to Budakeszi
through the forests of the Buda Hills, while the German and Hungarian troops
were still …
Brought up, altogether, until now: Against our own northern wing, four tank and
seven infantry divisions; against the southern wing, two tank and five infantry
divisions . . .2 On the morning of 24 December, the "HJ" Division, starting out from
its …
… and it was not until three days later that the 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry, joined
with the Kimura Detachment. General Morioka's main force came ashore on the
morning of 24 December about two and one half miles southeast of its. target.
By the morning of 24 December this method had brought them from Páty to
Budakeszi through the forests of the Buda Hills, while the German and Hungarian
troops were still resisting in some pockets around Érd, Törökbálint and Budaörs,
east …
On the morning of 24 December the minister of justice prepared his opinion to the
cabinet: Department of Justice, Ottawa, 24th December, 1895 To His Excellency
the Governor General in Council: The undersigned has the honour to submit …
… of the 24th, for employment on the open west flank of the corps with entry into
Bastogne as its primary mission. The 80th Division Battle in the Woods 24—26
December On the morning of 24 December the 80th Division lost the two
battalions …
Gheorghe Trosca, to mount an attack on the Ministry of Defence on the morning
of 24 December 1989 when the key figures of the NSF and army were gathered
there. Evidence produced later suggested otherwise: in an attempt to cover up an …
On the morning of 24 December 1783 Robertson's nephew. Mr Cormick, had
called upon him and complained that Douglas had been writing to the Victualling
Board against his uncle. Cormick stated 'that his uncle was too much respected at …
… mouth of the Thames estuary waiting for a favourable wind to proceed up the
river.17 Early on the morning of 24 December the Chatham set off for Greenwich
bearing Nelson's body. As the yacht proceeded up the Thames her progress was …
The only enemy ship in the area was Breslau which, in the early hours of the
morning of 24 December had already sunk another blockship. The appearance
of Breslau in the midst of a strong Russian squadron, which included a battleship, …
Mr Peck seemed to be enjoying his role as my cloak-and-dagger protector. My
licence for home leave was scheduled to begin on the morning of 24 December. '
Normally that would mean from 8 a.m. on 24 December,' 160 Christmas and New …
… the dockyard yacht at Sheerness and taken out to the Victory which was lying
at anchor at the mouth of the Thames estuary waiting for a favourable wind to
proceed up the river.17 Early on the morning of 24 December the Chatham set off
for …
Moore brought up his army in the wake of Paget's cavalry and paused at
Sahagun, intending to fall upon Soult in the early morning of 24 December. In this
he hoped to be aided by as much of La Romana's army as was capable of action,
only …
The Gulf party reached the Diamantina flood plain late in the evening of 23
December and found water early on the morning of 24 December. Wills (1863)
wrote: About sunset, [23rd] three flocks of pigeons passed over us, all going in
the same …
On the morning of 24 December two companies moved out of Barga and into the
tiny mountain village of Sommocolonia. Bebbio and Scarpello were each
occupied by platoons from the 92nd Reconnaissance Troop. Word finally came to
the …
Scouts were sent out early in the morning of 24 December and discovered that
the Japanese inexplicably abandoned their strong position and silently slipped
away during the night.40 The neutralization of Hill 600A was the last offensive by …
The king, briefed by Alberoni on the morning of 24 December, met his wife later
that day. Already persuaded that the queen had acted in his best interest, he
greatly enjoyed their first nights of marital delight.25 Philip quickly fell in love with
his …
During the morning of 24 December, the Senior Paratroop and Infantry Officer,
Brig. Gen. Raphael Eitan, assigned to Col. Haim Nadel, OC of an airborne
brigade, the implementation of the operation. The Colonel summoned a Nahal
battalion …
On the morning of 24 December a Russian attack was repulsed with heavy
losses. The cold was so intense that when Haape and his comrades went out
onto the battlefield, to plunder the enemy's quilted coats and feltlined boots, they
found …
I was a nervous wreck. Paul Stephenson Jr.1 On the morning of 24 December,
there arrived at the XVIII Airborne Corps command post, which was still set up at
Werbomont, an incongruous figure: Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery.
On the morning of 24 December 1994 Kass Hancock learnt that the authorities
had at last conceded that in addition to the sixty-four named dead, 245 people
were officially missing. The figure tallied almost exactly with their own count of …
… point on the morning of 24 December 1689, vehemently denied that he had
ever put his daughter up to it. If she 'had not herself told him, his children and
then Mr Beckh [sic], that the spirit would not let her pray, he would have known
nothing …
Underway at 0702 on the 15th, the squadron anchored in St. George's harbor,
Bermuda, on the morning of 24 December but got underway again on Christmas
Day on the last leg of their voyage. Shortly after leaving Bermuda, Emeline, …
in the form
of a Croatian workman
Kathleen had just one sister who lived nearby but who did not take part in our
study. Isobel also identified her late husband's mother as close family, and we
interviewed her also. Jane Jones, herself a widow, was in her seventies, and
lived …
Running water, like rivers, and streams, was not owned and could be used
without restriction, if they were suff1cient for those who lived nearby. If the water
was not sufficient, or it required the construction of a dam, canal, water wheel,
sdqiya, …
Two of the Jews for whom the boy was working on consignment vouched for the
boy, followed by two members of the nobility who lived nearby. It only served to
irritate the nobleman even more, "dafi sich die Juden als Vindicanten und die
zwei …
Nor did private citizens who lived nearby the atomic bomb testing sites have any
better success; their claims were dismissed because of the government's
immunity from tort claims for govemmental actions involving discretionary
govemmental …
"Such refusal was enough to anger the Seigneur who on the spot ordered the
shaikh to be put down a well where he stayed uncomplaining for four years. His
family who lived nearby were forced to feed him. The shaikh's name was Abd …
Of these, the 91 -year-old had a granddaughter who lived nearby as well as an
elderly daughter who lived out-of-state who came and stayed if needed. The 86-
year-old had a daughter with serious chronic health problems who was caring for
a …
Ithaca 1988. 5 Mersenne was a close friend of Jacques Mauduit, the last member
of the celebrated Académie de poésie et de musique founded in 1570 by Jean-
Antoine de Baïf, who lived nearby the convent of Minims (located by the Palais …
The Naui tells us that all went home happy, those who lived in the far reaches of
the country as well as those who lived nearby. Now, although those who lived
nearby might have reached home in a matter of hours, those people who lived in …
One of the ArroyoFest speakers who lived nearby in Highland Park and was a
frequent bus rider provided information on the 81 bus that stopped by the park
and continued north to a point just a few blocks from the participant's home in …
Another brother of Grandpa's who lived nearby was named, Benjamin Franklin "
Frank" Copeland, and his wife was named, Sara. I did not know them well.
Another boyhood memory of visiting Grandpa and Grandma Copeland's house
was …
The witnesses listed in the indictment were "Jugger naut" Qagar Nath, a servant),
"James Robertson" (a neighbor), "Noorun" (another woman who lived nearby), "
Peggy" (the defendant), and "Jaun Bibee" (another woman who lived nearby).
So Huang was both asked out fairly often and received visitors at his lodgings;
these visitors were often fri- ends of Freret, or of the scholar and astronomer
Francois- Joseph Delisle, who lived nearby. Doubtless some were merely
curious, but …
But it is one thing to know this. How can one prove it? Some months later Morty
was referred a young, pretty trainee accountant who lived nearby. She had been
having a torrid affair with a married man who also lived nearby. But he had begun …
Regular caring and leisure time was spent with maternal and paternal
grandparents, who lived nearby, as well as aunts, uncles and cousins on both
sides of the family and they enjoyed positive relationships with one another
without (as their …
… for any blacks that came into sight. The whites also sought to identify the
individual who shot Mayo, perhaps as a means to stop random shootings. Later
in the afternoon they pointed to Daniel Wright, who lived nearby at 810 North
Third, …
The Pawnees who lived nearby were a strong, alert people and good horsemen.
… Approximately twenty leagues beyond the Otoes on the Missouri lived the
Omahas, who traded with the Spaniards, as did the Padoucas, who lived nearby.
But they never shared the marsupials with those who lived nearby. They never
gave any to the man's brother. One day, the man wanted to return to the forest.
He told his wife to pull out some of her sweet potatoes to give to him to eat.
However …
Although he had a friend who lived nearby, he spent much of his time by himself”
is a problem sentence because it is not clear who spent time by himself, the
subject of the assessment or his friend. The easiest way to make the sentence
clear …
Complex sentences can have more than one subordinate clause: Main Clause
Subordinate Clause Subordinate Clause (8) I was watching the game while they
were talking to Jane who lived nearby. (9) Jack drove home after the game which …
Wang Bo, who lived nearby, thought it strange, and when it became light, he
ascended the tomb and investigated. There had been a heavy snowfall and no
path had yet formed, but there were tracks of a large bird where sacrifices had
been …
He asked to be buried here. SUTTON COURTENAY At All Saints' church is the
grave of Herbert Henry Asquith (1852-1928), first Earl of Oxford and Asquith.
prime minister 1908-16. who lived nearby; his chest tomb stands east of the
The ants who lived nearby loved to play too. The ants who lived nearby loved to
play too. But the ants believed in being prepared for the winter. But the ants
believed in being prepared for the winter. They knew it would be necessary for
them to …
Some of the customers who lived nearby would come in with their family. A
couple of them had daughters whom I knew from school. So when it came that
time of the month that there was a need for Kotex, the daughter would be
conspicuously …
… "a half-caste, supposed to be West-Indian subject", employed by Macleod.
Kilgour's letter complicated matters further. On 24 May, after consulting Rev Bice
who lived nearby at Walurigi, Wilson concluded that some action was necessary …
John: Her roommate [who was a physician] . . . had her admitted to [a hospital].
Bonnie: The doctors just wanted to give her several liters of fluid, and hydrate her
and send her home. And that's when [our daughter who lived nearby] …
They cast aside the thought of marrying with the men who lived nearby, for they
regarded such a union as slavery, not marriage. Selecting a course unknown
before, they established a tribe not only without males but even with the contempt
of …
… branch, then scurried down and ran to the house of Spider, who lived nearby.
Anansi showed Spider the nut and told. From Ancient and Living Cultures Series:
West Africa: Ghana published by GoodYearBooks. Copyright ©1 993 Mira …
This was formerly the Railway, referring to the old Somerset and Dorset branch
line. It was renamed in 1980 after a popular 'regular' who lived nearby. He acted
as signalman at Edington Junction and is seen on the sign wearing his uniform …
One man who lived nearby during the 1950s recalls the complex as an "ominous
presence . . . cold, very cold."44 Yet for years, besides being a significant care
provider to the city as a whole, Bellevue had given medical treatment and …
(2) At 16.24.3-4 Diodorus says that Philomelus seized the sanctuary, destroyed a
Delphic family who opposed him and confiscated their property; "the Locrians
who lived nearby" marched against him but were defeated near Delphi and had
to …
The young ladies who lived nearby came to visit the Pesotskys often, almost
every day, and they would play the piano and sing with Tanya; sometimes the
young man who lived nearby and who played the violin well also came to visit.
on the avenue Stephen-Pichon
Jed had noticed his sign
American Local Color Literature and the Middle Class Stephanie C. Palmer.
Together by Accident Together by Accident American Local Color Literature and
the Middle Front Cover.
Some of the greatest inventions have happened by accident. During World War II,
an American electrical engineer, Percy Spencer (1894-1970), was experimenting
with radar, a type of navigational device used in ships and airplanes.
Loss by Accident Business may suffer certain loss due ^ Accounting for
Managers. Particulars Amount Particulars Amount Creditors 1,000 Cash 2,000
Less: Prov. for Discount on Creditors 20 980 Book Debts 2,000 200 Capital 5,00
5115.80 …
13. Provision for discount on creditors 14. Implied interest 15. Loss by accident
16. Charity in the form of goods 17. Goods distributed as free sample 18.
Drawings in goods 19. Use of goods in business 20. Deferred revenue
expenditure 21.
Interest on loan 10. Bad debts 11. Provision for bad and doubtful debts 12.
Provision for discount of debtors 13. Provision for discount on creditors 14.
Implied interest 15. Loss by accident 16. Charity in Final Accounts with
Adjustments 12 1-12 …
Interest on capital 8. Interest on drawings 9. Interest on loan 10. Bad debts 11.
Provision for bad and doubtful debts 12. Provision for discount of debtors 13.
Provision for discount on creditors 14. Implied interest 15. Loss by accident 16.
Charity …
any law applicable to the industrial establishment; (b) he has been on leave with
full wages, earned in the previous years; (c) he has been absent due to
temporary disablement caused by accident arising out of and in the course of his …
… or less by accident. They're only using HTTP as a convenient envelope format,
but they're using it in a way that overlaps with what a RESTful service might do.
Many read-only web services qualify as entirely RESTful and resource-oriented, …
Thus, the accident reduction effectiveness of each countermeasure must be
expressed as an accident cost reduction. Table 1 6 presents two widely used
estimates of the costs of traffic accidents by accident severity level. Many large
highway …
… misadventures": "It would be quite beyond the intention or wording of the
Accident Compensation Act that cover should be granted on the basis of
personal injury by accident merely because medical treatment was not 100 per
cent effective.
by+accident by+accident
(c) The workman has been absent for the number of days due to temporary
disablement caused by accident arising out of and in the course of his
employment. (d) If the workman is a female, she has been on maternity leave for
the number of …
They obtained notoriety as the model for a more general replacement of tort
liability by accident insurance advocated by Mb'ller and Sieg (supra n. 279). 283
Alliance Guaranteed Benefits Program, sponsored by the American Mutual …
They are each infinitesimal in quantity but exert profound effects. To understand
bodily functions, it is necessary to determine the presence and amount of each
substance. Yalow and Berson discovered by accident a technique so sensitive
that …
These costs by 'accident severity level' understate the value of the accident
savings for particular treatments. This also results in the safety benefits being
only a small part of the overall benefits of a road improvement program. The aim
of the …
by+accident by+accident
Focus on landing softly. Drill #1 (Basic) Execute a Figure 8 Rope Turn (forward)
while moving forward. When you reach your designated finish point, turn around
and execute a Figure 8 Rope Turn (forward) while returning to your start point.
While returning to Hopkinsville Forrest captured horses, cattle and more hogs.
Map on other side. 613 FORREST RECONNOITERED (us 41-A & Hanson St,,
Madisonville, Hopkins Co.) CSA General Nathan Bedford Forrest, on
reconnaissance …
while+returning while+returning while+returning while+returning
397 22.7 Objections Frequently Used by the Paying Bankers while Returning
Cheques Unpaid 399 22.8 Criminal Penalties in Dishonour of Cheque for Want
of Funds 402 22.9 In Discharge of a Legal Debt or Liability 404 22.10
Competence …
On 29 January suspected KYKL (O) militants ambushed Tourism and Family
Welfare Minister Babu and his escort party at Wangoo while returning after
hoisting the party flag in connection with the election, killing one worker on the
spot and …
The king's action reflected the standards of polis land tenure and polis juridical
norms46. Diodorus' remark that Eumeles perished while returning from Sindica to
his own land (EK yap Tfjg Siv6ucfjg eJtavubv Eig TTVV oiKeiav: Diod.XX 25.4) is …
While returning to a word count of 2+2, 3:3-4 repeats a bicolon with assonance
four times; however, the last bicolon does not have the preposition V before the
infinitive constructs, being the shortest bicolon of the poem (3:4b). A major shift …
3. The logging translation. The interesting fragments of the logging translation is
summarised in Fig- ure 3. The function log translates a Fun function into Inv,
while returning a boolean value indicating whether it carries history or not. Using
the …
After joining the Episcopal Church in 1899, he returned to missionary work in
Japan, and was manager of the Church Publication Society when he died
unexpectedly at sea while returning from a leave in 1926. Jennie Correll
recovered after a …
However, as Tshernovits recedes and as the First World War draws near, it
becomes ever clearer that his views are changing. While returning from America (
in 1908) he had experienced »the presence of God«, while looking out on the
waters …
Radial construction starts when the spider attaches a new radius to the hub, then
walks over an existing radius until it reaches the edge of the web; if the spider
replaces this radius while returning to the hub, then only one point of attachment …
Inhale when you move into the contracted positions, and slowly exhale while
returning to the relaxed positions. Exception: Exhale when contracting the
abdominal muscle, as this reinforces the natural pattern of breathing. 8. Stay
within your …
… had been able to keep track of the craft. Another bombing attack forced the E-l
to make yet another crash dive. The E-l and E-8 returned safely to Revel on 3 1
May. The British E-18 was lost on 1-2 June while returning to Revel, probably in …
With total disregard for his own personal safety, he crawled through the enemy
fire while returning small arms fire upon the enemy force. Undaunted by the
enemy rockets and grenades impacting all around him, 1st Lt. Hagen desperately …
while+returning while+returning
So monsdei is Gotland, a wild place where Viking raids originated, the island
christianized in bloodshed by St. Olaf II Haraldsson, king of Norway, in 1030,
while returning from his exile at the East Slavic city of Kiev33. He was baptized
about …
He appropriates not only the grandeur of Pindar but also the high praise of epic
panegyric, while returning at the poem's end to an indirect statement of his own
more modest poetic preferences. This movement into other genres and from high …
Das freie Sprechen wird überhaupt nicht gefordert". (Pattison 1989: Quotes from
a questionnaire among secondary school learners in four European countries).
Some time last year while returning from a meeting in Nancy (F) I found myself in …
while+returning while+returning
While returning alone from an interview with a German Foreign Ministry key man,
I was approached by a man of some 36 years of age who, speaking faultless
English, asked me to convey to London a letter addressed to Mr. Duncan Sandys, …
… S. 136: „Mrs. Thatcher ... put her agenda for Britain's new enterpnse culture into
overdrive", S. 137: „Britain turned a corner during the years 1979 to 1983, putting
the brakes on inflation while returning to growth", ausführlicher ibid., S. 169ff.
Returning to England in 1816, he went soon afterwards to Geneva, where he met
Byron and Shelley, while in 1818 he paid a last visit to the West Indies, and died
at sea while returning home. Leys (Pronounced 'lays'). A term now used to …
While returning to the United States from her third voyage to Europe, she stopped
at Halifax, Nova Scotia, just when an ammunition explosion in the Belgian relief
ship Mont Blanc severely damaged the town. Tacoma assisted in relief work …
”A lot of NATO Oflicers live right across the street from the Mercure Hotel in a 10
—story high rise apartment building,” he explained. “My wife received a phone
call from one of the other officers earlier this morning when he saw you out
jogging …
Treo Beach Cafe, Mertasari Beach (100 meters from the Mercure Hotel on the
beach), Tel: +62 361 9218588. 9am8pm daily. Beautiful beach location and a
great place for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Enjoy your meal in the restaurant or on
the …
He used a stammering, stuttering Moses because he was available. He used a
Gideon, the least in his father's household, because he was available. He used
David, overlooked by his own father as a prospect for king, because he was
During this period he received no calls for employment although he was
available for work with the only condition being he requires some notice and/or
time (a day or so) to get to the jobsite as he cares for his elderly mother and must
make …
He was indeed in the office every day, but he never interfered. He acted as the
senior statesman. He was available for counselling, he was available for advice,
he was available for guidance. He was my best adviser. When I turned to him he …
Moreover, even if the document had been in the record, I would not rely on
Farrell's statement, inasmuch as he was available to testify, and should 7 I note
that Ebert testified, contrary to all of the Employer's witnesses, that when Shapiro …
… education was secondary to his employment was sufficient to overcome either
an inference or a presumption of nonavailability. He was available for work and
therefore entitled to unemployment compensation. [Evjen v Employment Agency, …
1999), the court held that no affirmative remedy could be ordered for an alleged
discriminatee unless the General Counsel proved at the hearing on the merits
that he was available for and willing to accept a job offer from the respondent.
However, before going on any interview, he wanted to present himself in the best
light, and that meant, among other things, that he was available to be hired as a
civilian. This is where Frank Noble provided a real service for him. He worked in …
He was available to reporters who wanted to see him, even reporters from the
smallest .dailies. Autographed copies of the recently published Six Crises were
mailed to all reporters. A party was held for the press at the new Trousdale house
The retired physician indicated that he was available for emergencies and did
what he could “on the spot,” but that he did not encourage members of the
community to use him as their regular health care provider. He also stated that he
made …
Indeed, so good was he that two local players who wanted to make sure he was
available when they played bought him a … When they weren't playing, he could
play as much golf as he liked as long as he was available when the two players …
He was available the last week of April, all of May and June, the first week of July
(as well as the seventeenth and twenty-eighth), the first three weeks of August,
early and late September, all of October, November, and December. In May, June …
It is therefore even less probable that he was available to the author of 1 Tim. As
to the interpretation of the Eden-narrative, RUNIA finds no direct influence of ”
Philo's amalgam of specific themes here [Opif. 151-152], i.e. sexual desire,
pleasure …
Failing that, he was available to anyone who would use his service to suppress
the slave trade. This seeming ambivalence between wanting to push back the
imperial frontiers, British or Italian, and at the same time feeling morally indignant
at …
Daguerreian William Alexander Smith advertised in 1852 that he was available
every Saturday to take views of the Mormon camps near Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Edric L. Eaton spent much time in 1858 and 1859 photographing Mormon
emigrant …
Once again, another woman was laying claim to her husband because he had
given her reason to think he was available, that he needed her, and was
unhappy in his marriage. Lizzie knew he was not unhappy, but what she didn't
know was …
He wasn't experienced, he was available though and no longer a virgin. She
wouldn't be ending his innocents his sister had done that. She thought maybe
they could be friends and lovers not committed to each other. They were both too …
Hunt was cruising the beaches. Sandow was available. He knew he had caught
Hunt's eye and acknowledged that fact, while at the same time he indicated to
Hunt that he was available by speaking first. This allowed the gentleman to
respond …
Lee: They were available, and he was available. Like Gene could have drawn
anything. said, DD King-Size: Cover to Daredevil Annual #1, 1967 Stan's Fave:
Cover to Daredevil #47, the famous "Brother, Take My Hand" issue. Colon: Stan
told …
If he was available. Can you help me there?' I laughed. 'No, sorry. If he was
available, I'd have first dibs.' I sat down opposite her, and took a bite of my
sandwich. 'Are you ... looking for someone?' 'I keep my eyes open.' She laughed, '
Do you …
He was available to me for a year or two. But I did not want to send him on a call
because he could not be trusted and because he was into being this dominate
person. That means whipping or hitting women and letting his temper get the
better …
He+was+available He+was+available
The counselor requested a postponement, and stated when he was available
beyond the 15-day limit. The district agreed to the postponement and set the
hearing for April 28, which was one of the days when the man said he was
Magnuson gave his written request to Sue, and told him that he had previously
requested the time off from Adler, with a modification that he was available on
May 10. On May 3, the schedule was posted, and Magnuson noted that he was …
He was available to minister for an entire night and through a twenty-mile walk
the next morning. No sacrifice was too great for the apostle to make for the
building up of the saints. He was tirelessly available to his beloved people. Luke
further …
He was wearing a bright red T-shirt, which meant he was available for blood
donations or sex. So far I'd managed to keep him off my menu, and I was
planning to keep it that way. He grinned at me. 'I can't believe I missed last night.' '
Be happy …
… the fateful day that he had caught Judith he would have probably cancelled the
rest of their appointments for that week. Jasmine with nobody available to talk to
would have been in a sour mood the following week—when he was available.
Oh, and she remembered she needed a cameraman so she decided to call Kurt
Flannigan and see if he was available. He was absolutely phenomenal with a
camera and good company on the job. He had filmed several of the last pieces
for …
I mentioned that although they seemed quite related, with good two-way gestural
communication with him, mother and father were not very enthusiastic when
helping Ryan use emotional ideas in his play. I explained that he was available
for …
Holst was a wireless instructor, yet he was available to go sailing or drinking at a
moment's notice, 'postponing classes whenever he felt so inclined'. Chapman's
new companion was a strange man, cultured and refined in many ways, but a …
… since I felt my heart skipping and beating like this, so he was right on time.
Then his behavior began to change. He was available only during certain hours.
His stories were not matching up. My woman's intuition began tugging at me
He then stole second, with the catcher's throw hitting him flush on an existing
bruise in his back. Now hobbling, Mays played until the game ended in eleven
innings. The next five games, he was available only for pinchhitting. Even when
Mays …
Cool your pet (page 238) YES, immediately 105°F High fever YES, same day 104
°F Moderate fever YES 103°F Moderate fever YES 102°F Normal range NO 101°
F Normal range NO 100°F Normal range NO 99°F Normal range NO 99° to …
This prayer gets answered every single time. When you do this, and surrender it,
just let the whole thing go, the answer is yes. Immediately. Yes, immediately. The
Baal Shem Tov taught his students that every prayer is answered immediately.
… where the benefit is not known. ACUTE THERAPY In the event of
hemodynamically significant acute gastrointestinal bleeding do you perform
endoscopy? (yes 100%, no 0%). If yes, immediately (20%) or after medical
treatment (80%).
the woman questioned. “Yes.” “Immediately?” the woman asked, still unable to
believe what she was hearing. “Yes, immediately. Call the child,” the man
instructed. At this Madame Thénardier screamed, “Cosette!” Returning to the
matter of his …
Yes.” “Immediately?” the woman asked, still unable to believe what she was
hearing. “Yes, immediately. Call the child,” the man instructed. At this Madame
Thénardier screamed, “Cosette!” Returning to the matter of his bill, not having
'I want a great deal, Count! I want five hundred rubles,' and taking out her cambric
handkerchief she began wiping her husband's waistcoat. 'Yes, immediately,
immediately! Hey, who's there?' he called out in a tone only used by persons who …
44% Yes, immediately prior I participated in a local church 28% Yes, immediately
prior I did, but I just moved into this area 18% No, I didn't attend regularly for
several years 6% No, I had never attended anywhere 4% No, I've been here most
of …
"Well, when I get some ideas just like that, memories, I, I," well, he ... notes, how
would you say that? He inscribes? Pierre: He records? Mme Marie: He records,
yes, immediately. He "And So for Shopping, There's Always Robert?" 1 17.
Would you like a shorter stroke just on the apex?" The more curious and attentive
you are, the more questions that will occur to you. Let's say you've asked, "Would
you like it more to the left?" If your partner says yes, immediately move your …
DIALOGUE XIV HOUSEKEEPING Tim, Jem. Tim. IS it true, Jem, that you are
going to be married? Jem. By going to be married, do you mean immediately?
Tim. Yes, immediately! and why not ? — you are past three and twenty, and
should be …
"What priests?" "Yes; belonging to what orders?" "There are Jesuits, Augustines,
and Cordeliers; but the Jesuits are the closest at hand. Shall I send for a
confessor belonging to the order of Jesuits?" "Yes, immediately." It will be
imagined that, …
Natural 6 3 0 0 0 Unnatural Yes, immediately 8 1 0 0 0 No, not at all
Correspondence between Functions and Operations. As shown in Table 2, all
subjects answered that the mapping between functions and operations was “Very
Natural” or …
there was a strong motivation on the part of the United States to bring the GATT
into force before this Act expired.1" It was therefore decided to bring the
provisions of the GATT into force immediately. However, this created a new
… this term was used figuratively by the early 1900s. acquaintance *• see
nodding acquaintance; SCRAPE UP AN ACQUAINTANCE. acquired taste
Something one learns to like rather than appreciates immediately. For example,
Because it is …
CD Stop smoking immediately on his own. CD Smoke less than usual for the next
week. CD Think about the woman's suggestions. 4. How does the man feel about
the woman's decision? CD Patient. CD Surprised. CD Worried. CD Irritated.
… the province of Catayo.6 And since there were neither towns nor villages on
the seashore, but only 25 small hamlets, with the people of which I could not
have speech, because they all fled immediately, I went forward on the same
course, …
Consequently, tagging can be helped by identifying the category of the words
immediately surrounding a form whose category is ambiguous. Take deal as an
example: it could be a noun or a verb. Suppose the corpus contained the phrase
a …
Before the emergence of this technique, substances such as fatty acids or amino
acids administered to an animal were lost almost immediately, because they
were indistinguishable from molecules in the body. Radioactive markers also
permit …
Likewise, one should not make the blessing after he has taken hold of all the four
species, as we require /the blessing to be made/ immediately before /the mitzvah/
is performed. That is why one should make the blessing before he has taken …
Accounts receivable software generally is designed to provide up- to-date
balances in customers' accounts by immediately recording invoices and cash
receipts from customers; print out monthly statements (bills) for customers;
monitor sales …
To select an element that immediately follows another element with the same
parent, you use the adjacentsibling combinator … To remove the top margin from
a paragraph immediately following an h1 element, write: h1 + p {margin-top: 0;}
The …
Do you see?' There was something pathetic in his concentration, as if his
complacency, more acute than of old, was not enough to him any more. When,
almost immediately, the telephone rang inside and the butler left the porch Daisy
seized …
Furthermore, there is a pre-theoretical difference, though it is not immediately
obvious, between Sincerity admires . . . and Being sincere admires . . . This
difference is readily accounted for in a grammar of English which draws a
distinction …
The two characters CR immediately followed by LF are counted as one line
terminator, not two. The result is a sequence of line terminators and input
characters, which are the terminal symbols for the third step in the tokenization
A state legislature passes a law requiring all bookstores that have, in the last six
months, sold or advertised for sale pictures of the Pope to be closed down and
their owners immediately arrested and jailed. What provisions of the Constitution …
CD Stop smoking immediately on his own. CD Smoke less than usual for the next
week. CD Think about the woman's suggestions. 4. How does the man feel about
the woman's decision? CD Patient. CD Surprised. CD Worried. CD Irritated. 5.
628 Vitamin absorption is largely passive. 631 Iron and calcium absorption is
regulated. 631 Most absorbed nutrients immediately pass through the liver for
processing. 632 Extensive absorption by the small intestine keeps pace with
secretion …
1 This is no doubt because Mahayana Buddhism has always insisted that its
highest truth can never in the end be expressed in words, since words
immediately create the kind of distinctions that violate the unity of Emptiness. All
the sutra can …
If you do not meet either the green card test or the 183-day substantial presence
test for the year of your arrival in the U.S. or for the immediately preceding year,
but you do meet the substantial presence test for the year immediately following …
… Delivery, and Postpartum Care 900 Labor and Birth as Normal Processes 901
Nursing Care During Labor 908 66 Care of the Normal Newborn 922 Important
Concepts in Newborn Care 923 Care of the Newborn Immediately After Birth 923 …
He+was+a+small+man He+was+a+small+man
He was a small man with a wife and three children. He had just recently decided
to become a clergyperson and didn't have professional training yet. But he was
full of energy and enthusiasm. He gave Elk City more attention than we usually …
He wore a wrinkled suit, which might have been taken from a bundle just before
he went to work, and he was a small man. from a bundle just before he went to
work, and he was a small man. Miss Eveleth isn't a small woman, but she would
be …
He was a small man and he had a small woman with him. They drove together
behind a pair of fine gray horses, and the harness had flashing bright spots. The
small man wore a gold chain across his chest, and his face was covered with hair
He was a small man of fifty-six, with a small bony face, Chinese-negrito, with
bristling eyebrows; a canvas shoulder bag with books gave him an odd touch of
contemporary undergraduate style. He came from the north of the large island of …
Because when he was there, he was a big man, and when he came to the Luo,
he was a small man. And Ombimbo got him when he was a small man [a boy].
And when he was a Kikuyu, he was a big man, and an army man. Gilbertus
Olweny …
… but I could tell he was a small man, but strong, but I keep getting this
impression that I‟ve seen him somewhere.” “Let us know if you think of anything,
no matter how small. In the meantime we‟ll check with the hospital for additional …
He was a small man with a large beard and a sparkle in his eye. A raconteur who
elaborated his stories, he was intelligent, well read in esoteric and historical
subjects, and interested in herbal medicines. He died on 1 September 1985 at …
The kurhaus was halfway up a hill, and I felt better as soon as I saw my bedroom,
with its bare scrubbed floors and its wide verandah looking up into a forest glade.
I felt still better when I saw Dr. Christoph. He was a small man with a grizzled …
Hadley Arkes describes first encountering Strauss at the University of Chicago as
follows: "He was a small man, with a small voice [...] he would pause in his
exploration of a text [...] The interruption seemed to mark a deeper pause, to
prolong …
He was a small man, without a doubt, but he was a small, cunning man. He was a
shopseller, a vocation which inevitably required that he outwit his customers,
make them pay more than they would like to pay, give them less than they would …
He was a small man, of not more than ninety pounds weight ; but he had a big
head and a large heart, and had resources at hand for every emergency. He was
expert at the game of cards, and always had money ; but he shared liberally with …
I had come back from school and was in my home-clothes. The man said to me, "
Sonny, may I come inside your yard?" He was a small man and he was tidily
dressed. He wore a hat, a white shirt and black trousers. 5 I asked, "What you
He was a small man, about the size of Rip Green; his curly hair was white. Call
was uncomfortable with him — he had had little experience of darkies, but he had
to admit that the man cooked excellent grub and seemed to be expert in treating …
SAMUEL BUTLER Born 1835 Died 1902 In stature he was a small man, but you
hardly noticed that. His slightly-built frame was disguised in clothes of enviable
bagginess and of a clumsy conventional cut, and he wore prodigiously roomy …
He was a small man among the Lakotas and he was slender and had a thin face
and his eyes looked through things and he always seemed to be thinking hard
about something. He never wanted to have many things for himself, and did not …
… Tessler was another man that did not have the best athletic ability but had to
strive and push his way through BUD/S. He was a small man, only five eight and
130 pounds when he joined the teams, but grew to five nine and one hundred
and …
… a telephone. I found him in a hamlet perched among patches of snow, high on
a mountainside. It was late at night, and the air was cold. We sat among ten of his
men in a small stone room around a woodburning stove. He was a small man, …
He was a small man among the Lakotas and he was slender and had a thin face
and his eyes looked through things and he always seemed to be thinking about
something. He never wanted to have many things for himself, and did not have …
He had short white hair, and light green eyes. He was a small man that looked as
brittle as a tooth pick. He had a small round head with a thin mouth that almost
looked like it went form one side of his face to another. His nose little on his face.
He was a small man among the Lakotas and he was slender and had a thin face
and his eyes looked through things and he always seemed to be thinking hard
about something. He never wanted to have many things for himself, and he did
not …
Another participant of the meeting is described thus: He was a small man, very
pale, with a gentle almost womanish air. The angle of the cheek-bones hinted at
his Slavonic ancestry, otherwise there was nothing to indicate his nationality.
He was a small man, and thin, with dark hair and squinty eyes. He wasn't a very
friendly man, and some people said he was too sour, even for a Baptist preacher.
Momma didn't like him much; she said he was too cold, that he didn't like people …
He was a small man, thin and gangly, and his bare arms and legs were bruised
and bleeding from numerous gashes. His cheeks were hollow, and his eyes,
though fiery, were red and sunken. His ribs showed through his skin, and his lips …
… of regret will never completely cease until the absolute darkness sweeps this
life away and we, in the next existence, stand to accept our moment of justice.
THE CONVERSION BY INVERSION He was a small man. Oh, 30 Donald E.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jimmy saw that the guy had worn some sort of
uniform, but that was about all except that he was a small man. Finished with the
major part of his toilet, the soldier went to the urinal to empty his bladder. Still
sensitive …
Its natural ability to be molded, sculpted, and generally extended from the scalp
in a multitude of directions and shapes has created a plethora of potential
hairstyles for people with black hair. This versatility has resulted in the
development of …
… 1/4 black ''Copper" with black hair and eyes (1836) (1832-36) "Mixed" (1829); "
Black" with black hair (1833) "Indian" with black hair (1818) "Mulatto" with black
hair (1831) "Md." with black hair (1818) "Copper" with "wooley" hair (1820) "Light …
with+black+hair with+black+hair
1755, Albemarle, 24, 5'4i", weaver, English, dark with black hair and pitted with
small pox Robert Bassett, Sept. … 1755, Amelia, 21, 5'9", butcher, Irish, dark and
swarthy with black hair and slim made Charles Scott, Oct. 1755, Albemarle, 17, …
Southwestern United States albata, n. sp. 36. Side of abdomen with black hair on
third and following segments leucothoa (Wied. ) Side of abdomen without black
hair: black hairs, if present, few in number and commencing on the fifth segment.
I then went down the line and gruffly picked out all the kids with black hair. You,
you, you, you over there. … Everyone, including all the kids with black hair said
yes and I went back into role as the nasty Police Officer. I told them that I had just …
with+black+hair with+black+hair
[127] collected and analyzed human hair from 44 subjects: 3 African Americans
with black hair, 1 Amerindian with black hair, 6 Asians with black hair, 6
Caucasians with black hair, 2 Hispanics with black hair, 12 people with brown
hair, …
Jokes about hair often rely on the audience's shared cultural knowledge and
experiences with Black hair textures, styles, procedures, and terminology. African
American comics exploit this in-group knowledge through embodied and highly …
Now H is the set of Ottawa University students with black hair and E is the set of
Ottawa University students with green eyes. H n E = {x e U | x e H and x e £} = the
set of Ottawa University students with black hair and green eyes.
The authors enrolled male and female Caucasians with black, brown, blond, or
red hair as well as non-Caucasians with black hair. The subjects were given
codeine orally. Subjects were asked not to cut their hair or use any chemical
treatment …
KOSO b-acv'ida(-je) jas”e —> KOSO b-aé'ida-je hair N-b1ack(-F) girl hair N-black
-F 'a girl with black hair' 'the one (fem.) with black hair' ELIC c. KOSO b-aé'ida(-we
) ek'wa —> KOSO b-aé'ida-we hair N-black(-M) man hair N-black-M 'a man …
This was because the witch was the only other person in the village with black
hair besides Shumei and her mother. She didn't know where the witch earned
her income, but she always paid for her delivery in full and purchased more per
week …
They had never bothered to do much research on it, and most of the products
they tried to market to blacks were greasy, petroleum jelly-based products that
were not compatible with black hair. Revlon, one of the industry giants, in the …
The whole body of this child was covered with black hair. Her face was of the
prognathic type, and this, with her extraordinary prehensile powers of feet and
lips, gave her the title of "Darwin's missing link." In 1875 there was exhibited in
Paris, …
Suppose it turns out that participants judge the woman with black hair to be
dumber. This proves that hair color influenced participants' impress- sions.
Suppose further that all participants, when later asked if hair color influenced
their …
with+black+hair with+black+hair
"It is indeed," replied the person with black hair, "and have you noticed that not
one of us has hair that matches his or her name?" "By golly, you're right!"
exclaimed Professor White. If the lady's hair isn't brown, what is the color of
Professor …
$40 □ Petite Bébé: various sweet child or doll face “by the yard to sew at home”;
marked “circa 1860” (c.1980). $30 □ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: dwarfs
with character faces; Snow White with black hair and red ribbon; the 8" doll set (c …
… ohne Führerschein) driver without a licence Schwarzgeld <-[e]s, -er> nt (fam)
illegal earnings npl schwarz haa rig adj black-haired; m~ sein to have black hair
Schwarz- haa-ri-ge(r) ffmj dekl wie adj person with black hair Schwarz han del m …
Obstinate children, with black hair and black eyes (Bell.: quiet, mild children, with
blonde hair and blue eyes) ; before attack ravenous hunger, bellyache, mucous
diarrhoea, itching of anus, fluent nasal catarrh; during fit loss of consciousness, …
The second is "Mahol, actually, however, called Gabriel, a Jew, black-brown of
face, of middle height, with black hair on one of his hands, not known whether on
the right or the left, about thirty years old, occasionally wearing a small beard, …
… C- (norstictic acid), habitat: On conifers, especially subalpine fir and white- bark
pine, in montane to subalpine forests, sometimes completely covering the trees
with black hair, comments: Chemistry is the only reliable way to separate several …
Many Shibas designated as "red sesame" are in reality red Shibas with black hair
inserts. Due to the difficulty of breeding the red sesame with the correct color
pattern, few breeders focus on the sesame or plan a breeding to produce the "red …
… with a black ponytail, tied with a red ribbon, high on her head; and way over
here, twin girls with black hair, one with two ponytails, and the other with three
braids on each side of her head; and a little girl with her brown hair pulled back
and …
You find yourself always attracted to women with black hair and dark eyes. Every
time you fall in love, it feels great. You feel, ''Now I've got it, now my love is going
to be peaceful. Now I'm going to have what I want.'' But then you keep losing …
White was, of course, the colour of courtliness and a pale complexion a sign of
gentility; all darker complexions were a sign of social inferiority and ugliness. In
the Blaunchardyn and Eglantine text a black complexion is seen as ugly but
carries …
The deficiency ofthe Qi of the Middle Burner causes hypofunction of the whole
body, causing a poor appetite, loose stools, shortness ofbreath, tiredness,
inactive talking, and a pale complexion. Clean Yang fails to ascend, causing
dizziness …
… hair, grey, soft and limpid eyes, one often slightly larger than the other, and a
pale complexion. Mercury. Adds tallness and length to the body and limbs, and
gives thin nose and lips, dark hair and eyes, olive complexion, and a quick, …
The handsome youth has fair ringlets, a light complexion, and bright eyes. The
lover is distinguished by black hair and a pale complexion. The maiden in
misfortune has her hair cut short in token of sorrow. The aged lady has white hair
and a …
The anemia that results from too few red blood cells causes weakness, fatigue,
and a pale complexion. As abnormal leukemic cells continue to flood the system,
the platelet count drops; platelets are tiny blood cells formed in the bone marrow …
He's got green eyes and a scar (Narbe) on his forehead (Stirn). ○ Nicole Kidman
: She's quite tall, actually, very slim and elegant. She's got long fair/blonde hair
and a pale complexion with a lot of freckles (Sommersprossen) Schwarzer oder …
Margaret said the right jolt might bring back my memory, but when I asked her,
she only told me that I have red hair and a pale complexion. You said I could be
honest with you so I'm asking you to do the same with me. What do I look like?
He has black hair, that sticks up like he hasn't combed it and a pale complexion.
He spoke very broken English with a heavy accent.” “Thank you Lester.” They
walked into the house. That must be the same boy he'd seen in the van. “This is
not …
… desire to curl up, cold-aversion with cold limbs, tasteless- ness, absence of
thirst or excessive drinking of warm drinks, clear urine, loose feces, and a pale
complexion. The tongue is pale and plump, and the pulse is deep, slow and
Virgil had black shoulder length hair with hazel eyes and a pale complexion.
Gwyneth was a blonde-haired girl with blue eyes. Kelly has red hair with green
eyes and they both look like their mother. Rachel has light brown hair and brown
eyes …
and+a+pale+complexion and+a+pale+complexion and+a+pale+complexion and+a+pale+complexion
Corky was tall and thin, red hair and a pale complexion like most all red heads,
and Peanuts was short with brown hair and a ruddy complexion. He must have
taken after his dad, Craig Cooper, because Ruby, raw boned, but kind of pretty, …
and+a+pale+complexion and+a+pale+complexion
He had a narrow head, curling hair, regular features, a slim, boyish figure in a
uniform that would flatter any figure, and a pale complexion, a great contrast to
Adam's tan that turned almost mahogany after a day in the sun. Now she saw that
the …
"Her majesty is in the castle there," he said in a sleepy voice, pointing toward the
castle entrance. "Maybe in the throne room?" The man was now more clearly
visible, with dark hair and a pale complexion. He nodded in approval of the
guard's …
"Yes?" He's slender, forty-ish, with dark hair and a pale complexion. He's wearing
a black turtleneck and a leather jacket. "I want—I want to know about that." He
points to the flogger. His hand is shaking. Lust races through my body like a fever
… hair and a pale complexion, but the condition can occur in any racial group and
non-Caucasian patients have a complexion appropriate to their racial group.
INVESTIGATIONS Urinalysis may reveal glycosuria and proteinuria but this is not …
With pale hair, pale eyes and a pale complexion, her looks were far from
stunning. She considered her features nondescript and describing herself as
attractive might even be a stretch. Luc was the only man who'd ever made her
feel beautiful, …
If we reword these same terms it is not difficult to come up with: "I loved him
because he had blue eyes, blond hair, and a pale complexion." And we
Antilleans, we know only too well that as they say in the islands the black man
has a fear of …
and+a+pale+complexion and+a+pale+complexion
The corresponding modular covering problem. Harmonious labelling of graphs.
190 C14. Maximal sum-free sets. 191 C15. Maximal zero-sum-free sets. 193 C16.
Nonaveraging sets. Nondividing sets. 198 C17. The minimum overlap problem.
… 275 Harmonious construction, 276 Residuary powers, 276 Principles of
interpretation of the Lists, 276 Doctrine of Pith and Substance, 277 Doctrine of
Ancillary Powers, 277 Doctrine of Colourable Legislation, 277 Doctrine of
Reading Down, …
Yet if you know enough to value harmonious ease but try to attain it without being
regulated by the rites, this will not work … What it means to practice ritual with “
harmonious ease” (i.e., in an wu-wei fashion) is illustrated in the description of …
Page Preface 7 Art and Objective Truth 25 Marx and Engels on Aesthetics 61 The
Ideal of the Harmonious Man in Bourgeois Aesthetics 89 Healthy or Sick Art? 103
Narrate or Describe ? 110 The Intellectual Physiognomy in Characterization …
The relationship between gross and fine features is more complex than it might
initially seem, and we will explore this issue in more detail below.6 In sum, our
experience of both the field as a whole and the individual phenomena within it is …
Bernice and Ceil's father, Joe Dearing, was a handsome, chocolate-brown-
skinned man with wavy black hair and fine features. Bernice and Ceil lived at the
crest of the first big hill on Franklin Avenue, a few minutes walk across the big
So that the eye is drawn to your face and fine features.” The woman frowned and
fiddled with her cuffs. Her face and fine features. It always came back to her face
and fine features. But what had those things ever done for her? And why …
SiL'p L Use of biological miLTo-organisins as biofaetorios to replicate enormous
numbers of rigid, complex, bio mineralized (Noclostie} nnttopaniele structures
with identical 3-D shapes and fine features (reproduction ofi diatom frustule is …
and+fine+features and+fine+features and+fine+features
By choosing among the numerous shapes and fine features available in
Bioclastic: adj; "of rock or similar material attaining its present form through the
action of living organisms" [1]. "Bioclastic" is more appropriate than "biomimetic"
for this …
In life things happen differently after all, you know; there I can rave about a man
like Johnny Depp at one moment, with long black hair and fine features. And in
the very next moment there's one standing in front of me with short blond hair and …
Each rigid part is robustly tracked with the help of a hierarchical spring system
encoding the spatial relationships of coarse and fine features. The articulation
points in the model act as agents of the information transfer between the parts of
the …
and+fine+features and+fine+features
The few with dark eyes had straight hair and fine features. She was particularly
cruel to Yolanda, the wife of my cousin Rolando. Abuela Mercedes was furious
that Rolando had married a mulatta. It did not matter that Yolanda was pretty, …
(f) Polished surfaces and fine features can result from sand abrasion. Actively
forming ventifacts of the Pisgah lava flow (basalt) and the Little Cowhole
Mountains (marble) demonstrate a high degree of sheen and are
macroscopically smooth.
and+fine+features and+fine+features and+fine+features and+fine+features and+fine+features and+fine+features and+fine+features and+fine+features and+fine+features
… romantic heroes like Ramayana and Arjuna always painted with small, narrow
eyes and fine features, while devils and warriors were prescribed round eyes,
coarse features and facial hair. The paintings tell a story in a series of panels, …
BishÇnen are male characters designed to appeal to girls, identified by fine
features, tall and slender frames, and fine features. BishÇnen are not always
willowy and may sport a more muscled physique, but they are always beautiful.
BL—An …
and+fine+features and+fine+features
… going on. Daniel blushed. What they had said was partly true. His handsome
good looks crowned with thick curly light brown hair, his warm generous smile
and fine features set him apart from most others 25 Remember To Tell The
… Chnstian spy come to ferret out the secrets of his invasion; thus he ordered the
poor man to be thrown off his ship. Then one of the king's men noted Isumbras's
noble beanng and fine physique, and the ivory complexion and fine features of …
His noble forehead and fine features seemed to be lit up with pleasure as I
entered the room. He waved his hand towards the window as hepointed out the
scene beyond, while in the other hand he held an open Bible, which he was
always …
and+fine+features and+fine+features
and a
rather Belle Époque mustache
Most MANs can also be described as WANs; in fact, network engineers are more
likely to refer to all networks that cover a broad geographical range as WANs.
Servers Hub Workstation (client) Printer Fax machine Printer Workstations (
clients) …
It may, in fact, be used by as many educated speakers as the first variant, but the
requirements of the printed page are such that one must precede the other: ca-su
-al-ty \'ka-zhal-te, 'ka-zha-wal-\ nu-ga-to-ry \'nii-ga-,t6r-e, 'nyiiA Entry words …
Overview 151 The Rationale of Causation 152 The Elements of Causation 153
The Common Law 153 Responsibility for Causing Harm 153 Cause in Fact 153
Omission as a Cause 154 Concurrent Causation 154 Direct Cause 155
Proximate …
… System, published by West Group. Most lawyers and libraries have the West
reporters because they report cases more quickly and are distributed more
widely than the state-published reports. In fact, many states have eliminated their …
Others I have known for many years, and I merely prevailed upon them to look
over several entries within their areas of expertise; luckily for me, no one ever
seemed prevailed upon — in fact, quite the opposite. They have all helped in …
Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Harry J. Rosenblatt. Systems Development
Tools 17 Figure 1-21 shows how you can drag and drop various symbols from
the left pane into the drawing on the right, and connect them to show a business …
The power is not absolute, however, and the president cannot deny Congress's
authority to enact law if it is, in fact, the will of the majority that such law be
enacted. Rejection by the president of a law enacted by Congress is known as an …
In fact, science cannot evolve without a healthy dose of self-criticism, skepticism,
and contestation. However, for instance, a discourse of critique and contestation
is often viewed as contaminating "objectivity" in social sciences and education.
What was lacking was a nonmetaphysical method of philosophy —
phenomenology, but a phenomenology thoroughly secured. It took twenty years
for me to hope to succeed, at least in part. And in fact, Etant donne, with the
inventory of …
Maybe no laws have in fact been broken, or maybe someone has been up to
something that could in fact be a real problem. What is the proper course of
action to take? □ Money Laundering Just as the mails are often used in the
commission …
A story which had been shaped by men could easily have been transformed in
meaning when women came into contact with it. One such alternative view has,
in fact, been preserved for us, in Sappho's albeit very brief treatment of the story
of …
… “Duties to Rescue and the Anti- Cooperative Effects of Law,” 88 Georgetown
Law Journal 105 (1999). as a basis for her actions. in fact, an officer 14 | THE
Every country, and in fact every region of a country, has its own typical foods and
ways of combining them into meals. The “American diet” includes many ethnic
foods from various countries, all adding variety to the diet. This is most evident …
Although idioms often say clearly and cleverly what other words cannot, many
are wordy expressions that we can find a more economical phrase or particular
word for. Consider these idioms. Instead of Use as a matter of fact in fact before
long …
“Statistically, unless I had an open cut in my mouth—which I don't—the chance of
transmission this way is very low,” Larry said. He sounded like a teacher again.
Then he looked a bit worried. “Um, are you positive, then?” “Nah, my mum makes …
'Oh yes, the second stage,' said an apprehensive-sounding Patrick, as his smile
went, and he looked a bit worried. Joewell and Steff just smiled. 'Remember,
Patrick, you said you were a Gret. So just for a change, try and do an inhumanly …
His front row teeth were spaced out and he looked a bit eerie whenever he spoke
. He was looking different but one could still sense a major power, a certain aura
and charisma around him. This was still a living legend of Nigerian and reggae …
He looked a bit off. His face sagged to the left, and his left eye roamed a bit. He
was thin and dark. His mother and father were always drunk, and they beat him.
But he, Hassan, was the star of the Arc de Triomphe gang. He looked at himself
in …
He looked a bit longer, his ears twitching, then began to move on again. He had
probably walked for a couple of hours now, the river still quite visible through the
trees to his right. Up ahead, he could see that the trees seemed to be thinning …
'Millie . . .' He looked a bit irritated now. 'We didn't even make love half the
number of times we were supposed to this month!' 'We'd have been dead if we
had,' he snapped.'Other people manage to get pregnant without all this planning,
Oddly, he looked a bit like a man who had worked at their place when Verity was
a kid. That man would be very old now. He fired and the man fell. Verity didn't
know his weapon, and it may have well been another shot that dropped the …
Mind you, he got barred a week later for running up and down the bar with his
trousers down. He was a scrap dealer, by the way, and he looked a bit ridiculous
when he dropped them. Even though you buy all that drink you can still get
"Guten Morgen, Herr Professor" I said. He looked a bit surprised. This was during
the summer term of 1945. A year later we had, as in every summer, an excursion.
This time we took a boat trip to Rapperswil, a small medieval town at the upper …
He looked a bit giddy and kept laughing. Gransher said he didn't want any
noodles cos he had a bit of a bard belly. He said he wasn't feeling very well and
had to sit down for a bit. Nana said he'd probably had too much beer. Gransher
said he …
Mrs M never said much about herself, but she was a Mrs so she probably was a
widow, in which case that fellow could have been her son, though he looked a bit
old for that, and he looked a bit young to be her husband' and what was she …
He looked a bit chagrined or embarrassed. At the point the waitress came over
and asked him, “Can I help you?” He looked at my coffee and said, “That smells
good. I'll have what he's having.” He grabbed a chair and sat down across from
me …
By this time, her heart was beating wildly, and she was really terrified. At nine o'
clock, the door opened and in he came. He looked a bit worse for the wear: his tie
was awry, his collar undone, his hair rumpled, his suit dirtied, and he looked as if …
He didn't look well at all, not very chirpy, in fact we thought he looked a bit flat.”
They jumped up and ran around in circles laughing and saying - “he looked a bit
flat - ho-ho, a. bit flat.” “Ha! ha!” said Spike, “very funny I don't think, no it wasn't
my …
The best way to describe it is to say he looked a bit like a hologram because
when I looked at him from different angles, I saw different dimensions. From one
perspective he looked like a jolly Father Christmas, but from another angle I
could …
He looked a bit skeptical but didn't object. She moved to open the hatch but he
did it instead, and helped her climb inside. Lt. Cuzon climbed in next, taking the
back seat. Dequeen climbed into the pilot's seat, looking apprehensive. “Let's go.
John thought he looked a bit too rough for Alicia but earlier Alicia had told Sam
and Donna 'Core. He's a bit of rough'. Alicia always got her man. Earlier she had
given Kyle hope by telling him about her split from her useless boyfriend who
was …
“Come on, we have a place set for you.” Stephen wore the same designer
sweater he'd worn to the party last night, with jeans. He looked a bit scruffy,
unshaven as he was. He had dark, straight hair, dark skin, and dark eyes. He was
in contrast …
I thought he looked a bit like an estate agent. 'But she wants to watch some stupid
cartoon that no one's ever seen before. So she's outvoted.' 'Well . . .' Mum looked
round at me. 'Maybe I'd like to watch this cartoon too.' 'What?' Dad turned …
That evening Wiggy and I realised that Chaka wasn't a hundred per cent behind.
He looked a bit stiff, but with some physiotherapy from Amanda Sutton and a
warm-up in the morning, we were confident he'd be fine for the trot up. The next
day …
The guy took his helmet off and revealed a weathered face with a blonde beard
and longish blonde hair with signs of grey. I figured him to be in his late 40s or
early 50s. He looked a bit dangerous, but he smiled at me and walked up to me …
He looked a bit glum, sucking on the cold pipe.“What brings you back to the city?”
“I'm only here briefly and, of course, unofficially. I am still enjoying an unofficial
existence, you might say.” “I wasn't sure, what with half one's notorious old …
Michael had always thought he looked a bit like Karloff's Frankenstein. Nash
McElroy, captain of the basketball team, almost certainly was a veterinarian, just
like half of his family. Nash was not the brightest bulb in the marquee; Michael …
Yes, even the pain world has celebrity signings. Melzack was pacing around the
booth. He looked a bit like Marshall McLuhan, with more hooded eyes. I chatted
with him and asked him what the focus of the congress would be in ten years.
He had not yet had time to line the barrel up on Jed, and now in his frozen
posture, he looked a bit ridiculous standing with his mouth open. Jed walked
swiftly across the room and took the carbine from the youngster. He had to tug it
to get it …
I said. "Very nice," he nodded. "Very nice, indeed." Then a thought came into my
mind. "Did anyone ever plant a tree for you, Arthur?" I asked. He looked a bit
uncomfortable and adjusted his hat on top of his head and scratched it a bit (his
head …
He looked a bit dopey, and the impression I got was that he did not have a sharp
mind. I could have been mistaken in thinking that way. There was not much else
to say, so I thanked him and left. I returned to the car and related to my husband …
He did that great score for Walker, which was beautiful, but musically he was like
a soldier without an army. He didn't have his cannon. But he seemed more at
ease with the Pogues. You know who he reminded me of? He looked a bit like
Alec …
He looked a bit disturbed. The Supatco could have eaten him alive. And the
Supatco climbed the golden gate and ran to catch up with his fellow men.
Danamorescia blinked. Then suddenly a horrible thought entered her mind. “
Where's James …
Now he looked a bit more relaxed and had just the slightest hint of a grin on his
face. “Recorded,” was the disgruntled reply. Mike read the date from the
document from the County Recorder's office. “And when did you build your home
on that …
He seems like a really nice guy actually. He looked a bit 'majorly' and serious
when I saw him on Monday but he looked a bit more approachable today.
Anyway, roll on for the lunchtime pills, and let's see what this prone 132 Tuesday
11th …
And he looked a bit shocked to see them all sitting there. Section 7 And then er
we quickly discovered that it was the wrong husband and the wrong house and
they were in fact expected at a house on the other side of the village. Section 8
So …
He looked a bit weary when he finished his last sentence. We had heard a story
about Zhang's family life. When Zhang invited his wife of over twenty years for a
walk on a May Day holiday, his wife, who had been accustomed to being left …
He looked a bit sullen, but in truth he looked more confused than anything, Davey
told Maddie the next day. “Ain't got n'more'n four hunnert gallons of gas,” he said.
“Mostly diesel.” “There's five generators on the island,” Burt Dorfman said …
He looked a bit distant. “No wonder you made a good sniper.” “You're not hungry
enough,” she said. “Come on, Mac.” Mac had wandered a few meters away and
was standing with his head down, flanks heaving. She walked over to him.
like Jed &mdash
Check for from the mustache using the 1. Assemble supplies. evenness of length
at the corners of the mouth. shear-over-comb technique. 2. Wash your hands.
Professional Barbering 5 Shape the mustache with an outliner. If using a razor, …
… pulled from the mustache of Manitou. The hair was wrapped in duck down and
placed in a leather pouch decorated with porcupine quills; a second and third
pouch were used to hold the first pouch. This man claimed that Manitou's
mustache …
Immediately after
At last, when suspense became intolerable, when it transformed fears into
certainties, until in her mind she could almost see him entering the flat and
confronting Louba, she put on her outdoor clothes and let herself out into the
street, almost …
(3) does not imply that Peter never again entered the flat after Mary had opened
the door. The intended reading is that Peter did not react to the opening of the
door by entering the flat. Habel et al. (1993) propose the existence of a
conceptual …
'Time of Flanch's entering the flat unknown, believed to be about six.' Wallsend
was reading from his own report. 'Radio started in flat about six fifteen, turned on
very loud. Mr Richards, occupying flat below, at or about six thirty, ascended to
No …
They waited until they heard the sound of her door closing before entering the flat
. Music could be heard from somewhere or other. The landing light switched itself
off. Louise gave a start. For the second time I'm about to enter a flat in which …
Entering the flat we took off our shoes, hung up our coats in the cupboard and
washed our hands. It was to be our little ritual, whenever entering the flat, and
was normally followed by her feeding Pushkin or opening the bedroom window
to let …
'His statement says that he spent the day in the third-floor flat. He even had an
alibi for the first period, though we haven't checked that out yet. Says he heard
nothing, neither the deceased woman entering the flat with her companion whom
we …
Once you've selected the Sheet Metal Properties type, the Property list will
provide options for entering the flat pattern extents area, length, or width in the
text box. Figure 6.29 Drawing Manager Format Text dialog box displaying Sheet
Metal …
Before entering the flat he searched for a way out the back. he found a laundry
room and a few empty storage rooms in the basement level beneath Megan's flat,
like in his building, but getting into the back neighbor's yard would present more …
On entering the flat, Nasser finds his brother lying still and for a moment thinks he
is dead. Nasser touches his hand and Papa rises into his tearful embrace. Papa
suggests that they should go home but Nasser, still resilient, sees possibilities …
They had thrown a stun grenade before entering the flat and forcing the applicant
to the ground. They then handcuffed and hooded him. Subsequently, he was
taken to Yverdon police station and to the headquarters of the special branch in …
Entering the flat, she could smell his pipe tobacco. Bedfich Samec rose from his
chair. "Is that you, Helena?" "Yes father, I'm home." "I was getting worried. I knew
you were back from Jitka's." He kissed her cheek. "I saw the rucksack in your 28.
… where he vomited up a darkly bilious and foul stinking liquid. Rosa, who had
said nothing since entering the flat, had now edged towards the door and taking
her by the hand I led her out of the flat and into the bitter air of the late afternoon.
Answer plan • Entering the flat with a key—is this trespass with intent contrary to s
. 9(1)(a) Theft Act 1968? • Aggravated burglary? • Does Tintin progress far
enough to have attempted GBH/wounding? • ABH in cutting the ponytail • Theft
ofthe …
entering+the+flat entering+the+flat
The train continues south entering the flat, arid and sparsely populated Gobi
Desert. In a good year, the desert sprouts short grass, which sustains a limited
number of sheep, goats and camels for their ethnic Khalkh owners. In a bad year,
the …
… roof solarium commanding 360 degree, elevated views of the surrounding
countryside including the craggy and lofty edifice of nearby Monte Callosa. On
entering the flat we liked its open-plan spaciousness, which easily
accommodated an …
Strange, was her first thought on entering the flat, a little puzzling. Like the
magazine rack near the toilet. When she finished her shower she pulled out
several magazines, expecting soft pom. Instead there were copies of Classic
Motorcycle …
5.4 13 Example 3— Phase 0 Proposal for Partial Funding of Product
Development by a Government/Industry Consortium in a Competitive Bidding
Process Lam Research Corporation was considering entering the flat panel
display (FPD) …
But, as many residents pointed out, at such a high density the configuration of the
plan is a critical factor. Entering the flat from the access corridor, the position of
the front door (allowing for the internal door swing) sets the main circulation route …
Any light ray entering the flat end at a greater angle of incidence than this critical
ray will not be totally internally reflected. Thus the angle of incidence Jmax at the
point of entry of the critical ray defines the field of view. At the point of entry, …
The first thing they do on entering the flat is to pour themselves a nightcap and
then together, arm in arm, they walk out onto their balcony, high above the city
traffic, to admire the silent beauty of the stars. She is the first one to notice and
points …
On entering the flat, you were immediately taken by surprise at the size of it,
basket ball court came to mind, with huge warehouse windows without curtains,
the floor was reclaimed wood, there was one humongous easy black chair facing
a 48 …
But with dozens of companies able to supply the high-tech parts it needs, Xoceco
is now entering the flat-screen TV market without having to spend millions of
dollars on research and development. Instead, it is simply buying the parts and …
Entering the flat, Solzhenitsyn was greeted by a scene of utter devastation.
Drawers and cupboards had been emptied on to the floor, rugs and carpets torn
up and tossed aside, and books and ornaments were scattered everywhere. This
was …
More difficult is the question of whether a block of flats/offices constitutes a
building so that if you enter the flat above a shop intending to steal from the shop,
have you committed 728 burglary simply by entering the flat with the intention …
… rejected roses, cell-phone plastered to his ear...reporting his aborted mission,
no doubt, she thought with a bitter sense of satisfaction. Entering the flat, Nora felt
none of her usual welcome sense of homecoming. To her dismay she felt alien …
Only a couple of minutes after entering the flat, Al spotted a dark mass 150
metres away and immediately suspected permit. We could see the distant
shadow the moment he pointed it out, but how Al guessed it wasn't just a school
of any old …
The complainants also claimed that the police had breached the Code of
Criminal Procedure (a) by forcibly entering the flat without the presence of a
neutral witness; (b) by calling the investigating magistrate 30 minutes after the
incident, …
But they are turned back when they begin to breach the mountain barrier; and
they then force their way through a series of deep gorges before entering the flat-
bottomed valleys which lead them to their damp coastal plains. There are few …
… newly-blue singing stone high over his head. They reached the bottom of the
little hill and stopped. Nothing happened. After a long moment, the six of them
stepped forward as one, entering the flat stretch leading 203 DRAGON IN THE
Suspected of drug crimes, the applicant was arrested on 5 October 1 989 "by six
officers of the task force of the Vaud cantonal police", who threw "a stun grenade
before entering the flat", forced the applicant to the ground, handcuffed and …
… rid herself of any set facial expressions. This was her moment. Hugo, entering
the flat, was regretting not having given Charlie.
She felt chilled at the fleeting thought of someone's entering the flat while she
slept and did not know it, and she dismissed it at once, because, had that
happened, Blitz would have barked. He would have barked, too, had anyone
entered …
… foolishly she thought - from one spot to the other to catch morning or evening
light, she knew he would marry soon. "So, this is how it is now, the moment had
come." And she knew Martina by her step, the furtive sound of her entering the
he+examined+the+boiler he+examined+the+boiler
He examined the boiler and called his heating man to come fix it. I also called the
Chicago Water Department; the water pipes were frozen, and it was their
responsibility to fix them. By about two o'clock in the afternoon, the boiler man
and the …
he+examined+the+boiler he+examined+the+boiler
… same job for a long time and to get bored with it. (he / begin) 1.4 Complete the
sentences using the following verbs: begin change get increase rise 1 The
population of the world .^...W^C^uag very fast. 2 The world Things never stay the
same …
… das ist reine Spekulation guest [gest] I. n(p(invited person) Gast m;paying ~
zahlender Gast; (lodger) Untermieter(in) m/s); he's been our paying - for a long
time er logiert schon lange bei uns; special - besonderer Gast, Stargast m 0
tourist …
Howie Sanders, my film agent and friend, is another member of the "I've worked
with that author for a long time" club. And my life is better for it. Toda raba! Keya
Khayatian, another of my film agents, is terrific and always generous with his time
To illustrate the continuity of voltage for a capacitor, consider the circuit shown in
Figure 7.3-1. For the circuit shown in Figure 7.3-1a, the switch has been closed
for a long time and the capacitor voltage has become vc 1⁄4 10 V. At time t 1⁄4 0, …
What is the charge q on the capacitor in the circuit shown below when current
has been passing through the system for a long time? R. =30 £2 C= 1.0 V2 = 4.0
V 27.54 (G) Semiconductors. The electrical properties of semiconductors are not …
… (in fact, their flavour matures with age) and this is important for wedding cakes
for several reasons. Firstly, wedding cakes can take a long time to decorate and
so need to be baked well in advance and left to sit for a long time while icings dry.
A Legal Guide for Unmarried Couples Toni Lynne Ihara, Ralph E. Warner,
Frederick Hertz. What's in a Name? One of the common issues faced by
unmarried couples is how to introduce each other in a way that reflects the
importance of your …
The definite article der/die/das is often used in place of personal pronouns,
especially in the spoken language: Die wohnt drüben. She lives over there. Den
kenne ich schon lange. I've known him for a long time. Das wissen wir schon.
Some of these inflected forms are shown in (32). (32) a. She works every day.
inflected for present tense b. He is working right now. present participle c. I've
worked there for a long time. past participle In (32a) the ending -s, which
indicates …
… unless the compression ratio is very high and you are running the vehicle at
top speed and wide-open throttle for a long time. Not so with boosted
powerplants at higher loading, when small mistakes can damage the engine
For a long time there were no blacks living in or near Sullivan's Hollow. This
prompted whites to give the main town in Sullivan's Hollow, called Mize, the
nickname “No Nigger.” The racist reputation of the Hollow survives even now.
It is quite one of the brightest productions that has been seen for a long time. It
will be observed that the critic of poets is no more proof against the temptation
than the advertiser of underclothing. An example or two offering peculiarities may
be …
Although this is just one study with small sample sizes, it does suggest that there
are many ways to lose weight, that people find it difficult to adhere to very
restrictive diets for a long time, and that we need to find methods of keeping
people …
It is also rare for technical specialists or project managers to remain with the
same company for a long time, and in fact, many information technology projects
include a large number of contract workers. Working with this “army of free agents
,” …
The major patted my shoulder. They tiptoed out. l found I was quite drunk but
went to sleep. The next day in the morning we left for Milan and arrived forty-eight
hours later. It was a bad trip. We were sidetracked for a long time this side of
Mestre …
#They stay for a long time. (The sentence has an acceptable reading, but not one
that is in line with the meaning above.) (1)1 stay on New Orleans Street. Gloss: I
live on New Orleans Street. Gloss: I always go on New Orleans Street. (2) She …
Foods that have been chemicalized or that have been picked for a long time lose
their flavor and strength. Properly cooking them down reduces the bulk; when
eaten, nutrients are extracted more easily, and the flavor is concentrated and …
The circuit in Figure P28.37 has been connected for a long time. (a) What is the
potential difference across the capacitor? (b) If the battery is disconnected from
the circuit, over what time interval does the capacitor discharge to one-tenth its …
blink [blirjk] 1 un to move (the eyelids) rapidly up and down: // is impossible to
stare for a long time without blinking. 2 in (formal or liter) (of a tight) to shine
unsteadily. - nc a rapid movement of the eyelids. 'blinkers npl leather flaps on a
bridle …
Cf. aitzinarazi. aitzinetik adv. since long ago, long ago, for a long time. adv.
previously. aitzineuskara n. old Basque, proto-Basque. aitzin-gibel (L) n. front
and rear part, front and back, chest and back. Aitzin-gibelak sendoak ditu gizon
Religious community may, after all, divide an ethno-linguistic population, as
happened among the Swiss or Germans and in Egypt. For a long time religious
cleavages prevented the emergence of a strong and enduring ethnic
consciousness …
For a long time, Siddhartha had been partaking in the discussions of the wise
men, practising debate with Govinda, practising with Govinda the art of reflection,
the service of meditation. He already knew how to speak the Om silently, the
word …
To return to religions, the study of only the most familiar ones had led men to
believe for a long time that the idea of god was characteristic of everything that is
religious. Now the religion which we are going to study presently is, in a large
part, …
For a long time I regarded my little sister as an intruder. I knew that I had ceased
to be my mother's only darling, and the thought filled me with jealousy. She sat in
my mother's lap constantly, where I used to sit, and seemed to take up all her …
Marcel Proust, C. K. Moncrieff. CONTENTS OVERTURE p. 5 COMBRAY p. 33
long time I used to go to 3.
Here are some examples of adverbial clauses with a finite verb form; in each
case the conjunction is in bold italics and the subordinate clause in bold: When
people live with each other for a long time, they often start behaving like each
dismantling the control panel
Where is the other woman?” Burkhart was busily running his slender hands
across the keys of the computer keyboard and scanning his monitor for any sign
of movement. “Relax man. I've changed the satellite surveillance like she
Again he laughed, running his slender fingers up and down his flanks and thighs
as he shook his head from side to side. Ila's cheeks went warm with blushes as
she remembered the way she had pushed the boy down, forced his mouth to her …
Running his slender fingers through his flaming hair, Howard's blush deepened
until it was nearly maroon. “I—I like to be kissed with unrestrained passion, my
lady. I like kisses to tease and incite my masculine senses.” He took an incredibly …
He handed the stick to the policeman, running his slender fingers across the
handsome features of the heavy ivory handle. “But I think he used it for other
things, too, Sergeant,” he said. Then he turned around and walked back towards
the …
Often while embroidering, running his slender fingers over the clothes he was
decorating, he recalled Aissata's advice: Instead of taking men's lives, learn to
cover their bodily nudity before being summoned to the honor of covering their …
“Well, Hal, I don't know. You should have brought a younger, stronger man.” Hal's
eyebrows became furrowed as he frowned at Chill. “Younger? Hell, Chill, Rudy
Distler was only thirty-eight.” Chill got to his feet, running his slender fingers …
My hair was tied back into a loose braid, and I felt the vampire smooth it away
from my neck as he tilted my head to the side, running his slender fingers
tantalizingly slow down the side of my exposed throat. His touch was cold, and
there was …
Karen observed his features, his sopping mop of wet curls snuggled against his
tanned neck and face. He pushed them back, running his slender fingers through
the spirals of dark brown hair. Karen felt desire to make love with him there and …
running+his+slender running+his+slender
Crellius stroked the pitch neck soothingly, running his slender fingers through the
mane and around the ears. “Nenda rhomir, nenda,” he whispered soothingly. The
horse usually responded well to these words, but this time it flattened its ears …
Before him, running his slender fingers along the edge of the table, sat a broad-
shouldered man, with an ample body mounted on short legs, a drooping, curly
head, very clever and very melancholy little eyes beneath thick eyebrows, a large
, …
Going Nano a Nano “Okay,” says Eric, running his slender fingers through his
hair, “here is something that could be built that people might arguably want in a
world where molecular manufacturing is possible. “Imagine a box about the size
of a …
fingers along the complex trail
… 10.3 Commercial Pipes 272 10.4 Aging of Pipes 273 10.5 Simple Pipeline
Design Problems 273 10.6 Velocity Distribution in the Neighbourhood of Flat
Surfaces 275 Reference 215 Worked Examples 216 Objective Questions 225
Problems …
Table 1 Preparation of PIPES, 0.2 M Buffer pH 6.4 2 Bozzola.
Branched pipe networks 145 5.2 Large branched systems of pipes 150 5.2.1.
Network layout 151 5.2.2. Coefficient matrix 154 5.2.3. Standard Linear Algebra
155 5.3 Looped network design criteria 158 5.4 Designing special components
175 …
Reynold King Watkins, Loren Runar Anderson.
The state of the art and the state of the practice are woven for purposes of lending
definition to concepts of desired service life and useful service life of pipes and
culverts of various materials. Protection strategies that influence material …
2. The private sanitary drainage system is the essential part of most plumbers'
work. It includes all the pipes installed within the wall line of a building on private
property for the purpose of receiving liquid waste or other waste substances …
This improvement not only gives access for painting which, when neglected, is
the most usual cause of pipes against a wall face becoming rusty and defective,
but also prevents the build-up of dirt and rubbish behind the pipe sections on the …
… pipes conveying fluid 4.1.1 Vibration of pipes conveying fluid 4.1.2 Vibration of
pipes excited by oscillating and two-phase fluid flow 4.1.3 Piping vibration
caused by gas–liquid two-phase flow 4.2 Vibration related to bellows 4.2.1
Vibration of …
The piping is fitted in lengths which are adequately supported and have flanged
connections, provision being made for expansion in each range of pipes.
SCUPPERS Scuppers are fitted at the ship's side to drain the decks. Figure 26.1
shows …
Let, L,, L2, Ln, = length of pipes 1, 2 and 3 respectively dx, d2, d^ = diameter of
pipes 1, 2, 3 respectively V,, V2, V3 = velocity of flow through pipes 1,. 332 Fluid
Mechanics Flow Through Pipes in Series or Flow Through Compound Pipes.
11. Chapter. Flow. Through. Pipes. ▻ I I.I INTRODUCTION In the chapters 9 and
10, laminar flow and turbulent flow have been discussed. We have seen that
when the Reynold number is less than 2000 for pipe flow, the flow is known as …
… 557 Reference Standards 559 References 559 CHAPTER 15 Pipeline Design
and Construction 561 15.1 Pipe Development 561 15.2 Materials and Potable
Water 561 1 5.3 Types of Pipes and Organisations Setting Standards 562
Pipeline …
65 …
If pipes were important gift or exchange items, then the identification of pipes from
other tribes or regions in Mohawk assemblages likely indicates that the Mohawk
were participating in a reciprocal interaction network. This interaction would …
USED? A web of piping lies beneath the ground in your neighborhood Miles of
pipes for water, sewers, storm drains, natural gas, and … The food you consume
is processed with the aid of pipes filled with water, chemicals, and liquid mixtures.
HR WALLINGFORD and BARR, D.I. H. Tables for the hydraulic design of pipes,
sewers and channels, 6th edition in two volumes. Thomas Telford, London, 1 994
. (Note: the earlier editions of the Wallingford Tables were published as single …
of+pipes of+pipes of+pipes of+pipes
“Pipe length” is an approximation of the length of pipes associated with a
particular register; in some cases, a pipe has been altered to produce a pitch an
octave higher or lower than what its length would usually produce. The c1 (
middle C) on …
These charts were originally devised to simplify the solution of the Colebrook-
White flow equation and they have been used very successfully for the analysis
of pipes running completely full. When attempting to calculate flow rates and …
Dr. U. Berghaus, c/o Reifenhauscr GmbH & Co, Postfach 1664, D-53839
Troisdorf 3 Extrusion of Pipes, Profiles and Cables Dipl.-Ing. H. Bongaerts, c/o
Barmag Barmer Maschinenfabrik AG, Postfach 11 02 40, D-42862 Remscheid 6
Flat Film …
Performance limits used in the design of buried flexible pipes include excessive
deflection, wall crushing, and global buckling. The limits were derived empirically
from pipe tests and failure data of pipes in service. The first aspect of the design …
A subsequent major event was the introduction of steel pipe in the 19th century,
which greatly increased the strength of pipes of all sizes. In 1879, following the
discovery of oil in Pennsylvania, the first long-distance oil pipeline was built in
this …
It includes photographs and descriptions of the common hand tools, specialty
plumbing tools, power tools, and rental tools used in this book. This section also
shows the many different kinds of pipes and fittings available, and how to cut, fit, …
It is also applied to the reed in an organ, anche d'orgue (ansh d'org) Fr. Any reed
stop of the organ ; that is, any stop composed of pipes fitted with reeds for
producing sounds. anche libre (ansh lebr) Fr. Free reed, ancher (an-sha) Fr. v. To
put a …
A piping system is a set of pipes and control devices that work together to deliver
a fluid where it is needed, in the right amount, and at the proper rate. Pipes are
made of several kinds of solid materials. They can be made of wood, glass, …
6.5 HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF PIPE CULVERTS The hydraulic design of a pipe
culvert involves working out the number of pipes required and their size. The
diameter of the pipe, required to pass the given discharge, can be found by trial
and …
Because he spoke out against Hitler's policies was why Dietrich Bonhoeffer. a
Lutheran pastor in Nazi Germany, was arrested and eventually hanged by the
Gestapo. (A) Because he spoke out against Hitler's policies …
Because he spoke out against Hitler's policies was why Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a
Lutheran pastor in Nazi Germany, was arrested and eventually hanged by the
Gestapo. (A) Because he spoke out against Hitler's policies was why Dietrich …
He spoke words to the fig tree, and it withered and died. He taught the disciples
to speak words to the mountains of difficulty they would encounter. He promised
that, when the words of their mouths were matched by faith in their hearts, their …
some days ago) Compare: □ He spoke little English, so it was difficult to
communicate with him. He spoke a little English, so we were able to
communicate with him. □ She's lucky. She has few problems. (= not many
problems) Things are not …
Everything that is came out of God as He spoke those images. The unseen
became seen—the invisible became visible. God's speaking was much like the
contractions of a woman in labor. With effort He pushed out each detailed
Sitka Charley retied the flour as he spoke, strapping the pack to the one on his
own back. He kicked Joe till the pain broke through the poor devil's bliss and
brought him doddering to his feet. Then he shoved him out upon the trail and
started …
It was not of worldly matters that he spoke most, but of things that he deemed holy
and of "the darkness of men's eyes." Although my acquaintance with the Indian
consciousness had been fairly intimate for more than thirtyyears, the inner …
But though he spoke against Erskine's motion of 12 Mar. 1787 that there was
sufficient matter to impeach Hastings, he 'confessed that he could not defend the
principles on which several of the contracts had been made'. Le Mesurier voted
for …
He spat out his tobacco as he spoke. Ogotemmeli had nothing against
Europeans. He was not even sorry for them. He left them to their destiny in the
lands of the north. The God Amma, it appeared, took a lump of clay, squeezed it
in his hand …
Butletmeleavequicklybefore I take something from you!” – And so they parted, the
oldster and the man, laughing like two boys laugh. But when Zarathustra was
alone he spoke thus to his heart: “Could it be possible! This old saint in his woods …
He was a slightly overweight boy but also big and he seemed to fill the room; he
spoke in a loud, cheerful voice. His smile was engaging and I immediately liked
him despite his rather brash manner. At times his speech was quite indistinct.
And when he spoke his words were sad as wails, And strange as stories of an
unknown land, And full of meanings as the sea of moans. At times he was so still
that silence seemed To sentinel his lips; and not a word Would leave his heart;
his …
He never took any kind of precaution, nor did he have any sort of reservation
when he spoke about himself, his past, and his family. At times, it appeared as if
he loved himself more than he loved anyone else. He was raised by his mother,
who …
Gabriel's words to Mary are as true today as when he spoke them in Nazareth: "
For with God nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37). I especially like the
translation of this verse found in the American Standard Version (1901): "For no
word …
In November of the next session he spoke and voted against the attainder of Sir
John Fenwick*. He appears to have become particularly engrossed in the work of
a committee set up on i Dec. to investigate individual cases of arrears of pay …
He spoke of him not as the philosophers had done, as an intellectual principle,
but in terms of earnest affection, as the grand … He spoke of sin as the disease of
man, as an evil of unknown consequence, full of danger and leading to death.
He+spoke He+spoke
… right back,” he spoke in a softer tone. He got in, and opened the passenger
door. “Ohhh Kaaay”, the temptation was too much, she stepped towards the car.
The inviting white seats seemed to exert their own magnetism. Ellen grabbed her
by …
He spoke loudly at this meeting. He told them of his great powers and said that
anyone shooting a deer for survival and food would be forgiven by saying a
prayer at that time. Some hunters shot deer to feed their families, not just for the
sake of …
He spoke of his fear of amputation and how he believed his life was a mess. His
wife of 30 years … He carefully watched my face as he spoke of his disfigurement,
looking to see if I, as a woman, would find his scar repulsive. I carefully …
Third, God spoke to the substance from which the thing was to be created and,
fourth, exactly what He spoke came forth … Thus, when God wanted to make
plants, He spoke to the ground, because that is the material substance from
which He …
He spoke to me the Christian way, as a revelation. Sometimes you have a
prepared sermon, and that's how you train yourself. Sometimes I use a prepared
sermon. But most generally, according to the scripture, He say, “Open your mouth
and …
As he spoke he smiled, the lamplight fell on a hard-looking mouth, with very red
lips and sharp-looking teeth, as white as ivory. One of my companions whispered
to another the line from Bürger's 'Lenore'*:— 'Denn die Todten reiten schnell.
In Abraham he spoke in the form of promises; in Moses, law, history, and signs; in
Isaiah, prophecy.17 In other words, the focus is not on how he spoke to the
prophets, but on how he spoke to the fathers through the prophets. The best …
He spoke about correcting various problems pertaining to productivity and
attendance, and he set goals. (2:363-365, 368-370.) Either in late December
1999 or early January 2000, Hensman spoke to the employees again to discuss
how the …
He+spoke He+spoke
When he spoke, Mr. Nixon spoke as one well versed in the role requirements
imposed upon the New Presidency. Mr. Nixon knew that listeners in South
Dakota felt close to him (psychologically, if not emotionally) because SPEECH
He also said he spoke to Beatrice Wetcher. and they, the Company, was trying to
find an insurance company, but she was on vacation, so when she came back,
he would talk to her. and they would see what they could do. This testimony …
God s. this Amen, H6 V, 2, 396. now we three have spoke it, it skills not greatly
who impugns our doom, H6B III, 1, 280. and more he would have said, and more
he spoke,... that mought not be distinguished, H6C V, 2, 43. every syllable that …
He spoke and all living things were created. He spoke and man appeared in
God's own image. He spoke and the serpent he created was turned into an agent
of the devil. He spoke and the seed of the woman was called to become our …
Opening of valves does not produce any sound. The sounds are caused by
vibrations set up within the walls of the ventricles and major arteries during valve
closure, not by the valves snapping shut. Because the AV valves close at the
onset of …
… of Pipe Service 50 Types of Pipe Materials 50 Chapter 6 Distribution System
Valves 63 Types of Valves 63 Valve Operation and Installation 7 1 Chapter 7
Water Main Installation 77 Pipe Shipment, Unloading, and Stringing 77
Excavation 80 …
… in Europe within 2 years. The acceptability of valves taken from donors who
have died from brain tumours varies widely between heart valve banks with over
80% of banks in United Kingdom, North America and Australasia accepting them, …
With Clinical Perspectives Scott J. Savader, Scott O. Trerotola. Numerous valves
are present from the level of the veins of the lower legs to the level of the external
iliac vein or common iliac vein. These valves function to prevent back- flow of …
… Types of Valves .................................................................................................
....................258 6.14 Hydraulic and Pneumatic System Schematic Symbols.............
.........................................................................260 6.14.1 Fluid Power Systems.
Automatic sprinkler systems equipped with dry-pipe valves, preaction valves, or
deluge valves also must have appropriate waterflow alarms. Each of these types
of valves has a passageway that is uncovered when the clapper of the valve trips …
The heart is made up of valves, the left and right atria (plural atria/ singular atrium
) and the left and right ventricles. Blood vessels, veins and arteries, carry blood to
and from the heart. Valves — the flaps in the heart are called valves. Valves …
Pressure and Flow Control in Pipes Introduction Types of Valves . Isolating
Valves Control Valves . . . . . . . Cavitation in Control Valves . . . . . . . . . Interaction
between Cavitation and Water Hammer Pressures CHAPTER 3 PIPELINE
… 5-6 Valve Actuators 5.24 5-7 Air and Vacuum Valves 5.27 5-8 Materials of
Construction 5.29 5-9 Installation of Valves 5.30 5-10 Corrosion Protection 5.31 5
-11 References 5.31 Chapter 6 Fundamentals of Hydraulic Transients 6.1
Excessive amounts of gum in gasoline often cause trouble, such as sticking of
valves and plugging of fuel passages. Gum is a product of slow oxidation. It is
relatively easy to detect and to eliminate gum that is suspended or dissolved in a
fuel, …
… Structural, Architectural, Civil Engineering, and CIS 787 types of pipe • types of
joints and fittings • types of valves • pipe drawings • dimensioning pipe drawings •
structural drafting • pre-engineered metal buildings • architectural drafting • civil …
Estimate resistance coefficients of valves and fittings. 9. Estimate head loss for
equipment such as heat exchangers, if any. 1 0. Calculate pump head. 11.
Calculate NPSHA. 12. Select pump based on BEP and NPSHR. 13. Calculate
brake …
Other valves are more delicate structures with almost transparent cusps.9 The
number of valves in the greater saphenous vein is at least six, although in some
studies it has ranged from 14 to 25. 7 In most limbs there is a valve in the greater …
… Table 6.7 Capital costs of valves (new construction and replacement)..................
...............64 Table 6.8 Example cost calculation for improvement of valve reliability
.............................64 Table 6.9 Strategies for reducing out-of-service customers …
The different types of valves used in a gas pipeline and their characteristics are
explained. The importance of accurate flow measurement in gas pipeline
transactions is stressed. The codes and standards used to ensure proper design, …
This study of the valve industry reviews the markets, technological trends and
major manufacturers of valves on a worldwide basis. Although an independent
work, it can be seen as complementary to Profile of the International Pump
Industry …
Several different types of valves are used on fire hydrants, fire apparatus,
standpipe and sprinkler systems, and attack hose lines. The important thing to
remember when opening and closing any valve or nozzle is to do it s-l-o-w-l-y so
as to …
Control Valves Different types of valves are discussed in section 5.3. General
Diaphragm Globe Three-way Figure 5.1. Control valves. Diaphragm or
unspecified actuator Rotary motor Digital Solenoid S D M Actuators Figure 5.2.
Emergency operation of valves from ladders should be avoided. If the valve is
horizontally mounted and its spindle is more than 2.1 m above the operating level
, a chain wheel should be provided. A valve should not be mounted in the
inverted …
… corky tubercle 28 Valves with conspicuous marginal teeth at least 1 mm long
29 Teeth of valves hooked or spirally curved at apex 35. nepalensis 29 Teeth of
valves straight or slightly curved 30 Lower leaves not more than 3j times as long
as …
The valves will reduce the pressure required to initially establish the point of
injection and to automatically reestablish the point of injection after a shut-down.
Two types of valves (pressure-operated valves and differential valves) are
commonly …
Pneumatic Valves 112 6.1 Pneumatic Controls 112 6.2 Directional Control
Valves (D.C. Valves) 113 6.3 Basic Construction of Valves 776 6.4 Control 720
6.5 Impulse Valve 727 6.6 Speed Regulators 124 6.7 Quick Exhaust Valve 726
6.8 Time …
Cooling of exhaust valves will prolong the useful life of valves, seats and bushes.
… Rotation of valves during operation will assist in removal of deposits between
seat and landing; it will also ensure an even temperature and wear around the …
Several types of valves are commonly found in homes: globe valves, saddle
valves, shutoff valves, gate valves, and hose bibs. Globe valves (1) have a
curved chamber. Repair leaks around the handle by replacing the packing
V. A. W. Hillier, Peter Coombes. of the way the four-stroke and two-stroke types
work, the principle of induction, compression, ignition and exhaust remain
applicable to both types. Four-stroke and two-stroke cycles are dealt with in later …
… System 464 Pressure Elements 464 Bubbler Tube System 464 Ultrasonic
Level Detector 465 5.3 Valve Selection 466 Purpose 466 Considerations 466
Types of Valves 468 Flow Control Valve Considerations 469 Cavitation
Considerations …
The flow of blood into and out of the cardiac chambers is controlled by a system
of valves that normally permits flow in only one direction. The atrioventricular (AV)
valves are flaplike valves surrounding the orifices between the atria and the …
Postnatal Presentation of Valves In those children in whom antenatal diagnosis
has not been made, valves usually present with a clinical history of a thin stream,
dribbling and dysuria. Children with valves may also present with severe sepsis, …
… on the pressure chart, and there is zero pressure when the tester is opened
during the flow period dry tree a Christmas tree-type of completion of valves,
chokes, and gauges over a flowing well on land or on a dry completion on the
Valves 280-294 20.1 Classification of Valves 280 20.2 Disc Valves and Valve
Seats 280 20.3 Gate Valve 281 20 .4 Globe Valve 281 20.5 Ball Valve 281 20.6
Non-Return Valve ' 285 20.7 Steam Stop Valve 286 20.8 Rams Bottom Safety
Valve …
Matching input and output places in different ways depending on the order of
nets is therefore impossible and we can conclude: Proposition 1. The
composition ⊕ is commutative and associative. Our main consideration are traps
and siphons.
The Indus Irrigation System consists of five main rivers, more than 60,000 km of
earthen canals and main distributaries, four main reservoirs, and 23 barrages,
headworks and siphons, serving 45 canal commands through more than 100,000 …
The calculation of such invariants use the constructions known in Petri Net theory
as traps and siphons [10]. Increasing the knowledge available to the set of
coordinating processes can reduce the number of processes needed for …
Horns and siphons are respectively the means to the ends of ownership of Owl's
dentalia shells and Kawaka's treasure. Here another set of alleged opposites is
invoked: horns come from the land; horns get shells that come from the sea; clam …
Minimal place invariants and siphons do not always help to significantly improve
the efficiency of analysis techniques. Consider the nets shown in Figure 18. For a
fixed number n of transitions, there are 2" minimal place invariants, mapping …
Long-Term Plastic Pipe Stiffness Measured by Conventional and Accelerated
Procedures Chiwan Wayne Hsieh, Chien-Chih Huang, and Jau-Bih Wang Leak
Detection on Wastewater Forcemains and Siphons in North America Using the …
The tunnel and siphons are located between two active faults—the Hayward fault
and the Calaveras fault. Movement on either of these faults during a major
earthquake could seriously damage the tunnel and siphons and disrupt flow to
the …
Robot. Automat., 13, pp. 793–804. [2] Huang, Y. S., Jeng, M. D., Xie, X. L., Chung,
S. L. (2001) Deadlock prevention policy based on Petri nets and siphons.
International Journal of Production Research, 39(2), pp.283-305. [3] J. Ezpeleta,
J. M. …
and+siphons and+siphons
In other words, the above result reveals that the set of minimal p-semiflows
contains strictly a basis of the left annuller space of the incidence matrix C. 4.2
Liveness Characterization and Siphons Traditionally, empty or insufficiently
marked …
This relation between liveness and siphons becomes strong and apparent when
we investigate the practical DES including a variety of resource allocation
systems in a contemporary technological domain. Consequently, the siphon-
based …
6.5 Proof Methods The most prominent formal concepts for Petri net analysis are
place invariants for almost all variants of Petri nets and siphons and traps for
place/transition nets. Perhaps surprisingly, these concepts are of little use for …
These bivalves usually have anterior and posterior adductor muscles, a
eulamellibranch ctenidium, and siphons that direct water into and out of the
mantle cavity. These siphons may be fused together and quite long, allowing
some of these …
and+siphons and+siphons and+siphons
… 264 10.2 Units, 264 10.3 Principles of Water Measurement, 265 10.4 Small
Flows, 266 10.5 Water Measurement of Open-Channel Flows, 267 10.6 Water
Measurement of Pipe Flows, 292 10.7 Water Measurement for Culverts and
Siphons, …
… Part A, 34(1):65–79, 2004. Y. Huang, M. Jeng, X. Xie, and S. Chung. Deadlock
prevention policy based on Petri nets and siphons. International Journal of
Production Research, 39(2):283–305, 2001. International Business Machines
Pumping springwater from channels and siphons Drainage of karst aquifers is
commonly through large channels, caves, and siphons. As mentioned earlier,
ascending vauclusian springs often allow for installation of pumps in the
submerged …
In this section we find the two 'critical spots' with undercuts and siphons. 3. … The
sectionafterisgettingflatuntilthe nextbigrapidbythevillageof Quechualla (about 5
km further down) and there are many, as we saw undercuts and siphons. We are …
… pedals and paddles Pulleys, driving-belts, and chain-drives Crank and
eccentric motion Screws and worms Springs and spring mechanisms Conduits,
pipes and siphons Valves, bellows, pumps and fans Mechanical toys Types of
machines …
NA freshwater bivalves have relatively short siphons (the mantle edges are not
fused to form true siphons in unionoideans and siphons are highly reduced or
absent in some species of Pisidium), thus, they generally are found either just …
On the level bottom, the tips of tentacles and siphons of infaunal animals are
grazed by demersal fish, providing a route for energy transfer from the seabed
back into the pelagic system. Predatory hunters are common among benthic
epifauna …
… England Soft parts 1.5-2.2 DW 37 Digestive gland 3.6 DW 37 Mantle and
siphons 2.1 DW 37 Foot and gonad 1.1 DW 37 Camel estuary, England Soft parts
1.2-1.3 DW 37 Digestive gland 2.9 DW 37 Mantle and siphons 1.4 DW 37 Foot
and …
… terminating in a flat, oval disk bearing siphons; both disk and siphons overlaid
by distinctive plates of tunic; tunic thin, hard, tpugh. The disk plates of the test of C
. productum and its relatives show consistent patterns according to species.
Horns and siphons, thus, are means leading to an end. Of what exactly does this
end consist? The hero or the heroine becomes the first owner of either the
dentalia shells or the treasures belonging to the ogress. Now all the mythological
and …
Hydraulics Aqueducts and siphons According to N. A. F. Smith, the inverted
siphon is an example of the victory of attitudes over evidence; he has
demonstrated the falsehood of the notion that Roman engineers failed to apply
this Greek …
and+siphons and+siphons
… are the minimum you should consider. Get hold of one of the many instruction
manuals that exist in Spanish or French for more definitive coverage. The major
hazards are summarised in the diagram (right). Look out for currents and siphons
Simple pumping appliances and siphons USED IN BUILDING ....... 31 IV. The
structure of matter ; us bearing on the preparation of mortar and concrete ...... 51
V. The porosity of building materials and the prevention of dampness ........ 63 VL …
in suction pumps and siphons could be interpreted as an instance of equilibrium
between the pressure of the water and the pressure of the atmosphere. A
hypothesis is inadequate to the extent that facts exist that the hypothesis cannot
account …
… clearance markers and guideposts 12 Crusher run base 41 Fences 13
Penetration treatment 42 Reinforced concrete pipe culverts and siphons 14 Seal
coats 43 Corrugated metal pipe culverts and siphons 15 Bituminous surface
treatment …
… the same time he gave the impression that the foremost enemy of the Jewish
people is not to be found within the realm of the Roman empire but in that of its
oriental rival power: the Persian/Parthian empire. In later Jewish traditions, we
find …
The charge has also been laid against Abeken that he gave the impression that
Benedetti's demands had been totally rejected, whereas a negative had been
given only to the request for guarantees. It is true that, as a result of Benedetti's …
He gave the impression of a party leader under great pressure, expressing
concern about criticism coming both from within and outside the party ranks. He
relentlessly attacked opponents who wanted to exclude the BSP from power, …
As the new officer took his place before the Hq. Platoon, he gave the impression
of utter and complete resignation. To look at him one would think that the war had
been hopelessly lost. He gave the appearance of having no hope, or perhaps it …
8 Der amerikanische Beobachter schrieb über Ebert: „He gave the impression of
an honest and simple man with the best of intentions to build up the nation." Auch
der Kommentar über Noske verrät, daß es Dresel in erster Linie um …
When seen relaxing with his friends, he gave the impression of being
unambitious and easy-going. However, when he was seen at his work site,
energetically running agricultural machinery or skillfully riding a tractor, pulling a
four-wheeled …
The man gave his name as Nkonde and he gave the impression that he was a
member of the Party. 'What business do you want to talk about?' asked Harry. 'We
can talk,' was his only reply. Harry agreed to meet him in the office that afternoon.
… apart from his poetic gifts he gave the impression of a definite individual with
strongly personal characteristics ... I always found it enchanting to talk to him; he
gave off a kind of electric current.386 There are so many different aspects to …
To me, he gave the impression of repeating something he had apparently
forgotten. As if a number and its association had been subconscious, and
brought to the surface by the psychologist; as if, for instance, some one prompted
a-b, and the …
From the wide-brimmed hat to the polished boots he gave the impression of a
man who knew his business and was very well able to handle whatever might
come his way. Sticking his hand out, Yancy looked down at the man. "Mr.
Turnbull, my …
His first language was French, and he gave the impression that his
understanding of English was minimal. Later, it became apparent he spoke
English better than he'd let on. Regardless of whether it was natural because of
the circumstances, …
He gave the impression of one who follows willingly but yet hesitates to probe
into the mysteries around him. His willing following caused us an uneasy moment
in the second song, where he appeared to fear for a moment that the syncopated …
In fast jedem Roman wird er wie folgt beschrieben: He was a big man, but not a
heavy one. He gave the impression of great power, but the power was not a
meaty one. It was, instead, a fineboned muscular power. He wore his brown hair
But by giving half the story about the stand by battalions he gave the impression
that he was in one of them and served in these operations whereas in fact he
never left Hampshire. Although, to be fair, I believe that he did do one three year
tour …
By sitting at the foot of the bed without permission, he gave the impression that
either Mrs. Fisher was unable to give permission or that her wishes were
unimportant. The good news that the patient was stable was spoken without any
indication …
Though he was merely standing there he gave the impression of quickness, and
though he had barely spoken he gave the impression of wit. He stood straight, his
shallow chest extended, and rubbed the knuckle of his ring finger, as if he had …
Even when he gave the impression, as he did to Lord Vansittart, of a man who '
took such obvious pleasure in his own company' that he was 'reminiscent of a
boxer in a flashy dressing-gown shaking hands with himself', he managed to give …
Micklem proceeds from the idea that Jesus had a remarkably firm grasp of human
character and that He gave the impression of being a really sympathetic and
authoritative man. 1 Micklem is fully alive to the remarkable cures at Boston and …
He claimed to have many friends, yet he gave the impression of being isolated. It
is difficult to specify where this impression derives from but a number of factors
suggesting this have emerged. He described himselfas a 'loner' in childhood.
He gave the impression that he was playing chess and knew what moves to
make, while some other colleagues (and perhaps I, from time to time) gave the
impression we were playing football and were scrambling sometimes to fill holes
in the …
In carefully worded letters to his worried father he gave the impression that things
were not as bad as press reports made … described as 'a splendid fellow', and he
gave the impression that it was all a rather exciting, Boy's Own adventure.
Micklem proceeds from the idea that Jesus had a remarkably firm grasp of human
character and that He gave the impression of being a really sympathetic and
authoritative man. 1 Micklem is fully alive to the remarkable cures at Boston and …
He gave the impression of "plain living and high thinking," of peace and goodwill
to men, of success; in short, unqualified if not tremendous, in any enterprise of
scholarship or of philanthropy to which he might devote himself. For nearly twenty …
He+gave+the+impression He+gave+the+impression
He gave the impression of being a pretty sly old fellow & really didn't look as if he
could have written those great speeches.2 I didn't have time to tell him I was
related to George though I wanted to.3 We told him we should like very much to
see …
He gave the impression of unusual physical strength. One always immediately
felt at ease with him, certain beforehand of his sincerity and his loyalty.” He also
evaluated Lie's influence on mathematics: “Posterity will see in him only the
genius …
E.L.: He gave the impression of being somewhat pat, despite his emphasis on
research. He had finished the research of his research, this would be much more
exact to say. Certainly he believed that phenomenological research had just …
He laid great stress on punctuality. He gave the impression of being a normal
and complete person. He gave no impression in any way of being sick or
exceptional. It was also totally foreign to him to strive after any effect. As he
constantly lived …
Contrary to what one might expect, "knowing" is not a matter of knowing a lot of
facts about a patient. Most patients have long case records, but when staff seek to
get to know a patient, they seldom read them, or they read a part, only to forget it …
Best and worst history topics Best topic: at (date): Advantages of knowing a lot:
Still need to learn: Worst topic: at (date): Key points to research: Advantages of
knowing little: Figure 2.3 Best and worst history topics The analysis of change …
He had no way of knowing a lot of things about Twyla these days. I noticed he
didn't seem unhappy to see that floozy of a nurse walk in, though. She tried to
banish the thought as she glanced down at her nail. She'd filed it down too far on
one …
They informed him: most were told he would “take” the group; some that he had a
reputation of knowing a lot about groups; some that he would lecture. That
enactment was later termed brainstorming in the group dynamics movement, …
It made me wonder how long I would be at 3660 Franklin. I had no way of
knowing. I had no way of knowing a lot of things now. Everything was new and for
the first time. On the other hand, I never felt so in control over what I would do
… father to grow up and be an independent man, yet being punished when you
think a little too independently from his worldview and critique his sacred
perspectives. And, don't forget the dichotomy of knowing a lot, yet really knowing
very …
She had the reputation of knowing a lot about the Bible, being close to God and
praying lot. She apparently told them that she did not know what these lights
were. But, that it may or may not be the end of the world. One thing for sure, they
had …
… impression of knowing a lot, who do you think is the wisest?' I had to say that
the wisest one was the one who didn't give the impression of knowing more than
he did. 'So you've got the point. This is exactly what made Socrates a philosopher …
She is popular, she explains, by virtue of knowing a lot of people, being well liked
, and involved in a lot of school activities. She is a member of the school council,
chair of the Conflict Resolution Club, and overall coordinator for all the club …
… pure reason, and by which we can at little expense be spared a great dogmatic
jumble, so as to put in its place a sober critique that, as a true cathartic, will luckily
purge us of delusion along with its attendant, viz., the attitude of knowing a lot.
According to Pollock's later recollections, during their ensuing relationship he
would often consult the two of them for advice.25 Horkheimer recalls that Weil
was interested “because we had the reputation of knowing a lot about Marx and …
Sign Figure 11.2 Example II of a signifier/signified pairing an origin of knowing
little to an end point of knowing a lot more. The most difficult component of
inductive research in semiotic analysis is getting to know the grammar and its
sometimes …
I shared the tables of the king of Spain, and the queen of England, I still don't
make a case of knowing a lot about how many spoons I am required to use. I get
a couple of them dirty. I discuss, I sign contracts, and I get back home. Nobody
ever …
Unfortunately, marriage ended up in the category of knowing a lot, but obviously
not enough. There are a few things though that I consider myself very
knowledgeable about—sports, the Bible, chiropractic, and math. But that's about
Without being too unkind this put him in a position of knowing a lot about nothing.
During the latter half of my first year there was general discontent in the factory
over wages. Meredith went to the management to ask for a wage increase.
We are in the embarrassing position of knowing a lot about the neuroanatomy of
the macaque monkey while having only a very limited amount of similar
information about the human brain. Similarly, the most powerful
neurophysiological …
based purely on my experience of knowing a lot of couples in their thirties with
young children and having no sex. At the root of it is usually resentment on the
part …
Febvre's whole effort is to achieve the opposite by honoring the differences and
spelling them out. Behaving like a historian may be less a matter of knowing a lot
than having a certain attitude. What Febvre is saying is, "Watch out. Be a skeptic.
… experience in the one research field was combined with relative ignorance in
the other field. This gave rise to two ideas. First, that other researchers very
probably shared our fate of knowing a lot about reading disorders but only little
about …
Several students note that the school's curriculum requirements help students
develop a valuable generalist's perspective; "Instead of knowing a lot about
something, I now know something about everything. That is Allegheny summed
up to …
The presenter is usually in the situation of knowing a lot more about the subject
than many of the people in the audience. Find out about your audience. What is
their level of knowledge likely to be? How many are likely to be there? The
smaller …
Second prong – Reorganise your workload This is anecdotal, based purely on
my experience of knowing a lot of couples in their thirties with young children and
having no sex. At the root of it is usually resentment on the part of one partner …
… same time as Cubism and Princet. cabanne: Princet was a fake mathematician
— he too practiced irony duchamp: Exactly. We weren't mathematicians at all, but
we really did believe in Princet. He gave the illusion of knowing a lot of things.
Subsequent reactions by the British were pretty ambiguous. A military expert said
that sending atomic submarines of the hunter-killer type to that region would have
been reasonable. The Daily Telegraph gave the impression of knowing a lot
When the text being read builds on students' interests and knowledge, the
combination of knowing a lot about the topic and being able to talk with others
about this knowledge supports literacy. A systematic way of determining what
topics or …
He was quiet about it, too; he was not particularly proud of knowing a lot, but was
rather a little embarrassed that everyone else did not know so much as he did.
McCormick often found it a pleasure to sit and drink coffee with him at the little …
In spite of knowing a lot, they are foolish. Knowledge makes them arrogant. They
delight in putting down students who question them, or they get so caught up in
theories that they overlook people. Manipulators cut themselves off not only from …
Maybe she was psychic, she had a weird way of knowing a lot more than she
reasonably should. Every time he had sniffed around a female colleague she
seemed to know he was after pussy. Twice when he had come back to his desk
after …
about life
in general
After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour
… steps, at the edge of the impressive, deep-cut Barranco Madre del Agua. lt runs
along beside an old water channel and after a quarter of an hour meets a broad
camino coming up from a forest road which you now continue to follow uphill.
After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour After+a+quarter+of+an+hour
After a quarter of an hour I went to look again, and lo! by this time two overblown
swollen protuberances had formed themselves, the two potlids had been heaved
on high like the first, and once more all the water had mysteriously disappeared.
… gripped by each medium with one hand. A short curtain was hung on either
side and an opaque blind was drawn over the canvases. With the light streaming
from behind the canvases were translucent. After a quarter of an hour the outlines …
been able to create an infinite stone within a mere hour: it was sufficient for Him
to start with a one kilogram stone and add half a kilogram after half an hour,
another kilogram after a quarter of an hour and so on. Giovanni Buridano was not …
At the time of his discharge 14 years later, his diagnosis was the same except for
the word "improved," being added. While incarcerated at Matteawan, Whitree
was assaulted on a number of occasions by hospital employees and other
inmates; …
The trial court did not allow the psychiatrist to disclose to the jury that one basis
for his diagnosis was the contents of medical reports from the Army and
California prison that he had read. The doctor was only allowed to state that he
had utilized …
His diagnosis was the same. The next night, the devastated father took his little
girl for a walk to begin the heartbreaking process of informing her she was going
blind. “Sweetie, you know those dream lights you have when you close your eyes …
His diagnosis was the reason we fled Indiana to pursue help and services in
another state. His diagnosis was the reason my husband quit a successful
neurosurgery practice in order to research a cure for autism. It was the reason I
stopped …
The church members saw the progressive deterioration even though they had
taken him to the doctors and his diagnosis was the same. Knowing they needed
Danville's participation on the mission trip just days away, they knew there was …
His diagnosis was the same as what the school had determined, Andrew was
developmentally-delayed and would eventually catch up. Besides having
difficulty with gross motor skills, he had problems with holding a pencil and tying
his shoes …
"Dr. Richardson came and his diagnosis was the same as Dr. Smith's. I heard our
father say, 'Now, Dr. Richardson, I would like you to tell me my condition and
what my future is. What chance I have of living. If I can't live, I would like for you to …
his diagnosis was the same. "I'm very sorry, but there's simply nothing we can
do." I simply couldn't accept what he was saying, and aggressively pressed him
to explain what it was that caused leukemia. "Specifically in your mother's case, …
Each time, his diagnosis was the same. 'PUO,' he would conclude, 'Pyrexia of
Unknown Origin.' 'There is no real remedy,' he explained. 'Just make sure he is
comfortable, get him some hot soup.' Devi would nod, her eyes fixed on Devanna
, …
The family meeting went much better this time. They had done some testing on
Robert and had decided to change his medication. His diagnosis was the same
as before, attention deficit and anxiety. They were pretty confident that he was not …
Although the conclusion that Sartorius derived from his diagnosis did not remain
valid for very long— the process of emancipation was not halted but for a short
period— his diagnosis was the fruit of his realistic consideration of his own time …
In the First Discourse, his diagnosis was the same, but at that early point he
hoped his analysis of the fate of the wise was only a "prediction" and would not
be his "own experience" (Masters 1964:53). Yet the suspicion that social
judgments …
… to realize that our grief about his diagnosis was the feeling of loss about our
plans and our ambitions for him. We now have new plans and new ambitions for
him. We have hope. Campion Quinn, MD PARTI The Basics What is autism?
He gave Shuqin a thorough examination, and his diagnosis was the same as
Hielugao's. The doctor hooked Shuqin up to an IV drip after the examination.
Hielugao let me stay with Shuqin in the hospital, and he and the others went back
to the …
At last he was satisfied that his diagnosis was the correct one and due to feeling
much better, James emerged from the room with him. They found the others
waiting anxiously on the upper deck. “James! You shouldn't be out of bed!” Dawn …
… the doctor from over at Crab Orchard, She knew her methods were old and
perhaps the doc had some powerful new medicines. Doc Frantiq, (pronounced
Frank) came to see Avenal but his diagnosis was the same as Tisily s, Scrofula of
the …
As this came early, at a time when I was still trying to answer at least the longer
epistles, I wrote to him in an ironic mood that his diagnosis was the more
probable as it evidently runs in the family, considering that Frederick the Great,
his …
… in food and in the weather. Lily was reassured — until the day she crossed the
street in a hurry, and the vertigo threw her onto the pavement in the middle of the
street, and she could not get up. She saw another doctor. His diagnosis was the
When I asked him to review the first draft of my book, his diagnosis was the
following: “I love the theory and I am amazed that you have found a way to merge
the best of marketing thinking with the best of sales thinking.” That was the good …
In the supply of its necessary wants it is not raised one degree above that of the
savages of Otaheite.2 Homer's view was unambiguous: the Highlanders were
poor because the landlords were oppressive. Underlying his diagnosis was the
Dr …
I can choose to have an effect on my life. ron: The time I spent with my lover after
his diagnosis was the most significant period of my life. Our relationship
deepened enormously, and we gave each other so much. I opened up to him, to
my …
The use of the word in diagnosis Although of lesser importance, another
expedient which Galen valued in making his diagnosis was the word, which he
used in two different ways: on the one hand, questioning the patient or his
relatives about …
following :
He could repair a loss of dignity by showing his victim honor.161 He could repair
harm to reputation by trying to restore the esteem in which the offended party was
held.162 The late scholastics described how harm to honor and reputation …
He acted as if he could repair the car himself. 8. Soviel Geld hatte er für den
Fernsehapparat nicht ausgeben müssen. a. She ought to have gotten her
vaccination ('had herself vaccinated' ) earlier than this. b. He certainly should
have seen the …
… instruments: he could repair guns; he was a good electrician. So he was
essentially the town repair-person, and for that reason, I think, he had a different
place in the community than he might otherwise have had. He was known
throughout …
At the next meeting, he was asked if he could repair the pipes. There was no
discussion at the meetings of the hotel's finances, marketing or renovations. At
the meetings, Park was given instructions, including an order to repair wallpaper.
During the examination, the doctor found a small aneurysm in Grandma's eye
and said he could repair it with the Laser. While we were waiting for the treatment
, Mother commented how impressed she was with the doctor and said she
thought …
He maintained that one could repair a TV set if one knew how it worked, so Owen
must be a genius as he could repair them not knowing how they worked. Owen's
wife was a Catholic and I think they viewed my religious beliefs with scepticism.
Paul wanted to see the rake and then he would know what to do or if he could
repair it. They went back to Web's farm. Paul said he could repair it but his tools
were all back at his farm. This time they hitched up Kate and the rake and took
the …
He could repair the entire line in less than forty days if he had this material.
Besides the railroad destruction, Leonidas Polk re- ported that sixty miles of
telegraph wires and poles had been destroyed. The Confederates could repair
these as …
Bernie then asked Dom Joseph if he could ask the Procurator—the monk in
charge of the monastic economy—for some putty so that he could repair his
windows. The brothers did all the repair work, but nonetheless, Dom Joseph was …
he+could+repair he+could+repair he+could+repair
he knew he'd have a fight with monitors, either off charleston or at Port royal, and
knew the Atlanta might sustain battle damage. if so, he wanted to run up the
savannah river to a protected refuge where he could repair the vessel. The north …
He could not only shoot, he could repair anything from a 22 caliber pistol to an 8
inch deck gun. If need be, he could build a gun or a bomb from scratch. His
personal preference in firearms was the Browning model M-2 fifty caliber heavy …
VISION WALK assess the damage to the wall before he could repair it. In order to
make his assessment, he took a walk to examine the wall for himself. ACTION—
Ask a student to read Nehemiah 2:11–13:“Three days after my arrival at …
RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS BROTHER. you?' then you are to say, 'They belong to
your servant Jacob. They are a gift sent to my lord Esau, and he is coming behind
he+could+repair he+could+repair he+could+repair he+could+repair he+could+repair he+could+repair
He could repair harness and tack, and did some outside work for the neighbors.
He, too, rarely communicated with his family in Ireland. Both were fiercely
independent and extremely loyal to our family. They considered themselves part
of our …
Returning the reports to the folder and the day planner to Jillian's briefcase, he
wondered if he could repair the damage he'd done to their relationship. How did
he ask her to forgive him when he wasn't even sure if he could forgive himself?
He said that he could repair it by himself. I didn't think he'd be able to carry that
heavy piece ofjunk, but he was persistent. Walked out with bent knees, cursing
like a mad rapper, but he carried it all by himself.” They laughed out loud again.
I asked him if he thought he could repair the one radio using the spare parts from
the other two. He thought that he could and I told him that I needed the radio right
now. He changed out a tube and told me that he had it working. I called in an …
He knew he had the strength and courage to rebuild his lodge, and he had a
purpose. Ifhe could repair his house, perhaps he could repair himself.” Speaks
Truth went on. “Mankind's collective psyche needs a sense of astonishment,
ofmystery …
… marcus, so he decided to let the matter rest. Possibly, when he saw his father
again, he would ask him for some gum arabic, so that he could repair it. he wiped
away the tears and walked around the lime pit very slowly to give himself time to …
The machinery that operated the bridge was smashed and there was no way that
he could repair it. If the Federation was sending an attack force into the tunnels
tonight – and Morgan had to assume they were – then the bridge could not be …
He thought that with a little more effort he could repair it, gathering dust from the
air around it and healing the carved stone. He did neither; instead, he drew the
power to him, reached out into the web, into the power matrix, and found the lines …
If he rang the school, he could arrange the care for Emmy anyway and then he
could go home alone. He could find Alice and see how much of the damage—if
any—he could repair. Peter was nodding. 'When you see her,' he said, 'please.
Did Hemingway secretly wish, like David Bourne, that he could do a sort of Rodin
on Ovid by incorporating Picasso's portrait of a Hemingway wife into his own
narrative? In the original Hemingway manuscript Hemingway's views on …
… 144 Troubleshooting 144 Results 146 Conclusion 146 Editorial Comment 146
References 147 11 Primary and Secondary Anal Sphincter Repair 149 Abdul H.
Sultan Definition 149 Methods of Repair 149 Primary Anal Sphincter Repair 150 …
00001 Cost of repair: Date: Repair voucher: (COUNTRY OF ORIGIN) No. 00001:
(Organisation responsible for supplying appliances to military and civilian
Coupon No. 1 war-disabled) Repair voucher: (COUNTRY OF ORIGIN) No. 00001
: …
… 284 Loss of Radiolabeled Thymine-Containing Pyrimidine Dimers from DNA
284 Loss of Sites in DNA Sensitive to Pyrimidine Dimer- Specific Enzymes 284
Ligation-Mediated PCR 284 Measurement of Repair Synthesis in DNA 285
Kinetics …
The stages of repair can be categorized into three phases: inflammation, repair,
and remodeling. During the inflammatory phase, the white blood cells/
macrophages destroy cellular debris, synthesize fibronectin, and produce protein
and fiber.
Tympanic and Mastoid Segment Repair Interpositional grafting is usually the
most practical method of repair in the tympanic and mastoid segments. Figure
140.9 demonstrates the use of the facial canal to stent an anastomosis. One or
two …
Section 3 covers minor repairs — the kinds of repair tasks that can be done by a
novice or trainee. Section 4 explains major body/frame repairs, including topics
such as vehicle frame damage measurement and repair. Section 5 summarizes …
In addition, a variety of repair techniques using autogenous tissue are described
and referenced at the end. The wide variety of techniques available attests to
difficulties with recurrence after the most meticulous repair. Laparoscopic ventral …
The number of half-times of repair will give an approximate guide as to the
completeness of repair. For an implant that delivers a dose of 50 Gy in 100 hours
(the dose rate then is 0.5 Gy per hour), after the first hour of exposure there will
be 99 …
It is encouraging to see that there is now an irreversible wave of enthusiasm from
professionals and public alike which has resulted in more information becoming
available on older houses, their basic composition and on methods of repair
… Evaluation 174 chapter 9 Positive politeness apology strategies 179 9.1
Definition 179 9.2 Offer of repair 180 9.2.1 Distribution across languages 181 9.2.
2 Linguistic realisations 182 9.2.3 Offers of repair across scenarios 188 9.3
Promise of …
… are for providing effective repair • repair material - what different types of
material are available for carrying out repairs • design and detailing of effective
repairs - the need to specify adequately the nature and form of repair works -
materials, …
The common feature of repair processes is the ability to remove and replace
damaged segments of DNA. Therefore, if a DNA lesion induced by a mutagen
can be repaired prior to fixation or stabilization, the net effect of the DNA insult
may be …
Extensive documentation of new biomaterials is followed by adjuncts to surgery,
techniques of repair, plastic surgery, emergencies, and pediatrics. The female
hernia patient is followed by the elderly, incidental pathology, sports injuries, and …
The temporal relationship of repair stages and cellular infiltrates into the wound.
Overlap occurs between the stages, and the beginning and endpoints are
approximate. macrophages and the local extracellular matrix (ECM] release
growth …
Basic Science of the Shoulder Ligaments Louis J. Soslowsky and Jeffrey S.
Cartmell ...............................................107 PART III. CURRENT CLINICAL STATUS
6. History of Cruciate Ligament Repair: Development of Repair and
Reconstruction …
Significant sophistication of repair techniques, coupled with the experience of
arthroscopists, quickly made arthroscopic meniscus repair less hazardous. In the
earliest efforts at meniscus repair, sutures were often tied over an external bolster
… types of deformations, distortions, nicks, cracks and gouges, more serious
defects commonly as- sociated with each, anomalies that may preclude certain
types of repair, and how each can influence the long-term performance of the
… from smoother interior joint surfaces versus those of screwed fittings from
turbulence reduction, Figure 3-5 • Ease of repair • Higher strength, vibration
resistance, more leak-resistant than threaded joints • Easier to apply insulation
with bumps …
(It should therefore be noted that even the no-threshold concept may not be
applicable to all genotoxic carcinogens, due to the existence of repair
mechanisms and other factors that reduce or eliminate responses at low
exposure levels.) …
… the Dark-Repair System 167 REPAIR OF THYMINE DIMERS 169 Excision
Repair 169 Recombinational Repair 170 SOS Repair 172 Regulation of the SOS
Response 172 Overview of Repair Systems 1 75 WHY DO DAMAGED CELLS
This kind of repair strategy (i.e., what-huh-pardon) is called a nonspecific as
opposed to a specific repair strategy. When using a specific repair strategy, the
person with hearing loss often provides explicit instruction to the communication …
… concrete 58 R.T.L.AllenS.C.Edwards 5.1 Purpose of repair 58 5.2 Classification
and diagnosis 59 5.3 No further movement expected 59 5.3.1 Cement grout 60
5.3.2 Polymer sealing, without applied pressure 60 5.3.3 Polymer injection viii.
Controlled compression forces applied daily can reduce the time required for
healing and can enhance the mechanical stability of repair tissue. The success of
a postoperative regimen requiring a specified amount and duration of force …
The Art and the Science Kenneth L. Knight, David O. Draper. 6 The Healing
Process 86 The Repair of Injured Tissue 87 The Phases of Repair 87 Healing
Modifiers 89 Review Questions 94 …
McClelland and Maffulli23 described a percutaneous technique of repair of
ruptured Achilles tendons similar to that described by Webb and Bannister, but
using a Kessler-type suture. We now perform percutaneous repair of Achilles
tendon …
The body-s two basic methods of repair involve healing by regeneration. and
fibrous counective tissne repair or scar … Regeneration is the better type of repair
as it usually leads to restoration of normal function while fibrous counective tissne …
that would come to fifty euros
no more
But in selling the reversion, they say to the lessee, you shall pay us such a price
that you shall make less interest of your money by the purchase than you would if
you laid it out in the purchase of an estate in fee. If you can make 3 J per cent.
But it would be less ? \Ve maintain that Cowra is a shorter distance. 3695. Is that
the only other reason-that it would be shorter ? Yes. 3696. “That is the reason that
you and other witnesses from Condobolin have come here specially to give …
But it would be less likely for the individual to set out to find God – and certainly
unthinkable that deep spi- rituality could be found by following a set of
prespecified guidelines 22 or steps.« Es ist nicht klar, wohin diese Suche im
Einzelfall …
Computer voting might be far more accurate but it would be less transparent, and
I'm not sure that's a good trade. Every programmer knows not to fix what isn't
broken. Every programmer also knows that software is hard to get right and prone …
If I went with my mother you would say you needed to do that, but it would be less
wise, but you would absolutely appreciate me for doing my own thing. In kinship
terms, the relationship of working together can be likened to that between …
In the words 'So saying did great Odysseus' Mr Stone calls -ing with the following
d a long syllable: to call it short would not be quite true, but it would be less
remote from the truth. He says on p. 47 ' It is tempting to scan or short, but when
we …
But it would be less embarrassing if you got more signals like about more or less
when to stop. I think girls online are more communicative. And online, he adds, "I
am able to talk with a girl all afternoon — and not even try anything [sexual] and …
… between the miseries of the slaves and the pleasures of the slave-owners
much greater, then the society might have the same total utility as mine (that is,
greater than that of the free society with which I compare it), but it would be less
To marry her was a risk, but it would be less hard on him than to be separated
from her. Popping into his mind from Greek mythology was Ulysses who needed
to be tied with rope while on a ship to prevent him from joining the Sirens, a
group …
This would be more formal than the type of meeting held pursuant to rule 33.6;
but it would be less formal, and therefore less adversarial, than the pre-trial
hearing we considered in Part 5, at which the judge would need to rule on the
question …
Yes, it would still be possible, given the unpredictability of religious responses to
any event, but it would be less likely to become the dominant interpretation. After
all, a would-be Messiah who prophesies inaccurately is less likely to be seen as …
Then the next year, on January 1, 2010, your interest would be transferred into
your income account again, but it would be less than last year because the
balance in your capital account would be lower after your withdrawals over the
last …
Giuseppe: Less so. Tallie: Not that I would be excited about it, but it would be less
of a waste of my time. Interestingly, basing reading comprehension and writing
questions on a gaming text was felt to be inauthentic to the educational project by …
Hyperthyroidism is also a possibility, but it would be less episodic and would
manifest persistent metabolic, cardiac, and hyperadrenergic features. Hy-
poglycemia can cause adrenergic discharge as a counter-regulatory mechanism
that …
It would certainly convert the balance sheet into a true statement of the
company's economic net worth, which some accountants would regard as the
Holy Grail. But it would be less obvious how to present the movements between
one balance …
But+it+would+be+less But+it+would+be+less
Once again, there may be a number of different ways in which resistance to
disease or injury could be expressed in the phenotype, but it would be less
plausible, in this case, to construe them as involving some form of reduced
… in a fever and be readily understood,56 but it would be less than illuminating to
say that a cabbage is in a fever. As Robert of Melun puts it: 'The mystical
signification is assigned by all the doctors of Holy Scripture to things and not to
An HSV correction scheme could be as fast (using LUTs), but it would be less per
- formant, as illustrated by fig. 6. A color correction scheme based on [5] would be
of equal performance, as illustrated on examples by fig. 4 and 5. It could deal …
But+it+would+be+less But+it+would+be+less But+it+would+be+less But+it+would+be+less But+it+would+be+less
This second book would seek to address the issues in an intellectually serious
manner, but it would be less full of scholarly detail than its parent volume. Since I
like that kind of task, I volunteered to undertake this piece of writing and I was …
But it would be less than honest to ignore the fact that the problems are also
rooted in disagreement about how to tackle the complicated and interconnected
forces generating forced migration. This is most evident in the area of protecting
and …
than a genuine repair job
… yet; only a makeshift one in here, but Adam says we'll be able to build one on
someday soon. During the summer we cook out here, and in the wintertime, we
sometimes use the heat stove for cooking." Martha led Abigail to a small building …
This lack of safety and privacy, the women agreed, prevented the shelter from
being a home, even if only a makeshift one. Basically, they related to it as an
unusually durable, safe, and comfortable stairway, a temporary place to sleep
that …
… area, and hurried down the corridor to his room. He suspected his room had
once been some kind of storage closet. There was barely space for his bed.
There was no replicator, no real bathroom—only a makeshift one with an old and …
But it seems useful to correct and complete the picture. This division of the
presentation according to geographical areas is only a makeshift one to make
references to sources easier. It obliges me to take up the same themes and motifs
several …
He had gotten me all the way to the alter, if only a makeshift one in the living
room of a small town Justice of the Peace. But it still, it would be a legal marriage
and when it was over I would be his wife. JEANNE CARMEN 78.
They would first be granted permission to establish themselves in an area, after
which they were able to build their own house, at first only a makeshift one, but as
they added a garden and then a cattle enclosure their property soon became …
… (1980) distinguishes two varieties of scepticism concerning the usefulness of
brain research for our understanding of how the mind-brain works: "boggled" and
"principled" scepticism. Presumably this distinction is only a makeshift one
There was no replicator, no real bathroom-only a makeshift one with an old and
malfunctioning sonic shower-and no porthole. Still, it was personal space, which
was greatly lacking for Bajorans 50 Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine Kathryn …
Many of the old pubic squares, such as that of nidenné, which had no mosque or
which had only a makeshift one, now have beautiful new concrete mosques.70
smaller in scale but equally elaborate in architectural detail is a mosquée du …
… 1967 that the Economic Commission should be bypassed in favour of a direct
move to examine economic cooperation. As the Secretary-General's Report
indicates, this move is only a makeshift one which presents two major problems.
Perhaps that would do the trick, but want I'm referring to is having something in
humanity itself that inspires an absolute raison d'être” “You're talking about
having something to love, but not just a pet but something human, like children or …
… one, that would do the trick. On the other hand, if a divine entity only seems to
appear to one, or only seems to speak to one, that would not do the trick. The
problem is to distinguish between THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORIOGRAPHY
She saw an item and wonder if that would do the trick for Matt She was looking
forward to the day when the cold wouldn't make him sneeze all day long. That
day would be coming soon for Sabrina. Nonelaboration Sabrina's son Matt had
been …
She was sure that that would do the trick and gain Frank's confidence. However
that would only be the beginning. It would be necessary for Frank to agree to
secrecy as well, because Mary's department had to be protected. That would be
the …
They would be lured back to the palace. And it is only the return of Ngobefuo and
the others to Small Monje, unharmed, that would do the trick. That way, even
though they still resisted the Government's decision, it should be easier to
persuade …
Q14 Mr Love: The CBI said, "Give us a little more," in their submission to us, that if
we boosted the tax credit that would do the trick. I assume that you agree with
Bridget that perhaps that is not as critically important as other things. If I can ask …
"I agree, that would do the trick," Dave said, "but who really wants to code 365
variable declaration statements, plus the 365 assignment statements to store the
value of the variable. Plus, the calculation for the yearly average would require
that …
He was finally going to pay for what he did to Matt Fancher. He hoped it would be
enough. "To tell you the truth, Lot, Id just as soon wait a little longer." P.K. figured
that would do the trick, and he was right. "Sorry, Bishop, but I got things ta do.
Which means each of you has to find savings of 150kg. If three times a week you
each walk or cycle journeys of under two miles (which, statistically, are a quarter
of all journeys) that would do the trick. SAVE ENERGY AT HOME Heating is the …
that+would+do+the+trick that+would+do+the+trick
Deilo knew of such a thing that would do the trick, so he walks to the refrigerator
and he reaches on top for a box he had up there. He made a late night trip to his
favorite liquor store yesterday. He pulls the brown, 8X8 inch box and carries it to …
Yes that would do the trick. Smiling he was pleased with his decision; he then
returns to his rooms and looks at them empty without her. Yells for the servants, “
Strip this room and clean it down,” then go to the East Wing and open it for your
new …
That would do the trick, Mike. That would do it.” And he imagined that if Adriana
and Mike were right, and they usually were, they would end up having to do it. “
How many Shivas do we have left in the holds?” Jai asked. “Enough,” Mike said.
I bet that would do the trick. I remember when my sister's would get gum in their
hair, mom used peanut butter to take it out.” “Oh, you've got sisters, huh?” “Yeah,
two of them,” he said dolefully. “Typical family life, huh?” “As in?” “Brothers never …
Not just a ready-made one, though, for that would be too prosaic. Better to have a
curtain custom made, with a full snowflake cherry blossom pattern in several
shades of pink and white on a pale green background. That would do the trick.
You would think that people in the same profession (psychotherapy) would all be
able to talk shop with one another, and that if you found another therapist with
whom you were reasonably compatible personally, that would do the trick.
And of course, being Monk's sister, she was perfectly capable of fudging together
some kind of hex that would do the trick. Of course the fact they'd be breaking
quite a few ironclad rules along the way didn't perturb her. Just like Monk, she
had …
It seems to me that there are no other categorial relations that would do the trick,
so instances of the property of being identical to Jenny and the property of eing
caused by Jenny are not necessarily connected by categorial relations.12 We are …
He would let some air out of the tires and that would do the trick. “Easy,” Manolo
said. Easy, Johnny thought, momentarily feeling sorry for himself. Nothing had
ever been easy for him. Suddenly he sensed someone next to him, and when he …
That would do the trick just as well. Of course, either of those scenarios means
that I don't get to fuck her again. That would suck. Whereas if I just wait for her like
a good boy it's very likely that she'll suck. I really hope that her parents aren't …
Find ourselves a good-looking Delphia, well-endowed, with nice big tentacles
and go jump on it.” “That wouldn't be a bad idea. That would do the trick.” “What
happens if the process later reverses itself? You don't really know whether this is …
that+would+do+the+trick that+would+do+the+trick
Later on, she would be told to climb a high wall and jump down, and that would
do the trick (Vickery). One assumes that the second part of the treatment would
have been the only operative one, yet the plant appears in a list of abortifacients …
Perhaps there would be some sort of paper clip that would do the trick; there was
a writing bureau in one corner of the room and that would be an obviousplace for
such a thing. Moving quickly, he crossed the room, opened the top drawer of …
Find out the inspector's first question that would do the trick. Then comment upon
this form of questioning. (Forget the legalities involved. Just stick to the logic of it.)
*4.8 A and B are two mathematicians. A third person, C, selects two (not …
If it is the notion of a practice that does the work, can we not form a conception of
the practice of an individual that would do the trick?34 But if one is tempted by
this thought, one must. 33. See, e.g., PI §$258, 265, 270. See Anthony Kenny, "
The …
In fact, there are many schedules that would do the trick. Figure 7.2 illustrates two
such schedules. The curves OCC and OC'C both coincide with the horizontal axis
for some range of policies. This means that no contributions are offered unless …
The shaking thankfully was slowly getting less intense. Once it was almost not
moving I dropped it to the ground. “I am never touching that thing again even if I
am being bullied,” I said huffily. “If only we had a diamond, that would do the trick.
After a few months due to heavy losses both of them doubled their respective
investments for a few months and later withdrew the extra investments. Finally, at
the end of the year Sumati received a profit share of Rs. 12,000 out of the total
profit …
It did drive a wedge in our relationship for a few months, but then we got together
over coffee and talked about it. We both realized that we should have known that
he was trying to drive us apart, but what he really did was make our friendship …
I. If the patient is going through MENOPAUSE (40's or 50's), try BIRTH CONTROL
PILLS for a few months. She may need to be sent out for surgery. Irregular
periods, ignore for the time being unless they are very heavy and the patient is …
I told him that I was pregnant, he thought that I had set him up and chose to
disappear for a few months. I was devastated and could not understand why this
would happen to me. Could it have been because I was not making good choices
After a few months due to heavy losses both of them doubled their respective
investments for a few months and later withdrew the extra investments. Finally, at
the end of the year Sumati received a profit share of Rs 12,000 out of the total
profit …
… uni- versities, whose missions include educating undergraduate and graduate
students. Graduate students choose their thesis laboratory by rotating through a
few laboratories for a few months during the beginning of their graduate studies.
I initiated the use of volunteer staff people, beginning (for a few months) with Ken
Russell (facilities) and including Pat Settle (children's ministry as a seminary
intern), Lee Huckleberry (young singles), Mike Oliver (fellowship) and finally
Helen …
He could just turn us in any time he wanted and I was kidding myself if I thought
he owed me any loyalty from the old Malay days when he and I were lead scouts
for a few months. Just a few months of mucking in together in the jungles of …
“He worked the case for a few months,”I said.“Long enough to confirm that it was
her and to raise suspicions that she was still involved in some kind of spy work. A
few weeks ago, Eli brought all of the evidence to one of his buddies at the NSA, …
For a few months Solomon Goldman chaired the meetings of the Emergency
Committee, but then he resigned. During the year before the war he had tried,
generally, to rouse American Jewry to fight British policy in Palestine openly, but
the …
Khalid had been working for a few months in Kenya and she had stayed behind
in England. Khalid had an affair with another woman in Kenya and eventually
confessed to it in a telephone call to Belinda. Khalid looked unmoved by this …
Schizophreniform Disorder Some people experience the symptoms of
schizophrenia for a few months only; they can usually resume normal lives. The
symptoms sometimes disappear as the result of successful treatment, but they
often do so …
Many companies offer 0 percent interest for a few months. Once you have listed
the items of information that make the point, look for relationships between and
among ideas. As you analyze, you can draw lines connecting items of information …
1940 Chief Robert Lee Harris ruled from the beginning of the Federal Wardship
period possibly until 1943. 1944 Chief Albert Sanders ruled for a few months.
1944 Chief Douglas Harris ruled until 1946. 1946 Chief Raymond Harris, World
War …
Some people experience the symptoms of schizophrenia for a few months only;
they can usually resume a normal life. The symptoms sometimes disappear as
the result of successful treatment, but they often do so for reasons unknown.
Short projects are typically easier to manage and cost far less — and, to be
honest, it's easier to stay interested in a project for a few months than it is for a
few years. Because projects are short and labor is the most significant part of …
for+a+few+months for+a+few+months
Now they simply asked for a few months and told Luce to go ahead with his part
of the planning. They seemed confident they could do it. Two months later C. G.
Littell, one of the company's executives, came into Zimmermann's office with a
few …
John Danner, a former nuclear submarine engineer, is an example. Danner had
left the Navy and was in consulting when PerkinElmer found him and discovered
that he wasn't completely happy. Courting Danner at a distance for a few months
… The Baron, seeing that such a personage existed, and that there was, in his
view, a chance for "a future Antokolsky" (how many destroyed dreams!), also
gave me a stipend often Rubles a month, for a few months . . . and you have to
live …
Firstly, it means the person gets employment for a few months and remains
unemployed forsome months. Secondly, it means person works at a job that is
below his calibre and qualification . When a labourer remains unemployed for
some …
At most, it will postpone foreclosure for a few months. In many cases, the lender
will just wait out your bankruptcy (a few months) and then proceed with the
foreclosure. If your lender gets impatient and files a motion to have the
bankruptcy …
for+a+few+months for+a+few+months
He said he needed to view the documents of disclosure and meet with the police
before discussing my case with me, and that would not happen for a few months.
Edward had told him that my bail was being arranged and that Ken's help was …
for+a+few+months for+a+few+months
85 When for instance a person with a Durch nationality is working abroad and
stays in The Netherlands for a few months in between two jobs, he isn't seen as a
'resident'. He can however participate on a voluntary basis in the Durch national …
Consequently, you decide to delay your purchase of a house for a few months.
Alternatively, if you hear that prices are expected to rise in a few months, you
might go ahead and purchase a house now. Movement Factors and Shift Factors …
… or even compared with the actual consumption for even a few years of that
society, that the great 15 attention of legislators and political economists should
be directed to 'productive powers' and their future free development, and not, as
hith- …
Using a single year, or even a few years, is problematic, for few variables in state
policy remain static for any time, and there … Another plausible objection is that
using only one or two years (or even a few years) has the effect of intensifying the …
Ideas such as 'world society', 'unified world market', or even 'global responsibility'
have in the past stimulated noble minds, and are again bandied about to- day,
albeit with a tone of much more moral pathos than even a few years ago.
… the audience recognised and responded to that image of people in their social
and spatial environment. This explains why productions recorded on film or
television often seem so stale to audiences who see them even a few years after
their …
These possibilities were all unknown a generation, some even a few years ago.
3.1. Management of Corporate Departments - from the Outside Shareholder-
value oriented companies are under intense pressure to perform better every
Achieving such a Cold War-like SSN procurement for even a few years could be
financially very difficult in the post-Cold War era. If the world security environment
between now and 2015 evolves in a benign direction, then a reduction in the …
H The work closely reflects Aston's own experiences of events, and this and its
rapid composition undoubtedly account for the freshness and excitement which
distinguishes it from novels published even a few years later about the same
period …
There were stints as a fragrance model, crafter of pillows and blankets, secretary,
temp worker, and even a few years during which I was a bookkeeper—a part-
time bookkeeper. It was only a ten-hour-a-week job, but having it made going to …
Most fairy tales, by contrast, take place in the matter ofa few days.3 Works of
fantasy and heroic romance typically span several months or even a few years.
There is also a broad range from myth to fairy tale in the scope of character type
as …
even+a+few+years even+a+few+years even+a+few+years
… the administrative procedures that was lasting, since they do not recur during
the later level lb, and may be linked with the remarkable fact that most of the well-
known, large archives stop in that same period, usually even a few years earlier.
European Commission 2002). Although the level of venture capital investment
has been much lower recently than even a few years ago, the Cambridge cluster
is still one of the most attractive areas for investment opportunities. There are 164 …
Perhaps in the past there was more excitement, more shouting, more so-called
release in singing. That, however, is not life. I have the full assurance that there is
more life in the churches today than even a few years ago. I can say this because …
This wasn't possible even a few years ago. Since my work has been online, I've
been invited to museums and universities around the world to speak about Cin(E
)-Poetry and videopoetry. Also, I have a media rich online portfolio that …
… changes in basic assumptions, worldviews, and methodologies — and never
more so than during the postmodern period since 1970. No one can have lived
through even a few years of Western culture after 1900, not to mention after 1970 …
Furthermore, even a few years after construction has been completed, much can
happen to a facility or a contractor, and it is often extremely difficult to determine
what or who is at fault for a lack of performance. As such, maintenance bond …
Such a Statement would have been unthinkable in public even a few years
before, but the liberalisation of recent British legislation covering sexual
behaviour and the coincidental rise of the Gay liberation movement meant his
admission came …
Social Security benefits, for example, are based on the highest 35 years of
taxable earnings, and even a few years of part-time work or time spent as a stay-
at-home parent can have a large negative impact. If even one of the years over
that …
Some trials take a year or even a few years to complete. A child of God may not
have the chance to go through too many trials in his lifetime. We can only
experience a few trials. Many are crushed as soon as a trial comes. It is sad, as
well as a …
… license or education is out of date; she might be unable to find good,
reasonably priced day care for the children; and the children would be forced to
adapt to a sudden change of living circumstances. Even a few years of modest
alimony …
in the best-case scenario
but he refused to give any long-term guarantee
… aestheticism, David Wayne Thomas challenges current critical assumptions
concerning modern liberal agency and aesthetic experience more generally.
Through meticulous examinations of literature, visual arts, popular culture, and
politics, …
More generally, his dialectical orientation would tend to mitigate against
dichotomous thinking in general, including the production-consumption duality.
Among the contemporary thinkers, Baudrillard sees the distinction between
production …
More generally speaking, such cyclic effects can be called paradigmatic, i. e. they
are examples of the notion that a certain form has a certain property because
another morphologically and/or semantically related form has that property (
Brame …
the slender, external covering of the cocoon. SPINNING (filatura, or filatura e
torcitura): the Operation of twisting the silk thread with a right torsion in theßlatoio.
More generally, the entire operation of silk twisting, composed of both spinning
and …
He argues that “Americans have been dropping out in droves, not merely from
political life, but from organised community life more generally” (Putnam, 2001, p.
64). However, there are alternative perspectives which contest this interpretation, …
More generally, on a certain level of. We are all, I suspect, a little Victorian,
Modern, and Postmodern, at once. And an author may, in his or her own lifetime,
easily write both a modernist and a 1 Aus dem Abschnitt "Disproportion de
rhomme" in …
… belongs as well where it is more likely. Again: If two predicates be attributed to
one subject, then if the one which is more generally thought to belong does not
belong, neither does the one that is less generally thought to belong; or, if the
one …
More generally, multinationals often create incentives to have joint ventures by
penalising the risk-taking involved in going it alone. The overall multinational
entity must reevaluate its attitude toward joint ventures and make sure that
managers …
In the business world, however, the term diversity per se is more generally used
to refer to demographic differences among people within a culture— differences
in gender, age, ethnicity, and so forth. Diversity is not an absolute phenomenon, …
There might be less sumptuousness in the gardens, and palaces of individuals;
but a. moderate degree of riches being more generally possessed, a greater
number of inhabitants would dedicate part of their time to the cultivation of a just
and …
Organizations which have structural elements not institutionalized in their
environments should be more likely to fail, as such unauthorized complexity must
be justified by claims of effi- ciency and effectiveness. More generally,
organizations …
More generally it reflects a dissociation between recognition and famil- iarity. A
related but different disorder is prostpagnosia in which the patient cannot
recognise the identity of faces. Yet physiological studies show that the patient
does …
Third and finally, challenging taken-for-granted assumptions is potentially of
value more generally. Following sociological traditions (e.g. Berger 1963) and a
broad notion of critical thinking, it can serve to denaturalize phenomena or 'world …
More generally, the Book III classification does not fully prepare us for the
complexity of constitutional categories developed in later books, not only for the
elaboration of sub-types for each constitution but also for the importance of
mixture, …
… synergistic dance between governing one's actions and adapting to their
outcomes. Clearly, Heider's theorizing revolved around the central role that
human agency plays in psychology in particular, and human development more
More generally, my approach to microeconomics underscores the role of time
and information in production and … More generally, I try to convey the idea that
most microeconomic principles operate like gravity: Market forces exert pressure, …
Frawley faßt dies recht gut zusammen: "The critical words in Jackendoff s account
, äs well äs in linguistic semantics more generally, are what people take rather
than what people shoulddo" (1992, 54-55). Hat die Sprachwissenschaft nicht
sehr …
Indeed this operation is much more generally successful than that performed at
the place of election, which no doubt arises from the circumstance that those
empyemas which point externally are almost invariably circumscribed, and
confined …
It had developed last Century, but at about the turn of the Century had been so
completely superseded by the more generally applicable theory of abstract
groups that by 1930 even important results were practically forgotten — to my
mind …
More generally, I try to convey the idea that most microeconomic principles
operate like gravity: Market forces exert pressure, whether or not individual
economic actors understand them. At every opportunity, I try to turn the abstract
into the …
… (1998:161), Neef (1998:236), Wurzel (1998:234), and Wunderlich (1999:4),
among others, on what the pertinent phonological constraints might look like. 27.
More generally, the distinction between Case markers and agreement 128
Gereon …
it was
unseemly to make a long-term bet
… inches on this boiler surface. There is thirteen thousand eight hundred and
sixty square inches of fiat surface in the boiler. In a surface braced every eight
inches, it would give two hundred and sixteen braces to the boiler. The plan of
this …
The results of field tests on this boiler validated the theoretical analyses.
Keywords: CFB boiler, optimization, fluidization, reconstruction, State
Specification INTRODUCTION During the past two decades, due to the
outstanding advantages of …
The various boiler mountings which are used on this boiler are : (i) Steam stop
valve, (ii) Pressure gauge, (Hi) Water gauge, (iv) Fusible plug, (v) Blow off cock, (
vi) High steam low water safety valve, (vii) Feed check valve and (viii) Manhole.
The various boiler mountings which are used on this boiler are : (i) Steam stop
valve, (ii) Pressure gauge, (iii) Water gauge, (iv) Fusible plug, (v) Blow off cock, (
vi) High steam low water safety valve, (vii) Feed check valve and (viii) Man hole.
The emission test data sets obtained on this boiler, while firing No. 6 oil (0.22%
Nf) at full load, are shown in Figure 19.40. At O2 = 3.5%, the following data are
recorded: NOx ~ 200 ppm, CO - 100 ppm, and opacity < 10%. At partial loads,
NOx …
The various boiler mountings which are used on this boiler are : (i) Steam stop
valve, (ii) Pressure gauge, (Hi) Water gauge, (iv) Fusible plug, (v) Blow off cock, (
vi) High steam low water safety valve, (vii) Feed check valve and (vui) Man hole.
on+this+boiler on+this+boiler on+this+boiler
… legs wider and parted her folds with his fingers. His tongue a spear, he drove
into her, and she welcomed him. His hot breath fired her center like the inside of
a boiler. And then he added more fuel. Was he intent on this boiler to explode?
The burner is standing on a pedestal on this boiler. Courtesy R.W. Beckett
Corporation Figure 12-20. Blower housing. arc test. With this test, an insulated
screw-driver handle is used to create an arc across the terminals of the
transformer, …
… Nikki shushing him mid-sentence. “Don't care.” She was definitely as single-
minded as Jed remembered. Redford looked crestfallen but otherwise slightly
relieved that he didn't have to continue to try to talk. “I sent you a note,” Jed
"I don't know." "Couldn't Freddy tell you?" "No, he was semiconscious when we
found him and he didn't respond to any of my questions. And on the way to the
hospital all Freddy did was mumble about how mad you were at him." Jed sighed
Jed sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. 'Okay … Jed sighed. 'We think so,
but again . . . I found nothing. Certainly not enough to press charges - even when
an accomplice of his disappeared in Tajikistan—' 'Hang on: “disappeared”?
Jed sighed. He responded that he thought that all people, to a certain extent,
were philosophers. Lee asked him again. “But are you a philosopher, Jed?” Jed
nodded. “I guess so.” He then clarified that he had never studied the subject.
“What's your trouble?” “Hell, ain't it obvious? My cotton was destroyed. I'm here to
ask if you'd lend me some money to help me through the winter.” “I'm sorry that
you lost your crop, and I'm certainly willing to help you.” Jed sighed with relief.
Jed laughed, glancing again at the circus tent occupied by Sumner. “I hope he
doesn't have another fifty men stashed inside that canvas palace.” “No. Palace for
White Hair alone.” Jed sighed with relief. “I saw the tracks of two horses near our …
Jed sighed heavily. 'She says she's in quite a lot of pain but we don't know for
sure what it is. Nothing's confirmed yet, so please don't tell Tessa. Sammy would
rather do it herself, and Tessa said she was coming here later, after she'd been to …
… much is obvious,' Jed sighed. 'I guess this is the end of our meeting. You better
go after him.' 'Go after him? Never,' Lisa said adamantly, her shock giving way to
righteous anger. 'He had no right to follow me, and no right to call me names, …
Perplexed at the dog's presence and then its sudden disappearance, Jed sighed
and gave one last sweeping glance across the lot and roadway. Nothing. No sign
of the dog or any other living creature, for that matter. Jed rolled his shoulders …
“Jed, you don't want to go down there. I'm sure some of the bodies you'll see will
be people you knew. You don't want to see them like that. Remember them as
you do now, not by what is under that blanket of smoke.” Jed sighed
“I've driven past it and it looks like a fortress,” Jed warned. “I'll take a look, anyway
. Where is it?” “I've got a map in my car,” Jed sighed. I watched through the
window while he got the map from the glove compartment of his car. Jed was a
nice …
Jed sighed. Clint always had the ladies smiling at him. This one, though she was
a shrew, was still affected by his cousin. Seems Clint appreciated her in return.
The deliverymen turned their wagon around and headed east, back to Bannack …
Jed sighed, shaking his head impatiently. 'If this isn't the place to discuss Estelle's
—condition, then it certainly isn't the place to discuss our marriage!' he snapped
coldly, before resuming his progress down the carpeted hallway. To Georgie's …
“Why not?” Meg asked. Uncle Jed sighed. “The farmer they've been working for
asked them to stay. Enos wrote that they figured the extra cash they'd send back
would be more use to us than having them here over the winter.” “But I miss them …
“Ayah,” Jed sighed, “but just to cross it.” They were still edgy. I said: “I dunno—
all's I ever hearn of Levannon was heartell.” “Some pa'ts may be respectable,”
Jed allowed “But them quackpots! Snatch y' sleeve, bend y' ear. You hear the
Church …
… in the questions so answered honestly. “Well, I've lived on this ranch for twelve
years now and I was born and raised right in town although I did go stay with my
Cheyenne family for awhile.” Jed sighed in relief maybe now he could finally get.
Her screams returned to murmurs and there was silence once again thank
goodness Jed sighed, Kate was happy she was been seen too by two burly
strong men, one with his long plunging monster while she sucked on the other. It
wasn't …
She'll likely wake up soon, but she'll be hurting some. I'll leave some laudanum
here to give her. If she gets worse, send Percy for me.” Nate nodded, and Pa
walked the doctor to the front door. Jed sighed and sat in the chair beside his
Jed sighed. “But then he was homeless when he testified against me. This
probably seems like a castle to him compared to the parking garage he was
living in.” And it probably did because the yard was well kept, all the windows
and trim …
“Thank God,” Jed sighed in relief. “Thank God.” While Mrs. Weiss was cleaning
up, the baby started nuzzling Betty's breast. Although slightly smaller than normal
because of being born a month early, the baby was healthy. “If you'd like, you …
So I chased after her. By then, Mama must've been asleep. I didn't dare wake her.
” “Weren't you scared?” “More scared than ever. I thought I'd lost Clementine!”
Jed sighed. “Not scared about Clementine. About going out alone.” “It didn't seem …
“I thought you weren't going to do anything about Paula,” I murmured, conscious
of that look in his eyes. Jed sighed. “I wasn't, but the thought of waiting for Paula
to find a sex life wasn't too appealing, actually. I'd rather have one of my own.
'What do you mean?' 'It's yours. You can have it. I don't need a tent – I hired one
with the Land Rover. Besides, I spend enough time under canvas in the Army so I
don't want to take it home.' 'But it was your daughter's,' Moses said. Jed sighed.
Jed sighed. Gray wouldn't like that. In fact, if Gray knew what he was thinking at
that very moment... Jed returned his attention to this wing companion. Gray's lips
sifted through Velvet's pale hair as his eyes angled down on her head.
Jed sighed miserably. "Yes, ma'am," he said, "I knew it, but I only just realized it,
as you might say. I . . . Hum! . . . Well . . ." He turned away and walked slowly
toward the kitchen door. Barbara would have followed but her mother laid a
detaining …
You had dust a-flying all over the place from that contraption,” Jed jokingly chided
Cap. “I got what I aimed at,” Cap said more seriously. “I actually think we were all
real lucky that day.” “You're right about that, Cap, real lucky,” Jed sighed.
'I love you baby. I also want you to enjoy yourself.' He kissed her and smiled, 'And
when you get to know everyone, I'm sure you will.' 'Goodnight Jed,' she said. 'I
really do love you.' 'Yeah, I know.' Chapter 49 Jed sighed as he watched her go …
“Don't date the bridesmaids,” I said dully. “Don't date the fucking bridesmaids,”
Jed corrected me, maintaining our course. “The swear is integral?” “Imperative.” “
Why's that?” Jed sighed and downed the rest of his drink in one savage gulp.
Grandma Lucy's cloverleaf quilt shut out daylight and closed us in under there
with the clean smell of lye soap that lingered from Eva's thorough scrub-up after
Papa died. Then Jed sighed and I caught my nose. “Told you not to eat them
green …
Jed sighed, shook his head and suddenly punched her in the jaw, knocking her
down and dimming her vision. He held her arms roughly above her head as the
boys explored her, taking turns at her and he grew angry when she started to cry …
'If we'd taken him the day after the attack, maybe two days after, he might have
been OK. And I'd have taken that chance, even if it meant losing the beach. I think
Sal would have too... But now... what would be the point?' 'No point...' Jed sighed
Jed sighed and looked at Evan. Evan adjusted his glasses. “Check.” Cooper
pursed his lips, then said, “Five,” and threw in a half eagle. “I'll raise you five,”
Reuben said immediately. Inez looked at her lackluster hand. Ten high. No
chance of a …
Jed sighed again. He really had to get on with his life. He was growing tired of
feeling like a third wheel now that his host and old friend had forged a solid
relationship with Sierra Gibbs. She was spending more and more time on the
houseboat …
“Me, too,” Jed sighed. Esteban's eyes glistened in the lamplight as he stared at us
momentarily before rising and nodding a soundless goodnight. Just as quietly,
we departed and made our way up to the deck. For a long time that night, I stared …
Jed sighed and slid down to lay by my side, idly scooping his cum from my
torso and swallowing it with evident relish. As I removed and tied the amply filled
sheath, wrapped it in a tissue and dropped it on the floor, he homed in on my tits, …
After returning from the rest room, she snuggled down, turned half awayfrom him,
and closed her eyes. Jed sighed.He'd wanted her totalk. He likedher voice.When
she slept, he missed its warmth. Orwasit merely the illusion of warmth he …
“How's he doing?” “Well pa, hedoespretty good when we walk him, and believe it
ornot, he's starting to get the hang of running him too. But ifShep gets intoa trot,
he's gonna slide right off again,” Jim replied. Jed sighed. “Well, keep work'n him.
"Do you feel all right? There's a doctor on the post. I — " "I am fine." The quick tilt
of her head rejected his concern almost defiantly, but a hint of fear lurked in her
eyes. Jed sighed. "I wish you had stayed in Boston with your parents until after
the …
Jed sighed, “by theway, that is a pretty full campground for thistimeof year.
Wonder why all theHog drivers are here?” “The plates are mostly Texas and
some from New Mexico. They sure area noisy bunch. When they came back
atfive this …
Jed sighed and began pacing the length of the porch, but nothing did any good.
He could feel his pulse throbbing, and he was grateful that he did not have to
face a gunman right at this time. A green kid, he reflected, could put him down
before …
and confessed he had half expected it
He remembered very well the day when he had decided to buy this flat
he could still see the estate agent
… 3.2 Basic design approach 40 3.2.1 Effective section 40 3.2.2 Net section 41
3.3 Eccentric connection 43 3.3.1 Design approach 45 Exercises 47 References
48 Axiully loaded columns 49 4.1 Stocky columns 51 4.1.1 Stub column
behaviour …
Dieser war zusammen mit dem Kölner Konsul Stocky einer der Herausgeber der
Zeitschrift „Abendland" (1925— 1930). Am Zentralorgan der Deutschen
Zentrumspartei hielt seit Frühjahr 1924 der rechtskatholische Zentrumspolitiker
Franz …
… the center of village attention. The other two were Stocky Wang and Red
Cheng: two of the new good-class League members. During the next couple of
years, these two young men would be playing significant parts in Chen Village's
Add the following robots: Stocky ( Stocky
automatically retrieves the live stock price for any stock symbols in your blip text
that begin with $ (i.e., $GOOG).
… the center of village attention. The other two were Stocky Wang and Red
Cheng: two of the new good-class League members. During the next couple of
years, these two young men would be playing significant parts in Chen Village's
32 Ebd. Als Mitglieder der 'Deutsch-Flämischen Gesellschaft' oder im
Zusammenhang mit deren Gründung zu erwähnen sind u.a. F. Fromme, R.P.
Oszwald, L. Schwering, K. Beyerle, J. Stocky, R.A. Schröder, F. Jostes, W. von
Unger, …
172 Trading the Scandies: SEK, NOK, and DKK ..............................................175
Swedish krona — “Stocky” ............................................................... 175 Norwegian
krone — “Nokkie” .
Trusses and other triangulated frames of light to medium construction would
normally need no second-order analysis, as the bending moments in members
are normally quite small. Where members in the web are relatively stocky in the
plane …
… and definitions 317 10.3 Design of reinforced concrete walls 318 10.3.1 Wall
reinforcement 318 10.3.2 General code provisions for design 318 10.3.3 Design
of stocky reinforced concrete walls 319 10.3.4 Walls supporting in-plane
moments …
Nick is short, stocky, rather masculine, and meticulously dressed and groomed.
During the interview he is tense and stiff, especially when describing his sexual
behavior. His affect is constricted. He complains of feeling depressed but has no …
For any given cross-section, failure mode (1) is most likely to occur with columns
which are short and stocky, while failure mode (2) is probable with columns
which are long and slender. It is important, therefore, to be able to distinguish …
A further consideration is the local torsional buckling of thin walled open
stiffeners; as the stiffener-induced collapse is catastrophic, it is usual to specify
relatively stocky stiffeners than to allow for such torsional buckling. The bridge
design code …
stocky stocky
These proposals are that the ultimate moment capacity M„ for stocky beams (0 <
JMPIMC < 1) should be M„ = Mp (3.109) that Mu for beams of intermediate
slenderness (1.0 < S/'MP/MC < 1.1) should be M„ = (\.51MC/MP - 0.57)MC (3.110
) and …
Thus, when analyzing a beam with axial loads, it is important to distinguish
between a stocky beam, which is relatively … In the case of a stocky beam, the
lateral deflections are so small as to have no significant effect on the line of action
of the …
stocky stocky
Being short and stocky, and having short extremities, is the ideal body type for
conserving energy because it reduces the surface area of the body for dissipation
of heat. Darwin's theory of natural selection is certainly well demonstrated by …
Though very few test data were previously available on slender deep beams,
much is known about the behaviour of stocky deep beams. Hence, it would be
helpful to describe the behaviour of slender deep beams, as observed in recent
tests …
VI: 4. description: Medium-sized, fairly stocky, short- necked goose most often
found in large flocks. Most adults are essentially pure white with black wingtips.
The head and heavy pink bill give the face a longish, wedge-shaped look. The
face …
12 Bending stresses and direct stresses combined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 283 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Combined bending and thrust of a stocky strut 12.3
Eccentric thrust 12.4 Pre-stressed concrete beams. ' 13 Deflections of beams .
… and the pointed end (apex) at the bottom. However, its position varies with
body build; in a tall, thin person, the heart lies more vertically; in a short, stocky
person, it lies more horizontally. The heart wall The heart wall consists of three
Stocky, A., Introduction [Developpement de la science prehistorique en Bohäme],
in: Stocky, A., La Boh6me prehistorique, l : L'äge de pierre (Prague [Prag] 1929) l
- 10. 185. Tallgren, A. M., Geschichte der antiquarischen Forschung in …
Finally delivered to A Company and desperately seeking guidance and
companionship, he almost literally clung to high-profile Stocky, who was the only
one wandering about upright, with typical nonchalance. The rest of the platoon
was …
Charging through the crowd was a short, stocky woman, wearing simple black
trousers and a t-shirt. She did not look dressed for a night on the town. “That's
Clara,” Steve explained. “She handles all of the business affairs for the Paris
opera …
“Follow him,” he said and gestured with the revolver at another man, a stocky
Chinese with a crescent-shaped scar on his left cheek and a small automatic in
his right hand. We followed the man with the automatic down a flight of stairs and …
(BNC HAE 3404) For Dik, a stocky little ice skater would be the (New) Topic of the
main clause here, but who would not be treated as the Topic of the relative
clause, since it is only if no constituent specific to PI (an interrogative,
subordinator or …
If there are two columns of the same cross-section, made of the same material,
and one is 'short' (stocky) and the other is 'long' (slender), the difference in length
will not alter the collapse load, Pp of Fig. 6.53. Both will resist axial forces by …
The only difference is that happy is visualised using open forms, whereas cute is
visualised using stocky forms. The students … However, the happy irons are also
quite stocky thereby increasing the cuteness of the happy irons. Another reason …
… to become flabby (body from lack of exercise); to strike, hit hard (fl^A-^ •
PAmAmtD* □ (D^^9° a stocky man who has become fat through a [life of] ease) -f
-AmAm talatallata to be crushed, be made into a cake, block or plug, e.g. tobacco;
to be …
(BNC HAE 3404) For Dik, a stocky little ice skater would be the (New) Topic of the
main clause here, but who would not be treated as the Topic of the relative
clause, since it is only if no constituent specific to P1 (an interrogative,
subordinator …
laich 353 lair (HEICH), ordinary (ORDINAR) adj 4. laichy&c braid a short stocky
person or animal Ial9-, BnfAbd. laich &c bigging = ~ House 2, \7-tl8. ~ country,
low countries Ial7 the Lowlands (LAWLAND) of Scotland Ial6-, now Fif Ayr. ~
house …
Identification: Medium-sized (wingspan 50 mm), stocky, with long wings folded
above the broad body when at rest. Brilliant blue or red abdomen in males. The
Dancing Jewel Plotycypha coligata (2) has a wingspan of 45 mm. Dorsal area of …
A stubby, stocky man who carries 155 pounds on a ST' frame, the 35-year-old
Grissom looks more like a high school gym teacher or a hi-fi repairman than a
space pioneer. But a quiet competence is the hallmark of this soft- spoken,
amiable, …
and self-satisfied
… self-mastery, hardships, athletics/battle, friendship/enmity, commendation,
adoption, virtues/ vices, exemplification, rhetorical comparison, boasting, frank
speech, adiaphora (indifferent things), maxims, slavery, household/ family,
education, …
The relationship between the concepts of praising and boasting is quite a close
one. Praise is usually a direct … While boasting carries negative connotations, it
is also found in contexts that are both edifying and positive. Positively, h¢lal is …
The tower is thus an image of human aspiration and pride, accompanied bv a
spirit of boasting in human achievement. Lurking in the background is the
classical notion of hubris — overweening human *pride that leads people to think …
2lYou who are boasting in the law are, through your transgression of the law,
dishonoring God. 24For "the name of God is being blasphemed among the
nations because of you, "a even as it is written. a. Isa. 52:5. Paul begins the
paragraph …
boasting boasting
In Greco-Roman antiquity, no terminological distinction was made between “*
biography” and “autobiography,” though Cicero was aware of the difference,
which tums on the widespread ancient aversion to self-praise or *boasting, for
Cicero …
The boasting words of Pharaoh, each phrase added to the previous ones as if he
had attempted to be convincing, are followed by the breath of God destroying
them. Exodus 15:13 serves as a transition to the promises regarding what the
Lord …
… 876 blowing, 876 boast, 423 boast, to, 423,833 to boast against, 423 boaster,
426 boasting, 423 bodily, 1 140 body, 1000, 1040, 1 140 belonging to the same
body, 1140 boil, to, 2% bold, 1183 bold, to be, 1183 bond, 1113 book, 106 border
, …
How does he counter their boasts without boasting in the same way they have?
He must curb the continued immorality and association with idolatry. How does
he get them to accept his frank criticism so that they will not take offense but will …
Consequently the New Law is chiefly the grace itself of the Holy Ghost, which is
given to those who believe in Christ. This is manifestly stated by the Apostle who
says (Rom. 3:27): "Where is ... thy boasting? It is excluded. By what law? Of works …
10:3-5, 8; 13:3, 10)— pointing out, nevertheless, the paradoxically of Christian "
boasting" (II Cor. ll:16ff.; 12:lff.). He belongs to the "mature" or "perfect" (teXeun,
Phil. 3:15; cf. I Cor. 2:6)— but immediately assures the reader "Not that I have …
The Kwakiutl, renowned through Benedict (1934) for their “hyperbolic character”,
do not omit boasting speeches as a possibility of skilful expression: “Kwakiutl
nobles made self-glorifying speeches and tried to outdo each other in the giving …
"grievous error" of Judaism (as Schiirer put it) but as an insight into the
implications of Paul's comments about boasting in the law. This insight, moreover
, met the theological needs of the times in which it was perceived. In the context
of the …
boasting boasting
He denounces boasting kata sarka (2 Cor. 11.18). Sharper still is the warning: "if
you live kata sarka you will certainly die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the
deeds of the body you will live" (Rom. 8.13). And an almost dualistic note enters
in …
… politics and poetry in early modern England 41 Seth Lerer 2 Abandoning the
cap1tal in eighteenth-century London 72 Richard Wendorf PART II READING AS
POLITICS 3 'Boasting of silence': women readers in a patriarchal state 101 Heidi …
The technique had been used by Jeremiah, who in Jer 9:23 redefines boasting in
terms of knowledge of God. The Corinthians define themselves according to
human standards; Paul will define them according to God's wisdom. By God's …
Wrath against the Gentile World, 1:18-32 86 2.2. God's Impartial Judgment, 2:1-
16 110 2.3. Boasting in the Law Is Excluded, 2:17-29 124 2.4. Advantages
without Privileges, 3:1-8 133 2.5. The Universal Judgment of God, 3:9-20 140 3.
THE v.
"Qumran and the Interpolated Paragraph in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17," CBQ 23 (
1961) 271-80, Forbes, C. B. "Comparison, Self-Praise and Irony: Paul's Boasting
and the Conventions of Hellenistic Rhetoric," NTS 32 (1986) 1-30. France, R. T. "
The …
But feelings of pique and buoyancy are not more directly indicative of vanity than
are public acts of boasting or private acts of daydreaming. … Some theorists will
object that to speak of an act of boasting as one of the direct exercises of vanity is …
The lengthy exposition of the saving power of the gospel that then unfolds (1:16b-
11 :36), with its recurring theme of "boasting" (5:1-2, 11) and expressions of
confidence (5:21; 8:1-2, 18, 31-39), culminating in the evocation of wonder and …
boasting boasting boasting
First, you will discover that the word group Kauxaonai-Kauxnua- Kauxncus (boast
, boasting) is a predominantly Pauline … ("Boasting" in human achievement, or "
boasting" predicated on merely human [this-age] values, seems to have been a …
boasting boasting boasting
Evidently the author means that the boasting of Babylon has brought shame
upon them. The passages in Joe11:10-12,17 in particular are to be explained in
this way. “ The meaning “to fail," which has been suggested for bosh in these …
AE, suspecting that Gentile Christians have been boasting of their position within
the church, writes to remind them that Jewish Christians have also a right to be
there. The evidence for such a view is simply not present in Ephesians (see on …
Denunziant) informer Angeberei die; ~, ~en fS(das Angeben) boasting; bragging;
(angeberisches Benehmen) showing-off; das ist doch nichts als ^ : he's/they are
etc. only boasting/showing off; fBJ(Handlung) piece of showing-off; (Äußerung) …
This world was the new home of the exceptional Light Sorceress Knarra, the
matronly prismatic she-dragon Taekora, and another Staff of Sagain Alcyone
carried by Knarra. Arachnis discovered no other of the great staves in the World
of …
On his return, he capitalized on the network of contacts passed down from his
father and father-in-law to secure the necessary investors to set up a pioneering
company in Spain, taking advantage of the exceptional light conditions on offer in …
but not
Nevertheless, the need remains, on the unconscious level. And so, in an attempt
to get the need satisfied while at the same time hiding the need, they erect a
persona of independence, security, and satisfaction. It is a personality that is a
false …
Finally, excess supply will mask market flaws, hiding the need for regulatory
reforms. The key lesson here is not to assume that market monitors will identify
weaknesses in the market structure or that disclosures alone will be sufficient to
fix …
He spoke in a casual, mischievous way, hiding the need in his voice. “Not a good
idea.” Definitely not a good idea. She remembered the way he made her feel in
the back of his truck under the stars. The heat and need was unbearable.
The game offers goals to the player to be reached in self-organized collaborative
problem solving processes – without hiding the need to learn. The players are
very aware of skills they have to learn; so learning about the game is a part of the …
Hiding the need, being tough, making it so I didn't feel. All the work I've done
therapeutically has been to reawaken her. She's the one who's intuitive. She tells
the male part what to do. Brian: I've spent a lot of time working with my mother's …
Mrs. Tagle honks again before the girl's hand can turn the key. I keep telling
myself not to feel bad for staying. I was told to come, and I came. Wipe any sign of
need from your face. That is the hard part: hiding the need. Chin up. Let's see:
one …
In many ways relationships are contracts of service, each party supporting the
status quo of the other person and hiding the need for both of them to change
and grow. “Growing” is something that needs to be done by all persons, whether
they …
Toya hung his head... his dark hair barely hiding the need in his eyes from
everyone watching. God, he wanted to claim her, wanted to mark her right there
and then, making her his... but Suki was right, Kyoko wasn't herself right now.
Lily held his gaze until he was the one to look away, hiding the need to pull her
closer. “Sounds like he and Nathan's problems are more than just boys being
boys in PE. You're going to make sure that Ms. Emory gives him a break?” “Yeah,
I'll …
Attachment is not news, however. If there is any, it has been the twentieth
century's relative success at hiding the need for attachment from itself, even while
in its midst. Beneath the text of dispassion is the subtext of passion and
remembering how his hard body had felt pressing down on her in bed, she knew
she didn't have a cat's chance in hell of hiding the need that poured through her
bloodstream right then. Her cheeks burned so bright she must appear to him as …
Hiding the need doesn't make it go away, and you'll give someone else the
opportunity to share with you. Lord, when my faith is weak, help me to open up to
others so they can strengthen me. Trust for Tomorrow SCRIPTURE READING:
Luke …
Where they could wake up tomorrow morning together. He looked into her eyes,
not hiding the need he had for her in this moment. In every moment. “Come with
me, Macy.” She took a ragged breath and her luscious lips parted, as if to speak.
If the conditionalized account serves any purpose not served by (CD), it can only
be the purpose of hiding the need for declarativeness. The very form of the
conditionalized account creates the impression that the correspondence theorist
can …
Where they could wake up tomorrow morning together. He looked into her eyes,
not hiding the need he had for her in this moment. In every moment. “Come with
me, Macy.” She took a ragged breath and her luscious lips parted, as if to speak.
For years she had restrained herself, pushing back the least hint of
impulsiveness, hiding the need inside her to have fun, to make waves. She had
hid from herself, and she was only now beginning to realize that. “Did I ever?” His
lips quirked …
Liisa smiled bravely at him and hoped she was hiding the need to burst into tears
. She would go through any tests that Uncle Ben recommended to determine why
she could not remember the lost time. Liisa was placed on a gurney and a …
Many older people fear institutionalization; often hiding the need for treatment
from family and friends. The stigma of psychiatric disabilities still exists for some
older persons. Although the current public mental health system and beliefs …
She stared back, not regretting, not hiding the need. His large hands pressed her
even closer. “Hey, you two, you wanna bring that in here? You're embarrassing
the neighbors.” Vaguely, Sara knew that her brother wasn't really advising …
Parallelism is encapsulated within the application generator, hiding the need for
knowledge of it by the user who needs only to specify a SIM application by
defining its parameters. List of Projects The 15 projects with title, leader, and
email …
… rugs scattered overthe wideplanked floor. Despite the lateness ofthehour,
andher own tiredness, her head was high, her mannerformal. Macaria rose and
stoodin place, hiding the need to run andask, no, demand news. Sofia wouldnot
come …
Accordingly, the person's drinking habit will become more conspicuous to others,
as getting alcohol becomes more important than hiding the need for it. Signs of
the crucial phase of alcoholism include drinking alone or with other alcoholics, …
His lids shuttered lower, nearly masking his eyes, but not hiding the need. He
took her mouth, his tongue demanding entrance. Weakly she opened her lips to
him, opened her body to him, feeling his potency inside her. She had had lovers …
His lids shuttered lower, nearly masking his eyes, but not hiding the need. He
took her mouth, his tongue demanding entrance. Weakly she opened her lips to
him, opened her body to him, feeling his potency inside her. She had had lovers …
… too was unemployed for a while and went through all the feelings associated
with that time of hardship. The sketch ends on a light note with the two men
realizing it's better to "mention it"—instead of hiding the need to talk about what is
really …
for certain “improvements” He had then told himself
that he should have become an estate agent
or a gynecologist
While the father-son relationship was barely amiable and produced horrid
recollections for Scarbrough, it proved rich ground for poetry. Scarbrough's
second book of poems, The Course Is Upward, Is dedicated to his father, who
died May 10, …
in the first few minutes
the stocky estate agent went
into a lyrical trance when he learned
mane, making it even sleeker and smoother, reminding everyone else in the
room that Jed was an artist and Smalley was a success and what were they? Ben
didn't know, but for the moment didn't care, sitting in that heat-stifled room with …
It was the first time, I believe, on a story of this magnitude that television had gone
with its own value system rather than that of its print colleagues. If in the
intervening years there has been in the world of newspapers a certain
melancholia …
… however, that after It/This/That was the first time... we generally use the past
perfect (see Unit 5): □ It was the first time I'd talked to Ella outside the office. With
time clauses introduced by after, when, until, as soon as, once, by the time and
the …
… that it was the first time in a fight I was begging to be knocked out." Between
rounds, as I had watched on television, Al Silvani, who trained Patterson for the
fight, would stand behind Patterson and put his arms around him, under the
armpits …
It+was+the+first+time It+was+the+first+time
The first time I took Ecstasy it was 1985, it was still legal, it was the first time I had
tried anything at all psychedelic. I got scared like a teething infant who does not
know what's happening to her, only that it hurts, only that there is no way to …
It was the first time I had an orgasm with a partner and the first and last time I put
myself in a dangerous situation. One night, when it was too late to get home by
ferry, I spent the night with a man whom I felt slightly nervous about. I didn't want
to …
When we arrived, the nurses were excited. Noah had made it through the night
breathing on his own, without assistance. It was the first time we saw him without
a respirator and could see what his face looked like without tape on it …
It was the first time I got drunk. I was the first time I got stoned. It was the first time I
threw up until my stomach was empty. It was also the first time I explored my
sexuality and discovered my sensuality, desire, and the nature of erotica. I was
on …
It+was+the+first+time It+was+the+first+time It+was+the+first+time
I think it was the first time they were recorded together in that quality. PL: How did
Zakir react to your approach toward percussion as opposed to the tradition he
came from? MH: I never saw him repelled by anything. I have to say that he went …
I had to walk away and it was the first time I'd ever been to one of them. ... I was
involved in some chanting. "Nike has no souls". I was kind of scared because I
didn't want to get arrested that day (Florence, middle class girls public school, …
The record is quite clear that for the first time, that it was the first time in the
performance review in late April 1996 that Mr. Settlemyer raised this issue with Mr
. Gresham. The record, however, does not support any conclusion that this
occurred …
It was the first time he had called on me, though I had gone to two of his parties,
mounted in his hydroplane, and, at his urgent invitation, made frequent use of his
beach. “Good morning, old sport. You're having lunch with me to-day and I …
It was the first time too, that I was at a track meet where they had that board up—
where you can see what you jumped, because usually in high school, you go
back to look at the tape measure or they call it out. They put up on the board “
twenty …
The request came in 1969, and two years later, Intel unveiled the world's first
microprocessor, the Intel 4004. It was the first time that all the elements needed
for the operation of a computer had been built into a single chip. A computer,
however …
It was the first time we had met him, and we were really in awe of what was going
on.” The session tapes for the song are among the most interesting ofall the
singer's outtakes. Sinatra's demeanor during this session is playful—
occasionally …
I didn't know at first he was speaking to me, for it was the first time I had been
Signor C . Then I told him I had got my best suit on, though it was very ragged,
and no mistake about it, for I remember there was a good hole at each elbow.
It was the first time I ever really hung out in class, and I didn't give a damn about
what the teacher said or what other people were doing. It was my first semester at
El Paso High School, in 1990–1991. I was not a good student. I hated school.
… the music and the lyrics, it was the first time that he had created a music for one
of his songs.. He would later introduced Céline to France, and used many of his
contacts to kick-off Celine's career in France. René knew that he needed to …
It was the first time that the New Testament was published in Danish, but
characteristically used for the political purposes of the king also: to keep the
common man in Denmark in the faith of the exiled king and to demand him back.
In front of …
It was the first time a weapon of such mass destruction had been used in the
world, and it was clear what devastation it could cause. As a result, Japan
surrendered unconditionally, ending the war in the Asia Pacific. □ QUICK
It was the first time that anyone had experienced something that is special to
each of us now, that experience of looking around a grand ballpark for the first
time and saying helplessly, “This place is really something, isn't it?” Thirty
thousand …
It was the first time the Padres had swept the six-game season series with the
Cardinals in San Diego since 1978. 'This is getting embarrassing," Jefferies said.
"We're playing for pride now. As good as we've been playing all year . . . to mess
it …
It+was+the+first+time It+was+the+first+time It+was+the+first+time
He exclaimed bitterly that he had missed the chance. When an exclamation or
exclamatory sentence is reported, the sentence has the statement form and the
exclamation mark is replaced by the full stop. Exclamations or greetings like '
Hello', …
Indirect: He exclaimed that the flower was very pretty. 2. Direct: He said, "How hot
it is"! Indirect: He exclaimed that it was very hot. 3. Direct: The old man said, "Alasl
I am undone". Indirect: The old man exclaimed with sorrow that he was …
“Me neither,” stated Jennifer. “I honestly never thought I would ever meet you,
Blake.” “Well, my dear cousin... never say never!” he exclaimed with a laugh. “
Where are those twins? I want to meet them,” he 31 From the Ranch... To the
he+exclaimed he+exclaimed he+exclaimed
He exclaimed with sorrow that he had been very naughty. Fill in the blanks in the
following :- (i) The student said, "Alas ! I have failed". The student that failed. (ii)
The old lady cried, "Ah ! My only child is dead." The old lady exclaimed with dead.
he exclaimed, at length. "Ain't that pretty! Looks jest like her, too. When was that
tuck, Miss Wise?" "That ain't Phoebe," said Rebecca, dejectedly. "Ain't Phoebe!"
Droop cried, in amazement. "Why, it's the finest likeness— why—but—it mustbe …
Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek, Lucy Lloyd. To the child yonder.” And he
came up (to them); he exclaimed: “What does this child say?” And the other one
answered: “This child, he wishes, he says, to fetch sticks for his father, that his
father …
he+exclaimed he+exclaimed
… at M. de Renal's house, Julien was on the point of giving himself away; he
escaped into the garden, saying he wanted to see what the children were up to.
All this praise of honesty! he exclaimed, you'd think it was the only virtue there
he+exclaimed he+exclaimed
20 "I don't know what you mean, Basil," he exclaimed, turning round. "I don't know
what you want. What do you want?" "I want the Dorian Gray I used to know." "
Basil," said the lad, going over to him, and putting his hand on his shoulder, "you …
The other baboons cried, “Give my companion the ball!” And one of them struck
the Mantis's head. Then the Mantis exclaimed, “I have not got the ball,” while he
struck the baboon's head in return. The Mantis got the worst of it. He exclaimed: …
he exclaimed in almost a whisper. Beauty is only skin deep, he thought, but as
Amber stood before him naked as the day she was born-She was beautiful to the
bone. Red bone,with flawless skin, and features like her heart shaped ass or her …
he+exclaimed he+exclaimed
“Nice new shorties” he exclaimed excitingly. I nodded my head with assurance as
though I paid attention to the conversation. “I'm gonna be happy this year man”
Rashawn said. “I bet you are” I replied as a smile lit up on his face while staring …
he exclaimed, pointing at the television screen. "Oh well, I am afraid that would
be to no avail sir. You see those shows are all taped and played later." Hutch was
surprised. He commented, "I always thought we seen it as it was a happening.
"Have no more fear, Mrs. Sadler, now," he exclaimed solemnly. "You won't
strangle. I will ask the Lord for you, and this evil will not come upon you. You
need not have any fear. "Kneel down, you," he exclaimed, turning upon the
assembled …
he+exclaimed he+exclaimed he+exclaimed
he exclaimed irritably. 'You're praising Enver all the time. Nothing but Enver!
Enver! It's not good that he should be praised so much.' An officer protested, 'Don'
t be jealous of Enver. He took to the mountains for the sake of freedom. Of course …
“This is blatant heresy” he exclaimed enraged. He felt his brow grow warm,
flushing with the indignation he felt. “How can anyone pass out such a lie and to
innocent children?” He stormed out loud. It might be wise ifI open all ofthese
boxes …
He finally decided that Adams was even worse than Jefferson. "If we must have
an enemy at the head of the Government," he exclaimed, "let it be one whom we
can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party …
he+exclaimed he+exclaimed
No use running any more risks." Almost at that moment a puff of wind blew some
of the dust to one side. Tom had a glimpse of the man on the puffing machine. "It's
the same chap!" he exclaimed aloud; "and he's going the same way I …
he+exclaimed he+exclaimed
Rushing into the kitchen, he found her standing on the hearthrug wildly waving a
letter and crving 'Hurrah!' as if she had gone mad. He was shocked and
frightened. 'Why, mother!' he exclaimed. She flew to him, flung her arms round
him for a …
he exclaimed. “I'll be. . . . It is!” With a vacant stare, David slumped down onto the
folding chair across from the administrator's desk. “Looks like you have a deeper
riddle than we thought,” Ken teased. When he saw that David did not appreciate …
that he’d had the opportunity to sell an artist’s studio to an artist
The lad looked a little pale, as if he'd been sick and Jed feared the rough life of a
cowhand might send him packing in a short time. But Denver said he liked
working with and training horses, and Jed had a need for a bronc rider, so he
gave …
Jed feared the dwarf's predictable reaction bracing himself as Bash jumped on
him, bottle in hand and almost hugged the life out of the struggling elf. “Get off me
you stinking old drunk!” complained Jed in a false reprimanding voice, not able to …
He was looking forward to seeing Lana. He hadn't seen or heard from her in quite
some time. She hadn't visited since Jed was moved into The Center. Her
absence was due to Dr. Yen's strict orders, and not, as Jed feared, Lana's wishes.
By this time Jed and his animal were in the midst of the swirling waters. The
horse was stumbling and slipping, several times almost losing its footing, but
recovering it after a desperate struggle. It was growing darker, and Jed feared his
animal …
… sought to protect her body with his. Yet Jed feared shewould be trampled. Inan
instant, he knew terror of thetype hehad not experienced since hewas a young,
treeclimbing boy, when the darkness of thenight had hidden all that was familiar.
Carroll Bodine looked strangely at his son, while Jed feared the worst. His
greatest fear at this point in time, was that his dad might condemn his burning of
Crusty Matthew's ranch house. He knew how desperately his father, as well as
himself, …
Mrs. Lou was a wife made to order for him; jolly, noisy, a bit vulgar, Jed feared,
though he was not sure that he was sufficiently informed about the great world to
pass such a judgment. In the winter-time Mrs. Lou would appear in a leopard-skin …
Consider for a moment some common assumptions about e-mail. When you
receive e-mail, you assume that a specific individual or group created and
transmitted the e-mail — you assume you know the origin of the e-mail. This is
not always …
He then had a look at the books. Setzt euch einen Augenblick. Have a seat for a
moment. When some element other than the subject is in initial position in a main
clause (see 5.2), the reflexive pronoun is placed after a pronoun subject, but it …
… mich fälschlich annehmen, sie seien ausgegangen; for a moment she thought
her eyes were deceiving her einen Augenblick lang traute sie ihren [eigenen]
Augen nicht; «to - oneself sich akk [selbst] täuschen, sich dat etwas vormachen
fam; …
And, if we forget for a moment that no one is a hero to their contemporaries and
accept as a hypothesis that Enzensberger is right, does Suarez's gesture on the
evening of 23 February not acquire the value of a founding gesture of democracy
But mixed in with rats, bones, and naked bodies in the passage above are some
obscure allusions that must be pursued further for a moment. The poet-
protagonist has become the fisher-king of Madame Sosostris' Tarot pack, but a
fisher-king …
4. change one's opinion, political position, etc.: Don't worry about the chairman,
he'll soon come over. 5. (coll) become (especially suddenly): I came over all dizzy
just for a moment, but I'm all right now. 6. (of sound) be heard on radio or stage: …
Imagine for a moment someone making run of your car. How much would you
agree with Ihe … Think for a moment about whether or not people who know you
might think of your car when they think of you. How much do you agree with this …
that he would declare his solidarity
with authentic artists
against the bourgeois bohemians
… were not composed of such men as Huxley, Spencer, Lecky, Buckle and
Travelyn, but of third-rate school-masters, moony old maids, candidates for
theosophy, literary vicars, collectors of Rogers groups, and other such Philistines.
The chief …
He also remembered the rich in Kerioth — the disgusting tax collectors who
worked for the Romans; the moneylenders who charged exorbitant interest; the
shopkeepers who inflated prices. Injustice caused poverty; this prophet called
Jesus, …
The accumulation of large tracts through purchase was difficult because of the
activities of speculators, who inflated prices of land and caused a rapid increase
in tenancy, share-cropping, and attendant evils. The post-war collapse of farm …
The accumulation of large tracts through purchase was difficult because of the
activities of speculators, who inflated prices of land and caused a rapid increase
in tenancy, share-cropping, and attendant evils. The post-war collapse of farm …
… for, although some small retailer guilds selling imported goods existed, the
guildsman ideally sold his goods directly from his workplace.25 Thus the
merchant was seen as an unnecessary middleman who inflated prices and who
lived off the …
Thus a grain merchant who inflated prices in times of famine was just as selfish
as a guild that practiced its craft to the disadvantage of a civic community or a
group of powerful families that exchanged private wealth and kinship solidarity
for …
… secular purposes, as a way to hold down the rising price of agricultural goods.
One Boston man wrote to the Boston Evening-Post complaining about the “
dishonest” practices of country merchants who inflated prices,“selling Butter and
Milk, …
More than two things thus joined: ». sad, nor mh, nor merry, nor well, Ado II, 1,
303. I should n. sell, nor give, nor lose it, Merch. IV, 1, 443. I have n. wit nor words
nór worth, action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, Cae». Ш, % 225 etc.
making artist’s studios inaccessible to artists
But what can you do in my position? Of course, I don't have any weapons, and I
would not want to use them, but how can you defend youngsters and yourself in
such a situation? You can only call the police.”339 George Thomas ist stolz auf …
I wouldn't say change your opinion about it, but what can you do to make it more
of a better experience for you? I mean not that it's an experience cause you're
probably gonna be here for the rest of your life, but I mean instead of just always …
"My metabolism is slowing down as I'm getting older, I've put on twenty pounds,
but what can you do?" We can change our eating habits, see a nutritionist,
balance diet with exercise, and honour ourselves just as we are. "My kids don't
want to …
… and the staff nurses say you can do this and you can do that and like we turn
round and say we can't because we've never done it before. They make you feel
really stupid, but what can you do? If you haven't done it then you haven't done it.
[editor's note: Hippocratic Oath was deleted] 2:204) SethRosenson 05-JUL-89 11
:54 But what can you do? 1t 's a big thing on yourpart to shelter a homeless
person. What else can you do butpoint and say whatapity? 2:205) BillMyers …
Daran habe ich eigentlich noch gar nicht gedacht -This is actually quite rude!«
Das ist eigentlich ganz schön unverschämt! »It is. actually. but what can you do
Ist es auch (tatsächlich, wirklich), aber was willst du machen? - Ich wette, du hast …
"In hindsight, you probably could have acted differently, but what can you do
about that now, and how long do you need to punish yourself?" 4. After helping
your client with several disputations, ask him to write a letter to himself about how
he …
I hate to but what can you do? What can you do but go ahead and do it even
though, even though, even anyway, oh, he is sweet, no he isn't, I'm sweet, yes
you are, you're lovely, oh, you're so lovely, yes, lovely, and I didn't want to, but I
am, …
I mean it's enough to get through, but what can you do . . . But you know,we all
pull together,me and [inaudible] me husband . . .we just get through . . .but
nothing spare . . .So,I mean that does affect your life.If you've got money you can
move …
I know I couldn't have done anything differently, but it shouldn't have happened
itjust stinks, but what can you do when society keeps lowering itself to the brutal
denominator? Dorsey'd never shown me any signs of violence. Nothing.
You don't like it at all, but what can you do?-you have to listen to it. People
become addicted to their thoughts. Then that thought comes more often, is
repeated more, creates a groove in the head, in the brain cells, and becomes
your reality.
But what can you do to make someone marry you? Nothing! All you can do is be
yourself. If you make someone marry you, it's not right or it's not legal: what did
she do? Was it because of their children? Why would you marry a person just for …
"But — but what can you do, if he is?" "I have assurances," he said obscurely. "
But they mean nothing if I cannot learn the truth." "Why must you do it?" she
protested. "Surely the government or the Runners would be better able — " He
held up a …
C Yes, I know ... but what can you do? L I'll show you what I can do ... c Lydia ...
Lydia ... where are you going? R6.6 kathy Hello, darling. [Are] You OK? darren Hi
, Kathy. Yeah, [I'm] fine. K Darren, I'm worried. Elizabeth's not very well. D Oh …
But what can you do if, through awareness, you realize that what you're dealing
with has several layers of emotional trauma? What if you've spent a good deal of
your life being angry at someone who repeatedly did something inconceivable to …
There are things you can do to change your future, and we will get into that later
in the book, but what can you do to make it more comfortable now? Whether you'
re single or whether you're married; if you knew your life may be the way it is for a …
But what can you do? Paris at mv feet, Paris in the dust. And here I'm breaking
bread With the upper crust . . . Beggar at the feast! Master of the dance! Life is
easy pickings If you grab your chance. Everywhere you go Law-abiding folk
Doing …
It's a distraction, but what can you do about it? Nothing, so you just put it out of
your mind and focus on the job in hand. The point is if there is something that you
can do to remove a distraction, you need to do it or else you will become irritated …
but+what+can+you+do but+what+can+you+do
Mark ›Barney‹ Greenway: Yeah, but what can you do? You have to carryon. I
mean,you know. I'm not gonna be naive enough to suggest that Napalm Death's
gonna turn the world upside down, but,you know, the way I kinda always look on …
… to be indeed reality - But what can you do in the cold, rough world alone? You,
a young and inexperienced woman, delicately nurtured, and utterly - ' 'In a word,
you would advise me to stay where I am,' interrupted I. 'Well, I'll see about it.
He used the analogy of the J.F. Kennedy speech: Not what can your country do
for you but what can you do for your country? That kind of attitude, you know,
what can you do for Ernst and Young rather than what can Ernst and Young do
for …
… your system or due to pervasive networks such as the Internet), giving write
access to other users is highly discouraged. Changing Permissions Great, you
can now read the permissions in the directory listing, but what can you do with
But what can you do? Don't you see he's bound to get broken up sooner or later
? And what would happen to you then?” She turned her large surprised eyes
towards him. “Whatever happens 14 Philippine Short Stories 1941-1955: Part I …
Complete their conversation with you can, you can't, what can you, and can you.
Seth I don't know, Dad. The park sounds a little boring. Mr. Tellis Boring? The
park sounds really interesting! Seth But what can you do there? Mr. Tellis You
can …
I can’t go
against the truth
of the market :
it’s not my role
… enclave of Strpce; the killer hoped that the bus would then crash in a nearby
ravine killing many more, but fortunately this did not happen. In the second, 100
kilos of explosives destroyed a bus of Serbs returning POLICING THE PEACE
The following month, General Ewing warned Topeka that an encore performance
may be in the works for Topeka, but fortunately this did not happen. We received
a letter from Aaron that they had attacked Charleston, which was second only in …
It seemed that it may even be necessary for me to leave the Gaza Strip for a few
days – but fortunately this did not happen. Then I realised that I had neither
passport nor money with me. 'Never mind,' my escort said, 'we can go past the …
But fortunately this did not happen. We were ordered back to the police station
because the enemy had gone back into the jungle and a patrol was not far from
them. The patrol wanted More ammunition so we had to take it to them. But as I …
… was the fact that light fleecy clouds drifted at intervals across the sky obscuring
the sun foi a minute or two, suggesting that possibly the morning might cloud over
, and become cold and perhaps wet — but fortunately this did not happen.
But fortunately this did not happen during any of the five budgets that I presented.
I still wonder why a budget is kept such a highly guarded secret in our country.
Except for some proposals on the indirect taxes front, there is nothing in the …
There were few whom he could not " drink under the table " ; and he was a
terrible fighter, too, when it came to blows; but fortunately this did not happen
often, for he was a man of peace by nature. I have been told that when under
strong …
He was pleasure-loving — perhaps a little too much so for his own good. There
were few whom he could not "drink under the table"; and he was a terrible fighter,
too, when it came to blows; but fortunately this did not happen often, for he was …
The stocky estate agent just offered him a ten percent discount &mdash
He was concerned about the conflict of policies which he had observed from time
to time within the High Commission. His Majesty's Government in the United
Kingdom, having adopted a policy of planned economy and of full employment,
had …
… was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in
Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according
to the time which he had diligently inquired d of the wise men.+ high regard for
him, …
which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had
In the 1 840s Augustus De Morgan ( 1 806- 1871) used a semiotic system of dots
and brackets to classify the types of valid and invalid syllogisms; he applied it to a
greatly expanded version called 'quantification of the predicate' which he had
which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had
Mr. Allworthy himself spoke to the captain in his brother's behalf, and desired to
know what offence the doctor had committed; when the hard-hearted villain had
the baseness to say that he should never forgive him for the injury which he had
He declared to himself that there was no equilibrium between the harm, which he
had caused, and the harm, which was being done to him; he finally arrived at the
conclusion that his punishment was not, in truth, unjust, but that it most …
which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had
… gleaming from wit and gladness, rejuvenated, filled with life, exquisite, so
unapproachable that Otho himself could not compare with him, and was really
that which he had been called,—arbiter elegantiarum. He visited the public baths
rarely, …
which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had
Canons 27-32 and 39-43 come from the letter of Abbo of Fleury which is
numbered 14 in the edition in the Patrología latina. Abbo had used a personal
collection of Gregory texts which he had put together over the years from various
which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had which+he+had
In his farthest eastern investigation, he hears some people calling their cattle by a
peculiar cry, which he had never heard … Finding these cattle, he also heard the
same cry of people calling cattle, which he had heard in the extreme East, and …
The marine science and technology that will be the focus of the Commission in
2020 is probably already foreseen but little of what will be prominent 50 years
hence can be known. Major intergovernmental, societal, environmental and …
He'd probably already foreseen that given the slightest hint that Jared would
prefer it, I would choose to sleep beside Jared, and then keep myself awake
worrying that I'd made Jared unhappy by being there and that I'd hurt Ian's
feelings in the …
Behold, then, a new religion, a new society; upon this twofold foundation there
must inevitably spring up a new poetry. iviously--we beg pardon for setting forth a
result which the reader has probably already foreseen from what has been said …
Previously — we beg pardon for setting forth a result which the reader has
probably already foreseen from what has been said above — previously,
following therein the course pursued by the ancient polytheism and philosophy,
the purely …
The reader has probably already foreseen what I believe habits of embodied
care entail for the issue of same-sex marriage. The collapse of the normative and
the descriptive makes this foresight possible. Embodied care consists of
attending …
Previously – we beg pardon for setting forth a result which the reader has
probably already foreseen from what has been said above – previously, following
therein the course pursued by the ancient polytheism and philosophy, the purely
epic …
offering after a mini-negotiation
“Artist’s studio”
really meant an attic
with a skylight &mdash
a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one
The room was a very nice one, with pink curtains and a patchwork quilt on the
bed, and a tin bath standing on its head in a corner. There were pictures on the
wall—a dog in a sun-bonnet and a white cat with a ball—and one over the bed of …
a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one
We have bought a battledore and shuttle cock. But the first shuttlecock was soon [
spoiled?], so I got another, for which the woman asked threepence [a pair?], but
gave it me for twopence. It is a very nice one indeed. There are two most …
The famous and familiar horseshoe, in silver or silver-gilt, holding up the menu-
card, is another pretty favor, and a very nice one to carry home, as it becomes a
penholder when it is put on the writing-table. Wire rests, shaped like those used
for …
After tea he took us round his garden and over a new church which had just been
built, but which was not quite finished and was a very nice one. He also took us
over his stables, which were very fine indeed. It is hard to tell Baganda about …
She first agreed to buy a very nice one at 3s. 3d (which should have been 4s.),
but I persuaded her to take one at 3s. 9d. (which should have been 4s. 6d.). '
Look here, ma'am,' said I, ' this umbrella is much bigger you see, and will carry
double …
“Princess Sophie lived in a very nice one-bedroom turret in an up-and-coming
part of the kingdom, and she owned an extensive and extremely stylish collection
of shoes and one cat named Artemis. Actually, she didn't exactly own the cat; the …
a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one
I think the ring a very nice one; let's see how it looks on your hand.” Kate felt as if
her life was sinking away from her. Was this all? Was there then nothing wrong or
right in the world? she asked herself feebly. “You don't mean, do you, that I am …
My Cousin L. Lee who lives in the Orkney Islands, sent me a very nice one. Mrs
Hope sent me a beauty. Mr. Hall, who took me to the Exhibition also sent me a
very good one. I was so astonished when I got his and Mr. W. as well. Sunday
26th …
I was shown a very nice one for 26 fr. [and] I thought it rather dear. Then they
showed me a 10 franc one. Same fault. Perhaps Mister would like a cheap comb[
?] I admitted the delicate insinuation and the woman showed me the 6 franc ones
[,] …
But you are familiar with the area.” “I am.” “Not a very nice neighborhood, is it?” “
Not very, no. What about it?” “Well, it's a bit less nice now. There is a house there,
not a very nice one; rather in need of some repair. I'd give you the address, but I …
Once promoted to the "A" list, Bogart would never receive less than top billing
again. Here is a very nice one sheet from one of his early starring roles. It has fold
wear and minor fold separations with small cross fold chips. The poster has been …
I've heard of a very nice one." "All right," said Totto-chan, after thinking it over. "
But ..." "What is it now?" thought Mother. "Does she realize she's been expelled?"
But a moment later Totto-chan was asking joyfully, "Do you think the street …
Mr. Henry got a very nice one yesterday from one of Smith's negroes at the bridge
. He let the negro have some wire & he is to get one third of the fish that is caught.
Atheline was sick yesterday evening & is not well this morning, headache.
… story was a very nice one, it used to make me so sorry to think it was not true ;
and if it was a sad story, then I was glad it was not true, and forgot it as soon as I
could. Now some of the things in this book are going to be very sad, and some …
Such a very nice one and the prettiest antimacassarI ever saw. It is made of that
crinkly white braid and is sown round and round each circle just covering the
stiches of the former; each circle is about the size ofa wine-glass top and the
centre …
a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one a+very+nice+one
This custom, which is usual, seems a very nice one, if observed in a proper spirit.
From these tombs we went up to another, which is about half way up the hill, and
from its terrace and minaret had another beautiful view of the town, with some of …
His relationship with Bouras's daughter, Lorraine, was indeed "a very nice one."
He was a "very, very important" man in her life. And yet, Bouras feels, "it was
never simple loving. I consider Alec a terribly complex person, and I don't think …
If one calls bricolage the necessity of borrowing one's concepts from the text of a
heritage which is more or less coherent or ruined, it must be said that every
discourse is bricoleur. The engineer, whom Levi-Strauss opposes to the bricoleur
, …
What makes the aporia so formidable, and, it must be said, without any calculable
, decidable, or foreseeable way out, given over once more to the paradoxes of
the autoimmune, is that equality is not equal to itself. It is, as I suggested earlier, …
If it be asked by what it is one efficiently, it must be said that the unity of the
Church has its being equally from the whole Trinity, as from an effective principle:
from the Father, I say, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit. But sometimes, for …
However it must be said that the integral whole and the universal agree in that
each is confused and indistinct. For just as he who apprehends a genus does not
apprehend the species distinctly, but in potency only, so also he who apprehends …
A rhetorical problem is an exigency, a constraint on why something must be said,
how it must be said, by whom it must be said, to whom it must be said, and to
what end it must be said. Such exigencies occur for many reasons: Natural
disaster, …
it+must+be+said it+must+be+said
When the illness is very severe in the thirteenth night before the paroxysm, and
the fever begins in this night via a tremor, and the pulse is in a turmoil indicating
the crisis, and then a praiseworthy [K.803] sweat comes—then it must be said that …
But, perhaps,the most important aspect, and the most important argument in
support of this traditional technique is to be found in the long-term effects which
are stable and stress resistant. Finally, it must be said that although the technique
is …
Al- though it must be said that the methods the Party used did not attain all-over
approval. And it must be pointed out again, as it was in the beginning of this
essay, that individual histories are a basic part of this story, although their
presenta- …
Because fitst and last words atrract most atrention, never begin or end a
paragraph with unimporrant words. In particular, omit superfluous introductory
phtases (for example: Ftrst let us consider . . . Secondly it must be said that . . .
Next it must …
On the contrary it must be said that Suárez prima facie speaks only about the
identity of properties, not about essences that found, as some truthmakers, the
truth of that identity. The only relation to those identities that God can have is
rational …
Hence, according to them, it must be said that a body is nothing else but a thing
which has part distant from part in length, breadth and height, and a continuous
and permanent quantity is a thing which has part distant from part. This, then …
(1) Moreover, it must be said that the sister who entered upon the estate in
compliance with the provisions of the will, is not in the same position as the one
who was passed over, and therefore the latter must bring suit to recover half of
the …
… historians are deeply concerned, is completely ignored by the producers of
historical films. It must be said that this type of film is not an historical work: even if
it appears to show the truth, it in no way claims to reproduce the past accurately.
It must be said that 14 the predicate is the completive part of the statement, but
every syncategorematic word pertains in some way to both the subject and the
predicate, and so the syncategorematic words derive their name from the
predicate …
Consequently, a thing which is its own existence can only be one, and it must be
said that in every other thing its existence is one thing and its quiddity or nature or
form other. In intelligences existence must be outside form, and that is why it is …
Presumably removal of the quotations would leave a completely non-Christian
document. On this it must be said that any such non-Christian document can only
be recovered by removing the quotations, and we have no independent evidence …
Hier. x) seems to have thought so, when he said that among spiritual substances
there are the first, the middle and the last; even in one order of angels. Now
according to the first opinion, it must be said that there are many aeviternities as
there …
In the unified theory where the field equation is called Weltgleichung, it is
undesirable to set aside the universal gravitation which is the most universal
interaction among others. It must be said, however, the Heisenberg theory is at
present in …
Against the third, [it must be said] that what is most important in us rather seems
to be breath and not, as they think, … Against the fourth it must be said that from
those who have been subjected to venesection not only blood is evacuated but …
… yet whatever of sin might creep in from human infirmity might be constantly
done away by the piety of their faith itself: it results from this that, in comparison
with the wicked whom God will condemn, it must be said that these were "
righteous," …
it+must+be+said it+must+be+said
C 1 it i: I 1T The brain, it must be said, yields to philosophical reflection a sense of
the uncanny.2 1n our most materialist moments, we would like to take the matter
of the brain itself for the mind. (What could be more appropriate than the brain …
… hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of
blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was
said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said „the judgments of the Lord …
In fact, the individual person is challenged by a sphere of values, which he or she
alone is called to actuate. Nevertheless it must be said that the individual is
determined to a certain extent by his or her social group: the whole organism
affects …
Jefferson then undermines his conclusion even further by questioning the basis
of his own reasoning. "To our reproach it must be said, that though for a century
and a half we have had under our eyes the races of black and of red men, they …
and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark
and a few dark portraits 2James Garfield, twentieth president of the United
States, who was assassinated in 1881. 3Lily Langtry was an English actress of
the time. in oil. There were other houses in which you might Copyright 2010
Cengage …
and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark
… Dark orange Iodine (5%) solution Black Acetic Acid Brown Acetic acid +
sulphuric acid Brown Ferric chloride (5%) solution Dark yellowish green
Ammonium hydroxide Brown Millon's reagent Brown Sodium hydroxide (10%)
and a few Dark
The Success Story Of The European Convention On Human Rights - And A Few
Dark Stams, in: HRLJ Vol. 13, 1992. 401- 406, 403 ff. 24 Vgl. dazu Michael O'
Boyle, Reflections on the Effectiveness of the European System for the Protection
of …
This amphora presents a light red (Munsell 2.5YR 6/6), rough, sandy, hard fabric
with colorless grits and some mica and a few dark grits. Beltran IVB/Dressel 14
similis is represented by three sherds, weighing 810 gr., in Period V loci: M49b/d, …
and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark
We sat down and looked at each other across a dark floor, on which a few Navajo
rugs and a few dark Turkish rugs made a decorating combination with some well-
used over-stuffed furniture. There was a fireplace, a small baby grand, …
The cream to yellow plastron is hingeless; in juveniles, it may have two
longitudinal ridges and a few dark blotches, especially on the anterior scutes.
The head scales are black to chestnut brown at the center and lighter toward their
rims; the …
and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark
… solder with white needlelike precipitates of Au0.5Ni0.5Sn4 and a few dark gray
Cu6Sn5 precipitates scattered within the joint. Also visible at the top of the picture
at the interface, a layer of (Ni,Cu)3Sn4 is observed to grow.(From Ref. 29.) FIG.
It first passed through open woods of second-growth oak and hickory and poplar,
and then closer to the ridge the timber remained uncut and the trees were
immense and became mixed with spruce and hemlock and a few dark balsams.
and+a+few+dark and+a+few+dark
… Jose proper from San Pedro, is the truly ugly but wildly popular Mall San Pedro
. A ceramic-coloured multi- 95 storey building festooned with plants and
simulated waterfalls, inside it's a • jumble of largely useless shops and a few dark
… greening Alexandria city by creating a green infrastructure network S. S. A. Aly
& M. S. E. Amer ............................................................................ 101 The effect of
atrium façade design on daylighting in atrium and its adjoining spaces S. Samant
… Kitchens 43 Living Spaces 46 Living Rooms 46 Dining Rooms 46 Home
Theaters 47 Home Offices 48 Adjoining Spaces 49 Bathrooms 49 Laundry
Rooms 53 Saunas 54 Steam Rooms 56 Wine Storage Cellars 57 Sample
Estimation of Area …
… prohibit such behavior even if rental agreements don't. Enclosure Enclosing
balconies affects the amount of natural light and air available to rooms across the
exterior wall from them. Codes consider interior rooms to be "adjoining spaces" …
This attachment of forms establishes the strongest visual bond possible and is a
suitable maneuver to allow adjoining spaces to inconspicuously merge and/or to
support two interdependent functions. The amount of overlap among merging …
A gastight A-0 class division is satisfactory if there is no source of ignition or fire
hazard in the adjoining spaces. 3.1.3 Where cargo is carried in a cargo
containment system requiring a secondary barrier, segregation of hold spaces
from spaces …
In terms of wall height, most walls stretch from floor to ceiling and create a firm
sense of enclosure (Bound), because they occlude visual continuity between
adjoining spaces. However, Unbound spaces may be created by reducing the
height …
This alteration in what is heard can be accomplished by increasing the sound
isolation properties within a space or by controlling sound reverberation
transference between adjoining spaces. A successfully designed room for people
with …
Vegetation may be simple and cooling in transitional spaces to contrast with the
brightness, complexity, built character and business of adjoining spaces. Or
vegetation may make a threshold rich in comparison with its adjoining spaces.
Establish the volume of the isolation suite envelope as defined above. 2. Turn off
the suite supply and extract ventilation systems and those serving adjoining
spaces. (Rationale: All adjoining spaces need to be at atmospheric pressure in
order …
These principal streets have been given the status of new spines in the City
Centre. The main purpose of the ongoing quality treatment project has been to
radially improve the environment of these streets and adjoining spaces and
A fireplace or wood stove, window(s), or views of adjoining spaces or television
may become focal points and therefore major influencing factors on the design of
the space and the layout of furnishings. Artwork may be displayed in leisure …
Unembellished walls suggest little for the design or use of the adjoining spaces,
although this can sometimes be overcome with extensive landscaping. More
often, though, a sea of parking prevails. The visual-emotional experience of …
Usually, all the walls and floors surrounding an internal space are continuous
with one another and will extend round adjoining spaces as well. Thus, they will
all carry some of the airborne sound from a noisy space to adjoining spaces. This
is …
… the sound reaches a wall, it is partially reflected and partially absorbed, and a
small portion is transmitted into adjoining spaces. The energy transmitted has
little effect on the space within which the sound originates, although, as
discussed …
Particular care should be taken to avoid conversations being overheard where
the adjoining spaces are waiting or quiet sitting areas. 3.24 Sound transmission
can be reduced by the use of sound-attenuating partitions and doors. The use of …
4.11 Speech privacy is essential in spaces where personal and confidential
discussions are held, such as interview rooms and any clinical areas;
discussions should be unintelligible in adjoining spaces. 4.12 Particular care
should be taken …
This space was surgically separated from the muscles of the adjoining spaces. In
order to study MSE and TO in either external or internal intercostal muscles, the
muscle not being studied was denervated. All other muscles innervated by the …
Consistent with adjoining spaces. More filing needed? TC-1. High ventilation.
Ambient. C-2 Durable and water-resistant. TC-1 A-2 Task/ambient. C-1 M-1.
Ceiling can be non- acoustic. Appropriate for both concentrative work and
informal …
adjoining+spaces adjoining+spaces
This has implications for how a geographical space is shaped in relation to other
adjoining spaces that may be richer and poorer. Third, it is important to focus
analytic attention onto how participatory or associational spaces are presented.
className = ' + checkForVariable(attrValue) + ';\n'; break; case 'style': // Split the
style attribute on ; using a regular expression // to include adjoining spaces var
style = attrValue.split(/\s*;\s*/); if(style){ for(pair in style){ if(!style[pair]) continue; …
InMarylandv. Buie (1990), the Supreme Court allowed the arresting officers to
make a protective sweep of the immediately adjoining spaces where a potential
assailant might be concealed. Such a Buie sweep does not require any suspicion …
The larger of the two frames the light court with various degrees of transparency
and in so doing invites adjoining spaces to share in the garden and in the sky to
varying degrees. The second, opaque light court captures the sky for itself; …
We assumed adjoining spaces with 1 m wide along a certain direction in the
stand and whole measurement data within each space were projected to a
corresponding vertical plane to recover a canopy structure. Scattering points in a
vertical …
In addition to fat, the PPS contains arteries, veins and minor salivary gland rests,
and although rare, primary pathology of this space is generally limited to lipoma
and minor salivary gland tumors. More frequently, lesions from adjoining spaces
The bind operations compute locations for the four adjoining spaces, and the
make operations assert inspect elements. These elements direct upcoming
search productions to inspect the adjoining spaces. The sequence element
advances …
The adjoining spaces below are less and less elongated. This indicates that the
greater part of the cell division takes place near the tip (the growing point), but
that some cell division and most of the enlargement of cells occurs in the
adjoining …
There is a tendency to move towards the east and west courts and the temporary
exhibition, but the other four galleries flanking the main hall attract a share of the
flow, which they also distribute to their adjoining spaces. In contrast, on entering …
Residents must clearly have a right to safeguard adjoining spaces to where they
live. These spaces should not have confused ownership (Coleman, 1983). All
spaces need careful land maintenance and management. It is a waste of scarce …
They were frequently provided with niches, placed either in the thickness of the
wall, or expanding from the core into adjoining spaces as in the Minerva Medica
in Rome [186]. And they were always vaulted: with regular domes resting on the …
Crowns of casings of main machinery spaces are to be of steel construction and
insulated. Bulkheads and decks separating adjacent spaces are required to have
appropriate A, B or C ratings depending on the fire risk of adjoining spaces.
Glazed along much of its length on either side, this open patio serves to deform
the adjoining spaces, but it also would have yielded complex and constantly
changing views as one moved along it. The plan is largely confined to two levels:
the …
The great room is often positioned in convenient proximity to the kitchen and
adjoining spaces such as an open loggia, solarium, or terrace in the yard. This
arrangement creates a nucleus for family activities. Great rooms often include a …
adjoining spaces. Tops & Bottoms (2, 22, 42, 62) Each answer's letters are to
be entered two per square, starting with the top triangles and finishing with the
bottom triangles. (For example, if the answer word were ENIGMA, the first box
would …
It is obviously impossible for someone who has only been exposed to one
religion to become devout in another. However, the more pertinent question is
whether a person who has only been exposed to a single religion may
nevertheless …
Academic degrees (e.g., Ph.D., M.B.A.) or professional designations (e.g., C.L.U.,
C.P.A., C.F.P.) follow the typed name and are separated by a comma. A person
signing the letter for someone else should initial just below and to the right of the …
A work of art has meaning and interest only for someone who possesses the
cultural competence, that is, the code, into which it is encoded. The conscious or
unconscious implementation of explicit or implicit schemes of perception and …
Jan/ noun [U] very great admiration or praise for someone, especially when it is
more than is deserved: Minelli is a born performer - she loves the excitement and
she loves the adulation. • adulatory /.aed.ju'lei.Pr.l/ ® /' adjective …
… Today I will Do One Good Deed Anonymously 33 Just for Today I will Seek Out
One New Experience 36 Just for Today I will Spend Some Time in Solitude 39
Just for Today I will Pray for Someone Else 42 Just for Today I will Treat Everyone …
… to act as an agent for an American Company □ ein amerikanisches
Unternehmen vertreten; to act for someone or to act on someone's behalf = jdn
vertreten or in jds Auftrag handeln (b) (to do something) handeln; the board will
have to act …
ask for someone's hand ask someone for a hand ask for someone 's hand -
propose to a woman: I've told him I have asked for your hand in marriage and that
you've rejected me. ask someone for a hand - I. ask smb. to help in what the
person …
In a similar way, a person may act both personally and as agent for someone
else, although that analogy is not exact. 26. I have come to the conclusion that
when the child support legislation refers to a local authority, that does not include
the …
… be criticized/ suspected No ruler should believe he is above criticism./Judges
ought to be above suspicion. above/over one's head above/over one's head: too
difficult for someone. abandon oneself to something - above criticism/suspicion | .
… Congress IDIOM with act • act your age to behave in a way suitable for
someone as old as you are o Stop being silly and act your age! PHRASAL
VERBS with act • act out to behave badly because you are unhappy or upset,
often in ways …
… a therapist or support group. By taking care of yourself, you're better prepared
to care for your loved one. For an expanded discussion on caring for someone
with CFS and attending to your own needs, Chapter 14 is where you want to go.
In the case of wealth, then, whether we regard someone as having a complaint
regarding inequality may seem to depend upon how she fares relative to the
average Fate who is responsible for someone's being unlucky (as presumably
there is …
… will never fail Love Never Fail Will Never Fail Love Never Fail hope we need...
Love Never Fail Will Never Fail Love Never Fail time we need... Will Never Fail
You should look for someone who has experience with I-Phone application
design. Chances are that you will get many bids from those who are interested in
your project. Look for references as well as samples of their work before hiring …
Write("Looking for someone to talk to... "); // Wait for connection TcpClient
newClient = _listener.AcceptTcpClient(); Trace.WriteLine("Connected to new
client"); // queue a request to take care of the client ThreadPool.
QueueUserWorkItem(new …
… Start a Business Because Everyone Is Doing It Because You Want to Be a
Millionaire Because You're Looking for a Secure Job Because You Don't Want to
Work for Someone Else Because You Just Came into Some Money Because If
the …
Even what is good of a kind— good poems no less than good people— must be
good for someone. Pleasure plays a key role in this idea of flourishing life, but
Kraut opposes the current philosophical orthodoxy of well-being, which views a …
3 what/how about ...? a isuggestion] used to make a suggestion How about
France for a holiday? b Iopinioni used to ask for someone's opinion on a
particular subject What about Ann - is she nice? o*about2 /a'baut/ adverb 1 [
approximately] …
This means, the way to write a good logbook is to write it for someone else. The
best answer to the question, what should go in the book? is, whatever
commentary someone else would need to follow what is going on. That neatly
addresses …
… licensed lender (pawnbroker) retains possession of the collateral property in
your possession that belongs to • someone else (for instance, property you are
storing for someone), and wages that are withheld and employer contribu• tions
that …
A mountain man with a yellow beard and smiling eyes stepped forward. "Hello,
General Ashley," he said pleasantly. "This lad just knocked out Johnson and Holt.
It seems like Jed Smith didn't want to take a drink. But they wouldn't let him alone …
Like Jed, they'd, “Been too dang busy to even call on our neighbors.” Also Like
Jed, he was doing several things at once, mostly preparing shelters for this and
future winters. He'd brought a crew in with him, mostly from his wife's family, so
was …
Mr Sinclair was tall but he was not built like Jed Weaver who had been known to
fell Jack Eccles, the blacksmith in Moorend who had done a bit of prize-fighting in
his youth. Mr Sinclair was lean, wiry, strong, there was no doubt of it but hardly …
Josiah's word was his bond, his handshake sealed a deal, and no matter the
outcome, he saw it through. Not many men like Josiah and John were left, and
too many like Carter, Mussleman, Woodard, and yes, like Jed, were replacing
It was like Jed knew, instinctively, when Redford needed to be grounded. “I'm a
fucking treat, for one. And Redford's hot as hell, so they got some eye candy too!
Must be sourpuss over there that set them off.” He glanced over at Victor with a …
Don't you like Jed?” “It's not that I don't like him. It's just that...I'm not sure he's a
good influence on Freddy.” “What do you mean?” “It's probably nothing.” Mike
gave her a stern look. “Spit it out, Hannah. It's not like you to beat around the
"Dr. Steinfeld, I can't believe that the people who wrote the Constitution had
someone like Jed Hoeflich in mind when they discussed freedom of speech. Lies
and hate speech don't belong in any country, even a democracy." "I'm afraid that I …
But hearing that grownups were a sorry mess like Jed sounded like revelation. Or
confusion. If everyone was screwed up, then what was the point? “The point is . . .
Jesus.” Jed shook his head. Had he said his thoughts out loud? “Jesus?
Judith is the other protagonist. She is an intelligent and thoughtful young teacher
who relates well to the Kokati Indians. Like Jed, but to a lesser extent, she is able
to mediate between the values of the Anglo community and the Indian ways.
He'd looked up to Raymond when they were kids, but it seemed like Jed had
grown up,taken on marriage andafamily and responsibilities, and Raymond was
stilljust a jerky snotnosed kid whotold fibs about half the time. But Jed was never …
"Gawd!" he murmured, "I sho' am anxious and trubbled." Then he turned,
mounted the step of the creaky carriage, and gave his whip that peculiar twist that
only a born master of horses ever can. It was like Jed to do that which he was
ordained …
They meet Jed's brother, Lem Carta (Jack Lambert); he has green eyes, like Jed.
He tells them that Ma will be coming down. "Putting on a fresh shroud, no doubt,"
Roz says. Shortly afterward they are attacked by a bat. Jed and Lem, in another …
“Looks like Jed beat me to the ride.” “Hell,” Jed said, “at least I can beat you at
something. You wiped me out last night.” “Wiped you out?” Callie shot them both
a glance. “At poker. Remember, when I bumped into you? I was on my way to
meet …
Bruce added that he thought the whole community was against them, and that
they all thought the members of this group were just like Jed. “We are just like Jed
,” blurted Jake. “I won't live past 18 years old.” Silence fell over the group.
Her mind now wandered off as she began to reminisce, on how lucky she was to
have found someone like Jed, a good looking man who was gentle with his
hands, tender with his kisses who liked to explore a woman's body. In sexual
foreplay …
Don't you like Jed?" "It's not that I don't like him. It's just that . . . I'm not sure he's a
good influence on Freddy." "What do you mean?" "It's probably nothing." Mike
gave her a stern look. "Spu u out, Hannah. It's not like you to beat around the
With chicken heads, of course ; same like Jed does," Ben returned hopefully. "
And I suppose that antelopes will eat chicken heads, same as wild-cats do,"
Trissy remarked, somewhat maliciously. Ben put his overworked head down on
the …
But we had decided that the workers probably had a foreman like Jed who
started the lies. We told the superintendent what we thought and that Jed had
started all the trouble. He was ready to lie to the point of bloodshed. Some
workers in our …
Not like Jed at all. I guess he's had enough attention as one of the Kavanagh
family and just wants to live his own life with as little interference as possible.” “
What if he was under pressure from his old man to be more like Jed? What if the
old …
'She's wasting her time with a man like Jed Lord.' Georgie gave him a quizzical
frown. 'What do you mean...?' 'From what's been said, the man has only just
escaped from one disastrous relationship—I seriously doubt he intends
embarking on …
Just like Jed had told her. “Let me take that for you.” Harry came forward. “I'll put it
in your bedroom.” “Mine?” she asked as Jed put a hand to her waist and led her
past the big office in the front toward the big country kitchen and family room.
“Looks like Jed beat me to the ride.” “Hell,” Jed said, “at least I can beat you at
something. You wiped me out last night.” “Wiped you out?” Callie shot them both
a glance. “At poker. Remember, when I bumped into you? I was on my way to
meet …
For this division, there are syntactic as well as se- mantic reasons: - In German,
determiners (articles) and numerals (with the exception of a few like jed-, einig-
und mehrere) can be combined. This is normally not true of members of the same …
And a man like Jed has to know the possibility of that. You ever really watch him
close, Miss Molly, I mean when he's just sittin' or walkin' around out here? His
eyes never stop movin'. I never saw a man who was more knowin' about
everything …
“Do you like Jed, Garrett?” “I sure do. He's 'bout the best man, I know 'cept- ing
Granddad. Granddad's the best.” She gave him an extra little squeeze for that. “
What would you think of Jed and me getting married?” Garrett looked perplexed.
“You're right about the posture, but I think he looks a little like Jed, too,” Zoë said.
And she was hoping that the resemblance was what had triggered her intense
reaction to the man. “Every one of us is supposed to have a twin somewhere in
the …
How like Jed to make that impossible. “Thanks so much for the service.” She
nodded toward the suitcases. “You didn't have to do that. How did you know I was
home?” “Hard to miss the dust you kicked up. You always did drive like a bat out
of …
That's when Travis decided to be entirely honest, to fully commit as he hadn't
before, because he wasn't going to be like Jed. “I went to a psychologist this
morning,” he said. Jed's eyes widened. Travis raised a finger. “May the powers
that be …
Like Jed never meeting someone if he didn't go outside of his county, she'd never
find the sort of closeness she craved if she didn't lower her shields from time to
time. Clearly this wasn't going to be forever—Jed had basically said so—but …
He was light-skinned, like Jed. He thought Jed was his son.” “Why did you keep
working for Jesse Thompson?” “I was a young black woman. I had little schoolin'.
Where else was I gonna work? I needed a job then — and especially five years …
… was a great day at the gallery because of everyone dropping by to glean what
they could. Fortunately for me, Heather was there to field the inquiries.” “I've
never lived in a small town before. Sounds like something I would not like,” Jed
… reading, and written language. Like Jed, his written expression is slow due to
difficulty with visual-motor coordination. David has needed a self-contained LD
program since elementary school. David also has difficulty concentrating in class.
who had very limited hygienic needs
None of us ventured down into the crater, but the view was enticing. A crack on
the far side floor of the crater was venting a steady though wistful plume of steam,
along with that sulfur smell that escapes the bowels of the earth when given an …
It was still hard, but the view was a little better than the day before, because she
had gone further. When she came home, she was tired but - for the first time - she
felt that maybe she was just a little less so. This went on day after day. Each time …
It was steep but the view was worth it. It had been a long time since all of them
had been there and they wanted to make this run special since it was New Year's
and the first time having run together in several years. Once they hit Sandy
Bottom …
It was about ten o'clock in the morning, and there they were on the roof. Now
what? It was a pretty nice day, the sun was out, but the view was hardly
spectacular. This was, after all, 42nd Street. Directly below them looking to the
west were the …
The garden was magical but the view was visionary, poetic. On the other side of
the two hundred feet of hedge and riot of daffodils along the edge of the garden
unfolded fields after fields of springing wheat and barley, knitted together by …
But the view was novel, and what Mary was viewing right now was an Indian
cowboy stretched out long, lean and relaxed, elbow braced on the ground,
sipping black coffee from a blue metal cup. She'd been around a lot of men in her
line of …
… only 0.24in (6mm) thick and highly vulnerable. The turret was built up from
plate, much like that of the Mk Vl light tank, and had a big square mantlet housing
the 2pounder gun. The turret was reasonably roomy, but the view was poor and …
Always. But the view was outstanding. He could vividly recall the scene after a
snowstorm. The trees. They would completely surround the house and isolate it
from anything else. The trees would bloom with snow and the view was once
again …
Lynne and I had a rather larger and more luxurious room, but the view was not
nearly as good. However, it did have a shower cubicle, and we thought the view
was secondary to that. It had been a wet day. I have frequently queried the fact
that …
But+the+view+was But+the+view+was
There was no challenge to the Luxembourg compromise, but the view was that its
existence had created a consensus culture even at levels which the French
considered technical. The French saw this spread of consensus culture to
technical …
But the view was not inspiring, and pointing to a hill on the right Dial said, "That's
where the VC launched a rocket attack a few weeks ago. But don't worry—they're
not there now. They rush in, fire a few rockets, and then beat it." Hanging on the …
For a long time the former view that neandertals were our ancestors dominated,
but the view was not unanimous. As Howells put it in 1944, "The niceties of
neanderthal anatomy, with which we have been grappling, are hardly a subject
for …
My window looked out on the back garden but the view was largely obstructed by
the huge cherry blossom. On one of its dancing branches, I noticed those same
swallows look upon my window, survey the grounds absently and then depart.
But the view was new every day as well, with the changes in sunlight or cloud
cover or rain or wind, and she never tired of seeing it. And there was always
some creature to observe, for the pond attracted geese and ducks and deer, and
most …
… the team is so far delighted with the panoramic view of options. Taking ABB
from an appealing conceptual image to a real-world implementation was a major
effort, but the view was definitely worth the climb. EXPERT WRAP-UP Alan
Stratton …
We had looked at a few properties already, some of the houses needed work, but
the view was breathtaking, others were dreamy on the inside, but the view was
dreary. As I had my head down reading over the next listing, Joel said “Paula I …
It was a bare and looted building, but the view was just the way I remembered it.
And just as beautiful. “I could see the city of Manila gleaming whitely in the
sunshine. I could see Corregidor, and the hook of the Cavite peninsula, which
curves …
But the view was short-lived. Back in cloud all the way to Mogadishu, I again
suffered the sensation of that damned continuous left turn. About ten minutes out
of Mogadishu we picked up the unmistakable and most comforting voice of Flight …
But+the+view+was But+the+view+was But+the+view+was But+the+view+was
… purgation was carried out where the soul had sinned; this latter view was
thought possible only in exceptional cases, but the view was tolerated, and
remained popular (it is implicit in Boccaccio's Decameron 3.8, and possibly 5.8
as well).
It was always there, but the view was never quite the same from hour to hour. For
one thing, the illumination of Haldora changed throughout the forty-hour cycle of
Hela's orbit: from fully lit face, to crescent, to storm-racked nightside. And even …
… an upper deck that provided a more sweeping view than Wherever there was
free sand and calm water, so there would be mangroves. the vessel at the state
park. But the view was also less intimate—there always seems to be a trade-off.
It was a cold day in Pittsburgh, but the view was magnificent. Once they got to the
park, the driver pulled over and pointed out the window to Forbes Field. There
were people everywhere: cameramen, workers, and police officers flooded the …
There appeared to be an extensive forest, but the view was blocked by the huge
overlapping trunks. Turning to view the trail he had followed, Ethan realized he
had reached the top of the mesa, something he suspected no one else had done …
… but it was within walking distance of Battery Park, what's left of it anyway. Halo
enjoyed himselfby bolting to the top and looked around the city. I followed him by
flying up, but the view was less than comforting, New York was pretty torn up.
more than ''a tatter of shadows peaked to white,'' yet in brighter moments it
emerges as ''smeared with the gold of the opulent sun.'' Indeed, the principal
impetusof Stevens'swork isthedrivetoattainimaginativewealth throughthe power
of poetry.
A trade, sir, that, I hope, I may use with a safe conscience, which is indeed, sir, a
mender of bad soles. MARULLUS. What trade, thou knave? Thou naughty knave,
what trade? SECOND CITIZEN. Nay, I beseech you, sir, be not out with me; yet, …
^pronoun formal some: Certain of the candidates were well below the usual
standard, but others were very good indeed. certainly /' ® /'S3>:-/ adverb
in no doubt© 1 © used to reply completely or to emphasize something and show
that … ..........
.......................................................................34 …
It was also a favourite amusement to blow on the mound of rats, for they seemed
to dislike the cold wind, which sent them fluttering about like so many feathers;
indeed, whilst the match was going on, whenever the little animals collected …
… 'you are mad indeed, if you are no better in your wits than a fool' (4.2.73-6).
Feste is momentarily on top in this scene - but it could easily be him in there,
confined and ill-treated as a 'vagabond', if he had not negotiated for himself a
position …
… 1600–1650 28 3 North America in the Atlantic World, 1650–1720 55 4
American Society Transformed, 1720–1770 80 5 Severing the Bonds of Empire,
1754–1774 107 6 A Revolution, Indeed, 1774–1783 131 7 Forging a National
Republic, …
Indeed, some musical consumers equate “world music” with the music of world's
peoples. Of course, as most music-making throughout the world falls outside of
that marketing category, no responsible introduction to the music of the world's …
indeed indeed
splendid :
beyond the place des Alpes it extended
… this book includes common figures of speech, such as dark horse and blind as
a bat; interjections and formula phrases, such as all the best and take care;
emphatic redundancies whose word order cannot be reversed, such as far and
wide …
… us etiology /,'DL9.djl/ ® /-ti' noun [U] specialized the study of the causes
of a disease AFAIK, afaik internet abbreviation for as far as I know: used when
you believe that something is true, but you are not completely certain aerosol afar …
Related vocabulary return the favor at favor concerned as far as you are
concerned, also so far as you are concerned in your opinion ♢ The prime minister
said that as far as he 's concerned, the next elections would be held as
scheduled. so …
The etymology traces a vocabulary entry as far back as possible in English (as to
Old English), tells from what language and in what form it came into English, and
(except in the case of such words outside the general vocabulary of English as …
… this would be regrettable. comity» from Latin cSmis courteous, means courtesy,
A the e. of nations is the obligation recognized by civilized nations to respect
each other's laws A usages as far as their separate interests allow. It has nothing
to …
A definitive line was established during the period of French administration from
the Mediterranean as far south as Bir Romane. This line appears on maps of
Algeria (and Tunisia) at 1:200,000, published by the Service geographique de …
… especially in art AFAIK internet abbreviation for as far as I know: used when
you believe that something is true, but you are not completely certain afar rVfazV
adverb literary from afar from a long distance He had admired her from afar.
affable …
That's an unusual thing for the author of a usage dictionary to do —
unprecedented, as far as I know. But a guide to good writing is only as good as
the principles on which it's based. And users should naturally be interested in
those principles.
as+far as+far
"And Abram passed along throughout the land, as far as the place of Shechem.
as far as the Teacher's Terebinth,0 | the Canaanitej being | then] in the land. 'And
Yahweh appeared unto Abram, and said : <To thy seed> will I give this land, …
To commence back further and just as far and as far back and just as far back.
Iust as far back as that. Iust as far back as that and ]ulian remembers just as far
back as that and Tulian remembers just as far back and remembers Julian …
Don't Say: Her word is good, as far as I know. Say Instead: Her word is good, so
far as I know. Here's Why: “As far as” indicates a distance that could be measured
if one were so inclined. “So far as” indicates a physical or conceptual distance …
Although traditional lexicography was not very sophisticated in handling multi-
word expressions, restricting the headwords as far as possible to single words,
there is gradual movement towards a loosening up, despite the considerable …
as+far as+far
as the boulevard Vincent-Auriol
and the aboveground Métro
Thus, if we gaze out into space with the naked eye or with more and more
powerful telescopes, we see farther and farther out. As the distance between us
and the object of our astronomical observation increases, we are actually looking
farther …
and+farther and+farther
[II] A writ of err-ac pending in the Exchequer chamber, vleadel in abatement to an
action of debt. then next following, at the usual hour of hearing causes there, to
answer the said John Dolson in such his appeal, and farther to do - and receive …
and+farther and+farther
Extend your arm farther and farther like you are reaching to someone in front of
you. Reach out and extend your arm, very gracefully, like you are balancing a
feather on your hand. And hold the stretch and become aware of the sensations.
and+farther and+farther and+farther and+farther
… Lorena Gale), a prostitute attempting to come to terms with her identity. Her
desire for freedom and her search for a place where she can live without being
judged, forces her to travel farther and farther west. “We have nudity. We have
As presently. As exactitude. As trains. Has trains. Has trains. As trains. As trains.
Presently. Proportions. Presently. As proportions as presently. Father and farther.
Was the king or room. Farther and whether. Was there was there was there what …
And farther on Scripture says, “There was a certain man from Zorah, of the stock
of Dan, whose name was Manoaḥ” (Judg. 13:2). F. Similar to this, you say, “...
and went in pursuit as far as Dan” (Gen. 14:14). G. Isn't it the case that the 12
tribes …
and+farther and+farther and+farther
Every night that you keep it up, you'll be able to get farther and farther away. At
some … But you never have anybody turn the light off; you just keep moving
farther and farther and farther and farther away from it until you can't see it
and+farther and+farther and+farther and+farther and+farther and+farther and+farther and+farther
on to those quadrangular
Moreover, the vast majority of buildings built before the 169os have been
destroyed to the point that archaeological or documentary evidence is often all
that remains. A case in point is Jamestown, Virginia, the colony's capital from
1607 until …
buildings+built buildings+built
A study by the Department of Energy revealed that the energy utilization index (
EUI) for commercial buildings built before 1920 is lower than that of buildings
built through the end of the twentieth century, and only the most recent buildings …
LIGHTWEIGHT ©2006 Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher Monza/Italy
Table of Contents 7.
It contains various beautiful buildings like those Rang Mahal, the Moti Mahal, the
Diwan-i-Khas and a number of other buildings built at an enormous cost. The
Dewan-i-Khas is the most ornamental of Shah Jahan's buildings. It was
decorated …
buildings+built buildings+built
According to a report prepared by Jean Hannon in 1975, nominating Ellicott City
for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, Ellicott City still had about
7 buildings built between 1700 and 1800; 110 buildings built between 1800 …
Herod probably succeeded in achieving both, though the Jewish public differed
slightly from the Roman plebs. Thus, in both Rome and Jerusalem, permanent
leisure buildings built in stone were M. Polycarpii 1 2. 2. See also R. Lane Fox …
Even today, regulations require the use of sand-lime mortar in the restoration of
old buildings built with soft bricks. Ordinary water leaks or fire hose streams have
dissolved sand-lime mortar and caused collapse. Another type of masonry unit is …
Broadly, listed buildings include: ○ all buildings built before 1700, which survive
in their original state; ○ most buildings built between 1700 and 1840; ○
buildings of 'definite quality' built between 1840 and 1914; ○ very 'outstanding' …
The Pop Century Resort is almost a perfect clone of the All-Star Resorts, that is,
three-story, motelstyle buildings built around a central pool, food court, and
registration area. Aside from location, the only differences between the All-Star
and …
The main types of design used for the envelope walls of buildings built until 1984
are presented in Fig.3. A comparative study of the minimum resistances to heat
flow required and the effective resistances to heat flow of the types of exterior …
Beale died in 1772 and left to his wife the houses and buildings built on the land
inherited from her parents and one half of the profits from the rental of the "house
and Store adjoining to the South" at 97 East Bay Street. Both buildings share a …
The main goal of the Working Group 3B (WG3B) of the COST Action C16 was to
study the different technical possibilities to retrofit the functional requirements of
the multi-storey housing building envelopes of European buildings built after the
II …
Rogers's proposal was not developed further and remained in the realm of ideas
while the area was occupied by a group of tall buildings built intensively
throughout the 1990s and into the 2000s, without any sense of public space and …
The damage distribution of buildings built before 1919 in communes where the
principal historical town centers are located … Inside each commune, only
buildings built before 1919 have been analyzed in order to obtain a quite
homogeneous …
buildings built before 1700 which survive in anything like their original
condition; (b) most buildings built between 1700 and 1840; and (c) only buildings
built between 1840 and 1914 which have definite quality and character, but
selection …
The maps are based on buildings built on soft rock, but ground motion increases
as the soil becomes softer. TERMS The seismic community has an extensive set
of terms with which to describe common conditions in the field. Following is a …
… the Target Displacement in the ASCE/SEI 41 Nonlinear Static Procedure C. B.
Haselton, C. A. Kircher, and A. B. Liel 465 Evaluation of Coefficient Method for
Seismic Assessment of Existing Buildings Built on Soft Soil Sites Jorge Ruiz-
García …
… 82003309 Armijo, Salvador, House, 618 Rio Grande Blvd., NW, Albuquerque,
10/08/76, A, C, 76001191 Art Annex, New Mexico Campus Buildings Built 1906-
1937 TR, NE corner of Central Ave. and Terrace St., UNM, Albuquerque, 9/22/88, …
Edmund P. Fowler. ing that careful researchers have found rates of crime and
violence as high or higher in the countryside as in the evil city, and higher in
thirteenth-century London than in twentieth-century New York. The one fact which
does …
Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Cib Working Commission
W99, Honolulu, Hawaii, 24-27 March 1999 Amarjit Singh, Jimmie Hinze Richard
Generally speaking all the straw bale buildings built in the UK have been one off
projects built by individuals who have an interest in building with straw. This trend
is reflected in the fact that between 1994 and 2002 only about 70 straw bale …
Principles of age and rarity for listing buildings • All buildings built before 1700 …
Most buildings built between 1700 to 1840 are listed although selection is
necessary; • For buildings built after 1840, progressively greater selection of
listed …
There are buildings built for worship, buildings for living in and buildings for
working in, although there might be some overlap, for instance in hospitals,
shops and leisure centres. I feel it is pertinent to ask, with respect to creativity and
creating …
Harvard University with over 90 libraries systemwide has only three research
branches in buildings built before 1907. It is, however, reasonable to expect that
well-built buildings with reasonable functional adaptability will serve academic …
13) Buildings built on a sloped grade cause an increased life hazard concern to
firefighters because: a) A building that is 2 stories in the front may, in fact, be 3 or
4 stories from the rear; this may cause confusion and make fireground …
Table 1: Main private and public buildings built during the. 14 In fact it was only
with an increase in mechanization towards the end of the nineteenth century that
change from a technological point of view began to take place. A good synthesis …
… which was, throughout the period, separated from all related subjects,
including the theory of literature and rhetoric.82 At Leipzig the term ,aesthetics<
was first used as the name of a lecture course at the latest in the mid-Seventies.
From the …
Eventually, in the mid-seventies, sales of People magazine from supermarket
checkout-line magazine racks (one reason why People is smaller than Life)
caused People to become Time Incorporated's leading supplement for Time
In the mid-seventies, one black-owned bank was active in Detroit, the First
Independence National Bank of Detroit, established in 1970, which had assets of
$35,378,000, and outstanding loans of $14,658,000. Blacks also owned the
Home …
Then that kind of went away and I was kind of lost and confused for a while there
in the mid-seventies. … I have these sketchbooks from that period in the mid-
seventies and they're full of this, like, agonized writing, reflections of what I should
do …
argued that, to the contrary, the student movement was stronger and more
successful in the mid-seventies than ever. Perhaps student activism did not die in
the mid-seventies, but the student movement of the Long Sixties, as it was
defined by …
An important result of Plykin in the mid-seventies showed that this was not so:
There are robust or fully persistent (under C* small perturbations) attractors for
diffeomorphism on S2. The Plykin attractors are, in fact, "hyperbolic," as we shall …
… of the dictatorships in the two countries (that of Oliveira Salazar in Portugal and
that of General Franco in Spain) in the mid-seventies gave rise to an atmosphere
thatfavoured a new style ofcommunication and a different rhetorical approach.
Only when parental concerns about school fees and cramped urban space
combined with greater confidence that kids would survive did attitudes about
family size begin to change. In the mid-seventies, some Rwandan leaders were …
By appreciating Reed's ambivalence toward the sixties, an ambivalence that was
a national phenomenon in the mid-seventies, we can discern how Reed
represents his appreciation and critique of the Black Power movement in a novel …
Studies conducted in the mid-seventies generally found that children with
increased amounts of contact with the less-seen parent … The children in the mid
-seventies studies, on the average, saw the less-seen parent substantially less
than the …
The balance of forces in the Israeli political system between left and right: Starting
in the mid-seventies, a balance began to emerge between support for the two
main blocs in Israeli politics — the right, led by the Likud, and the left, headed by …
Individual stations also acquired as many as fifteen hour-long documentaries a
year, paying independent filmmakers, in the mid-seventies, up to $1,000 per hour
for multiple screenings.14 However, local stations were so far-flung and diverse …
122 In survey research published in the mid-seventies, political scientists James
Hottois and Neal Milner concluded that most of the sixties sex education conflicts
resulted in the programs' continuation or expansion.123 Despite limitations in …
Classical musical repertoire was integrated into the curriculum of the
Conservatory of the City of Vienna in the mid-seventies. At the University for
Music and Dramatic Art its traces can be followed back to the early sixties. In
1984 Peter Week as …
The years 1972-1978 presented the world with an unprecedented oilshock and
Eurostagnation, but also brought us a US recovery in the mid-seventies. The
Vietnam War ended, but transpacific growth was led by the emergence of Japan
as …
In the mid-sixties, sociologists gathered extensive cross-sectional data and
applied sophisticated multivariate analyses to examine the social and
educational effects of "natural" desegregation. In the mid-seventies, revisionist
sociologists …
In the US the cyclically adjusted real internal rate of return in manufacturing
appears to have fallen from a little under 25% in the middle sixties to about 15%
in the mid-seventies, fallen another couple of points in the mid-eighties and has
since …
I began my professional career as a sex therapist and marriage counselor back
in the mid-seventies, but my interest in sexuality and sensuality began much
earlier. Having been both touch deprived and sexually abused as a child, I had a …
From its original Harlem headquarters it has spread far, first travelling throughout
the penal institutions of New York State, then to cities along the East Coast and
gradually even to the West Coast. (In the mid-seventies an acquaintance from a …
At this time, the compound feed industrys efforts were reinforced by government
policy decisions in the mid-seventies. These acted … In the mid-seventies,
therefore, the security of food supplies loomed large in government thinking. A
further …
This perhaps initially very plausible assessment has been chal- lenged —
empirically challenged — by the recent history of Israel, a formerly socialist state
whose electorate, in the mid-seventies, gave the then-opposition a mandate to …
The film cost upwards of $30 million in the mid-seventies.. . . which can both
capture images and reproduce them infinitely and precisely, was complete.
Naturally, the new invention of photography was immediately applied to the task
where it …
The collegiate piety of the mid-nineteenth century expired at the leading colleges
with the last wave of revivals in the mid-seventies, though it lasted into the
eighties in rural New England and into the twentieth century in such areas as …
The average ash content of run-of-the-mine coals increased from 20.1 percent in
1960 to 23 percent in the mid-seventies.57 In the Ukraine, where, in 1975, 72
percent of the coal was treated, the ash content of the fuel sent to processing
works …
But a deliberate expansion took place in this country under tight political control
of the new government, so that three transmitters served more than 21,000
receivers in the mid-seventies. The South Arabian Broadcasting Service,
established in …
In the mid-seventies, the rate of growth slowed and then reversed. The history of
the city's population growth is detailed in table 3.1. The slackening of population
growth in the 1970s seems to have reflected the increase in the percentage of …
… air pollution that were slower to be recognized were acid rain, which neutered
lakes and defoliated trees, and the dissipation of the earth's ozone layer. In the
first case, the sulphur in exhaust gases combined with rain and fell to the ground …
that+were that+were that+were
:9 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that
were under the whole heaven, were covered. 20 Fifteen cubits upward did the
waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. 21 And all flesh died that moved …
that+were that+were that+were that+were
The criminal justice system is now expanding and taking on new duties, including
protecting the country from terrorists and cyber criminals, groups that were almost
unknown a decade ago. Consequently, the justice system is constantly …
23 And A′-bra-ham took Ish′-ma-el his son, and all that were born in his house
, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of A′-bra-
ham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, …
… period of active data gathering, and of concentrated, directed thought is more
important than the fallow period. In both fields there are happy accidents,
unpredictable achievements that were not sought, and in 50 Science and Art:
that+were that+were
To be sure, the books that were eventually collected into the New Testament had
been written by the second century. But they had not yet been gathered into a
widely recognized and authoritative canon of Scripture. 1 And there were other …
that+were that+were that+were
10 "And the waters prevailed "exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills,
that were under the whole heaven, were covered. 20 Fifteen cubits upward did
the waters prevail ; and the mountains were covered. 21 "And all flesh ° died that …
Moreover, what the Romans did to the remains of the wall; and how they
demolished the strong holds that were in the country; and how Titus went over
the whole country, and settled its affairs; together with his retum into Italy, and his
that+were that+were
The Right fell,Jesus had been defeated by his brother, Satan; Jesus' people that
were the people of parts of the Right Universes became captives and had been
sent to the left Universe as the prisoners of wars. That is the end of the book, …
The act of divorce, tearing woman impairs the se®rotic un- from man, ion above
and pains the divine altar in which that were, woman was one of its The old man
soon clari®es the meaning of Consequently, each ``divorcements join …
Other quasi-musical or unmusical tones include sequences of short pulses and
the sequences of short bursts of tone that were mentioned in connection with the
time resolution of hearing. Such sequences, although they can be matched to a …
Although Yugoslavia basically fits the description, we ought to be aware of the
differences. The Tito-Stalin split formally put the country in complete opposition to
the rest of the block, East-Central European cinema and literary history 541 - The …
of the Parisian aesthetic landscape
… criterion for selecting the staff to be laid off? (A) If the time that Vasquez-Morrell
takes to settle claims increases significantly, it could lose business to other
insurers. 35. Unlike the buildings in Mesopotamian cities, which were arranged.
what Jed preferred
in Paris
A) by rights B) by all means C) by the way D) by far 30. 1 do not believe that this
absurd scheme is of our serious consideration. A) worthless B) worth C)
worthwhile D) worthy 3 1 . Children and old people do not take kindly to having
their daily …
by+far by+far
177 Investigating Protein–Protein Interactions by Far-Westerns C.S.Chan·T.M.L.
Winstone·R.J.Turner ................ 195 Using Product Kernels toPredict
ProteinInteractions S.Martin·W.M.Brown·J.-L.Faulon................... 215
Computational Methods …
(Sinclair) besides и ЗШта® " B£ 7 best1 far the best, by far the best W, far the
best, by far best2 best/the best [И1 Which animal do you like best? [С*ГФЯввЯ Ж
Ш± , Й £ ft ЙЙЖШ -ЕША ЯЫ995 , p. 22] tft:"like best:ftgjft(best ("Which animal do …
The first community is by far the largest one and virtually only uses Frisian as a
spoken language. The second one, which can especially be found within the
Frisian Movement, is small. It contains - at most - a few thousand members (
Breuker …
… through by interj syn GOOD-BYE, adieu, bye-bye, ||cheerio, farewell, so long, ||
toodle-oo by all odds adv syn FAR AND AWAY, by a long shot, by far, by long
odds, by odds, out and away by a long shot adv syn FAR AND AWAY, by all odds
, …
Water is by far the most abundant component of organisms. An individual human
cell contains approximately 80 per cent water, and the whole body is made up of
over 60 per cent. As J. B. S. Haldane used to say, even the Archbishop of …
Of these, problem (a) is by far the more difficult. In the conventional r.onfuzzy
approach to pattern classification, it is closely related to the problem of feature
analysis --a problem which falls into the least well-defined and least well -
developed …
… will be synopsized, as required by FAR 5.201, and will normally allow a
minimum of 60 days for preparation and submission of a proposal. (4) Upon
receipt of responses to the RFTP by the contracting officer, an evaluation
committee will be …
2 to the extent that. be a far cry from be very different from. by far by a great
amount. far and away by a very large amount. far and wide over a large area. far-
fetched exaggerated or unlikely: a far-fetched plot. far-flung spread out; scattered.
far …
Although its aid was equivalent to only 0.28% of its GNP, Japan remained by far
the world's largest donor and the country that provided the most assistance to the
Asia-Pacific region. The ability of Japan to assist the region will, however, …
… 10 metres apart; ^ halten keep one's distance; (S\(Punktunter- schied) gap;
difference; (Rangunterschied) social distinction: mit ~: by far; far and away; ^(
Zeitspanne ) interval; (kurzer) gap; in Abständen von 20 Minuten at 20- minute
intervals; …
is by far the most common photosynthetic pigment in plants, and in
photosynthetic protists and bacteria. Chlorophyll a absorbs purple and autotroph
Organism that makes its own food using carbon from inorganic molecules such
as CO2, and …
… as implemented by FAR Subpart 33.2. See Dauber, The Ties that Bind:
Nonbinding Arbitration in Federal Administrative Agencies, 9 Admin. L.J. Am. U.
techniques …
Requirement of light has been studied in detail in the germination of light
sensitive seeds of certain varieties of lettuce and tobacco. It is observed that the
germination of such seeds is stimulated by red light (near 660 nm) and inhibited
by far
Related vocabulary as far as sth goes at goes, as far as possible at POSSIBLE
origin: based on the literal meaning of as far as (= the same distance as) by far,
also far and away to a great degree ♢ She is by far the shortest student in the
Moreover, this group is by far the most numerous and forms in many re- spects
the apex of the fashion for decorated runestones in Uppland. The absolute
datings are fairly well established on archaeological grounds. Two woodcarvings
with …
as far as to the extent that; up to (a particular place); by far in a very great degree;
far and away by a great deal; far and near or far and wide everywhere, all about;
far between at wide intervals; rare; far be H God forbid; far from it on the contrary …
Don Juan ( 1 8 1 9 24 ) canto 1 2, St. 6 3 21 Now hatred is by far the longest
pleasure; Men love in haste, but they detest at leisure. Dun luan 1 1819-24) canto
I 3, St. 4; cf. Proverbs hod: 3 I 22 Cervantes smiled Spain's chivalry away. Dim
luan …
12 by far © by a great amount: They are by far the best students in the class. ^
idioms as far as it goes used to say that something has good qualities but could
be better: It s a good essay as far as it goes. • be a far cry from sth to be
completely …
By far the fullest foiin is in the Siradj al-munir of Sharblni (d. 997, iv, 243 et seq. of
ed. of 1299) which professes to be derived, through an cAta, from Ibn 'Abbas but
is quite different from the form ascribed to Ibn cAbbSs in Tabarl. It is very close …
It reported that “the USA has been by far the major supplier of conventional arms
to Israel”; that “the USA has provided large funding each year for Israel to procure
arms despite U.S. legislation that restricts such aid to consistently gross human …
The FAR is implemented by FAR supplements issued by each major agency with
significant procurement responsibilities. These supplements may only contain “(A
) regulations essential to implement Government-wide policies and procedures …
(As far as) expressed by ЧП prefixed governing the abl. c, or by ч«Ыг or ггчг
affixed ; as, ' the earth as far as the ocean,' ятЧЧЧТй or ЯЧЧ4<ЦЧ| or 4ТЧТТЧТТ
4ft4T . — (By far) TJfcj ; ' action is by far inferior to devotion,' чг>ч jfcj 414Í ЧТЧТ4.
This trend has witnessed increased politicisation by far-right groups around anti-
Muslim sentiment (Githens-Mazer and Lambert, 2010), particularly in ways which
emphasise white Britons as the real victims of the encounter with the Muslim …
Keeping cultural identity in terms of architecture has been one of the greatest
challenges. Architects have been trying to find solutions for our alternative
modern. But, whether by some formalistic way or through deeper reflection, the
basic …
… terms of life; The Architectural Analysis — abstraction in terms of space; The
Architectural Synthesis — concretion in terms of architecture." As we have come
to expect, the diagram must derive from ideas untainted by formal preconceptions
… the variations of contours and inclines and these may also be used to suggest
ways in which to develop the design concept. 20. 10 11 option 01 option 01
option 03 Orientation In terms of architecture and building, orientation describes
In terms of architecture principle determination techniques, derivation from
drivers will be the most appropriate given its top-down nature. It is also extremely
important to se- lect the right guiding architecture principles, since the
architecture …
Structure, detailing and environmental controls call for specific solutions, while
the design challenge in terms of architecture is representation and
conceptualization. Glass has universally provided the medium for light in
architecture; it has …
Of course there are positions that are staked out, that are articulated, built upon,
agreed on, or disagreed on, but in terms of architecture being an essential thing
and being recovered here in some way beyond the poli- ticization of it— this will …
Products and services are produced through organizations and business models
which can also be thought of in terms of architecture, since they are also systems.
For example, a corporation is an organic system that creates value through the …
Unfortunately these projects did not provide a sufficiently impressive example,
either in terms of architecture or of environmental credentials, to have any real
effect on the social housing sector, and subsequent buildings have seen no
notable …
2: Using specific transformation rules coupled with concrete algorithmic skeletons
and data-types transforming these to their formulations in terms of architecture
specific types and operations. Algorithm Specification Type and Function …
Urban design, for example, is typically defined in terms of architecture and town
planning e Gosling & Maitland (1984) described it as the 'common ground'
between these disciplines, while the UK's former Social Science Research
Council …
Drawing permits almost every licence; in the same way as writing and the spoken
word it offers little resistance to excess or caprice. Buildings inspired by the
shape of a camembert or an artichoke mean nothing in terms of architecture; nor
do …
… a one; and the Cannebiere in Marseilles is another. They both link the harbor (
the point of arrival) with the uptown area; neither of them is a show street in terms
of architecture, and they are not bordered by expensive or fashionable shops.
In terms of architecture, the degree to which Aphrodisias seems to have been
built from the ground up in the Roman period is also striking, contributing to the
picture of a uniquely Graeco-Roman city. But this may be deceptive. Little is
known …
… two great mendicant orders of the Franciscans and the Dominicans led to the
construction of the only church in Rome to have been built in the Gothic style. ln
order to disassociate themselves, in terms of architecture too, from the
competition …
At the research level, highly integrated CMOS RF transceivers have been
reported for wireless LAN and cordless telephones [6,7], that are highly
innovative in terms of architecture design. For cellular applications, where weight,
size, and …
… rubble columns covered by a framework of saplings supporting wisteria.9 The
Long Walk at Boortkoi was romantic and rustic and indicated a not uncommon
idea in terms of architecture as well as landscape architecture, that an
appropriate …
… and also to display, in terms of architecture, its peculiar position as an outpost
of the east and a gateway to the midwest. This is a cross section of a city, the
buildings included naturally varying greatly in merit. Many will admire chiefly the …
The underlying technologies may be different but in terms of architecture
domains, they can still be clubbed under the 'Technology' Domain. The only
additional challenges shall be related to security and governance. The EA
frameworks and …
In terms of architecture as the patient, this is a facial lift.23 Dangerously, this
iconic hijack can begin to operate as a normative myth for architecture. It allows
little regeneration, ensuring perpetuity only in an architectural hope of changing …
Like many others I was reading Rimbaud before thinking in terms of architecture.
I have in front of me the letter called “The Seer's Letter” that Rimbaud wrote to his
friend Paul Demeny on 15 May 1871: “Romanticism has never been fairly …
In terms of architecture, aesthetics and construction, the house staked out the
mute that wauld be taken by the future development of plastic houses. Another
equally pioneering project was the plastic room module conceived by lonel
Schein, …
In terms of architecture, both technologies are designed for server-based
processing for different front-ends such as web browsers, GUI clients and mobile
terminals. Support is provided for GUI (Swing versus Windows Forms), for HTML …
The concept of "transcribing] ourselves in terms of architecture" is vacuous. By
failing to acknowledge the enormous role that convention plays in the
communication and perception of aesthetic effect, Scott fails where posthumanist
critics score …
Notwithstanding the pioneering legacy of the founding fathers of this nation, most
Americans have never had a desire to "start from zero," as members of the
Bauhaus suggested, at least not in terms of architecture. Americans have always …
In terms of architecture, the Fourth-Dynasty tombs represent a high point in
Egyptian building during the Old Kingdom. 60ft 1.31 Plans and section of rock-cut
tombs, Beni Hasan. 1.29 Khafre's pyramid and the Sphinx. Giza. Egypt, ca.
in terms of architecture. It is remarkable that the revival of study in the field
initiated by Hugo Buchthal and Kurt Weitzmann in the period from 1957 through
the 1960s shed important light on thirteenth-century material in terms of
manuscripts …
It is for this reason that, from Plato to Thomas More to George Orwell, utopias and
dystopias are described in terms of architecture and language, with a utopia
predicated on an ideal city that is a harmony of space and built form and on
freedom …
The ability to give beautiful expression in terms of architecture to a practical
problem is the quality that makes the architect. To acquire this ability the potential
architect must make himself a part of the best side of life, familiarize himself with
the …
The Croat did the repair job
and pocketed the fifty euros
He didn’t offer an invoice
Jed hadn’t expected one
Indeed, it sounded as if the door had just closed again now. He looked into the
hall. 'Hannah?' His housekeeper turned towards him. She had a large wicker
basket over her arm. 'The news has spread, sir. Just about every soul in the
village …
The door had just closed and he heard the lock click-softly this time. Someone,
he sensed, had just been in the room observing him. Now he could hear low
voices in the corridor just outside the door. "I'm telling you Nora," said the doctor
in a …
The door had just closed and she had just got out of the car when the others got
back. We couldn't hear them very well from the garage, but they went right inside
the house. We waited a few minutes before peeking out the window. Kevin was …
Probably to stay away from his wife,” Magee said. “The D.A. is on his way Jerry,”
Lieutenant Winters said. “Wait for him and bring him up.” He and the chief
crossed to the elevators and pushed the button for a car. The door had just
closed 5 …
Were you expecting somebody?” asked Ted of Tricia. “No,” said Tricia as Ted
headed for the door. The door had just closed and the servant said to Ted, “Sir
Otto left this for you,” and gave Ted an envelope. Ted opened the door, waved to
Otto …
With a moan of protest, she let him up but didn't resist watching his ass muscles
move as he walked to the bathroom. The door had just closed when she heard a
muffled sound coming from the tangle of blankets. Mustang's phone was ringing.
Dizekes hurriedly left the room. The door had just closed behind him, and Chase
was reaching for the phone when the door reopened and a frowning Moscowitz
appeared. “What?” She demanded. “What yourself, detective,” Chase answered.
The+door+had+just+closed The+door+had+just+closed
I sank down on the front step letting the tears flow freely as I let the shadows of
my past slip away. It was finally over. The door had just closed on my past. It was
time now to open the new door to my future. Chapter 4 -The Truth is OutI turned …
To Em, it seemed the door had just closed behind them when her uncle walked in
trailed by Roland Sharpe. Poor Louie looked as if he'd aged overnight. He
rushed to her bedside, took her hand, and looked her over with tears in his eyes.
“I promised Matt a meal,” said Johnny. Dr. Dunbar looked at me as if he'd barely
registered my presence before this moment. “Nothing's open,” he said, and
continued out the door. The door had just closed behind Johnny and his father
when …
behind him when he knocked again very
Always use a boiling tube when heating a non-flammable liquid over a bunsen
flame and shake very gently during heating as shown in figure 2. Do not fill the
tube more than one-fifth full. Never point a test tube containing chemicals which
you …
And then an update of Wheeler's boldest proposal, translating IT FROM BIT? into
the new language of quantum information, so it becomes IT FROM QUBIT?
Background Electric Rain Information in our lives Information gently but xiv
Prologue …
The VP-shell analysis in (42) provides an interesting account of an otherwise
puzzling aspect of the syntax of sentences like (32a) - namely the fact that
adverbs like gently can be positioned either before roll or after the ball, as we see
from: …
… 393 Sand Supply 393 Erosion of Gently Sloping Coasts and Barrier Islands
394 Development on Barrier Islands 395 Dunes 397 Sea-Cliff Erosion 399
Human Intervention and Mitigation of Coastal Change 402 Engineered Beach
Protection …
Source areas were to the south and southwest. Nun marine coarse-grained
fluvial deposits graded seaward into deltaic transitional sediments and finally to
fine-grained shallow marine accumulations. The sedimentary sequence onlaps
In between the second and the third tier, a gently graded continuous trench is
made across the slope with one outlet leading to a dug out water-harvesting dam
(15 m x 3 m x 2 m) through silt traps (1 m x 1 m x 1 m). Rainwater from tin-roofed …
We will call a theory Γ gently explosive (with respect to (p)) if: ∀α∀β(Γ, (α),α,¬α β
). A theory Γ will be said to be finitely gently explosive when it is gently explosive
with respect to a finite set (p). A logic L will be said to be (finitely) gently
… anything like mine\ then/ well\ it would eat 33H: yeah\ S: anything\ and i- it- it-
it's/ I think it's for the owner\ to make it look better for- :er: for the owners to 34H:
yeah\Mrs Sack \ can I ask you very gently \ you're not sort of :er: one of those
people …
Ex card-games. ace in the hole. A hidden asset, to be produced when necessary
for best advantage: coll. when used gen.: since mid-C.20, when adopted ex US
poker-players'. Alan Hunter, Gently Sahib. 1964 (P.B.). Ace King Queen Jack.
(16) VP rolled 0 DP * / \ the ball V t down the hill Now consider how (i$b) We
rolled the ball gently down the hill is derived. As before, the verb roll merges with
the PP down the hill, forming the V-bar rolled down the hill. The adverb gently
then …
gently gently
With a soft brush, gently scrub citrus fruits to remove dirt and any vegetable wax.
Drain the fruit well and dry it completely on paper towels. Excess water on the
fruit can affect the ingredient ratios, preventing a jam from setting properly,
resulting …
Jed took the keys from the Sheriff's desk and followed him towards the cell, as
Tex Ritter stood out side the cell, Jed opened the door then Tex walked in and
Jed locked the door behind him. Tex turned and stared at Jed then asked when
he …
Jed asked. “No, we never get company,” Jolie said. “You girls lay low,” he said.
Both stared at him wide-eyed. Kate put an arm around her sister. The horse
stopped and whinnied. Jed opened the door a crack. Who had come a calling but
Miss …
Jed smiled in greeting as he saw the badge pinned to the man's vest. Jed shook
his head negatively in reassurance. “No you don't not if you're looking for the
Sheriff that is.” Jed opened the door wider so that Ted could see Mell then
beckoned …
Jed opened the door of the cabin, walked outside, scooped up a double handful
of snow, brought it back into the cabin, dumped the snow into the pot, and quickly
shut the door. “Ye see,” Jed explained. “The man that brangs us supplies ain't …
Jed opened the door wider to peer out at me. “You seem to have the advantage
of me, friend, if you're sayin' you know me,” he said at last. “Where's all that
famous Southern hospitality?” I said. “Don't I get invited inside?” He thought it
over, …
"Many years back I had an encounter with them." Jed opened the door to the barn
. Inside was an old red Chevrolet. Most of the chrome had rusted away and the
paint was nearly oxidized. He patted the truck on the hood and started around for …
A cold wind blew snow into the barn when Jed opened the door. She reached out
to him as he rushed out. The snow whirled in all directions and after pulling the
door closed, she watched him through the crack of the wall. Jed's faint figure …
Jed opened the door and as they entered the warm room he saw the old eyes
inspecting it curiously. He'd asked about a fire and water so Jed stirred up the
cook stove and filled a kettle with water, which he placed on the fire, receiving a
nod …
Jed opened the door to his grandfather's study, and found Henry sitting behind
his massive walnut desk, talking to the four scruffy looking drivers of the
Hummers parked outside. Henry rose and hobbled over to Jed. “Welcome back,
my The …
Jed opened the door to reveal Tony standing on the front steps. “I saw all the
lights on and came over to check up on Christina,” he said, looking questioningly
at Jed. “Is everything all right?” “Everything's fine, Tony. Thanks for looking out for …
McGowan wore the faded blue overalls of a city sanitation man. He was holding a
long canvas bag and a cardboard box. Jed opened the door as usual, even
though it was his own car. Habit. He watched McGowan lay the bag flat on the
… front door of his apartment to see Olympia atop his bureau. She might be on
the phone, or completing household chores, but she would doubtlessly be there
to greet him. Jed opened the door. Olympia sat on the dresser, peering into her
"Of everything," Jake said as Jed opened the door leading out of the office and
into the corridor. "Everything, understood?" Jed waved his hand and pulled the
door shut behind him. He knew Jake's twitching eye revealed his uneasiness
with …
Jed opened the door and greeted his brother and his wife. “Hey, Jed!” Slim said. “
The store was packed today.” “Great news!” Jed had invested in Sinkers,
Scorchers and Shooters, Slim and Louella's store which sold fish tackle and bait,
hot …
They reached her car, and reluctantly Jed opened the door for Cryssie to get in—
just as her mobile rang. 'That has to be Polly,' Cryssie said, frowning. 'Wonder
what she wants—she seldom rings me.'As she answered it, her face immediately …
Jed opened the door and Neeley, seeing that it was Jed, got up from his desk
and walked over to the door. “Fine job with those horses. I've never had a man
that could break a horse so quickly and thoroughly.” “Thanks, I enjoy working with
the …
he yelled while Jed opened the door to see Ari laughing hard. “You survived,”
Jed said in amazement as he looked them over, as did everyone else. “Get the
hell in here.” As the four out of the five of them got Robert M. Durham 221.
It would be better to just get back into her car, drive away and come up with some
excuse as to why she could not do this. Jed opened the door. He wore worn
khaki slacks and a dark blue T-shirt. A blast of cool air swept over her. “Come in.
Sauntering out to the car, Jed opened the door for Redford and Knievel, kissing
Red's cheek as he went and patting his ass, just for good measure. Getting
behind the wheel, he started them toward home. “You're going to have to forgive
me, …
Jed opened the door. I screamed into his face, “Turn down the fucking music—
now!” “What the fuck?” said Jed. “What's your problem, dude?” I lunged at him,
grabbing him around the collar of his shirt right at the clavicles and began to
shake …
Jed opened the door and the both of them walked into the barn. “Where's the
funny frog?” she asked. Jed said, “Ima fixing to show you.” Jed pulled off all of his
clothes and Virginia was shocked. She was angry and pushed him backward …
Listening carefully, Jed opened the door bit by bit. When he could see that the
hallway was clear he pulled her out of the room and asked in a hoarse whisper, “
Which way to your clothes?” She point ahead and to the right. He led her to the …
Jed opened the door. 'Come in, please. Excuse my appearance,' he said to the
two officers. Both wore dark-blue fatigue trousers, shirts of a lighter hue and
military-style boots. They removed their peaked baseball caps as they entered
the …
Jed opened the door to his truck and stumbled out. “Mr. Thompson!” Jed yelled
across the pasture. No response. * FBI headquarters, Washington DC George
McCullough reported back to Charlie Armacost that the Memphis office had found …
Jed opened the door and stepped through. Instead of what he expected, Riley
kissing or touching Victoria, he found her sitting in her new rocking chair. Riley,
back to the room, chopped onions. His feet were bare. Clint took off his boots, …
Jed opened the door and peered at her in his usual suspicious manner. His skin
looked even more sallow, she thought, and the dull colour had even seeped into
his eyes. He seemed to have lost weight even in the short time since she had …
They reached her car, and reluctantly Jed opened the door for Cryssie to get in—
just as her mobile rang. 'That has to be Polly,' Cryssie said, frowning. 'Wonder
what she wants—she seldom rings me.' As she answered it, her face immediately …
Jed opened the door. He wore worn khaki slacks and a dark blue Tshirt. Ablast
ofcoolair swept over her. “Come in. It's too hot to stand outside,” he said, stepping
aside to open the door wider. “It's cooler by the water,” she said, stepping into the …
Twenty minutes later we pulled into the garage of Jed Wheeler's apartment on
Michigan Avenue. We grabbed our bags and rode the elevator to a dizzying
height. "Rich!" Jed opened the door before we rang. He ushered us into a
spacious …
She needed to know more about him. She stripped off her soaked jacket and shirt
and pulled on a fresh blouse. She went out into the hall and knocked at Mr.
Copeland's door. Jed opened the door and ushered Lauren in. “Come on in,
slightly slightly slightly slightly
… falling slightly at night when we sleep and rising during the daylight hours. It
increases even more when we participate in strenuous physical activity. Like
many other internal conditions, then, body temperature fluctuates within a range.
“By the way
Anrede Die höfliche Anrede unter Gesprächspartnern, die sich nicht kennen,
lautet im Französischen Monsieur Madame/ Made- moiselle/( Mchrzahl;
Messieurs /Mesdames Abkürzungen; M. = Monsieur; Mme = Madame; Mlle =
Mademoiselle) …
bonjour - guten Morgen, guten Tag ^ Madame - meine Dame, gnädige Frau, Frau
^ Monsieur bedeutet wörtlich mein Herr und wird ebenso wie Madame als
höfliche Anredeform benutzt. Beachten Sie bitte, dass bei der Anrede kein Name …
” said the man
“Merry Christmas
It sounded something like this: “Holy One, there is something I wanted to tell you,
but there have been errands to run, bills to pay, meetings to attend, washing to do
. . . and I forget what it is I wanted to say to you, and forget what I am about or …
… had something that I wanted to say to you. I've wanted to say it ever since we
were at Court Leys together, but I was going away — heaven only knows when I
shall come back, and perhaps something may happen to me—and I thought it
was …
Every day, all day, all I did was think about you and hate myself for not having the
guts to say what I wanted to say to you. So this time, I had a drink or two or three
and I'm not leaving until I say what I have to say. He takes another deep breath.
That's what I want-—that's just what I wanted to say to you. That's all. LEON: Uh, I'
m free to do what I want, huh? soNNY: Right. LEON: Yeah, well, uh, I've been
tryin' to get away from you for six months and I'm gonna go away with you on a …
That's what I want— that's just what I wanted to say to you. That's all. leon: Uh, I'm
free to do what I want, huh? sonny: Right. leon: Yeah, well, uh, I've been tryin' to
get away from you for six months and I'm gonna go away with you on a plane …
And I wanted to say to you, Mr. President, that on the war on terror, Social
Security, the tax cuts, Dubai Ports, immigration, you have shown immense
political courage. And I really think that you will be vindicated on all of those
positions, …
“Your suggestion this morning just tied up some of the details as far as I was
concerned. I already knew what I wanted to say to you about the time after this
week.” “What exactly are you saying, Bec?” Rebecca leaned over, kissing him
tenderly …
'And this is what I wanted to say to you besides, Fedor Ivanitch,' continued Marya
Dmitrievna, moving slightly nearer up to him, 'if you had seen the modesty of her
behaviour, how respectful she is! Really, it is quite touching. And if you had …
Mme Laurent That's just what I wanted to say to you because everybody was
talking at once, that's it, it's living always in the present, where up until now, my
life, with my family and my close, really close friends, my life was making plans
always …
That wasn't what I wanted to say to you, either, she thought, her heart starting to
quicken. “No?” “No.” He shook his head. “I hear...” he stopped and looked over
the pool in the direction of a new burst of laughter, “...I hear you're tired of sitting …
I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you
Now I think that we've all got the gist of the idea now and I also think that
coversjust about everything that I wanted to say to you, so what I'd like you all to
do now is take part in a little experiment which involves you all, even the people
sitting …
Holy One, there is something I wanted to tell you, but there have been errands to
run, bills to pay, arrangements to make, meetings to attend, friends to entertain,
washing to do . . . and I forget what it is I wanted to say to you, and mostly I forget …
I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you
“I couldn't hold a press conference this week,” Truman began quietly when they
were assembled, “but I wanted to say to you personally a thing or two that I
couldn't very well say any other way, so I asked Charlie to ask you to come in.
I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you
And I forget what it is I wanted to say to you, and mostly I forget what I'm about, or
why.[65] I have rewritten this prayer as follows to reflect those of us who lead in
ministry: Holy One, There is something I wanted to tell you But there have been …
That wasn't quite what I wanted to say to you, and it may have sounded petty. It's
hard for me to find the words. One weekend, many years ago, my husband Avram
and I took Albert and Nadia for a day trip to Upper Galilee. At dusk we saw, …
And that night we shared, even if nothing happened, it still makes me happy just
to think about it, being close to you, and even if I never hear from you again I'll
always have a happy memory of that night, and that's all I wanted to say to you.
I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you
… are cold and hungry and scared they gather together in panicky herds, ready to
be led by communists and fascists, who promise them bread for freedom and
deliver neither. These are the things I wanted to say to you, but 1 lost faith in you.
… that I had one thing I wanted to say to you. If you didn't respond, at least I had
kept a promise to myself. Do you remember? I told you before anything else was
said, I had something to say to you. I had to tell you that twenty-eight years ago I …
'Anyway, girls, there's something I wanted to say to you before . . .' I stopped,
hearing the door open. 'Sorry, am I late?' Jamie enquired. 'Tell me I haven't
missed the big speech!' I had to hand it to him: he could make an entrance. The
girls' …
Don't you suppose every one knows your life?" "It isn't much—only I tried to take
hold. When I look back from here, from where we've sat, I can measure the
progress. That's what I wanted to say to you and Mr. Ransom—because I'm going
I wanted to say to you that, if I were you, I should change my rooms at once.'
Smith sat staring with a lighted match in one hand and his unlit cigarette in the
other. 'Yes; it must seem very extraordinary, and the worst of it is that I cannot give
my …
What I wanted to say to you is that I don't want trouble, I don't want to fight, I don't
want you in trouble, and I am hoping we can sort things out before things get
worse. I want to know, do you have a problem with me? All I want is to be treated …
I+wanted+to+say+to+you I+wanted+to+say+to+you
Merry Christmas” “Yes
I’d forgotten
” said
Evan J. Xavier. Fucking Uncle Jed (All in the Family Gay Erotica) This is a work of
fiction. Similarities to real people,. by EvanJ. Xavier Published by Purple Fig
Press, 2012. Front Cover.
decisions,. accepting. consequences,. being. responsible. for. your. choices.
Character in ACTION ACTION Jed Michael: Living With Your Choices. “We are
free up to the point of choice, then the choice controls the chooser.” Mary Crowley …
They carried the soldier's greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed
, and died, because they were embarrassed not to. It was what had brought them
to the war in the first place, nothing positive, no dreams of glory or honor, just to …
… abasement /a'bei.smant/ noun [U] The pilgrims knelt in self-abasement.
abashed /3'beeSt/ adjective [after verb] embarrassed: He said nothing but looked
abashed. abate /a'beit/ verb [I] formal to become less strong: The storm/wind/rain
has …
1 am embarrassed when I see people who know what happened. 39. I have
found a way to make sense of what happened. 40. People always expect
something in return for being nice 41. It doesn't pay to try hard because things
never turn out …
He was not fired but very embarrassed and reprimanded, including a demotion. I
would spontaneously be … My younger daughter would be embarrassed and ask
me to stop— and I would always increase my activity. My sister's bridal shower …
Most of us would feel greatly embarrassed and would want to leave the situation
as quickly as possible. The question is why do people feel so terrible about
committing a social infraction if they don't care in the least how others regard
85 Do cats get embarrassed? 86 7. CAT BREEDS 87 Are there really cat breeds?
88 Why do Manx cats hop? 88 Are Siamese more vocal than other cats? 88 Do
Siamese cats all have kinks in their tails? 88 Are all Siamese cats cross-eyed?
Often this is done in an exploratory fashion: “What facial behaviors occur when
people report feeling embarrassed?” or “Are there facial expressions that
characterize people who have been classified as prone to heart disease? Or who
are …
Regardless of whether self-conscious emotions are universal and have clear-cut
neurobiological bases, if an individual subjectively feels ashamed, guilty,
embarrassed, or proud, then that, in itself, is an important psychological event
with …
53 Do dogs get embarrassed? 53 4. THE CANINE BODY 55 Do rabid dogs really
foam at the mouth? 56 Do dogs blush? 57 Do old dogs get gray hair? 58 Can
dogs be albinos? 58 Do dogs get sunburned? 59 Do some dogs have higher
body …
By contrast, a European or American experiencing anger might feel somewhat
embarrassed or guilty because in his culture, vengeance is associated with
immaturity and lack of self-control. In Section 3. 2b, I distinguished three ways
that …
… information in the relative clause has an effect on the interpretation of the
sentence as a whole: the extra detail allows the reader to conclude that the
nature of the information was indeed such that the authorities should be
Everyone laughed, but I felt embarrassed and humiliated. I tried to stop him, but
he just kept going and ignored me. Arousal — 6, Aggression — 0 Thoughts: "How
could he do this? Why doesn't he see that I'm dying inside? I can't stand this.
One boy even fell off his chair. The class was acting weird because to talk about
how babies are made, I had to talk about sex. Sex, as you may have noticed, is a
very big deal. People often act embarrassed, giggly, or strange when the topic of …
Its aim was to overcome a certain number of dualisms which have embarrassed
philosophy and to replace them by the monism of the phenomenon. Has the
attempt been successful? In the first place we certainly thus get rid of that dualism …
Think about the last time you felt embarrassed. What function could
embarrassment possibly have, other than making you miserable? We don't know
what happened to make you feel embarrassed, but you probably violated a social
convention …
Some people are willing to say they feel embarrassed, because they regard
embarrassment as trivial, but they are not willing to say they feel ashamed
because that labeling implies for them that they are in fact shameful or defective.
In looking …
Chapter 6, by Damian S. Vallelonga, offers a formulation of the lived structure of
being-ashamed, a central result of his empirical-phenomenological study of "
being-embarrassed and being-ashamed-of-oneself." Focusing on what he calls
the …
notice that sb. is annoyed/embarrassed etc.: notice sb.'s an- noyance,
embarrassment etc.: man merkt ihm [nicht) an. dass er krank ist you can- [not] teil
that he is ill; sich nichts -«- lassen not let it show; fg$(geh.: bemerken) note; d (
Note: The expression is not equivalent in meaning to the phrase come out of the
closet admit openly smth previously kept secret because one is ashamed or
embarrassed about it: It will be nice if those of us who have been slightly
shamefaced …
We get into friendships that we can't get out of. 42. We get hooked on things. 43.
We project our inner conflicts onto our children. 44. We are embarrassed about
our bodies. 45. We don't know why we're here. 46. We suffer as much as we can.
117 Chapter 7: “Yeah, but What If . . . ?”: Generalized Anxiety Disorder....................
....... 153 Chapter 8: “I'm So Embarrassed!”: Social Anxiety Disorder .........................
........... 185 Chapter 9: “It's Happening Again”: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder .
Embarrassed!” The night I arrived in Valencia, Spain, as a young college student,
it seemed like chaos. There was a crowd of Spanish host families waiting in the
university parking lot for us to get off the bus. We had all arrived from different …
Var. nipe wakey ihtakwan . nepewakeyimew (VTA) S/he is embarrassed by her/
him. Var. nipewakeyimew. nepewakeyitam (VTI) S/he is embarrassed by it.
nepewakeyimiwew (VTA) S/he is embarrassed by people. nepewakeyihcikew (
VTA) …
E.g., "Even in Tucker Act cases the problem of joinder should not be
embarrassed by any doctrine of sovereign immunity. … "We think that the
arguments of the parties are considerably embarrassed by factors not touched
upon by the parties.
For the first time, I felt awkward and embarrassed. I was no longer looking at a
nude model, I was looking at one of my students naked, a student to whom I
would have to assign a grade in just a few weeks. In retrospect, this need not
have …
The wife, criticized, becomes angry; the student, criticized, becomes
embarrassed, loses confidence, and vows to avoid taking courses given by that
professor. Cultural differences, past and present, can be viewed as differences in
the ways in …
The difficulties may be compounded with a woman therapist who, because of
cultural impediments, may be embarrassed to bring the erotic fantasies out
explicitly. It is important to state that this view has not been confirmed by other
women …
Though Madison was always embarrassed by what he thought was a "Scotch
burr" imparted to his spoken French by his teachers Robertson and Witherspoon
(poor pronunciation caused by a lack of oral practice of any kind was probably
the …
In the latter case, the supplicant may feel embarrassed or angry, and will have to
manage his or her emotional display. Selective Self-Presentation. The fourth, self
- focused ingratiation tactic is selective self-presentation, B o x 3.4 Research …
(fig.) shy, timid, quiet, reserved. (lit.) without a face, arpegigogor (B,G) adj.
impudent, petulant, (lit.) hard face. arpegi gorritu (B,G) v.i. to blush, to be
embarrassed, to embarrass. arpegikera (B) n. facial feature. arpegiko (B,G) n.
slap in the face.
Alicia was embarrassed and realized I was not going to give in to her temptation.
Alicia stepped out of the shower and put back on her clothes. I rushed my shower
and went to talk to her. “Look, I didn't mean to be rude, but I can't jeopardize my …
She hid her face in her hands appearing embarrassed by something she'd heard.
Emerging from the bedroom dressed in t-shirt and shorts, Tia dumped several
items into her suitcases situated on the floor. “I think you actually upstaged the …
“Merry Christmas to
you too” It was then
… his full time and attention to Germinsky Electrical. He thereupon became the
president of the Respondent company and took over its management. Germinsky
testified that he became aware in 1994 that the IBEW was starting a campaign to …
His reason for so refraining is that he intends that the risk which his own act had
originally created, though it was only subsequently that he became aware of this,
should fructify in actual damage to that other person's property; and what he so …
that+he+became+aware that+he+became+aware
… immediately returned them to Joe Harding, who thanked him. Joseph Harding
testified that he became aware of the distribution of ballots upon receiving a
telephone call from a woman in Respondent's sales office.47 She told him that
the …
But if her husband indeed dissolved them on the day that he became aware <of
them>, all that emanated <from> her lips >whether> for her vows or for her self-
impositions shall not stand; her husband has dissolved them, and she will be …
… Counsel contends that Respondent knew of Linder 's support of the Union
before he was discharged in that Linder mentioned the Union to Miller in a
conversation early in the campaign and Ankney testified that he became aware
that Linder …
The defendant said that he became aware about the "differences between boys
and girls" at the age of 1 7. The defendant said that he never masturbated and
that he never had a sexual contact with anybody (either a woman or a man).
It is told that he became aware that Klasngr J>orsteinsson,29 who later became
bishop of Skalholt but was at that time a young priestling, was reading a book
called Ovidius episto- larum.30 In that book there is much erotic poetry, and he …
… Being, Goodness, Number etc. which straddle widely differing territories of
Reference, or, using the language of Russell, we may say that he became aware
of Type-differences, or talking the language of Kant and Henry Jackson, we may
say …
Olsen testified he did not know the timing, but that he assumed it was within a
couple of week's time that he became aware employees were wearing union
buttons when he had the conversation with Reaves. He testified he probably
observed …
It wasn't until a week had passed that he became aware that soldiers were
following him. It wasn't until a few days later that he realized that the people
looked at him as if he were a stranger, that the sound of his voice had a different
accent …
As Frege says, “it was not until after some time” that he became aware of the use
of German letters as a “special case” (PW … What ex- actly it was that he became
aware of was that whereas a genuine hypothetical (expressed using Latin italic …
Stephanie Rodgers ' direction to employees to contact the RTWA as opposed to
the CWA The General Counsel called current IHD tech Marc Per- golizzi to
establish this charge.61 Pergolizzi stated that he became aware of the CWA …
In an interview, he says that he became aware of this tradition as a result of the
Chilean nationalist revival of the 1960s and adds that he had always been
reluctant to use the folk traditions of myth and legend as a basis for his films; the …
That he became aware of untrue statement in the prospectus after it had been
issued, and before any allotment was made he withdrew his consent and gave
reasonable public notice of the withdrawal and the reason for it. 4. That he
believed …
Kara Hall admitted that he became aware that the Stone Container job was
targeted by both Pipefitter and Boilermaker Unions when they set up picket lines
at the job on May 5, 1994. Gary Thomas is a member of Pipefitters Local 229.
Work, Love, and Identity in Youth Victoria I. Muñoz. He was losing an awareness
of what he was doing, and it wasn't until a psychologist pointed out to him that he
was studying engineering to please his parents that he became aware of that.
It was during this time that he became aware of Porfirio Diaz and began to admire
the victor of the battle of Puebla. This initial sympathy grew with time, especially
when Diaz began to demonstrate opposition to the re-election of President …
… his were detrimental — but also from contrasting his personal psychic and
creative abilities with theirs, and that exhilarated him. The result (smilingly) was
that he felt both exhausted and exhilarated. I saw to it that he became aware that I
… he had mixed with before signing up were still discussing the latest pop group
or movie star, and he'd never even heard of the Doors. It wasn't until he attended
his first lecture that he became aware just how much the experience of 155.
Thus was explained the fact that he became aware of the approach of the police
only when it was too late to try to escape. In this hereditary and degenerate
impulsive exhibitionism, it is interesting to note how 348 PSYCHOPATHIA
It was also at that time that he became aware of Jerry Ford's financial problems
with Perfect Game. In relating the story of how he came to help Perfect Game,
Hanrahan first wanted to make it clear that he “was just the banker.” He
This is provided that he became aware /that he was carrying the purse/ while he
was moving and did not stop to rest (thus, he made no movement whatsoever /of
the purse/ from a stationary position /before/ beginning to run); and, also, that …
To do this, I ask him to keep an emotional re- sponse log, noting when he
experienced a feeling that he could identify or a bodily sensation or sign of stress
that he became aware of and what circumstances led up to it. The instructions for …
It wasn't until after they passed the 10-kilometre mark and the distances between
the runners had lengthened that he became aware that the strategy Niskanen
had given him for the race was not a secret. He realised the other runners were
all …
of the problem
But the "regressive" stages of the taxi-dancer's career that Cressey identified
translated directly into economic consequences. Many young women who
entered the world of commercialized dance entertainment found that after an
initial …
(3) Finally, based on burgeoning interest and several taxi-organizing initiatives
emerging diroughout the United States, N\TWA along with the Taxi Workers
Alliance of Pennsylvania organized a founding meeting of the Taxi Workers …
The changing material conditions were responsible for the shift in state policy
from repression to tolerance of the taxi industry. Before 1977, Black taxis were not
allowed to carry more than five passengers. But this changed with the enactment …
OF THE TAXI-DANCER [1932] 35 3 Milton M. Gordon THE CONCEPT OF THE
It seems to me that during slow backing of the taxi-cab, the driver cannot
reasonably be expected to have foreseen that his backing would terrify a mother
70 yards away, whereas the lorry driver ought to have foreseen that a runaway
lorry …
… of many symbolic interacti onist ethnographies). The contents page of The Taxi
-Dance Hall is worth reproducing since it illustrates the clear, matter-of-fact way in
which Chicago School ethnographers present and organize their data: PART …
If the light on the top of the taxi is off, it means the taxi is unavailable. Look for the
light on the top of the taxi. It usually has numbers and letters on it, which are the
taxi's identification letters. If the letters and numbers on the top of the taxi are …
When George, in July 1999, told Holiman of his promotion to Service Manager,
he also informed Holiman that at first he would just be in charge of the taxi
section, but later he would be over the whole shop. The purpose of this staggered …
Even the legal taxis were operating under the "Ali Baba" arrangement, whereby
the owner and licence-holder leased out the vehicle to others willing to operate
the taxi. Such a situation was ripe for exploitation of the taxi driver by the owner, …
'A' wants to purchase a taxi for offering transport services to passengers and to
earn the income through fares recovered from them, but he is short of funds. 'B'
agrees to participate in the purchase of the taxi. Therefore, both of them purchase
a …
Of the taxi-cabs in the city, 85% belong to the Green company and 15% to the
Blue company. An eyewitness identified the cab as a Blue cab. However, when
her ability to identify cabs under appropriate visibility conditions was tested, she
was …
of the taxi company, for whose actions it might be liable? Or was the driver an
independent contractor for whose conduct it was not liable? Georgia Court of
Appeals, 2009. 297 Ga.App. 121, 676 S.E.2d 460. BACKGROUND AND FACTS
El …
As I was first to get out of the taxi due to living nearer to the party venue. The
other two reminded me in unison, “The examination commences next Monday,
don't forget,” as if I would. CHAPTER THIRTEEN The first paper on Monday
morning …
The driver returned to the pickup site and the two "flashily-dressed men" got in
the rear of the taxi. Before the taxi had moved 25 yards, the police car drove up
and forced the taxi to the curb in front of the Triangle Service Station. The police
car …
The compartmentalization of the interior of the taxi has depersonalized the
service provided by the taxi, placing it at the same level of personal contact found
between a subway conductor and his passengers. The passenger for the most
part is …
Peter had seen the uncommon sight of the taxi drawing up in front of the
departing bus and was looking in that direction when Lai Ming suddenly
appeared from around the front of the bus. All fear of rejection immediately left
him, and his …
The net selling value of the taxi licence has fallen to $25,000 as a result of the
rival taxi operator. The net selling values of the other assets have remained the
same as at 1 January 20X l throughout the period. Required: Describe how AB …
Without any problems arising, the owner of the taxi received damages from the
injuring party's vehicle insurance company, including compensation for lost
profits. On the other hand, the insurance company refused to compensate the
driver for …
… taking a leather suitcase containing ornaments and other valuables kept in the
dicky of the taxi , While the bride alighted from the taxi after it reached the place of
reception, it skipped the attention of other occupants of the taxi that there was a …
Note the following: Exhibit 2.6 Value of the taxi at cost Cash in hand Bank loan
Sid's investment 16 000 2 000 18 000 10 000 8 000 18 000 ' ;>'. ' □ □ Real asset
Monetary asset Independent claim Owner's claim The account is shown in …
If the operator of the taxi has other commercial activity but the person's total
taxable supplies are below the threshold for registration, the nontaxi activity is not
covered by the taxi registration. Id. at §§171.1 and 241(2). Australian GST, supra …
Further, the LAPD's full-scale response to a single anonymous tip and the
consequences aimed specifically toward the immigrant male patrons of the taxi
dance halls speak volumes about the relationship among the city's …
A wants to purchase a taxi to use it for offering transport services to passengers
and to earn income through fares recovered from them, but he is short of funds. B
agrees to participate in the purchase of the taxi, therefore, both of them purchase …
… identify the taxi as green if it is green, which is 0.68 (P (Bl-A) = 0.8 x 0.85), and
□ the probability of the witness identifying the taxi as blue if it is blue, which is
0.12 (PIBI A] = 0.15x0.8] it gives the probability of the taxi being blue as 0.41.
The solution was to create a monopoly by law in 1937 designed to limit the
number of cabs by requiring all cabs accepting street hails to be painted yellow
and possess a medallion on the hood of the taxi. Currently, the Taxi and
Limousine …
Suppose the present market price of the taxi cab is $1000. The present rate of
interest (discount) is 10 per cent. The life of the taxi is likely to be four years.
During these years the taxi driver expects to eam an average annual income of
This means that the speed of the taxi is zero which shows that the taxi is at rest or
is stationary at town B. (c) Gradient of QR = ' The positive gradient of QR indicates
that the taxi continues its journey at a constant speed of — — r- km h1 …
… contrary to expectations, a motivated recipient could create unnecessary
difficulty during the ramp-up stage by doing too much too early, even though, as
expected, a motivated recipient was found to reduce difficulty during the early
steps of …
If inflation turns out to be 3 percent, as expected, you and the buyer of your labor
are both satisfied with your nominal wage increase of 4 percent. If inflation turns
out to be 5 percent, your real wage will fall by 1 percent, so you are a loser and …
If inflation turns out to be 3 percent, as expected, you and your employer are both
satisfied. If inflation turns out to be 5 percent, your real wage will fall by 1 percent,
so you are a loser and your employer a winner. If inflation turns out to be only 1 …
What is it as they say the fifteenth of October as they say and as expected of it, the
fifteenth of October as they say, what is it as expected of it. What is it and the
fifteenth of October as they say and expected of it. And prepare and prepare so …
Check that the resultant state is unchanged. Sometimes, a new concrete state
may be acceptable. If the response and resultant state are as expected, the test
passes. These steps are repeated for each possible sneak path. Table 7.11
shows …
We have not explored how descriptors such as expected value and variance of
EPS may be functions of other random variables. Portfolio return is one random
variable that is clearly a function of other random variables, the random returns
on …
Actual reimbursement same as expected. If you receive exactly the
reimbursement you expected to receive, you do not have to include any of the
reimbursement in your income and you cannot deduct any additional loss.
As expected, volunteers sense of commitment to the event develops as a function
of their experience with the event. Although final commitment is, in part, a
consequence of the volunteers' initial commitment. there is also significant
change in …
Asking these two questions allows the team to identify whether intervention
efforts could most efficiently occur at Tier 1 (targeting all students), Tier 2 (
targeting small groups of students who are not performing as expected), or Tier 3
(targeting …
1 = much worse than expected, 2 = worse than expected, 3 = as expected, 4 =
better than expected, 5 = much better than expected Mean = 3.53,SD = 0.2 scale:
1 = Completely failed. Factors No. of Respondents Percent Mean Score S.D. …
Because there are no data available in the BHPS for the territory of Northern
Ireland before 1997, the analysis has been restricted to Great Britain (England,
Wales, and Scotland). Empirical results Labour force As expected, the results
show …
As expected return is increased, the S&P, small stocks, and the Pacific fund all
are held long in substantial amounts with Japan held Bonds Canadian Europe
Japan Pacific Emerging market Small stock 18. Figure 6.4 The efficient frontier
with …
In a closed economy. the unit price turning out as expected is the only
requirement for short-period equilibrium in a Hex-price … NUMS context the
expectations of all five components have to turn out as expected w ithin a flex-
price context.
As expected, with any "out-of-the-box" software application not all solutions were
"perfect". Unlike a complete software development project, the application of
Smart- Turn as a SaaS solution required flexibility on the end-user community
and it …
A good way to think about risk is that it is present whenever there is less than 100
percent certainty that an event will occur precisely as expected. If that is our
definition of risk, is there anything that does not involve risk? This may bring to
mind …
If we multiply this value by two, we arrive at the same value we calculate in table
2.12, as expected from (2.9f). Note that the roll of two dice is not the same as two
times the roll of one die. (6) The last property is a composite of properties ( Basic …
An Investor's Guide to Harvesting Market Rewards Antti Ilmanen. 12 months apart
is lowest. Dividend yield was by far the most persistent carry component, as
expected. The data confirm that including M&A yield would reduce the predictive …
The expected occurrence time of an activity is the soonest possible start time,
assuming that all prior activities started as expected and took the specified time.
The expected event occurrence times are calculated by applying the following
rules: …
… in Internet Explorer AND Netscape Navigator Check site loads initially - test 3 •
Check all links and navigation act as expected - test 4 & 5 Check style and theme
consistent, and to design - test 4 & 5 Check each sheet works as expected - test …
This may lead them to behave as expected, even if they do not want to, and really
believe they are hypnotised (a kind of conformity known as internalisationj.
OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY • Studies of obedience such as Milgram's have …
As expected, children born to newly arrived immigrants (those who have lived in
Germany less than five years) get by on a significantly lower income. There is no
significant income differential between foreign origin children whose parents …
As expected, results in Fig.5 and Fig.6 show the raise in the aggregate
interference levels with the increase of activity from 1% to 5% and then to the
maximum expected of 10%. Always from the results in Fig.5 and Fig.6 even in the
unrealistic …
External service quality is an integral part of these relationships because of the
contribution it makes to customer value (again, defining value as expected
service relative to actual service, relative to price). The relationships among
quality, …
Although there are more domestic than foreign policy votes, as expected, almost
all of the domestic votes are from Mayhew while a high percentage (81.8) of the
foreign policy votes come from the Hinckley data set.12 It may also be seen in …
A risk measure that satisfies all properties of a coherent risk measure is what is
known as expected shortfall, expected tail loss, or conditional tail expectation.
Expected shortfall is the average value of a subset of possible outcomes of a
random …
2309/93. As expected, the review has resulted in some relatively minor
amendments. For example, under Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004, the Committee
for Veterinary Medicinal Products now becomes the Committee for Medicinal
Products for …
As expected, the unambiguously positive evaluation was judged as portraying
John as persevering (M - 4.70) but not stubborn (M = 1.13), r(34) = 3.45. p<. 01;
economically minded (M = 5.25) but not stingy (M = 1 .3 1 ), r(34) = 4.38. p < .01; …
… procedure for doing so, adaptive expectations seem more appropriate for
estimatingpermanentincome since the latteris bestinterpretedas the average
expectedvalue of income, rather than merely as expected income for the period
In this case, however, a clause can be assigned one of two interpretations: a
negative imperfective interpretation, as expected (see (44a)), and, for most
speakers I worked with, a negative future interpretation (see (44b)). The latter
semantic …
… on the basis of the non-significant effect of the covariates in the MANOVA. As
there were some univariate effects, the significant correlations are mentioned
here. As expected, age was positively correlated with finding acceptance
important …
… and chlorine on the surface have decreased to a level comparable or lower
than the XPS detection limit. Pure DA.HCl has also been analyzed with 'cold
stage' XPS. As expected this compound only contained carbon, nitrogen and
As expected, the IRS tends to view many future benefits as significant, even
though many taxpayers view the same benefits as incidental. Fortunately, law
firms do not incur the same type of expenses as commercial corporations.
However, law …
As expected, the magnetic field configuration for this case is also very similar to
the corresponding case for Earth (e.g.. southward B/). There is a clear x-line
located at 20 Rs that represents reconnection of the open magnetospheric field
lines …
Although all of the comparisons suggested, as expected, that heterosexual
women were somewhat more likely than lesbian women to be parents, the
differences between lesbian and heterosexual women were small and not
statistically …
Measures such as expected values, standard deviations or coefficient of
variations are used to summarize the characteristics of alternative courses of
action, but they are poor substitutes for representing the probability distributions,
since they …
As expected, these comparisons indicate that females outweigh males in pro-
social attitudes and pro-social behaviour. In addition, females have significantly
higher scores than males in political action as youth, sense of political efficacy,
and …
When making estimates concerning the future, there is always a chance that
things will not turn out as expected. The likelihood that what is estimated to occur
will not actually occur is referred to as risk and this will be considered in some
detail …
ToAnywhere refused point-blank to drive him to Le Raincy
and Speedtax agreed to take him to the railway station
idiom at a pinch (us in a pinch) UK Something that you can do at a pinch can be
done if it is really necessary, but it will be difficult, not perfect, or not what you
would really like: I need £2000 to set up the business, but I suppose £1500 would
do …
We made merry about Dora 's wanting to be liked..., and she didn't like me at any
rate. at a pinch ne rast nevoje □ At aAt a pinch, you can always try to make a
fire by rubbing two sticks together. at a run me vrap □ She started off at a run up …
This term dates from the late 1400s, when it was put as at a pinch (a usage still
current in Britain); pinch alludes to straitened circumstances. in arms *• see babe
in arms; up in arms. in arrears Late or behind, especially in payment of money.
At a lick Rapidly.* At a loose end Have nothing to do.* At a low ebb In a poor
condition. The phrase is used quite commonly to mean 'depressed'.* At a pinch
Describes something that will just about suffice for the task, but is not an ideal
… particular time during spring At a person's heels: Close behind * The
policeman who was following at the thief's heels soon nabbed him At a pinch: In
a case of necessity * My friend did help me when I was at a pinch At a point: In
readiness; …
… relations between the two neighbouring countries are at a low ebb now. at a
moment's notice: at short notice Can you prepare dinner for ten people at a
moment s notice? at a pinch: if absolutely necessary At a pinch, one or two
guests can …
A tidal metaphor. at a pinch if strictly necessary. You could always see if you
could borrow £10 from next door at a pinch, and promise to pay them back
tomorrow. at a premium very valuable, because hard to get. Tickets for the men's
and …
At a pinch If there is a need and there is no other way We can get together a
scratch team at least at a pinch. At a snail's pace Very slowly; with not much
speed His progress at school was at a snail's pace. At a stone's throw At a short
distance …
… your thumb and your first finger a pinch of salt 2 when you press part of the
body or an area of skin tightly between your thumb and first finger 3 at a pinch UK
(US in a pinch) If something can be done at a pinch, it is possible but it is difficult.
At a pinch, she would bow her head beneath an insult (probably quite imaginary)
which she had received from a tradesman to whom we had sent her, provided
that, being addressed to her as our representative, who was speaking in our
name …
… at a/the ceremony at a/the gallery at a/the institution at a/the roadlock at an/the
extreme at customs at issue at the academy at the zoo at a concert at a height of
at a moment's notice at a pinch at a time at a/the campus at all events at any time …
Fail at a pinch. See Pinch. Fails, He who never, will never grow rich. 1869:
Spurgeon, >An Ploughman, ch xii [cited 'as the proverb is']. Fain as a fowl. See
Fowl. Faint at the smell of a wallflower, He will. 1 790: Grose, Prov. Gloss., s.v. '
… macht erfinderisch (prov) necessity is the mother of invention; zur - if need[s] be
, at a pinch Notar(in) <-s, -e> [no'ta:g] m/7/notary No ta ri at <-[e]s, -e> [nota'ria:t] nt
O I Kanzlei) notary's office © kein pl (Amt) notaryship no ta ri ell [nota'rUI] I. ad; …
at+a+pinch at+a+pinch at+a+pinch
914, C.R. 49, 180), a "labyrinth," in which only the very humblest may at a pinch
detect any great part of the way, and from which even many of the cleverest and
greatest — let alone the great majority whether in the world or the Church — will …
(1991) reported tests with the above-mentioned impeller with b2ld2- 0.0183: (a)
at a pinch ratio of b-Jb-, = 0.64 without LSD the RS point was delayed to 50% to
the right of system surge; (b) at a pinch ratio of b,/b2=0.66 plus LSD with a
leading …
at+a+pinch at+a+pinch
… islanders" have joined (at a pinch, one can limit this to Methymna, the only one
of the first five members engraved on the stele TOD 123 that is not mentioned by
Diodorus), and (worse still) with "the enthusiasm of the Greeks ever increasing, …
A pinch for state news. A schoolboy's punishment to one of his mates for telling
as news what is well known. At a pinch. In an urgent case ; if hard pressed. There
are things that one cannot do in the ordinary way, but that one may manago " at a
at+a+pinch at+a+pinch at+a+pinch
If any fin shaped material is visible then the battery needs topping up with
distilled water, or at a pinch, bottled drinking water. Top up to no higher than 1/8in
(3mm) above the separators. If you have a hydrometer, an inexpensive device for …
at+a+pinch at+a+pinch
Maximum pinch strength for males and females occurred at a pinch width of 5 cm
in this study. Males were 48 to 73% stronger on average than females. Mean
female strength averaged 62.9% of mean male strength. Pinch width had a …
At a pinch, the body as such might even be said to be neutral, the evils
associated with corporeality being all attributable to the demonic forces operating
in it. The distinction is well made e.g. by KING, The Secret Revelation of John,
at+a+pinch at+a+pinch
Let them, at a pinch, burn Jay's bows and send his forces packing and set him to
a useful trade. It will be better for him in the end than getting the boundaries of
fact and fancy so dangerously confused. In this mood of impatience Grant comes
to …
… she put the youngest children in the pram, as usual, then strolled up one street
as far as the town hall on the south side of the town. she noted all the shops that
she would need to visit when purchasing any ingredients or household goods; …
As far as the Town Hall itself was concerned there were two options. The Town
Hall Extension could be removed in due course - perhaps in eighty years -
leaving the old Town Hall and Library standing in formal gardens. The proposed …
processed from the station as far as the town hall, accompanied by at least
40,000 people.30 The tablet was then removed from the carriage before being
interred in the town hall's courtyard.31 Figure 9.4 L'apoteosi di Garibaldi a Roma
– Il …
Seth wouldn't, but he ought to have been invited and was angry with the other for
not doing so, as well as for being obstructive, secretive even, rather than helping
him settle in. They got as far as the Town Hall door then Cobbley stopped.
The pall of smoke that was drifting toward the town had definitely focused
everyone's attention. Hoffman got as far as the town hall and had to park the
Packhorse. Townspeople were standing in the road outside and spilling
Therefore, the positive concept “good students” is represented by the pair (IG ,EG
), where IG represents the set of students “certainly good”, and EG represents the
set of students “certainly not good”. Analogously, the negative concept “bad …
certainly+not certainly+not
… Irrtum: „The road network is conditioned by the lay of the land. and it would be
strange (though certainly not impossible given modern technology) to cut from
here to there in total disregard of the terrain. But the actual placement depends
on …
at least, not in commercial form, not properly, and certainly not fully. So while it's
true that there have been a couple of developments in the marketplace over the
past few years that I do quite like, I like them primarily because I see them as …
Certainly not. 2b EUTHYPHRO. But someone else against you? 1 "Or, On the
Pious" may be Plato's subtitle or, more likely, may have been added by a later
Greek editor. 2About the man Euthyphro nothing is known besides what appears
in …
certainly+not certainly+not certainly+not
'Surely he wouldn't swindle his own brother. ' 'Not much (he wouldn't)!' (i.e. he
certainly would!). The phrase has been used in this way since the 1930s or
earlier. not on your life! certainly not! A catch phrase that dates from the 1880s or
Hume's thesis is certainly not empirically con- firmable. The so-called 'problem of
induction' is a philosophical problem based upon a certain philosophical view
about what is necessary for scientific knowledge. It is certainly not a problem in …
… Sixth Eclectic Reader of 1857 William Holmes McGuffey answered the
question of language, "Which shall yield, the poet or established usage?
Certainly not the latter." In the fragmented worlds of Whitman and Stein, usage
lost its authority.
certainly+not certainly+not certainly+not certainly+not
Parthey included about 200 prints as Hollar's which are certainly not by him, and
these have been maintained and described in order to preserve the numerical
continuity, although their unacceptability is clearly stated. New prints unknown to …
certainly+not certainly+not
Not surprisingly, the question arose as to who was responsible and should be
held accountable: certainly not governments and other research sponsors who
had provided massive funding for research studentships; certainly not the …
1910- 14. Ex youth's fondness for bestowing proper names on inanimate objects.
(W.) Whence perhaps Archie, v. P.B.: perhaps ex:- Arehibald, certainly not! No!:
C.p. of ca. 1913-20. Ex a music-hall song having this refrain. (F. & G.) See DCpp.
The younger one was certainly not an old one. She certainly was not such a
young one. In a way she was certainly a young one and certainly she was such a
one in not hearing some things and in telling some things and certainly this did
not …
certainly+not certainly+not
The rapist is certainly guilty of an act of inconceivable violence against women:
but he is certainly not responsible for all the injustices that are a consequence of
the vi- cissitudes of sexual difference and its representation in the social sphere.
certainly+not certainly+not
But certainly not all of Central America was changed in this way. The Spanish
preferred to settle in climates and terrains that reminded them of home, such as
the central valley of Costa Rica and the highlands of Guatemala. In those places …
… analysis which takes no account of how [theories] ... change and develop' (
section 9). But although it 'may perhaps set up criteria for deciding whether a
statement is testable [or, for deciding what is to count as a severe test], it is
certainly not
'You could say he's a sort of salesman. We're organised like a global corporation
— or a government.' 'By salesman I assume you mean that his job is to seduce
people with a view to blackmail.' 'Certainly not. All of us do what we do because …
Other texts, including those in which the name of Gilgames appears, have time
and again been adduced as direct traces of the epic, but upon closer inspection
such claims cannot be upheld, certainly not against the likelihood of derivation …
I am also grateful to the then Asistant Director of the Agora Excavations, John
Camp, and, for kindly permitting me to study these texts, the Director, T. L. Shear,
Jr. The conducting of the research necessary for this book would certainly not
have …
Certainly not a relapse into the fever known as the status quo ante bellum.
Certainly not a mere shifting of frontiers, were it through the strictest application of
Wilsonian self-determination. Certainly not the arbitrary grouping of a few nations
into …
You see folks, no one on earth is perfect – and starting with me Aam'pah –; but
that is certainly not an excuse for condoning anything and everything man does.
There are such things as bad habits and bad lifestyle period. I denounce these …
86): certainly not. According to Nuyts, the functional factor also explains, for
instance, why adverbs often relate to a subpart of the utterance, “often a
constituent which has characteristics of a parenthetical structure” (p. 92). The
inability of …
Walking between the olive groves, row after row of shade-drenched treetrunks
dwindled away on either side into the miles of glistening stubble, while far and
near the cicadas shrilled out their long, diminishing festoons of sound, endlessly …
Chapter 1 Terraces and Row Houses 2 2 Schieflstatte Housing Complex Craz,
Austria Szyszkowitz. Kowalski 26 Chapter 2 Quadrangles and Courtyards 54
Westfield Student Village Queen Mary College, London, UK Feilden Clegg
Bradley …
Rafael Viñoly. Л Г J~ ~> ?€MSSO«D,- Л) . Llo-: W. .E|I | :СТ•1 i □ пигд л-:- T _V
through an "assets-based" lens, there are churches and museums close by.13
The buildings of Barry Farm themselves are not "distressed;" in fact, the
description of the housing complex on the District of Columbia Housing
Authority's (DCHA) …
… information system, and organizational arrangements.The continuums may
overlap in their use of select services. For example, all centers might use the
parent organization's home health agency or refer to the same senior housing
… Prop> Wohnungsbauprämie f housing Code <Prop>
Wohnungsbauverordnung / housing complex <Prop> Wohnhauskomplex m,
Wohnkomplex m housing construction <Prop> Wohnungsbau m housing
department (BE) (cf accommodation …
… Prop> Wohnungsbauprämie f housing code <Prop> Wohnungsbauverordnung
f housing complex <Prop> Wohnhauskomplex m, Wohnkomplex m housing
construction <Prop> Wohnungsbau m housing department (BE) (ct
accommodation …
… facilities and services" requirement and replaces it with a four-prong, fact-
based bright-line test to be employed when making a determination of whether a
housing complex is legitimately exempt from the Fair Housing Act under the "
housing …
Visit the following places to study and prepare a "Maintenance Programme": (a)
College campus (b) Theatres (c) Housing Complex (d) Shopping Centres (e) Bus
Stands (f) Railway Stations (g) Hospitals (h) Hotels 12. Collect working drawings …
… Buckminster Fuller reintroduced his Dymaxion concept during the war,
Presented to the United States military as the awkwardly monikered "Airbarac
Dymaxion Dwelling Machine," this housing complex was designed to easily
accommodate …
7 The 'new' foreigners and the social reconstruction of difference: the cultural
diversification of Japanese education 149 RYOKO TSUNEYOSHI 8 Schools,
communities, and 'newcomer' children: a case study of a public housing complex
173 …
Most cases clustered in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and residential
buildings; 23.1% of cases occurred in health care workers, most of whom were
nurses. A large outbreak of over 300 cases occurred in one large housing
complex: the …
Cocoon oeighbourhood watch, youth programs, and reduction in cash (housing
complex, Rochdale, England) Building … UsA) supervision by carelakers, youth
programs, and building redesign (housing complex, Helft, the Nctherlands) Better …
Schofield moved her family into the last family high-rise public housing complex
built in the city; Murphy Homes opened in . She “didn't have much thought
of it. It was just a place for people to live. . . . It was gorgeous.” In fact, it was one …
Housing complex Urbanstraße 11, Munich el:ch landschaftsarchitekten “A finely
measured balance between communally used spaces and private spaces that
merge into one another without hard boundaries lends the overall atmosphere a …
This housing complex is inhabited by those belonging to the high-income social
groups growing during the New Order … They are mostly newly wed couples or
retired senior citizens who prefer living in such a housing complex because of its …
The manager of the housing complex sees some ladies hard at work in the flower
® •fiiSi beds and lauds … Mgr.: Minasan no everyone's/your kino surely
utsukushii beautiful fflflfi danchi housing complex tt hana flowers yo. (emph.) will
make …
Voters forced out of office the incumbent pro- housing complex mayor who
served as 'agent' of the national … The housing complex was in response to the
US government demand for this facility under the 'overriding' mandate of the …
housing+complex housing+complex
All rooms have AC, TV, mosquito nets & fridges, & the whole thing is less than 1
00m from the beach. DM US$85, family room US$95 Macuti Housing Complex
Av Martires da Revolucao; % 23 311 988/312 357; m 82 50 92 810; f 23 311 804; …
Hence it can be logically interpreted that for a wholesome housing complex of
any community all over the globe all the amenities are essential for a convenient
stay. Four Decades of Experience Four decades of experience enabled AHT …
C. Eugene Steuerle and Eric C. Twombly Deborah Iohnson is a former welfare
recipient who lived with her two small children in a public housing complex on
Chicago's west side. Long frustrated by the crime, drugs, and gangs that afflict
this …
The first public housing complex was constructed in 1963. Between 1980 and
1982 more complexes were built for a total of 196 public housing units. In 1986 a
forty unit Rural Development Housing complex was constructed. This complex
had …
Evaluation The Robert Hartley Housing Complex Project has been evaluated
using several different methods. … Serious crimes (Part 1 crimes) have
decreased 33 percent from 1999 to 2001 in the Robert Hartley Housing Complex
housing+complex housing+complex
We loaded up the car and drove off to her new apartment in the Acorn housing
complex. De Vonya was in the eleventh grade, with plans to graduate at the end
of the following school year. In contrast to Susan s pessimistic view of her …
Further Reading Housing Prototypes.Org:
File_No=ITA021. Nicolin, P., and C. Aymonino. Carlo Aymonino, Aldo Rossi:
Housing Complex at the Gallaratese Quarter. Tokyo: ADA Edita, 1977. Rossi,
An alternative sense of community — and citizenship — grew at this housing
complex. … The maintenance of individual autonomy requires, from this
perspective, the limitation of collective authority Yet in this housing complex,
these students …
“Security reasons
Anrede Die höfliche Anrede unter Gesprächspartnern, die sich nicht kennen,
lautet im Französischen Monsieur Madame/ Made- moiselle/( Mchrzahl;
Messieurs /Mesdames Abkürzungen; M. = Monsieur; Mme = Madame; Mlle =
Mademoiselle) …
bonjour - guten Morgen, guten Tag ^ Madame - meine Dame, gnädige Frau, Frau
^ Monsieur bedeutet wörtlich mein Herr und wird ebenso wie Madame als
höfliche Anredeform benutzt. Beachten Sie bitte, dass bei der Anrede kein Name …
” whispered the employee
with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach
she asked with a slight reproach in her voice. “No, I can never go back there,” I
said. “However, just because I am to spend the rest of my life as an executioner
doesn‟t mean I can‟t have dreams.” “Then I hope you find what you‟re looking
for …
with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach
… she, first hesitantly, then more willingly, told me that her daughter Hope did not
live with her and Angel any longer. She continued with a slight reproach in her
voice. "She is twenty years old. You kept telling me during each visit that she, not
I, …
I never was one for saying much," she went on, reflectively, "but a basket of
primroses, that speaks for itself." "How you go back upon the old days, mother!"
said Dick, regretfully, and perhaps with a slight reproach. "Yes, lad; I liked them
with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach with+a+slight+reproach
said I with a slight reproach in my voice. "I pay my taxes regularly and I value my
reputation, sir." The policeman called the towing company and told them to
release the car. Bowing gratefully I walked out of the station. Mr. Laureate
followed me …
Despite looking disturbed, she has great presence of mind, because she
immediately discovers the "Wordsworth" and holds it under her master's nose
saying, with a slight reproach, "Here, Sir." Mr Craig simply tears it out of her hand,
with two …
Doctor, I appeal to you, — you'd not have so many nervous cases if the girls had
something to do." The doctor smiled. "Amy Grant, work or no work, will never be a
nervous subject," he said. "Ah!" said Ellen, with a slight reproach in her tone, …
I lost my vigilance once, though, due to the apparition of a curious seal. His
doleful brown eyes seemed to look directly at me with a slight reproach as he did
the backstroke about fifteen yards to starboard. Then, preparing to submerge
himself, …
“Oh, that is a piece of bad luck,” says Caesar, and there's a real edge of pain in
his voice. The crowd is murmuring in agreement, a few have even given
agonized cries. “It's not good,” agrees Peeta. “Well, I don't think any of us can
blame you.
… Rachel's home and she was anxious to end the scene. As they turned off the
avenue into one of the quieter streets Rollin spoke suddenly and with more
manliness than he had yet shown. There was a distinct note of dignity in his voice
… $10,000 check from the life insurance policy of the patriarch, Big Walter. His
son, Walter Lee ("a lean, intense young man in his middle thirties, inclined to
quick nervous movements and erratic speech habits — and always in his voice
there is …
When a passage involves intense emotion, the narrator may combine the
softness mentioned earlier with a break in his voice, as if he felt like weeping. The
use of this voice technique is exemplified in the following passage in which a
man is …
… fliederfarben Lil li pu tian [,lili'pju:Jan, am -la1-] Lad; [esp hum) sehr klein,
winzig II. n Liliputaner(in) m(f) Mio® ['lailau] n Brit Luftmatratze / Mit [lilt] I. n O
ofthe voice singender Tonfall; he's got that lovely Irish - in his voice er spricht mit
diesem …
"And you want me to keep my hands off of her," he said, attempting humor but
failing to conceal the edge in his voice. Decimus said nothing for a moment, his
gaze steady and coolly assessing. "Your emotions are running high over her," he …
It sounded as though there was a smile in his voice, but Sienna did not trust
herself to check. When she eventually raised her head her visitor was strolling
away, his jacket slung over one shoulder. With an unfamiliar pang of excitement
she …
He was referred to the psychiatrist because of the lack of progress in his voice
therapy. During the psychiatric interview, it emerged that William had been
obliged to leave the small country town where he had lived because of the
behavior of …
In his voice, or in my voice, or in his voice through my voice, or even in my voice
through his voice? And then, once read by others — including me and him —
what multiple interpretations would it be open to? Would there perhaps be a
correct …
There was no lament in his voice, only solid determination. More leather was
wound around her wrists and a good way up her forearms before it was knotted
firmly. He kept his body against her legs, pinning her to the table. Her head
knocked …
He picked up swiftly, even at this late hour. “Ms. Steele?” “Don't you Ms. Steele
me, you stinking turd,” she hissed in Italian. “How dare you?” “Ms. Steele.” The
velvety amusement in his voice infuriated her. “I'm pleased to hear from you
again …
Thus, the court found that Waits had a property right in his voice. Far more
interesting, however, was the Waits court's determination that Waits was entitled
to damages not only for his economic injury but for the injury to his feelings and to
his …
When he adds that 'our house commonly breaks in Rutland-shire' (quibbling on
the break in a musical note as well as in his voice), a knight quips: 'A shrewd
place by my faith, it may well break your voice, It breaks many a mans back' (cf.
in+his+voice in+his+voice
For the remaining four years of his life he could hardly ever speak of her without a
catch in his voice and tears in his eyes. They were a singularly devoted couple;
although her fussiness and hypochondria were a sore trial. He had the patience …
Flurry remained immovable. 'Master Flurry,' said old Bennett suddenly, with tears
in his voice, 'you must make it eight, sir!' 'Michael!' called out Flurry with apparent
irreverence, 'run up to your father's and ask him would he lend me a loan of his …
How is it there? And he told them all about these places, of the great hills and
valleys of that far country. And the love of them must have been in his voice, for
they were all silent and listened to him. He told them too of the sickness of the
land, …
Here we know about Marcellus from the military authority in his voice toward
Barnardo, and the deference, though a companionable one, to Horatio. The
greeting of Marcellus and Barnardo will again have the warmth of fighting men
who need …
Many of them were the ways that yogis stimulate pranayama, different practices
that create shakti. He created a lot of shakti in his voice by the way he used his
breath. That was different. If you listen to some of the older singers who lived
before …
… irregular or pulsating quality because of the uneven vibrato, is typical of a
nervous or emotionally overwhelmed speaker ('There was a quaver in his voice'),
found often in literature: The voice of Mr Pecksniff trembled as he spoke (Dickens, …
in+his+voice in+his+voice in+his+voice in+his+voice
“We only serve
completely safe zones
Anrede Die höfliche Anrede unter Gesprächspartnern, die sich nicht kennen,
lautet im Französischen Monsieur Madame/ Made- moiselle/( Mchrzahl;
Messieurs /Mesdames Abkürzungen; M. = Monsieur; Mme = Madame; Mlle =
Mademoiselle) …
bonjour - guten Morgen, guten Tag ^ Madame - meine Dame, gnädige Frau, Frau
^ Monsieur bedeutet wörtlich mein Herr und wird ebenso wie Madame als
höfliche Anredeform benutzt. Beachten Sie bitte, dass bei der Anrede kein Name …
” said the receptionist
for Fernand Garcin Cars
with smooth self-importance
Jed felt more
… can't look more innocent and more guilty at the same time. As one looks more
innocent, one looks less guilty. The same applies to Type I and Type II errors.
Which type of error do we most want to avoid? The answer is not simple; it
depends …
As a result, people were at once more innocent and more guilty. More innocent
as they were swept along by the total irritation of the nervous system into an
unconsciousness whose degree was proportional to the extent of the illness. But
more …
“We'll pee in the bottle,” he said. “It is the same color as brandy and Mom doesn't
drink it. She'll never know.” Cam felt guilty for drinking the brandy without his
mom's knowing, and more guilty for peeing in the bottle. Every now and then he …
"And every year, though you do less, you are the more guilty," the serving-lad
said. "A riddle!" someone yelled. "A riddle! What is his crime?" "What is my crime?
" Hugh asked. "That I do less and less every year and am more and more guilty?
"What was the sin of King Amnon that we should read: And he did not humble
himself before the Lord as his father Manasseh had, but the same Amnon
became more and more guilty.'1 In what way did Amnon become more and more
As the firm looked more and more guilty, it was natural for clients and employees
to look for cleaner pastures. I believe the auditors were guilty of obstruction of
justice.29 The key issue in the case is Nancy Temple's e-mail reminding
Andersen …
For example, one should feel more guilty if one forgets one's mother's birthday
than if one forgets a friend's birthday and more guilty if one forgets a friend's
birthday than if one forgets an acquaintance's birthday. There is evidence to
support …
To Foucault, this made the mad both more innocent and more guilty: more
innocent because such pathology caused the individual to swiftly drown in a sea
of disease, but more guilty because the patient had 'cultivated all too
complacently' 14 …
and+more+guilty and+more+guilty and+more+guilty
… in the sight of all. while the boy's body remained unharmed. All this was told me
by a prior from the church of Trier.81 The schoolboy's deed is both more innocent
and more guilty than the necromancer of the Munich handbook: it is …
I felt more and more guilty about my feelings and my seeming inability to stifle
their expression (which I hardly thought was a good solution, but I had no other
for the time being). And, of course, I also felt guilty about what seemed to me to
be …
and+more+guilty and+more+guilty
He experiences more and more guilty that he cannot do what he believes his real
job is: to be the social savior of his family. He is a real winner to his teachers,
coaches, and friends -- and sometimes to his family -- but inside (deep in his
heart) …
On reflection, I can't be positive about the intentions of the men in the van, but the
evidence was against them. As time passed and I gained more experience on the
road, they grew more and more guilty. I learned to trust my instincts; especially …
Interestingly, Phillips and Fisher (2001)4 reported that mock jurors' knowledge
about police compliance with recommended identification guidelines has been
found to lead to better rating of evidence accuracy and more guilty verdicts.
Serious …
… choosing which two more basic emotions make up more complex ones (like
optimism), and working out, for example, what emotional state you reach as you
become more and more guilty and lose your feeling of self-worth. (Is it depression …
and+more+guilty and+more+guilty
It could be argued that fewer court cases for children and more guilty pleas by
defendants would be the best measures of success. The New Zealand child
witness reforms may have unintentionally raised the standard of proof required to
keep …
One was no longer compelled by one's secret nature; one was the victim of
everything which, on the surface of the world, solicited the body and the soul. And
as a result, one was both more innocent and more guilty. More innocent, because …
I feel more and more guilty that in the teaching materials I used to write, 1
assumed that non-native speakers had to behave like native speakers. But they
can't. For example, the presence of a non-native speaker in a conversation
immediately …
“Look at the alternative, Gabriel,” she said, sitting back. She nodded toward the
shack. “Your life will become more of a struggle. Your parents will have to work
harder and harder. You will feel more and more guilty. It will affect the way you
treat …
And hope. As time passed, Greg felt more and more guilty. He was sure Shari
hadn't been kidnapped. He knew that somehow, the camera had made her
disappear. But he couldn't tell anyone else what he believed. No one would
believe him.
However, others would argue that among the subjects on the school curriculum
geography is as guilty as any, and more guilty than some, of instilling racist
attitudes among our pupils. Among the first to emphasise the racist nature of
school …
I felt more and more guilty at having been the cause of separating them and I
have little hope of making amends for the pleasure I've deprived her of. As you
know, I'm not a very lively person by nature and the sort of life we shall be leading …
and+more+guilty and+more+guilty
about wanting to spend Christmas Eve
… can be seen even at some distance from the sea. I heard that this is a
community cemetery for the Japanese. In order to take a look at these
tombstones in such an incongruous place, I scaled the steep mountain slopes
with several others …
As happened every year he found himself wishing that his mother, whoever and
wherever she was, had taken the plunge and actually stepped inside the building
before walking out of his life forever. At least that way this annual ritual wouldn't …
… Untouchables remained at the threshold. Bisipara's Panos, who are
Untouchables, arrived all together, as happened every year, but on this occasion
they demanded that the law be observed and they be allowed to enter the
Tied to a cross borne in procession during the night between 14 and 15 August
753, when, as happened every year, the image of the Redeemer, said to be "not
made by human hand" [acheropita is the Italian transliteration of the Greek …
As happened every year since the space agency's inception, after months of
meetings and negotiations the annual budget cycle was drawing to a close. In
only a few weeks he would have to finalize the 2005 NASA budget for
presentation to …
Thus, as happened every year, the minor spirits had been celebrated, Óðinn's
son had been celebrated and the goddess of fertility had now been celebrated as
well. Winter had long since left and it was time for life to take over once more.
Isaku jerked the hook up and then waited for the cloud of ink to disappear before
putting the barbed spear into the water again. The leaves of the trees behind the
village reached their full autumn splendour. As happened every year at this time, …
Concealed behind the curtain of the hall window, he looked out once more at the
children and their parents waiting outside and, as happened every year on this
day, he was swept by a feeling of despondency: it seemed to him that in the faces …
It was an Alpine that started proceedings: the Berlinette No. 2 driven by Joseph
Thomas. Then came a sequence of Abarths, Porsches and Lancias before the
departure of the Bianchi/Grandsire car. As happened every year, there was that …
Madeleine went back to Champagne and joined Henri in anxiously watching the
weather. Throughout the village – as happened every year as harvest time
approached – there was talk of nothing else. Véraison – that moment when the
grapes …
… of grain, vats of oil, casks of wine and, as happened every year, the fields
would give up more of the maiming devices. More of the graves would be
uncovered where the dead had been dumped but never forgotten. The
agricultural land on …
… people living along the trail still argued that their wells were the sweetest,
coldest in the world, their creeks and spring holes, too, although a little green with
August scum as happened every year. How could they suddenly be poison now?
After playing for a little while, I felt rather sick, as happened every year. Not being
able to eat a lot even at the best of times, I was certainly not used to eating fatty
food like goose. “Come on, girl, have a bit more. This is no good. You won't grow …
A few people did find flowers, just as happened every year at this time. A small
girl whose mother was gravely ill discovered one on the side of the road, in the
shelter of a kindly tree. She silently said, "Thank you Lady of Pearls," then bent
over …
As happened every year, the younger children, including Wren who was dressed
as a lamb, stumbled and rambled about the stage before they knelt by the
manger. Colin shifted in his seat and glanced at Rhetta. Her gaze was on the
front of …
At the same time (as happened every year), Guangdong government officials
warned of their province's 'limited absorption capacity' and urgently called on job-
hunters to stop streaming into the province. On the morning of 24 February,
40,000 …
Finally (as happened every year on the occasion of their first game), when the
men had magnificently won, Mrs. Tubbs surprised them with refreshments — they
would have been jolly well surprised if she hadn't surprised them — and Father …
Railway, as happened every year in consequence of the state of the Serpentine,
a great deal would be heard about it : but because the Serpentine had been
going on slowly destroying life for centuries, their forefathers not having cared
about …
When the spring rains washed their homes away, as happened every year
without fail, they stoically retired to caves where they carved eloquent eyes in
stone for reasons the Jesuits never fathomed. Here and there, in the dry tundra
and even …
As happened every year, the priests had just recalled in their sermons the
mariophany of Tepeyac, the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the episodes of
which were everywhere painted on the great baroque altarpieces. It was also in
December …
As happened every year, a gala ball was held on the Saturday night, following
the running of the very popular Jimboorie Cup in the afternoon with horses and
jockeys coming from the cattle and sheep stations spread over a vast area.
As happened every year, the campus and the town seemed pretty empty.
Because many students earn the money to pay their tuition during that period,
three-fourths of the students leave. Although I missed the excitement and bustle
these …
As happened every year, a gala ball was held on the Saturday night, following
the running of the very popular Jimboorie Cup in the afternoon with horses and
jockeys coming from the cattle and sheep stations spread over a vast area.
As happened every year, March 1976 brought buyers to India and John took
Terence Conran and his wife, Caroline, and their designer, Jeremy Smith, on a
trip to different weaving centres around India. They visited Hyderabad, Madras, …
As happened every year, a gold monstrance enclosed in a several-hundred-
pound silver tabernacle was to be hauled out of the cathedral and paraded
through the streets. Overhead, the route was covered with huge awnings to
protect the …
In just a few minutes, as happened every year in the neighborhood, families
would emerge from their homes dressed in costumes that ran the gamut from
gruesome to trendy to classic. Matt trudged over with all the lawn chairs they
owned and …
It was Elul, and — as happened every year since the inception of the band —
Yona's phone was constantly ringing. From Elul through Simchas Torah was the
Busy Season. But this year, there was a vital New Factor in the picture —
everything …
The harvest was just now getting underway, and so the farmers didn't come to
town so frequently on market days. As happened every year at this time, it grew
quiet in the house of the coral merchant. The threaders went home in the
This continued until Luke began to get angry whenever "Jackie" appeared. At first
, when she left, he was sad and crying for her. However, after a while it became
clear to him that he'd been moved around many times and that every time she …
Oh, the patients really began to get angry, especially since they had already paid
out $10,000.00. Some were already angry because of the big jump in price while
they were on the list early in the beginning. But they managed to come up with …
I began to get angry. I thought about marrying Asha. I began to think these
bastards could take away any chance of marrying her. This thought really got me
hot. My rage started to emerge. I couldn't help thinking that these men were
taking full …
But he began to question whether he should tell Phillip that it was okay to give up
the fight. His catholic teachings came into play. “Didn't God want us to fight to live
?”, Matthew thought. Then he began to get angry with God. “To hell with God!
When I began to heal, I began to get angry with my family, I began to get angry
with everybody that I called family that's close to me. It's best that the family heal
themselves first. The Healing Lodge will be in cycles, the men for thirty days, …
The men began to get angry and wanted to quiet them down as they spoke to
them in one of the Afghani dialects. “IF YOU GIRLS DON'T BE QUIET, THERE
WILL BE PROBLEMS!” the guy said next 116 LORD M. SHAHEED AADAM.
… his head again and wondered why they would even bother with something like
that. He had asked for writing materials, but he wanted a comfortable pen and
tablet to write whatever might go through his mind. Now he began to get angry.
Mrs. Roylake began to get angry, on her side. “Surely a little coarse and vulgar?”
she suggested, reverting to poor Cristel. “Would you like to judge for yourself?” I
asked. “I shall be happy, Mrs. Roylake, to take you to the mill.” My stepmother's …
What could I say that would make him feel better for all the broken bones he gave
Mommy? What could I expound on that would miraculously take away all his guilt
. As I remembered all the pain he had caused her, I began to get angry all over …
As she continued to fidget and kick and scream, I began to get angry. I know that
through all of this, anger has really not overwhelmed me (by the grace of God).
But I realized that although I do not get angry about Piper, when God seems to
not …
began+to+get+angry began+to+get+angry
… education and his grammar was poor. I was so caught up in criticising the
grammar of that man that I man did no listen to most of the message. The bit I
caught at the end seemed to be talking about me. I began to get angry with the
man -97-
Sammy began to get angry. He couldn't believe that anyone, anyone at all, would
think that he could not be trusted with the one thing that mattered most to him. “
You know what?” Sammy blurted out, standing up from his chair. “Fine, then, you …
Dad began to get angry, and his hands started moving to smack me in the head.
But, afraid he might break my head and brain, he got a stout palm leaf rib whose
whip end was as thick as a thumb. He hit me hard several times on my back with …
“Now, you sit down here and we are going to have a long talk on what is going on
with you” Josh began to get angry with her. “Nothing is wrong with me Josh, I
keep telling you that. I'm tired I'm going to bed,” she said getting up. “But it's still …
James thought that one of the other boys had bumped into him on purpose and
he began to get angry. He realized what was happening, correctly identified the
emotion as anger, and even started deep breathing. But after three or four
breaths, …
As she read the message and began to get angry, the handsome couple walked
into the restaurant. “Hey, gumba!” Tommy called. “Teddy! Yia sou,” Lily exclaimed
, as she too spotted her brother. Alexandra was so distracted as she replied to …
… called to discuss what had happened the day before. The student, now a
married man, had woken up, gone into the bathroom and seen the tube of
toothpaste that his wife had squeezed from the middle. He began to get angry at
his wife.
Then I began to get angry. After the bartender passed me for the third time
without looking at me, serving drinks to everyone else, I slammed my hand down
on the bar and said, loud and clear, "Hey! You! Bartender!" There was a shocked …
When he left bigger and bigger messes behind, turning the bubble-bath filled
water yellow or a pure, opaque brown with diarrhea, she began to get angry. She
felt she had no choice—wasn't he asking her to get mad? She had spoiled him …
Alex began to get angry with his friend. His Light said, “You should just walk
away.” Alex felt himself getting upset. His Shadow saw this and said to him, “They
think you are a joke, they are laughing at you.” His Shadow went inside his body.
Now I began to get angry all over again. This time I was angry with the people at
Darton college. But by then I had no money to go. With no job and no money I
had nothing but time to think. Thinking about what happen with Darton college …
Frank was always getting in trouble because he wasn't paying attention to his
anger before it got out of control, like the time Frank began to get angry when he
couldn't get to the next level of his video game. Before long, he got so mad that
he …
In just a matter of a few minutes they took root and influenced my spirit to the
point that I began to get angry. Then I did the unthinkable. I yelled out loud in
anger at God! Me, a grown man, 28 years old actually threw a childish tantrum.
… tight and he had a pained look on his face like he was trying to hold something
back. Then his penis began to twitch uncontrollably and a second later he shot
three gobs of semen on the floor right in front of me. With that I began to get angry
“We need to discuss what happened and that you could think I could do that with
such selfish malice.” Mae began to get angry that he could just think I'm sorry and
she would hop right back into bed with him. “I said I was sorry. Look Mae, I'm …
… said that the guy pointing the gun was James White and that he tried to go for
bad. "I'm not talking to you," my daddy said. "I'm talking to this man." "We kicked
your boy's ass and we'll kicked yours." My daddy began to get angry and fumed.
… for a while, with his stories and his jokes, but as soon as he had kissed her like
a man, she had run away. What a fool he was to have hoped for anything else!
After a week or two of telling himself how stupid he was he began to get angry.
“Boring? Don't understand?” he was taken aback. “What's not to understand? It's
simple economics!” he began to get angry. “God, you're so stupid sometimes! Go
back to your stupid fuckin' book!” he pointed in the direction of the leather chair.
I began to get angry, depressed, and suicidal all the time, but I kept holding out,
until I ended up stabbing an officer. I got beat up that same day, Aug 1, 1999,
then on Sept. 24, 1999, Iwas retaliated on, Iwas in my cell when officers
instigated a …
… embarrassing him in front of his friends. Jacob also noticed that whenever he
started to think about those past events, he began to get angry, embarrassed,
and ashamed all over again. It also made him start to worry that the upcoming
party …
with his father
obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit
… eateh a glimpse of this extraordinary dybbuk that so obstinately refused to quit
the body of this young girl. Rabbi Yaakov-Meir sent Leyb, the beadle of the
rabbinieal eourt, to the dybbuk and he eommanded him to quit the body
immediately …
obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit
… Grenelle which he had so obstinately refused to quit. His servant had orders to
admit nobody, and she herself knew nothing. If he gave her free admittance to the
dining- and drawing-rooms, he did not allow her to set foot in his own bedroom …
It was suspected, however, that he led a mysterious maniacal life, tinged with
anxious jealousy, at home, in that flat of the Boulevard de Grenelle which he had
so obstinately refused to quit. His servant had orders to admit nobody, and she …
These were chased, vigorously chastised, herded in the way they should go, and
escorted to the other side—all save one, which obstinately refused to quit terra
firma, and was accordingly fastened to a launch, in order to be towed across; but …
obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit obstinately+refused+to+quit
The article also refers to "the British Band of the Sac and Fox tribes, who have
obstinately refused to quit the lands on which they have no claim whatever." The
idea of "the British Band" was particularly odious to people north of the Ohio.
many …
Beside me, the empty pillow looked swollen with impatience. The cricket mocked
me. "It was morning before I slept, fitfully.” §§§§ "And so it went, my entire stay in
that bourgeois house. I tried, the following evening, to express my displeasure, …
He built a magnificent mansion surrounded by a vast park, and hired numberless
servants. His old acquaintances remarked with astonishment that neither the
years he had spent, nor the long voyages he had made in tropical countries, had …
… linked by a wide gravel walk and surrounded by a vast park planted with rare
shrubs and parterres of flowers. There is only one image of it at this time, a
painting by Grevenbroek of 1740. It shows a large mansion set in a park
extending to …
surrounded+by+a+vast+park surrounded+by+a+vast+park
It was surrounded by a vast park. One of the letters sent home by the Spaniards
says: 'Those gardens also had numerous mazes, from which, once you had lost
your bearings in them, it was impossible to find your way out. The water for the …
A long straight stretch of road interweaves with the course of the Enza ducal
canal to reach Codemondo (70 m): on the left is Villa Cassoli (19th C.)
surrounded by a vast park; not far past the church ofS Pantaleone, restructured in
the 19th …
surrounded+by+a+vast+park surrounded+by+a+vast+park surrounded+by+a+vast+park surrounded+by+a+vast+park
He had a great estate in the heart of a rich country near Virginia's ancient capital,
Williamsburg. There he had lived in a large house, surrounded by a vast park, all
his own. Even as the man, maimed in body but as dauntless of mind as ever, …
Materially she was not "without any help," since OM sent her money every month.
to Chantilly: a castle north of Paris, once in the possession of the Conde family,
filled with art treasures and surrounded by a vast park. Aristide Maillol: …
… man was his retainer. The magnificent villa, or rather palace, of this noble stood
on an eminence surrounded by a vast park & the embowering shade of an
ancient wood, proudly seeming to claim allegiance of all the dependent country
The palace is surrounded by a vast park. Kyoto has a rich history, and it's filled
with perfectly preserved monuments. Today it's one of the most famous tourist
destinations in Japan. Karesansui (the rock gardens) These splendid gardens
were …
Surrounded by a vast park, it sits proudly on the crest of a small hill, facing a lawn
that rolls gently down to a small lake, complete with white swans and a little
bridge. This handsome stone mansion was built in 1763, though it has roots in
the …
Down there in the dirt and squalor lived the working-folks; while away up on the
hillside, surrounded by a vast park, with stables, kennels and conservatories,
resided the owner. Owen lived with his people. And the one hundred fifty acres
that …
surrounded+by+a+vast+park surrounded+by+a+vast+park
The slow increments during periods of peace were often more than offset by the
effects of wars and epidemics that attended the end of certain dynasties. He was
therefore of the opinion that population movements had always been cyclical …
… shows that 4 percent of inheritances then actually went from fathers to
daughters.12 In a nutshell, the fall in the rate of actual female inheritance was far
too great to think that population movements had anything but marginal meaning.
gradually relegated to the heart
of a zone
that got ever more dangerous
which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had
The home, which had a fair market value of $150,000, was subject to a $50,000
mortgage that had twenty more years to run. Monthly mortgage payments amount
to $1,000. Under the terms of settlement, Ed is obligated to make the mortgage …
which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had
The martial and independent spirit, which had distinguished their ancestors,
became, in a great measure, extinct among all the people subjected to the
Roman yoke ; they lost not only the habit, but even the capacity of deciding for
themselves, …
which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had
… there had always been a strong tendency to a more intimate and voluntary
union; whenever circumstances of danger threatened them, and which had led to
the New England Confederacy of 1643, to the temporary Congress of 1690, to
the …
which+had which+had
… the Israelitish congregation or community of tribes which as such recognised in
that God their unseen founder, overlord, protector and law-giver, and which had
their visible cultic centre in the ark, which perhaps represented the empty throne …
which+had which+had which+had which+had which+had
224) is placed orer the fleaihle shaak h, aod a plate of meml c is laid aoder the
shaak i these are placed io the groure or recess of the hattoo, which had heeo
prerioasly hcated io the lower dic i the apper dic A (Jig. 225) is theo to he placed
oo …
recently fallen (“recent” means lichens still look healthy) or felled trees and
branches can represent the compositions of tree-canopy lichen communities,
yielding important information even if the data acquired must be analyzed
separately …
The majority of Mag- dalens were recently fallen women, who came to the
Asylum within a few months of their initial sexual … Before August 1810, 37.5
percent of the inmates were recently fallen, but after that date 73.5 percent were
recent …
Given that only little information is available on the mechanisms underlying this
complex process, we compared the levels of some pituitary, adrenal and gonadal
hormones of 24 subjects of both sexes recently fallen in love (within the previous …
Recently fallen litter and branches are often the only available estimators of the
canopy component of the lichen … The availability of recently fallen branches is
idiosyncratic and dependent upon factors (recent storms, other damage, etc.) …
The incorporation of recently fallen vegetation into the humus layer of the soil
involves degradation by microorganisms, such as bacteria, protists, and fungi.
The actions of nematodes, earthworms, and terrestrial arthropods, including …
Commentators report that because a particular stock, or the market as a whole,
has recently fallen, it is likely to undergo a "correction” upward in the near future.
Or that because it has recently fallen, it is likely to continue downward in the near …
0% (the ground) becomes covered with recently fallen snow. 5 qanilartuq Vo'D* (
qanilaqtuq) he sees s.o. off for part of their journey. J qanilaullangigutigivaa to-c>'
-<_T JPir<f has a vehicle as a means of quick departure (plane, sled) (see: affix …
Unfortunately, however, my father has recently fallen very ill, which means I shall
have to stay in Germany for the foreseeable future; as a result of this change in
my personal circumstances, it is with graet regret that I shall have to decline your …
They hated the implication of their thoughtlessness, and the strain on their eyes
was terrible, all the flashing, all that quick bright anger. The night before, it was
windy and restless outside, and Pilar and Hand had recently fallen asleep and …
Region. Long considered by geographers to be the distinguishing concept of
geography, "region" has recently fallen from fashion perhaps because it is not a
concept which lends itself to the mathematical and statistical analyses now in
Buy a stock if the stochastic average rises above 75 (after having most recently
risen above 25 rather than 75). 2. Sell a stock if the stochastic average falls below
25 (after having most recently fallen below 75 rather than 25). Or you may …
Recently fallen leaves of Pinus chiapensis,Oreopanax xalapensis,Beilschmedia
ovalis and Quercus spp. were collected … Both recently fallen leaves and soil
samples from Juquila were analysed for the concentration of total C, total P, total
N, …
Small fragments of decayed wood can be dissected and placed on an agar
medium to yield pure cultures of basidiomycetes. Select recently dead standing
stems, hanging branches, or recently fallen wood. Stems should be small enough
to …
The best results are obtained from the study of recently fallen, or felled, trees, or
by cutting and carefully lowering down selected branches (ter Steege and …
Aptroot (1997a) recorded 1 73 lichen taxa on a recently fallen Elaeocarpus tree.
The calcium and magnesium concentrations in recently fallen leafy litter in
primary forest are similar to those in healthy leaves on trees suggesting little
leaching or withdrawal before abcission, relative to totals present. The nitrogen
and …
Cortisol levels, however, were significantly higher among subjects who had
recently fallen in love than among controls. FSH and testosterone levels were
lower in men in love, while women of the same group presented higher
testosterone …
recently+fallen recently+fallen recently+fallen
The racemosely branched mycorrhizal roots of beech form a layer immediately
below the recently fallen litter where their thick sheaths are in an ideal position to
absorb nutrients leached from above. The fungi of ectomycorrhizal beech roots …
recently+fallen recently+fallen recently+fallen
… had recently fallen in love were compared with levels in two control groups
who were either single or already engaged in a long-term relationship. The
results showed that NGF levels were significantly higher in the subjects in love
than as …
recently+fallen recently+fallen
If Company B's yield is out of whack with its competitors, is it because the share
price has recently fallen? If the share price has recently fallen and the yield is
three times higher, how safe is the dividend? See Chapter 6 for additional
guidance …
Twenty had recently fallen in love, 20 suffered from unmedicated obsessive-
compulsive disorder, and 20 more were used as a control group and were
neither obsessive nor in love. Those who were in love, as well as those suffering
from OCD, …
Leaves were also collected from a recently fallen canopy trees. On average 633
leaves were collected from Godere Forest, 2040 leaves from Budongo Forest and
3040 leaves from Kakamega Forest. Identification of specimen of foliicolous …
I could counter that sort of introduction by saying, 'That's the sort of introduction
that made Andrew Peacock what he is today!' If that happens to you, in case it
happens to you, have in mind a recently fallen angel in public life whose name
you …
under+the+complete+control under+the+complete+control
The Molinist response I have most often heard to my argument is simply to 'stare
me down' at this point. I can be under the complete control of another person—
that is, I can place no limits upon his freedom to decide what I will decide—and
yet …
Azerbaijan treats the Caspian Sea as a boundary lake. According to the
Azerbaijan view, the Sea, both its surface and sea floor, should be completely
divided into the so-called 'national sectors' under the complete control of
respective littoral …
In poorer villages the voter seems practically under the complete control of his
creditor."175 1878 waren einer von 25 Einwohnern im Bezirk Limassol
verschuldet.176 Die Geldverleiher stellten folgerichtig von 1883 bis 1930 die
Mehrheit im …
… across individuals, while the number of pieces produced does not, unless such
an outcome is under the complete control of the individual».120 Nach dieser
Definition bemisst sich die Leistung von Verkäufern sowohl nach Handlungs-
(a) No report of arrival or entry shall be required of any vessel owned by, or under
the complete control and management of the United States or any of its agencies,
if such vessel is manned wholly by members of the uniformed services of the …
Of these eight, none was under the complete control of either the director-general
or the commissaire-général, much less the chief engineer at a siege. The choice
of attacks saw the most progress towards engineering control, as the choice …
Similarly, in Haitian Centers Council, Inc. v. Sale, 823 F. Supp. 1028 (F.D.N. Y. 1
993), the district court relied on McNary to hold that, because "Guantanamo Bay
Naval Base ... is under the complete control and jurisdiction of the United States …
A Brahmin generally remains a brahmacari throughout his entire life, but
although some Brahmins become gri- hasthas and indulge in sex life, they do so
under the complete control of the spiritual master.31 None of the earlier …
God never designed that one human mind should be under the complete control
of another human mind. And those who make efforts to have the individuality of
their pupils submerged in themselves, and they be mind, will, and conscience, …
The ship must be under the complete control of the chief scientist in all matters
that do not affect its safety or internal workings of the crew. This requires a great
deal of understanding among scientists, crew, officers, and senior scientists in …
… Pakistan, The Intersection of Nuclear Weapons and Terrorism, S. 67: "
According to open source estimates, today Pakistan has about 85 nuclear
weapons, which are under the complete control of the Pakistani military. Though
most U.S. and …
The Communist regime has not dared to annihilate the churches, yet it has
spared no effort to bring them under the complete control of the government,
thereby demonstrating the Kremlin's thesis that the religious issue has to be
handled the …
Second, the fur trade was now under the complete control of the British, and it
was deemed unwise to have frontier pioneers moving in and creating trouble with
the Indians. Third, wealthy English landowners were purchasing western land in …
under+the+complete+control under+the+complete+control
Thus, at the end of the war, there were two central federations functioning in the
trade union field, that is, (a) the AITUC under the complete control of the Indian
Communist Party, and (b) the Indian Federation of Labour under the domination
of …
It is a quasi-independent variable that obviously cannot be manipulated and is
not under the complete control of the experimenter. By contrast, type of attention,
social or nonsocial, is the within-subjects factor that is manipulated and under the
In bezug auf die Provin- zialverwaltung konnte KANAWAtI herausarbeiten, daß "
the Egyptian ad- ministration in the capital and provinces was, until about the end
of the Old Kingdom, under the complete control of the central authority" 246.
The report of arrival shall be made in accordance with §4.2(a). [T.D. 79-276, 44
FR 61956, Oct. 29, 1979] §4.5 Government vessels. (a) No report of arrival or
entry shall be required of any vessel owned by, or under the complete control
and …
… independence: 'It is, in my view, contrary to the ordinary experience of mankind
, at least in Western Europe in the present century, to say that a child or young
person remains in fact under the complete control of his parents until he attains
the …
… Ombudsman or to deal with the decision-making structure in which it occurred.
Of course, the Minister's power to intervene will depend whether the action took
place in a department which is typically under the complete control of the Minister …
When the believer meets these four conditions, he is filled with the Spirit - that is,
he is under the complete control of the Spirit of God in all areas of his life. On the
other hand, if we violate any of the conditions to be met for His filling, it can be …
„It would therefore be a mistake to view the estate as a neat unit of landholding
under the complete control of a single landlord. Rather, it was a highly flexible
legal device allowing all social starta to share in the wealth of the land according
to …
the terms of this brief agreement all matters of internal administration as well as
foreign relations were brought under the complete control of the Japanese
resident general in Seoul.21 This new agreement was notified to all the treaty
powers of …
195 Summary 195 Discussion Questions 196 References 196 Case Cited 197
Helpful Resource 197 Chapter 7: Youth Gangs 198 Introduction 199 Definitions
200 Types of Gangs 201 Racial/Ethnic Gangs 202 Hybrid Gangs 204 Girl Gangs …
Section 5 discusses other investigative challenges: computer crimes and their
evolution into cybercrimes (Chapter 17); the dual threats of drug- related crime
and organized crime (Chapter 18); the illegal activities of gangs and other …
INTRODUCTION. Since. the publication of the first edition of this book 6 years
ago, it is evident that street gangs continue to flourish and expand in many areas
of the world. During this short span, the amount of research on and thought about …
Lewis Yablonsky. Violent gangs ........................................................................... 30
Endnotes......................................................................................... 33 Chapter 3:
General Characteristics of Contemporary Criminal Street Gangs .
… .499 Are Gang Members More Delinquent Than NonGang Youth? . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .501 Joining and Getting Out of Gangs . . . . . . . . . . . .504
Characteristics of Gangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .506 The Contemporary Gang
The folkloristic study of gangs focuses on particular aspects of a phenomenon
that can be observed in the larger cities throughout the world. Poor social and
economic conditions, loosening of family ties, domination of female heads of …
Controversy over definition of the term focuses on whether to include criminal
behaviour and self-identification in the definition of gangs. Reduced to the
simplest terms, youth gangs are non-adult-sponsored adolescent groups, that is,
groups …
TYPES OF GANGS It is fair to say that an understanding of gangs in the United
States has been colored by sensational accounts of gang activities and of gang
life. This image has led many people to believe that gang membership means
that …
In social science research the absence of a consensually shared definition of a
youth gang is problematic in developing even basic descriptions of gangs. Social
science researchers, theorists, youth workers, government policy-makers, and …
The book describes the attractiveness of gangs, the process of joining, the
chaotic and loose organization of gangs, and gang members' predominant
activities - mostly hanging out, drinking, and using drugs. The authors also
discuss gang …
… gangs.15 Scott Decker, for ex- ample, used interviews and direct observations
over a three-year period to explore the functions and normative character of gang
violence.16 (See Chapter 10 for a discussion of gangs and Decker's research.) …
In many cities in the United States, a number of gangs (composed of juveniles
and young adults) have formed and become involved in widespread use and
distribution of illegal drugs. Frequently, gang members also engage in other
crimes …
The original and classic study of gangs in urban America focused on the Midwest
, Frederic Thrasher's The Gang: A … Midwestern cities other than Chicago have
seen the emergence or, in some cases, reemergence of gangs on their streets.
the perimeter wall had needed to be reinforced
Cream or skimmed milk cheese mixed with chopped shrimps, slivered almonds
and lemon juice and topped with sliced stuffed olives and drained crushed
pineapple. 8. Cottage cheese mixed with minced onion, finely chopped green
pepper …
… hanging from the entrance below the crenelated balcony; the domed silo jst
with bottom aperture; the pyramid mr with steep incline 75° above a rectangular
wall and topped with a*pyramidion and showing occasionally (Ptahhotep - Pth-
htp) …
Suggested Wine — Piesporter $29.00 / Bottle EGGS SHANNON Poached eggs
atop fried trout, served on a bed of creamed spinach and topped with Hclhmdaise
sauce. Suggested Wine — Sonoma Cutrer Chardonnay $43.00 / Bottle EGGS …
… where it was placed within an aedicula of the same materials and topped with
a wax image of the emperor.38 According to Herodian, the apotheosis ceremony
of Septimius Severus was similar, featuring an ivory funerary couch set within a …
A plain wooden clamp with a reel for thread and topped with an ivory spindle and
black finial; another small ivory knob on the clamp removes to reveal space for
needles. A brass hemming bird, and a bronze hemming bird with a small …
… end of a recipe composed of sow's belly and figpecker (a bird) breast
seasoned with crushed pepper and lovage, sweetened with raisin wine, layered
with thin pancakes, and topped with pine nuts.71 There are even some medicinal
recipes, …
and+topped and+topped and+topped and+topped
There's nothing better than a little Bailey's dribbled over vanilla ice cream and
topped with toasted almonds. Several days before the party, freeze ice cream
scoops on sheet pans or in serving bowls. The day of your party, assemble some …
BLACK ANGUS NEW YORK STRIP STEAK 12-ounce prime steak charbroiled
and topped with crimini mushrooms $23.65 TOURNEDOS ROSSINI Two 3-ounce
fillets of beef pan-seared and topped with foie gras, truffles, and a Madeira sauce …
and+topped and+topped
… sweet basil, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and topped with cracked pepper
$8.50, Roasted Pork Tenderloin & Provolone Cheese with aioli, baby greens,
roasted onion and tomato $9.50 Pastas: Fettucine with Roasted Eggplant,
tomatoes …
The Church Bay Mule was made with 2 oz cucumber infused vodka that had
been cold infused on the premises, the juice squeezed from a half a grapefruit,
and topped off with Barritt's Bermuda ginger beer. We enjoyed this even more,
and …
While the Maccabees' tomb has not survived, it is described in the First Book of
the Maccabees and by Josephus.48 The facade of the tomb consisted of a
portico, dominated by a frieze depicting warships and topped by seven pyramids.
… 1 vegetable, 2 fats Dinner Belly-Friendly Chicken Marsala, 2 servings (Chapter
14) 1 cup cauliflower, sautéed in 2 teaspoons olive oil Equals 4 vegetables, 8
ounces protein, 2 fats Day 4 Breakfast 1 medium apple, sliced and topped with …
and+topped and+topped
Transfer the contents of the food processor to the container with the lamb, and
mix well to combine and coat all of the lamb pieces with the marinade. grilled
lamb) served over grilled vegetables and pilavli (rice pilaf) and topped with
cucumbers …
… Persi rebuilt and topped with wooden walls and a new bell-tower. The next
wide-scale redevelopment was undertaken in 1466 when the Persi was fortified
with three buttresses; a battlemented parapet ran along its top. The Persi still
looks …
In Maya, kots' refer to small stuffed taquitos, and that is exactly what codzitos are:
small fried tacos filled with minced pork and topped with tomato sauce.
Papadzules are tortillas bathed on a pumpkinseed sauce, filled with chopped
hard-boiled …
and+topped and+topped and+topped
In addition, kadaifi is a wheat-based (i.e., like shredded wheat) dessert filled with
nuts and topped with syrup.” —Greece (Chapter 14) “Eating eel on Christmas
Eve symbolizes renewal and new beginning in the coming year, because eels …
Basically, they are tartlets of fried masa filled with black bean paste and topped
with a variety of foods. … For example, in the Campeche market we ate simple
garnachas filled with black beans and topped with shredded chicken and
Moussaka: a layered casserole usually made with eggplant and ground meat,
and topped with a bechamel sauce Nero: water Orzp: tiny seed-shaped pasta
Ostraka: shellfish Ouzp: colorless alcoholic drink flavored with anise Pastitsio: a …
and+topped and+topped
One Tuscan specialty to which Florentines are particularly beholden is trippa (
tripe, the stomach lining of a cow), most popularly served as trippa alla fiorentina,
tripe strips or cubes casseroled with vegetables and topped with tomato sauce
and …
"Let's see if friend Pete will mess with an electrified fence." He did. With his horn
stump, this male Bovine journeyman electrician-carpenter slowly and deliberately
pushed several insulators from the fence posts, dropping the hot wire to the …
It was a private house with an electrified fence around the property and
surveillance cameras, and patrolled by armed guards with dogs. They were
ushered into an air-conditioned living room with shiny tiled floors, expensive area
rugs, and …
He glanced down, saw her eyes were fixed on the wall and turned his head. It
was like clashing head-on with an electrified fence. The green eyes darkened
slowly, pouring a heat into her body that dried up the inner MICHELLE REID 115.
He glanced down, saw her eyes were fixed on the wall and turned his head. It
was like clashing head-on with an electrified fence. The green eyes darkened
slowly, pouring a heat into her body that dried up the inner MICHELLE REID 115.
A cow in a field with an electrified fence touches her nose to the fence, feels a
shock, and pulls back, which stops the shock. She learns to avoid the shock by
not touching the fence. While touching the fence has been punished, the
behavior of …
As you enter the visitor's parking lot, with an electrified fence running the
perimeter, “California State Prison at Corcoran” has been written in river stones,
its giant letters visible by air, no doubt in hopes of one of those last-second
helicopter …
with+an+electrified+fence with+an+electrified+fence
… he berthed in Shanghai on Christmas Day and 'was served a seven course
Christmas dinner with all the trimmings'." In Tientsin, the Japanese surrounded
the Western Concessions with an electrified fence. The Stuckeys crossed this
fence …
In one further area, mammalian predators were excluded with an electrified fence
(the investigators also covered 10 ha in the predator-exclusion treatment with
monofilament, but this approach was ineffective in reducing avian predation).
The entire grounds were enclosed with an electrified fence topped with razor wire
, and a radar antenna spun nonstop on a nearby hill, where a SAM bunker was
hidden. The shore was lined with antipersonnel mines, a sunken WWI battleship …
… camps in public, for example in his speech to Wehrmacht officers in January
1937: The camps are surrounded with barbed wire, with an electrified fence. If
anybody enters a banned zone or goes where he is not supposed to, he will be
The camp is surrounded by a gray wall, fifteen feet high, with an electrified fence
running along the top. At the four corners stand lookouts or soldiers, guns at the
ready. When you enter the camp you go through four successive doors, …
He has a mansion, all enclosed with an electrified fence. Spends his summers up
north in Mackinac Island. He has another plush place up there, but it doesn't have
any fence. He holds a mobsters convention there once a year. Helps keep …
It's enclosed with an electrified fence and a lot of 'Keep Out' signs. I haven't
checked it out but presumably she still owns the property. Smart peasants always
keep something in reserve.” “When did she get out of the vice field?” Adler's eyes …
then a CCTV system linked to the police station was installed
all so his father could wander alone
V. M. Bradis, V. L. Minkovskii, A. K. Kharcheva. PAGE CHAPTER II. ARl'I'HMETIC
I. EXAMPLES or Fuse Ancumms . . . . 38 1. The location of thirteen persons, one
each, in twelve rooms . . . . . . . 38 2. Eleven fingers on two normal hands . . . 38 3 …
in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms
At the moment our exhibitions are in twelve rooms; in the future we will do some
exhibitions at twelve rooms, and at the same time will do exhibitions which are six
rooms, or four rooms, so that we can focus in on particular areas over a brief …
1. Which statement is TRUE? a. There was a king who had twelve hideous
daughters. b. They slept in one bed in twelve rooms. c. Every morning their shoes
were found to be quite tattered as though they had been worn in through the
night. d.
“How many rooms has it?” “Twelve. And a big attic.” “And how many people live
there?” “Four, not counting me and Alice.” “Four people in twelve rooms. Dorta
has eleven in four, in three if you don't count the kitchen. What it is to have money
in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms
More specific indices were contained in twelve rooms on lower floors. “Incredible,
” 8Shandain whispered. “Incredible.” “This is what's left of Earth,” Harris said.
They began to walk, looking around them, stunned. Everything was perfectly
in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms
The 34 Union officers were placed in three rooms on the second floor of the main
building while the 120 Union enlisted men were secured in twelve rooms on the
uppermost floor. The facility was then temporarily placed under the command of …
in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms
'Four people in twelve rooms', exclaims Mike of the family where his fiancee Mary
works as a maid in Out of This Furnace ( 194 1 ) a novel of immigrant life in the
steel mill districts of Western Pennsylvania. Dorta, with whom he boards, has …
After workers razed the Maverick mansion, classes met in twelve rooms created
by using dividers in the lunchroom and two of the three synagogue balconies.
Since the dividers did not reach the synagogue ceiling, each class in the balcony …
… at Luxor with the outer coffin while the other 1700 treasures - there were three
chambers of chariots, weapons, food, clothes, a stupendous amount of gold (
more than two hundred kilograms) and jewels - are displayed in twelve rooms
The queen and Prince Philip live in twelve rooms in the north wing. She was at
home because the Royal Standard (flag) was flying above the central portico. It
was getting late, so we got on the underground to take us back to our hotel.
Charlie …
Seven thousand people, each paying one franc, crowded through the turnstile
that led from the official exhibition into the adjacent gallery of twelve hundred
rejected works, hanging in twelve rooms. More than a thousand artists had
withdrawn …
The 120 Union enlisted men were secured in twelve rooms on the uppermost
floor. They were held there until September 18, when a renovation of Castle
Pinckney was completed and these first prisoners were moved in.28 Castle
Pinckney, …
Unfortunately, the building was not designed to accommodate growth. Today, the
Library's materials are scattered in twelve rooms on three separate floors in two
connected buildings. An additional four rooms are used for offices and storage.
Lessons occurred in three shifts from 8 a.m. to almost midnight in twelve rooms at
111 Lenin Street as well as in the evenings at government offices.28 Optimistic
about continuing use of some of the Institute's own facilities, in early October the …
… that the sheriffs searche the reputed nunnery in Lombard-street, called the
Franciscan nunnery, and saw only some servants there; but found therein twenty-
six beds, in twelve rooms, wherein, they believe, the reputed nuns belonging to
said …
It moved to larger quarters on North Fourth Street on November 9, 1944; there
artifacts and photographs are arranged in twelve rooms and 12,000 square feet
of space. Cameron, the museum's director, recommends that visitors be eight
years …
in+twelve+rooms in+twelve+rooms
that+were+impossible+to+heat that+were+impossible+to+heat
No pain, but my Voice echoed back upon itself, and in the Highest rooms of a
fortress with no windows Where no breeze blew and where no one came, I
walked the empty halls and rooms alone With only my own footfalls for company.
But far …
… day and took longer and longer to get to her side of the bed. She had wanted to
stay in her part of the bedroom that only she accessed, where she retreated
whenever she needed to get away from it all, and where no one came too close.
Except Jed.” But was Jed still in prison, or was he headed to the morgue for
disobeying the order to kill the DEA agent? Hopefully Macy had done enough to
cover Rowe's and Jed's tracks. A short chuckle emanated from the backseat.
In his office, Fallen told Carl, “I want you to notify all our members except Jed. Tell
them to meet me on Monday in front of the school house. We are having a
welcoming party for the niggars.” Carl laughed, and then said, “We've needed a …
As the gun barrel moved people scattered; all except Jed. Luke unholstered a
magnum, opened the driver's side door, climbed down and stood in full view of
his adversary. They faced each other across the hundreds of yards of the river.
After awhile, everyone except Jed agreed, that it was time to get started. They
kept telling him, that ifthey didn't leave soon, they would have to reset their
schedules. Jed listened until he could not take it any longer; he was a softie and
finally …
They are Will's in-laws and Roll is a brother to Sara who is David's mother. He is
also a brother to Elbert who is my Pa. So everyone is related to each other,
except Jed, who is not a blood cousin.” “It's unbelievable that you found each
And will Joe and Clarissa's relationship survive? On first viewing, the film
inevitably strikes the viewer who has read the book in terms of the elements it has
excised. There is no Keats, no gun, no restaurant scene, no police (except Jed
says …
No one, of course, knows what took place in the Dunns' back bedroom that
afternoon except Jed and Phyllis. But something did take place— something
beyond my comprehension. Whatever it was, I should like to understand. Tommy
drowned …
All was now still, the fierce breeze had stopped, and the band, all except Jed,
moved closer to Darcy and the reassuring glow of his silver staff. There was only
silence . . . “I see nothing . . . I hear nothing.” said Romeo whispering nervously to …
She'd maneuvered the last few rounds of betting toward this moment, driving out
all the players except Jed. But now that the time had arrived to stage her own
defeat, she felt reluctant to throw away what had become a better-than-average …
She'd maneuvered the last few rounds of betting toward this moment, driving out
all the players except Jed. But now that the time had arrived to stage her own
defeat, she felt reluctant to throw away what had become a better-than-average …
This vulgar ditty received genuine laughter, and then, all except Jed, shouted in
unison, “That boy would like to splash on her face.” “You're such swine,” Jed said,
“that's my sister you're talking about and it's why she wouldn't see you again, …
If'n' it will make you feel better, we all apologize. Don't we boys? Now please put
down that damn fool gun of yours." Everyone except Jed was slowly moving
away, looking for any place to hide, as the standoff continued. A sinister little
sneer …
Everyone checked in OK except Jed. Somehow, while firing his .50 caliber gun in
the nose, he had snagged his oxygen mask rebreather bag, ripping it open, and
was breathing 30,000-foot air. Rocky found him unconscious and revived him …
She half expected something to happentoher whenshe touched Thomasperhaps
aboltof lightning from the heavens to disrupt her exploration, but
nothinghappened atall. Except Jed moanedsoftly and Thomas inhaled sharply
andshe shifted …
'Cheers,' she murmured and took a sip. 'Now, isn't that better? A toast to old times
between two friends.' 'I suppose so.' Except Jed had never truly seen her as a
friend, only as a mistress...A willing woman to share his bed and a convenient
sex …
Then they all sang, all except Jed and the captain, that is. The latter declared that
his voice had mildewed in the damp weather they had been having lately, and
Jed excused himself on the ground that he had been warned not to sing because …
“I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to read it to anyone except Jed.” Jed took the phone
from Tanya's hand. “It's O.K., Larry, go ahead and read it to my daughter.” Tanya
listened, her heart racing, as the station agent started reading the telegram.
I've never thought about having sex with anyone except Jed. I don't consider a
vibrator cheating, though if you'd seen the look on his face when I told him how
much I've been using it, you'd think I had cheated on him.” Kim's offer was all
Paige …
Leroy said he thought they all were in Anderson except Jed. “Ah think he went up
north.” I noticed that my brothers and sisters didn't have much to do with our
father either. They hardly spoke to him or paid him any attention. He struggled to
get …
After they discussed the verse and talked awhile, reluctantly but dutifully they
departed, turning back to wave at the couple who had fed them. All except Jed.
He grabbed Katy's skirts and would not let go. She gave him her last ripe peach,
and …
… name, except Jed. “One other thing.” “Speak to me, Herb.” “I'm a little scared
still, you know me.” “I know.” “This thing has to be down the line, a lot better
positioned, it's not only me—” “—it's OK, Herb, no sweat, I hear you. We all feel
that way.
Everybody in the dressing room loves this part because they get to watch Eunice
and me pant and moan and make bumping noises on the wood floor. Everybody
except Jed. That's because the actress playing Eunice is his brother's fiancee.
Did he believe women more capable than men gave them credit? If so, he was
not like any man she knew? Except Jed and her twin. Her dead twin. “What about
Lurline? Wasn't she drinking?” “Yes, well.” He plowed his hand through his hair.
… but for the grace of God through His son Jesus' we can have heaven. Even so,
Istill want Neil here for many years to come. Please change Your mind, heal him.
I can't tell anyone about Neil going home. Except Jed,. Love, Hope, Faith 54.
This technique worked well with her brothers, except Jed. He never asked
questions, he just started hollering. Sam searched for her face a moment longer,
as if trying to determine the truth. Then he shook his head, clipped the canteen in
place …
Because every Christmas Eve, his old apple tree ... From a distance, the tree
looks like it is full with apples. It isn't, though. No one knows why it happens. And
no one knows when it started. Except Nicholas. Because every Christmas Eve,
his …
Serve the same favorite meal every Christmas Eve, have a special breakfast
together every Christmas morning, and plan on the same out-of-the-ordinary
dinner each Christmas Day. 18. Go caroling as a family each year, and don't
forget to …
every+Christmas+Eve every+Christmas+Eve
I spend every Christmas Eve praying for some snow to fall and hoping we'll get a
white Christmas. I love putting upmy Christmas tree, wrapping presents, watching
Christmas films, andmost of allIlove to see Christmas-themed bookson the …
… like an (unselective) universal quantifier that binds the individual variable (and
perhaps a variable over times), and we would get a first-order formula to the
effect that "every individual that fasts does it (fasting, that is) on every Christmas
christmas? Every Christmas Eve, Samuel and Joel Rothmann unlock the door of
their great-great grandparents' house at 2007 Franklin Street in San Francisco
and feel as though they are coming home. On Christmas Eve the direct fourth-
and …
deity we are not acquainted, but his ceremonious visit is punctually performed in
all the German towns every Christmas Eve. Christkindle, or St. Nicholas, is never
seen. He slips down the chimney, at the fairy hour of midnight, and deposits his …
every+Christmas+Eve every+Christmas+Eve every+Christmas+Eve
"Every Christmas Eve," said Rose, "he comes down the chimney, … Then all the
children told her of every Christmas Eve they could remember, and of the
presents they had had; so that she went home thinking of nothing but dolls and
hoops …
"Every Christmas Eve," said Rose, "he comes down the chimney, and fills the
stockings of all the good children; so, … Then all the children told her of every
Christmas Eve they could remember, and of the presents they had had; so that
she …
I made a promise eight years ago, and I'll keep it every Christmas Eve.
Remember the last Christmas Eve we … She glanced back at their headstones. “
When they died, Mandy and I promised to come out here every Christmas Eve at
Every Christmas Eve he looks for a Christian who has to work on Christmas Eve
and takes that person's place so he or she can spend the holiday with family. He
picks the person at random and doesn't accept payment for his work. His last job …
Dr. Tille regards them as coming from a union of two elements : the old Roman
custom of decking houses with laurels and green trees at the Kalends of January,
and the popular belief that every Christmas Eve apple and other trees blossomed …
And every Christmas Eve she puts out a bowl of risengrynsgrot. She says that
since Julenissen has been out an entire evening delivering gifts, he must be very
hungry, and therefore she feeds him. . . . Of course, there's no julenisse to eat it, …
every+Christmas+Eve every+Christmas+Eve
“Did you know Jake and his father leaveNew York every Christmas Eve?” Mrs.
Miracle whispered. Itwas asif the older woman had been reading her mind. “Ibeg
your pardon?” “Jake and his father leave New York every Christmas Eve,”she …
… who are holy men, certainly must know that on every Christmas Eve the great
Goinge forest is transformed into a beautiful garden, to commemorate the hour of
our Lord's birth. We who live in the forest have seen this happen every year.
They'd be spending this Christmas Eve—and every Christmas Eve for the rest of
their lives—together. Which meant he had better get more mistletoe. Grinning, he
slid out of bed and stoked the dying fire in the front room then added more wood …
Every Christmas Eve most of mama's brothers and sisters gathered at Busha's
house. She lived in a wonderful big house with a wrap around porch and more
rooms then I could count. Oodles of cousins came to Busha's house on Christmas …
Every Christmas Eve since 1910, a ghost dressed in a long purple velveteen coat
, a gray waistcoat, and a pair of narrow trousers has haunted a house on
Clarence Street in Liverpool, smoking a pipe and pacing with great agitation in
front of …
>j Amy McGrew Miamisburg, OH Every Christmas Eve day my family and I go for
a hayride on a wagon pulled by horses. We bundle up and take Christmas music
along. As we are escorted through the snow, in the crisp fresh air, we sing …
Every Christmas Eve Rosa would come in the afternoon with her tray of baked
goods. And every Christmas Morning Margaret would find a rose on her door
step. Under the rose would be the note with the same message: Keep believing.
My first condition is that every poor child in the city hangs its stocking for gifts in
the City Hall on every Christmas Eve, and gets it filled, too. I want the resolution
filed and put away in the city archives." "We agree to the first condition!" cried the …
"Every Christmas Eve," said my uncle, cleaving with low impressive tones the
strange awed silence that, like a shadow, seemed to have slowly stolen into and
settled down upon the room, "the ghost of this sinful man haunts the Blue
Chamber, …
Jim and Jenny stayed up late every Christmas Eve assembling an air hockey
table or bicycle or some other toy and wrapping presents. As per tradition, they
slept in sweatpants and T-shirts so they'd be ready whenever the kids woke up in
the …
The nearby shops had long
Since closed sets are the complements of open sets, The most general proper
closed subset of the real line is obtained by removing a countable disjoint class
of open intervals. This process sounds innocent enough, but in fact it leads to
some …
Since closed sets are the complements of open sets, The most general proper
closed subset of the real line is obtained by removing a countable disjoint class
of open intervals. This process sounds innocent enough, but in fact it leads to
some …
Since closed-end funds are publicly traded, numerous sources of data regarding
them are available. In fact, any service that provides public market data typically
can provide information related to closed-end funds. One such source is …
Closed sets display corresponding properties. Theorem 7.1.11 Suppose X is a
topological space. Then every intersection of closed subsets of X is closed in X
and every finite union of closed subsets of X is closed in X. Proof Since closed
sets …
Typically, closed-end funds invest in securities of foreign countries or specialized
sectors because these assets have relatively lower liquidity than those traded on
major stock exchanges. Since closed-end funds are traded on an exchange, …
In this work, we extend our algorithm to mine closed sequences instead of
maximal sequences, since closed sequences are a lossless compact
representation of the set of frequent sequences. In other words, the set of closed
frequent …
… T−1vk converges to T−1v in Rn. This just says that there is a direct
correspondence between convergent sequences in Rn and V. Since closed and
compact sets are defined in terms of convergent se- quences, these sets
correspond as well.
There is a link between the choice of type of question and a sociologist's
theoretical and methodological beliefs, since closed questions will result in
quantitative data and open-ended questions will result in qualitative data.
Whether or not …
… cycle C in G passing through v and w. The first invariant implies that all vertices
of C are closed. Since closed vertices are 9.2 Depth-First Search 183.
Since closed sets are the complements of open sets, it follows that every closed
set on the real line is obtained by removing a finite or denumerable number of
open intervals on the real line. The simplest examples of closed sets are
segments, …
Since Closed Innovation unit CI1 develops products and technologies that are
supposed to be commercialized within the near future, taking too many risks
could jeopardize its market position. The same, however, applies 833 Regarding
the …
Dort sagte er: Since different assignments of entities to variables satisfy different
open sentences and since closed sentences are constructed from open, truth is
reached, in the semantic approach, by different routes for different sentences.
Since closed strings have no endpoints, they do not require boundary conditions.
Let us elaborate on the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is clear from the
study of nonrelativistic strings that Dirichlet boundary conditions arise if string …
since+closed since+closed
14.2 Show that every metrizable compact space has the Namioka property. Hint.
We use (iii) in Exercise 14.1. Since C(K) is separable, given e > 0 we can write C(
K) = [Jn B„, where Bn are closed balls of radius e. Since closed balls are Tp …
Then Gr/ is a closed subset of N x X whose projection on X is A. (2) => (3) ==> (4)
These results are straightforward, since closed subsets of Polish spaces are
Polish, and continuous functions are Borel measurable. (4) => (1) Assume that B
is …
… electron in a closed shell, and (3) pairs with neither electron in a closed shelL
Since closed shells have spherical symmetry (Unsold's theorem), we do not
expect terms like (1) and (2) to split the terms when summed over all occupied
… closed frequent graphs. This makes the closed frequent graph- based
classification more appealing than the frequent graph-based one. Furthermore,
since closed frequent graphs is a lossless compression of frequent graphs, the
classifier …
Since closed sets are merely the complements of open sets, a topology can be
specified by pinpointing the closed sets. It is often a matter of convenience (or
taste) whether you specify a topology by naming the open sets or closed sets.
Skilled practitioners choose the type of question to ask based on their goals.
Beginners often overuse closed-ended questions. Since closed-ended questions
ask for limited and very specific information, they do not invite clients to fully
explore …
since+closed since+closed
Additionally, since closed systems are often built of a variety of metals, inhibitors
must imperatively be valid for all of them (they must include cuprous metal
corrosion inhibitors). These products are used in an alkaline pH and this means
that …
since+closed since+closed since+closed
The human condition The human condition is one of attrition say the survivors
lounging praying cursing in the back room - but how would they know since they'
ve long since closed the door and I'd say not a minute too soon Yes the human …
since+closed since+closed
Inhibitors that have limited stability should not be used. This rules out the use of
polyphos- phates or phosphate esters, both of which hydrolyze. Since closed
systems normally have no major scale problems, they usually operate at higher
pH …
It is crucial to note, here, that Kant postulated that this developmental process
had long since closed, that the world he contemplated was one of fixed species.3
He then went on to make a crucial philosophical point about such an empirical …
Der Betrieb wurde längst eingestellt. The Biesenbacher Mill was mentioned in a
deed dating back to 1506. The photo was taken in 1924 in front of the servant's
quarters which no longer exist. The operation has long since closed down.
Since closed people expect to get a raw deal from life, bad products or services
just reinforce this belief. But if something goes wrong with the product and others
press them about it, the salesperson will get the blame. Closed people are often …
This is easily seen since closed regions contain points that do not explain all
conflicts. Therefore these regions are expanded into new nodes. The (n, 2:) that
remain opened after all conflicts in S have been processed are the minimal …
and it was impossible to walk around the
Conversely, the effect of the deterioration of quality on activities in ordinary
residential streets is illustrated by a study of three neighboring streets in San
Francisco carried out in 1971 by [Donald] Appleyard and [Mark] Lintell. The study
shows …
The Jewish street usually ran either directly from the marketplace or from one of
the neighboring streets. The location of the Jewish street. *In Silesian cities some
non-Jews who lived in or near the Jewish street were of the category of outcasts …
The disorder increased and spread through the neighboring streets; no harm was
done anybody, but the cry was * Bread ! Bread ! * and bread was seized
everywhere. It so fell out that Mar£chal Boufflers, who little thought what was
happening …
Down the road is Laguna Beach, where you'll find Gallery Row along the 300 to
500 blocks of Pacific Coast Highway, shops scattered around Forest Avenue and
neighboring streets, and delightful restaurants at every turn. A few notable …
The tough competition from solvent tourism business on Bussorah Street would
have caused the decline of Islamic commerce in neighboring streets, and
initiated the buyout of locally rooted Muslim shops by Chinese entrepreneurs.
Then racing invitations extended to other kids on neighboring streets.
Challenging the other street kids … The increased chatter attracted and
generated interest from kids on the neighboring streets and the other side of town
. When racing, we …
Since a number live in the neighboring streets, the bodeguero sometimes knows
almost the whole family—the mother, the father, their children, aunts, uncles,
nephews, and nieces. Sometimes he asks a customer, “And how's the family
The residents of Puebla approve by 76% to transform the Zócalo (Central place)
and the neighboring streets in a walking zone; by 74% to introduce cycle-paths in
the Historical Center; by 59% to introduce cycle-routes outside the Historical …
We competed against kids from neighboring streets, fought against kids from
neighboring streets, and amongst ourselves. During the summer, Mr. Barnes,
Bim's father, took all of us fishing every Saturday morning. And he didn't just take
us to …
Ryan Place contains mostly one-story residences, but the largest and most
spectacular homes are located on Elizabeth and neighboring streets. While
Fairmount started as a middle-class neighborhood, Ryan Place was designed for
wealthier …
… (the end section), Pa ́nska, and others— were excluded, there was enormous
despair. The Jews said, ''Better that they poison us with gas now than have su√
ering like this.'' People moved into those streets from neighboring streets, and …
There was little crime on the hill itself, but fear of the neighboring streets grew.
Everyone knew that the Los Angeles Policy Department was overwhelmed by the
problems in the flatlands below. Some in the neighborhood began to feel the …
Lan Kwai Fong Named after an L-shaped street in Central, this is Hong Kong's
premier nightlife and entertainment district, occupying not only Lan Kwai Fong
but also neighboring streets like D'Aguilar, Wyndham, and other hillside streets.
On weekends take a taxi to the tram station, as robberies have occurred on
neighboring streets. Urca & Botafogo The peaceful streets of Urca (Map pp266–7
) offer a welcome escape from the urban bustle. Good places for strolling are
along …
He couldn't see the neighboring streets from his position, but he could see the
flickering lights of the flames that had been lit along them. If all was going as
smoothly on the other streets, the retreat would be highly successful. He returned
his …
… was centered on Waterlooplein and neighboring streets such as
Jodenbreestraat (Broad Street of the Jews). In this area, they built their
synagogues and held their market. Of the five synagogues built during the 17th
and 18th centuries, only …
My curiosity aroused, I walk around the neighboring streets, noting that the town
council has placed Pasteur between Victor Hugo and Aristide Briand. Truly, can
one imagine a more splendid academy than the innumerable street corners all …
In 2007, Tongue & Groove and the Steamboat Lounge were the last bars to close
in Buckhead Village, the seven-acre party-central area on Pharr Road and
neighboring streets, east of Peachtree Road. The former nightlife nexus has been …
… Because mercers offered both household necessities and small luxury items,
their booths in the Friday Market and their shops along the neighboring streets
offered medieval consumers a true shopping experience—a customer who
stopped …
And this was not at the expense of activity on neighboring streets. The flows there
were about as high as they usually were. What was most interesting, however,
was where the additional people on Madison congregated. Some used the …
… Museum of Art and the A-Bomb Dome on the way. Just east of Peace Park is
the Hondori covered shopping arcade and its neighboring streets, considered the
heart of the city with its many department stores, shops, and restaurants.
Fifteen lifeless bodies were pulled from the ruins by police and church members
and one death later from the many injured. So immense was the overflow of
mourners from the Church on Green (Liberty) and neighboring streets that
Marshal …
"Large age groups in percentages. is parallel to it, as it were, then extends
beyond it to finally touch the rue Rivet and the neighboring streets. 3. The 1990
census sheds light on the demographic structure of this influx of youth. Thanks to
the …
Residents from neighboring streets also announced their objections; one noted
that she had “looked over the planning map and tried to study it carefully.”
Repeated applause suggests that these speakers were well received by others in …
Meanwhile the locus of political action spread out from the park as the entire
neighborhood became the contested zone and the neighboring streets became a
shifting DMZ. In the immediate surrounds of the park, a nightly ritual of 'walk the
pig' …
… half-past four, in the twilight—the twilight begins early in December—Jeanty
Sarre took four men with him and went out to reconnoitre. He thought also of
raising an advanced barricade in one of the little neighboring streets. Victor Hugo
On September 17, our sleeping family was awakened by the sounds of violent
shooting coming from neighboring streets. The rattle of tank treads shook the
houses. Windowpanes vibrated from the frequent cannon fire. Terrified and not …
… inadequate to the wants of the town; it is too small, the applications for space
from vendors are numerous, and "every morning the neighboring streets are
crowded with vegetables, poultry and fruit which cannot be received within the
The stranger in passing through East Broadway, the Bowery, Chatham, Oliver,
Division, Catharine, Grand, Canal, Broome, or the neighboring streets, is struck
with the number of quiet, dingy-looking shops over which are suspended the old …
since even attacks
Peddlers trying to make a buck converged on cars stopped at red lights. Brown
arms thrust plastic bags of oranges through windows, attempting a sale. Ragged
women shoved dirty-faced children toward stopped cars, hoping tourists would …
Suppose further that while PETN is often possessed by criminals and terrorists, it
is also frequently possessed perfectly legally by private citizens. If government
were to run canine PETN tests on cars stopped for traffic violations or parked in …
Contrary to what Lonely Planet guides would have you believe Smash and grab
attacks on cars stopped at red lights are very rare and where it does happen, the
intersections are usually only located in busy town and city areas that are well …
If the owner was lucky he would lose only the car. Others would lose their lives.
Solomon told us of more dangers: feral children descending on cars stopped at
traffic lights, hunting in packs; and Aids sufferers who believed that sex with a
baby …
at traffic lights were not unheard
The Raincy Council had given him a home-care aide—a cantankerous
and nasty Senegalese woman called Fatty
Above all, Bergholz got under his skin, the tough questioning. To his mind they
had deliberately assigned a reporter who had disliked him (in truth, the Times
switched Bergholz and Carl Green- berg, the other campaign reporter, back and
forth …
who+had+disliked+him who+had+disliked+him
… for the steam-bath; I shall make my body," he said. Accordingly a sweat-lodge
was built for him, and he made his body. Then he was very handsome, when he
had made himself over. Then she who had disliked him conceived a passion for …
Phil, who had hated cold weather, embraces it. Larry, who had been at
loggerheads with Phil, thanks him for his speech. Rita, who had disliked him, now
offers to buy him coffee. He refuses because he has "errands" to do. These
consist of all …
But on one catastrophic payday in 1854, he apparently showed up at his
company's pay-table too intoxicated to conduct business. When word leaked out,
his commander, a martinet who had disliked him from their first meeting years
earlier, …
Even people who had disliked him for the airs he'd assumed as Elizabeth's
consort were suddenly sympathetic. "We all just felt so terribly sorry for Eddie,"
Erickson said. Increasingly delusional, Fisher continued to insist that he and his
wife …
Now he smirked and stood aside deferentially. David, who had disliked him on
sight, nodded stiffly and went on his way. Entwistle sneered at his back. Reuben
Garbutt might easily have seen the Langleys when they entered the Albert Dock
or …
Mays's conviction rested on the testimony of a police officer who had disliked him
for years and on the testimony of an eyewitness who never got a clear look at the
killer. On appeal, the conviction was reversed because the judge, rather than …
He genuinely and sincerely worked with them knowing that they shared a
common love for the American people and a deep commitment to the nation. And
by the end of his term the two people who had disliked him became his most
loyal …
… to have arrows of their own, indicating — what else? — additional submenus.
This discussion describes the items in the Start menu from the bottom up, left to
right, the way your mouse encounters them as it moves up from the Start button.
Lack of resources and experience From the start these firms have their strategy
pointed towards the global niche markets. Founder with an international
experience 25 % of the firms had an intensive export within the first two years
after the …
David Pogue. Chapter 3: Searching & Organizing Your Files ...................................
121 Meet Windows Search .................................................................................................
...................... 121 Search from the Start Menu .
… you have verified successful logon to the XenApp Plugin, left-click on the Citrix
XenApp System Tray icon. 4. Select Registry Editor from the list and verify that the
application launches. of the exercise. To launch an application from the Start 5.
Gentlemen,. Start. Your. WebLogic. Engines. In This Chapter Writing a startup
script Starting WebLogic from the Start menu Starting WebLogic automatically. Y.
ou normally don't think much about starting application programs. You simply
click …
Several of the variations are similar; thus, I have grouped them together: • Start,
Center, End constructs arcs from the start, center, and endpoints. • Center, Start,
End constructs arcs from the center, start, and endpoints. • Start, Center, Angle …
iMpOrtant Business issues tO Be addressed It is going to be very important that
your clients understand from the start that the advertisement fees are their
responsibility, separate from the management and set-up fees that will be owed
to your …
While a few of their earliest words appear to be context-bound in the first days or
weeks of use, most early words appear to be used flexibly (for multiple referents)
from the start (e.g., Harris et al. 1988). 1.1. Early vocabularies By 1;3, children …
refused to change the sheets more
… 4) More than once a year but less than once a month, 5) Once a year or less,
and 6) Never. The specific substances that the respondents were asked to rank
included: Alcohol, Opiates: Painkillers (Morphine, Demerol, Fentanyl, Dilaudid,
etc.) …
Frequently Involved (more than once a week) Regularly Involved (on average
once a week) Occasionally Involved (on average less than once a week and
more than once a month) Infrequently Involved (on average once a month)
Rarely …
10. How often do you walk more than two blocks a week for a non-recreational
trip (for example, walk to work, walk to school, walk to a store)? A. Never B. Less
than once a month C. About once a week D. More than once …
1) More than once a day 6) Once every 2 weeks 2) Once a day 7) Once a month
3) 3 or 4 times a week 8) Less than once a month 4) Twice a week 9) Not at all 5)
Once a week 2. How frequently would you like to have sexual intercourse or …
Frequently (more than once a week) Sometimes (more than once a month)
Rarely (a few times per semester) Never 20. How often do you communicate
electronically with parents? Frequently 1099 Teacher Gamers vs. Teacher Non-
(2) How often do you attend religious services? Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(0) Less
than once a month . . . . . . (1) Once or twice a month . . . . . . . (2) Once a week . . . .
. . . . . . . . .(3) Twice a week or oftener . . . . . . (4) Do you listen to church services …
However, the average rate of usage of VCR video players, DVD video players,
and cellular phones was between “less than once a month” and “about once a
month.” The average rate of usage of cassette tape players, home security
systems …
Less than once a month Once a month Two times a month Three times a month
Four or more times a month 2. How often do you usually have your car waxed?
Less than once a month Once a month Two times a month Three times a month …
Figure 8: Participation in Games of Chance62 Casino games Poker Black jack
Card games Slot machines Betting Lotteries 0 At least once a month 10 20 30 40
50 60 70/% Less than once a month Goldmedia contracted by PAF (Ålands …
How often, if at all, in the last year have you had open disagreements about each
of the following: 1 – Never 2 – Less than once a month 3 – Several times a month
4 – About once a week 1. household tasks (Main Respondent-E706A; …
How many times do you take drugs on a typical day when you use drugs? 0 1-2 3
-4 5-6 7 or more 4. How often are you influenced heavily by drugs? Never Less
often than once a month Every month Every week Daily or almost every day 5.
How often do you come to African Catholic Community? o Minimum twice a week
o Once a week o More than once a month o Minimum once a month o Less than
once a month 13. Why do you come to African Catholic Community? You can …
1) more than once a day 2 1 2) once a day 2 3 3) 3 or 4 times a week 36 40 4)
twice a week 30* 24* 5) once a week 16 21 6) once every two weeks 9 9 7) once
a month 2 2 8) less than once a month 3 0 9) not at all 0 0 2. How frequently
would …
… 3.9% (n=9) once a month and only two used it less often than once a month.
The two most frequently used parts were Pharmaca Fennica drug information
and EBMG. The least used were the Medical Picture Database and Acute Care
Guide …
… 3.9% (n=9) once a month and only two used it less often than once a month.
The two most frequently used parts were Pharmaca Fennica drug information (
96.5%) and EBMG (88.7%). The least used was the Picture Database (n=46, 19.9
Of the respondents, 30.6% reported that they had searched for apparel product
information on the Internet either never or less than once a month. While 35.4%
of the respondents indicated that they had used the Internet one to three times a …
The frequency rates were higher for husbands (once or twice a month) than for
wives (less than once a month). The reasons married people cite for
masturbating vary. Some people masturbate when they are separated from their
Die Antworten verteilten sich auf: 6% never; 47% High Holydays only; 28%
Between once a month & once a year; 19% More than once a month (Rubinstein
1991, 4). 335 Die Antworten verteilten sich wie folgt: 5% Strongly agree; 13% …
How often do you read BRITISH daily papers? everyday several times a week
once a week once a month less than once a month never 16. Please mention
three BRITISH dairy papers you read most often. 1 2 3 17. How often do you read …
Wenn den Probanden eine zeitliche Alternativskala von „less often than once a
year“ bis hin zu „more than once a month“ präsentiert wurde, so kamen die
Befragten zu der Annahme, dass intensive zahnärztliche Zahnreinigungen in …
How often does the circle meet? daily more than once a week, but not daily once
a week twice a month once a month less than once a month 3. How often would
you like the circle to meet? daily more than once a week, but not daily once a …
… 2000 presidential election Bush 37 63 100 297 Gore 56 44 100 255
Attendance at religious services Less than once a month 55 45 100 495 Once a
month or more 28 72 100 400 Religiously fundamentalist/moderate/liberal
Fundamentalist …
Notation for respondents was as follows: c, child living with the respondent QI
child no longer living with the respondent r, relative seen at least once a month r2
relative seen less than once a month but with phone/mail contact at least once a …
Bar or club Everyday Weekly Monthly Less than once a month Never Sorority/
fraternity party Everyday Weekly Monthly Less than once a month Never Out with
an intimate/dating partner Everyday Weekly Monthly Less than once a month
… 50.9 46.3 46–55 20.3 25.9 Over 55 0.0 0.0 Internet experience Less than 6
months 0.0 1.8 6 months to 1 year 1.7 0.0 1–2 years 16.6 8.9 2–3 years 16.7 21.4
More than 3 years 65.0 67.9 Internet usage Less than once a month 1.7 0.0 Once
a …
It was brought to our attention during our ruminations on this that what 85% of
long-term heterosexual married couples do more than once a month takes on the
average 8 minutes to do.2 Although in my experience lesbians discuss their "sex" …
The possible answers were 'several times a day', 'every day', 'one to a few times a
week', 'one to a few times a month', 'less than once a month' and 'I never think
about sex'. 'Every day' or 'several times a day' was reported by 54% of men and …
Schick-Shadel (%) CATORMatches (%) 1–6 months after treatment, 249 patients
per group: p < 0.01 (chi-square) between groups Complete abstinence 85 72
Drinking less than once a month 4 8 Drinking more than once a month 11 20 7–
12 …
Never, less than once a month, one to two times a month, about once a week, a
few times a week, about once a day, many times a day? Never From less than
once a month to a few times a week Once a day or more Religious Service …
… 7 8 1–2 times a month 13 12 14 10 16 28 4 10 Less than once a month 7 5 8 3
9 18 9 10 Never 15 5 11 5 13 34 12 51 Public professions of faith Of all Christians
: been confirmed or baptized as public affirmation of faith (not infant baptism) 46 …
Excellent ( )Good ( ) Average ( ) Fair ( )Poor ( ) Don't know □ Example 2: On
average, about how often do you visit a doctor, HMO, or clinic? ( ) Less than once
a year ( ) Yearly ( ) More than once a year, but less than once a month ( ) Monthly …
its physical condition and most remarkable phenomena William Mullinger
Ali redete weiter: "The woman pretended she was ill and two of the girls
accompanied her to the toilet, while the man stood and waited. I didn't suspect
anything, and didn't pay enough attention. The man probably stole the cash-box
while I …
You probably stole it! I saw you go out there! Who the fuck are you?” the fat boy
ranted. “You probably stole my money!” I felt the fluttering of butterflies in my
stomach and the surge of adrenaline racing through my system. Everyone was
looking …
You probably stole it from another dude; didn't you?” One of the other guys said, “
He probably stole it from this neighborhood. He's got the face of a thief and of an
asshole, too.” “Yeah, he's got the face of somebody that's stupid.” All four of …
"Hmmph," snorted Barney. "He probably stole it somewhere. You know that boy."
"But we don't know that," Robert protested. "I traded for it fair and square." "It's
buying stolen goods," said Barney. "But, I didn't steal anything," whimpered
BEADS: Ask around. MlLLlE: Flower. BEADS: Beads. Pass them on. MRS.
PORTER: Hopeless. (Her anger is building.) You probably stole the flowers, and
you probably stole the beads. MlLLlE/BEADS: Peace. Love. Harmony. MRS.
“They probably stole something from their mother.” “Oh it must have been the
bottle of wine that Frank stole earlier on.” I replied. We went to the front of the
house, out of the garden gate and observed Mrs. Prusser chasing her children up
and …
The Roughnecks probably stole an average of about $5.00 worth of goods a
week. Some weeks the figure was considerably higher, but these times must be
balanced against long periods when almost nothing was stolen. The Saints were …
… who stole them from '50s rebels, who probably stole them from the local
department store; Keds – During our lifetime, they became the preferred footwear
of children and that super evangelical Christian girl who wore pleated khakis and …
… were probably got by using the old pan method, and working the sand in the
bed of some creek. But, more likely than not, the man who gave them to Scotty
didn't do that, he probably stole them. Now you've heard enough about gold
About midnight everyone in the house got a big feed of shoestring potatoes. The
cooks missed the lard and thought the DPs probably stole it. They weren't sure, of
course, so everything worked out all right. Softball games were played about …
Instead, Johnson had had to struggle at every turn, barely losing a senatorial
primary in 1941 (his opponent probably stole it from him) and barely winning one
in 1948 (he surely stole that). Following this narrow victory opponents derided
him …
You probably stole it outta somebody's yard.” He drew himself up and clenched
his fists at his side. “That's a load of bullshit! I paid for that pipe, fair and square,
and I got the cleared checks to prove it.” “Who'd you buy it from? Somebody else …
Just today, in a time of extended reflection and confession, I realized that I had to
do this in order to bring biblical closure. I estimate that I probably stole around
$100 total. This is a very, very rough estimate, and it could be wrong, but I think it
is …
probably+stole probably+stole
"Anton probably stole it and some pins and had some fun." "It wasn't any fun for
the shop owner," I added. Gum nodded. Sam clucked her tongue. "I don't know,
Gum," she said. "Where'd Anton get the clothes? And the little beard?" "They
were …
Momar realized that his friend probably stole his phone and probably other
friends were stealing his clothing. When he returned to New York his
transnational peers had a good laugh because he was financially broke and only
had a pair of …
probably+stole probably+stole
… in this picture for the two white men in the pickup truck. The Indians didn't have
the trunk key for such a glossy piece of American industrial ingenuity. Why didn't
they have the key? They probably stole the car and its (white) DEFENDING 119.
Don't see how that little filly carried him. From the looks of things, he got real sick
before he died." The two brothers stared at each other, waiting for one to say
what needed to be said. "Probably stole the horse from some dead soldier. He
ain't …
Shit! did he lose it last night in his blind wanderings? Some Goddamn bum
probably stole it. That would have been easy to do while he lay out on that slab of
concrete. Probably that first bum he helped. Son-of-a-bitch! Last time I help a bum
"Incidentally, you probably stole that plan from Lippitt. You were going in anyway
because you knew about the ultimatum. That's why you called the Russians,
using a voice you hadn't used in five years. Lippitt had a good plan, and that's
why …
Knowing Mei, she probably stole it,” replied Hoyt as he punched in his code.
Harvath doubted that and was about to say as much when Hoyt swung open the
safe's door. Inside was a rather thin weapons cache, especially for men who
were …
Likewise, the subjective imposition of taxes without a clear tax standard—also
invalidates the taxes. So people are free to resist these taxes (if they can do so
safely). In a previous You Be the Judge case we asked, “Roger probably stole
Judy's …
… off his pratfalls, you know, where he'd pretend to fall Supposedly he stole all
your material. sean: He did steal a fair amount of my material, but, you know, we
spent a lot of time with each other, so I probably stole a lot of his material, too.
Somebody probably stole it five minutes after I left. Then I walked home." "And
he's not coming back." "That's the one thing I'm sure of. I think he wanted me to
cover his trail." "So you don't know if he's an alien or not." Sarah shook her head.
At first they were simple ; early man and the larger carnivores were both
predators and their relations must have been much the same as those amongst
the larger carnivores of today : they competed for food and they probably stole
each …
“There's no going back anyway. I've been ordered to leave my master's house.” “
Why?” “It doesn't matter. But I cannot stay there. It's the army or the street.” He
probably stole something and tried to sell it, if I know Antonio. So much for honor …
Alone, things could get wilder, which included snitching a little wine before
settling down to “study” Ben's latest fascination, a porno tape he bought (for a
stupid lot of money, I thought) from a kid who probably stole it. The tape was titled
Pussy …
Eggs were an easy source of protein and early humans probably stole eggs from
nests of a variety of birds. Today we find primates that will supplement their
primarily vegetarian diet with eggs. As humans progressed into the Neolithic
period …
The same fellow probably stole two collars from a teamster at Books & Beers, and
got away with a whip from someone else. From indications the fellow will have a
horse before long, so it is well enough to lock the stable doors now. The west …
from the
New employees also receive a $1,000 shopping allowance. Family health
insurance premiums are automatically deducted from paychecks of employees
who have dependents. If you miss work more than two days per quarter because
of …
I recommend that you give yourself a shopping allowance before you leave home
, either a daily one, a weekly one, or one that's for the whole trip (if you're
disciplined and do your accounting regularly). If shopping isn't your thing, you
can save …
I recommend you give yourself a shopping allowance before you leave home,
either a daily one, a weekly one, or one that's for the entire trip (if you're
disciplined and do your accounting regularly). If shopping isn't your thing, you
can save big …
24 eir shopping allowance does not hinge on this. In week 3 their main task is a “
cycling challenge,” their mini-task is to “write, design and stage a play”; for the
latter triumph they are given a treat (a video).25 ese tasks are, then, small-scale …
“Will I have a shopping allowance?” That brought Quinn up short, and he almost
stood up from where he was perched on the desk. What kind of woman is this?
What kind of wheels turn in her mind? Her own son might be stalking her to kill
her …
He thought that by allowing his people to visit West German stores and collect the
100-mark shopping allowance given by the West Germans, he could delay
reunification. His logic: After a day of shopping East Germans would return home …
To make sure you spend your shopping allowance on treats, check online
weather sources (like beforehand and prepare for the
unexpected. Summer can be cold, and winter can be rainy. When it rains, it pours
. Dress in …
If you're traveling with children, decide on an appropriate shopping allowance for
each of them. Then give each child the money up front and—this is important—
tell them that when it's gone, it's gone! You'll also have small but frequent …
Since I had already overspent my monthly shopping allowance, I made my way
pass a number of clothing stores, eyeballing unbelievable sales. Thinking that my
common sense was in charge, I took a shortcut through the first floor of Neiman …
Instead, it is important to use this shopping allowance wisely and to leverage
every last dollar. The big advantage of getting “pre-approved” is knowing the
maximum amount that an investor can spend. Also, when a property becomes
available …
… women scavengers hulking full gunny sacks along the gutter. At an outdoor
market, you can observe a woman bargaining for a little bunch of grapes with two
rupees she has managed to economize from her week's shopping allowance.
shopping+allowance shopping+allowance shopping+allowance
Another way you could view this, is thinking of the money you have saved with
your budget, you may have decided that you spend too much money on clothes,
so you have reduced your shopping allowance, and paid for your premium bonds …
Just when she assumed that that was her shopping allowance he would pay for
everything that she picked out allowing her to keep the $300 as pocket change.
He would also be sure to purchase a lot of expensive items for himself in front of …
In my line of work, I've seen budgets that come in all shapes and sizes—from
those that barely allow for a weekly meal at a fast-food restaurant to those that
take into account a spouse's $15,000 monthly shopping allowance. However
much …
Waves of Silence.7 453. WDG Snare.190 454. Weeping Smile.35 455.
Weldonymy.114 456. Wetware Wart.232 457. White List.97 458. White Yesterday.
157 459. Window Shopping Allowance.118 460. Wireless Vision.194 461. World.
61 462.
“Just as she'd love an unlimited shopping allowance or a trip to New York City,
but she doesn't expect to have either of those things handed to her, either.”
Cameron frowned. “Why would she want to go to New York City? Did your
American …
The sea finally calmed andall was well untilthey arrived for customs inNewYork,
Ed was pacingupand down hoping that they could pass without incidence as they
had overage of the shopping allowance. They gaveup their booty of wine, not …
Of course, she hoped one day she could save up enough money from her
shopping allowance to buy Wendy some genuine Sheffield steel reinforced
underpants. Just the thought brought on a hot flush. Boiling water was
everywhere. (Derek …
Are my women looking sharp?” (which meant time in Paris with a generous
shopping allowance) or “You young ladies just don't have enough fun,” (which
meant a week at DisneyWorld-my sisters and I were definitely still kids at heart).
“Just as she'd love an unlimited shopping allowance or a trip to New York City,
but she doesn't expect to have either of those things handed to her, either.”
Cameron frowned. “Why would she want to go to New York City? Did your
American …
Another way you could view this, is thinking of the money you have saved with
your budget, you may have decided that you spend too much money on clothes,
so you have reduced your shopping allowance, and paid for your premium bonds …
She spent her whole day's shopping allowance. LACEY. I cannot believe your
mom. SHAUNA. I know. It's like she wants me to be a movie star. And she won't
let me eat anything, I swear. LACEY. That is so weird, Shauna. SHAUNA. Okay,
this …
They've just joined an organised trip around India that lasts three months, leaving
him with a monthly shopping allowance, a cleaner and strict instructions on when
to feed the cat. He's asked me more than once if we wanted to crash there …
I can get my house, my weekly shopping allowance and my baby will have the
best of course. And the most important, the sex will be the bomb! That's if I don't
stay sick. I should have been taking that medicine like I was supposed to. I would …
I guess she realized Castro wasn't going to be the husband who drives a new
Buick and gives her a shopping allowance. I think he married her to put a notch in
his belt. I mean, an enemy who's sleeping with your daughter has a certain …
International Brazilian airports also have Duty- Free shops on arrival. They sell
imported drinks, and electronics equipment. The shopping allowance is $500.00
per traveler. The prices are usually 25% cheaper than in the local shops.
Be that as it may, the quote in question certainly suffers from some of the same
kinds of problems as Exhibits A and B (it also manages to introduce some
additional ones of its own). It's taken verbatim from “Improving Stage 2 Predicates
,” by …
It would then form part of Luke's case that Christianity from the very birth of its
founder has never been a threat to Rome. Be that as it may, the story serves to
link the fact of Jesus' known Galilean background with a birth in Bethlehem of
… of Callisthenes was introduced as merely one example among many. Perhaps
the work took the form of a dialogue in which Theophrastus had the lead role and
personally lamented the death of his fellow student.49 Be that as it may, I think …
Be that as it may, it certainly seems fair to conclude the first part of this discussion
with the assessment that Schiller has offered a more nuanced and plausible
analysis of the aesthetics of the expression of moral condition than Kant did in his …
WlTn-n^ what happened to you? [«fl*( indicates personal interest on the
speaker's part]) \f°19° 1 hAlfJlr nothing happened to me, I'm all right) (9°1 - l^T i "
kd- what happened to him? i.e. what changed him?) TliV) 0-*? be that as it may \J
"i9° • •JV …
… so schnell sie ~ laufen mag however fast she may run ...; wie sehr du ~ flehst
however much you beg; wie dem ~ sei whatever; wie dem - sei, ich gehe jetzt
nach Hause be that as it may, I am going home now Q (zweifelnd) ist das ~ gut/
nicht …
Be that as it may, the personal name Cadbad must belong to an early period of
the Anglo-Saxon invasion when there was contact at the highest level between
Anglo-Saxons and British speakers. Sawyer expresses reservations about Casd- …
Be that as it may, his main point remains intact: originally, humankind was one
community. Locke's political philosophy faces more problems as he outlines the
devel- opment of societies and states. According to his famous 'labour theory of …
Be that as it may, even to structuralist accounts the sense of a word is not
something with autonomous existence in and of itself, it emerges from the
position of the word within a broader knowledge constellation, i.e. knowledge of
other lexical …
Be that as it may, let me proceed with the outlining of Rawls's theory of justice as
fairness. Rawls never abandoned it, and it has been about the most influential
theory of justice in modern moral philosophy. Rawls argued that the following …
Be that as it may, Avicenna set out rules which, in effect, were designed to isolate
a cause from other conditions. No cause can be considered an immediate cause
unless it can be shown that the effect follows in its presence and that the …
… are more abundant than is recognized by some commentators who have a
concern, a legitimate concern, for declaring that there was a Common Insular
Celtic preceding a notional Gallo-British sub-family.38 Be that as it may,
avSoovvvafio, …
Be that as it may, in fighting Rome and defecting to Titus while actually holding a
Jewish command, Josephus was certainly in a far less favourable position for
meeting criticism, both at the time and in the later judgement of his countrymen
and …
However, "gambits" or "hedges" (to be exact, let me put it this way, to put it in a
nutshell, be that as it may, as it were) count as parts of the subject area of
phraseology as well, as long as they are fixed word groups. Nonethe- less, their
meanings …
Be that as it may, Luther describes J in a way that reminds one - is it a surprise? -
of Ilgen's first E, since Luther's J is a representative of a "nomadic ideal", an
opponent of everything cultic, and is related to the first prophets, in particular to
Amos …
… did not include Slovenia. Be that as it may, the Slovene and Croat non-
communist governments at their ascent to power in April-May 1990 started to
follow blueprints The role of Serbia in the process of the disintegration of
Yugoslavia 343.
If an insight and an opposed interest collide, the interest will be victorious Precht
is concluding.2 Be that as it may: behind the concept of crisis, individual and
collective self-deception, economic interests and political calculations can be
Be that as it may, that argument ignores the fact that Congress has estab- lished
the Hague Convention as the means by which to effect service upon an
individual or corporation in Germany. . . . Because Plaintiffs did not comply with
the Hague …
Be+that+as+it+may Be+that+as+it+may
Be that as it may, English language is the most commonly used language;
therefore, the language of law is legal English. Thus, legal language includes the
rudiments of grammar as well as pedagogy of English language, which helps the
law …
Be that as it may, I maintain that in cases where there is no plausible Indo-
European etymology for a Greek word, it is permissible to look for loans to
neighbouring languages, especially those like Egyptian and West Semitic for
which there is …
Wie dem auch sei (= be that as it may): Uns hat diese kleine Betrachtung 5 die
Begegnung mit drei -.«'//-Pronomen gebracht: yourself, ourselves, < oneself. Um
die -se/f-Pronomen geht es in diesem Kapitel. „Vorhang auf" ) (= Curtain up!) …
… wan waere ich der sigenünfte wert" and „möht ich die lieben reise gevaren
über se". Be that as it may: the feelings and the events of these songs, whether
self-projection or not, are presented as an actual and deeply-felt experience.
52 — 62, however, returns to the suggestion of Michalski that different theories of
simple supposition make the phrase 'de virtute sermonis' mean something
significantly different in the Paris decree and in Ockham's logic. Be that as it may,
it is …
An electrical power of 83 mW is required to raise the temperature of the a-Si/SiO-
based filter membrane by 284 K. The temperature was determined using the
calibrated thin-film resistors as temperature sensors. As shown in figure 7, the …
the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was
The DCB specimens were subjected to cyclic load with a hold period, tH, at the
maximum load as shown in Fig. 2. The temperature was monitored by
thermocouples and controlled TABLE 1 — Laminates and elastic constants of
APC-2 at room …
the+temperature+was the+temperature+was
Round your answer to one significant digit, (e) List three important assumptions
in these calculations. 2.86 A stockroom supervisor measured the contents of a
partially filled 25.0-gallon acetone drum on a day when the temperature was 18.0
°C …
The solids concentration studied was 50 and 60% (w/w), the grinding time of
bauxite was 30 and 40 min, the pH studied was 7 and 12 and the temperature
was 25 and 45°C. Table 1. Experimental conditions following matrix experiments
24'1 …
The test temperature range of the profile was between -30 and 50 °C, and the
temperature was changed and maintained for 2 h. Figure 6 displays … Starting at
room temperature, the temperature was varied and maintained in 10 °C intervals.
the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was
The sample surface was heated and the temperature was varied from room
temperature to a high fraction of the melting point of the coating material for all
three materials. The change in temperature of the substrate during the deposition …
the+temperature+was the+temperature+was the+temperature+was
When the temperature was too low the hard bacon shattered and blade wear was
excessive; when too high the soft bacon stuck to the blade and the fat was torn
away from the lean. The optimum temperature for a particular operation depends …
During the filling period, the temperature was gradually increased to approx. 43°
C. LIFE HISTORY OF THE DIGESTERS The digesters were inoculated from day
0 to 1, but exact recording of process parameters was not carried out until from …
the+temperature+was the+temperature+was
Below the thermocline the temperature was rather uniform and the dissolved
oxygen decreased rapidly to zero. The temperature indicated no significant
mixing in the hypolimnion; but the thermocline was not a barrier for oxygen
the+temperature+was the+temperature+was
At first the temperature was raised from the room temperature, controlled to
nearly 20°C, to 80°C and then lowered from 80 to 20°C. by increments, with the
vertical pressure held constant: this cycle was repeated three times. The duration
for …
The development of the temperature was recorded during heating, austenitizing
and quenching. Out of the two cooling curves gained from the experiment, the
temperature dependent heat transfer coefficient was calculated using a …
rising slowly
… a negligible effect on the outside pressure. The pressure at the open end of the
pipe is therefore held fixed at Patm by the large body of air in the room, and the
pressure amplitude of a standing sound wave at an open end must be pamp 0.
… of negation: in (32) it is the relation between two arguments which falls into the
scope of negation, while in (33) the predicate is in the scope of negation, i.e. 'it is
not true that living in the room z, at the time n-1 is no longer true for the time n'.
… The Fall Of The House Of Usher), it is almost inevitable as an image: rather
than the street, country, culture, or era one lives in, the room bears the most
immediate, and tenable (unlike e.g. the clothes one wears), imprints of one's
… money for a trip to Europe to a client surprised to see her still working in the
restaurant. (9) bni ha-misken 'od xalash — son-my the-poor 'od weak hu 'adayin
be-xadar ha-hitosheshut he 'adayin in the-room the-recovery My 396 Yishai
This occurred in the room that is now called the "Salon d'Apollon." The paintings
remained in my memory, and my adventure of that evening was destined to occur
there. I sat down upon a sofa, and looked about me. Three or four persons …
“The Seven Step Cleaning Process is a standardized method where you make
rounds in the room,” explains Morgan. “Each round entails a specific task. The
final step in the process is for the staff member to go in and do a thorough check
to …
In the second act the disorder in the room, now cluttered up with furniture, has
increased. Pierre finds it … In the third act, this man has become a fixture in the
room, and Pierre wants to retire to his own private den downstairs to work in
You can also create a color scheme using the Legend tool in the Home tab, in the
Room & Area panel. The moment you place the legend, you will be prompted to
select the space type (Rooms or Areas) and a color fill scheme.
This helps to clear any airborne contamination created by personnel in the room.
The amount of airborne contamination in the room is affected by the number of
people moving around in the room as well as the number of times that the door to …
Factors that contribute to wrong site surgerv can include (AORN, 2003): •
emergency surgery • unusual equipment or setup in the room • multiple surgeons
involved in the procedure • multiple procedures on multiple body parts during a
single …
Most importantly, clients must have privacy when they undress. You should
always step out of the treatment room when clients undress, regardless of their
modesty level. Some clients start undressing while you are still in the room, but
you …
Traffic The greatest sources of bacterial contamination are the persons in the
room at the time of surgery, including the patient. … Every effort should be made
to minimize the number of people in the room during an operative procedure.
Find the percentage of carbon dioxide in the room as a function of time. What
happens in the long run? 2 m3 min 0.15% 180 m3 47. A vat with 500 gallons of
beer contains 4% alcohol (by volume). Beer with 6% alcohol is pumped into the
vat at …
Jed took a photo
of the
painting in progress
The inventory would thus be valued at a net realizable value, which would depart
from the cost concept and the usual interpretation of the revenue realization
concept. If inventory is valued at net realizable value, then the profit has already …
We will never have, and in fact have never had, any 'transfer' of pure signifieds —
from one language to another, or within one language — which would be left
virgin and intact by the signifying instrument or 'vehicle' " (Positions, p. 31).
It would have been possible to present an argument which would have led in the
same direction, in a far more external, Aristotelian way; we might, that is, simply
have been asked to agree to the fact that the emotion of shame entails the idea of …
General safety issues would be discussed, and a subcommittee of this School
Committee would function as a Disciplinary Court which would provide a "court of
last resort" for students who are threatened with severe disciplinary action or …
An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment C. Donald Ahrens.
then, when the rate of absorption of solar radiation equals the rate of emission of
infrared earth radiation, a state of radiative equilibrium is achieved. The average …
A World View Larry D. Kirkpatrick, Gregory E. Francis. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. △ 53. 54. 55. 56. △57. △ 58. △10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Mary and Nathan are driving on a freeway in the same …
I say, therefore, that any King or Republic which would want to organize its
subjects in arms, would provide them with these parties and these arms, and
create as many battalions in the country as it is capable of doing: and if it had
organized it …
In Europe, since the early years of the European Community, and spurred on by
the declaration in 1985 to realize an integrated internal market by the 1st of
January 1993, mergers forming big pan-European companies which would be
able to …
… disappear when not in use, and above all it must be beautiful. A chair like this
does not exist. My researches have led toward these needs again and again. We
could create a mechanical contrivance which would do all of these things, but
It is not just that there are several states of things (each one of which would be yet
another); nor that each state of things is itself multiple (which would simply be to
indicate its resistance to unification). The essential thing, from the point of view …
This is a natural cause; and similar causes might be conceived which would
produce the same effect. For example, if the sea should make an irruption into
Asia from east to west, and separate the southern regions of Africa and Asia from
the …
… introduced as a means of maintaining the authority of the sovereign and the
security of the realm: the writ enabled the King's courts to deal with outbreaks of
violent behaviour which would previously have ended up only in the local courts.
which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would which+would
In their behaviour toward other classes they had had to steer between too
generous paternalism towards tenants which would erode revenues and too
ruthless profiteering which would undermine deference; between too ready an
acceptance …
which+would which+would which+would
Somehow she thought if she could seduce him one last time or at least give him a
blow job he would have to see her again; he would want to. But he pushed her
away, not roughly, but nevertheless — even though she didn't particularly want …
I took it upon myself to come and find you because you two deserve each other.
He's a good guy and he deserves a queen. Before you bury him you could at
least give him a chance to explain.” “It's just the way everything happened. He
could …
We can at least give him an opportunity in life, a family who can love him, treat
him as a human being, if nothing else!!' 'It's just not fair, Catherine, such sadness
in such a little time, and he still talks of his mother!!' 'He most certainly does, Jilly, …
At least give him a chance.” “I will give him a chance. I'm just not going to give
him any money, and I don't want you to give him any, either.” There were plenty of
reasons from Kurt's past that made this a valid concern, I knew it. But I was willing …
We can at least give him the title of an excellent patriot and of a wise and virtuous
man, and we are greatly tempted to give him all the good qualities, even those
which circumstances have not allowed him to develop. " He was unanimously …
His stronger musculature could now at least give him the illusion of serving this
purpose: armed with it he need no longer feel fear and he would be invulnerable
to all attacks. By now he was able to grasp his bottle firmly and to control it.
I expect the papers you gave him were very hard to understand." "Yes," said the
lawyer, "they certainly are that. And I really don't think he understood anything of
them. But they should at least give him some inkling of just how hard a struggle it …
He was cornered, and he knew it. So did his enemy. Swiftly reviewing all of the
actions he could take, Nigel decided he really had only one, to abruptly attack. It
might at least give him the advantage of surprise long enough for" him to move
out …
at+least+give+him at+least+give+him
At least give him a chance!' The doctor conferred with a colleague. James caught
a few whispered words, 'blond officer . . . sinking fast . . . his friend . . . tormented
with anguish . . . for pity sake . . .' James grabbed them by their arms. 'Give him …
At least give him encouragement, show him your goodwill and that it grieves you
not to be able to help him. Never turn a destitute person away empty-handed,
even if it is only a slice of bread that you can give him. If you can persuade others
to …
Go home to your family. They are already looking for you.” But Mata persisted, “
Then at least give him my message when he comes home, because I know he
will. Tell him I won't leave the Island until I see him. Tell him he knows exactly
where …
That's a tremendous mistake because there is so much that can be done through
you if you would only let Him, or at least give Him a chance.” “I'm sorry,” I said, “
but I don't see what more I could do. My uh, my days are kinda full now. So, I don't …
Thorn was asking her for absolution and though she couldn't give him that
completely, she could at least give him this small thing—permission to touch her
as he longed to. She could give him what he had taken by force before. “Yes,
Thorn …
I thought I should at least give him a chance if he was supposed to be the man of
my dreams, but I choked on my bagel when he said, “How would you like to be a
Playboy bunny and float around in a hot tub with me, Hugh Hefner, and some of …
But using repetition with variation can at least give him a chance at learning what
is expected—and maybe even give him a chance to respond in a way that will
help you understand him. My parents had a running situation like this with my …
at+least+give+him at+least+give+him
“Well, can we at least give him something stronger than Vistaril?” Lori persisted. “
He's a big guy and he needs something stronger. Can we give him some Ativan?
” “I will have to see him first,” Dr. McCaw stated, leaving the office. “Doesn't that …
He said that he was concerned for him, and if she could do no more, her
presence may at least give him comfort. Lupe answered back, “I will do all that I
can. If comfort is all I can give, I will do that too, knowing that by comforting him
will bring …
The hospital would at least give him the chance to figure things out. “And your
Lieutenant would screw your balls to the wall for not sticking to procedure. You
want to lose him on a technicality?” Thank you, Pete. Eli sighed and closed his
We ought to consider what is just to him. He deserves this post. He has worked
hard for it. His qualifications qualify him for the post. We should at least give him a
vote. That is why the newspapers and the opinion of this country for the last week …
I wish you'd at least give Him a chance.” “Give him a chance? Hah, that's a good
one. He's had his “chance”. For two thousand years. How much ofa chance does
he need? Even if he does exist or did exist, man has decided against him over …
With all her heart, Maggie wished there were a way to do something nice for him.
If ever a man deserved a special gift, Mr. Stuart did. If only there were a way to
give him back his music. They could at least give him a birthday party... Whoa!
She wouldn't tell him everything—she could never share that with anyone—but
could she at least give him a version of events that would make him understand
her better? Was it worth the effort? She took a deep breath, let it out again in a
sigh …
… rst told my mom I didn't think so but my mom told me to at least give him a
second chance, so I agreed and called him. I agreed to go out with him again;
however from that night on the crosses in which I would carry would be ones that
many …
You might think that, if this is so, the dramatist should at least give him a few
words to say from the balcony, at his moment of triumph, such as "Come on up,
boys"; but nothing needs to be said, and he is never flashy, and at the moment he
is a …
something to show his father
'He went to bed, he took off his trousers': suppose this were said if the actual
sequence had been the reverse. Then one would be justified in refusing to
describe the statement as true; one might indeed contradict it. 'No; first he took off
'Don't kill me, cousin.' 'I won't kill you. Take off your sheepskin coat.' He took it off
and laid it on the ground. 'Take off your trousers.' He took off his trousers. 'Put
your fur cap on your trousers.' He did. 'Take off your boots.' 'Forgive me, cousin.
The poor old coat had copped all the organo-phosphate swipes, feathers, mud
and birdshit he'd been writhing about in. His shirt and trousers were damp with
sweat but nothing worse. He took off his trousers. Biess his cotton boxers, they
had …
He took off his cape. He took off his black-and-white Juventus scarf. He took off
his cardigan and vest. He took off his shoes and socks. He took off his trousers.
He took the pistol and laid it on the pile of clothes. Lastly he took off his
Looking embarrassed, he took off his trousers, revealing a pair of teddy-bear-
print boxer shorts. “I'm kinda turning blue out here,” Allie chattered over the
crashing surf. “And blue skin doesn't go with my accessories.” Timmy seized the
free end …
He was loosing control, she was wiggling against his hand he could feel her
wetness and smell her essence, kissing her on her forehead, he said, “One
minute love.” He took off his trousers, scooted her nightgown off her legs, and
looked his …
Snarling and panting, he took off his trousers. Motya stared at him in terror, her
eyes aflame with hatred and loathing. Unable to stand her gaze, the man took off
his tunic and threw it over her face. Nadejda heard Motya's muffled cries and …
He took off his trousers, folded them on top of the coat. He kept his shirt on, the off
-shore wind was chill under the streaked sky. He took off his socks and shoes, set
them aside, and stretched out, his head on his folded suit. The ocean was a …
First, he put off his shirt and hung it on one of the branches of the tree, and after
that, he took off his trousers and hung it on another branch. Then, he took off his t-
shirt and pants and hung them on another branch, after which he started walking.
He took off his trousers, handed them over, and went back to hugging and kissing
the donkey — as if the stray dog that now slept beside him under the covers wasn
't enough. Mother was angry, but she took us to the market all the same, my …
He took off his trousers and reached under the near pillow for his nightshirt. “After
you, Laura.” Too shy for words, she finished undressing. She needed his help for
her corset, which he unlaced expertly, then retied much looser. “From now on …
He took off his trousers and he got into bed. b. He took off his trousers before he
got into bed. The rest of that paper is devoted to using this philosophical tool to
defend a Russellian analysis of definite descriptions, according to which (14a) is …
He took off his trousers and [under]pants" (PP, 218). Gilbert asserts that because
women writers view the costume as a "self," these "selves" are "easily, fluidly,
interchangeable."14 Like these women writers, Murdoch depicts Tom easily …
… walls of the bar. Some of them could not have been more than fifteen. This,
however, did not stop him beckoning to the nearest girl to his table and allowing
himself to be led away upstairs. As he took off his trousers, folded them neatly
and 64.
He+took+off+his+trousers He+took+off+his+trousers
He took off his trousers. Underneath were tight, dark blue drawers. He whistled.
He raised his hand in the air and laughed softly. It was like a salute. "The devil!"
thought Jourdan, stroking his beard, and Marthe turned her chair to have a better …
Then he stood up, reached for a bowl and took from it an eggplant which he had
brought along on an impulse. He had noticed that it was the same size as his
cock, and Maxime's cock was just like his own. He took off his trousers, and knelt
on …
He took off his trousers and she said,'Crikey,you sure got some small knees.' '
Yeah, l know. When l was a kid l got kneemonia and my knees ain't grown since.'
With this he took off his shoes.'Crikey,you sure got small toes.' 'Yeah, l know.
… escorts, Ndiyane and Faku. The prison officials were reluctant to take him and
they wanted to know why he needed to see a doctor. He told them that he had
been assaulted by the security police at Louis Le Grange. He took off his trousers
As he took off his trousers and shirt he said, "I've passed the age my father was
when he died." I asked what age that was. "Sixty- seven," he replied — about the
age he was when his sexual problems started. As he lay on the couch, he told me …
… “O'Connor, there's a giant from Scotland in the village. He says he's ... and ...
than you. 6. He can climb ... mountains than you. 7. He can carry ... stones than
you can. 8. His trousers are ... and his pullover is ... than your trousers and
He had looked at the pictures moving on the screen and up at the woollen shape,
and sometimes it seemed as if the flickering images were just an extension of the
needles flashing and his pullover was growing without his mother's help.
And his pullover was green and it had a darn, a bad darn, worse than the hole
would have been. And he hadn't had any schooling to speak of and Nell looked
down, no doubt, and Jim — though who knows what went on in that one's head …
His hair was unkempt and his pullover had holes in places. Marjorie hugged a
small doll and stared at her parents, hardly able to believe that it was really them.
She wore a dress that was meant for summer, and her grey-looking socks barely …
Alex, however, in his white shirt and his pullover above his usual corduroy shorts
and long socks was as warm as any boy was allowed to be indoors in those
years. He seemed to have the most comprehensible speaking part, too. He had
to …
… other legends say, or natha's remark, op. eit., p. 10. else Madhyantika only
carried out 3 Conf. p. 238, where he is called Ananda's command some seventy
the naga-king Hu-lor. years after his master's death. This and sat down cross-
The Elder folded his legs and sat down cross-legged. Then said the treasurer to
him, "What do you expect to get by sitting down cross-legged? You may come
and stand on the window-sill, but for all that you will get nothing by it." Then the …
[230] ' And so, lord, Brahma the Eternal Youth materializing himself and
becoming in appearance like the youth Five-crest, manifested himself to the
Three- and-Thirty gods, and rising up into the air, he sat down cross-legged in the
sky. Just …
A zendo was no place to enter with a visible revolver. It was bad enough to enter
with a concealed weapon. So he kept his jacket on, walked in his stocking feet to
the unoccupied pillow closest to the roshi, sat down cross-legged, …
The old woman sat down cross-legged by the charcoal, and began to fan it. The
other girl behind the chick looked out curiously, but her eyes never noted the
strength and beauty of Hamilton's figure, nor the bright glow in the oval cheek:
she …
Once he had become unafraid of their presence, he provided them with roots,
leaves, flowers, fruit, and toothsticks. [3] [a] In return, they threw him some scraps
of food, [b] And when, after their meal, they sat down cross-legged in meditation, …
… the line, and after receiving their sandwiches and cups, returned to the
opposite side of the gigantic room. They sat down cross-legged on the floor in
silence and placed their cups on the floor with their sandwiches on Another
Reality 201.
There he sat down cross-legged, and began to meditate. Suddenly he attained
peace. Therefore, he came to be called Maharishi, great sage. Later, he bought
the piece of land from a fellow Zamindar, built a marble shrine under that tree and …
Mariah sat down cross-legged in front of a fire and started to play with her hair,
gently tying it into intricate braids. Mariah felt a sleepy trance begin to dance
around her. The heat of the fire bathing her in its warm light, the shadows
flickering …
He climbed up into it and looked for two branches that were level to each other.
About halfway up the tree, he found two. They even looked out toward the river. “
Perfect.” Hunter sat down cross-legged on one of the branches 54 Hunter Jones …
He sat down cross-legged next to his mentor's body, stroking his twitching arm.
From the surrounding pools a legion of bodies crawled, cooing and moaning,
white teeth and eyes flashing as they converged on Godfinger's body, obscuring
“Me try,” Georgie said, then spread her hands wide saying “Goorg-chee,” and sat
down cross-legged, curling her tail into a spiral, as she had done when I first met
her. Grunk then lowered himself to the water and gazed at Georgie with that …
A few minutes later they were climbing up the ladder, shooing gnats from their
eyes and setting out their breakfast. Elizabeth sat down cross-legged on the floor
and grinned at Rachel. Rachel, on the other hand, sat down cross-legged on the …
he asked as we sat down cross-legged facing each other to eat. “Oh, I had some
places to see first.You know, other countries, mountains, cities, a few rivers, that
kind of thing.”What was I saying? I didn't even know his name.“My name's Laurie …
On Montvallant's battlements, Bridget filled her lungs with air that was still night-
cold and, facing the place where the sun would soon rise, sat down cross-legged.
Towards the east, the sky beyond the crenellations gleamed like the pearly …
sat+down+cross-legged sat+down+cross-legged sat+down+cross-legged sat+down+cross-legged sat+down+cross-legged sat+down+cross-legged
There was room for only one on the narrow mattress, which would disappoint a
lascivious cophouse reporter I knew on the Free Press. A faded pair of woman's
jeans and a brown cotton pullover had been flung carelessly across the
Kimberley sat on the narrow mattress and then tried to bounce up and down. It
was very firm. She then tried the other bed. It was the same. Kimberley looked at
Brad. 'Anyway, they're definitely softer than the ground and beat the hell out of …
Crap. She hoped it was the scary Al Capone option. Nothing good could come
from someone wanting a person chained and helpless. Ignoring the lingering
pain in her head, Darcy wriggled on the narrow mattress, using her feet to help
push …
on the narrow mattress with Corey seconds later. He ran his hands over
Corey's lean flanks, his muscular thighs, kissing everywhere he could reach. He
nipped at soft flesh, laved the sting away with a swipe of his tongue. Corey
clutched …
… arms she'd climbed into when the night was too dark and the dream demons
close. But Tabitha had gone the way of everything she loved. Pushing aside the
painful memories, Abigail stretched out on the narrow mattress and stared out the …
The single sheet left on the narrow mattress was scattered with butt-ends and ash
, the rest of the bedding writhed on the floor, along with dirty shirts and Penthouse
mags. Hendy, standing on the shirts, said, 'Where's the pillow? He's sold it.
He moved aside to make room for her on the narrow mattress. She pulled off her
shoes and lay down beside him. At once she felt comforted by the warmth of the
bed, and of the man. She thought of telling him about the meeting this afternoon, …
I wedge my body against his on the narrow mattress. He throws his leg over my
hip and grinds his cock against my belly. “Will you be happy to fuck me now?” he
asks. His ass is already slick with lube. He watches with almost clinical interest as …
She climbed out of her bunk and up to join Bridget on the narrow mattress. She'd
shared a bed with her sisters their entire lives, and lying with Bridget now lent
them both comfort. Maeve smoothed Bridget's hair down, so it wasn't in her face, …
He lay on the narrow mattress, sweating. Next day, they went walking. The
morning was fine and clear; they had made a slow start, looking at the map again
over breakfast, packing sandwiches and a flask. Then they set off, with the great
big …
“Punish me on God's altar,” I say. I throw myself on the narrow mattress. In my
deep-tinted mind, Gregorian chants are flowing into all the passages like a
melancholy river. I spread my legs, plunge the Christ in head first. The arms of the
crucifix …
It was all that mattered. Groaning with need, he swept her up into his arms and
carried her the few steps over to the cot. After lying her gently atop the blanket, he
immediately joined her on the narrow mattress, then reached for her. With a sigh …
With his free hand Mike produced a bunch of flowers. White roses with soft
thornless stems, 'These are for you,' and he laid them beside me on the bed. '
Thanks.' Still attached, he sat down on the narrow mattress, his elbow resting on
my legs.
“Yeah.”Abi flops down on the narrow mattress.Just go. But Rhodes has gone to
get another cool cloth for her forehead. When she comes back, she kneels on the
floor beside the bed, her hand resting on the cloth. Abi has to admit, it feels good, …
Sheila not waking in her bed, Bant curled up in her crib, I'd feel him slide under
my sheets, push me over on the narrow mattress, and then all of us in there
together. The sound of Jimmy Make's breath in the middle of the night. I
remember the …
… deceits and I travelled miles backwards and forwards across the Thames
bridges. In my father's bed the passion and desire for him, in my body and in my
head, was close to a kind of derangement. On the narrow mattress 82 ANNE
Selena stirs on the narrow mattress of the ambulance. They have stopped for a
red light at College Avenue. "Emil," she says, "you sound — homesick." "What a
woman you are, you always know. I'm homesick, all right. For the God I used to …
Angel sat beside him on the narrow mattress. “Is that why you agreed to go home
with her? So you can protect her?” He nodded, but he saw that both Alec and
Dane knew his reasons were more varied than that. And more territorial, more …
See ifs winning the war. anyways. In any case: dial, and sol.: 1865, Dickens (OED
). Ex anyway anywhere down there! A tailors' c.p. when something is dropped on
the floor: ca. 1860-1910. Anxac. A member of the Australian and New Zealand …
The combination of suboptimal racking setup and limited number of racks has
forced the company to store some of the products on the floor in front of the racks
as inventory grows. This necessitates multiple movements of products when …
A book falls off a shelf and lands on the floor. Which is greater, the book's
average speed or its instantaneous speed right before it lands? For the following
strobe drawing, compare the instantaneous speeds at points C and D to the
average …
Let's first think about the case sketched in Figure 3.6A, which shows a person
standing on the floor of a room. The person is standing still, so her velocity and
acceleration are both zero. Since the acceleration is zero and, according to
Newton's …
… trunk-a literal flaccid paralysis of lower limbs-while strength remained in the
upper limbs. Unless aided to their feet or otherwise subject to distal lower limb
pressure, the victims were unable to arise, some spending many hours on the
… but less grand than a four- poster; StE (Accom) /beie,' a temporary bed, a
shakedown, anything — e.g. a piece of board lying on two chairs — fixed up as a
bed to avoid lying on the floor. beje beje/ sbs dial; prob a variant form of bede1. 1.
I could keep my feet on the floor.' 3. at top speed: The track was ultra-fast all night,
with cars running all out the entire evening. all in all in all all in all I. taking
everything into consideration: All in all, they do their very best to portray
something …
At home, to "sit down" means instead to sit on the floor or on a mat that is
covering the floor (see Figures 4.1 and 4.2). This is consistent with a general
expectation that most interactions inside a house will take place among people
who are …
The heels remain on the floor during the demi- plie for the takeoff and landing.
The demi-plie engages the quadriceps and calf muscles, which enable the
dancer to push off from the floor. It also provides a shock absorber during the
landing of …
(Visitors' shoes are usually left on the floor, unless they are staying overnight.)
Although umbrellas, coats, and hats are also kept here, in the average Japanese
house, the shoe cabinet usually retains a separate identity, and the top of it is …
France, and in Moravia, skull cups have been discovered consisting of part of the
frontal and the parietals, carefully scalped and cut so as to produce a cup; their
position on the floor, resting on their convex part, legitimates such interpretation.
Finally, you will also need a mat if you don't want to lie on the floor. Also, we do
our workouts without shoes, but if you find wearing sneakers more comfortable,
by all means, feel free to lace them up. Balance Knee Stretch Front 30 101 Ways
to …
A dog with his chin on the floor, eyes rolled up to watch you, can't help but look
sad or ashamed. You provide the appropriate commentary, such as, "I caught you
stealing that cookie from the cookie jar. Now what do you do? That's right, look …
… and Relax • Sitting Comfortably on the Floor • How Chairs Support vii.
In [9], electromechanical films (Emfi) that measures dynamic pressure changes
on the floor surface were used for person identification. A comparison of
differentmethods (e.g., support vector machines and neural networks) was done.
Theory and Practice Rita Funnell, Gabby Koutoukidis, Karen Lawrence. 1.
Limiting change as much as possible; for example, when and where possible,
have the same people provide services and care (change increases stress) (
Clinical …
At the other end of the palace in Room 99, one of the small gate chambers
connecting the outer court (XV) with the exterior, Place found at least two
additional slabs in the same stone lying on the floor. One showed a procession of
three …
… most basic postures with differing expectations, and yoga teachers find
themselves facing a spectrum of students that ranges from accomplished dancers
and gymnasts to nursing home residents who are afraid to lie down on the floor
for fear …
Mark the rest of the Octagon on the floor plan accordingly. See Figure 3-3 for an
example. If you prefer, you can simply write in the Life Areas in their respective
positions; drawing an actual octagon shape on the floor plan is optional. W ealth …
FIGURE 8.6 Power clean. A. Starting position. B. Catch. Q & A from the Field The
head strength and. FIGURE 8.5 Countermovement vertical jump. A. First,
determine the athlete's reach while standing on the floor. B. Then, have the
athlete jump …
But in those cases where phosphorus-rich biologic detritus accumulates on the
floor, relative concentration of phosphorus also occurs. The active process of
deposition of geochemically mobile phosphorus is typical only of the near-shore …
Hazard - a hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm, for example, a
hairdryer flex, water on the floor, or a heavy box that needs moving. Risk - a risk
is the chance, either high or low, that the harm caused by the hazard will occur.
on+the+floor on+the+floor
The mansion included a tower-room that served as a private study, which
Augustus called his Syracuse and Technyphion (Suetonius, Augustus II, (72, 2),
and a private shrine to Vesta. palatial mansion as a Hellenistic palace.216 But
was it?
This work was originally conceived as a history of Black men that served in the
Submarine Force, not of the men of the steward's branch per se. However, I
quickly realized that the two were inextricably linked— one could not be
discussed …
Rodgers barely noticed the selection of soft classical music that served as
background to her audio system. Her personal profile, stored in her assistant - or
was it the airline's frequent flyer database - had chosen the type of music and
preset …
(These early proposals typically ignored semantic differences between
prepositions that served to signal the same deep case.) Lexical entries, then,
provided the cases that went with the head word plus idiosyncratic features of the
marking of …
Cultural and/or Religious Mission. This category encompassed organizations that
served or promoted ethnic or general spiritual needs. The missions in this
category ranged from providing services targeted only at specific ethnic groups (
e.g., …
Indoctrination goes National 115 15. The Man-Made Religion 120 16. The Lie
that Blindsided America 130 17. Judicial Activism 141 18. Judicial Takeover 147
19. The System that Served Us so Well 153 20. Onslaught against Christianity
163 …
… the whole peninsula, this may not have been the case in the earlier period, as
sev- eral cemeteries have been found, one with a building that was probably the
chapel that served it. The cemeteries that have been excavated have been small, …
These Ituraean units appear to have originated in Herod's army. Those
appearing in the epigraphic record are Cohors I Augusta Ituraeorum S (S for '
archers') that served in Pannonia and Dacia; Cohors I Ituraeorum that served in
Germania …
… of BL 3 A and possibly represent a Neo-Elamite use of the mound. BL i is
known only from a line of 10 irregulär rectangular pits filled with large cobbles
that served äs pillar foundations. These features are probably MALIJÄN, TALL-E
There was no unifying theory that served as a framework for work characterized
as STS (Zeidler et al., 2005), and this lack of theory has led to less-than-
successful results in terms of reforming science education such that it transforms
ways in …
Affirmations: Utterances that served to affirm a child's behavior or previous
utterance. … Deflections: Utterances that served to hold a place in the
conversation (without providing any new information) or that directed the turn to
the child.
Through more than half a century of partnership and marriage, Joe and Irene
would build and own cable systems that served more than 50 communities in
Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Arizona, and Virginia
Anticipating what would become a major trend in infrastructural development by
the mid- twentieth century, the water supply and sewerage systems that served
the Boston area were placed under the control of independent metropolitan …
Continued from page 73 stack on top of the heated light bulb that served as the
locomotive's headlight. A dimple in the custom-made bulb served as a glass hot
plate. Pill experiments had produced an earlier version whose fumes could drop
a …
It was brotherhood, not marriage, that served as the central kinship metaphor in
shudo, casting nenja and wakashu in the role of elder and younger siblings
respectively, rather than husband and wife. Fictive bonds of brotherhood (
kyodaibun, …
To be sure, this new culture had African roots, from a sort of least common
denominator of the many and varied African cultures that served as its building
blocks, but it was built in a context in which elements of the European culture
served as …
… accompaniment played any part in the delivery of Norse poetry; rather, such
stanzas were characterized by loud and emphatic recitation that served to
delineate the syntax and facilitate the comprehension of the poetry during
… the text that served as a starting point. 5 Conclusion Over recent decades in
translation studies, there has © Frank und Timme Verlag für wissenschaftliche
Literatur 321 Working towards autonomy: Corpora in the translation classroom.
that+served that+served
Server Port s-port Port number of the IIS server that served the request. Method
cs-method Client action request, for example GET or POST. URI Stem cs-uri-stem
Request content name, such as HTML or ASP page. URI Query cs-uri-query …
[enti tysrcgen] entitysrcgen.hostorgcoirimonnairie (text) The common name of the
organism that served as host for the proentitysrcgen.hostorgdetails (text) A
description of special aspects of the organism that. The following ite/nfs) have an …
My intellectual insecurity and my efforts at controlling others' perceptions meant
that I engaged in behaviors that served the interests of the institution. First, I
engaged in school-like behaviors to try to show my teachers and peers I was
From Palermo to Rome, and various other Italian cities as well, the Spaniards
built “national” churches that served as centers for their expatriate communities in
Italy. These churches, and their affiliated institutions—confraternities, hospitals, …
So we paid honor to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice and their families
and also to those veterans that served beside them. And it was such a great week
, and I know that many of the Members had an opportunity to go back to their …
As already mentioned in the introduction, my hypothesis is that it precisely this
growing awareness of these tensions that served for Hegel as the main reason to
give up the religious form of the ideal of his youth. a. Philosophy and the …
Here the landscape was comprised of spaces that served the particular needs of
the prison. In reading … The class-laden ideology that served as the foundation
for many of England's prisons was extended to women, as Casella demonstrates.
… compensation is demanded from the wrongdoer. Through sublimation the “
most powerful man”, like the society of great power, transforms the terms of the
economic relationship that served to make him or it possible by eschewing
School A was in a neighborhood of Harlem that served a predominantly low-
income African American population. School B was in a neighborhood in
Chinatown that served a predominately low-income East Asian population.
School C was in …
that+served that+served
Julian sank to the bench that served as his bed. “I'll kill him. I'll bloody well kill him
!” “Perhaps,” Hudson said gently, “it is for the best, Captain. If Mrs Devize would
rather be his lordship's mistress than your wife, then we are better off without her.
as+his+bed as+his+bed as+his+bed as+his+bed as+his+bed as+his+bed
Some smart Joe had placed some rocks in Billy Steele's bed, and as his bed was
on my side of the ship, I had to make his bed, and of course, found the evidence.
In summing up, the Judge said the only thing he could find against the prisoner …
So Sensei invited her back to the twin bedded room that he shared with Williams
Sensei - are you ready for this one - to iron his llakama "Sensei was always a
meticulous sort of guy, and as his bed was so neat and tidy, he used Sensei …
If he views the crate as his bed,he will make every effort to hold it until you get
him outside. Isn't a crate just a cage? Isn't it cruel to keep a dog in a cage? A crate
is not cruel if you use it properly. You should use a crate to confine your Jack …
What the woman whom he had brought here voluntarily—as his equal, as his bed
partner— was like. 'No,' she said again, 'but since we've got nothing else to do...'
It was an attempt not to sound as though she was hanging on his every word, …
The heaps of ashes left over are then used as his bed. The ashes protect the
herdsmen from the cold and from the mosquitoes. As a further protection against
mosquitoes, the Africans sometimes erect structures of two storeys or as many as …
Bringing in tow a Washington prostitute, who shared his bench as well as his bed
(he had abandoned his family in Illinois), Drummond flouted Mormon mores
while endeavoring to establish federal judicial authority. After two years of …
as+his+bed as+his+bed
… others singing songs in praise of him shed tears of joy in gratitude for the boon
conferred upon them by their god. God desired that he should be known
thereafter as Stalasayana Peruma! in honour of his having taken earth as his bed
for the …
… to the strangest of places—pausing for a curious moment—where it almost felt
as if it had been his first time too. He never talked after sex. Just slept, or watched,
usually bored, as his bed partner dressed and left. Only today was different.
Vanne looked curiously at his "tiny haversack," but he began pulling from
beneath his jacket a loose shirt that, it became clear, would serve, spread over a
patch of rough grass, as his bed. Just then, however, they heard the sound of a
boat …
Just slept, or watched, usually bored, as his bed partner dressed and left. Only
today was different. The bed was warm, her body so soft, as the winds screamed
their fury at what had just taken place. 'The banshees are cross!' Effie giggled.
Mrs. Flanagan said, "writing at his papers, and one of the candles was burned out
; and hard as his bed is, he wasn't in it all night, sir." Indeed, having sat at the
Club until the brawl there became intolerable to him, George had walked home, …
As his bed partner.” “It would certainly help me in my efforts to find the letters,”
she said blithely. “I would have the run of the house.” With a curse, he dragged
her into an alcove, where he pressed her against the wall. Bracketing her body …
And Bloom himself gives the lie to his morning rejection of Molly. When he comes
home at night, he gets into bed (revealed for the first time as his bed, also) and
gives a long kiss to 'the plump mellow yellow smellow melons of her rump. . . '.
He feels being in the hospice was OK, although it is strange being in another bed
– not so comfortable as his bed at home. Comforted by nurse spending time with
him in the 'early hours'. No pain. What factors influence this mark? NB: pain …
He glared at Varney and his habit of smacking his food. Amos suspected Varney
did it to spite him. Varney's cold eyes never wavered as Amos settled firmly onto
the blanket that would serve as his bed tonight, and the saddle nearby his pillow.
used it as his bed. According to a contemporary account, at Liu's birthday
celebration in 1553, Wen Cheng-ming (<?.v.), the renowned artist, presented him
with a scroll, entitled "Shen-lou t'u" f$^0, depicting an imaginary dwelling. This
was …
Set aside a quiet corner of the house that can be his private, comfortably
appointed sanctuary, even if he will be trained to view a dog crate as his bed.
Next, take a trip to your local pet supply store for supplies. To begin, you will need
: • Food …
Jasper greeted the two and went with his grandmother to converse in the living
room which now served also as Seymour's bedroom: he had used the studio
couch as his bed since his mother was ill, although for a long time it had been
Ruth …
"67 With an eerie foreboding of Liszt's death, the text concludes: "In a cold spot
stood / a coffin yet unfilled / this he took as his bed of rest / for a pillow he took his
shield. / He clasped his hands / about his sword and slept / the sound of the
spirits …
Ignoring his plea, Helm hangs up on him as his bed lifts up and gently slides him
into a huge bubble bath occupied by his beautiful auburn-haired secretary (
Adams), who greets him with a kiss. Helm responds, "Good morning. The soap …
as+his+bed as+his+bed
No neighbour's wife was safe from his attentions, and his tastes were catholic (
small 'c'): Some women he did do in charity And some because they used good
cookery, Knew how to please his palate as his bed, So that at once his corpse
and …
Fact was, he didn't know if he ever would be. He gathered the cane he'd left
leaning against the rail and limped into the cabin, heading for the lounge chair
and the overstuffed ottoman that had served as his bed more times than the
mattress in …
Aside from animals and guides, Stephens traveled light—his tent was easily
carried and easily pitched; his supplies were packed onto a camel in two boxes,
which, with the addition of a board and mattress, served as his bed. “My store of …
Put the puppy in the crate when he begins to fall asleep, and he will become
accustomed to using it as his bed. Be sure to place a soft double pad in the
bottom. And by taking the puppy directly from the crate to the outdoors upon
awakening, …
Put the pup in the cage on a soft blanket when he begins to fall asleep, and he
will become accustomed to using it as his bed. lf you have more than one dog,
feeding in a cage can ensure that nobody steals somebody else's dinner.
To be sure, Ananias and Sapphira, who shared his vices as well as his bed, lived
long ago and at the early beginnings <of our Faith) ; for this illness is
contemporaneous with the teaching of Christ itself and with the intercourse
among those …
Another small breakthrough occurred a month later when Sam pretended to cry
like a baby, grabbed a small bottle, and wrapped himself in a blanket. A floor time
dictum of “expand, expand, expand” came to mind as I gently pulled Sam toward …
Finally, feeling incredibly refreshed, he climbed out of the deep tub, dried himself,
and wrapped himself in a blanket. Soon afterward Damon returned. He looked as
if he, too, had taken advantage of the time to bathe and put on fresh clothes; …
He laid his clothes out to dry and wrapped himself in a blanket. Felana lay
sleeping in her blanket arms exposed to the chill. He recovered her, placed more
wood on the fire and sat down on his mat. His grumbling stomach informed him
that it …
Shannow rose and wrapped himself in a blanket. Moving to the hearth he raked
the coals until a tiny flame appeared, then added timber and fresh wood and
blew the fire to life. The dream had been so real, so brutally real. Shannow's
head …
Peter was relieved. He knew he was due for a stern tongue lashing for causing
their trouble, and he preferred Young Joseph wasn't witness to it. He moved to sit
on a log and wrapped himself in a blanket just as the explorer came back into the …
and+wrapped+himself+in+a+blanket and+wrapped+himself+in+a+blanket
He hung his sleeping bag near the stove to dry, and then he shed all his clothes
and wrapped himself in a blanket. He sat next to the stove until late afternoon,
shivering, still too cold to move more than a few feet from the heat. Even though
he …
He removed his clothes and wrapped himself in a blanket from the bed. While he
waited for a tub of hot water he had ordered when he arrived, he laid out the
plaster casts to dry and went over his notes. He worked diligently for some time, …
Sarabande shifted over to make room for Gem while Aton sat on a stump several
feet away and wrapped himself in a blanket.Except for Dryad,who was keeping
watch or hiding, the others pulled in closer. Robert thought of camping trips and …
He was burning with fever as heat flushed down his face in spasms, and then he
was shivering with cold chills and wrapped himself in a blanket. As he reeled with
dizziness, he felt strangely detached from himself and the world, engulfed in a …
While he was irunning the hot water, Andrew in the master bedroom scraped off
his clammy cold wet clothes and wrapped himself in a blanket — that alone made
him feel better. He rubbed vigorously to dry himself and get a little warmth back …
and+wrapped+himself+in+a+blanket and+wrapped+himself+in+a+blanket
He waded ashore shivering and coughing and wrapped himself in a blanket and
sat in the warm sand in front of the fire with the boxes beside him. The boy
crouched and tried to put his arms around him which at least brought a smile.
What did …
He had stripped naked and wrapped himself in a blanket. The jogging trousers,
vest and dressing gown were hanging in front of the fire to dry. Leon felt the warm
drink spreading through his body, relieving his poor knees, relaxing the veins in …
After a while Theios lonas slowly got up and wrapped himself in a blanket.. "Why
don't you tell me to close the shutters?" Martin asked with enough of a sneer to
spark an argument. "It's all right. If you want them open, go ahead," Theios lonas …
He leaned against a nearby chair and wrapped himself in a blanket. He didn't
want to be too far from Jennise, but he didn't want to touch her because he didn't
want to hurt her bruises. When he woke up, Jennise was sitting up in the bed.
Up there, on the roof of the tank, even the sun couldn't warm him. He went into
the farmhouse, undressed and wrapped himself in a blanket, then went back
outside. 4- >1Coop finished the cabin and inserted a large window that allowed
… built up a big fire and wrapped himself in a blanket like a Sioux Indian he had
seen at Valentine, while his clothes steamed on the leafless chokeberry bush
near the flames. He heated a pail of water and poured it boiling through his guns.
He had rubbed ashes on his face, and wrapped himself in a blanket instead of a
coat, and borrowed a hatchet from a neighbor and rebelled — against the Tea
Act, against those taxes, against England. He had first smeared his face with oil …
She'd watched him sometimes from her window at the Y, sitting on this dusty
street corner, for ten, twelve, sometimes sixteen hours a day, until the stars came
out and he lit his kerosene lamp and wrapped himself in a blanket. She had no
right …
After lighting a cigarette, he got out of bed and wrapped himself in a blanket. He
shouted, 'Tamara', but she didn't shout back. Something must have happened.
She never went out or did anything without telling him first. He went to the
window …
Garrett half nodded and obeyed. He made two trips below deck carrying the
stools and rushed to his bunk and wrapped himself in a blanket. He could hear
the rain begin to rap the deck above and wished his father would come down the
steps …
The pajamas crackled with latent electricity as Drucker yanked them free. “Throw
them outside!” said Osborn. Drucker carried them out the door. DeLancey rose
with dignity and wrapped himself in a blanket. “Calihan and Gnat, get my
pajamas …
When the horses were free and the scattered goods collected, Jules built up a big
fire and wrapped himself in a blanket like a Sioux Indian he had seen at
Valentine, while his clothes steamed on the leafless choke- berry bush near the
Jonathon stripped off his wet clothing and wrapped himself in a blanket from the
cedar chest. He stoked the fire, which brought a warmth and coziness to the
cabin, then brought a chair alongside the bed and looked at Emily. Her face pale
and …
Huw crawled to the very back of his cell, and wrapped himself in a blanket. He
said morosely, "So you think I have been lying to you? I tell you I did not kill them.
" Katkin sighed and said, "Come on, Huw. The evidence is pretty incontrovertible.
and+wrapped+himself+in+a+blanket and+wrapped+himself+in+a+blanket and+wrapped+himself+in+a+blanket
Follow these guidelines to prevent and cope with heat-related conditions: ^ Begin
gradually. As your body becomes accustomed to physical activity in hot weather,
it becomes more resistant to heat-related injuries. Start with short periods of …
It is always necessary to say that in the scouring process of a stream either the
force of the water gradually decreases or the resistance of the soil increases ...
until some sort of equilibrium is reached. While a great many of the things in …
… CHANNELS 473 10.1 Introduction 474 10.2 Open-Channel Flows 475 10.3
Uniform Flow 478 10.4 Energy Concepts 484 10.5 Momentum Concepts 498
10.6 Nonuniform Gradually Varied Flow 510 10.7 Numerical Analysis of Water
Surface …
… from Ku K'ai-ch'i who began to eat sugar-cane from the leafy, thin end. and "
gradually entered the regions of bliss," i.e., the sweet end. Sec No. 878—1. iH $t
sugar-cane used as a walking stick. jSS J1$ refuse cane after sugar is expressed
The writer had gradually risen to a noble elevation of thought from which he
plunges into a slough of nonsensical remarks which it would be difficult
elsewhere to parallel. I have referred to the judgment of P. Regis about them. He
could not …
… energy principles 138 5.8 Rapidly varied flow: the use of momentum principles
150 5.9 Critical depth meters 155 5.10 Gradually varied flow 158 5.11 Unsteady
flow 180 References and further reading 184 6 Pressure surge in pipelines 185 …
… 1 1 1 6 E .5 1 ^ 3 ^ « "2 E •^r 3 11 n-1 w § ° 'i § E § JS TM 1 o E"* ^ u i •"•- E 8 ^ s
ON ^ 3 S CO qj — a '5. i .•nules 4,408,11 s of thin endotheli :n gradually incre; lies
160,444 :te layer of pericyt< ue fibers that incr les 32,088,' lick wall of smoot g …
You can also use the blend command to produce a series of gradually changing
shapes for rearrangement in a nonsequential order to accomplish the effect of
similarity (Fig. 79). 75 78 76 79. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Establishing
Similarity …
Consequently, a fitness and wellness movement developed gradually in the
1980s. People began to realize that good health was mostly self-controlled and
that the leading causes of premature death and illness could be prevented by …
(b) Propagation of action potential from left most top corner to bottom right corner
gradually depolarizing all regions (c) Complete action potential propagation
among all region and repolarization at the left most top corner. (d) Second
external …
Set realistic goals by cutting down calo- ries gradually. Losing about a pound per
week is realistic, but remember, you are Also begin Carry to the to take smaller
portions. table only whatyou plan to eat. Put all other food away before leaving …
Running from west to east is the coastal region, which is interrupted by two hilly,
sometimes mountainous areas at the western and eastern extremities of the
country, gradually ascending as it moves towards the south. An excellent
highway …
Its westward elongation gradually increases until it is at opposition on November
7 when it is visible throughout the night. Its eastward elongation gradually
decreases during the remainder of the year. JUPITER can be seen in Virgo from
the …
Note: The freeze frame plays for a moment then gradually gets blurry. Look at the
Effect … The Fast Blur effect has been added below the Motion and Opacity
effects (it's called Fast Blur but by using keyframes I applied it gradually). 7 Click
the …
123 5.3 Laminar and turbulent flow 125 5.4 Using the hydraulic tools 125 5.5
Uniform flow 131 5.6 Non-uniform flow: gradually varied 142 5.7 Non-uniform
flow: rapidly varied 142 5.8 Secondary flows 163 5.9 Sediment transport 166 5.10 …
… the moiré phenomenon between superposed layers: Starting with the simplest
case, the superposition of cosinusoidal gratings, it gradually proceeds through
the cases of binary gratings and square grids to the superposition of dot-screens.
… 460 C.R. Subramanian SESSION 7B: Parallel Algorithms On the Parallel
Complexity of Solving Recurrence Equations 469 Oscar H. Ibarra and Nicholas Q
. Thin Extended Graph Connectivity and Its Gradually Increasing Parallel
Complexity …
This then is our mission: that we who are made in the image of God should
remember that all men are made in God's image. To this Divine knowledge we
owe all we are, all we hope for. We are rising gradually towards that image, and
we owe …
… ONE PLAYER should not be started slowly but should be played at an EVEN
So/o Playing) (Slow) «. ^ Played m Start Trill slowly, increasing speed gradually, …
Yes, there is a lot to think about while practicing! If you find a problem in your
lesson material, don't skim over it hoping that you can get by. Stop and slowly
repeat the passage until you gain confidence. Then, gradually play it at faster
tempos …
Our bodies are physiological and biome- chanical structures that change
gradually with time. In order to optimize your time and health and to maximally
enjoy your outdoor activities, you need to choose wisely from a wide range of
options for …
Gradually Gradually
This practice gives people an opportunity to gradually learn to “think metric.” A
person might begin to “think metric” by simply observing the measure—by
noticing the amount of soda in a 2-liter bottle, for example. Through such
experiences, a …
… move to short one-syllable words, and then to brief phrases with only one
sentence on a page. We gradually add to this until the educated person can read
and understand long words in complicated sentences that express elaborate
They hypothesized that complex tasks could be taught by gradually increasing
task complexity as more rudimentary skills were acquired. Furthermore, they note
that "durable" reinforcers would need to be identified if this goal was to be …
Carroll Izard believes such expressions show that distinct emotions appear within
the first months of life. Other theorists argue that specific emotions come into
focus more gradually, as an infant's nervous system matures. Either way, parents …
Their position must be so contrived that they can gradually be drawn slightly
wider descending to low D. However, one must not be satisfied with this alone,
but at the same time, by gradually drawing the chin backwards, the upper lip must
in …
Fade on means to begin with silence and gradually increase the sound's volume.
Fade down … Fade under means to gradually decrease a sound's volume and
hold it while some other sound can be heard or while a spokesperson speaks.
Hormones play a critical Parkinson disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of
the central nervous system that gradually worsens, affecting motor skills and
speech. PD is characterized by muscle rigidity, tremors, and slowing of physical …
For example, they may help clients face “threats,” such as public speaking, by
exposing the clients gradually to situations in which they make presentations to
actual or virtual groups (see virtual therapy in Chapter 13). Clinical psychologists
are …
… (anterolateral aspect of the neck), and temporal artery (anterior aspect of the
temporal bone). Use your middle and index fingers to firmly compress the artery
and then relieve the pressure gradually to feel the pulse. The average pulse rate
is …
Wet nurses were hired throughout the 1800s, but their popularity in the United
States gradually declined over the century. Without constant monitoring of their
diet, exercise, health, temperament, and morals, their milk was considered …
wie man ein (lyrisches) Gedicht definiert" ('hardly any one knows how to define a
lyric poem1). gradually abandoned again7, thus clearing the way for Batteux's
and 22 Werner Wolf.
Gradually, these nations developed a Customs Union and created common
external tariffs. The ultimate goal envisioned was the completely free movement
of capital, services, and people across national borders and the joint
development of …
Her breath was now short and raspy and he knew she was very near the edge so
he slowed the rhythm as he kissed her softly now. “Don't move,” he whispered
and she held his gaze...a question in her expression. “Don't move,” he repeated …
doubts. She gave herself over completely to his loving, matching the movements
of her body to his. She slowed down when he slowed the rhythm of his strokes
and sped up again when he did. Jie showered tiny kisses along her jaw and
down …
He slowed the rhythm and stared at her. He knew she felt it immediately as she
moved a bit closer to him. Then he slowed it and stopped. Cora would come to
him on her own and not because of his drum's beckon. She panted out a breath
and …
Watched his face while his body pumped into mine. The emotions were gone. His
face was almost slack with need. Blood spilled down the corner of my mouth, and
he licked it away, his body tightening against me. He slowed the rhythm of his …
When he saw me slip into the trance-dance, he slowed the rhythm and intensity
of his playing and ended on a softer note. He knew the trance-dance should only
be done at night so that if you fall the enemy cannot know you are at his mercy.
He slowed the rhythm, sliding soft and easy, so he didn't give them away. Sorcha
flexed her hips, changing the angle just a bit. He growled low and deep,
widening his stance. Over and over he plunged his cock inside her, working
deeper, …
She looked down at their bodies as he slowed the rhythm, loving the idea, the
feel, the sight of them locked so tightly together. Her head tipped back, and she
watched through hooded eyes, as he teased and taunted her nipples with his
mouth …
He slowed the rhythm, layering kisses along her collarbone until her eyes
opened. In the semidarkness they were blue as the night-dark sea outside. A
smile tilted her sensual mouth. “You've filled out, too. All muscle.” She squeezed
his bicep …
He slowed the rhythm, layering kisses along her collarbone until her eyes
opened. In the semidarkness they were blue as the night-dark sea outside. A
smile tilted her sensual mouth. “You've filled out, too. All muscle.” She squeezed
his bicep …
Then he slowed the rhythm until his fingers came to a rest. The last note lingered
waiting for Meg to pick it up and begin the first half of the double aria Erik had
composed. But Meg did not begin. The note dissipated existing only vaguely in …
She gripped Kit's bottom hard, digging in her fingertips until he slowed the rhythm
of their loving. Then they rocked, so, so, smoothly, gliding, while staying
absolutely silent. It couldn't last. It didn't last. Slowly, steadily the tempo built again
, until …
He slowed the rhythm, stimulating her core with each deliberate stroke of his sex.
He brought her closer and closer to fulfillment as he made passionate love to
herthere in the dark, with only the pale moon and the twinkling stars as witnesses
The moment he felt his release building, he slowed the rhythm of his thrusts and
reached a hand between them. As his fingers worked, he dived into the skin of
her neck with his teeth and lips until she tensed and stopped breathing. Then she …
He slowed the rhythm of his thrusts, circling his fingertips on the place where her
smooth walls roughened. He tightened his hold on her waist, knowing she
needed the extra support. She jerked and cried out. His shirt and shoulder
absorbed …
he slowed the rhythm of his hands. “Look at me,” he said, his voice rough. “
What! Why?” she cried. “Don't you dare stop!” He smiled an intimate smile she
had never seen before and felt her heart speed up even faster. “I didn't say I
would …
Her body matched his thrusts, her breathing deep and steady. She cradled his
face with her hands, drawing back ever so slightly, gazing into his eyes, hers
glowing midnight, sparkling with blue diamonds. He slowed the rhythm, while
they …
So he slowed the rhythm and she groaned in protest and tried to shift her hips,
tried to force the pace. 'Alessandro.' Her voice was a breathless whisper of
desperation. 'Please, oh, please...' Deciding that they had the whole night ahead
of …
So he slowed the rhythm and she groaned in protest and tried to shift her hips,
tried to force the pace. 'Alessandro.' Her voice was a breathless whisper of
desperation. 'Please, oh, please...' Deciding that they had the whole night ahead
of …
He slowed the rhythm of his strokes and slipped off her underwear, then guided
her hand to his throbbing masculinity. She turned on her side to face him, but he
gently pushed her flat, bending over her so that his exploring mouth could follow …
He slowed the rhythm, while they stared at each other. Neither said a word, but
their communication was finally clear, crystal clear, no pretense or posturing
between them. He tried to hang on. He desperately wanted to stop time. Right
He slowed the rhythm of his caresses to suit her inexperience, teaching her how
to touch him, how to give back the pleasure he was giving her. She clung to him,
fascinated with the newness of physical pleasure, overwhelmed by the mastery …
He slowed the rhythm, layering kisses along her collarbone until her eyes
opened. In the semidarkness they were blue as the night-dark sea outside. A
smile tilted her sensual mouth. “You've filled out, too. All muscle.” She squeezed
his bicep …
… maybe him. It was hard to even hold onto the counter while he stood behind
her and pumped his fingers in, out, in, out... He slowed the rhythm too damn soon
, then stopped altogether, withdrawing his fingers from her pussy. She didn't have …
“Like Rayburn, I suppose?” He pushed the rocker into warp speed. Now Violet
was confused, by his angry tone as much as the name. “Richard? What does he
have to do with this?” Daisy stirred again, and he slowed the rhythm of the …
He slowed the rhythm of his hand. “I...I've never allowed a man to do that with his
cock.” Never? His heart stammered. Damn. Now he really couldn't wait to push
his cock up that hole of hers. “Oh, that's perfect, baby. My dick will break you in so …
He slowed the rhythm, intensified the impact. “Marco,” she sang, “I'm warning you
... ” When had she started warning in that melodious trill? When had she started
tittering at the end of complaints? She pushed the radio button, hoping for a …
of his
He visualized waves
This may be awkward at first until you get used to moving together. You may
know this movement from being sexual together. When you are comfortable with
rolling slowly, increase the speed. Play with different ways of moving. You could
also …
If the ground does not roll out smoothly on the heater, transfer the plate to the foil-
covered jigger and continue rolling slowly. Before the plate is quite cold, or when
it becomes evident that nothing more can be accomplished, return the plate to …
will be different from what explains why he was killed; the explanation of
something's being coloured may be different from that of its being red; and the
explanation of the log's rolling may be different from that of its rolling slowly. He
claims that …
M = (L — a) for z < a (7.25) M = -WL-a-(L—z)forz>a (717) Consider the load
rolling slowly from C to B: initially z < a, and the bending moment, given by
equation 7.26, increases as a decreases; when a = 2, …
Once the board hasflattened, move the centre of mass to the inside of the turn
rolling slowly onto the new edge and rotate in the desired direction. To complete
the turn sink down again, creating a platform and resume skidded traverse.
All he can think of... all he can imagine is the pig, rolling slowly on a spit over an
open fire. “What are you doing?” Chia freezes. His stomach muscles tighten, his
right hand reaches toward his belt and his rusty knife. He glances to his side.
Look over there at that big tree rolling slowly towards us! That is from the bank
near Mohembo. It should not be here. There is truly a huge flood coming! The log
rolling slowly, the one from the bank at Mohembo, which should not be where it …
(2) The ball is rolling slowly. In the above examples, 'quietly' and 'slowly' are the
adverbs qualifying the verbs 'thinking' and 'rolling' respectively. (3) Nayani is
wearing a bright red shirt. Here 'bright' is an adverb qualifying the adjective 'red'.
Continue rolling slowly up to the top edge. Wet the exposed edge of the nori with
a little water to seal the roll. Gently squeeze the mat around the sushi roll and
remove the mat. 6. Using a sharp knife, cut the sushi roll into 6 pieces. Stand the …
Magena was still, but her eyes moved, rolling slowly from side to side as if
appraising the danger, looking for an escape route. Magena stared at the animal,
sensing his curiosity, quieting his fear. “Don't be afraid,” she whispered, reaching
out …
Relax, your whole body is relaxing more and more you're so tired, Just relax, You
see yourself Under a shade tree, by a slow lazy river. see the clouds rolling
slowly by as you relax more and more. Relax Relax Relax You lie down on a
blanket …
A mighty stream of people now emptied into the street, and came rolling slowly
towards the church. A single horseman wheeled the corner in the midst of them,
and close behind him came a band of fearful wind instruments, sending forth a …
… combat operations again. Afterwards, the commander summoned me and gave
me the last reconnaissance mission for the day. Where is Tobruk? How far away
and where is the enemy? My tank was already rolling slowly forward, passing …
The Continental was moving, rolling slowly through the water. Behind us, two
men with quarterback shoulders were pushing us slowly toward dry ground. From
their bent over position, they would have had a clear view of our fucking through …
And so found my way at last to my carriage; and was soon rolling slowly toward
the Dragon Volant, on the loneliest of roads, under old trees, and the soft
moonlight. What a number of things had happened within the last two hours! what
a …
time there was just the sound of the wood rolling slowly along the concrete. In the
car, rain pummeled the windshield, streamed down so thick the old wipers couldn
't clear it beyond a blur. But he had always felt safe in this car, from the day …
Robert had flopped over onto his back, and was snoring in the bilgewater
sloshing back and forth with Isidora's motion. They were rolling slowly to a long,
round swell on the starboard bow, and he could actually stand Roland Stone 229
It was a long inlet, narrowing on the landward side, snuggling between two
protecting headlands, with a sea that was today gentle and friendly, sidling and
rolling slowly up over the enormous width of perfectly smooth sand between the …
Drops of sweat from Reed's beer bottle hit her chest, rolling slowly down as she
drank. She'd declined a glass, something he hadn't seen a woman do since he
left Jackson. The motion of her throat as she swallowed and the small ahh sound …
The left fighter revved up its jet engine, the roar increased and then it first started
rolling slowly but rapidly picking up speed and about half way down the runway
he climbed away. The right fighter lowered its canopy, revved up its engine, but it …
As they took cover to avoid being seen by anyone in the German front line below
the hill, the Jeep started rolling slowly downhill toward the Germans! He stuck out
his foot and stopped it from rolling any further!) One day he was throwing the …
rolling slowly by. She tried to lift her head a little to see, over the backs of those
kneeling in front of her, at least part of the wheels on which the king's coach rode.
The master was eyeing her every move and yanked the chain to warn her to …
Rolling slowly while Derrick revs the engine every ten seconds, they noticed that
Derrick, Mark, Jed, and Stella Johnson were laughing and smirking while staring
at them. Derrick scoffs making distorted facial expressions, “Does your mommy …
The first of these, aptly named “Ball,” showed a ball bearing rolling slowly and
evenly along the seam in the bonnet of an ES 250 to highlight the sliverthin
narrowness and uniformity of the gap in front hood panels. The voiceover said: “
Every …
… lentement le long du trottoir – he started rolling slowly along the sidewalk 64 |
665+l 2638 miracle nm miracle • les miracles arrivent tous les jours – miracles
happen every day 2639 déboucher v to unblock, uncork • il déboucha la bouteille
et …
When someone changed position, the whole row turned over as if on command,
rolling slowly, precisely, into new positions. I stared out the partially boarded-up
window, watching the sky turn black as I wrestled with shock, sadness, and …
And so found my way at last to my carriage; and was soon rolling slowly toward
the Dragon Volant, on the loneliest of roads, under old trees, and the soft
moonlight. What a number of things had happened within the last two hours! what
a …
rolling+slowly rolling+slowly
she asked, tears rolling slowly down her face. His arms tightened around her
forcefully, as if protecting her from the world, and he whispered into her hair. “I am
not going to let anything happen to you. I knew from the moment I first met you in …
At the beginning of the evolution, w will be rolling slowly and one finds
approximate solutions by neglecting the (p term (the self-consistency of this
approximation needs to be checked in every model independently!). In this
simple model, the …
She seized it! She squeezed it, her fingertips playing and playing with its evil-
looking, bulbous tip! Her breathing and her sounds, her, her grunts became
harsh. She drew it toward her, the smiling Zaghlul following, rolling slowly over
her thigh …
… to moments when a performer transmutes into a fly with two dinner forks for
antennae, to the animation of chairs held high above the actors' heads to become
a forest, to the relative abstraction of two actors locked together rolling slowly and …
All six of them lazily greet one another. Bielov's hangover lazily greets Trotskyi's
hangover, Trotskyi's hangover lazily greets Bielov's hangover, Bielov greets Dem,
Dem lazily greets Bielov, Trotskyi greets Bielov, Bielov lazily greets Trotskyi, …
… declared to the bean, it is looked up lazily when needed, and the result is
bound to the HTTP session. The stateful session bean and HTTP session have
similar life cycles, making them good candidates to work together. Listing 3-23.
Replace Type Code with Polymorphism Replace Type Code with Module
Extension Replace Type Code with State/Strategy Replace Subclass with Fields
Lazily Initialized Attribute Eagerly Initialized Attribute Decompose Conditional …
Adam Freeman. Getting the Status of a Task ..................................................................
.......................... 43 Executing Tasks Lazily .......................................................................
.............................. 43 Understanding Common Problems and Their Causes .
… MANAGER to lazily instantiate the servant when it is accessed by a client.
Process A Server Process Servant for Remote Object A M. 24.09.2004 20:59 c05.
fm 0.3 100 Lifecycle Management Patterns Lazy Acquisition.
2.15 Summary 62 Suggested Reading 67 Exercises 67 3 The Parameterization
and Correspondence Principles 75 3. 1 Expression Parameters 76 3.2 Semantics
of Parameter Transmission 79 3.3 A Copy Rule for Lazily Evaluated Parameters …
… The Lady ............................................................................................21 Jenny One ......
......................................................................................22 Glancing Lazily
expression classes share a common superinterface NumberExpression, where
all the methods are defined. Understanding the Lazily Instantiated Properties
Strategy. 114 CHAPTER 3 □ PROPERTIES AND BINDINGS Understanding the …
(The Technique-versus-Artistry Debate) The Misuses of “Scientific Information” in
the Teaching of Singing Relax and Sing? Easily, Not Lazily (Tonicity in the
Singing Instrument) The Effect of Tongue Position on Spectra in Singing The
Role of …
… leer laufendes Getriebeteil; (pulley) Laufrad nt (am Flaschenzug) idling speed ['
aidlirj,-] n Leerlaufdrehzahl / idly ['aidli] adv Q (not doing anything) untätig; to
stand - by untätig dabeistehen 0 ( lazily) faul, träge idol [aidal] n O ( model) Idol nt
; …
It would be possible to eliminate the unnecessary initializations by lazily
initializing these fields (Item 71) the first time the isBabyBoomer method is
invoked, but it is not recommended. As is often the case with lazy initialization, it
would …
lazily adverb – Lisa went back into the kitchen, stretching lazily. 3. If you describe
something as lazy, you mean … lazily adverb – The river threaded its way lazily
between the old city and the new. Laziness – sloth: apathy and inactivity in the …
We refer to functions where the recursive calls only occur in the bodies of thunk
expressions, as in the from function above where the recursive call is in the body
of the thunk-, as lazily recursive. Calling a lazily recursive function does not lead …
Lazily the sun came up the day before Court ; lazily the inhabitants of this
sluggish village moved, when they did move ; lazily the stray pig meandered
along the side of the unpaved streets, picking up an occasional morsel j lazily a
flock of …
… to work full time for long hours and God knows what miserable pay to fatten the
little that Mary could make as a seamstress to support the whole family. He
looked to the sky. Lazily a single hawk swept back and forth against the far off
Let us study another sentence: “The planet spun quite lazily through the sky.” 1. 2
. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. How many nouns are there in this sentence? (Answer:
There are two: planet and sky.) What is the verb in the sentence? (Answer: spun) …
Commutation. In [13,14], the following local property is defined and examined:
Definition 52 (Lazy Commutation). Relation A commutes lazily over relation B if
BA⊆ A(A + B)∗ + B . (17) Figure 3 has lazily commuting relations; Fig. 2 does not
One foggy afternoon in mid-November the beautiful Amanda sat lazily before a
roaring fire in that room which she was bent to call … She smothered a yawn and
looked lazily at the clock which ticked away merrily on a small occasional table.
We also evaluate the right operand lazily, deferring tail "abcd" until we need its
value: ghci> :type null (tail "abcd") null (tail "abcd") :: Bool ghci> tail "abcd" "bcd"
ghci> null "bcd" False The predicate again evaluates to False, causing the else …
… Eye Daisy Anita goes a'smuggling the owls of Darkly Lane when i went to
market that party in the woods (the second touch) the coming of Lazily Watchful
the space between the sky and the ground the house of angles the ugly thing that
tried …
Theorem 5.4 For recomposinga composed system lazily, components that do not
depend on changed components need not be recomposed. It suffices to
recompose components that depend transitively on changed components or
changed …
Lazily the sun came up the day before Court; lazily the inhabitants of this sluggish
village moved, when they did move; lazily the stray pig meandered along the side
of the unpaved streets, picking up an occasional morsel; lazily a flock of …
… the little fingers of a hand of each, lay curled and clasped together ; the same
pretty murmurs of satisfaction, the same soft nestling warmth of cheeks, the same
comfortably imbedded noses, the same lazily opened, lazily closed, lazily raised, …
pollack, lugworm, (now dial) a heavy (and dull) person, something short and thick
and heavy, hence 'to lob', to let fall heavily, throw lazily, whence, as in cricket or
lawn tennis, a lobbed ball; hence app loblolly (cf LOLL) and looby, a (heavily) …
… annotation to force eager initialization when the application starts. The
container can create singletons that do not specify eager initialization lazily
75 7. 'Ah God, that it were possible ...' In search of reparation 86 8. 'And New Year
blowing and roaring. ' How lazily time creeps about to one that mourns 100 9. '
Tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new. ' Acceptance, more often than not …
125 Network Connectivity 126 Maintain State and Persist Data 126 Cache User
Input 127 Reflect Connectivity Appropriately 128 Load Data Lazily 129 Peer
Connectivity with GameKit 132 Location Awareness 133 Accelerometer Support
137 …
… Tips for Finding Bugs Effectively Give Consistent Input Automate As Much As
Possible Check Your Results Beware Interference Between Bugs Bracket Your
Search Lazily . . . . . . . . . . . 109 109 112 112 112 113 113 114 115 117 118 119 .
In general data should be lazily loaded (i.e. load only when required as opposed
to pre-loading from the database with a view that it can be used later) from a
database to conserve memory but there are use cases (i.e. need to make several …
When the flakes came into the light they circled lazily in the air, like down, then
fell even more lazily to earth. … Here the point of view is that of the narrator, not
the student, and the black background and lazily falling snow sticking to the
young …
beneath a matte twilight
He tried to lead his mind to a place
… Objects of Observation 34 4 Nine Mental Abidings 69 5 Achieving Calm
Abiding 96 6 Signs of Calm Abiding 123 7 Rising from Meditative Equipoise 145
Part Two: Expansion 148 8 Textbooks and Debate 149 9 Hinayana and
Mahayana 152 …
However, this is just like the initial experience of having more thoughts when we
start to practice the meditation of calm abiding. That this seems to be the case is
only because we never took the time to really look at our thoughts before and …
The Practice of Calm Abiding 107 9. Actualizing Special Insight 122 10. Unifying
Method and Wisdom 140 Glossary 159 Bibliography of Works Cited 163 Tibetan
Text of Stages of Meditation 1 67 Preface We are happy to be able to present …
of+calm of+calm of+calm of+calm
ally 1 ft (0.3 m) or less, so nearly all test waves fall in the ASTM range of Calm
Water. In a few cases, waves may reach about 1.6 ft (0.5 m) which is in the
Protected Water range. A note has been added to tables indicating where the test
waves …
Bardoze n. village in Labourd. Bardoztar. Native of Bardoze. bare adv. /adj. calm.
Itsasoa bare dago. The sea is calm. n. (zool.) slug. n. (anat.) spleen. barealdi n.
period of calm seas. Barealdi hontan kaiaraino helduko gara. During this period …
These functional studies provide a model of how the core promoter SNP of CALM
1 could influence OA susceptibility: firstly, … This makes sense, since both the T-
allele of CALM! and the D14-allele of ASPN lead to a reduction in expression of …
Included in these are the periods of calm. Beattie (1963 UKAEA AHSB(S) R64)
found that the proportion of time for which such conditions apply is about 5-8%.
Pasquill actually excluded such conditions from his original categories because …
Thus, Thayer considers the state of calm-energy to be the most pleasant state,
whereas tense-tiredness is the most unpleasant one.' The evaluative component,
which leads us to regard the situation as good or bad, is present then in moods …
The guidelines of CALM were: 1 . Unwavering commitment to the citizen (
customer). 2. Recognition by management of quality and a willingness to accept
responsibility for well-being and improvement of the system by leaderless team
Stillness The concept of stillness is less complicated than the concept of calm but,
for me at least, way more difficult to put into practice. I wish I could tell you how
much I resisted even hearing people describe stillness as an integral part of their …
Function of CALM can be described by three main processes (see Fig.4 where
additional fourth process for temporal memory occurred as well). Excitatory
process is performed by R-neurons. Each R-neuron reacts to the input signal
based on …
but. Reassuring. Calm. in. Government. Policies. Americans found the comfort
that they were looking for in Eisenhower, who brought a sense of calm and quiet
complacency to the intensity that characterized the times. On the home front, …
In the WCC's booklet, Guidelines on Dialogue, the author remarks that " [i]t is
easy to discuss religions and even ideologies as though they existed in some
realm of calm quite separate from the sharp divisions, conflicts and sufferings of …
of+calm of+calm
When you have achieved mastery of calm abiding, it is not difficult to sit for seven
days without having a single thought run through your head. This is what we
mean by calm abiding. It is the ability to focus the mind on any object, but there is …
Since Olivier lets mastery prevail – and thus keeps on caring for himself – he
grants Francis a future, or at least he inaugurates a pedagogical (shadow) space
in which Francis can try to take care of himself and prepare himself for the future.
and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself
He began to learn about China and prepare himself to work there. The call to
service * Well do I remember, as in unreserved consecration I put myself, my life,
my friends, my all, upon the altar, the deep solemnity that came over my soul with …
Schon in den Assoziationsinterviews fanden sich vielfach solche Aussagen: „an
educated person makes a plan to do that task and according to the planning and
timing he will proceed and prepare himself to face the impeding problems and …
and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself and+prepare+himself
… deserves, and prepare himself to endure all kinds of griefs. And when
occasionally he has been recalled by some invitation to the assembly of the
brethren--a thing which cannot but happen every now and then even to the
strictest inmates of …
Through mental simulations an offender could test out a variety of scenarios and
anticipated experiences and prepare himself for alternatives. In other words, if he
replayed a scenario several times he can prepare himself and develop …
In order to discipline and prepare himself for this service he lived as a desert
hermit for about three years, and during that time he undertook the study of the
Hebrew language as a means of occupying his restless mind. In due course, after …
However, professional B would do well to remember and prepare himself for
professional A's strategies in future meetings. Instead of listening to the praise, B
might point out that professional A must be mistaking him for someone else.
… wreaking vengeance for the holy covenant inscribed upon him, marred by him.
774 "Whoever wishes to guard this place should arm himself and prepare himself
, and when the evil impulse attacks him, he should set before himself this sword …
He thought to himself, his eyes still looking to the ceiling fan, trying as best he
could to keep pace with one of the fan blades. “That has to be it,” he said under
his breath, “she is such a little rich tease!” Continuing to watch the blades of the
fan, …
In the midst of a crowd of deities, capricious and conflicting in their wills, he had
to find his way as best he could. There was no knowing precisely what a god
might want ; there was no knowing what he might be going to do. If a man fell into …
The task of the new President was not only one of leadership as he responded,
as best he could, to the Nation's needs. Equally vital was the task of his
establishing himself with his inherited staffs, and to make changes as he could "
feel his …
His tongue pressed inside me, filling my hole as best he could, even as my hard
clit silently begged to be touched, sucked, kissed. Slowly, every thought about the
future of the restaurant, all the stress of the past few months that had culminated …
She burrowed her head snugly into his shoulder and clung, limp and trusting and
deep in an exhausted sleep. Hell. Quinn sat down on the chaise, leaned back,
swung up his legs and settled Celina as best he could against himself.
… rocks and dirt crunching beneath his boots as he took small strides, one leg
dragging. He stopped for a moment to determine the best route up through the
rocks, which were larger than his vehicle. He maneuvered as best he could,
trying to.
Galehaut defended the queen as best he could and said that the king should not
believe such reports until they could be proven true. In the morning, they left
Carduel and went to Camelot, where all the fields were covered with tents and …
When it was deep enough, he carefully laid her bones as best he could in the
shape of a human. He knew she would be at piece in her garden, so he covered
her, knelt, and prayed to the Lord for her soul and his, for he would find the one
who …
Krauts were wearing their socks now. Clay got both boots off and placed them
between his legs. He peeled off the damp wool socks and squeezed them,
coaxing moisture out as best he could. He could feel Jake moving, doing the
same thing.
He demands that Duke Henry, as the sovereign and protector of the bishopric of
Meissen, should "put a damper on the blasphemous idolatry" as best he could,
for " the Princes who are able to do so should at once abolish Baal and all
Though Fornax might have preferred it otherwise, he had to make do as best he
could. The crew members lived literally right on top of one another, with no hope
whatsoever of even a moment's privacy. By night, they slept stacked up like …
Martellino shrieked for mercy in the name of God and defended himself as best
he could. Useless— the crowd only grew thicker. When Stecchi and Marchese
saw this they began to think that things were going wrong, and fearing for their
own …
With his back to the wind, he began rocking the hull back and forth, building up
momentum as best he could. At last, with a heave, he pushed with all his might in
an attempt to overturn the boat. It tipped, but not nearly far enough, and simply …
He thrust his feet as best he could to give himself leverage, but the pain shot
noticeably up his body from the left leg, … After an interval he raised his back as
best he could without putting too much direct pressure on his left leg and found
he …
… forced with his wife into destitution in Berlin, compelled subsequently to make a
living as best he could from insecure positions as director of music, from music
tuition and from his publications, displaced from Berlin to Bamberg to Dresden to …
The children by this time were quite unable to "travel"; so, sending his wife ahead
, Uncle Johnnie struggled along with the little ones as best he could. Alas, all of
them were thoroughly beaten out. As he passed a big boulder halfway across the …
… possession of what was probably a single English document containing both
regnal list(s) and royal ge- nealogies and used it in the production of a synthesis
of British hist., synchronising his English and Celtic sources as best he could (10 …
Jim fought as best he could, but the attackers took no notice of his blows and Jim
only ended up hurting his hand on a jaw, and kicking ineffectually at a shin. The
assailants were wearing gloves and long sleeved shirts, suffering no damage …
There was a momentary lull, and peering up as best he could from underneath
the body, Wilderton saw that the platform had been cleared of all its original
inhabitants, and was occupied mainly by youths in navy-blue and khaki. A voice
called …
One inserts their finger through the loop and pulls it backwards.” Volker then
opened the device as best he could; just enough to determine what he suspected
—the weapon was unloaded. “I presume the ammunition is with the mules and
with …
Whether he was ready to take it up his ass or not, Bob was ready and eager to
relieve the pressure on Smitty's fiercely throbbing cock as best he could. He
stayed on his back while Smitty's body hovered over his face and did push-ups,
driving …
He went on to explain that he was going to free up his schedule, as best he could
, so that he could focus most of his attention on this issue over the next few days.
He then asked Don if he would help him. Don explained that while he also …
He was unaware of Ms A.'s appointment and eventually refused her services for
the very reason that he perceived her participation in the proceedings as a mere
formality. He made his position known to the Supreme Court as best he could.
Jerome kept his mouth shut tight, as El Jefe fanned the gun from left to right, and
up and down. He even painted his shoes. Jerome used his hands as a moving
shield as best he could as his entire body was being sprayed. His hands didn't …
as+best+he+could as+best+he+could
I'll bet something impressive like this is happening up by the lake too. They'll
have to keep Caesar distracted.” Velius drew himself up as best he could while
staying below the defences. “You can cope with anything they throw at you here,
And when he had reached Maidstone, the king's officers took his and very many
of his clerks' horses, and held them; however he came as best he could to the
king but could obtain no satisfaction concerning the release of his horses or …
Sam got up from the bed, straightened up his wrinkled clothes as best he could,
and made his way to the bathroom. He pissed the old man's way, a squirt at a
time, and without washing his hands, headed out to watch some morning
One Christmas Eve day I was sitting at my desk working as usual – blogging or
writing – and I looked up and could see one of the neighbor ladies coming to the
door, so I knew that the goodies had arrived for another Christmas Eve. Before I …
How could he ever get himself together for another Christmas Eve? Mrs. Santa
always waited for Santa's return after his Christmas Eve delivery. But who was
this coming through the door and why was Santa back so early? Mrs. Santa soon …
Foreword by Gareth Stedman Jones vii 1 Introduction: The Problem of a
Biography I 2 Ancestors, Family Life and School 4 3 Life at the University -
Conflict with his Father 16 4 In the Ranks of the Young Hegelians and the
Liberals 33 5 The …
In contrast, Freud's relationship with his father appears to have been cold, if not
occasionally hostile. Freud arrived late … Freud struggled with guilt feelings over
his relationship with his father many years after his father's death. It is not difficult …
Through these struggling years Galileo's relationship with his father had
mellowed and deepened. Vincenzo Galilei was approaching seventy and coming
to the end of a hard but productive life. The accession to power of Ferdinand I as
the …
On the other hand, a boy has an additional developmental task — to disidentify
from his mother and identify with his father. While learning language ("he and she
," "his and hers"), the child discovers that the world is divided into natural …
Now he tells me he wants to go live with his father, which is like a slap in the face
after ten years of being the responsible parent. Sooner or later, he's bound to
become disillusioned at discovering some of his father's faults, which include a
bad …
In contrast, a boy must detach himself from his identification with his mother,
disiden- tijy with her, and identify with his father, a process that requires
unlearning one attachment and forming a new one. This is made more difficult
because …
Lincoln's relationship with his father was chilly. Much evidence supports Richard
N. Current's conclusion that "there must have been a real estrangement" between
the two.132 Lincoln's cousin, Dennis Hanks, who lived with the Lincoln family …
17 Sade's method of dealing with his father was passive: he avoided him. Sade
had less luck with Laure's father. One morning at the end of March, Sade paid his
customary visit to his beloveds bedroom, but the Marquis de Lauris was lying in …
Henry's relationship with his father was very strained, tempered by past
experience of physical abuse and ongoing verbal abuse. Henry felt he could not
approach his mother. Her absences on work-related trips exacerbated his sense
of …
with+his+father with+his+father
Eventually Jake and Jim Ugly are reunited with his father. This is the story of a
young child coming to terms with a stepparent named Jake. Unlike Jake, Jimmy
Little in Somewhere in the Darkness by Walter Dean Myers has never really …
… to be played with his father and the club champion alternately: fat her -
champion- father or champion-father-champion, according to Elmer's choice. The
champion is a better player than Elmer's father. Which series should Elmer
choose? 3.
Conflicts over competition, the classical Oedipal “crisis” (opposition with his father
), observing his parents' relationship and making judgments about how they
behave toward each other, getting along in school and sibling rivalry, take on
great …
… to ask how they responded behaviorally in the situation and then ask what
emotion is most often associated with such a behavior. For example, when asked
how it felt when he fought with his father, the adolescent said, "Fine, I don't care.
This child will be loved by him as he was loved by his mother.3 Simultaneously,
the man has formed with his father a gender based identification crystalizing his
procreative ability and propensity to use it, wishing to produce a being as his …
with+his+father with+his+father
Perry was living with his father, stepmother, and Marcy at the time, and he was
caught when Marcy's mother entered the room. Marcy later reported that she did
Menninger was one of the first supporters of psychoanalysis in America and
together with his father, Dr C.F. Menninger, founded the Menninger Clinic.
Following Klein, Menninger accepts that psychoanalytic investigations have
established …
Bowen (1978) wrote: On a clinical level, the "parental we-ness" presents the child
with a parental amalgam which is neither masculine nor feminine and it deprives
the child of knowing men by having an individual relationship with his father, …
At the same time as this identification with his father, or a little later, the boy has
begun to develop a true object-cathexis towards his mother according to the
attachment [anaclitic] type. He then exhibits, therefore, two psychologically
distinct …
… he then has his home with her and has no home with his father; or (b) he has at
any time had her domicile by virtue of {a) above and has not since had a home
with his father. The section also deals with other possible situations: for example, …
Jung's unsatisfactory relationship with his father may have led to his later
problems with men, especially male mentors and other authority figures.
Throughout his life, Jung was interested in and attracted to women. He married a
woman with …
This mental preparation bore fruit
and the
following evening was a zone
The last chapter in this part, contributed by Rodriguez, Dion, and Dugard
discusses the delay-dependent robust stability of neutral time-delay systems with
a norm-bounded nonlinear and time- varying uncertainty using a Lyapunov
179 Part III: Controlling and Observing Delay Systems Integral Action Controllers
for Systems with Time Delays Hitay ̈Ozbay, A. Nazli G ̈unde ̧s ...........................
........ 197 Stabilization of Neutral Time-Delay Systems Micha ̈el Di Loreto, …
Rodriguez, S.A., J.M. Dion and L. Dugard (2003) Stability of neutral time delay
systems: A survey of some results. In: Advances in automatic control (Mihail
Voicu. (Ed)), pp. 315-336. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Rodriguez, S.A.,
J.M. …
Conditions for the asymptotic stability of neutral time-invariant type are
established in Section 11.8. The stability of linear neutral time-variant type is
investigated in Section 11.9. 11.1 Characteristic functions of autonomous neutral
systems Let …
My discussion focuses on the heart of this complex issue: the construction of
neutral time and space, arguably the two most powerful forms of this achievement
. Without understanding this invention of neutrality it does not seem to me
possible …
In the position of neutral time there is neutralization of the aspectual opposition
pre- sent:aorist. " 105 Holt is against the aorist representing a total act, including
its achievement, and offers the familiar example of ebasileuse 'he became king …
… periodic Hamiltonian systems and applications 297 Vladimir Rasvan Stability
of neutral time delay systems: a survey of some results 315 S. A. Rodriguez, J.-M.
Dion and L. Dugard Slicot-based advanced automatic control computations 337 …
for her constant availability and perspective, and in particular, for the concept of "
neutral time." It is with deep love that I have dedicated this book to her. Prologue
Life-threatening Illness Is An Experience of psychological complexity and xiv …
… + QdD<t>¢| (4.3.4) s (—c/2 + Qc)V(t, 45) + Qv(t)V(t,d>). We now set 6 = —c/4Q
and choose some E < c/SQ so that from (4.3.1) t v(s)ds < 6, t—o' ,, and t / v(s)ds <
w - U), and t Global Stability of Functional Diflemnlial Equations of Neutral Time
Some changes should coincide with social transitions: marriage, closing time,
mealtime. The course of the year might become a succession of distinct periods
on the background of neutral time. The standard hour and the standard week
were …
However, occasionally the suspicion arises of whether there has been a large
enough expanse of neutral time, a suspicion that has been shared by
philosophers like Bergson and scientists like Crick. (See Question #12) What
Causes …
S.A Rodriguez, J.M. Dion and L. Dugard, Stability of Neutral Time Delay Systems:
A Survey of some results, in "Advances in automatic control", Mihail Voicu (Ed.),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, ISBN 0-4040-7607, pp.
even semi-convivial
However, Tommy was not suicidal. Tommy was not angry. Tommy was not sad. In
fact, Tommy wasn't much of anything but numb and indifferent. He had expected
all along to receive the death penalty. He had hoped for nothing more, nothing …
We had both felt, up to that day, that the road would only get easier from then on.
But that was the last day I was to hear his voice—for a long, long time; and I was
never again to hear him call my name . . . * * * The next morning, at about seven
THE next morning, at about seven o'clock, Marius hired a cabriolet. He did not
wish to go by the diligence, and as he needed a vehicle for the flight he preferred
to hire one at Marseille which would take him to Aix, and serve to bring back his …
The next morning, at about seven he felt like defecating but was impacted — and
really hurt — so believed he needed an enema. He told the nurse that two or
three times, when she came to take blood pressure readings, and finally asked
for …
… Jacques to Barentin, to catch the 4.14 train, the hotel proprietor in Rouen was
quite adamant that her guest had gone to bed straight after his evening meal and
had not left his room until the next morning, at about seven o'clock. Surely a …
The+next+morning,+at+about+seven The+next+morning,+at+about+seven The+next+morning,+at+about+seven The+next+morning,+at+about+seven
The next morning, at about seven of the clock, Wittuwamat lead Memsowit and
six other armed savages into the stockade. Every man wore a deer skin mantle.
The sachem withdrew his knife from its sheath and flourished it before Standish's …
been northerly, now hauled round more to the westward; and, at about seven
A.M., being close hauled with our larboard tacks on board, saw land again on the
weather bow. It was _the Three Kings, a cluster of rocks and small islands to the …
at+about+seven at+about+seven at+about+seven at+about+seven at+about+seven
On the following (Friday) morning, at about seven o'clock, Berry, who was acting
as agent for Dickinson, found Dodds at the Darlington railway station, and
handed to him a duplicate of the acceptance by Dickinson, and explained to
Dodds its …
at+about+seven at+about+seven
The rate of [14C] thymidine incorporation into DNA showed similar age-
dependence in the three brain regions studied (Figure 13.2); the peak was
reached at about seven days after birth and the incorporation rate was very low at
35 days of …
Standing firmly when held supported was observed to occur at about seven
months (Griffiths' eleven months); being able to pull oneself to a standing position
while holding onto furniture was observed at about seven or eight months (
Griffiths' …
"You're on, let's meet back here at about seven. I will leave all the food on this
table for everyone to pick up as they see fit." Pattelli gave Crane some money
and they all left to use the restroom, call home or check their messages. It was
just …
Then, somehow he learned to combine several chunks into even larger super-
chunks, so that he eventually could repeat series of about 80 digits. This skill did
not generalize; his memory for letters or words remained at about seven.
Similarly …
At about seven in the morning Ethel Blyth left Patterson's and returned to her
husband. Directly after she entered the tent the porters heard a shot, and Ethel
Blyth came running out. They ran to the tent to find that Blyth had shot himself in
the …
Fewer than 10 percent of those polled want immigration increased: between
1965 and 1993, the proportion of Americans favoring increased immigration was
stable at about seven percent1. Immigration and integration were contentious
issues …
In the later part of the morphogenesis of human beings, the first heart beat (
beating cardiomyocytes) occurs at about seven divisions after mesoderm
formation and hands and legs also emerge at seven divisions after the first heart
(Miller, 1956) As it turns out, a unit hypersphere's hypersurface area Sn increases
as the number of dimensions n increases from zero and peaks at about seven
before trailing off toward zero. The actual numerically determined peak value is …
… first heart beat (beating cardiomyocytes) occurs at about seven divisions after
mesoderm formation and hands and legs also emerge at seven divisions after
the first heart beat. [1,2] It is also known that, when suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN)
in …
Seven to Eight Weeks At about seven weeks of age the pups begin group attacks
on litter mates. This usually involves terrorizing the smaller or weaker members of
the litter. Often it is necessary to isolate the pack into groups of three to prevent …
My sister, Pam came by at about seven in the evening and sat with Marquel for
several hours. She said, “Markie, it's your Aunt Pam. You know I love you.” She
looked at my mother and said, “Momma, look at him. He is trying to make contact …
No late nights were permitted for me either, as the front doors were locked at
about 10:45pm and opened again at about seven. In fairness though, our guard (
Mr Tang) slept by a doorbell which could be rung late at night or early in the
morning …
… sie allerdings mit dem Primat stetiger Erreichbarkeit bezahlen. Ein Betroffener
erklärt: I have flexible hours because I am not really billable to a client. I pretty
much start off early with my blackberry and, you know – I start off at about seven
Standing firmly when held supported was observed to occur at about seven
months (Griffiths' eleven months); being able to pull oneself to a standing position
while holding onto furniture was observed at about seven or eight months (
Griffiths' …
The next phase—and believe it or not, it's the last one—happens at about seven
or eight. What happens then? It is called the age of reason, and we are given at
that age, seven or eight, the potential, like a bud that didn't open, the ability from …
… sometimes drunk, sometimes not, speaks to me—correction, speaks to my
boobs. Actually most guys speak to my boobs. But I digress. On the eve of
September 11th, at about seven p.m.,I take a walk. I couldn't get the images out of
my mind.
At about seven I made a feeble attempt at masturbation, at which I was caught by
my mother, who gave me a very long lecture on how this would cause me to
become insane. This was my last attempt at masturbation until seven years ago.
Breed gilts at about seven to eight months of age when they weigh about 250 to
300 pounds (113 to 136 kg). Boars may be fed the rations shown in Table 22-4;
follow the same general rules for weight gain as outlined above for. TABLE 22-4 …
… or five courses with wine and beer; coffee and cakes at three; tea and
sandwiches or sandwiches and beer at about five; a strong dinner with several
kinds of wines at about seven or seven-thirty; and a substantial supper before
going to bed.
Early stages of the representational mind have developed alongside earlier
development and consist of: □ images, which emerge at about seven months □
symbols, which emerge during the second year with the use of language, and …
At about seven or eight months, babies sleep considerably less during the
daytime and are likely to waken more often during the night. During these first
months the baby is usually dressed in a short sleeveless shirt, open at the back,
but some …
They went down for breakfast and met Raschid at about seven. He looked
debonair and relaxed, as if he didn't have a care in the world. Rash was the kind
of person who only looked worried when he had no worries to worry about. At
that …
Submental sutures are removed by the fifth day and scalp staples and/or sutures
at about seven to eight days. The percutaneous Endoposts are removed at about
10 days (10 to14 days depending on the tissue resilience). The patient can …
When he went home at about seven o'clock, he left Bonney hard at work in his
office, and there is no doubt that the pearls were still in the safe. " That night, at
about a quarter to nine, it happened that a couple of C.I.D. officers were walking
up …
(b) Prepare the stockholders' equity section assuming the company had retained
earnings of $200,000 at December 31. Solution to Comprehensive Do it! Do it! (a)
Jan. 10 Cash 3,200,000 Common Stock 2,000,000 Paid-in Capital in Excess of …
… molecules of hydrogen react with 1 molecule of oxygen 88n 2 molecules of
water These observations can be explained best by assuming that gaseous
hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine are all composed of diatomic (two-atom)
molecules: H2, …
(Superman was dedicated to the American way, new public opinion polls tracked
it, and “talking” movies celebrated it.) Middle-class Americans in particular dealt
with the shock of the Great Depression by assuming that they must strive harder, …
… in Figure 1-11. 4. If your workstation is connected to a network, click View
status (to the far right in the Connection line) to learn more about this connection.
The Local Area Connection Status window appears (assuming the connection
you …
… 61 Establishing a Bond with Your Chosen Archetype, 63 Working with Celtic
Deities, 65 Effective Prayer, 66 How to Pray, 67 The Pin and Candle Rite, 68
Contacting die Archetype Within, 71 Assuming the God-Form, 71 Ego and
Archetype, …
When the index was originally constructed, it contained 20 stocks and the value
of the index was found by adding the prices of the 20 stocks (assuming the
investor bought one share of each stock). Today the average is computed by
adding …
Argumentative Questions 23 CHAPTER 10 Asked and Answered 26 CHAPTER 1
1 Assuming Facts Not in Evidence 28 CHAPTER 12 Compound Questions 31 …
Assuming similarity fails to appreciate difference, and assuming difference fails to
appreciate cultural commonalities. Copyright 2009 Cengage Learning. All Rights
Reserved. In the United States, we need to be careful when May not be copied …
Assuming a time value of money, there is an advantage to using the accelerated
techniques. (Chapter 5 fully explains the time value of money.) Also,
management may use straight-line depreciation for reporting income to the
shareholders …
… Multiple Choice Exams 226 General Test-Taking Tips 231 References 232
APPENDIX A Additional Recommendations and Anecdotes 233 Getting the Most
Out of Clinical 233 Men in Nursing 242 Assuming the Professional Role 245
Index .
The Conference Committee version of the bill must be accepted or rejected — it
cannot be changed by either the House or the Senate. Assuming passage by the
House and the Senate, the bill becomes law when approved by the President.
An increasing number of studies in the literature calculate the net benefit of
health care programmes by assuming a threshold value of the decision-maker's
willingness-to-pay for a life-year or QALY (Phelps and Mushlin 1991; Stinnett and …
Assuming a third vector pointing from P\ to Pi as shown in Figure 1.13, we
calculate this vector as C — B — A. The scalar product C • C gives the distance C'
. This is the distance between PI and PE squared. Taking the square root gives
the …
Examples of fixed costs include rent on building space (assuming the tenant pays
for an agreed term on a time basis, not a volume-of-activity basis) and salaries of
top company officials. Many costs do not fit neatly into fixed and variable …
The bow wave detached from the boat assuming the form of large solitary wave
pulse and moved forward with a velocity of about eight miles per hour. Scott
Russel who followed the wave on horseback noticed that it maintained its shape
and …
Discuss the importance of this advantage to a wealthy entrepreneur who owns
several businesses. 2. How does being a limited partner in a business enterprise
differ from being a stockholder, assuming the same percentage of ownership? 3.
For the Management, Life, and Social Sciences Ronald J. Harshbarger, James J.
Reynolds. ○ EXAMPLE 7 Multiplying Radicals Multiply the following and simplify
the answers, assuming nonnegative variables. (a) (b) 18xy3z14x2y3z2 132xy …
1 Happy, Joe 1 1 G Problem 3.1 A tank of compressed air P = 20.8 MPa N F E 3
V V = 10 liters = 0.01 m I R = 287 J Kg · T = 20°C = 293 K Assuming K D S of air
inside the tank, m = ? N Any assisting diagrams Calculations on the right I ideal …
Ten years later, the plot of land has an assessed value of $500,000 and the
business receives an offer of $900,000 for it. Should the monetary amount
assigned to the land in the business records now be increased? b. Assuming that
the land …
When 4- is a revision operation on A (or at least -i- satisfies 3.3 for any on),
assuming 3.6 and 3.7 amounts to saying that A -i- (x5 = (A -l- (1)4-13 for any
theory A such that A -l- on is consistent with [3.5 4. Interdefinability If 4 is a
withdrawal …
He is assuming that because the two variables are correlated, one must be
causing changes in the other. In addition, he is assuming the direction of the
inferred causal relationship—that a lower income level causes psychological
disorders, …
One is absolved of financial liability, and absolved from wrongdoing — assuming
the courts treat one kindly. In the following sentence, from appears wrongly for of:
"If the mother contributed nothing to his support because she was absolved …
Probability Distribution Histogram to Represent the 5,000 Random Values
Generated for Soil Modulus when COV is Equal to 0.4 Assuming, Lognormal
Distribution of Parameters 29 10. Probability Distribution Histogram to Represent
the …
Digitized audio works as shown in Figure 1.3(a). The figure shows an analog
signal on a wire during a period of time. We sample that signal at particular time
intervals, shown by the dashed lines. Assuming the analog signal can range from
0 …
… Graphical EntropyData 285 6.3 Introducingthe TdS Equations 286 6.4 Entropy
Change of an Incompressible Substance 288 6.5 Entropy Change of an Ideal
Gas 289 6.5.1 Using Ideal Gas Tables 289 6.5.2 Assuming Constant Specific
Heats …
(d) Prepare a résumé assuming that you have accomplished the five to 10
specific steps you identified in part (a). Also, provide evidence that would give
assurance that the information is reliable. FASB CODIFICATION ACTIVITY BYP2-
11 If …
1.2.2 [5] <1.3> If a computer has a main memory of 2 GB, how many frames could
it store, assuming the memory contains no other information? 1.2.3 [5] <1.3> If a
computer connected to a 1. 1.1.12 [2] <1.1> Personal computer delivering good …
Similarly, q(B^ ) is determined in terms of q(B° ), q(C°) and q(C°)- 7(^3) is then
determined in terms of q(5['2) and q(B^'2) using the special dual a-e scheme
referred to above. IV. q(B\) is determined in terms of q(B\' }, q(A%) and g(j4°)
A strategy vector s e S is said to be a Nash equilibrium if for all players i and each
alternate strategy s'{ e 5, , we have that In other words, no player i can change his
chosen strategy from Sj to s- and thereby improve his payoff, assuming that all …
… not complete without this additional information. • Statements are prepared
assuming conservatism. In cases in which more than one interpretation of an
event is possible, statements are prepared using the most conservative
Select one node as the reference node and label it 0, assuming its node voltage
to be zero. (The reference node is usually chosen to be the node with the most
connections, like the bottom node G'. conductance in S (siemens) jj^ G3 of the …
The absence of any drug in the specimen suggests failure to take any of the
medication, assuming the specimen has been collected appropriately. The
practitioner should have a working knowledge of the pharmacokinetics of the
medicine …
Assuming that the populationstandard deviation is known to be 16, can
weconcludeatthe 1%significance level that the site … Assuming that the reduc-
EXAMPLE 13.9 Test Marketing of Package Designs, Part 1 The General
ProductsCompany …
Assuming it is 5°C, its mass density is 1.0 g/cc and the mass of one liter is then
1000 g. Thus, the 0.00035 gmol of calcium carbonate is dissolved in 1 000 gm of
water. This is the very definition of molality and the corresponding molality is …
that the gangs too had celebrated Christmas
Jed walked to Raincy Station
The dude was a total crackup. 'Hereitcomesss," he said and the shovel clattered
down in. And in reaction the snake rattled again too. I picked up the flashlight first
and got back down close to the pile that was once my dresser again and started …
… his mother called to him. When his mother left the room, he got back on again [
on the table]. He squeezed into the narrow opening. then got back out, for fear of
being trapped. He crossed the river at one o'clock, and got back over before two.
These two men went over there, saw where the horses were, and got back. They
told the rest that the enemy had a big corral with horses inside. Red-bear sent
two more young men, the Sweater and Spotted-horse. They went to the camp, …
We left and got back on the freeway. We stopped and filled up a few times and
ate fast food the whole trip home. We got home by midday. My grandmother
called Peppy and told him she was down town. We met him at the Justice Center.
This is how we got out of growing indigo and got back into growing wheat and
other plants. The industrial agriculture system does not just exploit people – it
exploits nature. After a little while you have huge amounts of chemical fertilizers
in the …
Got in a couple hours of “smuching” and got back to the ship at 0230. March 4,
1944 Got off the ship at about 1215. Ate noon chow on ship. Hung around the
ferry landing until about 1330 and then met Bette at 1400. We spent the afternoon
at …
I climbed off the car and got back inside. “I can't get it off,” I said, “It won't budge.” “
I guess we are going to have to forget about it then,” Evelyn said. “No!” I yelled. “I
am getting the Buck Lane sign if it's the last thing I do.” I was now determined to …
At 7 oclock we started our hike and walked 5 miles and back and got back at 1 1:
45. We had chow and went swimming till 4 oclock. Were called back to fight a fire
and it died out. Tonight is payday but it is late again. May 10 Up at 7 oclock for …
Solution to Question 2 (algebraic). In dollars, let x be the price of a bottle of wine,
and let y1 and y2 be the amounts of money that G and L got back, respectively. G
spent 5x on the wine and got back y1, so his net contribution to the party was 5x …
We stayed apart for a couple of days but then we made up and got back together
and I thought everything was fine.” Jared starts to cry. “But then,” he continues
through his tears, “then on Thursday I got off work early and went over to her
I just went and got back on the prowl trying to find me another hoe. Meanwhile I
spent more time with Missy. She was still hanging in there though me being out of
town so much was wearing on her a lot. Especially that I was doing what I was …
He ran in among the pines and got away, and got back to camp. But the people
did not believe him, they said it can't be, and two or three said he's just trying to
scare us. In the morning someone got up and called out, 'Everybody get up and …
39) — left in spring and got back in September; the other — 'mudua de mense
Augusti ' (St. Tiep., B, 2 ; St. Zeno, 100 … 35) — left at the end of June and got
back in the late autumn ; the third left in August, wintered abroad, and was back
by …
Fortunately, we had enough gas and got back to England. On our third mission
we went to pick up an airplane, and the crew chief said we were very fortunate
because we had four new motors on this airplane. He didn't tell us they were …
He put one of the boxes up into the cupboard and got back down for the rest. He
looked at the boxes on the desk and floor and got back up to get the box down
from the cupboard. He took the box out of the spare room and carried it outside …
The person who sidestepped and got back in on my suggestion would have that
$140, or 57 percent more than the buy and holder. And all of this arithmetic
presumes that you didn't panic out at or near the bottom Don't Give Up! 9.
For one month, God, I won't do anything wrong. I will please only you.” He then
got into bed, and he started to think his bargain with God was not very realistic.
After all, a month is a very long time. So he got out of bed and got back on his
knees …
When I left to another party, and got back from that one, Luke said “Karee,
Noella's son, Chuck was looking for you.” I thought about going back because it
was eleven thirty and I had been out since seven. They weren't even there when I …
… is enough! You better hope that you don't break down, and if you do, you better
thumb a good ride back because I won't take any excuses. Do I make myself
clear?” Vernon gulped as he answered yes. Vernon turned and got back into the …
I know we got out later and got back on the MSR and continued on our way to the
front. That was an awful cold night. I can remember that so well. At that particular
time along the MSR we really did not know what was going on, as a matter of …
We left some time in February from White Oaks and got back about the first of
March."11 Ahead of Wallace, Chambers, Emory, and Siringo lay "a trip of three
hundred miles 'by the sun.' Our orders were to bring back all Canadian River
cattle …
We sold the home to the new manager of the Paper Company that had been in
town for years and got back to our lives again. We transferred the money to our
new bank back home, paid off our mortgage, and invested some and went back
to …
and+got+back and+got+back
We went on scout Tuesday and got back yesterday. We crossed at Ellie's [Ely's]
Ford and went in about six miles of Stephensburg where we run into a Regt. of
Cavalry about Sun up about the time they was puting on there breakfast but we …
and+got+back and+got+back
Guess what? There was, and so we went to see some Brazilians playing some
Americans. The Brazilians we met were very friendly. Their team won so they
were very happy. We had a lot of fun and got back to the hotel late and very tired.
"Mister Stuart fought his way out and got back home without losing but two men.
He always spoke well of Bayard. He said he was a good officer and a fine
cavalryman, but that he was too reckless." (18). Auch in seinem zweiten Roman
über …
They took a more active pace and got back in two hours; Kim got to ride on Guy's
shoulders for most of the way, pretending he was her horse. Kim, Nita and Guy
changed for swimming; CJ stayed in camp with them. Robert, Brandon, Greg and …
… himself that it was wonderful what lies executives told just to be able to go
hunting. Kill-mad they all were. Machine kill-mad, too, from the jam-ups he had to
repair. What a story! Man a sentient race indeed! He laughed and got back to
and+got+back and+got+back
We slept in wheelchairs and got back to the annex in time for Tuesday inspection.
Checkup. The checkup consisted of walking for the doctor, going up stairs, and a
general checkup of my stump. If everything was okay, you could get a pass for …
The next day I had other duties and got back to her at 2.00 p.m. She was out of
bed but still labouring and struggling with the pain. At 5.00 p.m. she was allowed
into the water pool as she was now 5 cm, but she was exhausted and not really …
“So again, I left the light on and the door open and got back into bed. A few
seconds later, it happened again. The light went out. The door closed. “I got up
and repeated the same inspection routine—more thoroughly this time—then
climbed …
to the Gare de l’Est
idiom go (off) without a hitch to happen successfully without any problems: To the
bride s relief, the wedding ceremony went off without a hitch. ▻ verb ride© 1 hitch
a lift/ride informal to get a free ride in someone else's vehicle as a way of …
You may want to read “School Trips without a Hitch” for specific
recommendations about how to prepare for, conduct, and follow up on field trips (
Patterson & Fiscus, 2000). Don't forget, the outside world is not far away.
Sometimes the “field” …
… off 3: They dotted lit bars and tables around the lot, and made sure the party
went off without a hitch. 2. fall asleep or faint: He didn't seem to be able to go off,
so he went into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. 3. explode; make a …
… <Gen Comm> im Rahmen von within the prescribed time <Gen Comm>
innerhalb der vorgeschriebenen Zeit without prep <Gen Comm> exklusive, ohne
without a hitch <Gen Comm> reibungslos without any liability on our part <Gen
Comm, …
The wedding went off without a hitch. The invasion didn't go off the way the
general planned it. 5. go off p.v. When a road, trail, path, and so on, goes off, it
leaves the main road, trail, or path, and goes in a different direction. This trail that
goes …
… self-important; supercilious; superior; vainglorious. (welcome) with open arms
A moribund metaphor (See page 19). affectionately; cheerfully; eagerly; (went off)
without a hitch gladly; happily; joyously; readily; unreservedly; 391.
without a hitch ; The demonstration had to be cancelled because of a technical
hitch. 2 a kind of knot. 3 a sudden, short pull (up): She gave her skirl a hitch. 'hitch
-hike vi to travel by means of free rides in other people's cars: lie has …
With media opera- ting as fragmenting and anaesthetizing instruments, ›
democratic masses could be governed without a hitch by suggestion and
hypnotism – Press, Wireless, Cinema. So what need is there to slaughter them?‹
(Lewis 1927) …
without+a+hitch without+a+hitch
… in the clouds, in the woods, in a cave, with neither rhyme nor reason, without
hope, without blemish, without a hitch, without batting an eyelash, without a leg to
stand on, without fail, without cause, without a little bit of butter on his bread.
without+a+hitch without+a+hitch without+a+hitch
Platz: einen festen Platz auf der Bestelliste/ Bestsellerliste/... haben hit-and-run
offence to commit a hit-and-run offence Fahrerflucht: Fahrerflucht begehen hitch
to go without a hitch Schönste: aufs/(auf das) Schönste verlaufen/... to go off …
without+a+hitch without+a+hitch
And the funeral, from that point on, really went off without a hitch. late to youR
own funeRal? My grandmother had never been late a day of her life. But she was
, as they say, late to her own funeral—literally. In the same way, many of us are
late …
The world unfolds without a hitch. Strict determinism operates like a well-oiled
machine. Nature is a clockwork, a windup toy the Omniscient One started up at
time t = 0 and then even He lost interest in and abandoned (or perhaps
remembers …
… chance hit-and-run /.hit'n'rAn/ adjective A hit-and-run accident is when the
driver of a vehicle hits and injures someone, but then drives away without helping
. hitch1 /hit J/ noun [C] a small problem The ceremony went without a hitch. hitch2 …
You've pretty little choice in the matter, but if it's carried through without a hitch I'm
sure you'll find it quite rewarding." I woke up to a jangle of bells on the telegraph.
The time was 2 a.m. The captain must have signalled slow ahead to the engine …